Newspaper Page Text
Pike August Sheriff’s Safes.
ON the first Tuesday in August next, will he
sold, before the Court I low*: door, in flit* town
of Zebtilon, Pike county, within tin- usual hours of
sale, the following properly, to wit :
One town lot in the city of Griffin, number litre#
square three, levied on us the property • 1 Mn <
( amphell, to satisfy sundry ti fas i--tied from !ft nn
Superior Court, one in favor of Fort, Pond C Bi*>
•ctsir, one in favor of Win. A. It os. < #•. nn»i
’others, vs. John C. <'avnpbcli, and jnsihli T < 1,, n
- security, and Jutwts S. Jones,eichr*} » u the
One !>ay mare, about ten years #l#’; bvud on
hy virtue of 4»rc fi. fa. esvt and liotn Pike Snj i fio:
Court, in favor of 'Arilljum VV. I or*l John < . !-
Ions; jproperty pointed nut hv j huntitl*
Abo, at the same time ;*n«! place, one n< groboy
fry the rtf Peter, about 22 y« yrs of uv< . leva c
on an the property of Henry 11. 'toi.'hnm, sutiffy
one ti. fit. issued from hike Inferior fV-nrt, in I; v. r
of Stephen K. Crawley: property pointed out hy
■One sorrel horse, by virtue of an order of the In-
J frrior*OiH*rt,fronted hy reason of an attachment at
iheinstance of Hampton I'. Pick in vs. VVil.iam
Gilder and F. Odonald.
One tow n lot in the Cifv of Griffin, nttniher and
square riot known, hut the lot whereon the defend
ant now lives, io satisfy sundry fi ft-** isstn <1 I" m a
Justices Court held in and for ti.e 1001st district
O. m., one in fuvor of Sale & Wooten and one in
ftrvo-of John V. illianis ond otleers. Levy inode
.... : return# and to me hv a !»ui!ifK
I of, #>r puit thereof, in the norfbrtast corner of
lot number tight, in square t wrnty-eght, I# vied on
as the prop it v of James hi. Huutm, to satisfy ati
ii issued from :« Justice’s Court held in and for the
IffOlst district («. m. in favor of Chapman and Ross
hearer; h vv made and returned to me hv a bailiff*.
July 1 vt, 1.8 12. *
Like August Salt's.
BK SOLD, on tho lirst Jursday in
▼ ▼ August next, belore the Court house door in
the town of Zehulon, Pike county, within the usu-.
a 1 hours of sale, ttic following property, to-wit :
(hicclcy bank horse, w ith saddle, bridle and mar
tingale, levied m hy virtue of a fi lii issue! from the
Inferior Court of said county in favor of John Neal
Vs,Spain bi Griffin, and James Griffin security; the
horse levu and on as Spain’s property,and pointed out
hy plain (iff!
One lot of land No. 250, in the 9th district of ori
ginally Monroe now Pike county, containing 202
ond-u half acres, inoicor less, levied on by virtue of
► urulrv fi fas from u JuStieeb < hun t in favor of Win
A. Banks \s, Win. Cargill and John Carnker; le
vied on ns Cnriikcr’s property; levy made and re
turned to me hy n constable.
< >ne lot of land, number 1.32, in the 9th district of
originally Monroe now Pikocounfv, conla.ningtwo
hundred two and a half acres, nioro oi less, Icvi. and
on hy virtue of a ti. fit. from l’ike Superior Court in
favor of James Neal \s Clayton Jones; property
]Kiil)tcd out hy defendant.
Also, ut the same time will be sold, lot of land,
number not known, the same lying in the first dis
trict of Pike, adjoining lands of the widow Ander
son and Mulhcw Anderson; levied on hy virtue of
(sundry fi. fas. from the 534th G. M. Justice’s Court
in ftvor of Charley Sims vs. Martin Buns, Mark
Sims, William Ancferron and Jordon Loyd, the
same love and on ns Anderson’s property; levied hy
a bnilill*and returned to me.
J, H. SHIVERS, I). Slid.
Junc29ih, IB*i2.
Also, \\ ill Im- sold, one lot of land in the first dis
trict of Pike, whereon defendant, Thomas unixey,
now lives, containing two hundred two aid one
half acres, more or less, levied on hv virtue of a fi.
fa. from Pike Superior Court, in favor of James
Sherman vs. Thomas Maxny.
Also at the same time anaplacc will he sold, one
oxen anti yoke and e:uf, one crosscut saw, one j
ride gun, levied on hy virtue of an attachment at
the instance «,f ('. Be< khnm vs. K. B. S. j
Poster; Sold hv order of the Jnf-rior Court.
J. 11. SHIVERS, I>. Sliffi 1
June 29th, 1612.
Also, on the lirst Tuesday in August next, will
he sold—
One yoke of oxen, one brindle the oth#‘r u yellow
anil white, and levied on by virtue ot u mortgage fi
fa from Pike Inferior Court, in fuvor of Egbert P.
Daniel vs. John Compton; property pointed out in
said ti. fa. J. 11. Bill VERS, D. 8.
May 26th, 1642.
Henry August Sale.s
4R4R J ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in
¥ v August next, before the court house door,
in the town of McDonough, in f lenry county, with
in the legal hours of sol#*, the following property, to
Two Negroes, Aleck, a man, and Eliza, a wo
man, levied on as the projx rty of Nathan Talley, hy
virtue of sundry fi. fan. i-sued from a Justice Court
of said county, in favor of Joseph B. Parmer vs.
Nathan Talley and William Sagur—levied on and
returned to me by a Constable.
Also, the east half of lot N#». twenty-eight, [2B]
in the 3d district of Henry i ounty, levied on hy vir
tue of sundry fi fas., ssucd from a Justice Court of
fietiry county, in favor of James A 11 cks vs. Jas.
