National American. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, November 24, 1860, Image 4

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Dfolional 3ltnfriran. PI, A NT A TRF.E. •< A thing of bwrnty U joy forerer.” There h* been nueh* in the view* of oor people in rejptrd to the bean tiful, a* well a* the profitable, that all who can control the luereM patch of land, proceed to do •omeihilljr which shall both please tho eje and gratify the taste. How much better this, than to sec the hack yard cluttered with brickbats, old shoos and the cast-off rubbish of years. A man loves his wife and children better for a pleasant prospect, especially if, within the limits of that prospect, they may run and gather delicious and wholesome fruits for the dessert, or to offer to their friends; and they certainly will love him better for surrounding them with cooling shades and gratifying their tastes. Here, then, ia a moral effect not taken into account when the old boots and shoes arc ostra cised —the heart is sustained and made better as well as the corporeal frame. It is a real pleasure for tho child to say, “Mr Fatukr set and cultivated this tree ; mi Mother planted this rose bush and trained it about this old win dow-frame, where the pewee hath built its tiny nest, and baby hands have scat tered tho fragrant blossoms.” And does not the parent reap another joy in such expressions ? Think, then, of the moral influence of planting a shrub or a tree, and thus, in that pleasant way, add some thing to the moral progress of the race. Trees promote health They break the wintry wind, and shield us from the sum mer sun, and breathe the air which we have expelled, and which is poisonous for us to breathe again. And, then, the heart that is oppressed by care or softened by affection, finds sympathy and peace in their gentle whisperings. Dollars and cents, in this connection, we say nothing about —-we desiro to touch another chord. F’icturo to yourself what charms you may cause to cluster around your dwelling, and what true enjoyment you may realize in their creation—what bonds of affcctiou you may implant in the hearts of your children, so that the seduc tion* of wealth, or the blandishments of courts or elegant life, shall never alienate their love from the old rural flower-embo somed home ; ami then you w ill he thank ful to him who first induced you to plant a tree. CLARKE & GRUBB, Commission Merchants, Agents for Collections of all Kinds, AMt> DfII.KRH 111 BACON, BARD 1 PRODUCK or ALL KINDS, OROCERIKO, AC., At their 01l Stand, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA GBOKGIA. Bacon, Lard and-Corn always on hand. Strict attention paid to consignments of ©very description, and remittances promptly made. Orders respectfully solicited, and carefully filled—Foa Casa. BfEC.KOKH WANTED. 0 WE are at all times purchasing Slaves, MC and paving the highatf CYmA Price*. Persons <*Vaiif a-. W.’torw;* UfrwMSi profits. Persons visiting our city will do well to rail before purchasing. We will buy and sell on commission, and will take pleasure in filling orders for Slaves. feb22tf CLARK K X GRUBB. Wholesale Only ! r jPII K UNDERSIGNKD have just opened, and | 1 will keep constantly supplied with nil ar tides usually kept iu a GROCERY BTORG! Having made their arrangements to do a S TRJCTL Y WHOLES AL K BVS IS ESS, Country Dealers, and Planters who buy in large quantities, are respectfully invited to ?;iv© them a call. Their Stock will bo found ull at all times, and will embrace, Hugar Itau, Refined. I.oat and Crushed Codec. Molasses, Sirup, Halt, Soda. Htarch ('siidlfa, Itagging, Rope, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Ac. We shall Constantly Keep a Large Assortment of the CHOICEST LIQUORS. Including Brandy, Cordial, Rum, Gin, Whisky and Champagne, and other kinds of Wines. Our terms will be CASH, and we shall ad here to our determination to sell only AT WIIOBEBALE AND AT Till LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! We invito an examination of our Stock and Prices, at our Store, immediately South of the Paoaenger I>e|H>t. Iysep27 MADDOX A WATKINS. ATLANTA CLOTHING HALL. 11IAVE just returned from the North with a largo stock of READY MA RE CLOTHING, j and am ready to supply the citizens of Allan ta and the surrounding country, with Coats, Pants, Vests. Nit Iris, Handkerchiefs, Neck-tic*. Socks, Hats, Caps, and everything else in the Clothing line, ol i good qtiafity and at LOW PRICES. All who deeire bargains should give me a call. —Al.S<>, OH HAMP — Jowelrv ! Knives ! C o in b s I Ami other Notions. M. OPPENHKIMKR. Whitehall street, nearly opposite marehlMf Rddlernan A Banks SEED RYE, BARLEY ami OATS! f HAVK now in Store, and am rareiving 1 HOO bushels New Crop Seed Rye ; ino hags Now Crop Fall Barley ; 500 bags Choice Western Heed Wheat; 100 bags Black Oats fur Fall Bowing . 