American standard. (Albany, Ga.) 185?-18??, September 27, 1855, Image 4

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}) ’"-..'F.TiTT “ll lh* fifl ..f POETRY. to t> -Mow >v#fv |>>trr In wiilrh it in <*e; ih lwt!M* ’r.n <1 No turp .tn mI. r uret(|ttUtlr tkirn il> |M*ritun*- •*’ !•- r •*. tml t< hd over a * i.m in* at* hi ipra-nt than ilk- From the Jsomm iiU Journal, * AMERICA. My country, Omy conutry! I would gladly w*avo for Hums A chaplet fortht* fadeless bough of Liberty**, fair tree; I’d gladly twine the gems of song within m\ native htraml, And ring of tlic**, America! my own beloved la:nl Aero as the mighty waters, Uie dee]> and bound !t*S bfAV, We hear the aongiof other lands borne proud iy on the breeze, But not like thine, America, Mt Vernon only hero t'aa call a nation’s gratitude, demand a im lion'o tear. The chieftains, O! the ebieftaint, the mighty and the brave, Whose noble forms are slumbering now, w-th in the quiet grave; The heroes of the olden time, who boldly for us stood, Aud bathed our country’s altars in their ow . heroic Inood. The nation wcejia in grief u:td woe, when star by star decline-, Vet hallowed by the rays of love, nudimmc-1 their shines; Still, still they are departing, those uoble hearts and true, And still we hear the lingering sound ami catch the lust adieu, For list! whut notes are those that come troni Ashland's slui ly how is ! Tuned with tli.c sacred memories of later, hap pier hours, They tell of one whose mighty soul from earth ho** passed away, And pitying dews distil their tears above the tomb oi Clay. And, Marshfield'* ginrt oak is bent, the deep toned thunder now May roll it* ear unheeded on übove eiiclistri* k en bough, B'it still the name of Wtbsirr lives in Liberty s lair dome, The land of pure uud holy fight*, his country and his home. Aud Cundiua’- waving pine may droop in sadness now, XJcr nohle ehaiupion calmly rests beneath it- Weeplig bough; Jint still willun ios native Mlund l*i virtue* brightly *hi..e, And .*g memorie- round his tomb a lml JoWed eiiMpiet twine. Thus let their names be ev* r blent with ever. jioliic strain, And on AiOerieu's bright page tlu-ir glory live again; hikl bright America, the happy and the free, iAilig may the star-and stripes of peace wave proudly over tin e. From t/o S>i. Krill • /hi ih/ Onzrtte. MV SI .NT IM KNTy. In the land of my childhood, far o’er the deep teu, Will memory linger, though tearful i be; 1 love her Green Mountui..*, bo!‘meadow-** uud vules. Though Voeul the while With such -orrv'v b.i . ’tules; How sad t’ue reflection, a* wamlei ii g again In fancy o’er thin, to hem her coinplaii : *T\vu tli* - Gulden ot GJ, t vvii- the i i ri. mans hope,. Till cursed by th.- pre evoc of iVn -i and ot d, r . . , flow oft m my youth have i strayed o er uie leu Wherebirds iung so sweetly, but Ming not for in**; For the foot prints of Popery o thick—wen ho near, Thai the blift of my young heart was changed to a tear; But the tears which fell fust in my birth lund afar, Now ahineon the Mug of adoption—a star, By whose -tar waving tVdd*, as ii flouts in the breeze, I swear endless hatred to Tyrants’ decrees; America, the land of the oppressed, and tiiC poor. lias furnished a home; could 1 u-k of her mure f America, not made of a slave nr n tool, America’s iny home, let Americans rule’ By the stais and the at ripe*, and the Fugle above, 1 wear now to honor, defend and to love, I’ll hear inv proud banner in buttle’** wild cry. If need he I’il wrap it about me, und die! A Dou Race. —Hooper thus de scribes it: “Along, low, dirt-col ored cur dog was describing a “bee line,” from Commerce to Market street, evidently under the influ ence of some stimulant not appa jiarent to tbe eve, lie bad no b*>x, kettle, or coffee pot appurtenant to his tail; but with that useful member at right angles with the plane of the earth’s surface, and apparently as rigid as a ramrod, he was making a quiet, respectable lick, at the rate of about a mile in three minutes! Theskill with which lie dodged the missiles of the juve niles undtlie whips of the wagoners, losing no more by lee way than just sufficient to avoid a blow, —com- manded our highest admiration, and convinced us that he was that canine animal, ‘The Doj About Town, corresponding to the Loafer among ‘ llumans.’ The Fastest Vet, —A party of Rail Road Engineers at I tica. -\. York, was recently boasting of the rate at which they had run their re spective locomotives, and some of those varus had been uncommonly tough, when a quiet individual who had listened with a great deal of attention without saving any- 1 thing, “took the hat” with the fid lowing specimen of fast running: “Why, gentlemen,” said he “the last time I run the Biowhard from Syracuse, we went so fast that tin* telegrapii poles on the track looked 1 Jike a tine-tooth comb.” humorous. Uflliiii :ui Invitation. It win observed that a certain rich man never invited any one to dine wit it him. “I’ll lay a wager,”said a wag, I get an invitation lrom him.” The wager being accepted, lie goes the next day to the rich man’s house about the time lie was going to dine, and tells the servant that he must speak to his master imme diately, for lie could .save him a I thousand pounds. ‘■Sir, - ’ said the servant to his master, ‘Micro is a man in a great hurry, who says he can save you a thousand pounds.” Out came the master. “ What is that, sir? Can you save me a thousand pounds',” .“Yes, sir, Lean; lmt I see you are at dinner; 1 will go myself and dine, and eall again.” “Oh pray sir, come in and take! dinner with me.” “ 1 shall be troublesome.” “ Not at all.” The invitation was accepted. As soon as dinner was over, and the ‘family retired, the conversation] was resumed. “ Well, sir,” sail! the man of the house, “ now toyour business: pray let me know how I am to save a thousand pounds.” “ Why, sir,” said the other, “I hear that you have a daughter to dispose of in marriage.” “ 1 have, sir,” “Aud you intend to portion her with ten thousand pounds.” “ 1 do, sir.” “ Why, then, sir, let me have her, and I will take her at nine thou sand.” The master of the house rose in a passion and kicked the fellow out oi doors. A fnjiilnl Juke, We were told a few days since, the following piece of “skinning,” as it was called, aud which is too good to be loot, showing at the same time the straits a certain class of gentlemen are put to in making a raise. A well known “case’’ who was hard tin for money, meeting a bro ther chip in the street, told him if lie would walk across the street, go into the front door of the hotel op posite, and in walking in be very tunic in bis right leg, but come out in a tew minutes and be very lame in bis left leg, lie would make ii *‘all’right ‘ with him some time. Without asking why or wherefore, the fellow did as rei|tiestcd, and the “skinner” going up to a gentle man, remarked to him how lame that gentleman was in his left leg. w liowas jti't going into the'lintel. The gentleman said lie was not lame in liis left leg, which the oth er insisted was so, lint to settle the matter, the “skinner” immedi ately proposed a bet of £lO that the man was lame in his left leg, which the gentlemait accordingly took up. The money was posted, and in a few moments out came the fellow, so desperately lame in Ids left leg that he could scarcely get down tile steps of the hotel, and of course the gentleman lost his hot, though he could scarcely believe his own eyes; for although the man came out lame in his left, he was perfectly certain lie went in lame in liis right leg, hut at the same time he never imagined any collusion between the parties. We have heard of many ways of “rais ing the wind,” hut this goes a lit tle ahead of all.—A uirh'rrbookcv. I'iKlllititf on liqiiai Tcnm. I will tell veil a little incident ! hut occurred in Georgia some years | ago. .ludjje TANARUS., a celebrated duel list, who had lost his leg: aud who I was known to he a dead shut, chal lenged Col. I)., ii fjentlcmau of ! “i'eat limnor ami attiiiiiiiieuts. ’Die j friends tried to prevent the meet- lmt to no eliect. The parties j met on the ground, when Col. 1). I w ;i- iiski’d if lie was ready, j ‘ ,\ii.’ lie replied. 1 4 What are you waiting l’orthcn?’ |in<]uircd Judge T’s second. 4 Why. sir, said Col. 1). 4 1 have ‘cut my bov into the woods to hunt a bee-gum to put my leg in, ( for I don’t intend to give the .1 udge any ad vantage over me. You see ; he has a wooden leg!’ The whole party roared with laughter, and the thing was so ri diculous that it broke up the tight, Col. 1). wits afterwards told it would sink his reputation. * Well,’no replied, ‘it can’t sink me lower than a bullet can.’ i 4 1 hit.’ urged his friends • the pa- J pers will he tilled about you.’ 4 Well,’ said he, ‘1 would rather | till fifty papers than one cofiin.’ N'o one ever troubled the Colonel ] alter that, 15?” Benjamin Bird, a bachelor aged 70 years, was married at the Roman Catholic Church on Fifth street, Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Julia Chaff, a buxom widow of 30. So the old Bled was caught at last by Chuff.. 25?” “Well, Alick, how’s your brother Ike getting along f” “Oh. first-rate; lie's got a good start in the world—married a widow who has seven childrep!” professional (Uvbs. ProteiMiooal tnd Bunine*- men can h-iv*- their cttrtb ’ii *erie*l under thU bend for one year, at Ihe rale** ofSS fora curd of not ittnie than six lines. andslo f*r a card of not more than thirteen line** H. HUNTINGTON, ALBANY, GEORGIA. VLW AYiSat hi?