The Georgia courier. (Albany, Doughtry County, Ga.) 1852-18??, December 24, 1853, Image 3

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qi yftry Bennett 5, G-orge S Houston Smith 6, W. R. VV. Cobb jyiAjaleh Lynn 7, James F. Dowdell ‘A Daniel T. pmes Arkansas. ySa.JiiJwin 15. Morgan 1, A. 15. Greenwood / 26, At,drew Oliver 2, E A. Warren, 97, Joint J. Tay’or CONNECTICUT. 28, George Hastings 1. James T. I’ralt 29, Davis. Carpenter 2, Colin M.lngersol! 30, Benjamin Pringle 3, Nathan Belcher 31, Thomas F. Flagler 4, Origen IS. Seymour. 32, Salomon G. llaven calitornia. ■33, Reuben E. Feulou, 1, James A. McDougal ‘new jersey; 2, Milton S Latham, 1, Nathan T. Stratton Delaware. “2, Charles Skelton 1, George tt. Riddle. ■3, Samuel Lilly Florida. 4, George Vail 1, A. ft. Maxwell. 5, A C M PetimjigV.m GEORGIA. NEW ha .’.IPS HIKE. 1, James L. Seward ■*; 1, Georg” W Kmredoe 2, Alfred H. Colquitt 2, Geo W Monison 3. David J. Bailey . ’ 3, Harry Hibbard, 4, Win. 15. W. Dent north-Carolina 5, Elijah W. Chastain ], ILM Slialiv 6, Junius HiHyer 2, Thomas Ruffin 7. David A Reese ■3, Wm S Ashe 8, Alex. 11. Stephens. .4; Sion 11 P.-gers mwa Heim J M el i 3, Lewis D Campbell 7, John G Davis ?4, Mathias IJ Nichols 8, Daniel Mace 5, Alfred P EJgeitun 9, Norman Eddy 6, Andrew Ellison 10, E. M. Chamlierlain 7, Aaron Harlan 11, Andrew J. Harlan, 8, Moses B Corwin Illinois. 9, Frederick W Green 1, E. B. Wasbburne 10, John L Taylor 2. John Wentworth 11, Thomas Ri cliey 3, Jesse O. Norlou 12, E von 15 Olds 4, James Knox 13, Wtn i) 1 jiiidsay 5. W. A. Richardson 14, Harvey II Johnson 6, Richard Yales 15, Wm R Sapp 7, JamesC Allen 16, Edward Ball 8, William 11. Bissell 17, Wilson Shannon 9, Willis Allen, 18, George 15’iss Kentucky. 19, Edward Wat ■ 1, Linn Boyd 20, Jo-liti 1 R Biddings 2. 15 E. Grey 21, Andrew Stuart 3, Pr sley Ewing or kg >N 4, James Cnris nan Inne (del) 5, Clement S Hill PENN.-VI.VANIA 6, John M. Eiliott 1, Thomas 15 Florence 7, William Preston 2, Joseph R 8, J. C. Bieckinredge 3, John Robbiusoii jr 9, Launder M Cox 4, Win It Witte 10, R. 11. Stanton, 5 John McNair Louisiana 6, William Everhart 1, Wiiimin Dunbar 7, Samuel A Bridges 2, Theodore U Until 8, II A-V i.'enuorg 3, John Perkins,jr. 9, Isaac I. Hirster 4. Roland Jones 10, Ner M iddfesuart h kas-aciiusetts. 11, Christian W Sraub 1, Zno Scudder 12, Himdricksß Wright 2, S. L. Crocker 13, AsH'acker 3, J. Wiley Edmonds 14, Galusiia A Grow 4, Samuel 11. Wailey 15, J tin s Gam de 5, Wihiain Apleion 16, William H Kurtz 6, Charles W Upliam 17, Samuel L Russell 7, N. P. Banks, jr, 18, Jot in MdCulloch 8, Tappan \Ventworih 19, Augustus Drum 9, Alex. Da Witt 20, John I. Dawson 10. Edward Dickinson 21, David Ritchie 11, John G. Goodrich, 22, I l ooms Al Howe MICHIGAN. 23, Michael C Trout 1, David Stuart 24, Clnr ton 15 Curtis 2, David A. Noble 25, John Dick 3, Samuel Clark pu ,0.; :.: a;; 4,'fle-otr L Stevens. 1, Tllo nas DiVls MAINE. 2, 15 H Thurston I. Moses Macdonald SOUTH CAROLINA 2, Samuel ay aII 1, John M, Queen 3. E W ilder Farley 2, Win A:kin 4, Samuel I*. Benson 3, L M Kt itt fc. 1-Tael Washburn, jr. 4, Preston S’Br inks 6, T .1. D. Fuller , £, James 1. Orr Mississippi. , Win W Boyce 1. Daniel 15 Wright TENNESSEE 2 William S. Barry 3, Brookins Camp ell 3,0. R. Singleton 2, Win M Churchwel! 4, Wiley P Harris 3, Bamu ! A Snrth 5, William Barksdale, 4, William Cnlhnn Maryland. 5, Clwrlcs Ready 1, John R Franklin 6, Geo W Junes 2. Jacob Sho.ver 7, Rohrrt M IJugg 3, Jo-lnia Vanuatu 8, I .-ii.v K ‘ icoff r 4, ilenr. May 9, Eim r.-ou E'licridge 5 Wm. T. Hamilton 10, I’P Stanton 6, A R. Sobers TEXAS MISSOURI. 1, ‘George W Sinytbe 1. Thomas H Benton 2, Peter li 15 II 2, Mfred W. Lamb UTAH 3, John G Li diey John M Beriiiiisel, (del) 4. John G Miller VIRGINIA 5. .Word cai Oliver 1, Thomas H Biyly 6. Jnlm 8. Phelps 2, John S Millson 7, S t am I her-, 3, John S Cuskie Minnesota. 