The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, September 21, 1857, Image 1

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COURT CALENDAR FOR 1357. Revis'd >.v the Southern Renjfi'n SiiLM'rier Court* JANUARY. Moa Hy, Ch } at un FEBRUARY. let Monday, Clink Floy l Linr pkln 8d Monday* Forsyth Il iti.oclc, Meriwether Walt tn, Monday. II ildwhi Heard Jackson Monroe Htokeua Taliaferro \n rcu. 2;l Monday,Chattooga Cherokee Coweta Oolumhta Crawford Madison Marlon Morgan Terrell 2d Monday, Cn** Elbert Greene Gwinnett Sumter T vlggs Washington hursday { Montgomery [ H ft**r S . 3d Monday, Cobh Barlf Fayette Hall Hart M *con N*wt.on Putnam Talbot Tattnal. Friday after.H'lHV.: 4tli Monday .Campbell Clay Bfll’U ‘m E nan j Gordon L*e Wilkes Last Mon lav Charlton APRIL. St M ci 1 iy. 0 I o l *n CrroU Dooly Pulton Marray P.'tiding Pike It ibun Taylor W irren W ‘lister j Wilkinson Frd vs afW.Wavne •2d Monday, G'vnn Habersham Harris * Richmond Whitfield Tuesday after.Mclntosh 8d Monday, Franklin Haralson Henry Tones Liberty Oglethorpe Pul iskl Stewart Worth Thursday after,Rrvan 4th Monday .Catoosa Decatur D-Kalb Houston Irwin Jasper Lincoln Scriven Towns Tbnrsdav after, Telfair M m luv after. VppHng Mctliv .ner, (coffee Appling l M.\ V. Ist Monday, Berrien Gilmer Muscogee Randolph Unsun Walker 2d Monday, B iker Bibb Chatham Dade Fannin 8d Monday, Burke SnaMlng Troup Union 4th Mondav.Calhoun Chattahoochee) Monday af’er. Dougherty ! Last Monday. Colquitt JUNE. Ist Monday, Butts Jefforsnn j Thomas 8d Monday. T.owndes 4th M mdsy.CUpoh , M!'W Monday a Srr. Ware f A CO CSV ‘at Monday, Flovd Lumpkin ’.d Monday, Clark ‘sii Monday, Forsyth Hanoftck Meriwether Walton IM* Monday,ll tWwiu Heard J aCkSOtt Monroe Pickens Taliaferro SEPTPVBE/t. I ft Monday, Chattooga Cherokee Columbia Coweta 1 Crawford M-tdlaor Marion Morgan Terrell 2d Mop dag, C*s Elbert G-c**ne Gwinnett Sumter Twigc* Washington JftJ Monday, Cnhb K-irly Favette i Hall! Hurt M aeon Newton Putnam T!hot 4th Monday, Campbell Clay Emanuel Gordon Lee Wilkes or TO MW. Ist Monday, Carroll Dooly Fulton Murray Pudding Tuvl *r W urren Webster WdUnson iTuosdav af f er. Pike W *dned <v after. Rahun >4.1 Monday, ‘l">v>rhm Harris Laurm Richmond Whitfl-M M Monday, Fe-.nklln Hara'son H-nrv Jones o-rtetborpe ! Pil„w St,‘W->rt Worth Thursday after, Montgomery ! 4th Monday. Catoosa Oeeatnr Detfalh Houston Irwin Jasner L*noln Polk driven Tattnall Towns Thursdav Friday after. Bul’ooh Monday after, Fflfinyhara do do Annling Mnndn after I Cn ffcc Appling, 1 fW YfWRKU. Ist Monday, Rerrten GMmer Muscogee Randolph H ns on Walker 2d Monday, Raker D-de Rlhh Fannin Ail Monday, Burk* Sn aiding T-oun TTn’o n 4th Monday, Oolhnnn Chattahooohee Thursday after. Mclntosh Monday aftpr, Dougherty do do L*hertv ! Last Monday. Chariton j do do Gn'rpllt I Mon. after Liberty Bryan \ DKCIWMSR. ■ 1 st Monday, Bnt Csmden Jefferson Thomas p-Msv after, WaynO Jo i Monday. Glynn IfM Mondsv. Lowndes ,4th Monday CMnch ‘I titer Monday after. Ware. FIRE DEPViminT. o*3 T S. onvt. OVif Ei?inor. H. !tt. N">TITT. Assistant. PETTEarm fihe hinpvty. N3. i. Pm nr s. Bloom. Foreman ft How*. Foreman. K. T T-aa'irpr. OeoRoi? \ Hnm?. Reeret.q ry. A ‘foOnnoiv Fndnear. A. P\TTea*<ov. More. GSO. 9vftTT. Aarlrtanl Foreman TTo*n ... .Rnp’ilar M-v\thiv M-*“tine on the Ist TiwH'f'iv each Month; at S o’nlnr.k, P. M. Ocraalspo Pl Si-niny, ??■>. Z. TTrVRV V. Ft.I.R. Foreman. R *i ps , >hs. \4o'm*int Foreman, K. n ‘Vti.m mo. Rpcretary. P, farm*. Tr“q'irer. .1 H Otl.Lnv FrjnrfoMi*r. .. on t.h* Ist Monday <• P*“r mnnh. a 1 o’/'looV P M. Ton; Atm'-ist firs drnin'i, Vs. 3 J. f>. V\vv Po^p'Oßn. ov\4 ‘V Ft.i.< \<4lNn’ Poppnan. P ‘V y*S4 R-~eptqrv % Treasurer Wt|,U *M C|.i .1 wet* ’< *“■* * v P .-emao More, f*H ;4 OV. .... P'Y*t , or M m*hv M —*‘nr on the Ist Tu**tfav In every Month a A n'eloefc, P \f. Hao'r C?*. Vi. O Pn-r-rq Wiro'nun. .T• 5 F Grey* \44 , Qtqnt Foreman. T,4 P | VqC!T,L. 9. t “ ii V|f Oerqcv Unrtrulqry A TmoqV. .. n >nii O i t-t .pc n>)MpMnya M* M'ltn-'trv ‘n Join -010- t t'p ,nia-.0/oh,.