11. Johnson, Jonn L. Johnson and Jesse Johnson,
secuiities, as the property of the defendants —levy |
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, Enoch M. Jackson’s interest in the South |
half of Lot No. 227, in the 7th district of Henry
county, levied on by virtue of sundry !i. fna. issued
from a Jt.s/i • Court of ' lenry county, m favor ol
Timothy T. Barham vs. Enoch M. Jackson—pro
perty pointed out by sai l Barham—levy mulo and
returned t<» me hy a Constable.
Also I dl y Aries of [.and, .ving in the south west
corner of Lot Ne. 29. in the 7t!i disti ict of Ilenn
County, levied on by virtue of sundry fi. fas. issued
from a Justin: Court f ! lenry county, m favor of
Matthew ( l:lh rt and John riobfoy, executors on
the estate of James Gilbert dec’ll. Vs. Natluini* 1 W*
Moore,and A. 15. Middiebrooks, am A. E. Johnson,
securities, as the property of Nathaniel W. Moore
—levy ma le and returned hy a < "onst.ih’e.
A Iso, one hundred ahd fifty acres of land, number
not known, it being (lie lund whereon W. 11. Allen
now lives, it being \V. 11. Allen’s interest in said
lot, levied on by virtue of a fi. fi. issued from a Jus
tice Court of I lenry county in favor of J. M. E
Shepherd vs. W. li. Allen-—levied and returned hv
a Constable.
Als.i, ono negro woman, Phillis, one Bead
Wagon, lour pair of Harness, and one ' n!e, .\l!
i» r V u fi. ft.*ii' fi on 'h • Superior Court of -aid
rotintv :•! fnvo. of Ann Sagui vs. \\ ilham P. Crow
and Pe-.gus Bussell sccujifv.
A.'s r».n Nrj-ioes, as tne property of William
F. Crow Sarah;
hoy 6 ve.irs o ! ( Chario:tr f four years # !d. Suneon,
from taa Sup linr * ’ourt in favor « #f J#»M:*th»i': 1 hv-
L!is vs. ". ill i;i n }•’. ( ’row, prineipnl, ‘ f 'A .Cox and
• h . S.' Jrennhaw and Will im H 'A hite,
te s. and William Sagur, securitv on tho stay.
Tw he Bold for specie .r its equiv:dent.
Also, the north half of lot o. 229, in th“ 12th ;
dietriet of 1 lenry county, levied on hy virtue of sun- J
dry ti issu'-d from a Justice’s Point, of said conn- i
tv, m favor of Hollingsworth &. Boyd vs Joel Chan- i
liljr, levy made and reltuned to me hv a c».usla!>lc. j
Also, on#: negro woman named Phillis, siriv-hve j
years of age, levied on hy virtue of sundry fi fus i~- |
sued from a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor i
of A. & J. F. Johns ei vs 1). G. Farmer, as the pro-,
party of said Farmer; levy made and returned to ;
me by a constable.
June 23, IS4*2. 26.
One Road Wngu.., live pair of Harness, one
Fifth Chain, an#l three mules, two black and one
sorrel, levie#l on is the property of Burwell Camp
and Edwin 11. Champ,by virtu#* of u mortgage li. fa.
issued from Newton Inferior Court in favor of Shel
ly Downs vs. BurwellCamp and Edward 1 1. ( amp.
property pointed -.ut in said Mortga'*#* fi. fa
lie rj Mortgage Sale.
'WK7 ILL I><> sold on tlio lirst Tuesdny in Sop
-9T tomln-r nrat, bofnre tlio Court house door
in the town of McDonough, Henry county, within
tjit* uwml lionrs of sale the Ibllowing propiuty towit
Two in yroi s, Scats, a woman, fifty years old,
ttud Hnrri't, n -irl, ciglil years old; levied on as
die properly of .fohn I Iciehcrsof), i>v virtue of a
luurli'nsc fi. fa. issued from Henry Inferior Court,
\V ill; in 1 ferry, Oliver W. (tnv, ViTiani 11. White
and i'riiirci' K. Vnnson vs. John Hutcherson; pro
'petty pointed out in sold li. ffl.
JAS. L. HEAD, J). Sl.fT.
J rnt 1849.
Ffi ni y A signs! halt's.
-« « ; T I !.!. he sold hefnro the limn e door in
VT tin* i*iwii of A!< I)on«niL r h, 11< ni y county,
on the lii>l Tm-sday in xt, lietween the
(ibmul hours #..f sub*, the following prnpnly to-wit :
r rln* < risl half ot lot of land nuinhi i 7f>, lots No.
76. 77, y.i and v -i; nil in the 6th <:;>!.:< ?of llenry
countv; tevi# and on hv virtue of a ii’.:<rlgnge ti. la. i.=-
ued h oin Ueiuy Buj)riior Court, (Mur W.Cox,
'i'hoinnfl I>. Johnson, \\ i.liam 11. \\ liitc, John B.
Crenshaw, Widiem Scgur, David Clen.cnts, and
Thomas B usse.’l \s. Wiliiam 1A (hew; levied on
ns the property ol the said William F. Crew; pro
p( ity poii:f#*d out in raid li fn. Lot of land num
ber 31, in tl»e Oth iii>!rict of Henry c ninly, h vied
on as tliep npi rtv of illiaui IA Crew hy \iitueqf
afi la issued f;oin 1«< niv Superior Court, Mini
kind, Hisley .V Cos. vs. l-idwarri !'. Knott, V. illkuu
F. Cr* w. sr< urity on the stay of execution.
Lot of land, number 69.’ in the 3d di-tiict. of
1 fenrv county, It v i* and on as the properly of and homas
I. Green, hy virtue of a li. fa. issued from 1 lenry
Inferior ( ’oust. Seth W are vs. I homas J. Grot ii.
