The North-east Georgian. (Clarkesville, Ga.) 1857-18??, December 23, 1857, Image 3

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—■ —*• —■.l “ 4 1 here is no disturbance amoing the In dians in llunoy Lake Valiev, or in fact in any part of Western Utah. The late difficulties are greatly exagerated. Tile Indians exhibit their desire to luster friend ly intercourse with the whites. THey had taken a Tote at Salt Lake city, that H the l uited Slates army forced its into L tali tuey tlunnsclve-s would burn their city, towns, forts, &e., and lav every hnhitation in ashes. That they ‘had ni ready picked out secrect places in the mountains to “ cache” t.hcir provisions and make their luture abode with the Indians. lliey say that it the army should enter the setil incut, every city, town and vil lage in the .States of California, Missouri and lowa, should be immediately’ burned ; that they had men to do tin.- who were not known to he Mormons; and that they would cut ott all the emigrant trains, army stores, stock, &u., that ao mini, woman or child should hereafter cro-s the plains without being scalped ; that they depen ded and expected the Indian to*perform this infernal and cowardly part of their designs. Evening sJours or Heeliaaics. What have evening hours done for ule ebanics who had only ten liours toil ? I lark- ii to the following facts : Ole ot th >. best editors the Westminis ter It view could ever boast, and one of the most brilliant writers of the passing hour, was a cooper in Aberdeen.—One o! the editors ot the London Daily .Journal was a baker in Ligin; perhaps the best report- r of the London ‘limes was a weav er in Kdiiibnrg; the editor of the Wit ness was a stone mason. One of tiie ablest ministers in Loudon was a black smith in Dundee, another was a watch maker in Hand'. The late Dr. Million! China, was a herd bey in Khvne. The principal ot the 1, edon Mis ioiinry Soci ety s College et Hong Kong was a saddler in Huntley, and one of the b ‘st nii.-sioiiu rios that- tver went to India was a tanner’ in Ivcitli. The balding machinist on the London and iJiniiiugham li.i liyay. with £7OO a year was a unvliuHic in (ila.-gow. and perhaps the v ry richest Iron founder in England was a working e.iii in M-rip. Sir James Clarke, her Majesty's physi cian, was a druggist in H.mlf. Joseph Hume w.s a sailor first, and thin a labor er at the mortar aid p ul in Montrose; Mr. McCtvgnr, the in-mbir from Glas gow, was a poor boy in 15 .ssliire.—James Wilson the member from Westbury, was a p'oiig'nmau in Had iagtcii. and Arthur Amlcison, the nieiiib i’ for Orkney earned bis bread by the sweat of his I row in the I ultima Thule. ‘l’lieso men however, sp nit their leisure hours in acquiring use ful knowledge. They could not have r anched the eminence they did, hanging around lmse and engine bolts s, or wasting : hours away in taverns. .71 Oil the filth ult . by Rev. Levi Rr •'•er ston, Li . J. to Mt. s Fannie J. Murk, all of I); lton tla. LEU AL NOTH’F.rf. lAhel Tor ISitaifc. H f s l l-I-INt• i-f, i | si:|rior Court, WILLIAM SMITH. S M ’- V i: ’ “ IT api earing to the Cmiit, upon tin’ return o | the prr.'j er oil.err, that 11;*• I r'i-ialunt is not | to be found m tins comity : anil ii lurlher ap pearing to the Court, that he rcudes oul ol tins State. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the Defendant do on am aver to this L;!.! for Divorce, at the next S .; r ( our*, ot lies county, and that a copy ol th.s order he pah- j lulled*in the North-Easi Gem gian, for the apace ] of three months bciore the next May leim ot this Court. JOS. K. CROWN, J. S. C. May 20tb. 1557. A true copy taken frnm the minutes of l':i ion Superior Court, May Semi. Itsii. THUS. M. HUGHES. C. P. C. June 10. ltW. dm. j Blirelttg. ~ , WILL be hiied at the court bouse door in Clayton. Itabun county, on the fust Tuesday in September next, ilu- j A.-- ring sale hours, the m-.’ioes hel -gutg to the estate of David MeKimiy, deceased, ton ‘ slating of a man. woman, boys and gills. Terms made known on the day. ANDRLW MARTIN, Adm’r tie bonis non July 23, IS'7. J ■Abel for s?sos'ie. MESINA A. TILL, j L.i-.