Tri weekly news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, June 17, 1867, Image 3

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L <> CAL MATTERS. Departure of Steamships and Steameri. FOB NBW YORK. SaU Jaclnt0 ’ Saturd& y. June 22d, at Steamship Leo, Tuesday, June 18th, 1867, at 854 o’clock am. roa PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Wyoming, Saturday, June 22d, at 12 o'clock m, * FOB BALTIHOBB. Steamsiliip Fannie, Thursday, June 20th at 10 o’clock a. in. FOB FLORIDA. 10 S (j**ocu Biltccr ‘ over y Friday morning, at 10 J2j r Sj,lvau every Tnesday morning, at gainer Dictator, every Wednesday, at 3 o’clock FOB CHARLESTON. ~J'l f:r , r ’ n<> l ' u y. every Wednesday and Satur aay, at * o’clock a. m. Steamer Dictator, every Saturday, at 9 o’clock a. m. Arrival and Departure of Trains, central bailboad dailv passenoeb DP TRAIN. Leaves Savannah at 8 a. m Arrives at Augusta at 6:15 p. m Atiivgs at Macon .. , Bp. m DAILY DOWN PASSENOEB TRAIN Leaves Macon at 7 a. M. Leaves Augusta at 8:46 a. m. Arrives at Savannah at 6:25 p. u. DP NIGHT PASSENGER TBAIN Leav ; ,s Savannah at 4:15 p. M. aiiives at Augusta at ....’..'.,.'.’.'6:80 a! m.’ Arrives at Macon at. 3:15 a. m. DOWN NIGHT PASSENOEB TBAIN Lbuvjs Macon at .8:80 p. m. Lea vas Augusta at *.* * ’.\\\\\,. 5 ; 45 P ] M * Arrives at Savannah at .7:30 a. m. Th ' Milledgeville and Gordon trains connect with the u (.• day and down night passenger trains at Gordon. ATtiAvSxjc and Qijhjf bailboad—daily (Saturdays ex cepted) Loaves Savannah at. 8:80 p. m. Aniveaat Thomasvilie at .'..*.7:45 a. m.' An ivo3 at Live Oak at ........ 6:30 a m. Ariives at Jacksonville i*/:40 p. m! Arrives at Tallahassee at !!!.’, .b ; 29 p. m* Leaves Tallahassee at 10:16 a. m. Leaves Jacksonville at 2:10 p. m. Leaves Live Oak at 8:00 p. 11! Leaves Thomasvilie at . . .6:45 p! m. 4mves at Savannah at 6:00 a. m. Time of Closing Mails AT THE SAVANNAH POST OFFICE. Pqst Office, Savannah, Ga., June 13, 1867. Xn consequence of the change in tfee time table on the Central Railroad, as announced to the public in the morning papers, on and after this ditto the at this office, will close as follows : By Central Railroad, through pouches for New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Charleston, Colum bus, Macon and Augusta, at 3 o’clock every evening. By Central Railroad, through pouches for Nash ville, Atlanta, Milledgevillo and Augusta—and way mail for line of Central Railroad, and all points con tiguous, at 6)4 o’clock every morning. [jy Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, for all points on the Vvai aud contiguous; Balubridge, Fernandina, Fla., and for all parts of Florida via Florida Branch Rail road, 7 o’clock every evening, except Saturdays. For'Brunswick, St. Simon’s island, Stf. Mary’s and contiguous country, by steamers, 9 o’clock every TuesSiy ind Fndsy morning.' j?or Darken, by steamer, at 9 in the morn ing; Friday, 6y % in the corning, MONEY SENT WITHOUT DANGER OF LOSS, by means of Money Orders, at the Savannah Post Of fice. A so, in consequence of the above change, th£ ? ost Oi&ca will open for business at 18 o’clock a. m., and close at sp. m. On Sundays the Ofllce is open from 9 to 10 a. m. T* P* I&QHfL j?. $L CITY INTELLIGENCE. The CHF Ulirßel. The following is a list of prices demapdefl for fpflsb treats, vegetables, fruits, fish, &c., at th@ City Market House on Saturday morning; Fresh Meats— $ c. $ c. Beef, per pound 10® 15 Pork, per pound f .... @ 5}5 Pork, whole hog, per ifc 13@ 15 Mutton per pound 12(§> 20' Venison, per pound 30(g) 35 Sausages, per pound (0 40 Puddings, per pound (g) 13 POULTKY AND GAME— Chickens, per pair 1 50@2 00 Turkeys, each...i @5 00 Geese, per pair @2 50 Squirrels, each @ 20 Vegetables— Potatoes, sweet, per half peck (§) 50 Potatoes, Irish, per half peck f 30(&) 40 Potatoes, Irish, new, per quart H@ 10 Tomato a, per bushel 6 00 Tomatoes, per quart 26 Onions, per bunch 8@ 10 Cariots, per bunch 8(a) 10 Radishes, per bunch 8@ 10 Spinach, per bunch % 10 Beets, per bunch 8@ 10 Turnips, per bunch 8(a) 10 Squashes 3@ 5 Cabbage, per head 10(g) &0 Cabbage Turnips, per bunch 25 Lettuce, per head 3(3) 5 Cucumbers, each ' 2(s Eudive, per head 5@ Snap Beans, per quart 5(3) 8 Green Peas, per half peck 30@ 35 Green Peas, per bushel. 