L.ot of land, number not known, it being the
place whereon West ley Link now lives, on the
Fayetteville read, one half a mile Irom the city ot
G tiffin; levied-on by virtue of nfi fa issued from
Henry Superior Court, Harril, i lair Si Cos vs.
West ley Leak; levied on us the property of said
\V< stly Lef.Jl.
One negro womnt hy the name of i li# he, one
road waggon, four pair of waggon harness am!
one mule; ail ievied on as tJio propeity of Forgus
Russell to satisfy n li. fa. issued from Henry Supe
rior Court, Ann Segur vs. William F. Crew and
Forgus Russell.
The east half of lot of land No, 210, in the 2#l
district of Henry codnfy, h vied on «i» the properly
of John D. L.amar, by virtue of a li. fa. issued from
Henry Inferior #k»urt, Cress k Turpin, vs. John i).
Lamar principal, and Garry Grice ond John Wal
ker security on stay.
The above property will he sold for specie.
* JAS. L. HEAD, D.Sh’fi*.
July 291 h, 1842.
A List of i *‘ttcrs
Remaining in the Lost (Iffien Vt Griffin, Pike Cos., j
On. on tlio Ist day »d‘ July, 1842, which if not taken
out hv the end of this quarter, will he sent to tlio j
Dost i Hiee Department us dead letters.
Alford J Q. A Jones Samuel G
Anderson Minerva E Johnson \\ S
Annley B S Long Mrs June E
Vlexanilei George B D Lindsey David
Bennett illlam F Leach La ten
Bishop William 2 Latty Alexander 2
Brooks N D Leak Jeremiah
Butler Janies Milner Mrs Apeilla
Bowden Charles Milburn Dawson
Boyd Mrs Elizabeth More Jesse
Baird Mr Mitchell m D
Boynton James Mtulin “1 homas I£
Bunting J J Moore Col
Clark George ucKirkpatrick Thomas
Conner Christopher Matthew?. George R
(’ollins 'l’homa'S Martin Grey
Clavfon Newman II Monerirf Caleb
(’ollins Joseph Mitchell Sarah E
Ciimbic John J Norwood Win A
Champion John P C Oxford E B
Cfeavoland Elder J. (Hvcn John J
Cox 6c Alford Owen J D
Davis Jackson IV ck J m
1 )ani 1 Ezskid 2 f \ , we !l \\ in E 2 Mrs Susan Pratt II C
I )avis John Porter Hugh
Dickson Marion m *1 Peebles Miiiuin
Dnciu mi* Patterson Tlmmus N
Duein li i-' Presley James M 2
Dismuko William 2 Roberts Andercon
Driver Joidan Robison David O
Davidson Abraham B Roberts Jonathan
Ector Wiley, m and Stow Robert IV
Fuller Jones Shaw William 2
Ferrell A C 5 Strickland Solomon S
Griffin Ransomc Seymore G#-urge W 3
Gannon Patrick Sole & Webb
Grisham Joseph m Smith James m
Gill 11 m Smith miss Sarah E
Griffm Bobt A Summer-John
Glenn J RLI Stafford Reuben P
Garrison Miles Sewart D li
Hubbard Stephen Turner James
1 lojis-on Green B 2 'l’errel Jolin
Harris Benjamin E Thornton Wiley
Harris Billy, col’d man 'J’homas Geo \V ,m and
Hollister If G Walker John W
Hindsman Peter t alker R
1 lailcs Joseph \N illiatns Stephen 2
Johnson 1 Worthy Leonard
Junes Stephen W ilson Y\ illuun
Jones John \V , m and Wellborn Win \V
Johnson m R. Williams William m
Zuber Lovic O
Persons calling lor any of the above letters will
please state that thev are advertised.
The Constitutional Democrat
A weekly journal devoted to the diffusion and
support of those principles indicated by its title, will
be published in the City of Macon, early in the en
suing January. The Editorial department will he
conducted by Dr. William Green, aided hy an as
sociation of literary gentlemen, in which that por
tion of tlio State Rights and Uuion Party which,
sacrificing their loriujr prejudices at the shrine of
their country’s good in the portentous crisis of 1840
pressed forward and amalgamated under the higher
and nobler style oft lie Demoerac}’ of Georgia.
But though tlie columns of the Constitutional
Democrat will be devoted U> tlio strenuous ad
vocacy of Equal Rights, n strict, common sense
construction of tiio Constitution, impartial, unsec
t inmil administration of all the branches of our Go
vernment, and of the rights, honor and interest of
the South, yet our paper will not he exclusively
political. We are umbiti ms to lender it such
that the politician will he* pleased "to meet it in hi,
cabinet, the merchant in hts office,the moralist, phi
lanthropist and friend of education, every where—
ami that the. enlightened holy, when she seats her
self at the centre table, should enquire, with some
mt' rest, where’s the Democrat.
Though we would wish to please all, and offend
none, we have studied the fable of the *• Old Man
and tie \ss,” too edifying to indulge so flattering
an anticipation. But whatever labor, zeal and un
sparing# flint we can effect to realize the objects of
the publication we can safely promise.
■' Tho Kdito-s having no pecuniary interest in the
j concern, may without indelicacy, suggest that with
; whatever zen! and sineerity they may labor, the
I success anil efficiency of their exertions must dc
i pend on the liheial aid <,f the Democratic Party
! and the gonerousqiafronnge of the Public,
i The Democrat will he published on a large shee t i
1 and the typography in the b< st style of newspaper j
| printing.