-l for Divorre in rs. Lumpkin Superior W.M. A. illl.L. ) Conn. ‘t he Sberill ol said county having returned that WillLm A. Hill dues nut re.-idn ill tills county, and it being further represented to die court, that said dclomlant does not reside with in the State ol(Georgia. It is llierelore •ixlered by the court, that the defendant appear at the next i-ebruary ierm of said court, and answer this libel lor Divorce, and that tins order be published in the North Last Georgian lor three months. GKO. D. RICK, J.S.C B. U.C. August 10th, mi. A true extract from the Minutes of Lumpkin ‘Superior Court J. 11. WORLEY,-. s. c. August ‘Jfith, 1857. ‘-in. G tout'll a, Towns Got: ntv. To all whom it may concern. Whereat, Lueretia Allan applies for 1 tters of Guardianship on the person® and property of Emily Jane Allan, J as. T Allan. Mary Ann Allan and Kansas K. Allan, minor children of Jarratt L. Allan, late of said county deceased. Those arc therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons concerned, to show cause at the next term of the Court of Ordina ry, why said letters should not be gran ted. Givcd under my baud at office, the : day of Dee., 18c>7. J. W. HOLMES, Ordinary tvl-1 .no.SB. PATH XT ME DICTA ES. Georgia Medicines! THE EMPIRE STATE STILL AHEAD IN HER IMPROVEMENTS!! \ HF. Subscriber lias on h.tiul. all of Du. C BT.MBLFS Mi\!icino* \iz : Austniian Liniarrtent. Tooth Ache Drops, j I'amily (anide, Modicateil Snip. Rat Llectm* Ruin Guie; or Rheum ilic Ointment. Superior Hoalim; Melvo, Magnum B.muiii lu zor Taste, Pile Ointment. Ail the above Medicines will com pure fa vor rallv with any ol like diameter in the known world. Tlie Only €U‘iiuin<> and E?pr6il.v Btnpiotcd fiesta oy er. We’ve no more use lor Dogs or Cats, To kill those lusty Idrmiai n. Hats; There is a sttilf that’s made by Tumble, \\ hose nnctl will cause a Rat to tremble. I he Rat whose h-hl enough to eat l his Piziii* spread on bread an-.! meat, Without tlie time tor help to cry, Will turn upon his brek and die. Tho>e who hale Rais should promptly u ) And buy a box—they’ll lind ii .o. This article will also exterminate R-.i Buj'.s. Moles, Squirrels, Coons aiul Black BljhD. GJ-corgla Modica** toci Soap, Bids the Pan ed and Soe io hope; It is jusl the Stull - with widen Al iy he rnred the Biles or Rch. Rtnii or l etter Worm, .’ ore ll\es, It a sovereisii cum* supplies : Sil;-Rhe tu. Chilblain:. and the Scurvy, By it are knocked topsy turvy ; Scahl-liead, li,i>li and Brickiy Heat. And Kr\ :dpilas t\\ ill dele it; dee is, B. no clous and Old Sores, By this SO A B are cun*vl in moms, Sußerers. there is *jroniul >1 ho' ( e in BKAiRLKS MDDK A TDD SOAP. Mai] * hx (\ DKMULK. Auyu-ta, Ga.. 1 and fur *i\\v bv v 11. S. VAN !)IV i iiRK, ClarkosviLh*. tla., July 1 llii ISJ7. soiTsas:u\ remlui. JACDB’B~COEIIIAL, : LOR ALL Bowel Diseases. rl o’efa, (1, lera Morbu.. | Dysentery, Bilious r-dic, Diarrhaa, Cholera luEmtuni. AUo % athtiinibh/ to to-; ;; l) - ; eases of / m<>*t > j>t‘cit!llj / \( inju / jlni sfi’itulion. THE VIRTUES OF .TACOtl’s EOKIUAI# ARB ToO WKI.I. KNOWS IO REvEH'-R KM’jNtl’MS. 1. If cures the worst cases oi Uiarrhtea. 2. It cures the worst lornis of Dysentery. H. It cures Cali lorn ia or Alexiean Diarrhaa. 4. It relieves the severest Colic. 5. It cures Cholera Morbus. 6. It cures Cholera Infantum. 7. It c ues Painful Ah'u&tiuation. 8. It relieves Pam in Back an ! Loins. D. It counteracts Nervousness & Despondency 10. I; restores Irregularities. 11. 1 1 dispels gloomy hysterical Feelings. Iv. Li's an admirable Tonic. \ Leu short LVon? U’i*s. ‘ATvitaiiioasaFs, “ I ha\e used Jacob s Cordial in my family, ind have found it a most ellic : ent, and in my juih’i.ient, a valuable iemedy.” 1 li>\. iliiiAM Warner. oi Supicme Court, (ii. ‘ It gives me pleasme in being aide to rec ommontl Jacob’s Cor ii d—my own personal cx ! pcncuco, and the experience of my neighbor.” imi 1 Inends around me. is a ..r ll ’.. . 