1500 bag* Hu per fine and Family Flour, from W hite Wheat; .1000 hag* White and Yellow Corn ; 500 bushel* White Com Meal ; 50,000 pounds Western and Tennessee Clear Hide* ; 30,000 pounda Shoulders and Hama, some very superior Tennessee I’laiu llama alao Canvassed Hama. Ac. Ac. I ahall be glad to supply my patrona on fa w orab!e terms. A. K. RKAOO, Corner of Forayth and Mitchell treeta, aug 18 Atlanta, Georgia. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Ta# Ats AU3AMATIOX or Lajk.i a<;kx.—There is ‘ a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expressive words of other language*, ; and alter awhile to incorporate them into our j own ; thus the word Cephalic, which if from j the Greek, signifying “lor tho head,” ia now | becoming popularized in connection with Mr. \ Spalding’s great Headache remedy, but it will : soon bo used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become a* common as Elec trotypeund many others whose distinction ax foreign word* has been worn sway by common usage iiutil they seoiu “native and to the manor born.” -4***W ’ardly Realized. Hi ‘ad ‘n ‘orrible'eadacb# this hslternoon. hand I stepped into the bapolhecaries, hand say* hi to the man. “Can you hcaae me of an ‘eatlachc ?’* “Doe# it hache ’ard,” says ‘o. “Ilex oeedingly.” says hi, hand upon that ’o gave j me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’poo me ‘onor it cur ed me §o quick that I'ardly realised I‘ad an ‘eadachc. is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation, whatever, from the natural state of the brain, and view ed in this light, it tray be looked ou as a safe guard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be claaai lied under two names, vu : Symptomatic yid j Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceed ingly common, and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which ore Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases.— In its nervous form it is sympathetic of dis ease us the stomach constituting sick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious h<aila<he. of worms, constipation and oth'er disorders of the bowels, ax well as renal and uterine affec tions. Diseases of the heart ere very frequent ly attended witli H nduches; Ana-mia and Plethora are also affections which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished hy the name of neny.u.% headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health, and prostrating at once tho men tal and physical energies, and in other in stance* it conies on slowly, heralded by depres sion of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provok ing vomiting ; under this doss may also be named Xcuralgia. For the treatment of either clatanf Headache the Cephalic Pills have bsen found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minute*, and ly it* subtle power eradic ating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. liltino kt. Missus wants you to send hor u Ik x of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but Pin thinking that’s not just it nai* tber; hut perhaps ye'll ho after knowing what it is. Ye so#she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and want* some more of that saino us relaivcJ her before. Druggist. —You must mean Spalding's (.Ceph alic Pills. Bridget.— Och ! sure now and you've sed it. here’s the quarther and give inc the Pills and dont bo all day about it ailher. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the “many ills flesh is heir to” is so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits, it is regarded ns a slight disorder of h.o little consequence t<> excite anxiety, while in reality it is the pro cursor snl companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and, unless curly eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to un un timely grave. Among the lighter evils of whleh costivrness is tho umiul attendant, are 11.