* * or Re .si dot ice, prepared to treat ffOMK all eases and perform all opera tioiiH in the Lot manner known to the profes sion. August 10, 1853. 36-1 y. Bounty Land Warrants. rpilE HIGITKVr MARKET PRICE paid lv I us for WurrunU, if application is made at once. HINES A HOBBS, Attorney* at Law, Albany, Ga. Albany, Ga., Aug. 80, 1355. B*B~3m, L.E. welcir uRALEK IN .$7, BOOKS, Stationery, W j.Musial Instruments, Jewelry, &c. itlMUiy. tor^ia. April *2ll, 1855. 21-1 y. WAY® GRENVILLE & CO, *’ A < ‘S’ O 1? s , Commission and Forwardin'* MERCHANTS, SavaiisinKi, Goo. |1I"S. S. W.WNK, C. E. GRF.NVJM.E, t:. ALI.X. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, SHvauiinh. Chattanooga. £3O“ Keep a;i otfiee ul U’huUunooga. Temi’e. duly 5, 1855. 31-1 v. Botanic Physician, I KSPI.iTKCLLV ten.].liis l\ **i't!.il hervicos in tin* various brim- . i ••he* of the HEARING ART, to Ihecit-vH- j izens of ALBANY and tlie Mirroumling country, lie will be found, at all time*, un less professionally engaged, ul hi* resitlenee and otliee, on the Mtcoml floor of ihe l'atriot Building. Albany, .latiunry 25, 1855. lv DR. A. C. IIILR OEi'l RS hi* pr<ife*s>ioiiul service* to r\ the people of liit* neighborhood whieh he i* located—si-v.-:i mile* South TjSL “I Alhanv. tit the plantation formerly known ns Mrs. .lane ll.iniptoiiV ou Flint River. May 17. 1855. 24-ts. DUS. NELSOJJ o. HAMPTON’ H.\ \ ING foi iio*.l a co-part or.-hip for n tin. practice of medieiiio. | their services to the eitizei a of Alhqnv'jjt | and \ieinfly. l>r. 11. can he found when not prob-sio .till}- engaged, in hi* otliee. on Broad iivet, adjoining l)r. limitingfon s.ofii* *. Albany. May 17, 1853. 24-ts. wm, is, mini \ ‘2‘ VO U \, Y i 5’ . , <n . ALB AN y, GEOKUIA. . l!C.I. ly. HENRY C. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Law, 41 iiii). it c., tiJa. \Y’ H I. irii v proiopt littonlion to all tiusi- V nr s i'Mi-ii-h-iI iii hi van). Cun bv loui. lin 111,* oflivv ol 1 inn. I-,,. . ■ Ini nary 8, IttoO. * 1 v. HENRY MORGAN, att>i:m;y av law, ALBANY, (IA. 1 Id. pnadiee in theConrtsof the Sout h? Western ami Southern Circuits. *.?y* t rii.-e up-stair**, in the old “Franklin Hall.” next door t the “Georgia Courier.”. • 17 1855. ‘ t s. i in)MAB t . Si'IC’ER, a •’ os:.Y s: v a■¥ i. a v. , ALBANY, GEORGIA. July 23, 1855. 1 y. KO HARD K. IIINKS- RICH AK I* IIOHn*. lIINES cN HOBBS, Altoraies ill Law. ALBA N V, C, HO KOI A. |>li mi.K it Dot.IILl.T\ *ii| t - nrr Milli ng 1 roimiips. (July PJih. 1*55 3.3*.‘-if. LAW A rw.ViitlaJ i, Attorneys at Law, A lh:tiiy< ir.ii. A 1 ’IRI- praetiei* in the South-Western Cir- V r t-iiii and in the Comities of Macon, Booly and Worth, of the Macon Circuit. IIKNRN M I.AW ... .... WII.I.IAM c C'ONNKLLY •lainiarv 18,1855. ts. STKOZIHK A SLAI'GUTKK, (TTORMIA AT LAW, A 1.1 JAN’ Y, GIOKC.IA. kk’il.l. pra'ti* e in tin* Inmii4i-\\ vstern Cir ▼ ▼ edit. Having opened olfiees both at Albany mid Newton, they may be consulted at tle latter place tluriug the first ami tliinl week* of each month of the present year. January 7, 1861. 5-1 y. WARREN & WARREN, ATToItNKYS AT LAW, .Iniaub Meoitfia. \ \ ’ ILL practice in the following Uountie*: ▼ y Smnter, Baker, Lee, Randolph, Deca tur, Worth and Calhoun. 1.011 WAIIIiKN I- I*. I>. WARBF.N. June?, 1853. ly. It. \V. Poarnian k 0. lUinkrougli, Attorneys at Law, ST.I RE VILLE, GEORGIA. February 4. 1855. ly. lv. J. WARREN, ’ cyH( Vua| o\ STARKVILLE\ GA. July 1, 1850. ly. THOMAS J. JH NX, ATTO It N Ii Y A T 1. AW, Morgan, t'allioiiu coauiy, Geo. 1% T ILL attend to professional business in ▼ ▼ the Sup*rior ( ourts of Sumter, Ran • lolpli. Early, Ulny, Decatur. Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty, and Lee counties. May 0, )850. lv, J yy” H is a fact that some girls don’t know kisses are sweet. Kiss ing a pretty one the other day, she very innocently asked—“ What is the use of it, and what good does it do.'” “Ah, Miss,” said we, “what’s the use of licking lasses.” gmevinis glMiciliscmfiits. mrmmw s ca CARRIAGE WARE ROUSE, Ejhl of tliePiihiir Square, AjllJEKltlN <a M npAKE great pleasure in an- X iioumng to their old patro and the public generally, <!>'< \V they are prepared to furnish Carriages, Reckaways, Jersey k tCouenrd \Vu; r niis Sliding Seats, with and without tops; n great variety of TOP BCGGIES; a general assort ment of Side and EliptieSpring*; Sjning, l*cr< h. IroUing, and in fa t EVERY STVI.E OF BUGGIES usually kept in a first eln>- Uep*i tory, of our own make, and from the hest Northern nmnufacturers—all, or any of which we will sell at a small advance from coat. Having made extensive addition* to our manufacturing department, we are prepared to furnish Carriages of a very superior quality to those who may prefer them to Northern work. We shall ’i lie to keep Carric o an !Hu }n;.\s Trl/uwluf's. Gin Banding, I lari. <•.