Georgia Christian repertory. (Macon, Ga.) 1831-18??, March 07, 1832, Page 24, Image 4

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24 ADVERTISEMENTS THE MUSEUM Os foreign Literature, Science, and Arts. (ITilh a Plate to each number.) Published every mouth by E. Littell, North west corner Seventh and Chesnut-strects, Philadelphia. UK MUSEUM consist* of the best articles from the a English periodicals, mid contains almost every thing important to American readers in tlietn all. It is flipiai in i|unntity of matter to three ordinary Magazines, and while it may lie said to contain the spirit of the Eor cun Journals, has a full snare of articles upon American Literature. Price, s<3 a year in advance; $7 if not in advance. Single number, 75 cents. O’ Orders for this valuable work will be received at this office COOKE & COWLES, ARE now opening their Fall Supply ol Goods, consisting of every description ol DRY GOODS, HATS, FINE BOOTS & SHOES. A large Slock of Negro Shoes, SADDLES, BRIDLES, & LEATHER. TRUNKS U MID-WARE, Brass Andirons ami Funders, Crockery. A LARGE SUPPLY Ol GROCERIES, Old Madeira Wine, ivi ry superior article ! Best Spanish Segnrs, Salt, Bagging, Flat, round, venire anu Sheet Iron, . Natl and Nail Bods, German, Blistered and Cast Steel. RLA CD'S Ml Til'S TOOLS, White Lead, Spanish Brown, Copal Varnish, . Linseed Oil, Window Glass and Putty, ] Paper Hangings. Just received a large supply of New Live (ieose Feathers. ALSO, TWENTY-FIVE doz. Cane anti Rush Seal CHAIRS. ’ M aeon, Nov. 10, 1931. 43—ts j 7 A BLANTON & JEREMIAH SMITH. Under the Jinn of BLANTON iV SMITH, Respectful!)/ tender to their Fri nds and the Public, their services in the WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, IN MACON. THEY have taken thc large new Ware- House and Wharf, bettyeen second aud third streets, both of which are constructed mi r the most approved plan, and are in fine condi tion. A convenient close store, for the recep tion of merchandise, will he erected forthwith. The proximity of the Ware 40jy-e to the business part of town, and at time its comparative remoteness from other buildings, - together with the excellent wharf attached to it, render it peculiarly convenient, as well as mea surably exempt from danger by fire. Liberal advances will be made on cotton in -tore and shipped by them —and every other monable accommodation granted. The per ’ o.i a! attention of each of the firm will he givei to the business, and their utmost exertions used :•> promote the interest of their customers. July 29. 27-ts. J. L. & (i. W. ELLIS VJhWE PURCHASED Mr. G. CHAM if J PLAINS entire stock which t- large 1 1 complete, Consisting of a general assort • of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Croek erv, Saddlery, If on, Steel, Castings, Bagging, t oots, Shoes, Hats, Blankets and Groceries, t M .f> Mill Irons, Black-Smith tools and Collins x o. Superior Axes. All of which they offer t ■> hin ral and accommodating terms. [’hey have taken that well known stand on corner of CVrry Street ami Cotton Avenue • ■mi rly occupied <ty Mr .Littleton Atkinson ami .. Champlain where they may at all times found ready to pay the most strict and tin . tded attention to their friends and uopiailit res who may call on them. They hope to receive a share of public pat- i • ia gc. ‘fiieon, Nov. 1, 1931. TIN WARE MAJS'UFA C TUR E U, MULBERRY, NEAR Til mo street. -dIIIE subscriber manufactures aid keeps *1 constantly on band a general assort- Tie ut of TXW WASH, which he will sell Wholesale and Detail , at Sa vannah or Augusta prices. J O 15 W ORK done at the shortest notice at the SlioponThird street, next door to Ellis, Shotwcll Sf Cos. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwelil &. Cos. will receive prompt attention. Nov. 15, 1931. 