-ud ache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, I‘iles and others of like ns tore, while a long tram of frightful diseases, such ms Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dysentary, l)iarrhu.*u. Dyspepsia Apoplexy, Epilepsy, I’arnlyaia, Hysteria, Hy pfa-hondrinsis, melancholy and Insanity, fmt ! indicate their presence iu tin system by this ulariuing symptom. Not un frequently tho dis eases uuiiicd originate in Omstjpation, but tftko mi an TnlYepeffiWfiil existence, unless the cause is eradicated in so curly stage. Fmin nil these n nsideration* it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no nerson should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pill* on the first uppearance of the complaint, ss their timely use will expel the ibilduous approaches of dtscxsc and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. A Real Blessing. Physician.— Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache ? Mrs. Jones. —Gone! Doctor, all g"ii! the foil you sent mo cured me id just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send more, so that 1 can have them handy. Physician. — You ran get them nt any Drug gists. Call for Cephalic Fills, I find they never fail, and I recommend them in all cusea of Headache. Mrs. Jones. — I shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they urea real blessing. -s • • • ► Twbnty Millions ok Dollars saved. — Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared (Hue and it in estimated that each bottle naves at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus muking an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made his (Hue r household word, ho now pro poses to do the world still greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic Pills, aud if they are an good as his (Hu#, Headaches will soon vanish away likeswow m : July. £^m<i<t 0 Sh CURE Y 0 Nervous Headache I, CURE V Headache By tho use of these Pilla the periodic attacks <f JN7rootle or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at tho commencement of an at | taok immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They aeldom fail in removing tho Xausca and | Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently ujx>n the bowels,— rrmoviug Coativene/u. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as it Laxative, improving If e appetite, i giving tone and vigor to the digestive organa, j nud restoring the natural elasticity and strength i ■ of the whole system. The CKI IIA LIC DILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully conduoted ox pcrimeuLs. having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain und sutl'enng from Headache, whether originating in the i<rivwM ayatem or from a deranged state of the j stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their compo sition, and may be taken at all times with per j fwl safety without makiug any change of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable taste renders l it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Honrv C. Hpalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealer* in i Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of the I*UI( I K, 4 ~jr> i • E\"l's. All orders should be addressed to HUSKY ( . SPAI.niNc;. iw Cedar Mnet, New % urk. Nov. 13. dA w Iy. mmkM MISCELLANEOUS. 1 X PETTI \ E, on 1 PERSIAN FEVER !CHARM. Fe <■ and Ague Exterminator. THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION SAVED FROM WRECK. Tilt: I’UKVKN'TIVK AND REMEDY > AM. INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVERS. - CURE’S INSURED IN A DAY. Nature's Grand Restorative. INPECTINE. IN PECTIN E. INPECTINE. INPECTINE. IXPIAJTIM K. INPECTINE. The terrible malady known as the KBVRR AND AGUE tins sum ten hundreds of thou sand* of persons, throughout the world, every year; and has never till now been met by suc cessful medical treatment that bus not pro duced severe M( HliciiiTi 1 1 )is< which affect the lungs, the spleen, the liver, the heart, or other purls <>t the human organi zation The