The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, October 03, 1857, Image 3

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OK Till’ CONDITION’ of THE BANK OF MIDDLE GrEORGUA, At Macon, u„ on Monday Morning, Sep. ‘JS, ISM. Published in Conformity with the. Proclamation of the Governor of Georgia, dated October Ist, 100*7- UK 13111a of Exchange, naval L- in New York, C7..VW ftfl I uynble In S.v innah, f1tj.779 57 v ** < ’hjrl'*st"i, L2fto Oft ->Otes DlaCtUK.fiMl OH 1-'l,2R'Cs Os the above ain-unt one draft m Now rk for $1.4*170, and one draft on Savan nah !’.,T $2.000f10. and obO U< .* far gSMt, arc under ptotcsl, t•< 11 all arc cuii-ndem! Tixpeu*** account Dm* front other Hank.-. 37 { Itulance in New York subject to sight check ;u) 7*m fit Notes and Checks of other Hank*, 1.6G1 T-S Specie r.t,024 4* 20,685 21 270,262 07 ►T.VTK Fta:nK(; |\, ) r.rrwnally al.p.arl, ISAAC SCOTT, Pmlikiit.iuid H.M. MIRTH, Cashier of the best ol fluffr In V| ji ,j’ of Middle Georgia, and made oath, that the foregoiug statement is Just, and tree to the* ISAAC SCOTT, President. 11. M. NORTH, Cashier. 55.,111 and Sul. . ;il.. .1 l.i IkiLiv in,-, this Miluvof Oclyt.ur, IS-.7. CSljji.i-.l) \V. r. (iOOI)ALL'. Nut. Pul., DiniSCTOHH. 57i?S!: r ~ k. h. oarhart. LIST OF STOCK HOLDERS. Name*. Sparer. A mount’ E. 11. Uarhart 2ft .vkj O. B. Uarhart 2ft ....!! If H. lWplwn ftO ft,i>oo H. M. North, 2ft 2,000 Asher Ayres 2ft 2 .'>oo Edward 101000 Isaac Scott, MM) .'iO*ooo Edwin Parsons, MM) ....... ftOOQO At Willow Island, Pleasants county, Va , Mrs. Kester, wife of Win. Kester, gave birth to three sons on the 26th of August. One of the boys weighs six pounds, another six and a half, and the other seven pounds—making nine teen pounds and a half of babies! “ The children are all fine hale and healthy,” and “ the mother is doing well.” Hlmulh of lilt* \t*w York Bank*. Os the ability ofthc New York buukit to maintain siwcle payments, the Time* saya no doubt is felt or expressed tlivre. and the reason* forthi* confidence are reflected in the follow- Inf figures: i\ew York C ity lliiyks-Public LUblliti-*. To depositors, on demand ->i,!M2 Bunk not* circulation ‘ s ,o7'\ B ol Together *8 In gold, on hand State Stocks at Albany 5,5M,3”) C Together equal to 2ft ets. on the dollar, or H 9,070,52 Leaving to collect 71 cts. on the dollar, or ♦46,865,50 Due from borrowers i0n.744,42 Resulting surplus #*1.888,81 Cousiguect—Uutral Railroad. MACON, October 3, 1857, BA Anderson, A Foster, Campbell A Son, <1 J Blake, H Home, A A Meiiortl. 1) B Woodruff, J M JioafdniHn, Macon Oaa Cos, E 80nd..? BA W A Biwtlok A Rein. .1 Hut/.- felder, J T Smith, Mix A KJrtland, Strong A Wood, L Young X Bro, 11 Vi tell A Cos, B A Andehton, H T Boss, R 1* McEvor. Y Kelly, JAR Massett, .T H Dnmour, N Weed, M Bradt, > A Nottingham. Rogers A Son, E Feutchwanger, EJ -Johnson. Little A Smith. O J Blake, (J A R Smith, CAR Curd, T A (J Wood, Mason A Dibble. Cousl^u^s —Maton k Western Kail Road. MACON, Oct. I, 1857. Allen A Wootton, E Elycd, H O Lamar, G T Rogers A Soi Hardeman A Sparks, Carhart A Curd, Schofield A Bro. I'onsiguets—South-Western Railroad. MAOON, October n, 1857. Buttor., UtiHinrt A 00, Adams AR. T A Harris, Hardeman A Sparks, H F Kosa, J A Knight, G W Price, T Emit, S Lan drum. ARRIVALS AT BROWH’S HOTEL. MACON, October! 1857. J B Raines, Ga .1 A Etheridge, Jones co K A Green Macon co O F Drew. Albany J T Jackson, Ga Dr J Chamberliss, Miss R W Sapps, Texas, W I) Graham, Ga F M Folds, Ga W L Furlow, Amerieus J W Patterson A Lady, Troup-O E Furlow, ville .1 Campbell, Grrfflii Mrs C A YgfQij A wrvM, Alb’yJ Ingraham, Putnam co MU V Eason, “ S J Safford. Ga Mias C Pope, ’* A W Morrison, do Mrv A Pope A serv’t “ S G Ripley, Macon G H Holcomb, Thomaston J S Shren, Washington P Cook, Oglethorpe J R McDonald, Ga J M McAfee, S W Hotel, Port Mis* Drewy, Ala Valley P Holt, Amerieus Mrs Whitney, Fort Valley, T J Sanders, Ga Miss McAfef, “ L C Bryant, *• J J Gregory, “ .1G Moore, Columbus J E Lilly, Peri v J Dews, Ga J Dlllan, Ga J H Weaver. Savannah WO Kellie, “ CP Graver, Ga T W Coff. Preston A C Grubb, do H N Rowe, New York Col J V Hadley, Augusta W J Howard, Columbus M E Mitchell, SC J B Richardson, Lumpkin F Ivey, Ga NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fall Opening. Hfßs. f. Dessau win op*u uext Wednesday. oct. ivj. Otb, a full a*Hrtnient or the latest and most fashionable Rouuclaaud lle*d-Dre**c*. OctS—3td. JU6T RECEIVED at MRS. F. DESSAU'S, V Em broideries, Scarf*, Yoke* and flieeveo, Infants’ Dreane*. Voidh‘4 Under Gnrmenla, _ . i ‘hlldren’* H(**lerv and Skirl*. <VtS—tf. H*R<s. F. TU3SSATT T.