4, Win O Goode Henry M R ce, (del.) 5* Thomas SB cook new York.’ 6, Panins Po.veil 1, Julies Maurice 7, William Smith 2, T W. Cuinrning 8, Chare’s G Faulkner 3, llirain Wa I bridge 9, II A KduiuruJsnii 4, Alike Walsh 10, J n Letcher 5. William M. Tweed 11, Z Kit e l 6, Jobri VV'heeler 12, John F Snodgrass 7, William A VVa ker •13, Faye’te McMullen 8, Francis 15. Cutting Vermont 9, Jared V Peck 1, James Meacham 10, Widn.iii Murray 2, Aiblrew Tracy 11, T. R. Westbrook 3, Alvai. Sabin 12, Gilbert Dean Wisconsin 13, Russel Sage 1, Daniel Weils, jr 14. Ruins W. Peckham 2, Ben C Eastman 15, Charles Hughes 3, John 15 Mary. 16, George A. Simmons The PreseuT Congress. The following !i~t ol the members of the pre pent Congress, lias been compiled and corrected from official returns fay the w asliingson Sen tinel : JN THE SENATE. Democrats, 40 Whigs, 22 Democratic majority, 18 In liie House of Representatives, parties 6tand thus: ‘Democrats, . 161 Wljigs 73 Democratic majority, 88 A Washington letter says:—The dity was elect rifled by the unexpected intelligence of the election of Beverly Tucker ns printer to the Senate. It was as little looked for as was the tri umph ’of the hards over the softs in New lork. It is supposed that a number of Southern Senators voted lor Mr.Tucker as well as ihe Whigs ’1 he secret ballot, instead of the open ■ballot, prevails in the Senate; and been, as formerly it was, the in t lie House, Mr. probably have been ter there. 1 t ' l( ’ * aw r °? u ’ colitem- i < - same v ? —■ ■ ■— - The Senate will maintain their own of the law. It is fortu natfejfor Mr. Tucker that he. did not getothe marshal, ship, and lucky foivthe Udtoh thut the secret ballot did not prevail, in Jibe Housp. The prospects ot the session are not so dull as they \vers. The fact of th S election infilses already a little life in Congress. tOMHERCIAL. Albany Cotton Market. Albany, Dec 24th During the -present week there has been con siderable activity iujbe market, and sales of se veral parcels have Rea effected at prices a shade higher than last week. We guote Middling at 8 Strict Middling,at 8j Goud Middling at RECEIPTS. Amount of cotton received for the past week, amount lo 1800 bales - _ 4 . yHw kovk ’New York, Dec. 17. Cotton.— Thursday the inarkei was steady,, ana 1700 bales changed hands The sales of the week comprised 18,500 bales, of which ex porters took 7250 and speculators 1800. CliarlestoM Market. Charleston, Dec. 19. Cotton. —The market was dull to-dsv, the sales being limited io 810 bales at extremes ranging from 8j a cents. View Orleaiis Narket. New Orleans, Dec. 17. Cotton. —3,000 bales were sold here to day. Market unchanged since the leceipt ol the Asia’s advices. Savannah JJatkct. Savannah, Dec 20. Cotton —The market was quiet to-day, ihp sales being limited to 545 bales, at prices rang ing Iroin 8 to lOjc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i Georgia, Lee Cotuty. WIIEttEAS, Griffin Smith applies to me for letters of Administration, on the estate of Eason Smith, late of said connty, de ceased, these are therefore to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to be and appear at rnv office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause it any they have, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hau l in office,this December 21, 1853. SAMUEL LINDSEY, Ordinary Exofficio. December 24, 1853 —2m EXECUTORS SALE. WILL be sold before the Court Home door, in the mwn of Newton. i. 111 the first. Tuesilajf in Febrnary ij ‘ I land No. m •a. 11 ■ ii 4 i.. i • inV9 m !i - l “I it 11 .-nance ol the Will ol late ol S evvart county; tor a division among ilie Legatees ol said decea.