The Georgia courier. (Albany, Doughtry County, Ga.) 1852-18??, April 29, 1854, Image 4

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. Comity. To nib 1 wfii.fei*. if in concern. li'HKRUIS Cjui I<!H \V. Rmvoon, ap- pljcK In nir for LhlUts of Administration on Iho estate of Ji'oppii Duckn orl ti.jiate ot said county dcci’anod. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all poisons interested to fiie their objections, (if any they Imve.) in mv office withinb e time prescrib ed in law, why said Letters should not be grant ed. ‘ Given under my hand in office, this the 7th day ot March 1854, 1,. M. LENNAliD,Ord’y. March llth, J 854. J 4 30d. NOTICE. months after date applica'ion will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Lee County, to sell the real es ateof Moses B Tismi, late of Lee county, deceased, for the beneifit of the legatees and creditors of said deceased. MOSES W. TISON, Lx’r. Mtrcli 25j 1 ?o4 —4 m GEOBfilA—Lee County. WrtEItE.VS, J T. Howard applies to me for Letters of Admiiiislration on the estate of Mfcy iha Henderson, late of skid county deceased These are Iheretore, to cite and admonish all 1 persons hitenested, to file their objections, f ifajpH they have,) in nty office within the timepWsTrili | cd by law, why said letters should ranted Given under my hand and signature, this M irch tlOt h. 1854. L. Ordinary. Alhsnv. Mureh j no.i Af.l, persons indehted to the estate of Wiley I lari luie of L-e county < Jeorgia iiec< a-eil, are nerehy noiilied to come forward immediately and settle the same. And those having demands anaiust said estate, must present them properly attested in terms of the law,or tLey will not be nuid. This Mflich 20th. 1854. y J N. SESSION, S A J TISON, \ Exr’s April 15, I*s V —4od. NOT I CIO. A I.L persons indebted to the eshite of V\ iiliam Adams, late of Leo county Georgia, docents eo, urn hereby notified to come forward iunnedi Htelv and settle the smile; and those having de mands against -aid e-t.lfc must present them properly attested in.terins ol the law,or they will nut be paid. This J'Jili March, 1851. J. N SESSIONS, \ A. .1 TISON. ([Executors April 15. 1861.—4® I. Df.CATUR Mllillirrs SALES. IV S t.S. be sold lietore the Court House door in lire town of llainln idge, Decatur county, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Two lots ‘of land Nos. one hundred and four teen, and one hundred and t enty in the sixteenth Di-trirl of said county ; levied on as the proper!i of John McEuchran if • satisfy one Superior Court Fifa, issuer) out of said countv in favor of Coe j Anderson & Cos.. vs. John M ;Eac.hran, properly pointed out by Plaintiff- Attorney. Iso, ul the same time and place, one Chest of Tools, one Trunk ami contents, one eighty acre land wurrent mid onp WtlK* CSun. Levin! on to I satisfy oii6 Superior l *nurt Fitfi, issued out •f bxid county in tuvor ot .!. Doimlsmi vs. Jon s la Malone—-property p inted out ly lMainMr* Any Also, at tre saute time and place :i 1 Joum* hii.J lpt in the town of JLi inljridoe, No. not known, | Tuaini. frtfc „ ,ivr f A- . hut knm n ws no 1 |Mi-:m lihw lives; to satisfy one Justice Court p ita, is sued out ot the nine hundred and seventy ft st District of tGcn.Malilia, in favor of Sirnne! Willson vs. William Baggs; levy made and re lumed to me hy Constable. Also,at the same time and place, a negro man , by the name of Frank,about twenty j Levied on to satisfy one-Attncliineiit l ca, tatted out in the rive hundred and thirteenth Di-t.C. M. j in favor cl John II Home vs. Wiihain HoLtoii , lgvy made and retuno-ii to me tiv ( oitstahte. A l*. BEECHER, Hep. Mhetiffi Mar. 23, 1854 -ids. GKVItUI A WHREIE AS J.T uo wiid upf'iie*'<> “> p uif Loiters 111 l>i-!iiis>i, n oil tl.e Guard iiitilil)) dl the pprsnu Hiiii properly <>! Lucy a"J Mary llooks, •niuoru ol Join) U. IliiUe. These ura ilmrt’lore i<> cite anJ ailinoni-li all pjrsrlis interested to liie lii- ir objection* (il any IhPV haeo) ia idy nllic.o witoiti the time pre-crib ed by law,why said tellers should not be ittanted. Given under my luml and official signature, this .March 20tb 1854 1,. M. LENNARD, Ordinary. Mrbl) 25,4 854—Initial. (lEORIA--Lce eewnty, WHUKIiAS (Buries l’. Huckabv, applies to me for letters of Administration, on the estate of Simeon Huckaby, late oi raid county de . , .. T^PS# r are thproTorf* ft* cito and aU persons inierotMcd, to fill* their objections (it any they have) in mv oflfi *e,in the time prescribed by Jaw, why sxitl letters b) ton Id not be granted. (liven under inv hand and official signature, tbie 27'liMari li H 54. L M LHWAKI), April 1, 1851—30. Ordinary Valuable Lands for Sale XNOW oX-r for sain on terms to suit purchas - er*, Te<> thflfrsun.l arres ot l.and, lyino in one entire ‘jody.n.i li'jfi.ul River, Kiolu miles Mon Meivton. iir Htdfea - Vtiinity. im-liijiiin :t planta-* lion of 3JO ahrAd-tu a liiolt state of cultivation, with a good dsteling house, Gin house and Screw, and all other necssary out - buildings. Sti.d lauds alone liie Hast bank wi ‘said yiiVt fiver, for three aides For further partis eulars apply