1 1 -1 tee for me to beliexe it to be all tli it it put pwr'.s to be, viz. a so*, feign remedy. v \S M. 11. Fnukkwood, 1 Fonnerlv Judge of Sup. ( ourt. Flier. Ciremt. ** | take gieat pleasure in recommending ihi ;nvaluable medicine to all utliictcJ Witii hov\e., for which l Relieve it to be a sover eign remedy—deciilcdly superior to any dung ever ti e l by me.” A. Caeldinu. Dep. b. M. ot the Grand Lodge of (l i. “ ! have used * Jacob s Cordial’in my family. , j and i his. w ith all 1 hear about it as :t remedy j bv who have tried it, induces me U le ! lieve that it stands al the head ol e\erv prepa j it.on ol The kind, and I would recommend its use in the diseases for which it iscompounded.” Milks G. Docrins, Cashier of the Bank ol Georgia. Griliin. ‘•lf there is any Credibility in human testi mony, ‘Jacob’s Cordial’ mut stand pre-emi nent’above all other preparations lor tin* cure iol Bowel Diseases. From tin* mass of testi mony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance as a em itne j agent, of most if not all other * patent’ prep, r ! ations.” A. Ii f.mmixu. Cash. Marine & Fire ln.\. 1> ink. Gnifm. i • This eiiieient remedy i- s traveling into ce h’brit v as last as Bonaparte pushed bis columns into Russia, and gaining commendation wher ever lined.” ‘‘Cjkoiioia •Ikffkhsonian. For sale by 11. S. Van Divierk. Clurkesvilh*. (ieorgia, ami I>v G.e principal Merchants aiul ; Druggists throughout the .St ate. W.M. W. BLI>S k CO., I’roprietors. New \ ork. July 1. LdßCli’i* Anli-lUiettOialle Pow deiN. .7 stiff, fpredy and raiUrol cure for llheumu'ism llhcimwtir Corf and Sciatim. We the undersigned citizens ol Buti.ant (’o., j Ga.. cheerfully bear testimony to tne elhcacy ot Linch’s Anti-Rheumatic Powders in llie | treatment of acute or chronic Rheumatism, i runny cases having been successlully treated hv Dr. J. G. GIBSON, within our personal knowledge in which these Powders were prim ; cipally Used. Joel Branham, M. D. Win, V. Carter, Stephen B. Marshall, I >. K Adams, | T. B Harwell, Thomas Kcspcss, : Daniel Slad, Michael Dennis, i( R Thomas. J. Nicholson others, i ‘prepared and sold by J. G. GIBSON, M. Katonton, Ga, at $5 per box. w hi g lira _ i x i)i ax aece ETA BLE PILLS. | Usually (luring winter tlie blood becomes ; thick and the stouiach and bowels laden, and when spring heat quickens I be circu- - lutiou, there are obstructions which, un-! less speedily removed, produces serious sickness. \Y HIGH i S INDIAN Y I*,G ----| ETA BLE FILLS rectify all impurities j of the blood, cleanse the bowels, and sue ! ccssfully counteract the sluggishness ar 1 j ! heavitWs peculiar to this season- GOODS, GROCERIES, &C. ‘ DU. P. A. Vi i LIIITE, and Rclail ANDERSON C. IL. S. as jusl received, and will keep constantly on hand (at a very b>w pnee). av ; , large, aiul well selected | \ stock of Paints. Oils. I’lUinsia*. and •'U -. ll'tndow French and Ameii .n. i , I'e.tici- in AMKRIt’AN. FRENCH A \D . C2>l£ jVMm ! and, ME.OK I\ES. I’KIIFE>iKI!Y, EIJKNCII CANDIES KMEEB. FINK TOIIACCO AND CIUAKS, • i FANCY AHTICI.eS AND DYK >ll VFS. h Fiiar’ Br;;ndicft ami WincK* I only lor Medical Purpose*. * Tchmis :r.d all ollicrs em depend upon •ir orders me*ting prompt attention, upon tiie ‘ .H tMu.modatiui *. m< Bh\ -.ei tie Fatiiilu * can rely on hav j ’iig their Prcr-ci ip! ii-ns eaiefultv cc uipoMufr'd. | His Medicines ore seli-elcd with great rare ‘•n l vi ill be w arranted :i - lepit^CHled. 1. ... Gall . • lb tcR in n'. one door iiarr’.son Jv Brovie’s Law* Uniec. ‘*&r. .’.i 11.. S. Ap. 1 1 t, IS-*: HE J & JUNTO * Vv Li.>!islc;-2i AL'GLSTA, GA. r , a i*. > Tiie uuden-irned h iv<* formed a . V \\ Fop ntneiship in the t ‘U".icT<m i 4 °*’ •* Gkneual WARKiius!-: and! dtobaZL&Zik.i* OMMIF.SIUN ol bINE.SS. H !Itl Will, utl the itr.'l day t 1 Srpicmher next, lake the N. Wißer-ProtiJ house, | t n J.iekfxon : E, (now eccupietl by Crocker and | id*'.) We w *ll give our s rief pcrsoml rG'ention to i til nusiitc-.s eutru-.ed :o our care, and would j - •e>jn-e. • olicit a sb.i; .** oi puHi*r ;■ •* < n ige. | And Mi. Lices world ! *ke tho • cea- on io I ret*!*;; his nccre tiiank >to the • ii ; *•. i■. hh ! ;vi- I I.oi.■ *>; the linn ot Cm c. v criv R. • r ,i. n- ; 1 1 ! >i : i pai."'.h i! - c. • ;id would srdix ‘;i coiiti: - J a ;.!•<* ol the s one Io ihe . jiw f.t in. All o. JtTs lor !>•': .. ... . Jinpr and /oj/n'y s ,>/t- ‘ i lif.. will he cairiuß; h’.icu at tin.