-edj Term on tlie day of sale E. E. CROCKER V\ ILLARD BOYNTON. L. BRYAN, Executors. December 24, 1853—2 m O* The “Albany Patriot,” will copy till day of sale, and charge the “Georgia Courier” office GEORGIA £10711) GAZETTE. A Southern Literary Journal, Pub lished at Augusta, Georgia. •lA’S. U. SMYTIIE, and ) Ed , lm . s ICOISEIIT A. WHITE. THE Home Gazette is devoled to Literary, Art, Science, Agriculture. General Intelligence, and Southern Interests. The aim of the Editors it to make a Useful and Interesting paper; lo blend the instructive and entertaining together, in such a way as to secure a high degree of interest,and yet at the same time elevate both the intellect and Hie affections. The columns of the piper contain historical and domestic Romances, Pictures of Social Lite, sketches of Biography, clinic poetry, entertain ing anecdotes, scientific memoranda, agrlcullur al and industrial articles, the general news, of the day, and all political intelligence of any importance. Besides a great variety of articles on all these subjects, the Gazelle will be parlicu larly adapted for Family Reading Ii is nub lished for the Home Circle, and the Editors leel that they have fully redeemed their pledge to make it all a Home ntwspaper should he—entire ly free Irom politics bias and high-toned in char- > acter. Grateful for the liberal encouragement which has been exn-nded to our efforts lo build up at the South a Literary and Family Journal oi high character,we shall increase our exertions to justi fy this public confidence, and to nake the “Ga zette” still more worthy of general patronage. TLIt.tlS, Single copy, one year, always ill advance, $2 00 Two copies, “ “ “ “ 3.50 Five copies, “ “ “ 8.00 Ten copies, “ “ “ “ 15 00 EF To any person making up a club of Five subscribers, and sending ©lO, we will send a copy gratis tor one yea r. Address SMYTHE & VVHTT&. Editors Home Gazette, Augusta, Ga December 24, 1883. AD.HINISTRTOR’S SALK. WILL be sold on t he first Tuesday,in February next,at the Court house, in the • !..u .a Blakely Early county, hall of lot ofland Number [97) ninety seven, and lot number (64) sixty-four, in the 6lh district ol Early county. Sold by order oi the Court of Ordinary, as the property of John C. Webb, deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs and creditor? of said deceased, JOHN WEBB, Adm’r. - December 10, 1853—2m* ——————— v Fowltown Plantation for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale, that valua ble pantation, on Fowltown, tour miles! roin Palmyra, lour hundred acres clerred, and j in a state of high cultivation. The said plants-I tinn adjoins the plantations of Joseph Bond, ! Benjamin Jordan, R. L. Payne, and E. Junes. j Those wishing to purchase a valuable plants •turn, would du well lo calf on the subscriber on j the premises. A. M. JONES. _ December 24, 1853—41. -CAUTION. & A 1.1. persons tire bery noM'W’*,] trade for tvyo promiinry notes, made by i fce’Tindersigiied, payable in James Oliver or bearer, dale? the 5’ I, ol September, 1863, (gt One Thousand Dollars each, one tine the lirsi . day of JSntirv)M>*t.rtnd ike other, the first day of Juiinasy, ‘ 1855.4 I4>e consideration of said notes having failed, I vyili not pay them at the -end ot a law t=i:ii Mj * ALEXANUaR HEARING I’ON.-IP Albany, December fl 1853 —if -4 ‘-TAX COLLEOOR’S SALE. XU. be sold nnvlie .first Tuesday in ‘ February next,al Hakelv, during I lie usu- j, al hours ol Sale-, the fulluyiiig lot ot land, No. j 195. in Ihe 6tb district of Early county, fosatis-i fy a tax Execuliutt: issued vy the Tax Collector...g WILLIAM HOWELL. T.C. 5| Decembef 24, 1859—id*. | Watclics, Clocks & broken Jewelry, * WILLI) faitiffnlly defined amlj repaired bv the undersigned, a)f l:fs i'tlice in the town of Alltre-j iljA emu The undersigned -non to open - line a4i>! tfp ! ‘| suited I t.ithis .r/Oh>i•i’.oisis:ingVV'drhe—g"idand | sifver, Cisiains, Fob and hreasi,Fable j W are, &c. &c. He will fee l grateful lo the public, fora por tion of their patronage. JOHN E. SULLIVAN; A November 26,185 3 51—tl NOTICE. TTYO MoEltiia alter dale, i ill be mde io the Honorable, tlie ‘ n ilohn iy ot Baker cmn'v, lorJeave tnfl the Real E-MU’, belonging o the derson 1 - Jo.lev, i.’tt’ ii! Baker ed, SARAtI ANN^Jr* Adiniin^H December 10, 1853—2 in NOTICE. WILL 1> .