The terms are as usual three dollars in advance, j
i or four nt the end of the year—the former will
hope, for the first year at least. In* the general rule,
\\ hih* Pr. Wm. Green remains in Millorigeville,
subscriptions n ill he received by him, or at the Fed
•■ml Union office, and permanently by Wm, B. a.
ri ffi 1, in Macon.
ffilOUR months after date, application will he j
m ule to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Monroe county, while sittingfor ordinary purposes,
for leave to soil two negroes belonging to the heirs
of Jeplha lid!, late of Monroe county, deceased,
for the purpose of a division.
JOHN G. HILL, Guardian.
Jan. 31st 4m —6
Ail m3 nsi tru tors’ S;i 1 1‘.
-BISTILL ISL-: SOLD, bfforo tho court liotwe
▼ v door, in the town of Zehulon, on the tir9l
Tuesday in fSeptcinher next, between the usual
hours oi’ sale, the LANDS jLN /) NEGROES be
longing to the Estate of John Smith, deceased.
Adm’rs. with the will annexed.
June 1,1812. 23 •
Ailiuiuistrators’ Sale.
ON the firet Tuesday in September next, will
he sold, before the court house door in Slurk
villc, Lee county, the following properly, to wit:
Lot No. 31, to the 12th district of Lir county,
sold us the propeity belonging to the esfiate of Na
than Vinson, late of Like eouiitv, ilcceasdl.
A.diuiiustrutors with the will annex; and.
June 20th, JS-li. 2fi ht
Art mi \\ is\ ra t ors’ Sa se*
ON tlio first Tuesday in Beptemher next, will
ho sold, before the court bouse door in Amer
icas, Sumter county,Lot No. 66, in tjiu 17th district
of fbimeriy L» c now Sumter county, sold as the
pi ope ty h# longing to the estate of Nathan Vinson,
lute of said county, deceased.
Aihniiiisfrutorisrwith the will annexed,
j June 20, 1642. 26 fit
TJJIOUK months after date, application will he
_K made to the 1 lonorahle Inferior Court of Mon
-0,: < 0 only, when sitting for ordmaiv ; nposes, for
ica\e to sell tic: land belonging to iliu estate of
Henry Wood, deceased.
! May f 3th, *lßl2. 21)—4 in
FOUR months after date application will be
made to the Honorable (he Inferior Court of
Like county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for Icaveto sell thc 4 Land and Negroes- belonging
to the estate of John Smith, deceased.
Adm’rs. with the will annexed.
Merely Stb, 1842. 11 4m
871 OUR months after date, application will be,
. made to the Honorable tin: Inferior Court of
Pike county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to all the Lands belonging 4 *#' the «*f
tatc of At# x.uider Miller, deceased. Thia lath
February’, 1842. JOSHU VC. MILLERj AWm.
GEORG IA, Pike Covntj.
j ‘WTKTHEREAS Jas. B. Woodley applies to me
I ▼ ▼ for Letters of Dismission from the further
> administration of the estate of John Laprndc, late
jof said courtly, deceased -
These arc lb. r eforc to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to he and appear at my office, within the
I tunc prc.-ciilM *1 hy law, to shew cause, it' any they
liave, wl»y said letters should not hegrante#f.
I Given under my hand, at office, this 12th dav of
'Way, IN! 2.
| WILEY E. 11l ANG HAM, C. O.
GEORGIA, frifa County.
VK 711 ERE AS Elizabeth Pitts applies so /ne for
'y ▼ letters of administration with the will an
nexed, on the estate of Martin Pitts, late of said
county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to lie and appear ut my office, within the TiTrve pre
scribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said letters should noi he granted.
Given under mv hand nt office, this 2d May,
OEOR G IA, Ca mpb ell Conn ty.
’TV® J ll ERE AS Parker M. Rice, administrator
t ▼ on tin: estate of Evan Brown, late of said
count v, (h e# ased, has made application totlie Hon
orable the Inferior Court of Campbell county, when
sittiiii: for ordinary purposes, for dismission from
the further administration of said estate—
These are therefore to cite and uffuiouish all rm*t
smurnlnr live kindred ond credit ore of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters of dismission should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this Ist day 0!
March, 1842. R. C. BOMAK, C. C. U
GEORGIA, Henry County.
! lEREAS Stephen and Elizabeth Malone
V v apply to mo (or Letters of Dismission from
the further administration of the Estate of Christo
pher Malone, late of said county, deceased —
These arc: therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed bylaw, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 1 tt.h March,
1842. A. LEMONS, C. C. O.
GEORGIA, Pike County.
! lEREAS James I usmuUes applies to me 1
V Nr for letters ot Dismission from the Guardian
ship of Elizabeth Jane Long, minor—
These arc therefore to cite and ndmonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said minor, to
be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under inv hand at office, this sth March,
1842. WILEY E. NANG lIAN, C\ C, O.
( » EORCIA, Pike Comity.
WNX 7 11EKEAS John 11. Aikin, administrator on
▼ T the estate of Philip Jackson, late of said
county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis
mission from said estate —
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if arty they have, 1
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this Oth March,
1812. WILEY E. NANG HAN, C. C. O.
GEORGIA, Pike County.
H BETER Colwell, of the 340th district, G. N. ,
_H tolls before me, W. D. Duncan, a Justice of
the Peace, one sorrel horse, blind in the right eye,
the mane lying on the hit side, supposed to he'
sixteen or eighteen years old. Appraised by John
lAkin and Glenn Colwell to fifi. en dollars—this
oth day of January, 1842. M. D. Duncan, J. P.
A true extract from Estrav Book, this 2d Fcbru
ry, f842 n ILEY E. MANGH^M, C. I. C.
GEORGIA t Pike County.