* luwe*; m.. 1 J i kc The usual rash advances m -V when u* quiied. JNO. C. KF.KS, of the firm t>! C’rvekei *V Rc-rs. AML I>. UN i < i.N. A tig us* a. Ga.. April 11. ls.'7 )AD\VAY GOLD PEN Alanulnriurino- Cos liiii) Broadway. X. Vork, VUE now selling their splend'd Gold Pens Fencjls and i'cii ( ases at tlie Lowest Re ; til Prices, aiul each purciiu-er draws a \U ot from o) cents to !-;x a -BOO! \i - oou as t Peu or Pencil is pin chased, the . Premium is dviivered immediaiely. LIST Os LEN.s AND UKI.UI. 1 KICKS, j :!J JVns. .:> mul 1 (fill j I.ngroFtng er/c. rrtrt ** z rrtus ’ “ s.lvcr f’x. Holders, g -'> > 12 do j MJ\ **, dhi.ox. hold. d75 “ J do • Si! v. in mm ii hold. *> 0 ” I j “ Silv .!cy ijthan *’ > ‘-• r > ” r * do i’n Ben gold desk hold. B 7f> u 3 do Mam. g’ld pen de>k holdbox, <> *-T> “ f> do Lev g’ld pen.g’ldde.-d. ho'.i *; b'v f. ..o ‘* f> t!o ] Gothic silv. cjiC *X g’ i pen, 3 7-> 3 ilo 1 M im.Goihic lv.e..?:eG g'ldpem’ .5 “ 5 do I fb Id Tooth Pick, ’Jh') “ *J do I lr 11 ‘Booth Pick G Ear Pick. 373 “ 3 do | Gll w.Gcli kev.jiick \ pencil, 370 u 3 do L- ’ ’i’ Gold Be; cils, -* do ;- *• 3 75 3 do “ “ GOO tk -1 do “ 44 “ an! Pen, <’> g 5 “ f> do Gents’ Gold case- and Pcjji. 10 00 8 do Gents* g’ld cc r*b*k ]n*n Mam. I- oO ‘lO do Wc warrant all 01 our Gold Pens to he Diu n.o.yl pointed, ar.d not by uny cstab li'hmeut in the States, and besides giving you t fen or Pencil well worth your money, we also present y -11 w ith (Jilts worth eko.m 50 gems to $1,0.00 in WATCHES, GUARD & VEST CHAINS, • erc-id l.'*cke!s. Diamotld P iG, ( amei soßs. Gold Studs, Rings, Bi'c - t Pin;, Sil\er Fruit and Cake Bashe.s, Silver Gobleis. Ko. .4 ni s—- A Ni* ia< s- Ift ufs. Saw is lhr tinu‘ and hot is the rhanre to m;J*e $ ! ,01)!! —$ -V SU<I $ :,0! JO—s3,ooll per \ car, in the > Ae of Gold Pens, Jewelry, Ac. We a Liberal Com mission 1 1* Local and 1 I * i\ehng Agents, and give them C’re*Lt on One li.tll t.ll sold. X light and agreeable bmujess. .uni above all, a good paying business. Agents wail toil 111 all pii t” ot The country. A Cata logue containing a List <-*t Good-’ with lull ex planations ill terms to Agents will he rent oh application, free. All orders will lie pi wriiptly attended to, and those sending us money by mail will receive such goods as they* order by the return mail or express, with the Gilts en closed m the package. Address all orders to MERRICK, BENTON & DEAN, 33f> Bmudwav. New York. N. B.—Gobi Pens re-pointed in a superior manner. Enclose the Pen, and thirty-nine cents in P. O. Stump*- and the Pen will he r* pointed and returned, post-paid. CURRAHEE PLANTATION FOR SALE ! j: s That well known I’laiitntioii iiliiid -ailed the Cunnhce, is < licr--*- , iVii’ sale. It ei.mtnins about four j thou--mil (4000) noics more or less of ; which about two hundred are, first qualilv bottom land, ami cultivated, it ia well ; settled, a dwelling house, over- j seri-’s house, barns threshing and prist | Mill l to., and is one of the best situations ‘ j tor a Tavern and Store m filiah ! • ’utoi . ! County. Also a line range for stock and | t is remarkably healthy. , For terms lit*., apply to ■J. i lIASHiI MATIIEWS : at Charleston S. C-, or A. J. NICHOLS 1 1 OlarkcsviHe Ga. I November 25th. 0 nio. VUTHL'US SL-lf-sc ilin ‘ Tans for sale !■)’ j E. S. BARCLAY | ! Clarknviile Tnly 14'tt ‘■**!. ‘I PATENT MEbiciiS Es! a v f. ars P B la, L S . FOR ALL TUI*: 1 UEPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC ; B^IILRI. has long exi>R'<l a public dcinaiitl ! g for an eiioeitve puig.irivo pill which •could I>e on as sure and perlectlv s 8.0 in i “ operation. This In- been prepared to nice that demand, and an exteiinve trial ol its vir- , tues has conclusively shown with w hat succe-* iit accompli."lies llie purpose designed. If is j | easy to mike a physical pill, but not cusv to make tin* be -f ol ail pd!.