43 —IY. L O S T II O II S E. A STOUT bright sorrel MAKE, about 6 years old—her right eye out —t star on her forehead —long tail —her hoofs on both hind feet turn in and her forctnp has keen dock ed. Five Dollars will be paid for lnr delivc rv to the sobscrilier in Macon, and any infor mation will be thankfully received. ELI JENKINS. Mac.n*, Peh. 19, 1932 ts 4 CAUTION. IDO hereby caution all persons against tra ding for a noli? of ,*ls, given bv inn to Richard Street.i, dated 14th January, i 932.—• As 1 have not received the value of said note, 1 am determined not to pay it GEORGE HOI LMOV ’ “ “ FOR SALE. A FIRST rate brass mounted dig end Har ness —apply to Wft.i.r.i.M I tmr. Mar.on, October 29, -19-^ll tKig E-HOUSE AND Commission Business. THE undesigned having leased from La mar S>’ *>., their Ware-Houses lor t term of years,tenders Ids services to his friend.- and the public, in the above business. He will be prepared to extend the usunl fa cilities to his customers, by making advances on Produce stored with him, or on Shipments to his friends in Savannah and Charleston. Connected with the Ware-Houses are safe and extensive close “Storages, for ‘.lie reception of anv (Hoods that may bo consigned to him for sale ot otherwise. The situation of these Ware-Houses, ns to convenience and safety, are not surpassed by any in tiie place : should additional security be required, Insurance can lie effected at a very low rate. The subscriber’s attention will lie devoted rtclnsivcly to the above j business. lie thcicforc hopes to receive a pro-j portion of public patronage. JAS. C. MORGAN. Macon, July 23, 1831: 3G-tf j DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. IN L. YOUNG &. Cos. have opened in tliei A a store on Mulberry-street formerly oc cupied by Messrs, llitngerford it S’mldS'ird, and first door below the Post Office,'a large stock of Dll V GOODS AND GROCERIES, Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, Crockery, &e., besides a general assortment of ready made Clothing, Negro Shoes, Hats, Blankets, and SADDLERY. Merchants and Planters are invited to call | aud sec for themselves, as all articles in their i line Wtil he disposed of on very reasonable j terms. 2-ts Jan. 27. J DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Pair ledge and Ry lander , was dissolved by mutual consent on the 25th . December last. The business v ill be continued at the old stand in Fourth St., between Mulberry and j Cherry-streets, by M. F. Rylandcr , to whom i ill indebted to the lase firm arc requested to 1 call and make immediate payment. ‘ Mill Irons made’ and gun locks repaired; al i so al! kind of Iron work done at the shortest 1 notice and iin the most reasonable terms. Jan. IS, 1832. 51—4 w ] BILLS j 1 ON Nc.w-York, Philadelphia, Charleston ! ] bivanna'i and Augusta, in sums to sui j j purchasers, for sale by ii WILEY, BAXTER & FORT, ji N/>v. 10, 19*1. 43—ts j UNITED STATES’ BANK NOTES { Bought ;nl Sold by ■ CHARLES COLLINS. \ Macon, May 12. !7-tf , ” Mrs. FITZGERALD HAS had her house enlarged and thoroughly repaired. Site respectfully informs Pa- ; rents and Guardians that slut can accommodnti j young Ladies with comfortable well-furnished ! Bed Rooms with fire places, on reasonable j terms. The adjacent situation of her Domicil ; to tii. Female .Seminary, and other advantages, j render it desirable. Scollsburough , Ga., Dec. 22,1831. 49-3 WANTED, A COMPETENT TEACHER of the Eng tish Language, who will take a School for the term of one year.—Any person who will | .come wcli recommended can be employed im mediately.—For further information apply to the Subscriber. CHARLES F. PAI’ILLO. Spring Hill, Houston County, Ga., Dee. 23, 1831. 49-5 w NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Subscribers either by note or book account are re quested to come forward arid settle the same Ellis, SiioTwr.t.i, A Cos. By N. Efct.i.s. January 11, 1832. 50-ts j NOTICE. 