2 50@3 00 Sugar Peas, per quart 25 White Peas, per quart @ 20 BeH Peppers, each (g) 5 Bice v ~per quart (3) 20 Catfish each 25(3)1 5u Drumtisli, per pound B(a> 10 Sturgeon, per pound 4(3) 6 Red snappers, per lb 8(3) Hi Crabs, per dozen 40® 50 Clams, per peck 50 Fruit— Peaches, per quart 25@ 40 ‘ Strawberries, per quart 50® 75 Plums, per quart 8® 10 B'ackberries, per quart 8® 10 Whortleberries, per quart ® 15 Apples, per quart ®l2>£ Oranges, each 5® 10 Butter—Country, per lb ® 40 Honey, per lb @ 20 jCQGS, per dozen ® 35 Square Improvement*. Within tho pas t few days Johnson .Square has un dergone some improvements, by having the grass cut and new seats being placed therein, thus rendering it a most pleasant place to while away an hour or two in the cool shade of its beautiful trees. We feel con fident that tin- other squares will undergo a similar reu. ovation, thus rendering them an object of comfort as well as ornament. One of the great natural beauties of Savannah is her numerous squares, which of late have boon sadly neglected on account of more pressing and important business, but which we trust, will not be suffered to lie neglected, as such a prooedure would greatly detract from the Interest of the city. Ws trust that in future, when engines are to be tried they Will not be brought into file square, where the fire from the machines blacken aqd destroy the trees by remaining tlfbre for two or three days. Capture of a Dangerous Alligator. Yesterday afternoon, while a Government schooner was coming towards the city, they discovered in the vicinity of Fort Jackson an alligator, embedded in the mud on the shoals. A detachment was immediately sent forward to capture it, which they succeeded in doing, and upon measurement it was found to be )3 feet long, It was boqnd to the deok and brought to the city. Upon arrival it yas taken on shore at Market dock, where, being exposed to fbe teasing of the crowd he became very mad. Captain Smith, while standing near it, was suddenly seized by the alli gator by the foot, and so firm was his grasp that oak staves were necessary to pry open ils mouth, during which several pistol shots were fired at the head of the alligator, but without taking effect. Capt. Smith is badly injured in the instep and sole of his foot, but will not probably lose any of his loot. We under stand that the alligator is to be shipped to New York at the earliest opportunity.! [COMJtpNICATED- ] To tire merchants and Business Men of Savannah, It is well known that losses by fire have obtained, during the past six months, to an unprecedented ex tent. Those which have fallen upon the insurance companies have been heavy enough to shake the strongest. Nor have the calamities been partial; all over Europe, in Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Biohmond, Mobile, New Orleans, and last—not least— Savannah, have been common sufferers. To no mismanagement of insurance or fire compa nies, or demoralization of the people, can the disas ters be wholly attributed; but the fact remains that liabilities to Are constantly increase. The insurance agencies of Savannah, in order to meet this question as far as possible, desire to bring back into tbeir area several of the most substantia 1 •ompanios, which bad deolined issuing policies in Savannah during the pqgt season; and to this end bavs been compelled to advance the rates of premium on cotton and merchandise. Such au advance was made in January by the National Board of Underwriters; but as the increase was onerous, the Savannah Board has adopted a tariff of rates between the one formerly