The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, September 07, 1857, Image 3

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‘■"•••• *• -el -- - ,,. ■ —*4 •<> u | Hxj.K v-.!) for tin* t. i £i < iii/ro, | Ana si A, Sept. 7. .Make Vinoricas news, ai-riv id. (tli. Sales of three clays 11,000 lialos, of which speculators and exporters took ten thousand. -masuae. a platform Os llie VIIKiU( t\ IV4KTI e Georgia lor iSft-i. Aa BRKCTRP BY THE A'IRhICAN CoXVKNTI ‘ l OK STII Jn V. ! The American Party of Georgia, in Convention as sembled, animated by love of country and a jealous re- : gard for the constitutional rights of the people of the ; Union, and especially of the people or Georgia and her | Souther sisters, do adopt and re-oflsrm the following do , claration of principle#, made and promulgated by tlie : American Convention of Georgia., December, 186.*. 1. Tin; maintenance of this Union of co-equal sover- j eigr; Bbs!> 3l : .q our fa l. rs made it, m to- paramount ‘ nMltlcni good —paramount in its adaptation to the sc.” ify of our rights and the happiness of the people. , 2. The men ns by which we propose to maintain this, I* obedience to the Constitution of the Ur!ted States, all laws passed in pursuance thereof as sacredly ebli j gat*ry upon individuals and States. . 3. We regard th# great doctrines of religious liberty ! and the separation of Church and States, as cardinal principles of our Government —as well settled and as j firmly established a# the right of trial by jury and the wit of habeas corpus—and, therefore, we will oppose ! the elevation to office of any and all persons who deny the great American doctrine of liberty of conscience, or who favor the union of Church arid State, or who j recognize any civil allegiance to any foreign power, j prince or potentate whatever. 4. The purity of the ballot box—the peaceful admin istration of our law?—the safety of our people—th- in tegrity of our Government—the exclusion or pauper and criminal immigration, and the enforcement of our neu trality laws, demand, in our opin on, a material modifi cation of our naturalization iaws and a radical revision of our immigration laws. By this we do not seek to dis turb, in any manner, the privileges of those of our for eign born citizens who are naturalized under our exist ing laws and we invite all of them who agree to our principles to become members of the American Party. 6. The territories of the United States we regard as the common property of all the States as co-equal sov ereignties, and as such open to settlement by the cit izens of the States with their property as matter of right; and that no power resides either in Congress or the t-*r ri to rial Legislrture, or the people of the territories while a territory, to exclude from settlement in any ter ritory any portion of the citizens of this Republic with their property legally held In the Stases from which they emigrate. We repudiate therefore the doctrine com monly called squatter sovereignty In the territories. ti. Th3 right to vote is a privilege of citizenship, and should not be extended to foreign emigrant to a terri tory before they are naturalised. T. The agitation of die subject of SI * very should cease. The rights of the South are plain, palpable, weil de fined and understood, and we believe they should no longer be treated as open questions. We will maintain our guaranteed Constitutional rights, and our right of property in slaves. Georgia has solemnly declared what she will regard as future grievances on this sub ject and what her remedy will be when these grievances shall be inflicted. We will stand by the Georgia Plat form. We believe the continuous agitation of this sub ject, is made by selfish politicians for personal and par ty promotion, and is hurtful to the South, th • Institution of slavery and the permanency of the Union. We assert and maintain the following additional point3 as a part of our National and State creed : That seen nothing which we regard as new in the plan of adjustment suggested by Gov. Walker and approved by the administration, for the settlement of the Kansas question. In our judgment, the p inci- T>les maintained, and the policy advised, arc indention] with the principles set forth in the Kansag-Nchrasica bill, as ad; orated by the National Democracy, with the Cincinnati Platform, and Mr. Buchannan’s letter of ac ceptance and Inaugural Address. The American party have, again and again, warned the country against li.ene duiig.Ton* sud anth&.uthcrn doctrine* , and huv-, ing already taken our position against them, we submit’ I hat position to the people of Georgia for their decision, jd the vindication of the correctness of our cause and the patriotism of our motives. Thgt the late decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Dred Scott, is but a judicial endorsement, by the highest legal tribunal in the land, of the position heretofore held bv the American party of Georgia, upon the slavery question in the Territories. That we oppose the construction of the Pacific Rail Road by the General Government. That we oppose the system by which the Government disposes of the public domain, as corrupting in its ef fects upon the new States, (as well as upon Congress) and grossly unjust to the old Slates. We favor the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands among all the States, rather than their iniquitous appropriation to railway schemes for the ben fit of a We favor a change in the administration of the State Railroad, by taking it out cf the hands of the Governor, and if need be, by a sale of two thirds, or the whole of if, to private parties. In the latter event the fund thus raised, after the payment of the public debt, could be disposed of in either of the three following ways : The education of the children of the State, the reduction of the taxes of the people, or in affording aid in the con struction of roads in other portions of *he State. MACON FRIGES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY. 1 ON—Swedes $ 1b &%(&■ 5 English $ lb 4 (ft 4 American hammered...s lb 4%(ft L “ refined lb r > , . Castings 18 lb 4 ® 4 MOLASSES—Cuba ... 