1]^ OUR MONTHS after date, application J will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary for Houston County, for leave to sell the real estate of the Orphans of John M l Col him, deceased; to wit., Lot of Land No. 352, in the 20th dis trict, originally Muscogee, now Harris county ; and Lot of Land No. 140, in the 3d district, originally Muscogee, now Marion county —for the benefit of the orphans. GEORGE M'COLLUM, Dec. 28, 1831. 50-4 m. Guardian. GEORGIA, Pike County. “W 3 THERE A 9 Patrick Scoll applies to me ff for letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Scott, late of said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred am! creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not he granted to him. Given under my hand at office, this 1 Otli Jnnunrv, 1832. 52-5 w 11. G. JOHNSON, C. C. O. GEORGIA, > Clerk's Office , Inferior , Pike County. I Court. (AYR US \V. STEWART, of ('apt. Silman’s J district, toils before Wiley Silnmn, Esq., |ono B AY MARE, 8 or 9 years old, shod all J round, 4 feet 0 incites high, some white on the j left hind foot and right fore foot. No brands ! discoverable. Appraised by Jeremiah B. Cov ington and Benjamin Cook at sixty dollars, this 20th Dec., 1831. A tr''c copy from the estray bank. | fts-tf H. G. JOHNSON, C. I. C. CHRISTIAN REPERTORY.—ADVERTISEMENTS, Ac. 30G3£S Miscellaneous , Lair, Medical\ and Schooli j A LARGE assortment, consisting in p rt of the following ; to which regular additions of new and standard publications will | be made—all of which will be sole upon mode rate terms by ELLIS, SHOT M ELL & Uo. MISCELLANEOUS. Memoirs Stimmcrfield Baron Trenrlt Seaburys sermon* Dc*taction; Rambler Owen A Campbells Debate Exiles of Siberia Reuben Apsley Scientific dialogue* Tales of a sood Woman Junins letters Eafayettes Memoirs 11 uiiplirey Clinker HonorO’hana; Novice Peregrine Pickle English at Home Pesttlozzis letters Heiress of Bruges* Essay on Infants Gaities and Gravities Don Cjuixotte; Tom Jones i.ionel Lincoln Mysteries ofUdolpho Prince on Horticulture Children of the Abbey Bracebridge Hall Joseph Andiews Hogg's Perils of Women Gamesters; Coquette I Water Witch Byrons works; Ossian I Wedt of Wish-ton-wish Pleasing companion I Spy ; Red Rover; Disowned Beauties of history ! Polh'am ; Devercux Darby's America Siamese Twins; Oxonians Hales United States | Walter C'clyfon American silk essays Our Village; Shalispeare Witlaids republic and chart Cloudesle'y ; Separation Sales Koran! Sketch Book j Fmgal Housewife Piutarehs lives Tales of Travels; Stolen (Joy Life of Payson Clergyman’s widow Life of M. Lindsay Tales of France Pamilv Library, 1(5 vols. Early lessons ; Dunaltnn Dwights Germany Harry and Lucy Clarke on the promises Parents assistant Crusaders: Course of Tim Merchants widow Charlotte Temple Thinks 1 to ire-self Talcs of a Grandfather | .alia Roolili—Cculchs of France Thaddeus of Warsaw Nicholsons Mechanics | Lockes Essay Cuviers Theory (new work) I Thatchers Amer.Orchtvnist Lavaters Physiognomy. ! Roman Antiquities Maxwell; Paleys astronomy I Robertsons America Walkers rhyming dictionary j Gibbons Rome Ciuotations British poets [ Crahbs synonirnes Vicar ot Wakefield [M KenzicsCOO receipts Caskot Dialogues of Devils Lights and shadows Garland Ladies A (ientlems. lexicon Masons Self Knowledge Galaxy of wit Ramsays Memoirs Polite present Homans poems Late war; Rassclas Musical Dictionary; LinearChapone sad Gregory Dougkiss ol | society Zimmerman on solitude Jefferson* notes Paul and V irginiu Notts Freedom of mind Teiemschus Charles XII. Roderick Random Bnrlicisgrammarofelocntionl.ndy of the lake; Unique !)w ers elocution Beauties of V\ averley Karnes elements Baron Munchausen Wilkins astronomy Pleasures of Friendship Record's woman Paradise lost Mans introduction Three Spaniards Indian wars Shipwreck; Scotts works Beattie on Truth Faroe. #ll Time Poetical Uaerations Willistons Tacitus F.picuiiean Bop’s Erasmus Drydens