The Georgia courier. (Albany, Doughtry County, Ga.) 1852-18??, December 02, 1854, Image 4

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Decatur Sheriff Sale for December. TTY'LL be sold before <ne Court-house door, in the town of Bainbridge, Decatureoun tv, Ga ,on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lots of land, Nos. (152 ) (153,) one hundred and fifty-two and one hundred and fitly.three and the undivided half of (169,) one hundred and six ty-nine, in the 19ih dist., and also, No. (182,) and (217.) one hundred and eighty-two and two hundred and seventeen, in the 20th dist., of said county, levied on to satisfy three Superior Courts S las two from Macon county, (la , and one from Pike county, Ga., one in favor ofßooert A. Lew is and one in favor of David Hilland one in favor of Julius Kaufman vs Aaron M. Thompson, prepertv pointed out by plailitiff Also, at the same time and place, nne lot of land, No. (236,) two hundred and thirty-six, in the 15th dirt., of Decatur county, Ga.. to satisfy one SSupenor Coart fi-fa from Randolph county, in tavor of Willis S. Jarrell vs John D. Riley. Propertv pointed out bv plaintiff. A. B. BELCHER, Shrff. October 24, 1854. EXECITOirS SALE. T> Y virtue of an order from the Honorable Cniirt of Ordinary ol Durke county, will be sold hfefore the Court house door, in the town of Newtbn, Baker county,onthe first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the valuable plantation in said Baker county, known as the Bellville place, belonging to YV right Murphree, late of said Burke ci’uiily,de ceased, there lands lye in about eight miles of said town ol Newlou, adjoining lands of Major Colquit, H. Tarver and others, containing two thousand and sixtv-two acres, he the same more or less, there is between two and three hundred cleared and in a high slate of cultivation, gin house, pack screw, negro houses, overseer’s house, <Vc ,we suppose Iheselsnds is na grind as any in Baker county. Any person wishing to buy will do well to examine the lauds before the day of sale, the overseer on the place will show them. Sold fora divirion among ihe heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Purchas ers to pay fc r lit lea. JAMES M. REYNOLDS, ) ALLEN INMAN, } Ex'rs. JAMES GRUBBS, Nov. 4, 1854.—48—id EXECUTOR’S SAEE. WILL be sold on Wednesday the 3d Janua ry next, at flie place kovvii as Pine Hill, belonging to Wright Murphree, deceased, eight miles below Albany, in Dougherty county, tile following property, belonging to said deceased, to wit: males, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, corn and fodder, cotion seed, plantation tools, waggon's, carts, household and kitchen furniture, nod many other articles too tedious to mention. The corn and fodder at the Bellvilie placewill be sold at this sale. Sale tocontimie from day to day until all is sold. Terms on the day of sale. J. M. REYNOLDS, 1 ALLEN INMAN. } Ex'rs. JAMES GRUBBS, ) Nov. 4, 1854.—48—1ds EXECUTOR’S SAEE. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Burke comity, will be sold belore the Court-house door in llie town of Altai- ! ny, Dougherty county, oh the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the valuable plantation in said county, belonging to YVright Murphree, into of said county, deceas'- ed.thfs place lies eight miles below said lown of Albany on Flint river, and is known as the Pine Hill place, these lands adjoins Col. Brooks, Mr.-. Hampton mnv Mrs.Lummy and others, contain ing two thousand acres, be the same more or less, on this place, there is a dwelling house, negro houses, gin house, cotton press, and all other ne cessary buildings, with about two nr three hun dred act es in cultivation the ball,nice in the woods, these lands are very good, vve hope per sons wi-tiing to purchase would examine them before the day of sale, Col. Parke, on the place, 1 will lake great pleasure in showing them to any person. Sold for a division among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Pur- j ehasetsto pay tor titles. J. M. REYNOLDS,) ALLEN INMAN, } Ex’rs. JAMES GIIUBSS, ) Nov. 4. 1854.—48—ids. NOTICE, WILL be sold on Thursday Ihe 21st Dec., next, hi the late residence of Moses B Tyson, of Lee county, the remaining stock of cattle, among them good milch cows, the planta tion tools and the entire stock of hogs. Meat hogs sold for cash. The other property on a credit of twelve months. MOSES W. ‘IISON, Ex’r. Nov. 4, 1854—IS—Ids. NOTICE. WILL be sold at tire Covrl house in Web ster, Lee county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the teal e-tate ol Moses B Tison, late of Lee county, deceased, consisting of about seven hundred and nfty acres of land,this planta lion is we'l improved and fresh and In good or der for cultivation, being one hundred acres of Cleared land. Terms of sale twelve months credit. MOSES YV. TISON, Ex’r. Nov. 1, 1854.