-•*. leather. Wliips, Spring*, Axles, Jluiib* *-pokes. Rims, Shafts, tV\, which we sell ut 31aeon price*. W>t. Mirimxe, | R. S. Fi ni \f\N. | G. B. l’orrns. June 21. 1 555. 2fMf. VAIUETY” WORKS. A.MEUICBS, GA. \I r tNI MW - ASI! .ii,.l III.! NIIS. I'm: . ! ‘‘EZ \ V 1 )t>.rs tun :;Ul;o til • 1; also i ‘Lini: Tongm* and Grooving, slug : . and lath Ma ch inesin operation. All arti.-le- ma.aifactmed at our Variety Works will be put up in the be*t am! most approved **tyle; ad all orders will re civ.• protnpt atie: tie: aid 1e f ti.iifiil- Iy executed. £ Alt sums under sba < ’ \-ii. I>AYII M. SMITH. | t.iXdIGJ: W. SMITH. Amiericus, June 28, 1855. 3tb-lv. TIHSJ Uk :♦* FAMILY GROCERY. ! r fi''lll. uilder.dgi.i'd keep- con"tantiv ’ *.■* • ■* . 1 mi hand a tiill supply of Ho* hc*l I AM I Ii Y CiJloOClll IAS. whicli lie otlei** hi\\ iur ea.-*li. Ills stand is at the old lhiptist Chtireh, near Carmichael’:* Cot ton Ware-lioit*e.. i'ei*o: s wishing family *up jdies of tin* kind ami on good term*, un invited Ui call. GEoßrtl. A. BRoWN. Ainerien*, March 22. |NSS. IG—tf. C. (’ARMIriIAKL, HVARE-HOI nE AM) COMMISSION iii-IB yjiAil I'd .1 .1/ ER 1 0U S, G E 01i GI A. | \Y Alil.-H*d i. ami Stun* , _ y * .-vßoom mi tin* lot. i’orineri> i *• upied l'\ the Baptbt l. lo;ich, tonveiiieiiS | both 1u busine** and the I epo*,. Will give | hi- entire atlc uiMi to hmi. c*> i hi* line, and I .anil hi.-* experience in the bn dues* and the j knowledge of i', hope* to he able to give full -ati fuelimi. Spe. ial alteiiilon given to the >aile or -iiipuienl l ta>lion. lJbeial advance.- made on CYdtoli in stoic oi r to be shipped. ( roods fiu’iiisliod at |owiv*t f.iurkct psi.-es. < U?tolKr 2.5. 1851. 17—ts. FOR RENT. | r pilE ll* and : k own a* yho •il: AN 1 KI.L. IIA r .!i,” .-ilmiietl on B.m.i jj >ti*e*t. in .. The lower st,n* M , i- -nd.a i'll* I'm’ !I Dfv I.i'ihb >;ih‘. There arc f*.m ! :n the ‘.* ohd -tory. •**- e . ei In j :-nd *ai tfii* ! i on Oetebm’-’ next. Apjdy to j i he undersigned. JEREMIAH Vv\\J.i FRS Alhnny. August 2. ]ss3. ;;5-tf. PLAIN c ~ C\/:~ voGuki) hh |lrintinihx -•( Neatly Executed” )•- J ji.'i ..k ~yxv rs C> ? • ;/ m n ii M% L “ v *- 6 b lbi\i"g ii i • ved m’ 1 ooened a full am] COMFIJ OT Is ASSOI IT N11: N T Ol’ MllljOß-nPEj the l’roprjeioi.- <i the “M \m \i:i-” take plea— I ure in ihmouneii g to the puhlie that they an* prepared to print, on short notice, and ut moderate prices, All Kinds of Printing. troni a delicate \ i*i: i • g Card to a Math moth Foster. We iinvV type of all -ve* and in great variety, together with 500 Cutb ami VAIIIOUX STYLES OF Borders and Flowers. Horse Hills printed in ii superior manner, with a ne w design-. books, pamphlets, oat a Lot; ues, POSTERS, enter LARS, 11AM) BILLS, LABELS, BILL lIKAIIS, BLANK .NOTES, PARTY, WEDDING, AND BALL TICKETS, I’UI >GI!A.M.MKS, P i. s a\k\b, ‘ LEGAL BLANKS, printed in an unsur passed manner, on the best quality of paper. IF* fiavr the most complete Job-Office in South-Western Ueorgia. Materials ALL xew: that we ask is a fair trial. We defy competition—fear no rival. F. A. DUVAL and: CO. Albany, August 9, 1855. CAR]) rRUVTINU. r IMI Uli’ FKi* E lihr 1 just been -applied with n fine assortment of the Latest Styles of Card Type, with which llm I'rnprlemrs. ri.‘ eiuille<! la exeenie }irife-Nlon->l uud hiisine--i'ioil ri iii die nenu*.H| Myle of (lie art. ••n o |i. t* Ia it-, f • I •/. nlwuyn*n .• -mt. (iv* u n Call if you wa >l pretty rants—law. At bn mn. August ”3, .'-.>5 37 -if NOTICE. r pms i- Dr notify all persons mdcbteil to 1 DURHAM & VAhON thul we liave I placed in the hands of Yasou- A Davis, out hooks, accounts and notes for collection, with | instructions to clos them up a* speedily as powihlo. • DIKIIAAI A VASON. Albany, July ff, iSS. 31-tL ‘ 1 £cp( ipbcrtrscmntts. Decatur Mortgage Sale. \ VILL be sold, before the Court House f t door in the town of Baj abridge, Decatur county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of snUe, the fol lowing negroes, viz; Edmund, n man about 28 years old, Susan, u woman about. 25 years old, and Hiram, a boy about 14years old; all of dark complexions. Levied on us the prop erty of Wm. W. Harrell, to Satisfy one Mort gage ti. fn., issued out, of the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Jfleiisant J. Phil lips vs. William \V. Harrell. Prbjverty point ed out in said ti. fa. A. B. BEECHEfc, Sli'ff’ i>. c. July 23. 1855. 34-tdst Wary A. Ohoßoi. ] Dl * J I .vorce in Deca if ■ F , V..’ _ i tur Sup. Court, ■Sol.ll 1.. Giiolsoil. j Apr. Term, 1856 I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff of said county, that the De fendant is not to be found in-said county, and it furtberappearii gtliat tlje defendant resides ’ without the jurisdiction of Ibis State; It is ordered by the Court, that service of the above .