Virgel Economy of Human Life Letter writers Force Smith ! avs ditto Blairs catechism Epistolary Guide Fergusons civil society Oirds art of Love Rogers Biographical diet. I songster Orators guide Franklins works Gregorys letters Franklins life Captain Hail’s America Alonzo and Melissa Northern regions Conversation common things\ oung ladies hook Cooks voyago., Lost chaise companion Senecas morals Romance forest Devil on two sticks I.avatcis physiognomy Scottish chiefs Peter the Great Gnu, on lyinß Bruce- li-mvet- Boyles adventures Dwights Theology Homers (Iliad Jenks Devotions t’lutarchs lives Paicys Theology Alexanders evidences Beauties Spectator Sings ids England Come and welcome to Jesus Lexicon useful knowledge Maleobu- Bible dictionary Mo-heims ecclesie.-licitHist.Beechers intemperance Warbler Hlp to the Acts Roman literature Christians Guide •,i| ir*i\* ii rcvolitloii tJible Stones i Mnssleman Sermons on war Gillies Greece j Element* of mythology Taylors travels Pious Guide Token 1830 David’s Psalms Comic, annual Crole apocalypse Cavalry tactics Pronouncing Bible Old bachelor Hebers sermons in indin Tales of the sea j Sunday evening lectures do of Travels Ist aril 2(1 part Wesleys Notes j Kirke White j Christian Pattern American ennstitnion Death Bed scenes Alison on Taste; spectator Clarkes commentaries Browns Phitosopiv Henrys do 3ays Political Ewnomy, Fox* Book of Martyrs Smiths works; f emes do Doddrtdges expositor Coldsmitbs do Lllui ns do Bibles, Family Chalmerf’ do ; Al cores do Pocket Moore and Bytms do Polyglot Life of O’Keer School Bolivar, Fedfalist Testaments, do. Godmans Naßral History new translation Arabian Niglf pocket, gilt, Ac. &c. Smiths Tlmcfhdes Josephus Beniamins .ychitect. Bucks Theological Diet. C arpenters Inide checks Flints Wesam stales Bensons life of Fletchci i GoldsmithtJ-ingland Pulpit assistant j Rollins Anient Ilistoi y Wesleys sermons ■Murphys Tacitus .. Buttervvorlhs concordance | CorrespoiJencc Lewis XVI Butlers analogy Young clot Emmons sermons Young Prim Columbian preacher History t/Binls Clarkessermons; Smiths do. i d’AnitnaU Watsons institutes Burke oJSuldime Common prayer Anrerical Gardener Religions ntfectinns I’lloas Massilpns sermons Flavels Navigation Robinsons History baptism • Amcricfi Biog. sketcl* history Baptists Bruntei Mechanics Magee on Atonement Houselfepcrs manual Drolincourt on death Virgin# housewife Simpsons plea Donirfc duties Browns dictionary Idle IMurs Employed divinity tlou-ejl’nintcrs Gido Newton on prophecies Infantry Tactics Fletchers letters Laurence on the Hors* appeal Masons Farriery life. Mrs. Giocßs Cisole Rise and Progress Mir.dfl a'-er- Christian character M-Tufe on Globes Isabella CmlMi Natupl Philosophy ** bitfields lile; AV ilson’s do. Duumcs Logic Saint Patrick livings Columbus Harmony of the Gospels ’ History of New-York Watts logic; Fullers Gospel History of Netherlands Husbandry spiritualized Ty tlors History Jowetts Researches \t helpleys Compend Chalmers evidences Goldsmiths Rome Chrysal; Watsons apology j Greece Church mcmbersjguido . —— Natural History Watts psahusand hymns Southeys Nelson pocket book form j Grolys George IV. Milners Church history Discovery &■ Adv. lit Africa Mrs Jttdson Calf* Byron Banyans holy war Napoleon Bonaparte Dobells hymns Alexander the Great Herveys meditation History of Insects Christian orator History of the Bible Davy* consolations I’olnr Seas Reformed pastor Ryans Astronomy Touchstone Paleys Philosophy Pilgrims progress Western Songster \Y ikons hymns Beauties of Locke Confession of faith Miltons Works Memoirs Urquhart Scott and Moores do Watts on the mind Lacon . Hudi liras *— bn jaiofcssions , Homers Odyssey Harr Os N't well ICowpetsTask Family hyhi'ri^; Saints root Night Thoughts (’aiiipmeßting nymps Thomsons Season* Methodist di.’ ipling, Campbells poems Drowns concordance ‘Original do llarred*hymns /Esops Fables Methodist do Weems Franklin Death of Abel Washington imaydr.s works — Marion Harriet Lindsay Sherwoods Gazetteer Sturms reflections Morses pocket do Hal! an communion Robinson Crusoe Scripture natural history Blairs lectures Zion pilgrim; Pious songd Bonnets letters Han. Haydens music Chesterfields do Wyeth? do; Zion? songster American Chesterfield Village livmns Gil Bias; Ladv of the MonorMereers Cluster Quarles iimhienis Methodist harmonist George Barnwell Dodd on .loath Souvenir for 1828 to 1831 History of the Bibio MEDICAL.