- q. an If f 1 ’. TV ’ot'm. ft \Mantin fßtqt*T ■Rq.ilnafl \t!*infq to ’h iitumnffn. 1!W M|N. Fare $5. .TAMK* M. *PTLT.fV ; ic. Mw*rlnter.dent. MORNING FS4BKVORR TRAIV f.oqoroa ‘♦tqqtq daUv, qt, Q.OO \ AH”'4t* °Vo*t ononm. it ft.’in T> ‘ f T.PO”Oq Oh -♦♦qnnowq, da'lv. at 7.10 \ y * Arrive* at Atlanta, at 4.nn P.M NTOTTT P44BRVORR TTUtW T.oqtfpg Attqnq, ntih*tv, it. 0 00 n ” Ae-tyoq • eKqotqMoo-L at ... ...KW I.'* f.p.|.r..q''’h ifiq'i-tn-m. n'jfhtlv. at “oo** • *t Vhinta it ... .’ 9 in \ v •’hh * .qd ennneetr. eq'-h nrqv ndth the Rome Hr**ie* pnPr/vwl. at th Rn-t ‘tVnnPHsi.p | f J.ioriH| tqllpr.i|.t at ‘> Ut on, and the. Nashville ft ChattAuooc* Hall mad. at ffluw tanoojfa. Atlanta ft Railroa'l- Atlanta to W<t Point. 7 Mllp, Fare A3.5A GEOTtOK R. TTTtLt.. MORVINO PASBRVORR TRAIW J,avps Atla*la. daMv. at 1.10 A. >f . A*-rlvpq ol TVom o 0 n f. Rt.l \ daPv. at \ Arrivoe at Atl in*a. ‘t 8.00 A.M T.pavpq \t>antq, rtnoly. qt 4.ifl *, w 1 AHvm .t M'-p-t w .Int. t tn.oa ~r. ,r t.pqv'ia ’Vpq f >nt, n<htlv. at 1* ia ® ,r Arr*”*v. qt \tJqnt i. at ‘ lIM P ‘ VP” “hi* Poa<A c-’mnects, eacb wuy. wUL Um MoobtQCMNr •’ Weal ygliA ttaii itoak , ri. ti *1 *t ♦ tll* iiauj) iL'i-i * cit VOL. 1. leorsria Railroad & Banking’ Corap'y. InciMla 1.1 Atlanta, I7 ! Mile. Karo *5..V1. OXORGB YOUNGK, t’Upcrlr.tmdor.t, MORNTKO rvSSEyogR Tit At* Vaves Atlanta, dally, at .8.4A A .M Arrives at August*, at fi.f.l p.M Vaves Augusta, daily, at fi.nn A.M Arrives at Atlanta, dally, nt i.SO P.M RTWVIVO P'SfIHN’ORR TRAIN I.cares Atlanta, daily, at 0.00 I’.M . \ndvesst AugiHta. at H.S2 A.M t.eaves Aumi-ta. dally, at ft.ol p.M Arrives at Atlanta, at t. .00 A.M , TTF"ThIs Bond ntn.a In connection w*l h the Trains of the c onlh G troll: \ unci ,fe A. .igu<a KaK-r v i>'.Y.t Au ‘nidi. >nn\ . Mattniist Eaivnaal Churo. PASTfit. Stair. Jamo-s n. Evans, t?W. W. F. U‘V*v. Htr M’talon. REV. W. A. SIMMONS CnlM. MPdon. STEWARDS. Tames wpitam * N. P.a*. r* 1 |l ' , s. fater t *af ,. . .. . ... R. A.Siphh T VtRA'J , H ‘ilKrolP" v ‘ - ‘ WARD 17. L. -owett. TRUSTEES. a=a TTalt. eo.Vn Too- Hardeman, \ . i{. freeman hinot Williams. •v. ‘fo-rM,ald.. rt. K toss. t, a Hub*a A. Wine. v on at a. .r,,, and O.H” . 7W* ■ ervj ee at the Factory on GaUUat l mv..,’ a. rr, entestant Eaisesaal Oharnh-—Tfaoon. v \ ;;TOP . Rev. Yfoms'-m Rccsc?, WARDENS. Tamer. M,Groenc.... N. f’. Mur.rne y KSTuy. Tas. “.-a T.. V. Whittle i lohn B. T.amar. .., Wa'ter P. Ho-iglclns Tobn T.. Tones TW” : -r iee on Sa'. .er .at 10V ? n <v, e rr,om'n- { “ “ “ “ ... .. ‘k ; n the cvonlne. UF"F.venlntr Prayer Me -ting ever* F r y v ir, Raman Ca+halie Oh -ch. T* \ QTOT?. How. Jrxmost Tliasm. (V w*“Ser-.dee on Sabbath Morning at 7 and ftl pvpnltiif at ? o’eloek. JUT Wo -k Pavs— m t’-’oek. a. rr.. The Baptist Church. r>A*JTOR. Rcm. Sylvions Tjfindrum. DEAUONS. TaeVson TViTYaaehe Dr. Wm. S. T.itrhtTont, The. A. ®mis rjoo. S. nv„ TV os T V’s., •Tnnathr.r. Uolilrs T>. Wm. Ellli. fOglethnrTw*.’ TRU'JTirß'd, r* oVert Vl„rllav. TTi’m Telrcori DoT.oaebe, Geo. S. OlHar. *. Thos. .T. . ..TV. W. S. Llghtfcc* TRFAST-RPTT— faetfson nel.nar.hft, UT.FR IfGeorvii S. Ohrar. ■miew UiHpp UonA-tee each Lord’s THv at S. tn., and 7U - m. s ‘■s'* ’ nrtni* and Umvoi- ‘rnM'nff mww W'od-'osdav ntgVi. ♦v- ‘'omTrm,Tbn-Tat Spahatb in rarh mor*h. In the y.Dftr. noon ‘’onCaronne Vs reting on night before thcL-t Sun day In each month. Prcs>TV f T*rtßn r, nT> ATS Rgy. RaSa- 4 L, Ueork, FT^^RS, V \ VI a Vet .To>va T rrosVam. Wo-anlnTton Poe, Vmp*n riravea. Robert Carver ntc \envi. Fd-waM D. Trr.ev Tv. E. W,.Us. Tpr(;Tß , irq i CAVas (’amn'M-'l T. ** WaUo sr.dwin Cures Vs. A.vush-t. T.U.Plant. •W-Sf -mire on Se.VVo.h at to In be moral*.• • 3 .. il . , r,V. SfrAA.A i* t “ *• ..,V( before A ; n t>>e evening. > m ■ nC‘iio o'.iimV, -nonts at *V.e TVjqfor’s TTonse on ,„ .* FEtimt t t Ws of t> '*nna**lvar>la. D**.-.aifinnt. VgO c rtT>t?rvr’vr*r\ vOtf of <7'■>.*'Tur-Prfsidv T '.t. (’*>o9 nt >f*'bt<ran. dnreMnrc of Tra*.’.