J* A MES Dismlikes tolls before me one ostray
dark sorrel filly, with a white streak on her
lurch ad and a small white spot on her left hind foot,
ju.rt above the hoof, supposed to he, three years old.
Appraised by James {S» Aven and Wilev R. Mc-
Leroy to be worth forty dollars. March 17, 1842.
Allison Spif.u, J. P.
A true copv from Estrav Book, this22d March,
IS V\ ILE i E. MANGHAM, C. 1.( k
GEORGIA, Pike County.
Robert R. Hunt applies to me
F for letters of administration on flic estate of
William J. Rivcis, deceased, late of said county. —
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to he and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have, why
said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office this 19th day of
April, 1842,
GEORGIA. Pike County.
'WK7TLLIAM C. OLIVER #jf tne 1001st Dis
-4r V trict, G. M., tolls before me, James L.
Alexander, a Justice of the Pence, one small black
horse mule, supposed to he three years old—ap
praised hy William E, Brown and William M.
Leak to ikirly-five Dollars, this Oth day of May,
A /rue copv from Estrny Book.
Mav 28,184*?.
CiiAMßuns, June 27tli, 1842.
Leander Adoline Shockley i
vs. >
WcnlVey L. Shockley. )
111 ilutts Superior Court.
IT appearing to my satisfacrion, from the return
of the Sheriff, that the Defendant in this case
resides out of the limitß of the State: it is, therefore,
ordered that service of the libellant's declaration he
perfected hy publication of this rule once a month
ibr three months, previous to the next term of this
Court. ‘ EDVV. D. TRACY,
Judge Supr. Courts of the Flint Circuit, fin
A fme copy of the Judge’s order certified, this
29th June, 1812. A, 8. Rorinbon, Clk.
lii Pike Superior Court,
March Term,— lß42.
John A. Neill )
Rachel Neill j
t P appearing to the Court, from the return of
. the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found:
It is therefore, on motion, ordered hy the Court,
that the said Defendant appear and answer the
Plaintiff’s Libel, on or befoietho next Term of this
Court, or he considered in default; and that service
be perfected on the Defendant by publication of this
rule in one of the public Gazettes of this State once
a month for tine#' months, previous to the next
, Term of this Court.
A true extract from th* minutes of Tike Superior
Court, March Term, 1842.
A. B. Beckham, Clk.,
By his Deputy Clerk,
In Pike Superior Court,
Naych Term, —lß4%.
Zachariah Corley )
! John R. Golding. )
IT satisfactorily appearing to said Court, that
the above defendant ’residesout of Pike county
j and State of Georgia : It is therefore, ordered by
I the Court, that the defendant do appear and answer
said bill by the next term of this Court ; and it is
further ordered by said Court, that service of this
order b** published once a month for three months,
previous to the next Term of this Court.
A true extract from the minutes of Pike Superior
Court, March Term, 1842.
A. A. Beckham,Cll:.,
By bis Deputy Ch ik,
February Term,—lß42,
Arianna ,V. Pope )
Wiley H. Pope. \
IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the
Sheriff, that the defendant is not lo he found in j
the county of Meriwether, and that he resides out of
the limits of the State of Georgia: It is therefoie.
oidercd that the aforesaid defendant do appear nt '
the next term of said Superior Court, to he held in
and for »nid Comity oti the fourth Monday in Au
gust next, and then and there make his answer, or
defensive allegation, to the aforesaid libel, accor
ding to the provisions \>f the statute jn such eases
made and provided; and, upon his failure to do so,
that said cause do proceed to trial, as in case of de
fault. It is further ordered that n copy of this rule
he published once n month for throe months, in one
of the public Gazettes of this Elate, previous to tho
next term of said Court.
A true extract from the minutes of Meriwether
Superior Court, this sth day of March, 1842.
rain IS large and commodious establishment is
_eL situated on the unrivalled Bav of St. Joseph,
present ing a full and pci feet view of its many beau
ties, and possessing as many comforts ns any Hotel
in the South. The undersigned, thankful for the
iberai patronage heretofore hi>t< wed, would inform
the travelling community and the public in general,
that every exertion will be made to render tohse
comfortable who mnv call.
(V nr.her J, 184l* 46—-ts
Lost or Mlslßtd
A LL persons arc hereby cautioned against tra-
ding for n note given by C. N Norwood to
Simeon Campbell (payable in leather) for someth mg
over two hundred and fifty dollars, dntc not recol
lected, but due the 25th rVceiphcr, 1842, a* said
note has boon lost or mishiid; and C. N. Norwo »(i
is also hereby cautioned ngaimst paying the same
to any one but myjelf, a? i am the legal owner es
said note. f). B. STEWART.
Griffin, April 13th, 1842. 10—3
Books. Ncwspapciv*.
Magazines, &c.
Transatlantic Newspaper Office, Liverpool.
C4IIARLES WRIGI IT, news agent,Liverpool,
J begs most respectfully to an no mice to Euro
pean meichants, editors of newspapers, proprietors
of public news rooms, hotel keepers, and others,
that lie has entered into the most complete arrange
ments for supplying residents in the West India Is
lands and on the southern coast of America, w th
British newspapers, periodicals and hooks. Lie for
waids all the latest editions of all the London, Eng
lish, Provincial, Irish, Scotch and Welsh newspa
pers, as well as those of Franc#*, and all other parts
of the. European continent, by the new line of Steam
ships, sailing every fortnight from England for the
West Indies, and from thence along the southern
coast of America. He ships the newspapers just
at the moment of Ihe vessel’s sailing, so that his
subscribers may always depend upon having the
latest possible political and mercantile hews by each
1 lis charge for a London daily paper is 71 6s per
annum; fora Weekly one WBs2d; Provincial pa
pers, published in England, Ireland, Scotland, or
Wales, once a week, 1/ 3s I0d; twice a week, 2/
7s 8d; thrice a week, 3/ 11 s fid per annum. Mag
zincs and hooks are charged publication prices.