—48—ids GEOKNI A, DongEicrt y coiliity. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COKCtiRN. WnEREAS Hugh 11 O “Far re I lias applied to me lor letteia of dismission from the estaiq of John 11. Farrel deceased. These are, theretore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said estate,to file their objections (if any they have,) ed the applicant at the next April Term of said Court. Given under mv hand and official signature, thtis October Dili, i854. YV. E. SMITH Ordinary. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 18th Oct., 1854. J. C - Uakdxek, and. cc. o. TYVO MONTHS alter dale application wiil be made to Hie Court of Ordinary, ot Lee county for leave to sell all the real estate and negroes belonging to the minors ot John Garvin, late of Lee county deceased, for the ben efit of heirs and creditors, &c. ZORA B. lIAYSLIP, Guardian. October 21, 1854 —tds ADMINISTRATOR’S SAEE. WILE be sbld on Wednesday, the 13tlt of December next, at the residence of Seaborn J YValden Esqr , in Lee County, all the personal property ol joseplt Duckworth, late of said ccun ty deceased. C. YV. RAWSON Adm’r. ber, Octo2B *3Bl tds. NOTICE. BY virtue cfan order of the Court of Ordi nary of Baker county, will be sold at Hie Court-house door in the city of Albany Dougher ty* courtly, oil the first i uesday in January next, and negro man, by Hie name of Adam, about 25 vrs. of age, belonging to the estate o! Robert M. Herrington, deceased. Sold for ihe benefit ol the j creditors ot said deceased. Terms on the day of •ale. NANCY HERRINGTON, Adm’rx. , Nor. 4, 1851,-48 -tds • LEWIS BEMET, 33ricls. Mason. DLsPUtTPULU’ informs the citizens *-*’ of Albany, and surrounding country that lie is prepared to execute Jobs of Brick Work, at short notice, and in a neat, substantial, work manlike manner—prices to suit the times. J He refers to Messrs. James H. Hill, & Cos., Joseph Bond, Ambmse 11. Wrignt, Daniel Win gard and William E. Smith. A.brny, January 14,1854 —12m * CfEOStGf ) r?TTf r viqt Dotiglier’ Comity. I Doughs, v Court of Ordinary, June Teim, 1854 Pre. ant—William E. Smith, Ordinary. TO . - :.l P f.rsohs Interested. —YV'hereas, Ja res Ariine lias applied to me for Letters ol Dismission from the Administration of liie estate Isam Smith, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite, summon and ad monish all and singular, the kindred and credi tors ol said intestate, to file their objections, if any they have, in mv office, why said Letters should not be granted, otherwise, Letters Dis rnisory will Ire granted the applicant at the next January Term of said Court. Given under my hand and official signature, \ June 12, 1851. YV. E. SMITH, Ordinary. June 17. 1854. 28-6 tn | A DMINISTRATOR’S SAEE. BY virtue ot an order In m ilie Honorable the 1 Court of Ordinary of Baker county, will j tie sold on the first Tuesday in December next, | before the Court House door in the city of Albany, county of Dougherty, between the usual hours of ! sale, two lots ol land, situated, lying and being | the one in the the second District of D-oighpfty j county, number three bundled and ninety-nine, the oilier in the eighth District ol Baker county, I number three hundred and sixty-seven, a3 the ! property of the Estate of Anderson C Jolly de i ceased, and known as the residence of said de | ceased. Both lot- are adjoining, with about 140 acres cleared land, and all necessary buildings | there on. Sold for Hie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on Hie day of sale.— This Ist day of September 1854. SARAH ANN JOLLY, Administratrix. September 2, 1854.—tds ADM IN IS Til , ITO A’ - ,V *SV / A A’. W ILL he sold on Hie first Tuesday in next December, before the Court-House door in the town ol Webster, Lee county, between the le gal Inmrs of sale, lots of land No's, fifteen) sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen, in the East of Hie square in the town of Starkville ; and Nos. twenty one, and thirty-t” o on the West side of said Square. Also, Lots No. sixteen in Hie fourteenth District, No. eighteen in the first District,.Nos. sixteen and eighteen in the second District; Nos. two hundred and seven, two hundred and nine, two hundred and ten and seventy-two in the lltir teenlli District, all of Lee county. Sold as the property of Daniel Tillman, late of of said county Deceased, under an order of the ’ Honorable flic < trriinary of said county of Lee. WILLIAM TILLMAN, Adm’r. October 14, 1854.