-U, Cpb’b G core*'.. nfbn Tr-asm * Tisot, i".n.Tih(ft*i of vta.. cfta*wnethe* interior. Tnbr, r* t*t■vCT'a.. <tn*r-'*'ev Of’T-ir. of • ’on JimwMfi* of‘k \.ar<an v n* *”1*1 *\„ Ai-.Or.nnrai. T*remiah** fi’vL of r*a.. \ftnm.w Gonor-j. f.. 1|1,.t rro c ,4 P*. Dalflrnoro, Md.. Chief .Tuot*pr. p.PTvJntftd •on.: _c.4ior* At non tnhri vr*! nuA*wnall. Gblo. A.siv*lfttc .Tuotlre, appoint ,l t n iono Wic- *<i •'op rffmiiv vs r r r tr. no Qo*-annah. Ga.. Aoolati Tuatlcc. appoint . ‘ 101 Q _Qiti*v *1 W tAbn ruhHo. kasociato .Tc.ctlcn. appoint • 10AO . it.\rr* 41 *S\n r nn n. v *w,T> Viahwttt.-. Tnnn.. kamclato Tuatnr. appointed o*>l _Q.,lnre kon rK.o*Y “tohmond Va.. A aaoplatn .TuatlW*. appoint IQ4I _QllnrT* 4 OAO. < *iniU“l Yotr>n. CnovrqfnaVT) ‘New* VorV, Aosoclato .TU*tICP, •rinotnto‘l ‘ rtsr.l->.mtu ft n,i*i4 Pnotnrj, Maea.. Aoclato .TuatlCO, SP .r.iutrtS 10k1 44 koo o a*inr v**ahuresi.Pa., Acoodatft .Trstlfa. appolnt ,A IQ4 _Qiia*v 41 .koo noni c rfo'caM. BaltlToro, \fd.. T?snorter. orpolnt*d 184*1 .Colan* 4’ too. Dm QlikWime fn'iS IshaM *n *h< O f RpS ba one aosslr.n annuallv. cominen.-'lng or. th; 1 ftpt Monday In Decetnbor, STATE oFcFORGTA. V .TGTTVQ/VS’ Govarnor. TTrn. Secretary Freoutive, Pep*i*mt. n r>. nartmmmrAtd 11 “ fAtMIMna n. n*-iucoe “ *ohn ‘** \fAAaonwcf, T P T T-.*V!n* Qnomtqrv r.f State. Tnhn H, TrlnnA Tnuwwr, ,rr,ninrfttlor.Or-rf r.'d, fitiPi \. Ovaati,..., CnnfM’rt* Oon^ml. tnhn T f’ondnn M Ql<i*Tl>fl^rt'in. fTnvM T PrAaM' ir >* A <, *Vn T o**nn 17 ‘’ol'yiPtt o(if>rMipT> o^tho Wv. M f‘!n**t* of*tip TTonao r,Ct*on. M-m Tn*k TM n tr.war of Per.l*cntlftn ri*nhh A<*’ •• “ ‘1 t r) TPi’MAtn**, |jTMAtrp of *• n* lr , x PonV nenner m fr VnmMnsnn •’’nr* Pn- IH->p r>. T. p Orcpne iip nnd R.w. Ph\. T.MnAtIC A<mlM*T> Dr. T. Port TV P. Stuhba and T)r. E. T.. StrnhPC.kM\ Tm* Tinatin A avium. .fu ‘lMarv so *h*’ r ‘irw*ln nC *!Vrn*a. Tnienh TT T lwrHn. .*id<*, Tf*7T; Evpl'C* I®. 1 '?, Ph-irUa T ‘foT>nn-vld, Tm<W. “ * IM9. TT.-*>rv t.. ,T-.dv. “ :l 2350. H t V \rn*4ir\, Pennyf t TV E. Martin. P’**. pVrt-’ IVol*-/*? Oftfte Jud* t>| **n fje gneond ,r ivi'i'iV ‘n Janna>"V nd 1p aenomt Mopdnv tjj T nr>p in e**h ivw. ?<*<ATi/f ruit~int , n f*ha Maoon. Sonth-t*’estP o)v*&xh-h#* • AatfdutiJimitHk .uu, u 4 ur u* MAI’OX, UX. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER. 21, 1557. ’.ir;'* ‘.y In January, a?d third Monday In.lum* In each year. Thir l LH.-trb t —f’otnjrm-d its the Flbi!. Coweta, Hint* “ige and Cherokee Judicial iTrcnhe, :,i Atlanta. <>ii thr 4>h ! f “davit. March Mful 9d Atniday it, Mt.-i. -t f, v,t,. U- urth District,— (’ompOßed f the Western and Northern udleh'l Circuits, at Athens, on the fourth Monday In May 1 n*l fmrth Monday in Novombor In vrar. Fifth Dii*trirt. — of the Ocmulgee and Southern udlcUil Circuit*, r.* MUledg?’ l!!e. or. the ?d Monday In May rid .NoyemN rin e-vh year. * N ‘e. —The P.ataula Circuit is attached to 2d Supreme ‘■'•ct District ; lok to tlie l*t ; Tallapoosa, to the 3i. .Iml: ch and Solid ora. HI” li: \j’ Circuit liice. Ju.’ge. Wtu rhll- | Bruti/wCircuit. —Arthur E. Cochran, Judge, Wr*. li. j Dasher, Solicitor Genera.'. lips,lleiior (lencr.i!. Chni: j/.nnch( • Cii\-: . - E H Worrell, Judge, Ti-.videus I Oliver, Solleltr.r Oororrl. Chernke? ■*.. T II Trippe, Judge, Jaa C Locgstroet, j Solicitor O';, Cmrrtft Circuit. -O A Hull. J •■lye, L HI Bleckley, Solicitor ! Goner.;!. I'latrm Circuit.—W D Fleming, Judge, .Tnller. FTartrldgc. ! solicitor Ortteral. Flint Circuit. ~K O CnhannK Judge. .Tamos r Lrons. i * olloltor General. Mannn Ciwuit. —Ahnor P Powers Judge, Thcodo W ; Montfort, Soile.ltor General. Mid'He Circuit—W W Holt, Judge, W R McLaws, Soiicl- j n;- General. Ocrnu/lqre Cmn/R.—R V Hardeman, Judge, W A Lofton. ‘ Solicitor General. I Pntm/ln Circuit.- Davl i J Kiddo, Judge. D.a\'d B Tl.arrell i ■Jolic.ltor General. Smith**/) Circuit Peter E Love, Judge. E T Sheftall. Solicitor General. 8. Vi'rotrm Circuit. —Aloy. .A Allen, Judge, -f W Lyons, solicitor General. Tiiinpcinpi u,Vm/iV.—-Denial* F Hatr.mnnd. Judge, Fielder. Solieltor General. I Vcvt.