98 K ’| 50 0. 60 ...... „ N. Orleans (9 l-’I 9n ® 100 NAILS—Cut 4 4Xl® S Oil.'—Sperm, bleached 98 g’l 200 (It 220 Bleached wit. wliate. ...18 g’l 1 15 0. 1 95 Lard 98 g’l 1 So ® 1 so Machinery # g’l 1 00 ® 1 20 Train 99 e’l 60 ® 75 Tanners 99 W 14 00 ® 18 Oft „. m „ Lln,eed # e’l 105 ® 110 OATS- 99 h’l 70 ® 75 S®AS jjb’l 195 ® 150 POTATOES—Sweet # b'l 125 ® 1 50 „„„„ Irlsh I M 4 sft ® 5Sf ROPE 98 1b 11 v® 18 RICE 99 7b 6 ® SXf RYE—For seed # b’l 100 ® 125 PART, sk 1 25 ® 1 25 SHOT bg 2 16 ® 2 25 SUGAR—Stewart’s refined lb 18 ® 14 ! 4 Crushed Jb 15M(® 16 ‘ New Orleans lb 12 12V STEEL—PIow ft 8* Cst ft 18 ® 20 German 1b ,8 ® 14 American Blister Tb 9 (ft 10 English Blister tb 14 (ft TEA ft 60 01 1 25 tobacco 1b 25 ® do twine ft 22 ® 25 ‘ TALLOW ft jo 0, 12 WOOl.—AVashed ft 28 ® SO Unwashed ft 20 ® 25 WHITE LEAD ft <9V® 1v APPLES 99 b’l ® 650 BACON—Hams #ft 18)£® 19 Sides 99 1b 17.V® 18 Shoulders 99 ft HJtf® 15 Ho/, round ,8 ft 15 ® 17X BEANS.—Tennessee # b'l 1 25 ® White, Northern... .# b’l 800 0) 350 BEESWAX 98 1b 20 ® 22 BUTTER.—Country 99 ft 18 0, 25 Northern #ft 80 ® 88 i Tennessee 99 1b 15 ® 25 1 BAGGlNG—Kefltucky 98yd none ® Gunny 99yd 15tf© 17 BARLEY—For seed 99 b’l ® CHEESE 99 ft 16 ® 18 CORN—In sacks 99 b’l 90 0/ 1 Oft In the Ear # b’l 85 ® 90 MEAL # b'l 100 ® 120 COFFEE—Rio 981 b 1114® 18 Java sft 17 ® IS Laguira 1b 15 ® Mocha ft 18 @ OHICKENS 98 pe 20 ® 80 CANDLES—Sperm.... ....991b 45 ® 50 Star 99 lb 26 ® 80 Tallow 98 1b 15 ® 16 ! EGGS 98 da 15 ® 20 j EEATHERS—Prime 981 b 45 ® 50 ! Common 98 ft 30 ® 00 i FLOUR—Tenn. Family... ...99 til 850 ® 9 Oft i Common brand 98 bl 7 00 ® 800 Ga. Extra Family.... 99 bl 950 ® Ift Oft > FlSH—Mackerel,No. 1, large.. 98 bl 24 00 ®25 60 i No. 2 98 bl 14 00 ® 16 00 No. 8, large 98 bl 14 00 ®ls 00 i No. 3, small 98 bl 12 00 ® ‘8 00 Mess Shad *) bl 19 00 ®2O 00 I FODDER 98 ct 1 25 ® 1 50 GUNPOWDER kg 7 00 ®- 7 50 gAY..... ‘. .# ct 1 60 ® 1 75* HIDES—Dry ft 12 @ J2^ A {‘arc!. Macon S-j>t. 7th. 18.77. : Kpitor Oi:iz! \, IMcaso niiTK.- nrv’ through yon:* : paper, the Ihiimv•• H'leim ii lor 111*• no\i. I.opifdHturo <d I!ibl County. For Frimf.-. THOMAS HAIIDKMAX, Jr. For lfom\ Yr,. JOSEPH DOXD, < HAULKS COLLINS, Kso. i Hos in;.'* the above will bo patriot* ; in enough to accept, is? tlu* wish of MANY VOTERS. American .flsisH IHk-eliti.v itt UriOin, jjalnr <!: no.t. sop!, rati. On Salurilny ik-X'. tin: •• will ho a Piit.lic i Mooting nt. Urillin, , i which wen,ion linn. I. H. Hill amt Hon. 11. Wright, of .Voftorson, will address tl:o wi. .ru *.-.pectod j> ho pms. nt. - -“1- <2t* <• American Mass Meeting Miul i*lc !c nt Perry, Sept. ISO*. Thu Kxuuulive Committee of tin Aineri.-an Party of Houston County, will giro n Pic Xic, at Perry. Houston county, on t o Is h in?:. on wHifi? H'.n. 1;. H. foil! %. • 1 ‘Jr he peoph'. livery body is invitei. r-speeinllv ‘ho Ladies. The Hon. J". E. Brow;, is also invited and an equal participation in the dir m- : , promised. American >lass Meeting and Pic xic at Oglel&orpe, ifttii. The Americans of Macon County will give a Pie Xic at Oglethorpe, on tlio Iftih i,-.t_, at which time tl _■ Hon. Benj. H. Hill will s-hlf.-s tiie people. Every hotly invited. Eareuja,. „■ vyararatuMiij.-• maamma -. bs ARRIVALS AT BROWN’S HOTEL. i'UYi’: 11 ’?: ,::4ln ’ ; rr!.,.. 1) 1> Wuv, (ft >! Wr’-lit, M< limy, 11. :i • . EC C.ixe, Ua l'r.l Hill', Augicu t- r ,V:l Ul ‘.*• ;l 3 I* Beauehunip,lsidv *.Vr child, I- J Winkler, Xa Georgia. WII Mims, D .1- ■ .)]) (iiiffiu. Ga .1 J Leonard. Smi.i,-; eo Ii .1 Johnson, f. •hlO W l.i), Donly in, r ( ‘ An-1 V, (ia M.AMiinan, G a < \.l Ii l J awK-ii. Albanv > Lilly, Dooly Xclsm Tift, du L h Rlocki. v'. AtltWi*;. I.w Tucker. Fla ” Redding. Ga Jaa W Sumner, Fla s B He hwell, Gi. Goo .1 lltto, Columbus <• r !• dton & lad •. >.ivaunah Wm F llult. Macon Rev-J P Duncan. Americiw Mils Holt, do J W Hargraves, saroter co TLIIoli, do JnoAkard, do CTMalon ‘ Amerldt •fno Lewis, do TJ Flint, f Overby. Mis-i-ajp : I:.o McKinnon. Tronnville vJc h, 1 Tunbridge W A Forehand, Dooly co 1 L Cun*. ■:. ‘ U Butler, do 7\n A .Webb, Doo’y co Jno Butler, do P* L 7V heeler, Ga lion R Toombs, Washington 1> o Aan ison, Ga • ’ K Fav Ga James Ii Daniel, Mid., Edward E Stone, V S Navy W Ii Rose, Savannah <: Beggerlv. Ga D J C L Hard v. Savannah < ’ I’ Ft Valiev WII Pruden, i,'otton 11111 FM < Mrarn. ( .T A McKay, n Murrav. Ga •Tnoß Pournell, Align ,1a s <• Klnm. Ann ) • > A G “sven, Albany I K Mclviiino,,, < . W G Graham, Ga V II Williams. lhobWadkins. Memplds Consignees—Central Railroad. .MACON. Se].:cm! or 7, isr>7. A Ayres, M Laiulner .v. Cos., E Wiushlp, L Young lie Bro * S Fcutchwanger, Mix A Kiikland, II N Batchelk-r, H Good man, Light foot A Flanders. G W *rice. T II Plant. Rogers A F ; t>. E Fcutchwanger. E Einstein A Cos., Carhart A Curd J J A8 P Rieb:.rd j . 