to P. J. StreZ'r, E-q. at Albany, •r to my self on Hie prenii -e-. ISRAEL M \PLES. Alts; 20, (853 —if A dnii n iati'stJ S;:!e. BY virtue of an order ot the 11,m. Court of Ordinary ol Biker Comity, pas-ed at ttie ilaicu tern, sill lie sold (refore (lie Court House a Oar at Ne .vion, in said county, on t e first Tues day in May next, between the usual hours of sale • negro nttlil named Daniel. Terms one half cash, tire other in small notes with apptoved security, sold ns tl.e property of Greenvill Spence deceased, and ‘>r Hie benefit of creditors, and tor a distribution among the heirs o’ said estate. JAMES LJ. BELL, Adiu’r. March lltlr, 14 4!)d. WILL BFiSDL!) .nr the first Tuesday ia Mty next,(lire 2.1 dav.) before the Court House d<Hir in the town ol Baiiibrnloe, Decatur county, berweeo the usoal hours ot sale, Lot of Land number 3 4 1. til the I9lli District of Derta tur enumy, in p'lrsnanee o! the last Will anil Testumrnt ol Samuel Williams, late of K.ewari enunly Hecea-eJ, and lor dis'ribution amongs; the Legatees. Terms on the day. WII.LAU) DOYNTON, KI.IJAIt E. CROCKER, LOVEBD BRYAN, Executors. February 27 ist—Ms JOBWORB. ItTEATLY EXECI'T 1 14 a this offic ■LA Dec. 24th, 1153. NOTICE. t EE persons are hereby n .tlfied not to trade tora note payable to Morgan, Smith and Company, signed by Bishop lid Sikes, dated some lime between the ninth and fourteenth of November, eighteen hundred and fifty three.— Said note was due February the first, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. The note was given for $77 70 cents, and lias a credit of live dollars.— Saiu note lias been lost or mislaid by me. B. S. HODGES. February 11, 1354—find NOTICE. f OST some time since the first of Jannart ‘ -“-4 last,one promissory mile given to the sub scriber. i y William W. Kendrick, for one thou -and dollars for lot of land number 394, and North half ol 393, in the first District of now Dougherty county, due first of January last.— The public is forwarned from trading (or said ■note. W.VI. CLIFTON. February 11. 1854—3 t NOTICE.” ~ffi*7'E have lost a promissory note for Fifty V w Dollars mad# by Flea-ant 11. Key, paya ble to Daniel Bustle or bearer. Said note was dated about the Ist ol January ]i354, and was due tivo,b>. s '* months after date. The bearer jig -wwiteaMiot to pay said note without bur vuket. JOHN B. LEWIS & SON. Slades, Lee Cos , fra January 18, 1854. —6od. GEORGIA, ) RULE XIRK, Eee county, y Court of Ordinary, MAID II TERM, 1854. jj > Y I .iidwell M. Leonard. Ordinary of said -“ ® Conriiy’Jeseph Bon J having this day filed tiis pel,lion for Letters of Dismission as Adminis trator of Lewis Bond deceased, nlledging that he had fully discharged the trust confided to him. It is, there lore ordered, hy the Court, that, all persons interested do show cause, on or before the third Monday in Oct next, why said applica tion should not bo granted. And it is further ordered that this Bole Nisi, be published in the Georgia Courier, for six months previous to said Term of tins Court, on the third Monday in Oc tuber next. True extract from Minute, this the 20th day of March, 1854. 1,. M. LENNAIiD, Ordinary. March 25 1851—Cm _ [ liULE MSI, East? County. ( Court of Orpin akv, AI’KIL TERM. 1854 BY UJDWEI.L M LENNAIiD Ordinary of said conn v, William J. Barker having this day tiVd his petition lor letters of Dismission as Administrator ol his Wife Sarah Barker deceased ; alleging that i,e lias fully discharged the trust and conlidt lice reposed in him. Il is therefore ordeied by the Court, that all persons concerned do show cause, (il any they have.) on the third Monday of November next, why said letters of Di-mission should not be granted; and it is further ordered hy the Court, that this Rule Nisi he published in the Georgia Courier or some other public Gazette of thi- State, for six months previous to the said November term of this Court. L M. LENNAIiD, Ordinary. April 17, 1854. It i” I do hereby certify that the above is a true copy train the minutes of the Court. E. D. WATSON, Dep. Ordinary. April 22. 135 4 —6m. y t VI'V tf>:i yn alter (late application w ill he aide to the Ordinary ol Bnker county, lor leave In sell all the land and negroes belonging to the Estate of Joint Montgomery, late ol said county ol Biker docea-ed. SIGEH, 3 coinily. WaHS’ISSEAS .1 I'. 110 v aid apdlies to me for Letters of Administration; on the Estate of W. j. lli'iiilrr.-oii line of said comity neceased. These it red lie re to re to eiie mrd admonish all persons interested to tile their objection (it any tliev Imve) in lav office, within the lime prescrib ed iiy law Why said letters should not be grained. (liven under inv band and official s gnature, this March ÜBlii 1851. I, M LENNARD. Ordinary. March 25. 185 1 —3OJ .isSA, Lost Comily. Wl iBRHAS Tin-mas Palmer of s-id county applies to me :ur letters of Aduiiinslrntion upon the estate ol his dc ceased wife Luiora Pal mer late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular those interested. In he am) appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show eau-f (if any they havel why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand ; and official seal this the 1 4th of April, 1854. L. M. LENNARD, Ordinary. April 15th, 1851.