-j t, A v ms •; -..tin o’ VELVET nnd fT OTTT CT.iT vii.l T RT U \Q *n*TMhA* vrttb ,no,l > uHf„l WVN P'< „,d JTftnPP.PMM prr.r n<*”- Al* tbic c?l TT. r *. , k ..f Ribbon*. F<rtth- Offl <vrd **ro of IliC Li.-st {U).T r..*’ -•-• A enl 1 Srt Mu. • g most romcetfullv elicited. All order* punc tually *(l o. Oct B—ts. x Opr nine: Bay! TtiuMftV. (tot . Ttt*. Tr* Tdl*a Inrlfo.i ro eaJt snd nvitnlno A rrc . AU- T\rT’TV*< well uelrtrd stock of Good*. OctJtltf ttoTirV'. m rJ, TrisftVi jvia ber<*bv e<\iittoiPd nealnrt tMit'np fftr r> Ai'r4*'tn V'rArr.fsiAr'.- Va(# mod** br m** 4 **lf wfrb <*”• 4Anvmft the I*b of S|rf lf. :tnd due the Ist rs Til'S l '*’’ norf ntad* t'li'iWi* to R. Urd. or hpor** - tor Poiront*-TCf.-n T>*Porsfs7s ftft 1 Tbo rondtons of “fid Vnt. hfivirii* fldled. T do not Intend paying tt wlw bv G. E. CARLETON. afiv*ou. oet S-tlwd-ltw HI VTVG decided to quit Rail Road Contracting, we offer feral” 500 WFCmOTW. .im, ..r MFT.KS, WAOfJONS. CAKTS. *” Tn '' l ’- renvr ™ t rve A—i- In rHARi.rsrou.TNF, rro Cftvc, \vr\X Ms con. >f'OfT,TV i savannah, W. A RTY. BrunKw irk. nr* *—-Jt PT Cltv pajier* publish 2 weeks. TEWWBSSTBE NAWWI. nA ititt> rnorrr ha'< silks * snoiri.LKßS. HOOTERS 4 SON rnm-ASsw. fg rrnnsi rvp?rm> ot t ALTTY MOT.ASSES. 2 SVt.. M for 1F- T rook rs4RON. y* *?nr*i * . i***b V'bereas. Volney Pearce f-T’ nnobro n Via for lotto sos Administration on the estate “'■rwTii t, .jAmimWl a’l .''’’TTi™ at m-r ntllro within thr tw hv If ftnv ttwv F.VP \,-ttv l-tt,*r, Tint V wT-titad. hm *_ * (JOVELTtES. FOROITVTT,rMEV_Etnort/>>, NECK TfF*S. GLOVES M*uwtto SWTR't'S. Sbjtt srSPF.VTIFRS. CANES. CARPET BAGS, U WLa. he- Oatt K ('l>lllll stnek 19\1¥,l no Df|H>Mt .Ir-omi! bft !.■.*< 36 llteiiliituin '!) i.) Due to other Bank- 240 .a,-, I’rotltnand Uex-nei Fund 14.2W4 ‘.‘6 270*262 07 INSURE YOUR PROPERTY! The Qreat Western Insurance and Trust Company. Office, No. 107, Walnut Sreet., Phil. Charter Pi>r|ieUu>l, Authorized ('uultul, $500,000. MARINE INSURANCES on Vphsols, Cargo Frelirht to all part* Os the World. INLAND INSURANCES’on Good* by the Rivers, Canals, I.akts. and iuid Carriage to af parts of the Union. F'RE INSURANCES on MerSindlx” generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. Directors* CharlegC. loithrop. 4.27 M’alnut vStm t, Henry D. Moore, sfl tlo to Alt. WTiUldin, Merchant HNorth Front Street, •Tno. C Hunter, Firm of Wright, Hunter & Cos., E. Tracy, Firm of Tracy A Baker. ! n - R; V’Unnfv, Firm of Jones, White & M’Curdy, S. S. Blslion. Flam of Bishop. Simons & Cos., • T as. B. Smith. Firm of Jams ft Smith ACo , Thos. L. Gillespie. Firm of Gillespie A Zeller, Isaac Hazlehurst. Attorney and Cmn.,i ’’ .r. Union Place Robert Hare Powell. 21 Walnut Sff, f. Thee. W Baker, GoM.-mith.x’ Ilall, Henry C. Wetmore. N*-w York. C. C. LATIIUOp, Pi.'snlent. „ T _ WM. DARLING, Vi President. ‘ H. K. RICHARD.MiN, Assistant Secn i.try. j Office at Macon, * , l> I' —ly ■>. ILK. WASHINGTON, Agent. WANTED. rAM stilt buying Military bounty Land Warrants,an ) will always give the highest cash price. Macon Ga, july W— ly. O. J. HLAKK. ONWARD 2 IMPORTANT TO THE PRESS. THE GN/IPHALIUM Tgs( )R the immediate removal of Printers’ Ink, Grease, and JL all other Impurities is put up tn Barrels of 40 to 15 Gallons, and delivered free of exponso to anv part oft.heUnl i'-'l States. bv Express at ttt2o per barrel. DNE HALF the amount will lie taken In advertising. ONE BARREL will do the work of a Dally Paper two years. The remaining $lO In cash must accompany the order, either by Post or Express. EDITORS wishing to adopt this valuable preparation Into their service will tie pleased to enpv this advertisement, seed to n\f a copy °ftheir Paper containing it, with their order, and It. will receive my Immediate attention. All order* must be addressed to WM. HUMPHREYS. Chemist. Savannah, Georgia. From the Macon Georgia Citizen, Aug. 28 t7i-, ’67. The ONAPHALIUM, a liquid preparation for cleansing Type °f Printer’s Ink. We have tried this and found It an excellent article \*r the purpose indicated, one gill of the fluid t>eing sufficient to cleanse two pages of tvpe of all ink collected on them during the running off of an edition otthe paper. Put up in Barrels of 40 to 45 gallons, and sold at S2O per barrel. WHO WANTS MONEY? $60,000 MAV BB OBTAINED BY RISKING 10 DOLLARS. Halves and Quarter Tickets IN PROPORTION. J.ISPBIt COI'VTY ACAUK.HV LOTTERY, j By authority of the State of Georgia, [ Xfavaiia I’l.ol, Finale VimilM‘rw. 30,000 Tickets—3,2B6 Prizes, AMOUNTING TO $215,260. t’HIZK* PAYABLE WITHOUT DKIIUUTIOX. ANDERSON <fc SON, Managers, Successors to J. F. Winter, Manager. Our Lotteries draw luMacon, Ga.. (Small