- F. wells medical companion Dewees prac. medicine Lawrences lectnres Baudeloqnc Abeniethysdo Ebcrles practicq I’lmnnacop. U. S. Therapeutics llcimens military surgery Carmichael on venereal Bell on wounds Coopers surgery Traverse on the eye and Travers essays Bancroft on fever Lectures Minor and Tally on fever Johnson on liver Coopers surgical dictionary Underwood on children Bichat on Pathology Book of health lire's medical dictionary Magendies physiology Bichats general anatomy Faithhorn on liver Anatomy of tissues Teales neuralgia Hossacs medical essay Hall on disorded dig. organs Batemans synopsis Browns elements Gibsons surgefy Hall on loss of blood Fordyce on fever Wilson Philip on indigestion Hamilton on purgative* Calhouns pront Paris on diet Calhoun on lungs Darwins Zoonomia Johnson on climate Gross anatomy and diseases ((enters venerea! of the Bones mid Joints Beauchamps treatise Francis Denman F.llis formulary Horners anatomy -1 Daniel on fever Hoopers medical dictionary Braudes chemistry Thatchers dispensatory Treatise on irritation modern practice Atmospheric phenotnona Halls distiilct Larreys essay Armstrongs medical works Surgeon dentists manual Brora on verminous diseases Manual of obstetrics Bel! on fevers Park chemistry on arteries Martinetts therapeutics Thomas’ practice Morgagni on disease, Domestic medicine Fvfes anatomy Cullens practice Beils dissections Willan or. skin Johnson on stomach Paris’s Pharmacologic Weight on bowels Broussnis physiology Calhoun snspen. animation Wistars anatomy Hufeland on scrophnia Cook on ncr. diseases Manual for stethoscope Dcssaults surgery Turners chemistry Richerands physiology Treatise on tartar emetic Dewees midwifery (laU.ed on Dyspepsia Aberaethys works Dictionary of cliem try Travers on the rye Humphry Davy's a . cheiu. Dewees on females Coxes dispensaton Taverniers op. surgery M’ rand on acenpu ettiration Johnsons eivic life Bogin on t’nerape ties Godmans anotomy l.ega!iois on life Thompson on varioloid Hoopers oxamir tion . Treatise on typhus Fitch’s dontistor ? Do on children Blnkesteoiu cßfemistry Domestic physician Rush on thehnind Vade mecum * Diary of a physician X Bentons anatomy * LAW. , Chitty Cn Bills * * Harris & Mclienrys reports Long on on personal property Equity pleading Vernon? reports Jones on Itoilments Bridgemans equity digest lilakcs Joi.nsnns di-est . ‘Halls do Chittys criminal law Bigelows do ; Chnrchs do Pleading Cruise do ; Coxes do --— Biarkstone Corny ns do; Tidds praetise Ingersollsdo; Digest. IndexTollers law of executions Pickerihg reports Roberts on frauds Swanstons do Campbells nisi prins Cullies N. Y. do Kents commentaries Starkies do Archbold on pleading Mannings do Chittv on contracts lb,j,kim, do fjngdon on powets Tylers do Comyn on contracts Salkekls do \\ hi Belwyn Peere Williams reports l.iverir.tre on agency Cowpers reports Law of licit and carrier Thorntons do ; Sanders do Paley on agency Washington do Kyd on wards Bozanquets and Fullers do Evans on pleading Yates do Archbolds forms Henning and Munfords do Sellons practice lSinneysdo; Munfords do Bailentine on limitations Paiges do Fell on guarantee Condensed U.S. S. court do.Maddocks chancery Johnson do Form hook D'inford and Easts do llaimnonds treatiso Fasts do; Bags do; Peters do Beanie? equity Coast itutiMial do Btarkie on slander Merivale? do t Cokes