1) F Clai < a Cos., Denman A Waterman. Ells A Son, G A R Smith. Hardeman A Grifiln, Campbell A Son .T ’; Dennani. Bostick & Kcin, M Feutchwanger, II Fitch A Cos.. Ii Bioiiheimcr, Strong A Wood, Ross, i oleman A Ross, Little A bmUw B A ‘Vis. 1 . TANARUS?. Strcher-t • ; y yr kcr A Cos.. N Weed. fW|. J II A \V S El Ms, W .fMcJflmv’- W P Thor-.psc .i, E Isa tea. .1 B A W A R..w. .T >• \ |V, ft P McEvoy, Ihtly A Flt/gerald. (onsiiiiet's—Jin, on k Western Hail Road. MACON, September TANARUS, 1607. .T B A W A Ross, King & Freeman, Isaac Havdcn, Robert Findlay, J IT Cherry, Bowdrc A Anderson. McCalllo A Jonas - . new MACON BUILDING LOAN A S S O C I A T ION. THE next Monthly Meeting of this Association will beheld at their office over Denman A. Waterman's Store, on Monday, September 7, 1867. Payments will be received until 8 o’clock. P M. sep7—lt E. J. STOWE, Trens’r. WANTED, Immfldiptely TWO l’in Workmen an 1 .-m I’limh ••. .’ .• cni* J •doymcMit giv. ii, andgnod w i.fc-j a'.i. Macon, Bfcp7-d-Nv. 11. N. BA ('HELLER, Agent. WOOD! WOOD!! In peate prepare for War! In Summer prepare for Winter! rpilE nmlersl‘filed is prepared to contract for the delivery of H. Wood to parties desiring to lav in a supply, at -S per cord, at such times and in such quantiticas mav he needed. Earlv application is requested. OLIVER PORTER. ‘ sep s—ts TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS Aicrn JVIANTTFACSTTmiBBS, IN nmvinpitir Ann*mt Volume of t t,o ®CTENTTFIC AMERIC AN, the Publishers re spectfully Inform the ptihMo tbn’ in order to Increase and stimulate the formation of clubs they prc.nos n to offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH PREMIUMS lor the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent in bv the January 1869; said premiums to be distributed as ‘follows: For the largest list, sno r 9d. fid, f9OO • jt),. **so; .Vh, *IOO. 6th. *00; 7‘b, *80; 8-h. *7o;’ f>-h’ tr2’ r th * 50 l S4O: 12th, 35; 18th, S3O; 14th $25; 15th. S2O Names of subscribers can be sent in at different times and from different Po?t OflWg. The c ,.sh will paid to the orders of the anccess’nl competitors, immediately after tha Ist of Januaay, 1859. Southern. Western, and Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit Twenty-six cents e&tra on each year’s subscrip tion to piv-pnv pootnure. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTTO V.—Two Dollars a Year, for Plx Months. CLUB 11A TES.— Five Copies, for Pix Months, $4; Five Conie, for Twelve Months, $8; Ten Copies, for Six Months. $8; Ten Copies for Twelve Months, sls ; Twenty Copies, for Twelve Months, S2B. For all Oltihs of Twenty and over, the yearly sub scription Is only $1.40. The new volume will be be printed upon fine paper with new type. The general character of the PciKN’tpic American Is well known, and. as heretofore, it wlll lm chleflv d vofced to the promulgation of info-mntjon velnH'-e to Hie various iVyh'iiUoal and Chemical Art* tn>yn A {/ri cult lire. BaUuln, Invention. Mill Work and all interest whieh the light of /•meti cal Scirncfi is calculated to advance. It i Issued weekly. In form for binding, it contains annually from 5'M) to 600 finely executed Engravings, and Notices of American and European Improvements, together with nn Official List of American Patent C'a'ms published weekly In advance of all other papers It is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific Ameri can to present all subjects discussed in Rs columns In a practical and popular form. They will also endeavor to maintain a candid fearlessness in combating and ex posing false theories and practices In Pclent'fic and Mechanical matters, and thus preserve the chnracfer of the .Scientific American as a reliable Encyclopedia cf Useful and Entertaining Knowledge Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. MUNN k CO.. Publishers and Patent Agents, repto-tf No 128 Pulton street New York. MACON FLOUR MILLS Price of Flonr Rerfnecd* rpomei-t the reduction on tlu: price of Grain, we have re ", f h‘‘price of our Flour twi-m y-tive cents per barrel— :'Hi on Meal !• Ivy cents per bushel. Ten per cent, reduction to the trade oh usual; JAMES KNIGHT, ‘°ltl Agent. Portable Desks. VNA*. Wlnort WHUnerMw. f 'V .J. M. BO4BDftN. RA3AAR jF FASHION ! ’ 3 6 0 ORTH* R ohb, Coleman & Ross', 1 < V i.'.C, ‘iu vhcfiiiv liliol'rd -• lii, . . itlelaii-ail fa-thlont i ; v ■•rid. Allow ms Hunt p •.■•tfuliv t. tsoHcH an early in- i Nj.t. ‘i.. i .1 .i-, fhiropoiiu and Homo fabric*, *■-insistlug “f eve- i : lAiliim; ran ch irm fio vyc . ■ tnMw * the taste nf even ‘ •;>’ Wcf-’l ii** hesitancy iu pWi-Un.iiu; it t, , ‘ 1 . hi-Mirst:aml varied ..sorttiieut, 1-y fur. that ‘ waicv-’i i •ii.'hf tn Muron. A not ire of on!> a few of our 1 i iikv< iti-“s ,s iil givi a -light Idea of tlio inagiilfleA'iire ot our | Sr-r,; and the bright tind lM’.:iutli‘i:l n -veltlcs thatadoin our ) ! S.H’lyr* ami Uounti rs. ■-'•( D’AKmkmim Lac’* Cull.-us, f; mt Jno to #BO 00 each, i J; 1 i* 1 -••Mr’i t’aibrohlrrxMl l- >. twt042,5 o.) art. s .” 1 *■•,! ll.indlMWhicl-. ••• • i i-l 425 00 each. ’ / ti; )tJi*t.. id HinK : .i ttstoUToOa strip. Kolh'm. AquHlc.iu W"rtul uu .- : 'k Einhroltlercd with ■ > \ elvi'. from AoOOto Al'imi.o a Div- a. • •••''! r M irriFii : Ki-hr*-.,rn |.i i ;u ,mcaeli. ‘miuiT m ..-Mtn of new I .!•• ’Otn'i -n>| S\vins Prilihtr • losivr >*t vies—at all prleoa. , 1 1 loin :uul \rl.,; ManfllinH. irom A’U’MMotlOOoOeAuh. ; MrtiHillfl* * orkH vitli >Uk and 0.