—30.1. TO CITY TAX PAYERS. rill IE city Digest having been completed and I turned over to the undersigned for collec lion, he is now prepared to reeipt lor tli taxes of the city. Tax pav rs would do well to call on him at his office. l!|-Stairs, one door ! Slawt of the I*oxl Office, where lie may at all times be found. J. C. GARDNER, Collector. April 22-1, 1854. 20 3t. I FOB S ALK. WILL be sold on the Ist Tuesday in April next, at public, outcry, the following ne j Jim.-, to wit : Olive, Mary, Elvira. Josephine and two Children, Florida ami Sarah. Terms one third cash, ill • remainder payable Ist of January 1855,w ith approved security bear ing interest from dale will be required. Tho-e who want to purchase negroes low down would do well to attend. JOHN L. BEVERAGE. March 18, 1854—ids. To Land Buyers, 17’ will he ly to your advantage to call a tny olliee and examine the number of Farms I sizes ami prices, that is left with me for sale ! and to refer buyers to, HAMLIN J. COOK. A'bany 15. 1853-3 m LAND FOR SALE. i MULBERY SPRING LOT, No 2D, in Ist ■ District of Lee County. For particulars apply or liie undersigned at Columbus, Geo., or J. C. Har ris Albany, Goo. W. K. HARRIS. February, 15,1854. NOTICE TO L ANDHOLDERS, TIE undersigned will attend to the selling or examining and giving inlormatiim ot Gauds lying in any of the counties of S. VV. Georgia on reasonable terms. A. I*. GREER. Albany. Baker county Ga. REFERENCES. It. Hoi; 4, Albany, Gerrgia, | Hon. Litt NVarrf.s. “ “ R. A. Clarke, New tun, Georgia, IS. C. Steven., “ “ j December 10,1853 —if Bagging and Hope. VITR have a -rge quantity oi Bagging and vt R, w'lb-li we .lier'o Planters .mi ac .-. nnnod.tnig ‘funs- August 13,186-1- —if 11. IIOIvA, & CO- Life <fe Fire Insurance, AGENCY. ALBANY, Ga. oiideragued will issue Policies ol lubur a nee. ifi th* following Cnrppauiea; Charter Oak Life Insurance Cos. Hartford, Con.v. Capital (endorsed by the Stile) $550,000. Allred Gill, President, | Jas. C. Walkley, Sec’y. Farmer's Insurance Company. Utica, N. Y Capital. $200,000. [Granite Fire Insurance Company. New York. Cixv. Capital, $300,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos. Waterford, New York. Capital, $150,000. New York B,’ Eric Insurance Company. Capital, $150,000. - ( These companies having a capital safely in vested in bond and mortgage, are prepared to ef fect Insurance against loss or damage by fire,on all kinds of properti, on reasonable terms. E IIAZZARD SWINNEY, Agent. Oct. 15,-’53-45tf \ STEPHEN EGAN, FASHIONABLES BOOT RAKER. riIHREE doors West of the Post Office, and •so opposite .i. C. Davis’—is prepared to fill or •'ers for Gents Cork Sole, Water Proof, Homing. , i t’atcnt Leather, Dress, Pump Sole and coarse Boots, Shooting Boskins, Bootees, Oxford Ties, Pumps, Slippers, Servants Shoes, &c. &c. Drawings taken of the sept and lasts kept for customers—Dick’s Patient Shanks put in new Boots when required- Repairing done neatly.— All work of warrented materials, arid put tip by experienced an” careful workmen. MR. Ed AW lias been in my Employ for the past three years, and I take pleasure in say ing that he is a superior workman, in lact one of the best I ever employed ; and that I can most cheerfully recommend him to the patronage of the community, as one deserving of their sup port. Albany January, 1854. Samuel D InvitN LEWIS BE.WET Briclx. Mason. n LSPECri'ULLV informs the citizens ot Albany, and surrounding country *hnl lip i” prepared to pxpculp .Jobs of Brick Work, at short notice, and in a neat, pubstnntial. work manlike maunpr—prices to suit T he times. He refers to Messrs. James H Hill. St Fo., Joseph Bond. Ambrose It Wrignt, Daniel Win* gard and William E Smith. Albany, January 14,1854—12 m iHILLINERY AND Dress-M ak i n g. Kflit E nndersigited respectfully announces to! JL her fiiends anti the pobhc, that she con- j linues her business ol Millinery and Dress-multi ing, at her residence, three doors west of the- Post Office and opposite J. Davis’. She lakes this opportunity'of returning thanks I trie lrit ’J4t | - lor their favors, an.) hope.- | TfoMi arra. t attention to her btisinTf'Voi I i;t.:i!ln r uai-ca of their patronage. Lnndoouud Paris Patterns and lashion Plates , received Monthly. Mrs E. A. EGAN October 29 -'53 —ts F. M. THCMPSt N BUILD Eli 4- CONTRACTOR . I'S prefutrs-tl to do all kind of Carpenter's work . entrusted to iiis care, w itli neatness and des patch ILT Also, w anted to employ lour or five j good Carpenters, that are capable ol doing a goad neat job None else neril apply. Albany, Ga., Aug. ti, 1853. 