IXPEPTIMI is the natural an tagonist of u!l fevers, and when it comes iu contact with the skin, is absorbed by the in- ferior organa, which resist easily miasma, and nil tendencies towards those maladies which prostrate the mind and body with fever. Fever ami Ague result from numerous causes. No place is exempt from the causes which pro mote the existence of the disease. That being once seated in the system, induces depression of spirits, lassitude, la rigor, pain, chills, fever, and a long train of disagreeable sensations, de priving mo patient of all energy, and reducing hmi or her t condition of EXTREME HELPLESSNESS. Why will any one sutler the horrors of a de bilitating Intermittent Fever, when, hy the use of the INVALUABLE INPECTINE, OK itinw i i:yi;k < the eminent medicinal and magical qualities ol which are instantly absorbed ? ALL THAI ES OF DISEASE MAY BE AN- N I DILATED IN A FEW HOURS. HKLP ITIUE 18 UKTTKR THAN PHYBIC. NATURE 18 WIBEK THAN ART. EVERY DISEASE HAS A DIVINE REMEDY. TUB \W'K APPLY WHILE THE POOLISH DREAM lIKTTKK PREVENT THAN STRIVE TO CURE DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. THE INPECTINE, OH Porsinn (’liarm, H*> viirr.l ltioiia.ii.ii offo.tfi ~x<-s of the met droarttnH-Bfon- Hea.l and roflort. WOSIIKKFI I. HFFKCTN! Lemuel Bonsall. of Pittsburg, for two years useless to himself und society —a martyr to Cnills and Fevers—cured in less than three weeks, and improved in eight hours. Mary U Belknap, of Sandusky, Ohio, after almost losing her reason as well as strength, by Intermittent Fever, with Chills, restored to health in twenty hours. 1 •* B Tilton,Vf lielgrade, Maine, brought from death’s door, having suffered for f. ur years, made well in five weeks, and improved in two hour*. Adolfihe Monbro, of France, relieved in one hour, while traveling in the cars of the Fort j Wayn ami Chicago Railroad. 110 was ap parently dying with (’hills. Ellen R. Benson, of Look port. New York, restored after seven yeurs suffering. A ]>erfect cure. Thousands of oilier cases prevented and cur- j ed every month, nnd not a single complaint the efficiency of the I NI'EOTINE, OR PERSIAN FEVER fIIARM. ’ TUY IT. l’K< >\ K IT, KNOW IT. I And make known itx wonderful powers and virtues, tt at those who suffer, or who are i threatened with suffering, mny be led to use a simple, innoxious preparation, furnished by ! the field of Nature for MA N S It LKBS 1N G , INPECTINE, i IS SOLD HV ALL DRUGGISTS AND MEDI CINE DEALERS IN AMERICA. j l*i* k fl, ,Mtl lijr mall tu mijr JMlrt of the Unit**! Hiklmi. i hi: yi kan i: it, r j It is tot taken inwardly, hut is applied out- I wardlv, according to directions, which accom pany each package. \ 0 MAMFAI'TI’RED lIY John Wilcox & Go., NO. 188 MAIN STREET, !kichmond, va. SOLD BY 111 WIITTT, TAYLOR & Jll\ES, WIIOLBSAI.K A HKTAII. I>R A LRUS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oil, WINDOW GLASS, FANCY GOODS, AC., SHIV OK TilK OOI.DKN KAGI.K. * orner ol|l>r< ntur A- IVailiJUrro Strid., A.TI.ANTA, ga. ID'?*no ITT, Tavlok i Jo*kh are Sole Pro. ; prietors and Manufacturer, of Tailor’s Anti- Dvspwtjc Elixir. •a * *• x DOT It. *■ MISCELLANEOUS. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ! A compound remedy, in which we have la bored to product* tho most effectual alterative that can he made. It is n con cent rah *<l extract I of Pam Sarsaparilla, so combined with other ! substances of still greater alterative power a : to afford an effective antidote for the disease* Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy U wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: SuROPILA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, Kkcptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulceus, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af fections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neu ralgia ou Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony’s Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity of the Blood. This compound will be found a grr**t pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through thr* natural channels of the body by un alterntivo medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin hi pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but w ith