News letters,comprising an epitome of English
news, supplied to editors ol newspapers on the most
reasonable terms, by every steamer.
Orders should he addressed ‘Charles,’in full, and
none will be attended to unless accompanied by a
remittance or reference for payment, three months
in advance, on some Liverpool or London house.
February 4, 1842. 15—ts
Washington Hall.
THE Subscriber having sold his lease
|jj|B[von the Washington Hall to Messrs.
Bullock & Si übblcfidd, return his grate
ful acknowledgements lo his friends
r.nd the public, foi the very liberal patronage r< rei
ved from them during the tune he has occupied the
House; and confidently recommends his kind
riends to, and solicits their support in behalf of
Messrs. Bullock &. Stubblefield, as well calculated
and disposed to render them every comfoit in their ;
power, while visiting the Washington Hall.
The subscribers have taken the above House,
and intend using every means in their power to
I sustain the character given it hv Mr. Lamer, and
would he pleased at all times to sec the former pa
trons of the House.
Macon, February Oth, 1842. B—4t
THE Copartnership heretofore existing under l
the style and firm of Leak 5c Colbert, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent of the parties.
Griffin, Feb. 25th, 1842.
N. I).—The business in future will he conduced
by A. G. Colbert, who solicits a continuance of the
patronage of his friends and the public, and desires
those indebted to the concern to come lot ward and
settle In* cash or note.
. 1 Literary Magazine and Monthly Review.
fg’Si IE Subscribers, publishers and’pftprietors of
JO. the Magnolia Magazine, have great plea
sure iu informing its friends and readers that, with
the close of the present volume, or June number of |
tliea periodical, its publication will bo transferred <
from the city of Savannah to that of Charleston.
Phis arrangement is made in compliance with nu- I
melons suggestions from both cities, and is one
which recommends itself, at a glance, to the judg
ments of most persons. Tho literary facilities ot j
Charleston are, in some respects, superior to those j
of Savannah. It lies more 'conveniently In the line
of tin* great thoroughfares. East and West; and its
population, being so much larger, it necessarily
combines the prospects of greater literary and pe
cuniary patronage in behalf of the work. The very
considerable increase of its subscribers within the
lust two months, particularly in South Carolina,
naturally prompt; its proprietors to a greeter outlay
of effort in promoting—along with the wishes of its
friends—the extension of its jown fiicilitios and
means of influence. This cliang of the place of
publication, however, will imply no preference in
faVor of Charleston over our former publishing city.
The work will he delivered to subscribers on tin*
same day in both cities. The now arrangement
will also edict that desideratum in the business de
partment of all periodicals, the punctual delivery of
the journal to the subscribers whed due; an object
which has hitherto eluded all our efforts, and has
been so frequently productive of mortification to
oursolvesand dessatisfact.ion among our friends and
readers. It is proposed to publish tho Magazine,
simultaneously, in tlie four cities, of Savannah
Charleston, Columbia and Augusta, in each of
which agents of character w i 1 bo established, who
will always be prepared with the adequate supply
for subscribers, in sufficient season for delivery, on
or before the lirst day in every month. It will be a
subject of congratulation to ortr friends to hear, as it
is of great pride and pleasure with oust Ives to state,
that the Magnolia, like its noble namesake, hav
ing triumphed over the first discouraging cireum*-
stances under which it was planted, ha's taken per
manent root, and it is now in a condition of vigor
and promise, which justifies the hope that it will
bring forth goodliest fruit, and attain all the green
honors of a hardy growth, a long life, arid a pcrcnial
freshness to the last, It subscribers are increasing
daily, its typographical garments will soon be as
flowing and beautiful as the best among its contem
poraries, and among the fine intellects assembled
and secured to maintain its internal character, may
he enumerated inanv of tho most accomplished
names of which the South can boas'. It may be
enough to say that we are still assur 'd of the co
operation of all those "’ho have heretofore written
for our pages; lo which wo shall add, with each
successive issue of the Magazine, other names no
less able, hv which we si,all furnish to our renders a
fortunate variety and most liberal supply, #tf the in
tellectual edibles whit h they desire. The Editorial
duties will chiefly devolve upon Mr. W* Gil More
Simms, vvhor.e mu .uv.e.- we have secured to u greater
degree than before. The Editorial! urrau will be
entm !y surrendered to his control, and his general
supervision iff the work is hereafter certain. Ho
will nevertheless be ass sted by the same gentle
men whose labor* heretofore have contributed s*>
largely to endow this particular department of the
Magnolia, with the influence which it confessedly
It might bo enough for our present purposes t<>
end hero. Wc rejoice to believe that tho day rs.
Southern lukewarmness to tho necessity of mental
culture, in our own land, lias gone by forever.—
There is a glorious awakening. 'Vo nave daily
signs that n Southern literature is demanded. Tlio
Magnolia is demanded. We are proud in detecting
in the progress of each day’s events, the decisive
proofs that our people need, and are determine#! to
have, n periodical, which shall speak justly and fear
not—which shall be equally true and bold; in vvhic >
criticism shall be free from cant, and opinion shall
be unbiassed cither by fear or favor; a work in which
the tone shall be manly, and the character and sen
tiincnt essentially nnd only Southern. It is very
doubtful whether another word need be said on this
subject. We feed the sentiment of Southern intel
lectual independence, every where, beginning to
breath nnd burn around us. it will be
ours if wc do not maintain Its lire*.