Schemes) every Saturday, and in Savannah, Ga., (Large Scheme) about the 15th of ever)’ month. Class CC, DRAWS OCT. 15th, 1857, AT ARMORY HALI, Savannah, Ga. Umler the Sworn Superintendence of W. R. Symons and ,T. M. Prentiss, Esqs. C. \PTT \ TiS nf AfiO.nOfi, A2nnon. AlO.tW. SSA(V. $4,000. HiO/Wi. T’rlrea nf AIOOO. snf A-Wt. 100 nf SIOO. 100 nf SSO. anon nf SSO and 72 Approxlmatlnn prizes amounting to $3,750. Whole Ticket* glO, Hnlve* g 5. Quarters 2,50. Look to vour Interest and compare tnla cheme with any other. Bank Notes nf sound Banks taken at par. Cheeks on New York remitted for nrtzes. Address orders for tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tickets to ANDERSON A HON. Manager-. sep 23 Macon or Savannah, Ga. Ornamental Iron Work, TITE SUBSCRIBERS invite attention to their large as sortment of uncftil and ORXAITFVm AM) IRON fiflODS, Comprisin'* manv art'c’es nf IRON FURNITURE for the TTnuie and Garden, sueh as Bedsteads. Hat S*inds, Table* Rustic Chairs and Settees. Fountains. Urns. Win- Trellisses. Ulnwer Baskets, ifrc.. and the most complete variety nt • B ATT .TNG tn be found In tbe United States, for enclosin’ Cemetery T.ots. Dwelling TTonses. .t'e. Particular attention being devoted to this branch of our wv slness, parties Tvhr mav favor us with their orders may drum on receiving Railings of tastefiit dent-ms and made in i tnoro .lull maim”. r,T\v. TmGTIIKR .(■ CO.. fww Washington Street, 80-ton. J. L. JONES. Resldeut Agent, june Id—wly—dm Wood! Wood!! In Peace prepare for War! In Sum mer prepare for Winter! TUF, undersigned ! prepared to contract for the delivery of Wood tn parties desiring tn lav in asunnlv. at $3 nercord, at such times and In such quantities, wmavbcnecded Warty application is requested. OLTVER PORTER, sen -ts GNJOROI*. H n nrtsn —Nancv Valentine an nues to me hr L. Tfarren to be Rndstored as a Free ner* BOU of Color. With he*- fi children a*>d three grand children. f: Ann. 22 v ear*nld : Tom. about IS or 19 years old : Lu a. about Ifi or 17 years old : Amanda, about 13 or 14 w'f* : Sampson, about 11 nr 12 rear* old • John. 9 years old; Xfav S roars old : .Tae. fi years old : Georgia Ann. fi months old : Nanny Valentine 1* ibotrt ."7 o*3* ve-r Hl. *-ns bom In South Caroi'na. and came to this State In I**l. They all re side in the sth District of Houston county, Georgia. CSoor'i*. llon*on County.—l do hereby certify that the j*hove G a ♦me extract from the Minutes of sold Court, this Sent, 3d, 1957. „ ~ . _ a_tt E. M. HULSEY. C. J. C TO TRAVELERS. PAPER COLLARS. and Bwoa, juat ZW moolvcd 4fej osatci (Jiatf. uyml SITUATION WANTED. IX A STEAM SUI )lIU. A MACHINIST, .. lit. 1,.|. 1.. M nr.ul, IV cncc with Circular Saw -and Grist Mills, wa,,t- ~ ma tlnu oi interest in one. R., >:,i. udation* first rat. Address MACHINIST, sop 23—3tw* No. 11l p. o. Box Maeotr. I * r , Patriot will ph a. 0 insert 3 time- and Mil to tills Office, MILLINERY AI'IXIIN WOliM Fashionable Goods in her liu.\ counting of STRAW. SILK AND VELVET HATS, newest style. HEAD DRESSES of every design. CURLS AND HAIR BRAIDS. EMBROIDERIES, of rich qualities. LACE SETTS of various patterns. Also a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, * hM> wl ” soW vcry Ihaiiktul for nast favor.M sh,. srlidto a continuance of the nil 11’ ‘r ji* 1 ” i 1 tYleuds, and study to deserve the kind i*-t ---ronage ot all who may .-sill and view her goods, sep 29—ts FOR RENTr > SLmsl*llli KOOMS.iv. r H. A. Wis.-N pos“" ‘"in *K.” iriui.r-GLitoly. Apply to _ ofl 1 11 ’ NATHAN WEED. fiu. mi ram min. MRS A. DA MOP R. lias just returned from New York ■ itti a splendid and fashionable assortment of the above named goods, consisting of Silk. Velvet and Straw Hats PLUMES, FLOWERS, KIRONS. CAPS, HEAD DRESSES. POINT LACE SETS. BERTHAS EMBROIDERIES, CLOAKS OF ALL QUALITIES, LONG SHAWLS, BROCIIE SHAWLS, CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS. A large lot of new Styles Extension SkirN, Whale hone, and other llooi* Br Skirls. A lot of fine Kobe* with trimming on the side and other Goods for Dresse*. such as Canton Crape, Flounced Robes, Ac. sop I—-wly CITATION. GEORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY. WHEREAS, James C. Hale applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of James W. Hale, late of said county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next tfier. and there to show cause, if anv they have, why said Ut ters may not be. granted. 2Sth V j?-‘ mUrinV l ,l,nd :it Marion, this September. oct 1-w .t. W. NEEL. D*'p. Ordinary. FINE CLOTHINff, IN ri;oeipl nf some stylish BLACK FROCK COATS and slinll i-iintiimi'til rco-lve for two nrlhnv wv.