\ —one which should | have none of the objections, but all ol the ail- j ; vantages, of every other. This has been it j tempted here, and w ith w hat success we would rcspecliyßy Mi! in it to the puhbc decision. Ii l has been unfortunate lor the patient hiiherlc ; j that almost every purgative medicine n- acn ; monious and irrii.Eiug lo the bowels. This e , not. M *ny ol them produce so much griping I pdn and revuls.ou in the system as to more | j than rouuterbaLinee the good to he derived I from them. pit! - jwoduce no irritation or pain, unb* < it arise from a previous!v ex isting .obstruction or deram cinent m tic bow- | els. Bei*)g jmr. ly vegemble, no harm can j arise Jrotu their use in any ju•miity : but it is ! better that any medicine - iggM la.* taken judi ciously. Minute direction.-, lor their ue in the scveiyj to which tliey are aj-jdicah c and o given on tl.e box. Among th compl tints j which have been cured by liu*:n. we may lpentioti Liver ( omplaint. in its various i* * i ins ol Jam. tee, in-lig, , -* : on. Languor, and i.oss ol Appetite, Listicssii'* !i ritah.lin , 15,1- ! . lions Headache, Bi!lio;i> Fever. Fever and i Ague Fain in thcßide nr.l Loins ; for, in truth. • ill tae.-e Hit but the L” ! 1: C j flic** O. i!l"{*.ised 1 action in the Lour. As an aperient, thev a!- j J*>rd proiiqi! :i?ni stire relict i* Co.-tiv v,*•>-. Biles, i | Colic. Dy?eiitCiy. Humurs. .Scrom! *. audSeur.v. I Cos ids wiiit sort. ;•*.' of tie body, i leer-* and ’ .mpui’ty o! tiie blood ; in sl.orr. any and ever) j c.t-o where a puigßtivc is requiied. They li ive also prndueed sptne singularly | si.i ce stul cure- in R .o;.m Gout, limply, j Graxei, Erysipelas, i ii,*iiaiion j ti.c Heart. ’ j !’,:iiis in the L ;c!., .Aomucli .•: ! Side, ‘i'ije*, i -be :j-oeJy t.;!.eii ~i the spr.r.g ol llie j ’ year, * \ uriiy :h<* h'.* nl u. lpi pue iic *■',•- | T u I•• *:*•* chinveu, non:. An ece i>i*>ii *1 i J uo v a! •:<*. me fJouv. cii and howa E into ! I be.iiihy ••ciiff'n. a;*,’ rv-; . ,*-. :i c uppeGte -i ! j vigor l hey pi.r.:y the biood. *ml, by ihe.i | i tfiinii! nt action to tin* eircointorv system. ’ iCimvatC tin* strr’ltglh ot the ! >d\. end ri ..,c.jc > i o W .."ted <T <!:'(.* ;'*d **•..• i;. e • oi !:'** v. i]o!<* [ organ: in. lienee .m v-cc isiou il do. eisad . an- • ; t.iueou-. even thong/* no “ • *.. **ll s ih*.**i,i. : ; i exists j hut uniu'Ci*.-;,ry d,-;ng should ucvei ! ’ he carried Loo i ir, a- every p'ufgativc llie.!,cue [ reduce* the strength, when taken to excess.— The thousand cu.-es in v\h eh a phvsic is is i quired cannot be enumerated here, hut the-, j suggest themselves to the lei on ol c\erv j body ; and this pill is found to answer a better | purpose than anything which has hitherto been i available to mankind. Wh re their virtues 1 j aie once known, the public will no longei j doubt v.hat remedy to employ when in need |of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-w rapped ! they ait* pleasant to take, and being purely j vegetable, no harm can aiu-e from tlu-ir use in • any quantity. j For minute direction?-, see wrapper on the j Box. PREPARED LY PH. J AM i:s <\ A V EH, Pra( i'Gti £-!ca3 thc^ild, tn.\VEL MASS. | inr k a c pj.:n i-ux. pin: si. AVE K S ’ ;ft |.|jb n w gaYfi p| a 3 : o Lai vs Li rto a Gtil AL FOII TIIE RABID CURE OF COlighS. UroiKh!(H. V t’sonji, V-Glii?fcs.-*, and 4 ota- NUHipt ion. Tina remedy h-u won for iiself such notoric ty from its euies ol every variety ot pulmonary diseaH*, that it is eiEnely unnecessary to ie count tiie evidences o! i.s virtues m any com j munity where it his been employ ed. So w ide | is the field ot its usefulness, and so numerous ; die c.r t.’s ol it.* cures, tint almost every section | of the count ry abounds in persons public known, i who have been restored ii*;n alarming and I even de.-ppr.ite diseases of the lungs by its use. ! When once tried, its superiority over other j medicine of if” kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public i.o longer hcsilate what antidote to employ for the distressing and and mgerous af fection cf the pulmonary organs winch are in cident to our cinn tte. And not only m lormi dable attacks upon the lung:-, but lor the milder variolic* of Gold*. Gough:, lloarsenes.-, \c., and Jor C hildren, it is ihe j lcasautest and safest ! medicinv that e in be obtained. As it lias long been in constant use through out this section, we need not do more than as sure the people its quality is kept up to the host thru it ever has been, and that the* genuine article i.