-rv Circuit. —!" .Tarksw, Judge. S P Thurmond. So ‘icltor General. iM GH In r-oTs T?a/nwaVfru;y,/f/. — Anpllng. Charlton. Coffee. Ware. C.ani | l-n C’lr.rh. G’.mn. W-’-rr. Pit 7 ‘iTn Cfrowf/,—n?ay, f’h.attaheoohee, Woi.fetor, Eailv. j ’'ando'nh. Stewart. ; T rnnmm cnwttf. n -nlm. r ?w j ‘•'lord. Heard. Polk. Vnri',rrn rv>v’i/,7_vfadlson. Flhert. r.lneoln. Hancock, Dner. Ggiothorpe. Tailsftrro. Warren. WilVes. Futcm Circuit Rrvan. Bnllorh., C'r.t’’ Liberty, MeTntesh. Vontrromrrr Tattnal. Middle c,r/.>iit, —RnrVo. Columbia, Emanuel. Jefferson. 1 Richmond, %riven. Washington. Western Cii'cuit.~r\fiYhc. Fmp.kl’tt, Gwinnett TTfthershan Hall, faekson. Rabun. Walton. Ocrnulare c,V/>,///._n.aldwin. Gmenc, Jasper, .Toner*, Mor •mn. Putnam. Wilkinson. inuthp-rrt Circuit, —lt—nden, f'o’onitt. T.aurer.a, T.owndes. Ml’ler tr'vln. I’-tiiiVi. T-teblr Thomac. Fiut Circuit. —Butte. Henry, Monroe, Newton, Pike. ®n"’ ling. Ufr nn, Oi&ct.Wr Circuit. —Cas. Cat none. Chattooga, Dade. Gordo'* Mumv. WhltfleVi. Wailter C<*v<ri4 Circuit. —Fayette, ."nitor. PrUaih, Merlweth* r r/un. fruttf,. Western C'rcitit, —Calhoun. Baker. Decatur. Dough ••rfv. Lee Sumter. Tpe*!], ch ittuhiHwhepCircuit .—Harris. Marlon. Mo-n. - Tain * r.,,-tnr. Wa-ou c: Crawford. Dooly. U.. . nn .*rtv Ti'-ur IJidnc Circuit. CheroVee ( Vihh. Fa'VOlV Vnr*.v. • r T nmivVln t’-ii,r,jj.Vpna T’,)t—ri in* .i* BRlßiwwi i"'"' "*m m* •u'&mmtr 1 “w v OFFICERS OR CITY COURT. rrov CT.TFtrorn ‘ tiylr, *<* r Pt rq trzcy Srete'*... R jert \pn c CRD FSQ.V... ......,....'.'......... r '*’ muy RTT.F.Y M-,-*h .* •wv*pwuiar e9slora—Sd Monday In Feb nt ary. Mnv A ~..t TnwmW TO Rollq of WoH Pan-r of new and elegim* Sfvl ■ •U • “ iuqt reeatv—J and r cr aqif *nw Ala- • Board P-Intq and eboap Window* B'tndq plqlT) and P, nr-d Side Light Papers of yartnnu nn'--r.o ~ -Tamln- J.? k P RTCIURTW *nar9S -ts DTSOLUTIOWr T-TF Firm nfCMCTC!?'*’ ‘o >y waa di solw-d on ‘h Is’ January 13.17. hy mtltnal-nnae-’ Pift pr rtf h- Par'nera are aij‘Vortr<*d tn ,klp up U ntd bpain-s* oT ‘he -on— rn A'l tnd-hd. adp plea -al* and c-ttie at an early date. a if is i-airahle tool-- It up,immediately. w H niDY janRT ts W j) CAIUMRT. FnO'd !=\ , TAT'q.for TV *)1 ttq purify. snarVUr.rr and nerfaetlv -old. ‘ll Srm*’ hvtbe uuderalpmeH on* of tv- nmr tptoo n r he several ~" n'*a—and rto‘ rnrnnocfid O’l* ‘' f mav b-foiPrt at HBXRY HORNE’S Confectionary may 13 d—ts \ND nth - REFRESHMENTS, at tT TTOpVT-'Q 1 r'Rtr\\f q—t to farnl' ! es Vy ♦hehal*‘' T '' , ’on nryjorr. ordored In *lme and of the folio wine assorted n a**ors • 0 ‘em* Strawberry, Pine Apple, Vanilla. Lemon. sherbets. may IS—dtf F4U Vn WIVTTR TA - *n evhlMt ♦ tb-'r -ustoruprs a -ho*-- r,r!*r n* ~pr..* new and most desirable stvl-s n r Fashionably fMntVin for ,nd Winter. mon which morh- f*nnd anv ar. tide* ,|ltable for a gen‘leman*o wardrobe—wwtt v,c ftonnp RVO? pqtvgr V ‘Tbwv bo ve qlso an • oanttmeTlt of riaths. riiilsi'MJ and VMt*n<r, , O'atylea entirely new whl/b th-v eon make’to qFdrr. I, j the heat manner, and ‘he shortest notice. 4 !’ Tn hov* and ’hlldrena* elotMng. they can oF somethini very desirable ,A •oft. .f .Macon and Western Rail Road, Ov \vn ‘nvi*v. tT'v*? f* . Traln n* *ht* Rmd wl)’ ‘p run n fln’tnw* TjPitrp Mi Pin at O.ftA o. m. irrlw at Ytinn t n at Q nVInoV p •n. Atlanta, at a. m. arrive at Moron at to. vs i n jP n 'lwi'r.rg lr.iji-irim f'hottnnon.rn nnH nnln*a on *'><’ ’ o r tr Atlantic Toni Sn th* nlrht ’Pra'n. rUt arrlrn In Mown ’ sa o, m.. nnH *n amp nntnw. l'*aen*'w from Qavonnuh and nolnta nn np*rn’ f /wfl 1 ipm <inJ>-n in attanta aann ovon**'” and s on* *tn* T i‘"“ tOatntt* wt“> ‘ T, „,j n tVoatom Ar A*lnnMf* * •’or f’hnttnnno'rn nn<l Va'n' , )l. futniwra tnf P’i' , t’n’''ia \no* - li>i|q amt notnta PS t.