-ks, bv vecklu enipmvat* from New T.nk. deSniWe CLOTIIISO madi- ill. I our Own order, at reasonable prices for (’ASH. ( >ct i—ddrwim c ][_ raird Floyd Ifousfl block, 3 doors from Carhart dr Ross. BOLTING CLOTHS. Ditch anchor hoi.tinu cloths, imrerentnum. I—rA lu.'t received mill for sale chenp by lulylii—tf .1. b:.4 VT. A. ROUS. LOUIS R. MENARD, F. H. BFKOHARD I. lie w til M. D.Barnes.) (L.ili’witliDay&Maussi’nrt) MEMABUABUBE^^ \V ILL open, at their New Store, Ralston’s Range, Corner of. Cotton Avenue ;.nd Cherry .Street, about the Ist of October, a beautiful and well selected assortment of Wnlthes, Clucks, Jewelry, Silver-ware. Musical InstnmieiiiH, Fano\ Are. Ac. An examination of which they would iiu.m respectfully *< licit, fooling confident that they win be iini,- r *err everi their line calculated to pleas© the taste of even the inwiw*'- tidious. Xlopairing ot every description executed in a manner that will guaran teesfttlsfaction, by tin lx*Ht Workman in the South. j hey hope, by offering (yholce mid elegant Goods, and by strict attention to business, .to merit a liberal share of pat ronage, sep 25—dtf i"®*” City papers Copy. ■KA9. &T* ILjtcst Styles. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, |IOR wear, Comprising everything <leslr ftWe foe a Oajentin'9 Wardrobe, now opening by aep 2t>-dAw-lra C. H. BAIRD. HEAD QUARTERS FOR FA WABLG DRY GOODS. BOSTICK KErN would invite the attention of every body, especially the Ladles, to their New Stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, which are now just opened and ready for inspection. It is a xvell known fact that our House has always been “HE A D Q UAH TE RS” for the Yeuenl, Richest and most Fashionable styles of Prc** Good*, and we boldly assert that our present assort ment will compare in point of taste, variety and elegance, with anv Stock in the State of Georg! a. LADIES, one and all, we invite you to call and see the most magnificent Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, eve opined in Macon. Come, whether von wish to buy or not. we want you to see them, so that vou can tell your neighbors and acquaintances how beautiful the Goods are. sep 2G—tf BOSTICK ft KEIN. Velvet Cloaks, JUST received a splendid assortment of Velvet and ClothCloak9,(new style*.) ADn, Crape Shawl*,and Long Scarfs that will please the Ladies, lep 36—ts BOSTICK ft KEIN. Silks! Silks! Silks! THE largest, handsomest and cheapest Stock avr brought to Mscon, including every style, color and price, from sl2 to flOOuatt. jut opened at pep 26—ts BOSTICK ft KEIN. Attention Planters. WKcanpupply vou id Negro Blankets. Kersey* and Plantation Good*, on as favorable terms as any other establishment in Georgia. Give ns a call, sep 26—ts BOSTICK ft KEIN. Embroideries. WE can now show many novelties in Embroideries and our Lace Good* are really superb. Al*o,the, largest variety of Muslin Flouncing and Trimmings in the city. Just received by BOSTICK ft KEIN. sep 26—-ts Curtain Goods &. Carpetings. A large supply just received, and will be sold very cheap by BOSTICK ft KEIN. sep 26—ts G.G. TAYLOR, FORMERLY connected with the Fort Valley Female Som inary. being solicited by many of citizens of thc place, will open on the first Monday In September, an Indepen dent Academy of Music, Literatim* and Fine Arts. Justice tn Pupils. Appllcat ions should be made at an early date. For particulars address GEORGE C. TAYLOR, Director. aug 10 - dftwßm Fort Valley. Just R,eoeived, FRESH annh and Brunswick Oysters, which will be served up In style at E, ISAACS’ Restaurant, sep 26-d-ts Cherry street. WAIVTED TO HXHE, SIX N'KtißO BOYS, about nine or tec years old, Ini mediately or by tbe drat of w WAOWN Macou *ep 2&—lot* • Ale Sc Porter. O H casks Jeffers Ale, Vint bottles, SMS A Comfortable Dwelling To Rent. A rIM - Y Ts) MRS. AMELIA ROSS, on Min. Ii S|„,, 2V M-poMt'R- . Valk-lv M..IJ, ! Cloaks ! C loaks ( loakx ! T 1 !.!': -ortlnml In Macon which shall he ..aid and wfh™. a (fuilie. Bmatloi.’ I’.iu .If Sole. I pSrySd'r nßSaml Shlrtln,rJ fr, " n ‘■ ■ •“* wnts i French and English Merinoes; ! kcid lu a Fancy I.rvßo.jT^.tKn 'i l !?'Viofuti’ln* l I very low, at the New York Sir,re 1 Maeen, sept. Kt—ts ,>EKMAS * WATERMAN. J THE BEST BARGAIN YET! “W'wMmy * branch of hnstness I will | “ Upson Warm Springs,” 1 Mou 1 ” , "‘ l ITh* which i tn,not faille, give satis j !J I ;: 1 : 7rdci! •! • f 'o lll> 7 l V : ,“T s 'J < 2? ,h< '’ #h the superior alyle 1 i . „ ,V' , Tu ’’ ■-'h which tlie Baths arc fitted up hav> alrcmiv 1 f u.Hn'sn'shnW 1 ,y i f,U rSr-N.II'IK anv similar establislf. j 1 1 t,r ‘ -'‘"nt n period ; and is i sufficient gnar.uit.v for anv 1 Jh-talists U • speeiaily invited to examine this pro- I ~rV,V, \ fr Ul l!’i l „ l . w“n ,ar - ,: t w,,> h.'lw Proprietor ill Tlmmast.n; ertu Mi. Ji.lm \\. he premise. . , a, THOMAS c Al TIIORN, _?:6. s i ‘" r ‘ Pro^otor, Sf elehrale.l SKWIVi I ‘VffKpm* fur '•>• B. *w. A. ROSS. Fancy Camtiimere P;int. b’-d PJdr Fancy Cassimere Pants just recclv.,d at ; .'