-- ’ ‘.‘nintiu ••. Svhir.s Uav.- it TT.-.lioken •’ : ! Y( iYi't, , | , ‘IIMV4fl > V SlniMscls, i hive i>ly amt lirxi-ain t in ;ntins Hug*-, Dr.rigotts, : (M n th : , it-C. ! Dnr Stock rf Biant ate 00-tl-. r-osi ample and complete, j 7 t;"’ ‘cent-’ >'h, and priec* running tin Keen body I* earn- fly f'cited t > givens n call r.sour st ‘-?k is unusually large and we are bound 1<- sol.. fl* i r.’iri” :if get at tii right place on Cottc-n j *\ Y . HO."*. C , it:\ Notice. k i.'u i*ei s..iiN :u ii I'c'l'V ferowarued from trading for a Note i'a -h by tf.r uudersig:’. *!, to -f. f. Slaiipv, foi Kowr Hun -1 ‘ ‘hf! u-.-, dated the eighth day of .Tu'.v, andpav'able the 2-stli s’ ‘ 1 I ‘■ •nit’i’r r ’.xt, swih’ (eiiisiilonition for which said Nolo ! •.v,4 riv >i has t'dieil. and Jam dei rmiurd not to jiav die Kinir, uo:’ -a e • uueil .)•-• f,nv . GARLAND j ‘s\ ** ){)() ‘I^ 1 , J ,,1 .-'VK*iTKß\llnll Hoad j ?-> 1 “ I.’ . PLANT. | For Salo. r . I louse and 1.-t n the Hlli heiwecii Col. Bead** Mid ! y drwliiiioV. l-elonglng to Edwin (leaves, the highest ,)r ‘ ■ “'ll. Larg-* I/'i, lmns. in gon-i repair, comfortahle j ut, iim: ‘•, ir n>.i sianlc i. Fruit nr.’ cdiruhorv. The hand ‘ 0.h.b.1 iiiiprovcnient ofioivd f.-i l in -be City,for vearspast. Apply t. s. I']>[('KINSON. i sepu—tf statk of (;':oiw;i \, i llnuston t’o., August 20. 1567. 1 WILL be sold before the C‘*uvt house door of Hous-! V v ton C-rnnty, in Perry on the Ist Monday in Oeto- ! her next. ■ I:v following property to we. :—l Chest and j Tools which the Chest contains, 1 box and contents, 1 ! Cow and Oxlf, lov : ed on as the projerty of S. B. King to •-atisfp or t'rctn the Inferior Court. Property pointed out bv the ! Sherff. SV. p. LILIA*, D. Sheriff, j ang 28—td>\ TO KC'ilFtlfi. A GrOOO DOOK, WASHER & KRONER. •a LSO a smart, intelligent Boy accustomed to the ! a. house and care of horse.;. FOn SA.X.B. Avery superior A, No. 1, Milch Cow, a beautiful i Shetland Poney, and nil my Household and Kitchen Furniture. HENRY F. BALL. ! Macon aug?l—6cd. ICE! ICE! A j fl'-H Monday the 9th inst., the store will open every IXrluy from o o clock a. m. to 10 p. in., for the delivery or ! Sunday;, excepted, wlien the Store will bv open from so’clock l” o clock a. in., and in case; of sickness calls will be attend- J ed tn ;,t onv tim* 1 . I’. P. WILLIAMS, Agent, ! mar.—Gm NEW FALL SOOB3 P A R K E R S'. : K receiving by every Steamer additions to T V our Stock, which will he the largest and most aiagii flci-nt, that we have ever exhibited. We can already offer unusual inducements to our friends, who wish to mn'ce Early Fall Purchases. aug 24—ts W. W. PARKER <fe CO. JfHW FALL tnODS! t BOSTICK & KKIX WT£,t'OliLD inform their Prif-nds and Customers that j <r v they have commenced receiving their usual well j ‘ Vei ** V ex l ens, ve and cxcecplngly rich supples of j e Fancy DRY GOODS. And will continue to 1.-u ivu till full, per every Reamer, at thcii fashlnnabh- Rorc House on Cotton Avenue. Thcv invite the aUcntion of the Ladles and the puhlic, in goner 1 to the “ 1,1,h ‘ 1 I’'-*"I-n, .t. 11. A- K. thf Rni,dew nta;. TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY ! GOLDEN PRIZE. One of the largest and bent Literary Pa. ! pen of the day. TSBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO ! DOX.IARS PER YEAH. \nd a Uiti will bo iirosontod (o each Htibseribcr im ltipdintcly on n*ce|pt oftht*K'uhscrlp<lnn money. Each ftubs< riber will bo entitled to a gift worth from ft I to ftAOO in tiolil. I*o ClxiTds : :1 Copies f..r I \ o:u iWS (V) 10 Copies for 1 year 16 00 READ—READ— RE AD--READ 1’ H V, THE LTBT OF GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS. 1 lYictro-ve containing WOO in Gold lrtOntn Patent Lever Eii'.dluli Huntin/Cased i Watches. ; .ion each. -•* “ u “ Gold Watches lin “ pm “ “ - •* ** .. 60 “ ROO Tndjep > ** • t <yj u 100 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 “ ?no “ Watches 10 to ?0 “ 650 (1-M Vent arid Guard and Fob Chains.lo to SO “ SA(V> Gold Lon Vets 2to 10 ” Go'd TMi. •• •. -Fr.r T>v.-.,.s -R.wchc4—Breast P'ns—Studs—Cuff Pinj- Slcev.’ Buttons _ 1 to 15 “ TnimedintetE’ r-n receipt of this sutiecrintton mnnov. the sub br>’\ name will he entered upon our subscription hook, onno site o nnmbor. and the gift eorresnondinp with that number wDI lie forwarded to Ids or her address bj- mail or express, post paid. Address BECK ETA’ CO'fP/ NY. Publishers. IRand-ID Moffat's Building. sop 4—St Now York. Mackerol. i>O AI JA UK. , GE3Kc.I,2at:dfI MACKEREL-. : n Wle e, mm ill * Half and Quarter lihln. just received and for sale by GKU. T. KOGEKS A SON. apr23 d—ts FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT. IXA SACKS S. F. and Family, • FSP Foi- Hale by J. B. &W. A. ROSS, aug 6—ts PAINTS, OILS, m. Ify Pure am! extra Whit* Lead, jar ... do French and American Zlu<% 20 do Blake's Fite-Proof Paint:, 250 grills. Linseed Oil, Green, Bnislu.-, Ac. f*r sale !> .