35 If. THOSE SPLENDID GINS. Equal to any made iu Georgia. WHILE n'lier Gin manufacturers have been making fine outward appearances on their (■iiis to show at Fairs, for the purpose of getting the name of Premium Gins, the undersigned has been steadily engaged in the more im;mrtant work ol improving the saw, brush and breast of liis Gins, which he has brought to such a stale of perfection that lie fears not competition from any Factory in Georgia. Ills new improved round bottomed saw teeth are the best bv far, that are , now in use, ginning faster and making a better sample of cotton. Below are a few certificates show ing their superior excellence. Orders for Gins will bp promptly attended to. Persons wishing had best order soon. O’ Repairing done iu the best manner. J H. WATSON. Palmyra, February 11, 1854.—t5. Dougherty County, Ga.,Dee 26. 1853. Col. J. 11. Watsuh, —Stit: The sixty saw Gin I purchased,ol your improved round bottom ed teeth, ts certainly the he-l Gin I have ever j seen ; it pleases me in every particular. lam very confident that I can gin two thousand five hundred pounds lint cotton in the da v. HARDY GRIFFIN. Lee County, Ga - , Dec. 26th, 1853. Cor.. J 11. Watson,—Deal e-'tu : -The forty saw Girt L purchased, of yout “Unproved round bottomed saw teeth, is a very superior Gin, and gives me entire satisfaction. WILLIAM NEWSOM. Brooklyn, Cakf.r Co.,Ga , Dec. sth, 1853. Sir: The Gin ol your, I with pleasure state meets'Cvith my uilquaYined appro bation. yours respectfully, J. C. BROOKS. To J. il. a Ison. I ek County, Ga., lan. 3. 1354. I Mr. J. II Watson,—Dear Sir : This is to | certify that the Gin I purchas'd of <ou of your ! improved round bottomed saw teeth, is a very superior Gin, and gives me entire satisfaction. A. M, JONES. Lee County, Ga., Dec. 23th, 1853. This is to certify that the Gin 1 purchased of J. 11. Watson of liis improved round bottomed saw teeth,-is a very superior Gin, and gives en tire satisfaction in every particular J. FORESTER. Starkville Hotel. ii THE undersigned is in pcssesssion of this House ol enterlainmeiit, and 1 1 1 1 Ims put it in thorough repair, and ■jJJA’J&ta. inis made such addition to it as will enable on to render comfortable Ids patrons. — His personal attention will be given to the ac : cuuuiodation ol Ins toes - A. F, LIVMERICK. * r 10. 1563--!y BO AUDI AO HOUSE. Mrs. NESBITT having purchased the pleasant and commodious cwellihg mS 3 S House ol Mr. Loyless, at Hardmoney, B.r, g —l. Georgia designs opening a Boarding; Blouse, in lavor of the School, w here all may bfe com fortably accommodated on reasonable terms, and convenient to the School. A share of pub lic patronage is respectfully solicited. Her House will be opened the second Monday in January, for reception of.bofdfrk. The village is as healthy as any in Georgia--qniet and re tired—no temptation lor boys—no excitement for girls, and as good a School as any in Southern Georgia. Try us, and you will be plea-ed. M A. NESBITT. Hardmoney, Ga Dec. 17, 1853—ts GIVE I!¥ YOUR TAXES. I STMIE subsciibers having been appointed ap~ * praisers for the year 1854 by the City Coun | cil, hereby give notice to all persons liable to pay taxes in the city of Albany that they will keep open their office on the corner of Broad nd Washington streets, from 2 to 5 o'clock ev ry day, (Sundays excepted) from this date till -he first day of March, for the purpose of re eivi.ig lax returns from all tax payers in the city in accordance with city ordinance No 4 passed Janaary llth 1854. F. O. WELCH. -7 L. E. SHERMAN. . , Albany. Jan. 14, 1854 41—6 w .IHY in. COOPER A CO., Booksellers and Savannah, Georgia. T AW and Medical Hooks, at Pub ” J li-hets’ prices; English Boolts, French,Ger man, &c., &c , imported to order at the lowest prices of the largest Northern Houses; Writing paper. Cap, Letter, &.C., over 1.000 Reams for sale in lots of 10 or 20 Reams, for cash, at Mill prices. Account Rooks, Levers, Journals, Re cord Books. Metnoraodums, &c., of all sizes and ! several different qualities of each; the best at the prices of ttie New York Manufacturers. Writing Inks of all kinds Harrison’s. May nard Si Popes’ and others; tit- former inferior to none, and for sale at Harrison’s prices in Phila delphia. Gold and Steel Pens, a large ard select ed stock, at lowest pi icps. J M C. A Cos are sole Agents for Georgia and Florida lor Mann’s Patent Copying Books and Pres-es, considered’ superior-1* and for sa'e at Mann’s prices in Philadelphia Also, other styles of Copying Presses, Seal Presse-. Sir. BOOK ISmHYG.nitd blnnkbook Uliiiiiii'ucturiug. J. M O Si. Cos. having greatly enlarged their Book Bindery, are prepared to re hind, and man ufacture in the best manner and of the heal ma terial work of all l iods A large stock always on hand of Engli-h aud American Lggpf Paper, of the het nmiintaciorprs. Kook and Job Printing, of all Jrirt'ds in the best slvte ami at th” lowest rates, (Jrdi nary Business Cards at $2 60 per thnu-and. Cards included; Bill Heads at $5 per Ream, on fine paper, ruled with Red and Bine fines. Office thoroughly renewed. Over SI,OOO woithof New- Tvpe just received Printing Ink, New spuper and Bmd*, of Johnson's* and other Manufacturers, for summer, fa I and winter use, for sale at manufacturer’s prices. Printing pa per, wrapping paper, also, printing material, Type, Rules, &.c. from Johnson's Type Founds* ry, furnished to order at Fbundary prices. Subscriptions received to Harper’,*. Pulliam's, flip Knickerbocker, Gndev’s Lady’s B mk, and f?fil l "gfl’s at per antrum, paid - in advance—mailed to mu All orders and pnqdirles promptly attends’ *<V’ March 18, 1851—ts ‘ y, ’ * I SENATOR BENTON’S GREAT WORK!’ j “TillLvTY Ylv\KS VIEW!”, 1 A (JESTS W tSiTKD ISi EACH COVOTY. tgatittiaciory as to liability re- | il, and .noii'd accompany applications. VVe shall be pleased to receive subscript unw bv mail, and will enter the names so received, in in regular order upon our Sub-crbition List.