•U 1 ’ _ E. WINSifIP’S. OIL CLOTHS of all widths, just received am! tor sale by ( julyO d—ts) B. F. ROSS A 00. IVoticc. ‘ , urli , cis*hlp heretoforeexlstiiig between JOS. ookh ft SON. and ISAAC WINTERS, is this day involved bv mutual consent. Tin business will be carried on by Jos. 1 .voice ft Son, this July 21st. 1*.*,7. sept 22—ts JOS. TOOKE ft SON. JACOB SCHAU, BOOT AND SHOE-MAKER. m yhfew, RESPECTFULLY annnounces to his friends HHII and thv public in general, that lie is now prepared 50 execute anv work in his line in the most appro- T Via. yed style, with promptness and dispatch. He flat ters himself tn be aide to give entire satisfaction, as to pi ices and workmanship, and invites a close comparison between las and northern work. Ills stand is on Mulberry Street, where the late Mr. Binder used to work,between Dr. Thompson’s Drugstore and Mr. (sep S3-td*) FOR SALE. A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN about 30 year* old. with her two Children,a Bov 4 years old and Girl, infant.— Sold for no fan't—the owner having no use for them. The >\ oman is a good Cook, Washer and Ironer. For terms, annlv early to (}. A. DURE. Macon, sep 24—d-ts BAZAAR OF FASHION! $50,000 WORTH OF the most, elegant, rich and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS Just arrived and In Store at Ross, Coleman & Ross’, Collun Avenue, ever before offered to the criticism of a fash ionable world. Allow us most respectfully to solicit an early inspection of our Furoncan and Homo Fabrics, consist In e of everything that can charm the eve or captivate the taste of even the most fastidious. We feel no hesitancy in proclaiming it the Largest. Richest, and most varied assortment, by far. that was ever brought to Macon. A notice of only a few of our novelties will give a slight idea of th magnificence of our Stncrc and the bright, and beautlfulnnveeltles that adorn our Shelves and (blunter*. Point lYAlencon Lace COLLARS, from sl2 00 to- SBO 00 each. Real French EMBROIDERED SETTS, from $3 00 to $25 00 a ‘ict. Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, from $1 00 to $25 00 each. •L\CON KT and SWISS BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 00 a strm RffißES. Aqul'le In Worsted and Silk Embroidered with Y.uK't'm.'ft*v U/TrSinSßOßErfrora%l3 00 to *9O no each/ THIRTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of New Jaco net and Swiss Frilling*—exclusive stvtes—at all price*. ninth and Velvet fcMANTILLAS worked with Silk and Ostrich Feather*. OIL PAINTINGS, among which are Sybil’s Cave at Hobo ken. Now Jersev, and the Tomb of Kosciusko. A great variety of TAPESTRV VELVET. TAPESTRY’ HRUSSFLS. THREE PT.Y AND INGRAIN CARPET IVG. RT'CS. DRUGGETTB. OTL (’I.OTHS. &c. Our Stock of Plantation Goods is most ample and complete. 8-4 white Blankets at 62)$ cents each, and prices running up to $1 25 each. Evorv M-ig is earnestly solicited to give us a call as our stock is unusually large and wo are bound to sell. IMF” Please remember to get at the right place on Uotton Avenue, ai ROSS, COLEMAN ft ROSS’. sep 2-d-ts For Sale. THE House and Lot on the Hill between Col. Refill's and Jud*e Oreaham’s. belonging to Edwin Graves, the highest point of the Hill. Large Lot, house in good repair, comforta ble out house*, good Garden. Fririt and Shßiherv. The hand somest Improvement offerred tor sale in the Hh’ f. *r vears nast. Anplvto S. F. IXCK7NRON. sep 2—ts f \ boxes Os \f K\FT. HI(T ITW Just received from *I ’ “ St 1 ,ou!s direct, and for sale bv TTiay2fi d—ts C. A. ELLS ft SON. School Notice. MISS CLARK will resume her School on the 21st Septem ber in the East half of the Male Academy as formerly. sep 11—lawftiw. MACON FLOUR MILLS. Price of Flour Reduced. TO meet the reduction on the pjlce o’ Grain, we have reduced the price of our Flour twentv-flve cents per bushel—and on Meal five cents per bushel. Ten per cent, reduction to the trade as usual. JAMES A. KNIGHT. sep 4—ts Agent. QmNBY’S Bussle. A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, and for neatness, lightness and stength uneqalled by anything of the kind In be market . For pale by T. H. PLANT, sep 6—ts Just Received. OK AAA Paper* On rdfn Seed*. fIO.V/'H/ 8 bueh. Kor*t’v Blue Grn**, By A. A. MENARD. Druggist, (ebT-tf Cherry Street. JUST RECEIVED, V LARGE Lot of Choice CIGARS of the following brand*, 5000 Concha*. 