-'latcd libel be perfected* by publication in the (ieo-gia Courier for four, months, re quire g the s.-fid H tiliolsou to be and appear at the upmior Chr f to be bold is. •i <1 for said •on • . >. t!:e foiKth Monday i; <’ tober ,e\i. #. J/ *\v t'l-e, if any tie tin* ; :i and in default there-M. he Court will pro eed a- to ‘u-’i. e -hall appe ‘ ti i. Wit e tbe lb.. o: able Widiam C. jPerkius, •fudge of s:iid iV.irt W. PERKINS j. s. c., s. w. c. Trtie ext inet. from the minutes of said Court, thi- May 25th. 1855. LIKE MANN, Cl’k. Mav t.l 1853. 26-m4m. v. , ii. i j -h.kl f° I<i .. . K vorce, in Deca * i tur Sup. Court, rfCiv Imrrf T. We'L.j April Term.lßss IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the diet in’ of said county, that the Defend ant is Mil to be found in said county ; and it furl her appearing that the defendant resides without the jurisdiction of the Mate: It is ordered and adjudged by the Court, that sen i-e of the above stated libel be perfected by publication in the Georgia Courier for four mouths, retpiiring the said Richard T. Wells to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the fourth Monday in October next, and then and there show cause, if gay they have; and in default thereof the said Court will proceed as to jus tice shall appertain. Wil,iies> tin* Honorable William C. Perkins, .Judge of said Court. * WM. C. PUPKINS, j. s. * „ s. w. c. True extract from the minutes of said Court, this May 23tli. 1853. UKK .MANN, ( it. May 31, 185.5. 2G-nf4in. tHiOKbll. t.vv * uViiity. AIT 11 ERE AS, Stephen V. Bay, a hninjstra \\ tor on tin* estate of Ilenry Coleinnn. of said county, deceased, has filed bis petition, praying to be dismissed from the administra tion ol said estate. These are therefore to cite, summon admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said eslate to be and appear at my otlice, in terms of the law. and tile their objections, (if any they have,) why letters of di.'iniv-ion should not be grunted to said applicant. < liven under my band and offaini signature, this loth dav of .Inly. 1855. LI DWELL M. LENAAKD, Ordinary. July 1 1855. 33-m6in. . iv, uiiaily. Ordinary's Office, Jri.v 10, 1855. a *Ji w iiiMc if may Concern: 1 ITU Kill AS. Reuben K. Williams. Adniiu l f i-t rat or of the estu:e of Stephen Williams ‘ie. cn •••!, ha tiled lis petition, praying to be • ii>. lui ged lVoui the administration on said e-tatc. j These are therefore t< cite and admonish | all and si gnhir the kindred and creditors of ! aid ‘kcca-. and, {• be and appear at my offh e in teiins *•! die law, a*l tile their objections, lif any they have) why letters of dismission ■boiild not l*e granted to said applicant, (iivvn under my hand and official signature I (in otlice,) ibis Itith day of July, 1865. LCD WELL .U LEONARD, Oit LUNAR Y 1„ U. July 10. 1855. ‘ 33-mf>ffi. ■bl A, Lee ('ounty. Conn or Ordinaiiy, August Tulm. 1855. Ludwcll M. Lenaard, Ordinary. iILRLAS Benjamin F. Cock, Admiuistra \ f tor of Josiab T. Hemlerson, bus tin's day tiled bis petition uljeging that lie bus faith fully and fully performed ilie duties of Ad mini*! rat or, ami now* j.rays to be discharged from the Administrat ion thereof. These are, therefore, to cite, auuiuion and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear in terms of tlu* Statute, at my office, and show cause (if any they have,) why Letters of Dismission -Imuld not be grunted io said applicant. (iiven under my hand liiis 2ulti day of Au gust, 1855. LI DWELL M. LENNAKP. Ord’y. August So, l? ;,o. 88—mOin. AjGii Si *~. . & <i'i’ oGlil). iWIiKRLA. * harlro, P. Sutton applies to T? me for i.< te, : (viiurdianship of the person ami property of ~.i ill Ann -lobifS, mi nor of 1. .oi h 0i1..*, ile cased, These ale, • hereto.e. to i; *, summon. aid admonish all pci so > co.ihv. id, lo be and appear at my otlice, in terms of the Law, and show cause (it ay they have,) why said Letters should not be g. a.ned. * iv. • . u ..lei- my hand and .official signature this 2uLh ilv of August, 1855. L! PWi.LL M. LENNAKD, Ori.’y. August :;o, j. 855, 38-3od. Decatur Sheriff Sales. WILL BE SOLD beiore the Court House booi in the iown of Baiabridge, Decatui i oiiii.y, on the First Tuesday in October next, wit bin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The West half of Lot of Lund No. 369 in the 21st District of said County. Levied on ns the property of Benjamin AdkigQii,Senior, 5 o satisfy one Superior Fi. Fa. in* favor of John Onions, vs. Benjamin Adkison. Proper ty pointed out by said Adkison. This 28th day of August, 1855. ABRAM B. BELCHER, .Sheriff. August 30, 1855. 