— ISubsciibors living in the country will greatly fa cilitate the delivery of the work by giving us the name of smite oue in the nearest TvWR, who will receive it lor them. Where il i- sent by mail enclose to us thirty cents as part postage. The work will be sold exclusively hy subscript t ion. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Savannah, General Agents for Georgia and Florida. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN M ATdIBAN. TIE undersigned proposes publishing, in the own of Athens, a weekly Family Newspa ii, i ot large size, under the above title—which will be devoted to News (botli foreign and .lo niestir,) l*olitics(in moderation!And Cur ent Lit e nun re The first number will be issued on Thursday April 6th As to Hie tone and temper of our paper, polit- , ievhy, it may be vveil to remark, that while i nothing heated or mtnlpiant shall appear in our Columns, we shall, wllli that deferential respect w hich is due to the opinions of our fellows, firm ly and decidedly maintain those great, and us wo consider tuudarcental doctrines at present advocated by the friends ot the Nebraska and Kansas hilts, as-shadowed forth by their advo cates at the South. From birth, education and -association, a Whig, we shall. to the best of our ability, pndea vor to maintain * n d support those wholesome conservative doctrines which a-e paraphrased as the original watchwords ot that party, in the iermV‘Law. Order and ‘he Constitution,” and I which made it powerful for .good be'ore the Northern winu of it abandoned that old fashion ed Republican p'attor.n, and embraced higher law” principles “ ow urged by many! if not a majority ol them. Yielding to tliesngges tj ms ot some little experience in political life, ; ,ve shati tn-'ke our paper tire open, independent i and avowed Iriend ot economy in the administra ; t ion Ot public afT.irs, lailh Naiionai and ot a taitlr ’ til adhorence to the sacred obligations of public 1 credit. And we will nrg, with such ability as we mav be able to commend, that in all disposi tions to be made of the public lands, the rights of ! :dl should be regarded, and that the equality is qe only true rule ot equity. Wear present commit ourself to the action of neith r ot tiie great political parties North, be lieving, as we do, that litiie reliance is to be placed in their professions, resolves,or plighted faith,ai and while weshall not unnecessariy wage or encourage a sectional strife,we shall urge, we hope with becoming temperance, the just rights of the South, and insist that the Nor It shall at least carry out in good faith the-principles of the Compromise o. 1850—which brings ns to the cosition we truly occupy, to wit: if a party shall again tie formed upon pure Republican and Na lional principles —embracing, as well considered elementary doctrines, the truths vve have above set forth—we sliaii advocate its measures and men. In the News Department, we promise the ut most (Idlicence in turuishing tl.e very latest an rm-st reliable inteliigence, b..ih foreign and do mestic'. To this cut, iiis nur intention so soon as our patronage shall waijaiil llit* outlay, to make the necessary at rang’ merits fortelegraph.- ic dispatches up to the very hourjof going to press—by which the means nr subscribers in thi and all the counties b-ve here, can gpt later intelligence through the columns ot the “Watch man” than through those of more distant paper-. In the Literary Department, we shall exercise great care in making judicious selections, from the current literature oflheday—excluding eve jy thing of a vienus or immoral tendency, or w hich could bring V the blush of ingenuous shame’, to the chepks of innocence, whilst we diligently gather such as will instruct, amuse, refine and elevate. In this department, we ex pect the assistance of some of our best native 1 writers. The'great Industrial Interest of the country will not be neglected, hut we shall endeavor, as heretofore, to contribute what we can, to their a vancemen’. In short, it shall be nur constant aim to make the “ Watchman” a useful and readable Family Newspaper—and not only injecceptable. bn! a welcome visitor to the firpllqi* of it- readers To do Ibis, we are aware thatit require? untiring energy and industry, but we’ trust, that with the arrangements we shall make, so rs to enable ns todpvote more time than heretofore to the prepar ation of matter for our paper, logpther with our increased experience in the business, aud a full ande f ermination to “ deserve success,” we maj be ahje tn afford general