—30d ADMINISTRATORS SALE. TJY virtue ot an order of the Court of Ordina- \ ry of Baker comity, will be sold belore the j Court House door In Newton, on the Ist Tuesday j in December next, one hundred and fifty acres j oi Lot of Laud. No. 91, in the seventh Di-tricl pi j siiid county. ■ Sold as the property of Richard j McDaniel, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said estate. JOHN McDANIEL, Adm’r. October 14, 1851—tds BT.OUtiilA, Douglierty Comely. SIX FY DAY'S after date application will be made tot lit* Court of Ordinary ol said coun ty for leave to sell lot of land number 410 in t ie \ *.-i di-trirl of ssiil emiulv—be'onging to the es-- j j late of John 11. Farrell, deceased. HUGH 11. O'FARRELL. Adm’r. Oct. 7, 1854. GOd. GEORGIA, HaizriolpSi County* NOTICE TO DEItTOItS AND CREDITORS. VI. L persons indebted to William Janes, late of said comity, deceased, will please make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said deceased will present them in terms of the Law DAVID 11. JANES, ) JOHN YV,.JANES, Executors. October 14, 1854. 40d GEORGI A, ) RULE NISI, Eet* Uousity. ( Court of Ordinary, OC'i OBER TERM, 1854. Jonathan McLendon having this day filed his petition (or letters ot Dismission as Administra tor of Edith McLendon late of said county de ceased, alledging that iie has Intty discharged tiie irust and confidence reposed in him. It is, there fore, ordeied by the Court that, aii persons con cerned do show cause (if any they nave) on the third Monday of May next, why said Adminis- j Irator should not lie discharged ; and it is further ordered that tiiis citation be published in a pub lic Gazette ot this Slate for six months previous to the said May term of this Court. LUDYYELL M. LENNARD Ordinary. A true extract troni the mii.utesof said Court, this November Hie Bth, 1854. L M. LENNARD, Ordinary. November 18, 1854.—n040—6m BOARDING} HOUSE. Mltirs. NESBITT li tving purchased the pleasant ami commodious cwellibg I louse ol Mr Loyless, at llardmoney, Georgia designs opening a Boarding House, <ie*teuacof the Scltuol. where ajl may be cum- j fortably accommodated on reasonable teims, and ! convenient to the Sciiool. A share of pub- j lie patronage is respectfully solicited. tier ! House will be opened the second Monday in January, for reception of borders. The villege ! is as healthy as any in Georgia—quiet and ar i tired—no temptation lor boys—no excitement or girls, and as good a (School as any in Souther) Georgia. Trv us, and you will be pleased. M. A. NESBITT. Hardmoney, Ga. Dec. D l, 1853—ts $lO Reward. C 4 TRAY ED or stolen from the snoscriber, in B linbruige. Ga.,mi the the 10th October, a small fray MAIiE MULE about 10 or 12 years old. No flesh marks recollected only a small white ring between one of her hoofs, and foot iocks, caused by a halter. Any information ot her will be thankfully re ceived, and for Iter delivery to me I will pay the above reward. MITCHELL SCOTT. November 4, 1851 —ts Valuable Lands for Sale I NOW offer for sale on terms to suit purchas -®-ers, Two thousand acres ol Land, lying in one entire body, on Flint River, Eight miles beiow Newton, in Baker county, including a planta tion of 300 acres, in a high state of cultivation, with a good dweliyg house, Gin house and Screw, and all other necssary out buildings, i Said lands extends along the East bank of said I Flint river, for three miles. For further parli | culars apply to P. J.Strezrf, Esq. at Albany ! or to myself on the premises. ; ISRAEL MAI’LES. i Aug.3<V ißs3.—tf DOUGHERTY SUPERIOR Court, May Term 1851. Joshua W. Hodges, } R „, e Nj (Q foreclose Henry YV. Cowls. $-'l° r ’g a ge- I T appearing to the Court by the petition of Joshua YV. Hodges,that bv Deed of Mortgage, dated the 11th day of March 1854, Henry W. Cowls, of the St-te of New Y ork, conveyed to the said Joshua YY'. Hodges, two lots ot land in the Second District,of formerly Baker, now Dough erly county, known in the plan of said district, as lots number three hundred and twenty-eight, [32B]and three hundred&. fi(ty.thrce,[3s3]forthe ‘ purpose of securing the payment of two promts ] sory notes; one of which for the sum of eleven I hundred and forty-one dollars and sixty-one cts., dated 11th day of March, 1854, and due first day of May next thereafter, is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said Henry YV. Cowls, do pay into Ibis