38-tds. *u k .x/ikbilA, Lett t-iiiity. WHEREAS Elizabeth Kitchens and James Campbell apply to me for Letters of Admin istration on the EstnU* of Jacob Kitchens, late •of said county, deceased,* These are,.there fore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my Office, within the time prescribed by law, and slifew cause (if‘any they have,) why said letters,should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 4th day of September, 1855. L. M. LENNARD, Ordinary. Sept. 6, 1855. 89-3uds. GLOKGIA, Worth County, \\ T HERE AS William Taylor applies to me f ▼ for Letters of Administration on the Estat e of iSeborn Taylor, late of said County, deceased, these are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the lyindred and cred itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ofiii e on or before the first Monday in Octo ber next, to tile their objections, (if any exist,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud and official signature at office, this Sept. 3d., 1855. JAMES is. FORD, Ordinary. Sept, 18, 1655. 40-30ds. Perry Davis’ * rli.i.ll-. PAINT K.IX,LEH, STIJ.L TRIUMPHANT!.! VND after a thorough.tria by innumera ble witnesses, ha 4 proved itself to be fat; tiDitiKL or th. ** AGE. ‘Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the public since the introduction oi Perry. Davis’ Vegetabie Pain Killer, and large amounts expemled i*. their introduction, the Pain Killer has con tinued l o steadily udvanee in the* e.-linmlioii of the world as the best Family Medicine ey* erlntroduced. .Va an internal and external remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO i*l; WO-iU.D. Ofie positive proof of its efficacy is, that the saliv- have constantly increased, and wbid ly upon its own merits,-us the propiietors have not resorted to advertising to gain lot it the rank it now bolds among the great number of preparations of the present time. .The-.effect oi tlie Pain Killer upon the patient, when tqjcen internally in eases of Coughs, CoHls, Bowel Cos nplafnts, Cholera, Dysente ry, and *ot her affections* of the system, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name Umo g medieiiial preparations that, can i.cvei be luigotten. Its success in removing pai us aii external remedy, in eases of Burns, Bruise*. Sores. Sprains, Cuts, Sting- of insects, and other caused of tulles jpg. lias secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost in fallible remedy, that ii will be handed down to posterity us ne of the greatest medical discoveries of the ..ii eteeuth icntury. The magical effects of the Pai.. Killer, when taken or used uccordb g t< at e certain. You have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article ami adhere io the directions in its use. and you will admit it* wonderful medicinal proportics. The ge .nine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer i* now put up in pa-.el bottles, with the words •*llpvis* Vegetable Pain Killer” blown in tli£ gin s; and with two steel engraved labels on each bottle—one an excellent likeness of Per ry Davis, the original inventor of the medi cine, the other a steel engraved note of hand, —none othe *ca ‘ be relied Upon as genuine. Prices of bottles, cents, 25 cents, s‘> cents and $1 respectively. Perry IL viO letfclable Psiiu* itiih*!’. — \Nduntarilv, conscientiously and with much pleasure, we recommend to our rea der* 1 he above mimed medico c..U e speak ironi our ow. ob-servatiw a.. i experience when we sav that it remove- pain, a- i; by m.;gi . from all ]arts of the bod., ii; lis one oi the best medicines in use for cheeking Diurrhceri, and removing premonitory symptoms ol (.liolera. It is applied both i . ten. ally and ox tern ally, with the best effect . ami none who have once used the Pain Kill**:, would willi. giv be with out it constantly in their houses. —[(.’ineinna- ti Evening Nonpareil, July 1850.] PERRY DAVJs A .SON, Pro|>rietors. 74 High street, Providence, R. 1. June 7, 1855. 27—Gm, Ell KLEVS CoiPOl AD SYRUP OF SAISAPARILLi truly extraordinary prepuraiion hav -1 iug effected a cure in every instance wherein it bn> been used, and those ca-es ol the mo-t maliguam and inveterate character, standi- g for years, de-pite medical science, place it superior to all other preparations.- It mode of composition a.d entire process so laborately and scientifically combi: ed, is ol piiblie notoriety, and tlu* faculty and the pub lic geifferallv accord that patronage a superior article merits. It is devoid of those destruc tive agents which to<* eommoidy form an im portant item when less expensive medicine, remain undetected, and will be-found a per manent and radical cure. 1 >vspi*psi;i, or Indigestion, Scrofula or King’s Evil, AlToutions of the Bones, Syphylis, Debility, Habitual Costivenes, Erysipelas, Fu - monary Cpmphiini, lbles, lYmale 1 - Fistula, Skin Disyiises, iis eased Kidneys, and as a great and powerful Tonic, purifying the blood and invigorating the entire system. Its extreme use throughout the country, and the ccrtilicates which are every day re ceived, should more than .