* l flonth.vT'witnm ”naH •*•'’ arrttrp in Mnonn at 10. to a. m.. an ’ into vt* iJonl h.’Vnqtnrn ‘l’rv'n a* a n *n. r> \a<jontporo from ,v, ° < t’atorn foad wM* a*r*vp *• T aonn at 11 a.m.. iivnp s* Vimi ‘tV'dn at F.MITTIWV P’'V'l'TTP Qnr>nrln*onHr>r m noOt). iTiA N T Vfj\ TT OuS 10 IVT * !.nn\V& VFIIRI. Proprietor*. T>| r*ntT**T**T of*VU *roM Vnntrr. o. J^4, ta v *Hah , nPit rpTw*'’tA’srt* 4 flvp nnt’pp *l’ -, t *ltf - tiv PiniltiiptM Air tVi*> natron**? n* *Xp ‘•’nfM ■Bill ‘r tni>rip. and tptprmlnpd to nm** nothin i to de- <Mj|i| •omp wnii of*hoir mint* and maintain thprppntatlnn •„• ,f*>ip TT-map, ~ f T>q jeonnprn anr| Ttovvnwe to and Prom *V>o T Tnop. hv 4 nn> o>nn*neanlTt aocmi*? M*a<nn ndlpt *hr* Hp”P nrovldo* **or ttint norintP, T*oaann<TPr* '"1 horooftor So ‘,♦ no pvrionp v'l'HovPr for *ran**)nr*o4 lop ini| *’ Spirwinp “•tJior nrav SptwpP” tHo T.anlrr tfonap *tiH *.’’ n ”-il’wav c ta. • : n ataron. tr o imV a pon*nna*w*o of nnhllr mtranacr** >n<4 prnmJgp attention and comfort to „. _ . LOOAV A MEAwA Hr.rllflH.-_IV iT-O CI T-J ‘■? ■V'-f.TT C- AVAT ***** PrfT'lVO'a and RRA PKl’T** o? nU ‘lJlffitffi llJjHiiliii Hilj JiCiTSR 4 ELLIS. ATTORNEYS A 7 LAW. M \COV G A. ‘fticr <’N CnKRHY St <ipmsiTf- tiiic Grmkuia Tklkurrn >Ktri(!K ’ ILLpnn’tW in Blhb, Moiiror.Orawford. Twiggs. Hour ton, Marttn. 1..01y and Worth eoiint'—. P&” To t.r found In their Ofbn- ,u H ll hi.iira ,* M. H. A. METTAOER, I j 5 WING spoilt a portion of three succestMv- years in 7. this city, during which tim- he lih limit, and I,L ! ; practice almnai HxeluaivHj to B'irgerv, now respectfully : I ‘ffVra hi services t„ the ci’rixensof Macon and surround ( i ng country, in nil the branched oMri* profeasion Gtn C r ; ‘.n South East Corner of 3d and Cherry streets, over ‘1 r. A-her Ayr,*s’new Grocery Store David Rost, book-bin and e n HANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, fiver 0*1). T. Rotfprs .f* Son, Cor. Third nod Cherry Streets, Manm, On, _jrjl3~lv St ANDERSON. ATTORNEYS U LAW. vn IHH vn l.tM> (Ml PEWlie ll.KV'*-! MAPON. OA Kt:.trs the regular tutaineuu of fhe'r profesaion ’hey “iav. f r years p,,s beep engaged IV |r-isecnMnr c|Him r Boon; v Land and Pension, in favor of soldiers, their Hdows and minor children They* have also obtained the correct forms snd'hr ‘ule® for obtaining Bounties under the Act of Congre*# oat passed r..,‘ -ts Ur. T 3 R >-y‘f\r. mTr ptivaicTAW. {yv R J ’da r>r> f-ssjonal servtcea ro the .f ‘ ’ %i CO and vicinity. Office ove- B. A. “ ISF’i* j TGKF. o. Trice, ‘UN‘ A N D itCPAtPE R r*X A.IMO T*OTrfrYij. If* Permanently located In Macon mny *e left at Measra Virgin’s and ai F. .1 Johnston A Cos. .ovft— ts IHDWS’s||kO TE l, . ISA, b K. K. KKO'VN proprietor, j “■-4'** Meal* ready ‘tn the arrivaT af every Tr ?in. upr!9—’.f j REDSIHC m Jl MAC-ON, GEORGIA ! TT. P RP.nnitsO, Pr.-priptor i • ng2. r —tf | Dr. I. B. Comings, OfDwQ h' pcoO'sisional Flprvifes A 1 ? r REFORM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. TO the Citizens *f Micou. Office in the Medical Col * >ege. 01 Mulberry Street. Macon. M.reh 2$- dm ” lT v 7 whtttle” ATTORNEY AT LAW, M ACri'i OA. 1 Fh TCF next to Oonoert H ill. over Payne’s Drug Pt.>r.- janlß ly Anrtro-c Wind, American. 0- *(lan k Rur*|ean \dvertisit(g nan Subscription OT’II’TCT?. xn. m v u-ur xtrcct, I Next, dour li> iM Nassau Bark.) st a /ns,') \t:\vum-k. ~ovt -ff 7. R. RAVIST and Drolrpr. Coll grtor -Be Go"era] A. fr't Business attended*to in anv county in *hs State. Office corner Jackson and Fills Street, Aueusta. Ga. n ,vl—tf and rTaTp y i7 ovpt RlMb’h 'or- OPPOSITE GEORGIA CITIZEN” octll—tf OBN LVVN, WII.I.HM T. KLAI’K LYON & LLVOK. tttorneyß and Connspllors at Law, AWfan, Raker County. On. \ WTILL give prompt attention tn ad business epfrj v w ed tc their care. In the following <*nnntte ‘'imter Clav Randolph. Early, Decatur. Baker, Cm’ mnn. Dougherty and Lee. 4 nayPl—lv UKNHV O LA MAR. I O A. LOTBMNK. id n 11? \ uiffimvF. ATTORNEY HTUW, MACO V G A OFFICE ON Mf’l UFRRV RTKFKT. H AVINO associated themselves (p ‘lie practice of|,a. •ey wil’ diligently attend to all hiisiuea- entrusted t. heir care mavld—tf # ** Telegraph and \l.