this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, nnd deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been ogrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to Ik? conci titrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparillu, or any thing else. During lute year# the public have been ais lt*l by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Kxtract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Snrsapa ; rilla, but often no curative properties whatev- I er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment j has followed the use of the various extracts of Sursnparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition ami cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it lias virtues which arc irresistible by the ordinary run of tire diseases it U intend ed to cure. Iu order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. rUE PARED 11Y 1)U. J. (. AYEIt X CO. LOWFT.L, MASS. Price, $1 per lluttle ; Six llot ties for S.T. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for tho euro of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it Ins been cim -rrrrr a ti il>- lair T.-nr w.'wm rV throughout this section, we need notd > more than •isNiire the people its quality ia kept tip to tho best it ever hits been, anu that it may bo relied on to ; do fur tlu-ir relief all it lias ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, J ‘ FOR TIIE CURE OF Costivrness , Jaundice , Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, pout Sioinach t Erysipelas, Headache, I'il < v, Rheumatism, Erupt ions and Shin Diseases , Liver ('omplaiut. Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt llhcum , Warms, Gout, Xeuralgin, as a Dinner Pill , and for Purifying the Blood. They arc siignr-coatcd, so that the most sensi tive < n take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient iu the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prico 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for SI.OO. Great number* of Clergymen, Physicians, States mrn, and eminent personages, have lent their namos to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. Tho Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, nnd the treatment that should be fob j lowed for their cure. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more nrofit on. Dcmund AYLli’h, and take no others, l’h# sick Want the best aid there is for them, and they should | have it. Ail our remedies are for sale by Druggists, and ull Dealers in Medicine, every where. Wholesale by D. YOUNG, marehlScot 12tn Atlanta, Georgia. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ATLANTA, (IKOUOIA. W. \V WOODRUFF &. CO., ) HARNESS! j ATVlxlips, cbo.! All of their stock made up to special order, and warranted to / /. \ be of the best mado in America. —ms ) Their long experience in the Jj-", CARRIAGE BUSINESS in Gris- H fin, Georgia, where they still keen jN n-iargo stock, enables them to of. fIfTV for great inducements, both in quality and price. ’ COME EVERYBODY /CT'\ see our stock, or send your ■ (-rs j orders and you shall be supplied us low as you can bur in Now York or any other market. I oct2s ( j Have opened a large and splen \ did stock of CARRIAGES in At • ‘ lanta, of every variety of style* /yjf' So consisting of COACHES! jnEnLINB! ROCKAWAYS! \ PUJETONS, BRETTS! iI Seat. Top and No Top BUGGIES ! CONCORD BUGGIES! A Hack*, and Jersey Wagout! ’ Iron-Axle Plantation Wagons ! COAL YARD. r ri.'K undersigned having completed his ar 1 rangernentn, will be prepared from and after this date to supply families and other con sumers with The Best of Coal, In any quantity. From a Bushel to Filly Tolls, At the lowest prices, at the Ware-house of But ler A Peters, corner of Forsyth Street, on the Itaiiroad. ftfr*<!ash to be paid on the delivery of the I Coal. EDWIN PRIEST. Sept. 20- dtf. MISCELLANEOUS. S’ ECONOMY! V\ £ Dinjmtolh S © | Save the Pieces! AS accidents will happen, etc: ir well-regu lated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convicnt way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GL(JE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready, and up to sticking point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamen tal work, so (Ntpulur with ladies of refinoinont and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, be ing chemically held in solution, aud possess ing all the valuable qualities of the best cabi net-makers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of odinary mucillage, being vastly more rd heeive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.’ N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, Twenty-Five Ceuta. Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar street, New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING A CO., Box No. 3,M0, New York. Put up for Dealers, iu Cases containing four, eight, and twelve dozen—a beautiful Litho graphic Show Card accompanying each pack age. .p-iT* A single bottle of SPALDING’S PRE PARED GLUE will save ten times its cost an nually to every household. Sold by prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note ol STALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, when mak ing up their list. It will stand any climate. jan24twswly Alwavs on Land, WARBLE MONUMENTS and BOX TOMBS, of all size* nnd prices, to suit customers. ENAMELED SLATE nnd MARBLE MANTELS; IRON RAILINGS for Cemetery enclosures, and FURNISHING MARBLE of all descriptions. Warerboms and Yard opposite Geor gia Rniltond Depot, Atlanta. Georgia. april26wAtwly / KMAXXra* . . i^stait<> m vrie<r . ‘i-rUgs I WU § £ | ii i. :,j ? and tt; n tlinga , urr artiV/.w*’ A >” in.ur ~„T rlZrt'T’ hi” •*>*. 11 ’r. k y m | I ‘hL Sol r rroprietor. V ‘h /? \/& CAUTION. PURCHASERS SHOULD BE CAREFUL IN PURCHASING THE VALLEY WHISKEY TO SEE THAT IT IS ~n ~r. ~v ’ s AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY WITH THE SIGNATURE OF ON THE LABEL. ALL OTHERS ARE AN IMITATION AND A COUNTERFEIT OF THE ABOVE WHISKEY. WM.H.DALY, SOLE! PROPRIETOR 19 SOUTH WILLIAM ST NEW YORK. For sale in Atlanta hy july? ly GEORGE H. DANIEL THE ADAMS’ EXPRESS COHI'IU! Great Northern, Southern, Lantern and Western EXPRESS FORWARDERS! Forward EXPRESSES by Passenger Trains Daily to all the principal Cities in the Union, in chhrge of competent and reliable Messen gers. Goods culled for and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Office on Ala bama Stroet, Atlanta, Georgia. K. HbLBEUT, Su|>erintendent Central Section. <>ct2B H. L. HALL, Agent. “ Horses and Carriages, with sober and | experienced Drivers, always on hand, fine accommodations for Drovers. 1 /\ BRLS Sugar House Sirup, in Store and X vJ for sale by march2o J. H. LOVEJOY. COMPETITION WITH CHARLESTON, —AT WIIOI.KSAI.K AND RETAIL, IN— China. Glass. Oilier, iClatrfi and WARE AND CROCKERY; A LA KGK lot of CUT ami PKESSF.D GLa6B; WHITE, OII.T. unit DECORATED CHI NA, TEA. DINNER. nd TOILET BETS, at nny price ; SILVER PLATED TEA SETS CASTORS. CAKE-BASKETS. FRUIT STANDS, CITS. OOBLETB. SPOONS. FORKS. Ac. Jo. KEROSENE LAMPS. CANDLESTICKS. WAITERS. TABLE MATTB, CHINA VABEB. Ac. A lot of FINE TABLE CUTLERY. A large aud complete stock of WHITE GRANITE & COMMON CROCKERY. to which ( invito the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Wo import our goods from fiorn}>e and bttv ol the best American Manufacturers, and will sell lor the smallest possibU profit* for CASH. COLE & WYLIE, au K2I Whitehall Street, nearly Opposite Beach k Root’s, Atlanta, Georgia. NEW CLOTHS, CASSIIYIERES, Vesting Clothin g, and Furnishing Goods , tor Fall and Winter Wear , at BRYSON k BEAUMONT'S Clothing and Tailoring Establishment, Whitehall Street OUR STOCK OF CLOTHS. CASBIMKRKS ANI) VESTINGS are of the latest importation amt cannot be surpassed in style and quality by any House in the State, wbicn we wil make to order in the most fashionable styles and at price# as /otc as any establishment in Soalh. „ . Our CLOTHING is selected with great care from the stocfel Tlf the beat niatnnTrCifffi^TrrT^ -- United StaU*s, and we are prepared to sell it at prices which cannot fail to be satisfactory t< all who may wish to purchase. Our stock of FURNISHING GOODS, for Fall and Winter wenr, is of the best quality, and consists of BHIRTB. COLLARS. CRAVATS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS. SILK, >V()OL and COTTON HALF-HOES, GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, and, in fact, every article suitable for Geutlernen’s wear. We solicit the attention of our Patrons and the public generally, to our large