Court, by the first day of the next Term, the principal, interest, and cost, dun ot) said note, or show cause (if any he has) to the contrary, or that foreclosure be be granted to the said Joshua YV. Hodges of said mortgage, and the cqu ty of redemption of the said Henry YV. Cowls, therein be forever barred; and that ser vice of this Rule be perferted on said Henry YV. Cowls, according to Law. * YVILLIAM C. PERKINS, 1. s. c. s w. c. A tme extracted from the Minutes of said Court, June Ist, 1854. SAMUEL D. IRVIN, ClwJ.. July'2lst 1854—lmltn Lee Superior Court. June Term,lßs4 Ceasar A. Savage, ) R „, e Nisi t 0 forcc!ose Hubert a'Kellev. $ Mor,^ e ’ Present the Honorable YY'illiam C. Perkins, Judge of said Court. I T appearing to the Court by the petition of Cea ■“ sar A. Savage, that on the first day of Feb ruary, 1853. Hubert O. Kelley made his two certain instruments in writing, commonly called promisnry notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, each for the sum of Two Hundred Dol lars, both ilue onthe first day of January next, (after the date of said two notes) payable to Neil I McCoy or bearer, with interest from the 18th day ‘of January, 1853. And upon which said two prnrnisofy notes, your petitioner at the instance and pnrsuaion of Ihe said Kelley became secur ity, and that afterwards (o wit: on the first day ol February, 1853,t1ie said Kelley, the Letter to secure the payment of said two promisory notes, and for, and in consideration of the sum of Five dollars to said Kelley, by your petitioner paid, a,| d 33 well to save harmless your petition er in his aforesaid securityship, executed and de livered to your petitioner his deed of Mortgage, whereby the said Kelly conveyed to your petition er two acres of land,situate, lying and being, in the third District of Lee county, Known as the Tan Yard, the same being upon the South YY’est corner o! Thornhills place in said District, and adjoining the lands of Daniel YVoolbright. Two hundoed hides and leather mixed, one horse and wagon, four cows and calves. Conditioned that the said Hubert shall pay or cause to be paid, siad two promisory notes, and save said Savage harmless upon his securityship, then the said notes as well as said Mortgage Deed should be null and void, and Le ol no efi'-ct. Anri it further appearing that tlie* said notes remain unpaid, and that Ceasar A. Savage hath j naid off’ the same according to the terror and e(- | feet ot said two notes. It is therefore ordered that | the said Hubert O. Kelley, do pay into Court, by ! ‘lie fiM day of the next U rm lliereo , the princi pal, Interest and cost, due on said two promisory j notes, (or show cause to the contrary, if any lie j lias) and that in the failuio of the said Hither’ (). Kelley so to do, the equity ol redemption hi and to said Mortgage, premises be lufcver there after barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be pur- I li-lied in the Georgia Courier, once a month o‘r , four months, or a copy thereOl served on Hie said j Hubert O. Kelley, or his special Agent nr A'lor- j I nev a* least tlnce months previous to ihe next , term of said Court. YVILLIAM C. PERKINS, .1. 8. C. S. YV- C | A true extract from lire M’tintes ot Lee Su- ‘ perior Court, this day of August, 1854. STEPHEN Y'. GAY, Clerk. August 12, 1854—lui4in Dougherty Superior Court, May Term, 1851. Charles \V. Morn, Adm’r. ] of Win. L. Hampton, Dec’ll I Petition and vs, I hull; m hi. Jolin J. Harvard. J GEORGIA ) To the Superior Court Dougherty counly, $ of said county. r IMIE Petition nl Charles W. Horn, Administra * lor of William L. Hampton, deceased, ivho makes profert of letters of Admintstration, res pectfully sheweth, tiiat lierelolore to wit t On 111 twenty-third day of October, Eighteen hundred and fifty-one. John J. Harvard, then of Hiker county, and said State, now residing in the coun ty of Thomas, and said State, purchased ol one Richard H. Clark, Lots ol land lying and being in the City ol Albany, and known and distin guished in the plan ot said city, as Lots numbers [63] fifty-three, [ss] filly-five, and [s7] fifty seven, in Commerce street, for which ttie said Harvard, pave his two proini.