- sold by— hi. S. Barclay. Clarkcsville, Ga. April Mi, lh.>7. Deiauifctiicnl of the ILivor, Is one of the most common, as well as the most lorn*id-able oi*-*s known to .Ameri can jdiy siciaiifi. It had tor yeap** attracted the • closest attention ol the medical faculty in all j parts oi the United Males, und yet up to the ! time of the discovery ol Dr. Ji'Lane’s great 1 Specific proparod by Flemming Bro*., ol PiLts- I burgh, l'a., it was almost beyond the reach ol j medical sktlL l/'hoij.-aiuds had perished with- I out even a hope ol reliel, and although thou j sands may yet he destined to teeF the direful j efleets <*i thi -most complicated disease, it is j now, thanks to the search oi Dr. M Lane, most | completely brought within the scope ol medi- : ic il control. 7'he proprietors. Fleming Bros.,’ i Pittsburgh. Pa., of the Liver Pills ei confi dent that they olicr remedy wh ch has been j fully tested by time, and which has nc\er fail- ! j ed of Kucee-s when ta riy turd, j Purchasers will he careful to ask for Dr. j | -if* celebrated \orru;fnge. manufuctm- j |ed by Fleming li;‘s. of Pittsburgh, Pa. All j { olhty VeinHi;?;,; - ., .u comparison ura worthless 1 Dr. M J. ..M aine veniiifuge. al o hi* c**te- j ! bjrated Liva rPill-, can now he had .vt all re- | : ypcci dde drug stores. None u<-lmine w ithout ! | the signy lure of 1 LIAbING BRC>B. N O.T ICE. Sixty d.iys after (kite l shall apply to i j the Court of Ordinary of I’ubuit county, | ! for leave to sell all the negroes ‘ 1 hdonsriiry to tiie estate of David JYlc ■ Kinney, late of wid county deceased. A. J. MARTIN, Adm. do bonis turn. Sejit. 0, 1857 LEGAL NOTICES, &C. WILLIAM W. CHARLTON, (Lntt of Ci'orn in.) Gs:\ERA V* Aft !;\ TS. VETO RAV. T WASHINGTON CITY, P. C. 1 1 .'.e undersigned, recent ly from Georgia, ha j j located m VV asiiington (hty, and will promp;iy I attend to the management and prosecution ol'all j i el i'ses of claims upon the Government be:ore CongM'vst; f \ irious F.xecutix *• Dep.*. tnien s. ! ! <• ( ourt ol ( burns; the jnoeiiriug ol patents fur inventions; r<nolutionary, invalid, and hab-pav ’ pensitnis to soldiers, widows and orpli ins, md ‘‘specially to the firr years’ i/tivk pensunisdwc the <•’ tss ni widows pimided for in act of Con ‘ gre'N .Id lebnurv. 18a 3. as recently’construed bv * ( h' :s on o! the C’oiirt o! Claims ;j ;\ lor horses, or other property, lost or destroyed'in the pub- ! lie service: bounty lands under all acts of (.’oil i : gross, and. in tact, every species ol claim, and I ; dl manner oi business, requiring the personal | attention nl an agent or attorney in Washington. Particular attention will be given to suspen ded claims lor pensions or bounty land. Hav ing access to tiie different Departments, he wall he enabled to inspect, personally, all such : eases, and thereby ascertain the cause ot suspension and the means ol relief. Lind Warrants will he purchased, s+ld, or , located on reasonable terms. Forms and * ; instructions v\i 11 he furnished to parties and ’:■ üb-nurnts, when required, and all iuqu :* promptly answered, by enclosing a stamp to j prepay such answer. Terms reasonable, if successful ; if not, no ; cmirge. Any re crence. if required, will be * r i 1 1 ! i \ given. In Georgia, where he wis i orn and raised, he refers with pleasure to lib numerous tmauls and acquaint,mcc'. In Wisl.m. /on. he re:ers to the Hon. Howell ( <*! •. Secretary of the Treasury, an I T. Allan, l."<j.. a clerk in the Genera! Land OiJice, and ,to all the Senators and Kepre.*.entativ os in j f ’ongres - l rom (Jeorgia. In the proM**ntion ofdifiieult and important ii.iiniv. h* will he able to obtain the assistance ot the very host counsel, and in all cases will •ia\ ’ the :n!\;utago ol consulting intimate I fiends ol cnliigrd expeiaence and practical knowlet ge. who are atajn.iinted with the laws. I t!, d !he machinery j|j,> Government in its j various i \ecufi \ * Departments. W FLU \.M W. CHARLTON. ! April, lgf.7. bdiii itSail*. U ILL he sold be-die the eoiaiimii e door iri ; ( In vdie, 1 1 ihe; sin ni county on ihe Fr>i i'-;e>d:y inßej)*cmher next, the following , property, to wit: A tr-u Mot land lying on the head water.