satisfaction. . • With this brief expose of our views and inten tinqjiwe cal! unon nur friends every where, and the friends of what we regard Y s’correct princi ples, to aid its ir, giving to our papprajich a circu lation as will enable ns to dpvote our time and energy, to it. and in some degree compensate us for outlay of iacor and money. J. H. CHRISTY. TERMS. The Watch mar.will be published weekly on a band-oinelv printed large imperial sheet, at $3 per annum, in advance ; or $3 if payment be de layed. Six copies for sl<\ in advance; Ten “ “ 15, “ “ April 15,18&4. GEORGIA 110 HI GJifllTE. A Southern Literary Journal, Pub lished at Augusta, Georgia. JA’S. .71. SUYTHE, and ( , Mi(nrs ROBERT A. WHYTE. ( THE Home Gazette is devoted to Literary, Art, Science, Agriculture General Intelligence, an.l Southern Interests. The aim of the Editors is to make a Useful and Interesting paper; to blend the instructive and eufi rtaiinng together, in such a way as to secure a hijlt degr-e of interest,a nd yet at tlie same time elevate both the intellect t ml ttie -iff” cl ions. The columns of the pvper contain historical amt domestic Romances, Po lities o! Social Lite ski tclics of Biiinrapliv, clinic poetry, eifierla 111 ing anecdotes, scientific memoranda, agrlcullur at and industrial artieles, the general news of the day, and all political intelligence of anv importance. Besides a great variety of articles mi all these subjects, the Gazette will be pirlieu tar y adapted lor Family Reading It is puli lislred or the Home Circle, and the Editors feel that they have fully redeemed their pledge to make it all a Home tit vvspaper should be—entire ly free Irom politics bias and high-toned in char acter. Gratt fnl for the liberal encouragement which has been extended to our efforts to build up at the South a Literary and Fann y Journal ol liigl character,we shah increase our exertions tn justi fy this public confidence, and to nake the “Ga zette” still more worthy of general patronage. TERTIS. Single cujjy, one year,always in advance, $2 00 Two Cnpi-'S, v “ “ “ 350 Five Copies, ‘• “ “ “ 800 Tcit. copies, ‘i-. “ 15 00 - -HEy To any person making up a c'ubof Five Mtiityaeribers, and sending sll, we will send a Copy gratis tor one year Address SilY I’.HE A. WHYTE. Edftors Home Gaz tie, Augusta, Ga. December 24. 1883. UOUElf's LIVERWORT & TAR. Fur the comph tc cure of Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Asthma. Bronchitis, -N pi/ - tinn of Blood. &f all other lung com plaints tending to Consumption. T’liis preparation is getting into use all over onr Country. The numerous letters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures effected in their immediate neighborhoods, war rant saying it is one of 4lie best, if not ilie very best veuigli Medicine now before lire public. It almost invariably relievesand not uiilrequently cures lire very worst cases. When all other Cough preparations have failed, this lias relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physicians can testify. Ask the Ageut in vour nearest town, what has been liis experience of the effects of tins medicine. If he has been selling il Tor any length of tune he will tell you IT IS TIIE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT Below we give a few extracts from letters we have received lately regarding the virtues ol this medicine. Dr. S. S. O.dine, of Knoxville, Ga., says;—l have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively t . my practice for three years past, and, it is with pleasure 1 -late my belief in its superiority over all other art icles w ith which lain acquainted, lor which it is recommended.” Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing from >4 aynesville, N. C. say : —“The Liverwort and Tar is becoming daily more popular in this coun try, and we ‘liink justly so. Ali who have tried ; it speak in commendable terms of it. and say it is I very beneficial in alleviating tue complaints for which it is rec mmended.” Our Agent in Fickins District. S. C. Mr. S. R McFdl, assures iis ‘‘that lie uses it with great benefit in liis own family, and recommends it to liis neighbors.” He gives an instance ol a Ne gro woman, in bis vicinity, who had been suffer ing w ith disease of the Lungs fur years, attended with severe cough, who was rel.eved by the Liv erwort and Tar. Such are the g iotUepnr's wo bear of this Med- ’ icine irom all parts in tiie Sjjdfith. For a report ot -Hie snrpri.-ing cores it lias perlornied in the Western and Nonii rn and Eastern States, we i would invite the suffering pvtim t t'l read tiie pam phlet which accompanies each bottle. To all, we say, have hupp, have hope! TRY THE .UEDICINE!! BE WIR.VEU IK SEA-OX I !! And neglect ifnt that cough winch isdaity weak ening yourconstitullon, irritating your ifirout and lungs, and on that dread disease, Con sinr.plion, w and Healing a reme dy Can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrrup ol Liverwort and Tar. Beware .f Counterfeits and Base Imitations! The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers on the engraved w rapper around each bottle. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles I4r $5 . Sold wind, siil and retail by SCOVIL&. MEAD. 11l Chartres St. bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. O.'” Sole Agents tor the Sou'hern States, io whom all orders and applications tor Agencies must be addressed. SOLD ALSO BY. A. A. DANFORTH, Albany, Geo. K. SEIXAS, Tliomasville, “ JAM ES BUCH AN NAN & Cos., Blakely “ KEY & PRESTON, Cuthbert “ DAVENPORT &■ HAYWOOD Americus WIIEATLY & McCAV, do. A MARSHAL, Frt Gaines, BISHOP & SIKES, Starkville. Albany, March 4th, 1854. —4 m. THE GREAT KENTUCKY SOUTHERN REMEDY, DR JOHN BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. THIS mUrine, when used according to will 1 cure. wiJr ‘t fail: s?crofnla or Kinsf’e Evil. Cancer. Eruptions of the ?Kin, Ervsipelaa, Tumor*. <*hmnie B"re Kyh, Ringworm or TeDer*. Scald Head. * RhenmaM-nn. I’ains in Mm Roues or Old Son's and- U’cerp. >wclßne c # tlie (ilaiitlß. Svpbili-*, Dvpep itu ?a’* fheum. of the Sidoev*. arising from the nur • of Mercury, Loss f Afiiic-i c. in the Side ami §)tfuii<ftKrs. General Debility. I Aim huge. Coitghs. Cold*, Dropey. .’jwjndicc. dost 7 Times*, Bronchi* i*, \\ e Jtuess of the Chest. Sore ‘Ptron*. Ihiluionirv A flee ior. and ail o*her Disease-* tending to produt-e Cnnsumprion. Lire* Com p aii-ts, Female irre-'u ariiit sand Contplainsfi v ik>v Spirits. Sick and Nervous He idaehe. Nigh* Exposures, or Tmprudenee in Life. Cbronfe Cyn etitutionnl Disease*, and as a Spring and Summer Drink, and General Tonic for the System, and a Gen Me and Pleasant Purgative, it i* superior io-Uiue Lick ami Congress Water, Salts, or Seidlits Powders. It is a remarkable fact, that among the hundreds eminent physicians who have examined tiie reeipe by which ~ i Bull's Sarsaparilla is prepared, nor. ne hns condemned’ I it. but all approved it. anti commend k h the highest terms. Many physicians express themelves strongly no*. the belief that if-Is deeidedl.? the best preparation of Bats sapa;i!la that ha.* -ver been placed lefre the public. Although there arc many physician* who feel a reluerance to haring their name* appended to the recommendation of any p.r<ienlar remedy, no*withstanding they may approve of it in the highest degree, there are others who frankly yield their xup|tort in favor of u rente ly which they know is capable of duing ■- much gntnl in ai afflieted com- i niunify Aan eridcnio. read the f .dewing from old and . ras|tec>ah!e physiciane, of hijjU iu the coiuuiuuity iu which thej iir; TE3TTT 4 0 N Y. , (17“ Testimony like the following renders superflou* all count lent 4 oil the efficacy *>f Bull'a Sarsaparilla From Dr. .♦ 1.. Yr.l.dill. Professor, Medical Ooiicgo: I hive lcri.eil over the lis’ f computing Joint Bait's Compound L>."met of .Sarsaparilla, •• ami have no he'i’n iou in sing that they form a safe compound, and one that promisee well In “chronic diseases, to which ft is applii-xhle L. I*. YANiJKI.L. M D. Lotii*'vil e. June tj, I>lS. , What Dr. I fc ylcs. pii>flcian by appointment to Ojt Louis ville Marine Ilospiial. sa;,s of Hull's Sarsitparilla : ho: svii.LK. March ‘2O. IS4'J. * I lmve examined the prescrip inn for ‘he preparation of . John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, and I b ietc the combination tfl l>e unexelieni oue.aud w*!l calculi*:ed to produce an alrer- . ative impression on tiie sysn iu. I Itt.v** used it both in public iirvl private practice, aud think it the best article of Saixupariha no.* iu u^e. M. PYLKS. M. I> Rc.ilcnt Physician Louisville Marine Hospital. houDOX. I\T.. April lioth, IHO. -• Sm ttie honor to reply to n request that 1 will make in the conclusion of this fetter, He#; J 1 hui a graduate oi iTansy ivanta Medical University ; I t have practiced medieine in rhjs wilderness country, about J five years, but owing to exposure to bitter fold weather, I \ have been indi-putted \ri:h Acute liheumatisin about ix : months After having exhaus ed ny skill in the treatment * of uiy rase. ani deriving m> beneb f . I was induced to give your fluid extra* t of saksaharjlli a fair trial, and a-eordii giv purcha-ed a botiic #.f > nur ujediciue from your i agent. Mr (Jeor-re I*. Brown, about two weeks ago. aud I must confess that one bottle has entirely ciuwl me. ’ t It is my opiulon. *hai your >f Sarsaparilla is decide l y supfHor to any other preparation now in use, and I will take great pleasure in recommending it to the attiicte i as being a i u.e-iiai agent., :nl I will advise the phj siciaus to uni: it iu their pruv?iJCs". ifiespect fully yours, B. B. ALhBIf, M. D. Louisville, July 13th 1849. have examined the. Hat of ariicles that compose John- ’> - Bull s Uxtrai’t of rarsipariil.a. and I have no hestiiacion in saying thoi i’ is a •*.!* ami valuable compound. 1 would prefer it to any article- now in use, for the disease* arising from an impure state of tim hl*od or taint of the s> stem. I confidently recommend it to my friend* as pewe# ( ful KfCtrkct. and one that I believe will cure all classes of disease'', for which if is recount)elided, if used according to tlircctio!is. i L-niieve it to 1h- a valuable succedauetun to Mercury. Nay. J haw l--ulus whether-in tlie most violent and j r.nrac cd ca.