P P.n il.ton will devote the lemairider of the
year to travel. He will visit our friends in tho i»-
t'-rorof South and North Carolina and Georgia,
during tho present summer. The w inter ho will
give to Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. The
superintendence of the mechanical department will
full to the charge of Burges * & James, who pledge
themselves that tho Magnolia, in typographical air
nnd costume, shall be worthy oftho noble name it
hears, [n this respect large improvements are nee -
ded, and are contemplated. The genera! plan of
the work will resemble that of the Southern Lite
rary Messenger,—a journal Confessedly nmongthe
neatest in this or any other country. Th seirn
provementd will he made visible in the first number
(July) of the next volume and new scries : hut s'.l!
further improvements will take place in the t;vo fol
lowing numbers. On this hand we will net e..large:
let the Magnolia ho judged hv its fruits.
/ \ i .— r ..... »■.. . .i.ii... .
Our terms are as before—live dollars per annum
—payable half ycuily in advanhe. No subscribers
for less than a year. Each number will contain, at
least sixty-four pages, which circumstance may oc
casionally induce us to increase. The press of
matter, or the reception <4 any article of great pre
sent interest, will prompt always tho addition of
the necessary pages With this summary we con
clude our address to tin* friends oftho .South, South
ern Literature nnd Southern Institutions. It is ho?
necessary to say how much tho institutions of a
country depend upon its literature. We up; cal to
our citizens in their oWn behalf, no less than «m:s.
The creation of a national literature is, next to tin
actual defence of a country by arms, agrin.rt the i*i
vador, one of the first duties of patriotism. We
are probably feeble now from the too long neglect
of this duty. But it is not too late to reform the
error, and the time is approaching fast, win n the
intellect of tho whole South will lie needed for the
conflict. P. C. PENDLETON, ( „ . #
BriUJRS & JA.VEs;R ro P r,0,0r3 -
Charleston, June 1, 16 J 2.
All communications should he addressed to the
“Publishers of the Magnolia, Charleston, S. C.”
ftepi'gia* Henry County*
*March Term , 1842.
INFERIOR COURT—Met for ordinary purposes.
Present their Honors John T. Bentley, James EI.
Callaway, and John M. Shepherd. Justices.
I T appearing to the Court that Bilas VV. Ray,
. administrator, and Mary Smith administratrix,
of Samuel Smith, late of Henry county, deceased,
have both removed without the iimifs of said coun
ty—And it further appearing to the Court, that said
estate has not been fully administered on, through
’he default of said administrator nnd administratrix:
It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the said
Silas Ray administrator, and Mary Smith adminis
tratrix, appear at the next term o! this Court, to he
held on the second Monday in July, to shew cause,
if any they can, why their letters ol administration
should not he revoked, and letters r/e bonis non
granted to whomsoever may apply in terms of the
law—And that f is rule he served upon the said
udministratornnd administratrix in terms of the law.
A tine extract from the minutes, t!: 19th day of
gay, 1842 A. A. LEMON, D< C. C. C>
Valuable Lain! for Sale.
FSll lLi Subscriber offers tor sale two Lots of
_w. Land, lying in the second district of Henry
county, numbers 99 and 100. This land is ot
an excellent quality, with about one hundred and
forty acres cleared and improved. There are on
the premises ample buildings for accommodation,
and any one wanting a GOOD FARM can tie
well suited. It is 1 bought useless to sav more, as
it is presumed whoever wishes to purchase will
call and vi< w the premises. One of the Lots is
subject to a widow’s lifetime estate, who is now
about seventy-four years old, at whose death the
whole will vest in the purchaser. The whole w ill
he sold for sixteen hundred dollars cash, or on a
credit at an advance#.! [nice.
Jan.Bth, 1842. RUSSELL FISH.
Os alt hinds, for sute al this Office
o P LI NE,
From Avgusta, Ga. to Montgomery, ,ftla •
rgntlE Proprietors of the DEFIANCE LINE of
JL Four Liorse Post Coaohos from Augusta, Gu.
to Montgomery, Ala., beg leave to call the attention
of the Travelling Public lo this splendid Lino us
Dost Coaches, which is now in successful operation.
That others may see the prominent advantages <>l
this Line over all o hers, between these points, the
Proprietors beg leave to call attention to the sub
joined extract, from the card ol Messrs Saltmiush
& Fuller, the lute Proprietors of tho Pilot Line,
which passed over the same route :
tx The Pilot Lino, trom tli termination c/f tho
Georgia Rail Rond, direct to the Montgomery Rail
Roftd,at Franklin, seventy miles las distance than
by any other route , through in less time nnd at less
Passengers by this route are not carried
sixty-five miles out of their way hv staged, for the
purpose of compelling them to ride forty miles over
the Monroe Rail Road.”
Tire Proprietors pledge themselves so keep con
tinualiyon tne road superior Coaches, fine Horses*
and careful Drivers, and every attention to the Tra
veller will be cheerfully rendered. 'They have com
menced this Line for the express purpose of sup
pressing monopoly, and ill reduce the fare to the
old rates, It) cents per mile, and pledge their stock
from one end of the road to the other, that the price
shall never exceed that rate.
Tlu: Defiance Line will leave Madison tiTler The
arrival of the Cars from Augusta, Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays, and arrive at Montg#pnurv on
Thursdays, Saturdays and Mondays, at lC rfcfecM
A. M. Leave Montgomery on Tuesdays, 'Thurs
days ami Saturdays, at 2 o’clock, P. M. nnd arrivo
nt .Madisonon Thursdays, Sutuidaysand Monday*,
in time for the curs to Augusta.
A. FLEMING. Agent.
N. 15.—Thedistanre front Madison to Franklin,
Ala. is 180 miles, and the fare from one place to
the other. $lB. Seats secured at the United States
iTotal, Augusta.