6000 Oorono Ducal. 6000 Operas, by E. IRA ACS. lune2fi~ and ts OFFICE OVER WINSHIP’S CLOTHING STORE, Comer of Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street. oct I—6m UlTii I FEATHERS. 1 OC\ PACKAGEB NEW CROP MACKEREL. ICO RARRFLS THOMASTON LIME. 5000 LBS. TENNESSEE FEATHERS. For sale low for cash, oct 1-ts J. B. ft W. A. ROSS. 13F” City papers copy. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE I OFFER FOR SALE, my houae and lot, on Cherry *t., between 8d and 4thstreet*, Macon. The lot contain* three quarters of an acre of land, and the house is a Urge two story frame building, with all necessary out buildings attached. I will sell at a bargain. If not sold at private sale, before the Ist Tuesday of August, It will be offered at public sale, at the Court House on that day. Terms liberal. J. P. LaMAR. Jun-lDdse _ GREAT BARGAIN. THE Subscriber offers for sale* Thousand Acre* of Oak and Hickory Land, lying within three or four mile* of the city of Macou, between the Forsyth Road and the river, adjoining tbe lands of King, Holt a 1 and Lundy. Six hundred acres of which are in the wood*. The land contains some first quality of creek bottom and branch hammock land.— Sor further Information apply to Judge William Lundv. or t. Janie* King, rnv agent, who is authorized to sell the place forme. Tltlftt inolsputablo. The place will be divided 04J.POW, FOII AI.E, GO ACRES OF LAND NEAR TROUP HILL. ’ .opO.V-lm T. .4 G. WOOD. HATS! jff HATS! BELDEN &CO, A RK no\v iyc.-i -ring nt th.-ii htxhlotmlilc Hat Sinn*, j fS RAL PON’S NEM CGNCI RT 11ALL. Cherry | Str.-ct. Macon, aLa g.- iml Varied of (;<>ods In FALL SILK HATS. } Extra Kaniilouablt- llla. k Btebvcr. Do I “ French Felt Hats, i Men s < ‘asiiinorcite “ Matllo(>s ! - Drab 80-, vonj j “ Silk Velvc rap*. Navy - E\,r i I UdloF Riding Hai s Extra Fine] ! Otter Caps, ex fn< Boy’s Hats.FF m , black and Fur Hats, ! H " e and W.>l do N \ v and Rlaek Velvet Cups. M|np raps fi..m :.i> ets. to $: u.t, BkSf Also a iarge assortment of Planta -1 H ti..n Goods. |, ,t),er I!:,t p. ,m j. I'm C3 brcllAs, ft-. •'*’ 01 ‘ bicj, will he sold at fair pri-. . Jobber* from t'lwn or country, can have their Stocks replenished on favorable terms. ‘ (sep 22—3 m) BRIDGEPORT ISSIiCi IflOT. BRinGEPORT, CONN. OFFICE, STURDEVANT PLACE. I CAPITAL *:S00.(>00 DOLLARS. X3 irootore: r Thomas E. Courtenay, Joseph Richardson, Henry W.Chattteld. Wiillant 11. Noble, Williams. Knowlton, .Vutbvose W. Thompson, ’ Nathaniel Greene, Courtland Kelsev, Edwin R. Mason. T. E. COUTENAY, Pres’t. J. H. WASH BURN, Sec’y. H. \V. ( HATFIELD, V. Pies. Tha Subscriber is for the above Company, and is pre pared to take risks on favorable terms. Office at Bank of Middle Georgia. 11. M. NORTH. Agent, aug 31—ly ymifi! 50.000 Feet LEATHER a- RÜBBER BATING For Jiurliinery am! Flu Hands. The article made at Manufacturers Prices. A July io—tr utti.e jiftimi RETURNED THE OLD ITAND. Toll\ L. JOYT'B 00. have removedun their New Store, erected on the same lot where thev conducted their previous to the fire, and where thev will keep their utw extensive stock of 4'fothiu-<’ ad Furnl-hln* <;>.od-, to whjtfi they respectfully invite the attention of purchasers’. In tle course of next monlh thev will receive their Fall and Wi •iter Slock, which will comprise all that is now and fashionable, and will he offered at the lowest prices, aug 25-d-tfo MW FAU AND WINTEH THE subscriber Is now receiving a large and handsome Stock of KTAPLK A\l> F\\(\ DRY GOODK Suitable for Fall and Winter Taade. Among them wiil be found rich Silk Rohes, Also. Stripe Silks, plain Silks for YTisscs’and children’s wear: fine lot of English and French Merinos. Cash meres. Muslin deLnlnes* Pop lins. Lustre*. Gingham*, / French. English and American Prints, • &c.. ftc. C AKtt JMKHKB AAD ft .4TWISTS, FOR OV’ WF.VR. Al#n. a large lot <> f HOSIERY’ for Ladle* and Mjmes, Gents and Rovs : Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, chutper than anv ever holbre offered*to the public. IRISn 7.INENS. a large stock verv cheap ; RED BLANKETS 11 qualities ; FLANNELS. LTNSEYS, and in fact even- article usunllv kept m a first class DRY’ GOODS ESTa nuwni rwrr. nr a mu i.u tn iiing uoonsns low If not lower than any House in Macon Our customers and the public generally, are earnestly re quested to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we in tend totn- and give them the worth nf their money. Sop, 15. GEO. W. PRICE. IWA.COV CARRIAGE DEPOSITORY, Next to Lanier House, MACON, GEORGIA Geo. & Robt. Smith, MA NT T F Af_'T T’KF.RS AND DEALERS IN