|u!yl7—tf G. T. BOuKKS & SON. lardT BBLS. IiAKI) just received, and for retail at 2D ots. per lb. *> IJunolS-dti’ THOS. J. LANE. SEVERAL rooms, also the Garden and Stables ofthe Large House owned by Mr. Philip Lamar, a doors below the Store of Mr. Ayres. Enquire at the Store of ‘ M. A. HOWLAND. feh7-tf •Toast. IR,eoeivecl, VFINE assortment of Ladies’ Travelling Trunks . and Bonnet Boxes. | jnlydl—tf E. SAULSBURYt nVVI!) MITAR will have on Hale tills coming Fall, a Stock ot Peach. Plum. Apricot and Apple Trees, (one : \ -,ir from the graft.) ofthe choices! sorts. Also, (4m ne I\ im*s. Native and Foreign, and Strn wherry Plants of the Hovey Seedling and Farlv Scarlet varieties. As iny Sock of Fruit Trees is comparatively small, I would respectlv call tlie attention of those wishing to purchase to the necessltv of sending in their orders eurlv. D. M. Vjnevlllf.j near Macon,) aug 80—ts. Oil Colors. AN assortment of’a Oil Colors. Also, Boxes ofthe J with UilA Drualrw, wd PaLfeTe Bsrs. Wakeman I Vj Li \ , ,1) T school again tD tlr t Monday in October > ‘ ■ “* ; :tV’COCf ‘iiss L,! I.“in the Oneida ImtltuU I\l'v Y”)’ sqift-tf, lilSlflilT imuiß WHY. BiitDOKI’OKT, CONN.’ <Jr KICK, STI’ItDEVANT PLACE. 1 CAPITAL *.100,000 DOLLARS, j lIIRKCTOHS: I, L. ’ ii..'. .1, -isph RU’hftnlwn, 1 . i:> 4 . (MuiUki.l. Willhm It. Noble. >' l! , s - Knowlton, Ambrose W. Thompson, ; >a .!;*: *1 Green- . C’onrthuid Kelsey. , Mason. T. K. C'HTR PKNAY, Pivs’t. I. Hi M .sllliuUN, Sec'y. 11. W. CIIATFIELD, V. Pres. Tin S iscrl her U Agent for the above Company, and is pr. take risk- on favorable terms. Oluce’ at Bank of M IdL; Deoiv H. M. NORTH, Agent, ug a -l\. Grass Blades. ItO/K*; Grass Blades, 12 dozen Snaths for do . tmt * .fust received mid for hv 4* n y r t M ’ NATHAN \YKED. HUREKA OIL. THE iiREATm IUSCOVEttI 01 THU AFE. rtli j mixture, composed of some doze - ., oils and extracts, is Hu result of many years experiments made by i medical n\n,* tip owner of a larro nnMnvr of slaves employed in ex p- xi phnitions', and subject to all the ills t hat usually attack the in:aim family, [i is found to he superior in its restorative qn -lit vito any m'rture or compound ever mvsented to the pub- P has* no w.pcrlor for the treatment -i of th-- folW 'S’V'fe.i Bl m tlie. ski,’. Nenr.;!-: • Head A‘ho. \ 1 i •••’ .!’ “ I'ollon-. Painsoi . . ript iiatian,, s<>iv Throat. Swollen Glands, Sore or Weak Ache. ( \he. t ‘nunpor puin in the Stuuiach, Weak !'• Spinal Affv.-ti.m-, Breast> an-: ('r.u ked Nipples. w'A .'had. Av. •: *• tto magic Ar the workings .i tliis successful com < i lltor of M’• Miediesth: t have been put. forwanl for public ! lv !'Vu ,’ hwt cqvidea'ion does not give relief, try the hoc vr i th.r 1 or . uirtli, urn! we will gn .-.T.mee the sufferer shall t> •disappointed. Whore it has ’wn introduced, it has su- V! 1 *’ l * * c{ ‘ ‘"tth's ond all ot her remedies. F> ir fresh cuts, the } .u-na Oil iiasuo equal—lt.almost lustautlv soothes pain, pre v. tk .'fever, and puts the sore to hcidimr. ‘We challenge the _n 4 ior the production of its equal in allaying pain, or in the *-Mmgart. L would seem sufKJlluous to mention tlie won deri rt eures produced In a very few minutes in the streets of t v!ambus, wheu administered to a home judged to he dying uitpur the L'fltects oi Bots, and on twoothei- oco;iaions when ad I’nrustered to mules sufferin.: greatly with colic, l’ iee Otic Dollar per Bottlle, l-n- Sale lu Macon, at tlie Drug Store of A. A. Menard. .Yanufaeturod and for sale at wholesale, in Atlanta and Co -1 b > <i- W. CROFT * 00. iT for commendations. sumll bill in circulation and Ag • l-d-<su:, TI Films & CAPITALISTS. TiOli Sale SOOO acres of land In Baker County, situated I, mostly on or near the Stage Road from Albany to Thomas le, and distant from Albany 12 to 15 miles, flu-y are in l>odles of from 000 to 2250 acres, with improvc - ents on each. The line ofthe projected Rail Road from Albany to Thotnas • jle and Balnbrldge passes through them. The Kail Road from Macon to Albany will he completed by p- Ist October, which with a dally Stage to Thomasvllle, ren these Plantations now of easy access— -1 000 Ac res in Earl y County— I 000 Acres In Miller County, 800 acres of which lying on Iprlng Creek are improved— ftJOOO Acres in Colqult Countv. 1600 of which lying on Llt - Ochlocko 9 ’e River, are improved, this body contains 860 •resof exceedingly rich Cane Hammock— -0000 Acres in Berrien Countv. of these there are two bodies hf 1000 Acres each, and one of2ooo aert-a. This la-.-t named is r>n the Wlthlaco chy River, and within two miles of Nashville the County Site. ms *> 45,000 Acres in Decatur County, in bodies mostly from TOO to 2500 acres—and several of these places of 750 and 1250 >-cresare improved. These land-; arc all situated in the lovel lime stone plains of the rich valley ofthe Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers. They are now beginlng to be settled and put in cultivation, and arc found to be as productive as the lands higher up the valley In 4&kcr and Dougherty comities. The l r . P. Midi i.-- carried in Steam cm twice a week from .'.. .D ridge (the county site of Decatur) to the Bav, and the ’ t ’lnaryrite of Freigiit is 75centsper bale, on Cotton. Plarters desirous of obtaining fresh and fertile lands to culti and Capitalists, wishing to make :i safe and profitable in ’ dment of their funds, would do well to call and examine. Terms of sale will be made easy. Maps and a more detailed description, may be had by calling at the offices ot .! AM KS K. BUTTS, at Macon, or vp 2—ts GEO. W. CARMAN Y. of Savannah. WESLEYAN ‘lTemale College.; rpil B TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of thl> Institu l !:on will begin on Monday lhe sth dav of October, 1867, Wtth the following FkolVt , | REV. OSBOH\L. WMITH, I>. D„ i , -.ident and Professor of English and Latin Literature. REV. roBY W. SMITH A. M., Professor of Mathematics. .M VRCETJX’S TWLEY, A. M., Professor of Natural Reience. REV. FB WCIS X. FORSTER. \. M., Professor of Monil Science and lielies’ Letters. MOW \Cf JUSTUS E. AV \IiOAII, Proft-psor of Modern languages. Drawing and Painting. PHILIP G. OUTTEVBERGKR. Professor of Music. [A. F. AVALRAU, Assistant in Music. AIRS. SUA\ S. I! WUOf’K, Assistant in Music. Ml** MARY E. CARLTON, Assistant in Literary Department. AIM! A .At E HELEV AA ALO \U, Instructress in Ornamental Needle Work, Ac. JIOIIF.RT B PIAVTOA LADY. Steward's Department. Boatd, Including Lights. Fuel and Washing for tlie year 2140 on Regular Tuition 50 00 . No extra aharge for Latin, French, or Vocal Music. We solicit the patronage of those Parcntsand Guardians who ,*r.