Persons travelling '.Vest from Macon, by inking
the Monroe Rail Road so Griffin, will there inter
sect tie* Defiance Line for Montgomery, and reach
Franklin sonic f> or 8 hours in advance of tho? 0
leaving .V/acon and going via Columbus.
February, 1812. t>—eo'Atf
isi f: s i wav ro n ??r n y:::
A LL persons are hereby notified not to pur-
Tvc chase the following described notes, which
are payable to the .-iihsenber or hearer, and were
stolen from her the Bill inSt. in the county of Meri
wether: One signed by John YanJergrifl' nnd
fames W. Crockett, for five hundred and twenty
three or twenty four dollars, due 25th Dec. 1812,
and dated about the first of March last; one signed
by Solomon Townsend and Trcdweli, for
five hundred and twenty or Twenty five dollars, due
nnd dated about the same time; ono signed hv
Janies \V. ami John Crockett, for two hundred and
thirty-two dollars, due and dated about the same
1 tne: ono signed hv Joseph Woolf and others,
names not reeullrcted, for two hundred nnd seven
fee:i dollars, due and eaten about the same time;
three signed by Tolm M. .Miller and others, names
not recollected. I- r between sixty-site and ninety
dollars, dim and dated ‘about the same time; one
signed hy Ellington Griddle and Brother, for onb
hundred and fifty dollnrs.due at the same time,nnd
dated about the Ist Feb, last; one signed by John
Jackson and Burwell Ragland, for one hundred
ami twenty or twenty-five dollars,due nnd dated as
the last; ( ,n<; signed by WilHan.* H. White for three
hundred dollars, dated about Uic Ist of April, 1840,
and due one dnv after date; olio signed hy William
H. While and Thomas [). Johnson, for two hun
died dollars, due. 25th Dec. !839, nnd date not re
! collected; one signed hv William F, Crew, Oliver
! W.Cox and William Segur, for seven hundred
i and twcnty-fuir dollars, due ‘2sth Dee. 1839, and
' date not recollected; arid another signed by Jona
i than Parrish for ohe hundred and thirty dollar?’',
: credited with twenty dollars, flue one day ntiordata,
i and dated in Aughst, 1841. The above is as cor
-1 rect a description, as to amounts, days when oxecu
-1 ted and due, as can at this time he remembered.
I May lith, 1812. 20 3t
IOT GH I' to jail in Zehulon, Pkc county,
on the 23d of January last, a negro man, hv
the name of Zadoclt, between fifty and severity
years o'd, who says he belongs to David Daniel, <Jf
Toliver county. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay expenses ami take
him away. j. 11. SHIVERS. Jailor.
Fehr :nry 24th, W 2. 9—if
Fjgl! 1 E Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
jsL of Griffin and the surrounding count that
he has permanently located himself on Hilf street,
south of trie Railroad, nnd immediately adjoining
Leak Alh-n’s ware-house, where he intends car
rying on the Tailoring Business in all its various
branches; and, from his long exp#:riencc in the bu
siness, and a quarterly report of Fashions regularly
received from New York, in; flatters himself that
the custnrnei will he as well pleased as lie possibly
can beat any other shop in the tip-country. Prices
according to the times. For further particulars call
and see A. N. CLARDY.
Griffin, April Ist, 1842. 14—3 t
N. B.—He also feels grateful for past favors and
solicits still a share ot’ public patronage. A. N. C.
IN THE Cl TY OF AUGUSTA.—At u meeting
of the sos the Medical College of Georgia,
during i'a present, session, resolutions were adopted
urging the revival of the Southern Medical and
Surgical Journal. The Faculty of the College*
anxious to meet the wishes of so respectable a Class,
and being deeply impressed with the belief of tho
vast utility of a Journal which shall convev to the
Physicians of Southern climates the observations of
Southern practitioners, and spread before them the
earliest information derived from eVery quarter of
lire scientific world, determined to revive die South
ern Medical and Surgical Journal, under the edito
rial management of L. A. Dugas, M, I)., Paul F.
Eve, M. D., unci I. P. Garvin, M. D.
'The Editors are not. prompted to underfakb this
laborious and responsible work bv any expectation
of individual emolument, but by an earnest desire
to advance the interests of a profession to which
they are devoted. They feel, therefore, that they
have a claim to the support of their professional
brethren —not only to llu ir subscriptions, hut also
to their contributions to the pages oftho Journal.—
There are hundreds of Physicians m the South,
whose communications would impart interest to the
work and reflect, honor upon themselves.
Although the Journal is to he .published uncles
the auspices of the Faculty of the Medical College’
of Georgia, it is not intended to ho the exclusive
organ of this school, hut will ?>< s f rict!y eclectic,
deriving its materials not on \ from *• mope but also'
from American periodicals. If is thought that an
essentia! service will he rendered the profession, at
the same time that justice will be done so native
writers, hy thus deviating from tne selfish usage
adopted by American Medical Journals, of exclu
ding from their pages all articles, however valuable,
which appear in th< ir contemporaries. Valuable
selections will always Im* pre (erred to original com
; mmiieations of less merit
The friends oftho enterprise arc earnestly solicit
ed to exert themselves in obtaining and forwarding
subscriptions to the Editors.
All communications for the pages of the Journal
must he post-paid and addressed to the Editors,
whereas all such as relate to money matters will he
directed, also post paid, to the publisher, P. C.
Editors friendly to the advancement of Medical
Science, will please give to the above prospectus,
as many insertions as they may deem necessary for
its extensive circulation.
July 25th, 1842.
The Macon Omnibus
—3_ Will run regularly to Hip
Monroe Rail Road Depot,
■ earrying passengers to any
part, of the city at Twetftv*
Five cents a scat. Oct. T3, 184!. 4) ‘