* o l-:-*ad R ver. in said county, joining L. \\ i *e.i and ot:urs. containing about one-hundred i un! thirty-three acres, being the place whereon II chard Chitwood, deceased, formerly lived, md embracing two-thirds of *il)0 acres. (} bc mg 1 *.id ofl to the w itlow, for dower.) being the j lower side ol said tract. Sold by virtue of an I ‘ iM ot the court ol Ordinary of said county. as the property of said Richard Chitwood, d'e ; cea.-ed, u*r the purpose* of distribution,—-Ternis i mede know n n day of sale. A. H. \ EARWODD, Administrator July 8, 1857. Georgia, llarkhsiiam County. In al! wham it moi/ cfnuevn. T Microns Ed win |*. Williams, Executor ot Danii l Drown, (localsail, shows bv bis petition to this Court, that bo lias fully j ini.'lci uiill illsposcd nl Sniti esf.-Fo, iiii-i 11 r;;\s I it. is ill dismi.ssinn tlii'i'efroin. ‘ Tlics'j :irr tlieroforu to cite nil persons I ooiieonn and, to show cmise, if any exists, j at the in'Xt Tenn, 1857, of this! j f'oui t, why said letters should not be j ; era ii ted. 1> \ order of said Court, at I September Term, 1857. YY’it ness my band at office, tliis 7lli day ol September, 18(37. '■ 11. SUTTON, Ordinary. Sept. , 1857. 6in. 4\l!mitilNtriat]’ s Sale. Agreeable to an order ot the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe County, will be >old be hire the court lumse door in ('larks- ! vdle, Habersham county, nil the first ! ‘1 uesday in January next, within the letral hours ot sale, a house and lot ndjoiuintt the t'wn of ( larksvilli'. Ilabei'shain county, said lot ee.ntians one half acre or less. adjoiniiiL- tin* lots of •). G. T>. ITarpi*rand and. M. Htmhes, and belone'ii a to the es tate of l'i lix Melntire deceased, find si hi for the li ui nit of the creditors of said de ceased. Said lot sold free from any en eu Iterance of dower. —Terms ou the day of sale. W. c. IRBY Adiu’r | Nov 24th 1857 A'otlce. I YY 0 months alter date application will he tmwlo to l lie court ol Ordinary, ol Haliun coun t> . (oi leave to sell there il cstittr o: Henry Henson, fitcol so til county deceased. JAMi-.S B. BILLINthsBY, E.vecutor. July 7ih IS&7. Georoia, Habersham Countt. To oM idiom it mny Concern. Whereas, l’iety Andi-raon applies t < me for letters of administration on the estate j of Samuel Anderson, deceased : These are therefore to cite and adinon- ! ish all persons concerned, to allow cause | at the next December Term of the Court of Ordinary, why said letters should wot , i be smutted. Given under i- v hand at office, this stli ’ day of October. 1857. C. 11. SUTTON, Ordinary. I October 11, 1857. j ‘AhTED’ TIMES! The times av't hard, but to relieve my j old customers, 1 will receive from them ; tin bill:’ id ucy ol the banKs in Aujjusta, j Savannah or Charleston in payment of I their debts. JOHN U STANFORD. Oct, 28th 1857. t orn tin* Sale. A BOUT Six Hundred Bushels of Corn for J\ sale at th<* C’urruhee Farm, in quantities tu suit purchase!s. J. RAVEN MATTHEWS { July 8, 1557, LEGAL NOTICES, &C. JEWELRY, GOLD and SILVER. JEAN Etc. FISCHER, tv:slli;lta. s. c., r ¥* A8 met now returned from New York | with a large and beauti’ul assortment of v‘>\ JEWELRY, GOLOj^w^, (B*Gi GuT.imuiil Silvuh,) r ( | Mumc Bo.\e>, ( onib. Brushes, Fmcy .ii-i:cle . Be, luniery. Boapa, Gold Pens, : v all < i w i oh lns brpn bovght for ("ash, mu i*•:i he oftis mr sale on the most acconi inod i : ing term -. iW He * * Repairs WatCllf'S and j other articles m I*is Line, and solicits the pa i troii.•'.•* o! t!.* puiibe. 11 is siaud i* near the public square, -.w VValhalla, S. C. December \*o, lbo7 3m. Tow MiOtid’s Sale. be yld beioie the Court HousiJ if Door ui the Town oi Hiwassce ou the Fir*l I'uc.M.i i\ 11 February uext, the follow - ing properly, lo w it : All 11 *- ■ -Mine* a I Interest of Greorge G. , McKoy, Knii.eih McKoy and Stephen Blank enship, in two lota ot land, number one Lun <irod and mm:t\ -six, and number one bundled , and li\.*. Iv io*: m the ei•hteeuih d*.*tiict and Lrrt section *.i town cjuuiy, Ga., iu lav or of Jo;i,i U /ioiiiT'.s, v.-. Goougi.* i.i. Mrlvoy, Km •“‘•h and S:-pln.