£! at tin; Court House door it, ilie town ol Newton, Biker county,, to, lirst Tiiesdny in February next, by virtue ol an Order of the Honorable, the Couitof Or dinary of Baker enmity, Lot ol Land, number ninety-five, in the lOtli District of Baker county, ns the properly ot Ezekiel Flovd, lute ol lltker county, deceased. Sold forth? benefit of the heirs and eroditors of said deceased. Terms on day of sale. JOHN GREEN, Administrator. December 10, ISs3—2m lI)M3VfSTKATOIt’S SALE. TIE following Notes belonging to the Estate of Alexander 11. Duncan, lale ol Leo , unlit,, declined, will be sold at Administrator's Hale, at Starkrille, on the tirsl Tuesday in Feb ruary next : One Nete, principal s:so, given by J. D. Greg ory, with a Credit of $9 One note fjj)B 81, on Ruslm Morrell, One note 25, on Uuac Jones, One note 12, on do do One note 13 43, oil John Is.iker, One note 25, on Andrew Allen, with two credits, one SB. and another $6, One note SB, on James Coppedge, One note 18, on Peter Chastain, E on 1.“dimes, ne note (5, on Robert Edwards, n: :c* 7 (i, on Josliua Mercer, ■Qne note 8 1, on 15. 15. Conner, Hcue noie 6 75, on Thomas Tinsly, One note 25, on Andrew Allen, Cr. sls 00 One note 15, on Mesha Gray, credit jfl 1.00 One noto I GO, on Wm. Eeabudy, One note 70, on J. 11. Nates,9 cr. $lO, S3B, One note 5, on Richard Coday, One note 100, on Mordeeai Alexander, Two Credit-, SSO and $ 10, One note 89, on (J. T. Ogle-by, One note 3, on Lysander Burdert, One note 14, on Perry Webb, One note 10 84, on F. Medcalf, One note 30, on David Gernagan, One note 13 48 on Wm. A. Tharp, One mile 30, on David Gernagan, One note 126, on llenery 15. Gunnersnn, Credit, sl9 66, One note C3l 38, on Hiram Adkiuson, Crnditt, $193 63, One note 164 13, on James Glovert One note 29 53, on James Bond, One note <6l, on Mcrdecai Alexander, One note 12, on Eliza Boggs, One note 4, on Philip P. Clayton, One note 8, on Miles Durden, One note 9 84, on John Boggs, One n e 20, on do do One in • 23 93, on do do One note 5, on James Holt, One note 18 42, op Jacob N. Bozeman, John Cain, Security, ALSO, the following receipts, viz: One on Nelson Tiff, lor George Jeffers, h *<e S3O ; and iloon Recepts giveu by James. J lb i -a reneptgiven by Henry Con-ran'e, lor James Jailers’, mile. ALSO, James HTTullon. J lb receipt, for . lour notes, received (iytnm urcolh-ction. EE'EH K. TAYLOR, Execut or 1 December 10, 1863—tds I KGA'S. ESI.W IIOLSE. MMr. NlfcSBkTT having purchased the pleasant md commodious tweliihg House ot M Loyloss, at llardmoney, Georgia 4t‘signs opening u Boarding Honsto, in lavor ot (lie Scmiooi, where all inay be com fortably acc.imim-fKPt'P'l'in r-asonable leims, arid convenient to tile School. A.-hare of pub lic patronage iA respect fully solicited. Her House will be opened Ihe second Monday in January, ferr reception of borders. The village is as healthy as any in Georgia—quiet and re tired—no templet‘°n lor boys—no excitement lor girls, and asgo >cf a School as any in Southern Georgia. Try as, and you w ill be pleased. ‘* M. A. NESBITT, llardmoney, Ga Dec. 17, 1853—tl SATEL D. IRVIN, MANUFACTURER AM) DEALER IN HOOFS AND SHOES, 111 ARNESS,Bridles,.Martingales, Whips.&c &c.