-h copy *. Oamphsil. j w APt CAMPBFT.T ft GAITT. a rw? t r PROBUCE AO ENTS. rnp trv PUPCHAM Cfttr JMIT XUIPUINt nr r 11 mvnu nr j ? AST TEWES SEE PROPTjrE Snnh ar Rseon. t.ard Rnrter. Ptnnr. Wheat. Corn, o*t P*uU, etc. etc. K nov veil F. t j I Wqr> nae—At the River. iRnIS - lv J H I T il’ vnvn.Tf'O |ffi? RCNTtPMAWi<? FIIRWISHIWR •O T 7 T* A. rt T JVT TE INT *** . IS nnWWn.n, by C. 11. KAIRII mar2l —Bm T>"P r* J V OOQTVTT T tOMTODATHIC P W V <? I H I A N A rnrr amo orciarairf 3o r ;; ::fl mul TiUfd SLmaU Ga. Prostsrving K -tiles. Brew iii,l • imposition Kettle* for urn .J ‘Uig t'.>r sale i-v .minsM—tf NATHAN WEED, j L imber, Lumber. H )().()()<) l ' T for".lr r t.y ,, '" , "‘ j iSMKk \VKFh I UMITI t* ( oncciiT !%-. .IjlMDlit-M ( filijrer. I u -WI. :nd r Mai’, faniily ivtm-dv for u'l Ihiwcl aitVc .4 ti.HH, DiHpc|.-iu, General Delmitv, aiie ihu majority ol :t'iimierdiseaivs prva!, i,t in this climate, prepared ami Mild FI IZGI.’UALD a NOT* INGHAM. i innel d—ts White Lead, /inc ami OH. ~ fliWl Pure WHITE LEAD. • I, 1 tfv .non H>M. French mid A m-ricam 7.1 N’. •l.uotum. HI lie’s Fire Proof I'ulnt. loogtlis. LIN-sl'iri) . i|| ( . \|sn, mi iMHortment ot I Point Hru.dieM.iust received and for -alJhv URu. T. IDWEIts ,v MVN. m-ivftrt—l Sugar and Coflee, j I*f hints. Porto Rico Sugar, 14*. hhls. A 14 ,V * • Mari fled Sugar, to do ‘Vt-lted. I’ . v | red uul Granulated Sugar, 120 sicks eofiiOioi, i clinic* Din Coffee. •kl i” pure old • rov.Tiimeiit I.'iv'h <t<>. f-,r sjtle tiv •F” I K. i.. Fit- V -( IN nov ‘ • SCOTS & SHOES. HE utuh-i-igned lakes hi* m. tri-.l of returning * tbiinksti- hiv friends him) cu->oti>ers sot ihe riberat patrotiHir n--tnwed tipnc tiiin ii *b pg-r and begs .n> •■•ntintiunr m Hint pa-rmniirr. and l,\ seeping | - regular mnpft .f Rout- ntul H|,..- o* - GOOD <H V MTV. 1 tii.l attending strictly u. In- hti*inr-. in merit h itl.erHi , -bar* ot rude from toe irietid- and fellow intiseii* and ‘ Hie e.ointrv generally. i J 0 C. BURNETT \gt Ui.le I .ex I tier. (bilfSWlu Lumnr Rinding, -ind Finding • ‘•ty- ■ -.aiul. for -ah- -tieni. i ii,-Q ts IS I iffl ■; ■:'})s 18 NOW RECEIVING • ‘ <” Her SPRIV; A l vri* j ■’ ■ \ > ’ *i , consisting in ir of RTLK. ! R%KEGE and oRGWDV ROHES, i Ileantlful I ACE IM'QCK and M\N- i TLEB, Solend and Embroub riril- ( *>nns. Flowers Glove-. B- nnets. llegd-Dre-se-, Silk Ho. ; -ler y. Dr.T’ lmmlngs Ac . mid respect fully soiled* j ‘ln- io<iron;ig. n the Ladies f .Mmcoii, and ibe Bur- • r nnd'ng t-mtiitl s All*ir.TV r- jitoiiipf|y attended to. I’iprl4 and ts Land Ag'ency. HE :bs:i ihers ere prepared tn timke Incflflon* j L ’id i.i all O’ Mi* \orth-Wer-m state-—lowa 1 M1",,.--.oh. Wise. Mo-1 mHI and the Te'-ritorie n*’ N bruskn j ind Kan-*-, mill snllrit consignment- ot r und- or w*r- ‘ nut. . For terms apply rr> JNO H. IT'NGLFY, i M icon. G i. i IVVI WELL, Lodi. VV|flrniinin fiprt” and ? i NEW RESTiiyRANT, | i ; ANTI Oyster Saloon. fSi r % C'* tia** f be nlea*nre ti* inform t,|* friend- j - t. and the nnHMc large that he b opened anew j tilonti Under RmUi.iiiS new Jfttf /. M’tier** he t- nrerraeed to ftirni-b h*a gite*r*. at *tior* no. I •tee. end mi *!’ hours, the choicest refreshment-of the 4,-M JOn <r*fh a- Frrßh >?ow York Oir-tor*. Creuti ’ *sill r>r every variety. Wild Game of at ‘*•>*. afj s -nrrr.’v f r r ** tn* rtupiirti Rtvf roinpsffr. net a- % n*le— Ur-i r,,r.- 1 rn.orn A<- \t-, e)olee Wines Rrumfie. and oft-er refreshment* i ymittes will he -onnlied w ; *h snd Iril I’ • s. snd other Uiahi's at any hour. n.,r*'e RmU- b- . wiR he ommnt’v # nrn |shed with J >r. in elegant at.vle.and at the aborte-t notlcg. vl-In y e oaV fnndlon. Sfwrrli. S;r. Tj J~\ J~\ ‘ r.TffHj (npd otl'P” ‘void® ■’< ’ \l T*. \M f 140 do m. • n Ad!im-ntn<*.' , ANT>LF!s.W. *f> or.n *r po do c T \ r ?r. cimr for-l nod other brands. 45 ft . r>u’f i re -,11 ,i, n^ M ft-, na-snrl. i vm cj* <?.-> no T'ortoro-, ®nVp nnd f linger, (Jfl do tVrd ’’onripr pn .in •tkl S'tmr , ’ r -icker3, 40 .to n ’ A ...p00. oil frr-iftpß, ?5 .to ei,.,w * omnn ®vrun nn do r*i.,is. ‘v., o 7, i,. p„ ( . r*,-,,,t,. 