rJKSBJLe Carriages, Rookaways, Bug .Tersey Wagons, Harness, • ” Whins, Ladies and Gents Sole Leather, Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags, Hats and Bonnet Boxes. Baby Carriages. Verv nice article, with two and four wheel*. We also receive regular supplied nf the Genuine nrattleboro Buggies, manufactured express!v for us bv Asa Miller. Carriages of anv desired pattern built to’ order, on short no tice. TV” Repairing of every description neAtly and prompt ly executed. Wc respectfully solicit a call from our friends and the pub lic generally, as we are determined to sell low for CASH, and on the most reasonable terms to responsible parties. tub 14—ts G. ft R. SMITH. NEW OPFNING OF ML & WISTTBR MS, TRIANGULAR BLOCK. CORNER OF COTTON AVE NUE AND SECOND STREETS. Come all, and Share In the Bargains I am Offering. THE subscriber Is lust opening a rich and splendid Stock of Fall and Winter Good*, consisting partly in Black and Cold plain and figured Silks, Satin Bavadlre and Droeuet CneckM Silk*. Gros de Naples and Satins, French and English Merino*. Worsted Plaids, all Wool de Lalnea. and a large variety of others. Poulins. Paramattors, Ala pacas. Du cals and Casheroerea. Velvet and Cloth Cloak*. Talmas, Albion* nd Velvet Alvins, a rplendlri vari ety of Shawls, the celebrated Stella Shawls and Scarfs, one of the richest variety of Embroideries, ever brought to this Cltv an unsurpased rich variety of Rlbhon. Trimmings and Velvet Trim mings. English. French and American Print*. Cashomcreu. Doeskins. Flannels, a large assort ment of Domestic*. Blanket* and Kersey*. Linen Da masks. French Counterpane*, at-d a large variety nf other ar ticles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at the cheapest Cash Prices. No exertion shall be spared to give perfect satisfaction to all who want goods at cheap rates. I solicit a call from cltv and country buyer*, and to price the raveraUrtld* they retire. prevloujto^DJ^K^gJ; Attention 8188 COUNTY CAVALRY ! THE Bridle*, Martingales. Sp’trs, and Saddle Cloths for the Company, have been received and ready ior deliv ery. LITTLE ft SMITH. sop 29—ts FOR SALE. A A HOUSE ft LOT, In the South part of Macon, near A John Cumming’s. Th - lot Is half an acre, well Imnroved, house with three rooms, well of water, fte. For terms apply to NANCY PEARCE, sep 30—d6tftlw OFFICE TO RENT. THE OFFICE in Concert Hall Building, formerly occu pied by E. D. Trarv. Esq. Apply to MISS J. A. ft 8. S. VIRGIN, PP> MIX ft KIRTLAND. or GEORGE PAYr>E, Proprietor*. sep 30—ts For Sale or Rent. A COMFORTABLE HOFBE in E*3t Macon, situated near the residence of H. T. Powell, Esq., is offered so- Sale O’ Rent on eav terms. If rented to a good tenant tbe premises will he put Id good ojrder Popsesglpo given lmjnar qtotefr. Apply to W 3. wiLXIFCmD, TrmunnOf. Mercer Potatoes, &c. I(1 HHLS. prime Mercer Potatoes Lt/ 100 huahefr Planting Pea*Just rvoelved nnd tor *al by OKO. T. ROGKRb ft MON aprtld—tf Blankets, Kerseys, &c. | ) BALKS 9-4 Negro Blankets. 1 m j d* Georgia ;md Northern Kersey*, 15 d> Osnanurg*. A do do Striped, 10 d<> Macon Sheetings, 3 Case* of asserted Ltnsey, PI.. e- Bed and White Flannels, 00. Pair of Bed Blankets, assorted, 100 do Hotel Blankets, Together with a well assorted stock of Groceries for Planters ami Family use. all of which will Is’ sold low as any In the Market. Planter* wishing to mwchase Blanket* and Korsqy* V Ido iv ell to give ours a l.x>k Auv purchasing elsewhere a* v.e an-determined to sell, if low rfrlees will Indues purchasers DUNLAP. HARRIS ft CD si-p 21 -dftw tjan. at Allen ft Dunlap’* old stan.l (’arpeting aml nil Cloths. I*/Y ROT.T.S Carpet Inv- of won ,M\le and quftlltle*. of Ta “>** I<. *-! t \ Velvet and Mru>m-'-. Three p'v. Ligrain and Bunerflne Pug and M \t •. Floor Oil Cloths of all width* from K vsnf to 18 feet, sultnbb- T"t Mails and Dining Booms, t’oeoa and India Matting. Tn the above goods wc can show the largest and bert assort ment in the Cltv. Hou.te-koeper*are requested t<>exant'necjir Stork, before making their Fail purchase*. B. F. ROSS ft #V4;. .Macon, aep2l—tf Arch Block’. t'heVrv . firnts’ Furnishing Good*. I.INF.N and lea Shirts, Silk and Merino under Shirts, Uneats. Scarf*. Handkerchiefs. Cloves, half Hoco. Sn*Txnrtoi>, Ac., ftc.. lust received at E YVTNSTTTP’® sop 13—ts ‘ \GFATY IM\K OFMinm.l- c;ronn?\, > Th ‘mnMtOH,4fJn.. Sept. 21*t. 1557. \ TOUT Fvchanrc on N T cw Vortc f Savannah and Macon, for sale. Prompt attention given to collections, sep 21—t\y THfS. F. BETH EL. Agent. NEW FALL GOODS a *r •“ .-m w nmb n • TjSTF :..r- rwnj.ffnt Vi-i-vw SI .'