> willing fully and heartily to co-operate with us in the thor nen instruct ion and strict discipline of their daughters and wards, and only such. M. STANLEY. Sec. aug 18-d-6t—w-t.f.o. \X Office and Sleeping room opposite T. Ts. Plant's Oar riace Repository. NATHAN WEED, aug SB— I ts. Sugar and Syrup Pans, iO to 100 Gallons. Caldrons, 30 to 100 Gallons, of moat approved patterns. jut received and for sale-by XATHAN WEED, aug 28—ts. CARRUGE DEPOBITOHY Next to Lanier House, dreo. Sc. Rob ? t, Smith, MANI KAOTUREP.S AND DEALERS IN JjFW I y . Carriageu, Hockaways, Bueenes, Jersey ‘Wuvona, Harness, Whips, !<ZP t -ZW. Ladies and Gents Sole Leather. Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags, Hats and Bonnet Boxes. Baby Carriages, very nice article, with two and four wheels. We. also receive regular supplies of the Genuine Rrattleboro Buggies, manufactured expressly for us by Asa Miller. Carriages of anv desired pattern built to order, on short no tice SW“ Repairing of every description neatly and promptly executed. We respepcctfully solicit a call from our frlendb and the public eenerallv, a we are determined to sell low for CASH, and on the moat reasonable terms to reepon-dble nartles. fehl4—tf G. & R. SMITH. DETECT THE THIEF. OUR Store was entered last night, one Gold, anchor Hunt ing Case No. 10307 Watch, and a lot of Silver Forks and Spoon* stolen. Our name stamped on the Silver. aug 20—lw. J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. BStTJNGt I>T. WEED, Agent for the N. York Rubber Belting Cos., OFFERS for K.le ar. Manufacturer's prices, n full assert incut of HlllDtiH HHLTIYU. for Machinery, and Gin Bonds. Alee, superior LEATHER HHLTI\<J efnll widths. 50 NEGROES WANTED. I AVILL pay the highest prices for 50 Likely Young YevropM, at niv Sale Mart, at the old stand of Messrs. Orrs’, near Adams & Reynoldh’ Ware House. Macon. augU-ddtw-lm. THOMAS BAGBY. Removal. rfAHE Land Gfflco of J. U. Edwyda. is removed into the ATTENTION LADIES. Summor DRESS GOODS! MANTILLAS AND i EMBROIDERED BASQUES AT NEW YORK COST. WISHING to close out our Stock of SUMMER ROODS, we will sell from this date, and until th* Ist August, every thing in that line at strictly NEW YORK t’OsT torCASII. Our object is close out so as to make room for mi entire NEW STOCK of Fall ami Winter Goods which will be opened early in September. (Fall soon, as you can now find Great Bargains at the N. Y. BTORE. ilv A,„ OKX m'^wwhway. iiirnsl!! 50.000 Feet LEATHER <£• RUBBER BELTING | For IlHchlnfry and Liu Bands. Th<; bps! article made at Manufacturer’s Prices. LITTLE & SMITH. julylO—tf RETURNED TO THE OLD STADN. I OH\ L. JO\ F> \ ro ~ inve r- move*’ i / seir New Si. re i recto.l on ’h ’ same ha ‘ tiere tb.-v c n Aaoted their business previous to the fir*', and where thcv ‘ * ..per. their usual extensive stock of Ciolhin : ands irulshift/Goods to which they re.sp ‘ctfu[lv invite the atumtion of purchasers. In the course of next month thov will receive their Fall anil Winter Stock, which will comprise all that is newand fash onable. and will he offered at tlie lowest prices. uug 25-ri-t.f.o. Rooms TO RENT. Sh.\ EUAL Rooms, suitable for Offices and Sleeping Rooms w.’ll ventilated, in the new building on Third Street, are tor rent, from Ist of October. T. J. LANE, aug 20—ts - SELECT SCHOOL v o R BOYS. MY SCHOOL will be re opened on Monday, the 7th Sep tember. Parents will promote the interest of their Sons by presenting them, on the day of commencement. -vp l-d-4t. JACOB R. DANFORTH. CHOICE TENNESSEE HAMS. ~i fil CASKS “Chandler A Co.’s,’'Canvassed Ham?, X Just received .and for sale by aug fi—tf. I C .T. ROGERS & SON. NEW BOOKS. t?THEL SOMKR.S. by a Native Georgian. Price 11,25 Virginia Illuatraied, by Porte Crayon, 1 vol.Svo. ell'ii, Hondiirnti. Life of §purge<>n,—Price 65cts. Bmi h on Slavery. Lvinora l> Oreo,—bv G. P. R. .Tame®, The A (hell nit, —by Mrs. Oliphant. Days of My Life.—by Mrs. Oliphant. School Day* at Rugby. Lever’#, “Fortune# of Glencore.” I Ivnever Ter race,—bv author of “Heartsease. The Quadroon,” and “The War Trail,”—by Cant. Reid. For sale by J. J. & S. P. RICHARDS, aug 14—ts. Dr. A. L. Pettee, urn me m r m mm t WILL attend to all operations upon the TEETH in the “f best, style known to the profession. Irregularltlea In Children’s Teeth can he corrected, and the Teeth brought to their proper place t without pain. If done in acn-on. Artificial Teeth INSERTED, FROM ONE TO AN <X rXr ENTIRKsctt, which for beauty and utility cannot lie surpassed. Mil and see. J3T*All work done in a workmanlike manner, with the beet materials and as cheap as the same Btyle of work can be ol>- talned in New York. *3T“AII work Warranted. jyGtilceand residence on 2 Street, one door below T. H. Plant’s Carriage Repository. Thankful for pa#t favors would respectfully solicit a