—Bread Street,adjoining the Post Os. fice. Albany, July 1 , 1853—ts iik.vt Noni E. A |N Saturday, 24'b insf Mr. Win. Henderson, deceased, nil be | rented to the highest bidder, the plant-alien the lale Felix G. Callaway, in trie 2d Distrkt of Baker county. There'are about five liuiUrcd acres cleared, of first quality of land. O’ Notes with good security, due fiist Jan uary, 1855. CYRUS A. ROYSTCnt, One of lie heirs December 10, 1853—4 t * J"OB WORK TV LATH EALL’L r 'M'El> at tins office. 11 Dec. 24!h, 1853. advances. ||K)aitt üBHv prepared to make reasonable on Cottqp for SfHP jWfNT to the House of Messrs. .W. X otfiig . L D?NHAV| Albany,,November 12, ISoS-a-Sm t TOBACCO—B.COO pivnids Tnbaecfr,- as sorted qualities, and 30.’ gross Fiue<-Cut J.'hcwThc Tobacco, is no# offered for sale hv ’ ,k-4 RAW SDN & MOREMKN. 1 cfc’s3-4Mf . p? HHIPW . •jTfc LAATI'.IIS and Ofherv will meet wuli W tio ib’jav in the slifpmcu of their ©Ot |olt, by calling on tlie undersigned, who has Inilde atnnle nrrangemUhlsfuf she present sea- Ifyby Ca P*> Sh “ CPr^; pu v iVa M. & Agency Kank of Chaileston. J T .Ai.bany, Ga. Nov. Iff, 1853. (’ EXCHANGE? on N,ew Xorb, j® Charleston, Savannah, Macon, and Culum #lll - for sale lit this offi -’e. 1 !tj* Office, on corner of Broad and Washing-! fIV str-cts. j IJ . J 1,. DUNHAM,' 'Ageiv 1 ■ 1 “W.** fFAOTS \A 3) SHOES. f}rnn<l hi reel nOjoljiiiiK **•’ p<, t Olßre. rJk'lF, sibscriber woiihl return his thanks lor libera! patronage heretofore ex- Hy/l::iii. and most re-nectfully solicits a . of tlie s.iimv Hi’ lias now io store StOOTS and SHOES. ‘ L, ; -1 \-1” -and paMpriis ueoadi I HJL ... would invhe j H.d a-, ,i-i .ii and rx.i'niiM Id •. . f j olvevv here, a- he is pre low a- a iiv lif’.se in the < Ev. HP SAMUEL I) IRVIN. I, a r 12, 1853 —49—1( H'TS-- (ieids’ line French Call Bud-. BBBaterjirnul, (a superior article) both -ew- pegged, boys, youths and childrens Bor.ts, just received and lor sale hv SAMUEL D. IRVIN. Allinny, November 12, 1853—49—ts XlOlsJ*—Mens’ fine thick soled, Wste irool Plantation Brogans, Monterey and fix lord Ties,enamelled and fancy dressing Slippers, just teceiied and for sale bv SAMUEL D IKVfN. Albany, November 12. 1853—49—ts L .AOSE*’ rrittekliat Binds Jenny Lind, enamel and kid Boots, enamel and mo Pies. Buskins and rubber over S-h .es, black and colored tip and no tin Gaiters fine calf strap and front lace Boots, just received and for sale by SAMUEL D IRVIN. Allinny, November 12, 1853 —49—tt MISSES and CirUdrem Slioe*. in great variety of different styles, qualities ami prices, jus’ received and for sale by SAMUEL I). IRVIN. Albany, November 12, 1853—49—ts K.—BOOTS made to order, re pairing dene at short notice, anti all work oil made or sold, is warranted in every inst^^t. {]^Wvttufact uring eelablislnrenl up st,airs oviyiH’ l’ost olliee. SAM^g ■HWcns t. ■ arid singlp B ggy Harness, — Coach, Wagon or Jersey do., on hand I’uii-i a nil v. or made to order. Bridles and Mar tingale*, Collars, Whipi, plough Bridles, driving Reins pile Strops, trunk Simps, Hallers, Wag on Bredthiug. Also, Repairing dqne at aliort notice. A No. one article of Wool Collars, ami Gut Hutgv and Coach Whin-, jusl received and lor sale b SAMUEL /). IRVIN, AHtat*’, Novetrtber 12.1853—4^— ts ”TtIvCH,SHERMANMCO. DEALERS ill Drugs, M/dicines. Paints, Dlls, Varnislicß. Dye Sti/rs, tine Brandies, i.ui Win* s, Cigars, Tobaccos,fioapa, Pi'i’lumo rv, ‘J’oil.qte articles, pocket Ciyiery, Sir. Sic. Also, Agents for all the nf st poiiular Patent Prr p iralions of llie day. / Cornejo! Broad and Washington streets, Al bany. (14. Albany, Novemlier 12, Y-53—49 —6m A LLEY’S ludiaufLiniiiieiit.—Tin most certain and spedy; remedy known 1... Rheumatism, Lmnentfe, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, Pains in die Joints and Limb-, ire. Sccli is I lie uuited/tes licnony ot all who have given it a trial. I Manufactured and wholesale and re ail. Also. Agents sti|ilbeiJ in any quant it vby WELpll, SHERM/N & (X). Albany, (ia /price 50 cents per boiile. November 1 tim Seeds. A KIT PL assortbi'-iil, warreuted fresh, just received by WELCH, SHERMAN & C U> November 26,1853—51—6t. TlfliSwiifliern Vermifuge.