-a i.-fv the doubtful that it will perform what is stated, and mu\ be implicitly relied on with port’.*, t confi dence, no mutter how* deep-seated the affec tion or of what duration. 1 ask the sullcrei to take a bottle, and if relief be not experi enced, 1 say take no more. But it is a fact, and an obvious one, that those semi (part Sarsaparilla occasionally get greater credit than a carefully prepared and genuine medi cine. 1 assert my Compound Syrup of ui >a pari lato be tlu* best, firstly, it is made of the very best root in concentrated form, care fully and chemically combined, and ten times strong*!* than a..y other prepnratio; a. Second ly, the active principles being extracted by a powerful tincture press, made especially for this object, the wonderful cures perform ed, and daily evidence, iu truth, justify the assertion. For sale at the manufactory. Corner Sev enth and Green streets, Louisville, Ky., where all orders mu and be addressed. For sale by Druggi*ts generally. Price $1 per bottle, or $5 for 6 bottles. Juno 4,1855. 27—fim sj-oirtvxsi-xrsi. r public are hereby notified that 1 JL hold myself in readiness at all times to ni.e and promptly to the surveying of lands in Dougherty county. I’iie subjec* of re-surveying of lands in this section of the country deserves the seri ous attention of all persons interested in that most valuable of property, —owii g so the rapid and constantly’ increasing influx of emigration to our county, and the consequent opening of woodluuda to the certain destruc tion of fine trees and land marks generally. In connection with this subject, 1 would re spectfully call the attention of ray fellow-citi zens to tiie fact that no person, not. even the owner, is authorized to mark or indicate any land lines without the presence and concur rence of the County Surveyor. I shall, iu all eases, iu my charges, adhere to tiie fee bill us laid down in Prince's Digest and Cobb’s Analysis. I am at all times to be found in Albany when not engaged iu discharging the duties of my office, TilUo. G. WESTFALL, County Surveyor, Dougherty. Albany, Gn., Jan. 23. 1855. tlj. ENDIAN Mclntosh House. r rMHS Establishment is now a JL open for the reception of visitors to this delight - ful Watering Place. The sub seriber, who has now been at this place for the last ten years, call only’ assure persons visiting this Establishment as heretofore, he will spare no paius or expense* to give entire sat-isfuction. Mr. E. Isaacs villi have charge of the Cu linary’ Department. In fact, all in charge of this establishment, as w’ell as servants, shall be of the best order. There will bo splendid Coaches and Hacks at Indian Springs Plat form, three miles above Forsyth, to trans port passengers from that place to the Indi an Springs. B. W. COLLIER. .Fitly 12. 1855. 32-2>n. In Gold,’ Silver, ana a*ll Colors, Nl-vilt tsscctsa ai) isb “ Sumwe” Qincz, Is ..ow j-ui up i.. iiic iarest sized bottU-s and is ackitow.edged to be the best Sai*:apa rilln made, ns is certified by the won der! u. cures it has performed, the original copies of which are in tiie possesaion of the proprie tor. llenicnlber this is Tlie ly true iisid oi igiual ar title. Scrofula, yphili-, Mercurial complaints, ( aticer, Gao greue. Rheumatism, and a vast variety of ofiier disease- are speedily and per leetly cured -by the use of the medicine, liie t‘ >Ho\% iig 4'ertil'irtilc* Tai-lacoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1865. Dear 1 send you this io certify to you that yon* Extract ol Yellow Dock and j arilla Inis performed one' of the*Tnost won ierlui cures on me that has ever been effected oil lllUw. 1 have been afflicted for forty years with • up*ions on my legs and feet ; In ‘ 1848 they got so bad that I bail to go on crutches, and in 1840 I had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months after my leg broke out in large eating and running sores from my knee to my loot, and dischaig eda great deal of offensive matter. My groin also broke oil Fin large biles w hich discharged much offensive matter, and at the same lime my left hand broke out in Jarge runnigjg poi< nearly to my elbow. The misery that l have suffered for the last two years 1 cannot de scribe to you. 1 wus ii* such agony that I never rested day or night. la October last my son brought me one of your bottle wrappers; 1 road it ar.d found record of some wonderful cures performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa panlln.*’ I >eiit and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to mv ustonicJiment, my sores all became easy, ami 1 could sleep ail night— a thi: g I had not done for two years. When I bad taken six bottles, my sores had nearly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchantment. 