contln ance ofthe same. jimelt)—tl COOKING JUST RBCBIVED, One Hundred of the celebrated Golden Cook and Premium Which I will sell at reduced prices for Cash or approved credit. /-m ■ 9 FIVE TONS OF POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS, and assorted Hollow Ware at the lowest Mark et prices. TIN ;: WARE. HAYING the best of workmen engaged in manufacturing Tin Warn exclusively, i am pre pared to fill all orders at the very lowest prieeß. must bo accompanied by tliG or a good city reference. *3y'AU goods sold on a credit will be made payable by note. B. A. WISE, july2l dJtw— tf Cherry-at. Macon. E. WIN SHIP, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WIKSHIP. KISS & CILEHAI. WILL take the new store now being erected opposite Ross, Coleman & Ross, on Cotton Avenue, and also fronting E Rond’s, on Cherry Street, for the purpose of conducting a general Ready made CLOTHING BUSINESS. Ho will he prepared by the 10th r.f September, to exhibit one ofthe largest and most fashionable stocks of CLOTHING and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, ever off. red in this mark et. Tlie greater portion of his Stock will be manufactured expressly to his order. He hopes by furnishing his customers with good and fashionable Clothing, •at reasonable prices, to receive a continuance of that patronage that, has been so gen erously and uniformly extended to him. lulv2-i—t f gaPTelegmph, Messenger and Index please copy. Housekeeper Wanted. WE wish tn secure be services of n Lndv, compe tent to fill the Department. f Housekeeper for the Lanier House. Early appllcatlnn is desired: aug IS-d-2w. LOG\N A WEAR A. CROCKERY ! CROCKERY! TSJ CRATES assorted of common and Granite, worth #6l 076 “ “ Granite #69 60 50 “ “ Common #4l 60 10 “ 11 OO fluted. WG Shape, #SIOO SO “ “ Granite and Common. The above assoatment of goods will leave Liverpool In Juno for Savannah, and to be delivered there lu July or August.— They arc well assorted for Merchants. The quai ty Is good and prices ob cheap as in New York. I wish t engagetheni out before they arrive. I now have a heavy to C oiCrocke ry. Chinn, Glaim, Silver Plated War*. TabV Cutlery, and the best stock of Walter# I have ever uad-all if which will he sold low for cash or 6 months on good note. Macon, my 21-dtf R- !*• McEvoy, tmr Telegraph and Messenger copy.’l Valuablo Wood Xaot NEAR MACON, For sale Cheap for Cash or approved Notes. -| JLV/ L ed. adloining the Lands of Mr. King and Har mon, II Howard and others. The Macn & Western Rail Road pasaea through it. Sold as the property of A. J. *D W Orr. Apply to D. W. ORR. july9 w—ts NEW STYLES. rjIHE uncersigned will continue business at his old Stand, X on Second Street, until the Ist October, and will contin ue to receive by weekly shipments from New York, all the new and moat desirable styles of me n sin cidtu. and Furnishing Goods. I He will remove on the Ist October to hi* New Store ©a Mai}- ,! Ittler M | IBOUUI Notice. W J k L w the Court Uoiwe Door in Mm City of # V Macon, tin- tint Tuesdav in .S-pWinU-i i ou Dark Ma l -* Muk-.Ukcu up by the Marshal as an .-stray. soldJto vv expenses. T. J. MILLER. 1 :mg l-d-tds. Deputy Marshal. OSTRICH FEATHEBSr ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Fancy Oniamriils A Late Trimmings for Bonaeis. To the Merchants of Macon, Ga. rjNHK .ttb*<HliFrhavc slarge mami(Rclcwylirl>arl,.aßdnne .a , ln York, exclusively devoted to the manufacture of tnt* above kind of goods. Their present stork embraces many thousand styles of Feathers and Flowers. Also the material for manufacturing thm, wlilch an- offered at whsloeale only, at their Ware-Rooms. HENDERSON. SMYTH a 00. nugß-w-Bm. No. 200 Broadway, New York. VINEVILI.E PHOPEBTy For Sale. A DESIRABLE residence for agentoel family on the main street In VlnevlUe, with three acre# of well Improved land j is offered foa Sale, or will be exchanged for a smaller residence lin the city. The house contains eleven rooms, and every con venience, with coniilderabla choice fruit, ahnibbery, Ac. Also, a woodland Lot. containing thirty (.10) acres. In conve nient distances to the dtv. For frit her particulars apply to me, or to Stubbs A Hill, Macon, Ga. aug 16—ts MRS. DR. CHAS. THOMSON. Ornamental Iron Work. THU SUBSCRIBER*! Invite attention to their large as sortment of useful and Oi-imniental and Iron Goods. Comprising many articles of IRON FU BN ITU RE for the House and Garden, such an Bedsteads, Hat Stands, Tables. Rustic Chairs and Settees, Fountains, Unis. Wire Tre I liases. Flower Baskets, &c.. and the most complete variety of IRON RAII.ING to be found in the United Stales, for enclosing Cemetery Lots. Dwelling Houses, A#. Particular attention being devoted to this branch of our bu siness parties who may favor us with their orders may de pend on receiving Railings of tasteful designs and- madeVn a thorough manner. CHASE, BROTHERS-A CO., AM Washington Street, Boston. J. L. JONES, Resident Agent, junel d—wly—d m wWJJTS* of the City of Savannah for sale by the suhsc r iber. aprlß d—ts C. BOND. T. KINGSFORD & SON’S OSWEGO STARCH, (FO-R THK LAUNDRY) HAS established a greater celebrity than has ever been ob tained by any other Starch. This has been the result of Its marked superiority in quality, and Its invariable uniformity. The public mav be assured of the continuance of tlie high standard now established. The production in over Twenty Tonß dally, audthe demand has extended throughout the whole of the