do 1 ,aw of infancy Moors in ex Montague on sett o(T Roper on legacies liolt on libel; Law of lien Crown circuit companion Fields analysis Canes cases Pleaders assistant Hoherts on wills Mitfords pleading AVrall on constitution Bankrupt acts Espinasse Every man’s lawyer. Montague on partnership CLASSICAL SCHOOL, &C. Clarkes homer Grimshaws England Cffisnr U. States Horace delphini Key to do Hutchinsons xenoplton Lexicon A’irgil delphini Napoleon Grtrca minora France majors Dictionary Lexicon greek andcnglish Popular lessons Ovid delphini Sequel to do Sehrevclii lexicon Juvenile instructions , Greek testaments Knglish reader i.eusdens greek and b in doMurrnys sequel Cornelius repos American preceptors 8,-lrcta profanis Colnmhian orators Liber Primus Picketts grammars Adams latin grammar lntrod. to eng. reader Rudditrans Rudiments do NeAv York speakers Goodrichs gfeek do Moral tales Buttrnan do do - Murray? exercises Greek grammar Key Perrins french do Grammars Latin readers Morn] instructors Iliuinria sacra) Now York expositors Viri ronne Table bonks Smarts Cicero Primmer*, Ac. Ac. 1 Jacobs Latin reader Childs songs Titis Livri Picket do No. 1 I Lehrans Telemaque No 2 Smarts Horace Milieus penmanship j Perrins fables Gibsons surveying j Seiertte veteri Playfairs Euclid j Mnrpheys lucinn Shevs book-keeping j Stewarts sallust I lilt hcox's ilo Sallust delphini Wa Iters rhetorical grammr I j /Esops fables. Intin. Keith on globes | Cicero Delphini Smith A. Littles music book's Ainsworth* dictionary Construction and use math Knticks do ; Johnsons do instruments Johnson and Walker do National-reader VVelisters do; Allison do North Am. arithmetic Walkers do Pikes simplified do Willcts geography Clerks'assistant Malte Bruns gene. andatlasNinitlis arithmetic AVoodbrulgeA WtllurdsdodFedeial calculator Adams geography \ Bascoms peunranship . Morses do and atlas Copy slips AVoodbridges Rudiments doChtlds instructor Childs library! Infants do Goodrichs luge atlas P. Fairleys geography Juvenile expositors Tale* Cobbs reader, No l Guys pocket cykqifillia Smileys gro. and at'as Inger.aills Grammar Grimshaws South Autetifl Juvenile monitor Records ; Day (looks We listers spellers Ledgers ; Jdtt reads New York Spoilers piidnflh books Ely’s school dictionary Reefiljlt hooks Torroy’s spoilers Blank I Mirths ; Indexes Grycnleafs grammar Hlcmorandtiih books. f .ml!s, Unpef, Rand hui! lioxefi, AVofers, Ink Stands, Visiting Cards, Hitlers, I‘cntds, Pencil Cases; Urayotis, Penknives, Slates, Stathpg, Pocket Maps, Parclitnent, Ac. Ac. Macd ’ (eo. g M RmVs” I’UtMOMU EXPEi’foRANi 1 COUGH SYRUP. For Coughs, Colds, As'limas, ConsumptioM . and IVhtwpiUg: Cough, AMONG the numerous complaints‘with which the hu man family are afflicted, none are more common I than cough.*, colds, Aft ami none more fatal in their re*’ ; suits, unless timely care is taken to step their prog its* where they becomefirraly seated upon the lungs. Not With, standing the many remedies that have I oen offered t„t|,@ public, not any have heretofore proved successful In pro. curing a certain and speedy relief. 1 1 The proprietor having befcn an eye witness (forseveral yeurh) ol the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deem? it his duty to offer it to the public, iti a way that it may receive a more extensive otr eolation: and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it, An well as the rich. This Syrup is particularly efficacious in retnovimf coughs, arising from colds, attended with hmjrsness an? soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath mg, lightlies across the breast, accompanied with a tick? ling cough ; and in alt consumptive cases its use is par ticularly recommended ; likewise whooping coiifflis ts greatly relieved by its use—children labouring Under this distressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly brnefitted in a few days; the p'easantness of iti* a (treat advantage, ns children will take it with as much pleasure as they will sweetmeats. RFCOM.M I ndations. Kecr.c. iY. Hampshire, March 8, 1824. Deaii Sin—Having been for several years much afflie t'’d with a violent cough, which frequently destroyed my rest at night, 1 had taken a great many remedies that were recommended by my friends, which only gave me transient rclmf and I had despaired of ever getting bet t !