-ory notes, dated j 23d October, Eighteen hundred and ti lyone,dne I first November, ISSI, the other due fir-t Novem | her, 1852, for three lint,dr. and and seventy-five dol lars each; upon which said notes at the request | of said John J Harvard, your petitioners mtes i tale, became bound as security. And lor the ef [ lectual securing, your petitioners intestate from j any and all liability as security of said nctc-s, the said John J. Harvard, on the twenty-fourth day | of October, 1850, made his deed of mortgage, which mortgage lias been duly recorded within the time prescribed by the Statute, in Court to be shown as well as said prtsmissory notes, conveying to your petioners interstate Lots fifty-three, filly-five, and titty-seven, on Com merce street, in city of Albany,conditioned tube void upon the payment !>y the said Jqiui J. of the two above described notes. Hut wur peti tioner avers that said John J. failed antf'retused to pay the sum of money due upon said notes, and that your petitioner as Administrator of William L. Hampton, deceased, was bound and compelled, and did pay off and discharge said notes, both principal and interest, wtfich said amount so paid out, the said John J. refuses to refund to your petitioner. VVlierelore your petitioner prays that such rule, i and order may be made and passed by the Court according the Statute in such cases; made and provided. VASON it DAVIS, PlfrUftft’ys. Upon hearing the abne and foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court, that the said defendant do pay into the office of the Clerk ofi the Court, on or before the first day of next Term,the sum of seven hundred and fifty dolltyp, u fill all mer est and cost of this proceeeding, or show cause, on or before the next term of this Court, why his equity of redemption in and to sail} mortaged premises should not be barred in terms ol the Law. It is further ordered, that thd service of this Rule be. perfected by publicatfcn-in some pnblic Gazette in this State, or be sewed person ally upon defendant, thirty days previous to next term of said Court. WILLIAM C.PERKIVS,j. s.a s. w. c. A true extract from the Minutes ofsaid Court, ! May the 25:h, 1851. S AMUEL D. IRVIN, Clerk. Ju’v 35 1854 —lmlm Marshall’s Sale. WILL be sold b"fore the Court-house door, in the city of Albany, Dougherty coun ty, on the first Tuesday in December next, with in the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: Lot, No. 45, on Bjoad-sfreet, levied on as the j property of John Scott to satisfy a tax fi-fa for the : present year, City Council of Albany vs John Scott. Property pointed out in digest. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold the east half of lot, No. 78, on Pine street, in ; said city, for tax due the city for the tax due the i city of Albany, for the present year. Property, pointed out in digest. i I Also, lot No. 23. on Washington-street, lev- I ! ied on as the property of C. A. Savage, to satis- 1 ; fy a tax fi-fa for the present year, City Council j jof Albany vs C. A. Savage. Property pointed . nut in digest. THOMAS LYON, C. M. Nov. 4, 1854.—48—ids TAILORING! TAILORING!! npHE undersigned having located himself in Albany, for the purpose of carrying on the above business, offers his services to the citizens of the City and the surrounding country, and hopes that the neatness and dispatch which has heretofore characterised him as a workman, will ; commend him to a share of the patronage of I the country. He is prepared to execute all work ! in Ills line with neatness and best style ; and is determine by a prompt, foithfu! and tasteful exe | cution|of all orders, as well as the liberal terms j upon which he will deal, that none ol bis custo iners shall have just cause for complaint. He relurns his thanks to the public lor the liber, j al patronage heretofore extended to him, and so- j licit a continuance of tlie same. O’ His shop will be found in the office former- j ly occupied by Dr. Huntington. JOHN 11. DAVIS. June 24,1852 —ly lIIBItURD’S HOTEIi, Ilitiiibridge, Ga. rgMHE Subscriber having purchased the estate U lislunent, known as COOK’S HOTEL & LIVERY STABLE; Begs leave most respectfully, to inform his friends and the travelling public, that he is pre pared to entertain Permanent and Transient Boarders. His table will be supplied with the best the country affords, and every attention will be given to render them comfortable. His Stables will at ail times be well supplied with Provender,and attentive Hostlers. llorse Lots for the accommodation of Drovers. Horses taken in to Bait and stand at Livery. Horses and Buggies to iiire by the day, week or month. Hacks for the conveyance of Passengers to any part they mav desire. • JOHN lIIBHERD, Proprietor. Bainbridge, Ga., May 6, 1854. 22-ts STEPHENEGAIj FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER. doors West of the Post Office, and -*■ opposite J. O. Davis’—is prepared to fill or •ers for Gents Cork Sole, Water Proof, Hunting, .. 