-A sure deuili io worm-, for sale by WELCH SHERMAN & CO. Albany, November 12,1853—Gin WE are offering ourentire slock of Jewel rv at greatly redueoil prices, as vveare desirotj. ot closing nut the present season. WELCH. SHERMAN & CO. Albany, November 12: 1853—2 m BECATVU SIIIiIUFF SALES. Wild, be sold before the (Tours House door in the town of Biinbridge, Decatur coun ty, on ihe First Tuesday in January next within the legal hours of sale, the following properly to wit : One bay mare, about three years old. levied on as the property of Furney Jarman, to an Inferior Court fi fa, in favor of John vs. Council Jarman ands orney Jarman,pro perty pointed out by Council .barman, ere oj the defendants. A. P. BELCHER, Sh’fT. November 29.1843—5 t NOTICE TO LANDHOLDERS, TIE undersigned will attend to the telling irexamining and giving information ot L-uds lying in anv of the counties of S. W. Georgia on reasons ble terms A. P. GREER. Albanv. Baker county Ga. REFERENCES. y Albany, Gerrgia, Hon. R. A. CCAitlof. Newton,Georgia, S. C. StevenX “ Decernber tf N§kriciv ALE ‘i?r*or!\viug demands against |he Estate Ez’Jwe! Floyd, late of Bak t-i ,-oanty, deeeasOa nested to present them duly autlicutin|od, mvitnin the time pre scribed [>y law. \ \(f OHN GREEN, ■> s \ Administrator. December 10,185*?—2m \ OLD STAND- Brick Corner. WINTER OF 1853. Wfi am now-receiving from New York,a ve rv extensive slock of STAPLE AND FANCYGOODS. Hardware and Cutlery. Boots and Shoes. Crockery—lints and Caps. Groceries — Saddlery. Mictklrmmis GOODS,Sfc. &>'C. Our stock is intended to comprise f.yery Ar.- T'fCLE which tire wants of cii.-toniers may require, ” from a cambric needle to a sugar boiler.” Onr friends and customers in Lee. Hiker. Dooly and Irwin counties, are respectfully requested to Givayos a CALL, when in want of any article in mfrline. Country produce of til kinds, purchased af tlio.h'ghest oiapkent price. ’ RAWSON & MOREMEN. Albany, Opt 15. -’s3—4stf Win Ur of 1853, sis€ IPiES AT Wtfatrsnx 5- hoiiMiens T> IO knd Java Coffee.loaf, crushed, pnKeriz erl and brown Sugars. I'ickles,Cheese, But ter, Chocolate, starch, I’eper, Spice,.Soda, Soap, Candles, Sauces and Catsups, \east lb)wafers, i &c.,a1l ol which are now being received. Oct 15, -’s3—4otF FIIOOL, Law, Blank and Miscellaneous i #5 Rooks. Cap, Letter, and note paper, and all articles of Sfatioiierv.f'i“t received and for sale, Cheap, at the Albany IfiOOSk Jti’S’OKJE, one door West, of the Drue Store. WELCH, SHERMAN & CO. Albatty, November 12, 1853—2 m Boots and Shoes. A. I, MOST every variety of Men. Women /•\ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes,Gaiters, Slippers, etc . now just received by RAWSON & MOREMEN. October 15, 1853 —45t! TV ECRO SHOES, Blankets, Ker-rvs, Lin da spys, Ostiabiiru's, arid a good assortment of ] Plantation Goods, are now being offered for sale on good terms at RAWSON & MOREMEN’S. October 15’ -’s3—sstf fall and winter E X IIIJB 1 T 1 O N. 1553, AT until AM JL V A SOX'S OWE PRICK STORE GENERAL DEALERS IN EVERY D ESC RIP ION OF MERCHANDIZE. ARE now receiving frornI’IIILADELPIIIA, NEW YORK and IK sup ig HEADY ;|PSMy (: ’ f K r 11“ - - *\ j ‘i / < W’ “I A fIY \ si- * | vr* ‘ o ‘■ • W Pf r’ ■■ m Jr m ma I jar l f:’ ’ WpP T \ v \I go ‘ lyjj I ’ ■■'*f I ! i ,'” . I r I ‘’ |c i YOUTHS CLOTHING, Children’* Fall Suits, fine and Cheap for com mon use. LADIES’ FANCY DIIESS GOODS, in great abundance, embracing ail the novelties of the season, in colorin'* and designs, plain Bruch. Plaid, S.itten Striped. Watered and plain Black Silks, plain and Plaid French and English .Marinops. black and plaid Aiapaccas, plain and printed M ns. BeLunes. clack and colored Velvets Rich French worked Collars, Cliffs, Chemizelts. Uuder.