•; at length I heard of Morton’s Expectorant Syrup’ I immediately sent and procured a large Lottie, from which 1 experienced immediate benefit: and by continuin', the use of it for a short time, l was completely cured, and now enjoy very good health. Yours, Henry Simerson. , ~ Westchester, May 15, 1824, ■Sir— agreeably to yoltr request 1 am now happy to in form you that your excellent syrup, has entirely relieved mv hoarseness, whio.ii had succeeded a violent cough, that had afflicted me for ten or twelve months; and one of my children has been cured by its use, from a very ob stinate cough, which had baffled all previous attempts to euro. You are at liberty topublish this if yon think proper. ■’ Jacob V. Smith. , fluntington, (L. 1. ) February 10. (824. The pip’ll- brSynip I procured of you, I gave two of my chilli,"-a lahoitrineuinde'r the vUhooping cough, which Ire quently attacked tffl* tty- had to he raised in bed to pro cure breath; but'£oon lifter taking your medicihe, they •tegdn to be relieved, and inafew days were astonishing #y benefited, and are now quite comfortable. I will thank niu to send me two more bottles of the large size, as sdmm of tny neighbours’ children are alike afflicted. Xl • , Peter Higgins. WtTit.IAM L. PERKINS. ET.I.IS, BHOTWRLL 4* Cos., Azrntt. Macon, Nov. 10, 1831. 40 ts ELLIS, SHOT WELL $ Cos., HAYE just received and for sale, a fresh supply of GARDEN SEEDS, Raised by the Shaker's Society, Enfield, Conn. **\lute t Early Bpriag Bat do. A ello.v ami > Onion. Long Hanover do I Rutabaga do Ui iori Beet. White flat do Early Turnip do. Cauliflower I’r. Sugar do. Squash Pepper Man. Wursel do* Cayenne do Orange Carrot. Double Peppegrass Blood do. Vegetable Oyster Guernsey Parsnip. Tomatoes Long white do. Solid Celery Cucumber. Summer Savory Long green do. Curled Parsley Early do. DVarf Curled do. Early cluster do. Nev Zealand Spingea Gherkin do. Rout-d Spinage Watermelon Long white Oak Muskntelon Asparagus Nutmeg-melon Nasturlion Cantclope melon Roquette, a fine Snlad Dutch Sum. Squash Garden C^css Crookneck do. do. English SSlftel Do. winter do. White Mustard White-head Lettuce Brown do Ice-head do. Leeks Ice C.’oss do. Early Sugar Corn Imperial sugar loaf do. Early Washington Peas, Cabbage head do. Early June do Salmon Radish Early Charlton do Scarlet do. White Marrowfat do Scarlet Turnip do. Strawberry dwarf do Scarlet short top do. Dwarf blue imperial and Drum-head Cabbage Early China Dwarf Early York do Beans Green Savoy do Early Mohawk Dwarf Yellow Savoy do Beans Early sugar ioaf do White Kidney Dwarf Green glazed do Beans •Red Dutch do Superior white Toledo, Norfolk flat Turnip Cranberry Pole do Sitge Lima Pole do. •Um. 12. 50-ft i hjsjl'ponlß sAtcT. * WILL he sold before the Court House door in the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday in April next, one. tract of Land, lot No. 10, in the 13th dist. of Houston county, drawn by S. Folsom, deceased, and sold by per mission of the Court of Ordinary of Lauren*’ county, (or the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms oa the day. TIIOS. BARLOW, Jan. 7, 1832. 50-tds Administrator. Isaac b. Rowland; MAvLNG declined the Ware-House Bus,- ness aud rented Ins Ware House to Messrs. J. GODDARD and REED, solicits for them the patronage of his funner custom ers, and tenders his thanks to them for that lib eral patronage which they have been pleased t® bestow upon him. Macon, August 10, -1831. 31— ■