.iJdlllnn, tn nnrmnrlc i .TS'-ilir!!! . N h ‘ ‘w* ’ , '“ l Ih.u w. have everevhlhffod. W already offer urmsual lu/l'icements to our friend* who wjph tn make Eorty Fall Pur Arises augf4-tf W. W. PARKER ft CO. i NEW FAtL GOODS! T*IQfSTIfJk&KI3IN WGULD Inform their Friend* and (’usbffnars that thev baee emmenced receiving tbr welhaftmrted. very ox tefisivi and exceedingly rich supplies of Fall filta’plo eft* !PH.oy And wHI continue to receive till full, pef even- Stoame . their fashionable Store House on Cotton Avenue The • In vite tie at tention of the Ladle* and the public In’genera,’ to Ihe which are .Just opened. b. ft k. BAGGING A NT) ROPE. 1 A A WALKS Gunnv Cloth “ J “ “” “5(1(1 Colls Richardson’vfrinerior Rope for sale hv !unel7 d—ts */vtTDRE ft ANDERSON. Machine Beltitfg and Cin Rands. rKITHFR \V¥>RrnHKK REI Tt\fr at Vwiifea J tutors prloes for CASH. LITTLE ft SMITH. mav2fi and—ts FIbOTYR. 1 A AAA T ' Bp; Superior Family FLOUR for sale by J-VOFIUF BOWDRE ft ANDERSON. Junebfi d—ts Private Hoarding. THE Subscriber having taken Mr. Lamar's House on Cher rv Street, can accommodate one or two families with comfortable room* and good hoard, after the Ist of October. Also, a few Day Boarders. W. S. WILLIFORD. Macon, sep 19-d-ts BAGGING AND ROPE. AAA COILS Richardson’s best. Rope. O IMF 200 half coU* do do dr. 200 d<? White Rope, 200 do New York Rope. 2000 lb* Twine. &)0 Rolls Heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 Bales do ’ do do For sale by J. B. ft W. A. ROSS, sep B—'tf Just. Irteceivecl. A FINE assortment of Ltonre* Travxluwo Tacrgg* and Ronnvt Boxk*. July 81-ts K. BAULBBURT. Portable Desks A N Assortment of Rose Wood Writing De*k- Par .ale I>7 I v BOARDMAN sep i—ts __ DR. A. PIERCE. homceofathibt, fNTENDS making thl* city hi* place of permanent residence. Those who desire bl* services may find nim, when not professionally engaged, at hi* omce over T. J. Lane’s Store, Ready at all time* to answer their call*. Jan24—tf BACON. 20.* 1 ’ n7 hc,o *. n s lr>ES. nAMS A HffOCL ™ ifi ’ niCRS In Store ami sonn tnarrlvr, fnr wilp nv Cloth Coats. . a Inrire lot nf Brown nnd Black (-loth frock -oats of the latest styles and the best quality. ■ep la—rs x. WINSHIP. THE ONLY GENUINE Brattleboro’ Buffffies. THE Sidmcribw; keen always on hand ffw ofthc OEN VINE BRATTI.EBOKO’ BrilOlgs Manufactured ex preaalv for them nv Asa MTHer. of Brattleboro’, Vermont, which for style of finish nnd durability are far superior to any of the many imitation* which are now offered for sale In the market. N. B. We would here state for the information of our friends nrt the pub lie generally that tha only Genuine Blattleboro’ Buggiei, are those which are Manufactured hv ABA MILLER, of Brat tleboro, Vermont. Mttton.s e p,4-d.Aw-t? EOßO y,tL^^fe. FOR RENT. THE large house corner of Uherrv and Fifth Street*, having been handsomely refitted if for Rent !f applied for orlv, or will be sold on long time to a ?rood purchaser. The Duelling House over mv Store opposite the Tout Office containe five room*, fitted with On*, Ac.. i also for rent.— Possession given lit of October next. Alno. some small houses. W Anp t( L *• THOMSON. Macon, *ep 15—ts. FOR RENT. C< large and alrv Room*, suitable for Offices or B Room*, on 3d street, In tha rear of tbe new ronrort Hell, sep 10—ft JAMES A. RALSTON forrentT The Store House on Cotton Avenue, now oecuplml a** Clothing Store by Mew*. Blackaheor A Cos. Also, the }wn storv Dwelling on Walnut street lately occupied bv Mr. Jacksonßarne*. Apply at MRS. HOWLANIFS. *ep IQ-ts PIANO. A Good SECOND HAND PIANO WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN, (l> lm) AT T. A O. WOOD’S. ~]DrT”Wrn7lc. Molt, HAVING removed hi* OFFICE over E. L. Btrohacker A fto.’s new Drug Store, will attend promptly to all call*. sep2l-4-?w* FATiI. GOOD* PLANTERS A MERCHANTS. K. A BALKS Georgia Kereey, 10 ease* Flannels, e)"r 25 do Northern do 26 do Ticking, 6,000 Negro Blankets, 27 do Jeanea, Casslmere, 600 Bed do 10 de Stripe*. 76 Co*a* Wool Hats, 29 do Blch’d Homespun*, 320 do Shoe*, 10 do Satlnetta, 29 do Prints. 10 do Alpaca*, 10 do Gingham*, 7 do Linen*. 80 do Clothing. We are adding dally to our stock a general assortment of good* in our line, to which we invite the attention of purchaser* who are In seajch of Good Bargain*. *ep B—ts J . B, A W. A. ROMS. Oil Oolors. AN assortment of Artist’s Oil Color*. Also. Boxes of the some with OUa, Brushea, and Pallet* coTnnlete. For sale by J. M. BOARDMAN. sep 4—ts Fanny Fern Again. “The Flay Day Book,*’ anew Juvenile by the author of “The Little Fern*.” Also any quality of new and pretty Book*, Toys, Ac. for the holidays, eultable for old and yoa&g. Come and > _ 1.1. . >. aoßu&r