11,1, t’atrnt Leather, Dress. Pump Sole and coarse Boots, Shooting Buskins, Bootees, Oxford Ties, Pumps, Slippers, Servants Shoes, j | &.c. &c. Drawings taken of the feet and lasts keptSor [customers —Dick’s Patient SI ank-t put An new : Boots w hen required- Repairing done neatly.— All work of warrented materials, and pet up by experienced a n't careful workmen. oiJ*. EtiAN lias been in my E nplny for the past three years, and I take pleasure in sav- i ! ingtliut lie. is a superior workman, in fact one of | the best I ever employed ;and that I can most j I cheerfully recommend him to the patronage ol j j llie community, as one deserving of their sup port. Albany January, 185 L Samuel D. Irvin [ NOTICE TO LANMIOLni'BM, ripHE undersigned will attend to the selling Ja. or examining and giving inlormatinn nt Lands lying in any of the counlies of S. W. Georgia on reasonableterms. A. P. GREER. Albany, Baker county Ga REFERENCES. 11. Htfu, Albany, Gerrgia, Hon. Lott Ware eh. “ “ R. A. Clarke, Newton, Georgia, S. C. Stevens, “ “ December 10,1853 —ts MILLINERY AND Dress- Mak i n g . rjCIIIE undersigned respectfully announres to JL her friends and the public, that she con lintiers her business ol Millinery afid Dress-mak ing, at her residence, three doors west of the Post Office and opposite J. C. Davis’. She takes this opportunity of returning thanks to her many friends for their favors, and hopes from strict attention to Iter business, for a contin uance of their patronage London and Paris Patterns and fashion Plates [ received Monthly. Mrs. E. A. EGAN. October, 29. ISs3—tf NOTICE. rwiHE public is warned against trading for a j -*- Note made by William Sharpe payable In j Needham Arinfield on the first of January 1855. for four hundred and forty dol'ars, as the same j has been lost or mislaid, and belongs tot he Es tate of said Armfield, Deceased. JOHN P. GRIFFIN, Admr. Angust 28,-1364. . —'—if notice! 7 ~ WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan- j uarv next, before the Court-house door, I in the town of Albany, Dougherty county, lot of’ land, No. 78, in the third district of said county. J. P. REED. Nov. 11, 1854.—49—tds NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of VVm. W. Gilmore, lare of I,e county, deceased, i are reqnested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims against said deceased, are hereby required to present them in terms ol the law. JOHN H. GILMORE, \ , STEPHEN VV. J. HUNT, \ ,Mmr s Nov. 11, 1854.—49—40d Newman Mcßain !Icoh M. D Kisa- HIoBAIN & KING, WAREHOUSE [AND COMMISSION ]MCezrolxairXi.ti9, At Americus, near tlie Depot, 1 WILL devote themselves - - laithfully and assiduously 7“ 4, to receiving, storing and selling Cotton ent rusted to their care, and to the purchasing supplies according to order. The latest accounts from head quarters authorize the belief that the Cars will be prepared to take offColton from this place by the. Ist 01-October next—not later than the 10:h of the manth - j J Sept. 9. 1851—no.40—If FALL AND WINTER EXHIBITION, 1853, AT DURHAM A VASON’S ONE PRICE STORE GENERAL DEALERS IN E VER Y DESCRIP ION 0 F MERCHANDIZE. ARE now receiving from PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and BOSTON,their usual sup ply. Consisting in part of READY MADE CLOTHING. ; Over business and dress Coats. Pants, Lorn one j t0,5'12, 00. Fine vests, from $1 to $12,00. — j Fine Cloths, Cassimers, and Vesiings, of every | description. Marino Under Vests, —a gen lot ot Driving and Dress Gloves, —Cravats, Scarfs, Linen Shirts, linen Collars, and fine Stocks. TO PLANTERS. A large lot of Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Linseys, Blankets, Hats, Shoes, Bagging twine, Nails Pxes, Spades & Shovels, Chop and Broad Axes, Augurs, Chisels, Plains, and a great assortment of Carpenters tools generally. Hames, Collars, Trace and LngChains, Bridles Saddles, Harness Leather, &c. &c. YOUTHS CLOTHING. Children’s Fall Suits, fine and Cheap for com mon use. LADIES’ FANCY DRESS GOODS, in great abundance, embracing all ihe novelties of the season, in coloring and designs, plain Broch. Plaid, Satten Striped, Watered and plain Black Silks, plain and Plaid French and English Marinoes, black and plaid Alapnccas, plain and printed Mus. DeLanes.clack and colored V elvets Rich French worked Collars, Cuffs, Chemizettg. | Undersleeves, fine prints, Ginghams. Woolen, : SiU. Printed and Crape Shawls.fine Cloaks and Mantinas, from 4to S4O. Silk, Cotton and Morino Hosery, silk linen aud Camb. Hd kts. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Table Covers, linen Damask, Curtain Dimity, Irish Linens linen and blenched Shirting, Pillow I Casing, Towels and Napkins. Also a large ! stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Flannels for Cloak lining, The public generailg. are requested to call and examine our stock, before purchasing elsewhere. DURHAM & VASOiN. Albany, October Ist, 1853 42—ts Starkville Hotel. MTHE nndersigned is in pcssesssion of this House of entertainment, and has put it in thorough repair, anc has made sucli addition to it as will enable turn to render comlortable his patrons.— His personal attention wili be given to the ac commodation of his guests. VV. F. IIAMERICK. September 10. 1853—1 v GEORGIA, Eec County. CtXlfY daysaflerdut-’ application will be made to the Ordinary 6f satd county, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of Peter Connellen, late of said county. * JOHN B. VANOVER. Administrator. October 7, 1554--60d Colton Plantation For S ale. Fit 11 12 undersigned acting under a agggasjfc * Power >f Attorney,from A Dear jug, Esq., offer a bargain in the sale ot a plantation in fbe.Titlftl District , M A - of Lee county, lying n the creek, within two miles of the Tow nos Chic ka sahatchee, and within a few miles of the surveyed i line of the South Western Rail Road, which it is I .-opposed will be built in a short time. The body consist of lots, No’s. 56, 57, 72, 88 i 89, 103, 104, anti 9.1, forming a platationof 1.620 j acres, on which there is open and in cultivation. | over seven hundred aeres, sufficient for thirty or torty hands, and capable of producing tine crops Corn and Co'toti. Il not sold at private sale, the same Will be sold ! to the highest bidder at Albany. Ga , on the 4th Monday in November next. For information about the* place, call on L. M. Lennaoh, Esq., near the plantation, 11. J. Cook, of Albany, or the undersigned. D. A. VASON, J. 11. POPE. October 14. 1854 —Ids O’ The Journal & Messenger, will give the above four insert ions, and charge to A Dearing. Esq., Allien-, Ga. llagii’mg and Rope. % Y T E have a Urge quantity of Bagging and Rope, which we offer to Planters on ac rommodating terms. August 13,1853.—ts 11. IIORA, & CO. NOTICE TO LAND BUYERS \ LL persons wishing to purchase improved lands in this section of the Slate would find it to their advantage to call and examine tire prem i ises of the subscriber before purchasing else 1 u here. I now offer at private sale, and shall do so un til the first Tuesday in January next, if not sold ; before, at which time I will sell at public out cry [ in the city of Albany, county of Dougherty, lot ; of Land No. four hundred and fourteen, (414) [ in Ihe first District of Worth county, and 100 : acres offof Lot No.ight, in the first District of Dougherty county, with 120 acres of improved 1 land now in a high slate of cultivation, also a I goo.l dwelling house, and other necessary out ; buildings, with a good well of w ter upon it , For further- o-.riienLrv softer. Albany, or my self upon - Tcrm* x to suit purchasers. ET The Albany Patriot please copy. D A VIOJTAIRCLOT H. Albany, September 2, 354.—tds. ■ jfir . OFFERS for sale, at his Ware-room, one door west of Messrs. Harrison & Roberts., a large and varied assortment of excellent ■ .■, ‘ FUitNlTtrilß, of Northern and his own manufacture, among which will be found Bureaux, Wash Stands, jpst3f Cribs, Arm (Rocking) * ■ Chairs, Windlass Bed steads, Wardrobes, Ta bles. Sofas,Office (Pivot) Chairs, Cottage Bed- Steads, Safes, Card Ta bles, Couches, Chairs, and Bed-Steads. Also a good supply of flfmttresses, (Moss and Hair,) always on- hand. All of which he will sell low for cash or on short time. Orders for any description <*f Furniture care fully and promptly filled. jP fj Orders for Fisks Metallc Burial Ca ses filled at short notice, on reasonable terms. Albany, Ga., Oct. 7, 1854 ly. A GOOD FIT S2t Clothing ? Clothing f { ■y 7 "OF can get A GOOD FIT in, Coats, Pants, Veslß, &.r. &c„ by calling at __RAVVSON & MOREMEN’S. Also, Lacctt &. Bro. Drill Drawers, Marino Shirts and Drawers, Ladies Marino and Silk Shirts, Linen Bosom Shirts.and Collars, Hicko ry Shirts, &c. &.c. * Hardware, Cuttlery Ac. Ac. RAVVSON &. MOREMEN, Have just received, genuine Collins Axes, broad Axes, chop do. and Hatchets, Hammers, Cross ; Cut and Hand Saws, Planes, Augers and Chis- I els, Braces and Bitts, Stock and Dies, Draw knives, Log, Fifth, Trace, Breat and Haltef Chains, Corn Shellets, Loess of all kinds, &c. Also, a fine lot of Table and pocket rv, &c. &c. Cotton and Manilla Rope, Steelyards, Fire’ Dogs, Root Haines, Wagon Boxes, wood Screws,- Strop and Butt Hinges, &c., together with a full assortment of Hardware and Cuttlery. Oct. 21,1861—ts Wood Ware, Notions Etc fBN RAYS, Half Bushel Measures, Tubs, Pails, JIL Buckets, Well do.. Flour Pails. Brooms &c.,.