-n Blankenship. Lev ied on b\ an alm i.-ment in ihe Superior CuurL. Bioperi* pointed • .; bv piaintill. JOHN \\ GILBLRT, Sheriff. Dec. 30, 1557. tda. Sa!c. \\ ILL be sold belbre the Court Uo use door i T m ( larkt yl l |e. JI •> e:>liani county. Oil the first Tuesday in March next, (1808) the fol lowing propei ty, to w it ; Hue third ol lot ol land, mini her GO, in the 3d district oi said county; s';j acres more or h and ic 1 j>;ii’tot /<t No. G/, in said district, known as the Mill Tract. Said third being • .glit and one-ihud acres, so/d by virtue ol an order ol the (ourt <*l Ordinary of said eouutv, is the property oi Benjamin IMm on. /ate ol said county, doee ised, so/1 lor the benefit ol the hens and creditors of said deceased. C L. \\ JLLLLh.B. .Llrn’nr. Dec. 30, 18-77. 40d. vF.'iirjJn llabßi sSiaiii iouiily To all whom ii may concern, w Li Rl . /S’ Thomas B. Janett applies to me or letters <>t Ad in m ist ri ii on on the estate of James .7 Garpenter late of said county dec. J hese are <liereiorc to admonish a/1 persons concerned. ;•) .'how cause, at the next February term oi the court, oi Ordinary of said County, xvii\ said ietiers shou/d not be granted. Given under my lund at odicc, this Dec. ‘35 1837. C. //. Sutton Ordinary. Dec. 30, 1557. 30d- MATILDA NICHOLS, | Lib ,. KorDi . JOHN NICHOLS. j vorc<J ‘ It appvuviug by Hie retuni of the Slier ilf. tluit the ile.'eiuLmt is nut to be found in t sis County, it ,s ordered that servio* ; of th - fib. 1 b ■ perfected on him by jiub li/atioii of this rule in the Xoith-Etujt ; Georgian one a month for three mouths ! prior to next Term of this Court or bv [ personal service of the libel, and of this order upon him by the Sheriff of any [ County in which ho may be found, ut least thirty days before the uext Term of this Court. A true transcript from the miuutes of Habersham Superior Court, October Term 1857. Pill LI I* MARTIN, C. S. C. IJ'\ s>u 4 Ilf IK'. THE subscriber osiers for sale, at hi, farm ('larkesr rile, Habersham county, a variety ol Devon cattle, consisting of Bulls, i 4'lives Cows ami llr ‘MS. ami grade cattle, gr her with a lot ol Horses, r'oils, and young u/e . At o a lot ot Black’s Essex llogs, wh ch isioundtobe an admirable breed for he South, being entirely free front mange and alher cut (iieousjdiseaws. Far lrscss t U.'aja tie subacribsr, or George ll ili Ei'p, at CUrkesviile, (ii. GEO. 11. YVaitRING. July 1 1557. t£ Georoia. Towns CoC.nty. To ail whom it iniy concern. W,'ureas, Lueretia Allunapplies for I tit le rs of administration on the estate of Jarrntt Ik Allan, ih-censed. These arc therefore to cite and admon ish all persons concerned, to show cause, at the next term of the Court of Ordiua rv, why said letters should not be gran ted. Given under my hand at office, tlii* 2d day of Dee., 1857. J. W. HOLMES, Ordinary. to.liio.S2. Notice. STATE OT GEORGIA, Towns county— Clerks (Jliiee Inferior court, Nov. 11, 15.77. j All persona interested, are hereby notified the’ John H. Kelly, of ihe li'JOth Disc G. .M, j tolU before .1. H. Sell -es, one of the Justices f the IVuce for said distvtci, as an estray, a j dark blown horse mule, with black legs, and a ! sore on the lell shoulder, supposed to be two 1 years old lest spring, four feet six inches high, valued by J. W . Holmes and .losiah Carter, free holders of- lid county and district, to be worth seventy-live dollars. The owner ol sti l estrav, is required to eoine fonranl, pay charges and take said mule away, or he will be dealt with as the law di rects. A true extract from the estray hook, J. 11. MOORE, c. i c. Nov. in, 15-77. n3l 4Huinis!ralor's Sale. \GREHAIdLY loan order cltiie Honorable Court of Ordinary of Rabun county, will be sold before the Court-house door ill the town of Clayton, un the lirsi Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, 2 lots ot land, No. ■i and .7, m the third district of said ’ countv. containing -I'. l ') ■ • -res each, more or ‘le ~ being the place whereon William I). Langston, dcce-i-ed. liied, adj.diung Kelley aud ■ others. Si ‘ I :n the property ol William I) ! Langston, deceased, for distribution, BUKRKL WALL, Adm:*. Vfcrrfc ‘s UN