1 hav e now used in all eigict bottles of your “Extract of v* 1 low Dockland Sarsaparilla,” and I now consider my>elf well. 1 entrem all of the afflicted to try this med icine, for 1 believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it and proclaim its great worth to suffering mankind, and entreat them to take ii for it will cure them. My ease i> well known in £outh Carolina, Georgia and Aluhumn, and it any should donb tiie above cuie, i invite them to call on me and 1 will show them the scars. Icon be foui and i: Tallapoosa county, Ala., one mile from Stop's Ferry. Benj. Hughes. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiar ly adapted for females of delicate health, g from irregularity of menstrual dis eliuige.-, ancl other diseases peculiar to their sex. Tiie proprietor i a in bis possession n great number of certificates of cures perform ed of the above description. Ve assure the afflicted that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott'a Extract ol Yellow* Dotk and r-asaparilla wilt at once regulate those dilficulties and renew the natural energies, I'ut up in quart bottle#—price $1 per b* ic. >wld wholesale a..d retail by M,'oYILJ. a MEAD, 111, Cbartre st. N. 0. General Agents for the roulhern Mates to whom ull orders must be addressed. Fold also by A. A. DAN FORTH. Albany Ga. • ___ mSSm oAvib's'.’ .HEBREW PLASTER.: The great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Pai.: in tlu* bide, liip, Back, Limbs and Joints; Scrofula, K>. g’s Evil; White Swellii g, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and ail fixed Pains whatever. Where the Plaster is applied pain cannot It has been beneficial in eases of weak, etss, such as pain and weakness in the - <>uiH’ Ip, weak limbs lameness, affections of die In g>. i.i tluir stages. It destroys i tb.iua i>... by pei>j iuiiioV. aine.- 1. llo\d, Ibkei s district, S. C. testi o that, by its u e alone be was cured of tiheuiiia'isni ih both, df several years stsnd the fidlowi g was banded us by a resuectA b'e ii Ge< gia. Nil.- ns. Mwn A 3. lad. Gciitr: I have bs6L i<-i g your Liveiwon aid Tar and Hebrew Piaster very exto. sivelj in my jnactice for lbitcyeiM* past, aid it is with pleasure that I ‘tao-mv belief i; tbeirsii) eiiority over all other aiiicleswiiliAvlii. il J am acquainted, for tho purposes loi which they arc reccmmended.- i'iie Hebrew Plaster, especially, is a Univer sal Panacea for local pai; e. 1 have also found i a most cxcellei.t uppiii-ution for bpruina and Bruise . Ii gives universal satisfaction Where evei used. S. S. OSLIK, M. D. lv d'xviile, Ga., March 4, 1853. Beware of Counterfeits and base Imi t tin., . The genuine will in future have the signa ture of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved on the label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a meau counter feit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us and our A gents appointed through* the South—and no Pedlar is allowed to sell it. Dealers and Purchasers generally are cautioned against buy iitg of any but our regular agents, otherwise thev will be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL <fc MEAD. 11l Chartrc st., New Orleans. Sole General Agent of the South. States, to whom all orders must be invariably addressed. >oi.n also by A. A. DAN FORTH, Albany, Ga, Bishop <fc Siken, Starkville, Ga. May 3, 1855, __ n22 OV KICKS FOK SALE at his War. - ftp JSS Room, otic doKFTast of X-itUc'sF2Sti Deny Store, a large and varied assortment of Excdknt Furniture, of Northern and his own manufacture, among which will be found iSut'ra!!s, e. iisls Slmids, Cliitim, Arm iltoi'kiug) Cliaira, Windlass Bed steads, Wardrobes, Tn bles, Solas, Office (Pivot,) Chairs, ( ottage Bed-steads. Safes, Card ‘l'aliles, Couches, C Ii :i i rs and Bed-steads. Also a good supply of MATTRESSES (Slow and Hair,) aluuiys on hand; all of which h. will sell low for cash, or on short, time. Orders for any description of Furni ture carefully and promptly tilled. E'isk’s .Wctnlic Burial Cases: Orders tilled at short notice, on good terms. Albany, Ga., Oct TANARUS, 1854. ly. . • Land. Agency. THE undersigned will, for Five Doliars per lot, examine any lands lying iu the coun ties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to their owners as to their present val ue, the prospect of their becoming more val uable in future, and whether or not there being any tresspass committed thereon—inva riably pledging himself to give a true and correct account, —for which all remittance* will be expected in advance. He will also sell and remit when requested directed, for 7 per cent lie will also punctually attend to all pro fessional business entrusted to his care. VERNON E. McLENDON. Attorney et Law, HolmeaviUe, Ga, Feb. If, J3ft. U-ts