&c. David’s & Black's No. 1 Ink F. C, Letter and Bill Paper. Combs, Brushes, Perfumery. Tricoperons, Katharon, Bears Oil, Ac. Ely’s, Cox’l and G. D Per. Caps. Toys lor children, Dolls, Guns, Etc. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Etc. Guitar and Violin strings. Gold Pens, Porte Moniaes Ac. , An assorted lot of Jewelry, which W 8 J guarantee to be good gold. If not found so, the purchaser may return it. i The above list of articles together with a full 1 assortment of Carefully Selected Goods, are now being opened at RAWSON A MOREMEN’S. I Oct. 27th, 1854. 47. ts. A Fresh lot of FACTORY COTTON just received. BOOTS & SHOES. A Fresh supply of the above, ot every style, also, a gno l lot Ladies and Gents.lndia Rub ber Shoes, for sale by RAWSON A MOREMEN. October 21, 1854—ts RUBBER GOODS. A WEliDi assorted lot, Rubber Coats, do, ** Pants, Leggins.Camp Blankets, Gloves &Ci Also, Rubber Cloth, for Carriage Trimming Ac,, just received and for salp, al RAWSON A MOREMEN’S J3” Gents and Ladies Rubber Shoes. October 21,1854. ti GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! / WE are now receiving Sugars, Coflee, Sperm and Star candles, Soaps, Spice*,- Pepper, Soda, Starch, Ginger, Pic kies, Sauces, Raisins, Powder, Shot and Lead, Lemon Syrup, Yeast Powder, Ac., Ac. Also, a fine lot of No. 1 Sugars, and a well assorted lot of fine and common Tobacco, which will be opened in a dav or two. RAVVSON A MOREMEN. Oct. 21, 1854 ts f I ATS, Bonnets, Artificial Flow* ers, Wreaths, plain and fancy Bonnet trim ings, Ribbons &<• Ac .at Raw SON A MOREMEN’S October 21, 1804—t li EA.YKETS, Kerseys, Linseys,Satinet.* -**"* Tickings, Sheetings, Shirtings, Madder Prints, Satinets. Jeans, Diapers, Black Domes-, tics, Flannels, Ac Ac , just received and (of sale at RAWSON A MOREMEN’S. October 21. 1854—ts OSNABERGS. 1000 VARDS Georgia Manufactured Os nabergs. Just received andfor sale hf RAWSON A MOREMEN. Nov. 11, 1854—49—4 t COTTON STORAGE, wake-house: r RAWSON & MOREMEN, having a good shingle Roof Ware-House, well prop c.led by a good substantial fence, and arranged with and view to protecting tie interest ot Patrons, soli cits from their former patrons and the public and stiare of patronage. Goods stoied free of charge, for those who store their cotton witli us. Nov. 11,1854.—49—ts G. C- CARMICHAEL, WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WARE-HOUSE and store-raom on the lot formerly occupied by the Baptist Church, convenient both to business and the depot. Vt'ill give his entire attention to business in his Irne, ami from his experience in the business and the knowledge of it, hopes to be able to give foil satisfaction. Special attention given to the sale or shipment of cotton. Liberal advances made on Cotton in store or te be shipped. Goods fur nished at lowest market prices. Oct. 28, 1834.—47—ts Southern Mutual Insurance Cos. undersigned Agent for the counties ti i Doughertv. Biker, and Worih is pre against fire; the life of cpgres, and issoe life. Policies at the. lowest rThe attention hf Planters, Merchants am! Mechanics, are: invited to the liberal terms jrfoposij#‘|pr them by this Company. . ’■ Call on R. H. Sims at the sbre, oft Messrs. Durham A Vascm, or the undersigned. ’ ‘ ‘ D. A.VASON, Agent. Albany, Nov. 4; 1854.—6ra FREEMAMOBERTS&Ca. AMERUCUS, GA. TAKE great pleasure in announcing to theiV old patrons and frfenris, and the public gen erally, that they have removed their stock ot Car riages and other goods from Oglethorpe, to the flourishing town of Americus, and would also state that we now have one of the CHOICEST CTOCK OF CARRIAGES ever offered for sale in Georgia. If you do or eo’ not believe it come and see for yourselves. Aod what is still bettss, they can be bought as cheap (it not a little cheaper) as at any house North or Sonth. The truth is gentlemen, we need MONEY, and if you will just bring a little of the needful with you, you shall have a Car riage,Buggy, or whatever vou may want, at some price or other, and as competition is the order of things, we intend to get a ltttlf. of the trade, while the balance are getting a heap. We shall continue to keep Carriage and Har> ness Trimmings, Saddles, Harnes-, Gin Band, ing, Leather, etc., ete. BAST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, AMERICUS, GA. Nov. 18, 1854—50—if