United tilatee, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and under a rigid sys tem, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity In the quality t hroughout the year. This Is the great desideratum in Starch making, and is realized now for timqj’ The very best Starch that raff t>e made. and’Tio other, la al ways wanted by consumers, and this will be supplied to them ‘-y Hie grocers, as soon as their customers have learned which, i is the best, and ask for it—otherwise they would be likely to’ I get that article on whlchthe largsst profit can be made. Mr. Klnesford has been engaged In the manufacture of $ torch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the whole of the period, the Starch made under his supervision hastx-en, beyond any question, the best in the market . For the first 17 vests, be had the charge ofthe works of Wm. Colgate A Cos., at which. - period he Invented the process of the manufacture of Corn Starch. Ask forKlncaford'* March, as tlie name Oswego has been recently taken by another factory. It lsßold by all of the best grocers in nearly every part of the country. T. KISiGSFORI) A SON’S | OSWEGO COHN STARCH, (FOR pmxDiAt. j jmi mrrmmn ahrmmi WToority with their Starch for thcLaun [ dry. This artlc’o is perfectly pure, and Is. lu every respect, equal tu the liest Bermuda Arrow-Root beside* having addi tional qualities which render It Invaluable for the desert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold uaUom Starch, and has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits of our Com Starch. From ItsgreAt delicacy and purity, it Is coming ateointoex. tensive use as a diet for Infants and invalids. , E. N. KELLOGG Ar CO., Agrnto. aug 21-w-3m- 196 Fuiton-alrec-t, N. Y. Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, AT the Quaker City Publishing House of Duane Rullsan, Philadelphia. By buying a book for #l, or more, vou are at once presented with a prizCjWorth from 25 cents to #IOO, . consisting of Fine Gold Jewelry. Watches, Ac. All orders by mail will he promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accom pany the !>ok.s. Our list contains all of the mo t popular books of the dav. and will be sold at the usual retalr prices, many of them for leas. Persons wishing anv particular book cap ordcrat once, and it will he forwarded with a gift. A cat alogue giving full information, with a list of books and glfta, win he sent post paid, hp addressing ‘ DUANE RT7LISON, No. &S 8. Third Street, PhUa. ty* Agents wanted. ]ep I—'frn] WOOD & PEROTS ORNAMENTAL IRON FOUNDRY, PHILADELPHIA, P.A. THE subscribers are prepared to furnish Iron Railings for cemeteries. Public Squares, buildings, Iron Verandahs, Iron Stairs, Settee#, Chairs, Statuary, Animals, Tree boxes. Fountains and decorative ’ron work generally. Being the largest, oldest and most experienced house iu this description of work in the United State# and oocuDying a position in the cen tre ofthe Coal and Iron districts, where these ntceeaarv mate rials can he had at the lowest price*, thev f*el confident that they can fumluh all work at tewer prices than any similar es tablishment* in the country, and In as substantial and work manship maivrf .‘•-They also furnish if desired the post to go Into the ground, thus saving the great expense of marble or stone and making Un equally strong and durable a lob. They have appointed D. B. Woourufnßriheir agent in Ma con, Ga., to whom we refer all wishing work, fbr designs #nd information. WOOD A PEROT, aug 10-d-1 m—w-6xn. DISSOLUTION. The Firm of KEITIIS, R1BBF.I? & BALL, I* thl# day dissolved. 0. W. A 8. L K-dth have no further Interest in the kf fairs or said Pl-ro. The undersigned will continue business under the Firm and Bvl* of KIBBBO c* BA.XjXj, Who are alone authorised *o collect all debts due the late Firm, and to liquidate Its indebtedness. JOHN M KIR BEE, New York, aug 2S-d-lm. JAMES M. BALL. BOOTS & SHOES. KIBBEE & BALL BEG leave to Inform their old friends and customers, that they are now prepared with a larger and more complete jeock of Boots <Sz> Shoes Than ever: selected with care and taste, and offer greater In ducements to the trade than anv other house tn our uuu. Call and see us at our old stand. S3 Murray St., comer of Church. KIBBEE A HAH., aug2S-d-ly. New \ork. A VALUABLE COTTON Plantation For Sale in HOUSTON COUNTY. WILL be sold at Perry, In Houston county, on the first Tuesday in October next. (If not previously disposed of at private sale) the valuable Plantation, formerly owned by B. H. Gray, late of said countv, deceased. Said place Is situated on the road leading from Macon to Fort Vaiiev, about fourteen miles from Macon and one mile from Jackson's station on the South-Western R. R., and contains Thirteen Hundred and sixteen acres. Six Hundred and Fifty acres in a high state of cultivation, and under good fence the balance uncleared. The water is excellent, two good springs and a number of wells— The place has the reputation of being one of tlie healthiest places In the country. On the premises is a good dwelling, framed negro houses. Gin house. Screw, Bams, Stables and all other necessary out buildings, all of which are comparatively new,— Place sold for a division. Term# made easy. Persons desiring to Inspect the place, can do so by calling ou either of the undersigned on the premises. EDWARD J. WALKER, aug2o-w-t.f.o. CLINTON L. VARNER. WANTED. *■ AM stU! buying Mlliury bounty bud Warruu,