50 do M i.Wnt sod Por* ‘Hup, fnr'dp hr O T *?o#T ri>s * nV | ifwis . swnßrw?, RonU .V .loli Printer. fortmr Third :inj fhrrri titrerf*, TVTa oor, On.. m‘i rT fln Fnr Sa I *. Tit rvru. OfriHHit and I’nirlUh iml fr< tv at J. C. 0. BURNETT'S m*r7- f f HrrrTTTnp’tj SATF. V.UVAr.TK T>F.\T, FFTATK. W r TSo cnM nn *hn T3* ‘ T, llPd'vto V,v"''ftM'PV*. ’-V I ..irhip n f*hn M t n*‘P nd •.. 1- O f. t tr**nnt< i i-tnl* doopn-’O* hpl'nr.i *hp Op.if. Onnun f M ’■ onllli*v OM oprpo nf'ovd ’■ , ti” oo TANARUS. ohr-v* “vp h 1 m **\rr\ V .a.i nhfti.t V.O m-nj ! P , i.l.'p.|(lot| •hr ‘i.| , .|"PP ‘lo|. 1 P*nd ■n.i'W ‘||.| ‘ >i* -./I ■ ••.• ’*■” oo >f> wm.l -OA— A *<>od • V.pkuM • if ->od ‘'.-.>d . n ••'♦> •• *ip ] vi>- - ‘■• psi -m Ji-f''"’ n nlpr isl .|.p .i.-it i n'” l,noV )... or>'.lpfff. of y\*Vv rr o |OA ,/ fop . ‘...,1 ‘ r ’ .tioipHvo l ’ 1-. nfn Athf> nlnntMpnn mid Mill* of j T*'.. tr;i,,„t,ipi d-oo'ißoi] TFR \l< —<l>l*.hn' f • -4t. :M'd *o> 001..PP0 ir. lil n.(ip*h, WM. O. KIT r T..n>inr 1 |ttlvin—td of H'm. Kllpi'trlrk. din'd. Xeisr r!n.' r *dv'Pqpfot-y t and \ irn r v OtfV A\f‘•VTKPP *Vm Mod P’ftin auppl'H't *•• •'■'♦mtH*'*, V*-Idtnir<* Htirf anof i-d'nfr to nrr*f A I r>. r-ndT Htr rh.- K-X. f HO-riwl so. M-rn,ni,.T ..f *!.* bnt I i|illltr m rr*inf**l tiirt N’ dll’ ‘ll#*;*’ nr*n. Orilrrn for *>>*• •hotrOf for flir l*M •rrU, Nlll i Prutt* <♦<* oroniHtlv MttondM.* hv jm4w a n | OnH-- ts Pl.rrrv T'n**l M< 0n.0% Anclerßon & Son. lofforr nml Kvfl'.irpf Oflico. Maooh. Oa. ‘Trf r •> VTVO nnrobnodtbP <nt,*r-t of .1. P P'V’TR. In t>.n “ i'iovh ’ipu <vc :il’ 1 nontlniinnfP of notron'tpp an Mb nroiir oTtnnd.f* to him. ExrhnnsH* for 03 all the prindpa OMlonfbo fnloii. money bought nud itold. VT P^hJ'-r^V. •__m fs. r* -*jTTT|)K. Wjv utmP’ ‘"t n.c#*b nd # or ili Ji, &■ 9*Ub& *4 roaa<334 33 PCD 1 UC3. ■ll K .m'lt-rawi'A I, pr-p.rcrt t„.„ CU i. with Mro™pl - Br. “Me, for lUi on, L.r.l,, Kye. O.U, Corn. Flour, or any “(her Pr.lun, u ( MM.IU Tou .m. D. D IIIOKHV, No. 5 Onlli fK ~ Nuhvillr, T.uu Oranjrs and Lemons. * ‘tf uigw a!;U Li-tnono rooeivad wary w*wk and - by r. ROUKIS? A son. Wanted -■SHF hlshml c,,b prior .ill be paid for like), *} y Sit R > KS ll„. f< )r , KHi, K of Plant,, non hunt... W R /'/I/LLIPS. K„iM,rnn. feb*2s-tf. BIST H E CEMETEiY ■ ■ ■ m’ um m ire WIM LII most rcttpectfullvminounoetothc gwris. ’’ of Xiacti audit* viclnitv. thHt hr Jk undertake the GRADING. W A! LING. KEN't'INO, and keeping in order, lota in P| j lid. < Vinotery. He will also undertake the • F .'lonumeiit. and Iron. Railings, M-% <• and ar.v oiher work that due* not Interfere w itii Emm,. ■ •if Scxt"ii'de|'artr,,ent. He Hum Liken the Agt ijcv ct Phil i| ,s Marble ‘Lnmfacfury. e.-tnlli-licd in New Haven Conn., aid w !i| :.c read) at all time*to vxhlldl dt„lgi,i.of Monunu-Utr • “Pe r Marble Work that n uv u*-une.,d. A BKYDIF. Carriage Materials. vJt*fSl\(;, l VI.Ks. 11l 11b, M-OKI S, RIMK ’ .■•IIV.Tv 111,10. .1;. I V-lIM.H 11111-l <• \ UIH.I.i illATlliJl, Kii.iineiled ‘ ‘lotliA, ’ ariu-ii. riiria-nlui.- .lapau. Drop l.ia< k Vc. i\c. n. • >V*l .1 t* | rm h v -\t ITII, <uijah ii. oak-akt. a. (>rr CARHART & ROFF. WHDLUALE GROCERS. DEALERS IN ‘VINKS. I.IHI I (IB It < AND GROCERIES OF EVERY description Macon, Ga. H ‘IgA ts EMPORIUM OF TASEIOB! Tiiisiin ii-ii>r. m 1 | ONB. M LOH woutu icapictiully notify If und ‘be public Hint hr-till ke*T- iiti tw. .iURbI*. | tm-nt the old -in,id In the FLOYD Hol'bK, fur tiie purpo*y of aci-nuiiiioitatltig nil -ii*tt>ntrr* u hi* line of |l>-upiie*m k sllA Vl iVfr, 11A W < iTTiJSd A- tillJJf. roo/yti execured in til*- tie-i *< ylr tit the rt. Also Vt Ht*ui. Cntd arid S!i• wei BA 7*//,N'. gt *ll time* nttd *ea I tot.—. r*,,,|_v A t H inniueiiiV vartiing, at the reduced rule For sle ouim-rnus artlcUs tot the toilet *i GrntUtiien, -neb h- Raiors. Shnviiig Sm,p. Hair Dye. Unit Oil. |‘rtig j lerV llau l>ivigor*rm, Mdk ol Aln<ond-. llmj Whui, ’ Hair hii I Tooth Rru-lie- PotiiHtiim*. C"mb*. &< . A . I (tenUeinen’* Wig* Him T'otpee* on hntid or niMitr to or* I der, to -nit nil citiergeticee. ’ Entrit nee ui Rd St reef. 8 door- from the corner of i K'oyd ID use Huiltluig i’ 8.