-lceves, line prints, Ginghams. Woolen, Sik Prin'ed and (..'rape Shawls,fine Cloaks and Mantinas, iro-n 4to S4O. Silk, Cotton and Moritm Hoserv, sitk linen and Cainb. Hd'kts. IIOUSHFURNISHIN GGOO DS. Table Covers, linen Damask, Curtain Dimity, Irisii Linens linen ami bleeched Shirting, Pillow Casing, Towels and Napkins. Also a large stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Flannels lor Cloak lining, The public generallg, are requested to e„Il and examine our stork, beloro purchasing elsewhere. DURHAM & VASON. Albany, October Ist, 1853 42—ts AaiiKßtNraro 3?omalG Institute. TIE exercises in this Institution will be re urned on tbe second Monday in January “•#,s< 1, under the following Board of instruct tion:— Kcv.P. A. STROREL, Principal, and instructor in Mental Philosophy, ; Relies Lett res, History and Mathematics. Jliw Id, A. EIORA, Modern Languag e*, Ornamental Branches, and Assistant in .Mathematics. Jli> E. M. STROBEL, Assistant in English Department, Mrs. JIAKY COOK, Vocal and Instrument!-! Music. Rev. .1. Carter, Lecturer on Natural Religion. I Rev 11. Hornady, Lecture eon revealed Religion. Rev. A. A. Robinson, Lecturer on Physical Sci ence. D* The Scholastic year embraces one term of Ten Montlin, commencing -2nd Monday in January, and ending first Tuesday in November. At tbe close of llie term there will he a public examination and a concert ot vocal and instrumental music. ET .Vo punil will be taken for less than a term, except by special contract. Pupils who cider three week alter the opening of the school, will be charged from the time of enter ing, but always to th<- end ol the term. The following will be the rates,of Tuition : Prim ry department, per term ol 10- mthsfJiO.OO Fourth Class, “ “ “ “ 28.00 Third Cla-s, “ “ “ “ 32,00 Second & Ist Class, “ “ “ “ 40,00 Ancient Languages,“ “ *• “ 15 00 Modern do “ “ “ “ 1800 Music on Piano, &c.“ “ “ “ 50.00 Use of Instrument, “ “ “ *• 5.00 Drawing & Painting;“ “ “ “ 20,00 Einb'rv, u<x work &c. “ “ “ 20 00 The Principal is prepared to accommodate boarders at the following rates: Board, per session often months, slooy#o Fire-wood, washing, lights, &.c. extra, 10,00 Total, SIIO,OO O’ Payments will be required one lmlf in and toe other halt (when practic able) by the first of July,of each year. Catalogues will be sent to all who de-ire :i. j Address, P. A. STRpBEL. Atnrrfcu?; Not. ISVW.-—so—row4t I MIL LINE MY AND Dress -Making. THE undersigned respectfully announces to her friends and the public, that she con tinues her business of Millinery and Dress-mak ing, at her residence, next-house West of the Baptist Church. She takes l Lie opportunity of returning thanks to her many friends for ibeir favprs, and hopes from strict attention to iter business, for a contin nance of their patronage. London and Paris Pattefnsand fashion Plates received Monthly. Mr.s. E. A. EGAN October 29. -’s3—lf \V. ('. DOWD. Wars House 8? Covimission Merchant, OGI.ETIIOKPE, GEORGIA, T Have Hie pleasure to inform the public, that I have rented, for this seaso. , the large and commodious Ware House, cn the corner of Baker and Chatham streets, in this city, former ly occupied by It. 11. Sims and Cos. Should they be pleased to favor mq. with their pstfTTna'ge. ! fc?T ffonfuieritof giving entire satis faction, as my time will he exclusively devoted to the storage of Cotton. Ad orders for supplies, strictly attended to. My facilities are such that I am able at all times to make liberal advances on their Cotton. Reffei’.gmce—Durham and Vason, Aibauy Ga. Oct. 15, 1853—4 t 11. IL EROWST WAME HOUSE Sc COM.UIS SION MERCHANT. AT the old stand formerly occti|iied by Horne Sl Jell:?, Oglethsrpe Georgia, Would take pleasure in