-cs of f-yp:sills, Accoftipanfed with , Node* Tropm#, in cauit-s oJ t’.ic L, whether it ought not to succeed every o.hcr nsm dv S. it. McrONAriiri?. M I). Honorary Member of the Medical Society, l’liiladeipliln. o[7*lle:ir. wlrtt T>r. a physician who stands at the top of his prrfe>siou. - of.lotiit Bull’s Sarsaparilla: 1 have bivu using John Bud s Sarsaparilla in a great varie’y of cinouic divesi>e>, with the most happy effects, f and 1 hfvc no lies* ita inu iu n-mmineudlng it, to the public for the cure of •< rolV.a. syphilis, and all cutaneous und glandular < Yours, mos* fervcnflv, Lewispur:, Kv . Apii! 6.h, 1.H49. IVM. STAFF, M. D.‘ Ktrv. E. W. EEHO.X, Rev. E. STEVENSON. Conclusive. The following: is a verbatim copy of a araicnt*.now in flic- j)ocssUii of tli* proprietor of Hull's Sarsaparilla. K. W Sm ton is wMely and generally known as an elTHjttant and arccutplLsbad pastor of the M. K. church, aiul !>v rl Srevensnu has bcon known a one of the in on t tii*ntAjd and za-.louk incn:brß that th® Ken -tncky Coufenpipo could boast of for many years, and at this tiui> tilling.the hb;h and itfj*ponb pofacient for the M M. Hook row* * : n. (’an tins world prminca iattter or more BaHa tory tcsauion.v i:i favor f any madicine ? Better testimony then was ever offered in favor of any'’ medicine- Jicv. II.'SV". tfoiiou Hev. E Stevenson: Loi ’bviile. May 20th, 1849. We bnrr ree l ,Ti n Full’s Bai*snparilia, and have knowtL it to be u c*.l, wit it enrire sa isfaetion; and we have no” bos'iratiou i.; our belief, that it is a safe and valuable me Heal conipoUiid, and calculated to produco much pood end n:i*ve much suffering; and therefor®’ would t-hceifui!'. and most earnestly recommend il to the a.iict,;d. ‘ K VV. SBiiON. (Signed) L BTEVJHVSON. We earr.e*;*ly invite fill persons who are suffering with *ny of “ the fils tlmt Mesh is heir to,” to call on Dr. John Bull’s agent, am) get. a copy of Bull’s Family Journal gratis : and for in*- Rake of humanity, we hope that nr', single Individual will not be found unwilling to give Bull’s Sarsaparilla trial, after reading, and recollecting, at th® same tync, that ic is impossible tor the Doctor to publish I the tenth par* of the nuuthnr of certificate* of astounding i cures performed by his Sarsaparilla The amount of tiinony voluntarily showered on Dr Bull’s Sarsaparilla, from well known and distinguished individuals, both in public and private life, has been perfectly overwhelming. QJ*’* Dr John Bull's Principal Office, west Bide Fifth street first door below Main, Louisville, Ki For sale at the Drug Store by A. A. DANFORTH. Atbsny, June 2-4, 1853.—1-v THU AHURICAif ‘‘PICK”. T’lIS lllastrntrd Comic Week y is published in Nw®r- Yerk every Saturday, and has now commenced th® thirA i year of its prosj erous existance It has reached *. larger rlr ’ euiation than any attempi of t:.e kind ever Marled in Amir | ica. It is filled wiihcnts and caricature l.ikei esses ®f per sons and things, anti alone are worth the sub-cripti® j price, which is oniy Unk Dillar a yeas, for wnich J® - j numbers are mailed trt any pd'rt of the Uniled States. The new volume commenced witfih the “Bernini*center of John C C tlhun, by his Private Secretary ” and will b conlinued in the P ck until fiuished, which will take nearlj a year to accomplish. When the iKeuiini-ences*’ are completed they will •’ reprinted and published in book-form and a copy will be sent free of charge or postage, to every snbscriber to tk® Pick whose name shall l*e mor mail tMM k. , The Pick has become a favorite paper ibrmrghont ted Slates Besides its weekly designs by the first Art ists, it contains witty and spicy editorials nfo high charac ter. and will carry cheerfulness to the gloomiest firesid®. Its high charncter renders it a favorite in every family It is emphatically a family paper. D contain* each week a large quantity of Tale*, Stories; Anecdotes, Scenes aas Witticisms gatherel fioni life Every article that appears j in its columns i entirely original, and it has clustered a~ round it some of the best writers in the (Jnited States. j I The subscription price is only 1 dollar y eßr< j vance Agents who send in yntefrlglinns. or club* c®W ! poed often persmw*, are allowed to deduct a commisfiv® ! of‘2s per cent, thus redneirg the price to 75 cents,for th® wittiest weekly published upon this continent. The Pick number* ainowe ita *uhcrib*rs many ®f th® leading men of the nation, who give Ua cheerful end®r*®- , j nient. and not a line or design is allowed to appear in law ! Pickthat is not nnexceptior able, and its cheapness placea it within the reach of all- .be new volume c oimeaced mm Washington’s birth day; February 2*2d. 1P54- All i®U®W containing remittances must be addressed to JOSKPM A. S’ OVILLE, Ediicr and Proprietor of the Pirk. No -JR Ann .'reel. New V *rk. HERE YOU WHO WAST CKTIJEAfT ! I HiO arrive per Steamer Wynntoii •* Barrels choice CEMEIT"” DURHAM & VAfeON.. Jary 31,1851