- Kmrlii Jk Co’*, ce'ehrnted HAIF BK- Kb K . h'A T'flt —thebe*’ prepHrmino yet out for re*tonng ti t hair to it.- origlt'Hl color, miml promoting u- giowth. kept i for-nit- Thl* artlch bn- Hern used by several g-ntie- I men nl chi* city, with entire HAtinfio tint, ands n be !r. commeiuied w'tb confidence M I CM*. m.ty‘2’ a- ly Gern n pMrbt r Leather. HAPNFSM. OAK A HEMLOCK SOLE LFATIIER. llriiileatid ITiper LLATII'-.H, Sheep, Calf and Li -1 ’ SKIN**. I'ATiAT N|UT-, A( . tnnvSfi d-ts LITTLE A SMITH. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CBF.DITORS f DI, person* intfasbted to the Fstateof Alfred L. Boren, i \ tv of Bibb eounty, deceased are rtsjneAted to call on the rt-.di.-eriber :uid settle the twine. Tii -.-e having <!• tnaiidA again* s:id Kstute will present them, duly Mtte*t-d lt> term* of the law. j. C. BLJ'LEK, Executor. fnlG-td— Corn.l O just received and fornalelow by % jr.tie3s d—ts 0. T. ROGEHtf & Boltins Cloths. DrT'Ml ANCHOR MU TING CLOTHS. cur®r*otnu® hers. |\t*t rtcvJ'wi and for tale cheap bv tun9B—tf J. B. AW, A. KOSB. r- JOHN CLEGHCRHT DEALER in JWfflf! StHW.tS. HABSESS. I.FATnKR, Kl I!I KK BELTINS, 0 Saddlery Hardware, Etc. Etf. At the Htftnd of the Ute Wm. T. MIX A TO. Octlot, ve* n*. Mai-on, Ga. H|ir' 1 --t* Little & Smith. DEALERS TN Saddles Sz, Harness Together with a general aesortmect ofuiaterlaia for Mann fhetur* r-. m;i VtV and—ts >;o. 139. Pino GROCERIES FOR SOUTHERN FAMILIES. THCVIAS HOPE A. CO., No. 182 Cbavwfrs Ftrkft. Nkw Tore, Imnnrtrr *nd dealer* In *ll ‘ie*rriit ! onß of Farr Old Mqd-lrw Phorrv and Port'Viper. PinVrt Old Prß*.d'e", Old .T-imploa, 5. fral* Rtid Antlß”* Rnci. Old o>. A every v-irlety o! fine Imported and do ! qieuflo l.l(|Morr. ; •• It |. j. ••••- 1, Mm a Q iitlne, Met A Ph*ndnn Hni M immh lmiiep**!, and \fiite: ny. Held* •etot and other Brntiflr. m 1 *• *•* ■• •••Ito-’tjd'ny Chateau Miirf"ii<r. Cl im ten if l.aflffp. villi , ].rm*r MarffauS and J>T. JuUen, Chateati <nd H”! •■niirrro * !*•* ‘t ln<'.w.n{ .1 > m in.i*h.-ry-r Mar- “ per, P'ldeahrlrrrr, Hofkhelmer, Bt*iir!l!iie Ilnrk Riid Mnreltr *'rr-?f r ..—nfqll the choloert rarletlri, Plpyanter. Re pMlla*. Cnneha*. o|,th*. Prf.o H mid OuniH'UOfi f erplPM Frnli**-of all kluds, BmUl'j*, Aboonda, Prune*, Ac. ‘! <• and f’nt /p#*%Hll of the Rnert qurPi'rr. |tm* lit**! Ton••**••Ptirllntroo. VlrlnlE A Wv-rpliHlla Hams, PrnoVe<’ and P'rkler, Tonpijn. Plrklnr, Tube and Stone Jar*. t rlfr rickl'—SHiiorr, CRtrnpt, Bardines, Olvr*. Ac. f’ Part and P<*v India and Tnme*lc And * full *nd general iumr'tn nr of every variety of Fine Groceries. ‘ m**r7-l V KEROSENE OIIS. WSTIU.KD FROM COAL. fNOT tXfLOatvr > SFriTKn TO’ LETTERS PATENT. f J’HF PTPFFPFNT nRAPFP OF TTIFFF CFI FPPA hrnipd Pl'. nH>hl* for MnrMr.r? of *ll Wind*. ( P'narl* and Pr.rMir n** rn h* l ad rs thn itr d**r-ien* • ; ii'oo >f ti - V* olf>al> O ’ I>>-al*ro >rd PniffliiT* lc* 1 Titr of NVw York, and ofthe nnthoricrd Local Ase flu- OompH’ y In this rl® f ' p . A r°TFVJ. Osnsral ArrycT* Kransraa On. Op.. So. P‘ nr or Strool. W T*. T.oral A?**or’ ffrait-d on apvltrafloP aaahi’re, I f>rd**r I,ould *i*rrify fhr doarr't.tloo of or tta* i'Mpw ▼ for which fha oil la *• MPtnd. jllllr 5 1 f Montrelier Springs For Sale. Ts? *T varr vnlnahla nnd dcslmhlp nmpattv known n VOVTrrj ipp wpp?Vo9. nnd orcnn’od for a wmhcr fv.-ar-•-• the ••Onorplri fpUroral tnatltutc.'* la ofThrad for o- Ic. * r M nropcrtv la altnatad In Vcftof coriitv. \T ti-'h-a r • ;<.f A'ncon. sml ahmit ?n Mpafrnrr Fratt’- t"tion. on *v* \'iron A Y’Mow Pt<’ t'o-.d *f> o nl*ii*r pontflljia nvpr Rrv) acres of rood ’and. and on the promisea Pne \flrerl c rring anOßMwlnp hlrhly medicinal qTialltle*. together with aevanu lar?.- lntldlnca In rood repair, and mil peo-A><arv ncooirn-nda t inn-fora School, ora Watering Place. The Orrh.arda 1 are well stocked with ft larr* wid choice varlctv of Apple*. < reaches. Foara. rhrHe*. Nectarine*. Aprlorto. A c.. while he rmupd* nre nmwnented with a larre ooU®otk °* t - r F ’ FhoWe’S .♦ Shrnhherv. further partlculrtrn to I -jji a. i,. ul i w.aaau^a^