attending to all the busine-s in his line at the nsnai rates'. To Filling all orders from the plant ing community, to selling all produce intrusted to hi* rare, receiving and forwarding all Goods c psigned to his rare. 11 v strict personal attention to the above busi ness', he hopes to gain a liberal patronage. Aug. 17—n38-fiui Slarkville Hotel. a THE nndorsigned is in pcssesssion of tiii* House ol entertainment, and lias put it in thorough repair, and has made ouch addition to it as will enable lihn lo render comlortable his patrons. — His personal attention will be given to lire ac commodation of Ills guests. W. F. HAM ERICK. September 10, 1853—1 y . , TAILORING! TAILORING f! f|M!E undersigned hating located himself in Albany, lor the purpose of carrying on the above business, offi-rs his services to the citizens of the City and the surrounding country, and hopes that the real ness and dispatch which has heretofore characterised him as a workman, will commend him to a share of the patronage of the country. He is prepared to execute ail work in his line with neatness and best style; and is determine by a prompt, foithful and tasleiulexe r.ntion of -Ml upon which h will deal, hu t no ,e of his easte rners shall have j*t cause for Complaint, lie return* ins thanks to the public for the liber, al patronage heretofore extended to him, and so licit a continuance of the same. iLi’ llis shop will be found in the office former ly occupied bv Dr. Huntington. JOHN 11. DAVIS. June 94, ISs2—!v F. M. THOMPSON, BUILDER 8? CONTRACTOR, prepared to do all kind es Carpenter’s work . entrusted to his care, u itli neatness and des patch. 3_i ’ Also, wanted to employ four or fiv# good Carp'-ii'.ers, that are capable of doing a wood neat job. None eke need apply. Albany, Ga., Aug. 6, 1853. 35 ts. ‘ JUST RECEIVED , AND constanly on hand at theLnmpkinFu rni tuie Manufactory, Cottage and childrens Lnairs. I isks Patent Metaiic Burial Cases, furnished at short notice. Tomb and Grave Etones fur nished to order on good terms. B-i Furniture delivered to purchasers by their paying expenses. W. 11. GROSSMAN. Lumpkin, June 17,1853—1 y To hand Buyer#, j T F will be greatly to your advantage to call.a i my office and examine the number of Farms | and prices, that is left with lute for sale and to refer buyers to, FIAMLIN J. COOK. Albany 15, 1853—3 m NOTICE. GEORGIA; Baker county. fj/k Day- alter date, application will bemads to t lie Hon. Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real e-tate, and the slaves belonging lo Richard McDaniel, late of said county, de ceased! JOHN H. McDANIEL, Ad’m. Oct. 8,1843—2 tn. I) P. ELLIS $ CO, TAKALKRS in Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, Columbus Geotgia. > GOODS sold at this house are warranted te give satisfaction. D P. KLLIS. A. S. HAYSJ January, 14, 1853. ly Rope ami Bagging. fp IIE subscribers have -eceived a large lot of J- Rope and Bagging of excellent'quality, which they will sell as low as any others in the country, Our TOM is now in New York, where he is purchasing a large STOCK OF GOODS, peculiarly adapted to the wants of their custo mers and this section of couniry generally. Our stock will consist in part of Groceries of all descriptions. All maimer of DR\ T GOODS, Hardware, Crockery ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, ready male Clothing, Drugs and Medicines. Indeed in the future we intend to keep anything and everything our customers need. As we said at first, give us a Call and if it is not to yaur advan'age, to purchase of us, theft we will not insist on your doin'* so. C. A. & T. j? BOYNTON. Gin Town, Sept. 10,1853—-ly - BJigging and Rope \V’ E.’ e a urge quantity of Bagging and ’ * Rupp, which we;.oiler m Planters on ac emriiic'datiiig terms.- 11. HORA.&CO- Albany, Aigint 13,1833. —