and complete stock. [sepl4] BRYSON A BEAUMONT WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Moss and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, PEACH-TREE STREET , ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wriglit’s Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. may 17 h i |{ \ rn’ RE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THANKFUL for the past patronage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping for a continuance of the same, I sgaiu take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now iu store the largest and best assorted RNITU RE, ‘ ever before olTered in Atlanta, nnd Ai l of BOUTJ I IOItX .M AICE, and am in almost daily receipt of New and Varied Siylra of all kinds of Furniture from th* well known Factory of m ■. ■ /m. m of whiOi ;■ W. h LYNN, formerly of the Xovelty lVort-s, Columbus, Georgia, is Foiuuix.,, which .s a sumciaat )?nnrantec that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY Is good and of the moat substantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD. Prices from 15 to 25 per cent. lower than any other Fchsitcrk Stoiik in Georgia. MATTRASSES, LOUNGES. LOOKING GLASSES. WINDOW SHADES, COTTAGE CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. Pi* Ttn* Fk.mks made and Fcuvitciib repaired witk Deatneaa and despatch. COFFINS OF AM, SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, y ‘ ,v ' 2 lltf - For JOHN I>. GRAY. ■ ’ • . :.t -*A -- GIUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Ac., in great va f riely, at low prices, for sale by Dovi McNAUGIIT, ORMOND A CO. IJMRE D XJS, SHOVELS ANO TONES. .)*- panned, Bronzed nud Brass Fire Dogs; Steel, Iron and Brass Shovel and Tongs—for sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Table and pocket cutlery, of our own importation. A large assortment for sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CCf. IjMLES, RASPS. Ac.—A large and well as sorted stock, of our own importation for sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. OHOVELS, SPADES, SCOOPS, of our own O brand, and warranted, bv McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. The Cireatest Heduction Ever Made in : Standard ng Machlnea. AFTER this date. I will sell / From f o r m e r P- B.—The New Straight-Needle Machine is now out. A. LEYDEN, octl6 General Agent. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, E™Mfe*a ATLANTA, GEORGIA | orrosiTK th* rASsaaosa dbpot. Thoroughly Renovated and Refurnished, and in the very center of the Business portion and the city. WM. O HALLOKAN, jan!2 Proprietor. AXES, HATCHETS. Ac. Broad, Bench, Club and Hand Axes, of our own stamp, i W(jr'yMlf4m: .v^L^. +4*0 y of other brands—for sole by J McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES.—Baskets, Lamps, Ac—an endless variety, for rale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. CARRIAGE .1 SADDLERY HARDWARE.— Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Buggv and Wagon Bows, Shulls, Whiflletrees. Bodies, Seats, Springs. Steps. Dashes. Fifth Wheels, Axles, Bolts, Bands, Nails, and all materials used in the manufacture of Wagons. Also Dash, Col lar, “ Patent.” Enameled and Russet Leather; Enameled Muslin, Duck aud Drill; Oil Cloth, Huekrain, Ac* Ac., Bills, Stirrups, Buckles, Web, Lace, Ac. Ac.—for sale by nov2 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. j DIARRIKKA l CRAMPS! CHOLERA| LIFK DKOPB. This Medicine has been TBB kf“mV‘jV ,U *° TRntD * T ** TtD and PRovan by TBN ykars experience, to be the only CERTAIN. SAFE and RELIA BLE remedy for all Bowel Derangement®, Di arrhusa. Dysentery, Cramps, Pains. Cholera Cholic, Ac., now before the public. One or two doses of 20 drops will cure the most severe cramps in the stomach in 20 minutes A single dose often cures the Diarrhea* and it never constipates the bowels. One dose will satisfy any oue of its merits. Price only 25 cents. Prepared by TRALL A STOW, 43 Bowery, New York. And sold in At'anta by MASSEY A LANBDELL, Baimay22 HAMILTON A MADDOX. THREE hundred and Seventy-Five Pine Buckets, which we will sell lower the men who made them. Call quick, as they are | going off rapidly. ! jan26 MADDOX A WATKINB. Qfi BBLB Phelps’ Gin, and 20 barrels N. E. Rum. For sale by march2o J. H. LOVEJOY.