in use in this city and that proposed by the Nationa Board, and which is now submitted to the public. If the losses by fire progress as heretofore, an advance on these rates may be necessary. So long as it can bo avoided none will be made. A fair living rate is all that the insurance companies represented in Savannah ask for, aud whenever the rates can be made lower they will be reduced. An equitable classification of risks, it is believed, has been made; aud the Underwriters of Savannah trust that the community will appreciate the reasons for the present increase of rates, and recognize it as an absolute necessity of the times. Without such in crease a sufficient amount of insurance capital cannot be secured for the protection needed for the business of the ensuing year. Put In.—The steamer Louise, Capt. Wilson, from Mobile bound to Wilmington, Del., put into this port on Friday last for coal and wator. She left on Sat urday iagt in good order. MURDER IN PIERCE COUNTY. A North Carolinian Brutally Murdered, and His Body Burned. On Friday night last, a most horrible murder was committed in Pierce county, by which a storekeeper was murdered and his body burned to a crisp. The particulars, as we learned them from a gentleman in the city on whose place the affair occurred, are as fol lows : A gentleman named W. S. Flynn, iitmi Wash ington, North Carolina, had emigrated lu Station No. 7 Y %% on the Albany & Gulf Railroad about one year ago, and established himself in a small grocery busi ness. His conduct up to the time was commendable, as he had rendered himself very popular by his gen erous conduct. On Friday night last, while sitting in his store, two negroes entered aboul 9 o’clock, informing him that they wished to purchase. He immediately arose to attend to their wants, but was com routed by one of the negroes, named Joe Williams, who seemed to enter into a deep conversation with him. While so engaged the other negro, named Grier Jackßon, ap proached from behind and struck him three times on the back of the head with a hatchet The man was killed almost instantly, and while the body lay in its blood upon the floor the negroes proceeded to rob the store of its valuables. Being satisfied with their plunder the body was placed in an upright position in the chair, and the house immediately set on fire, after which the assassins made good their es cape to their quarters. A short time afterwards sev eral negroes came to the store lor the purpose of pur chasing, and seeing the house on firo and the body sitting in the chair they became somewhat scared and ran to the house of the overseer, in forming him of the fact. Hastily gathering a few of his trusty men, he repaired to the scene ; but just as he reached it, the roof and walls fell in, burying the the body of the unfortunate man. In the morning, after the lire had somewhat sub sided, the hatchet was found covered with blood. Several of the negroes immediately recognized it as the property of the negro, Jackson, and a squad being sent for him, 110, in connection with Williams, wero immediately arrested. The negroes on the place beca rno so enraged at the-affair that they unani mously declared their intention to lynch the party, when Williams, intimidated at their threats, confessed the whole crime, implicating Jackson as the murderer. To this aocqsatjon Jackson remained silent, resisting with stubornaess any attempt to draw the story from him. The negroes on the place, highly indignant at bucli conduct, procured a large iron chain, and placing it around Jackson's neck, tied him to a green sapling, which they bent down for the purpose, and after hoisting Jackin about six times into the air, he be came tired out and and finally confessed his implica tion in the murder, alleging as the cause the pros pect of obtaining money. At the request of Williams a neighboring ranch was searched, and the aproii ol Jackson, spo'jAe*} with blood, \yas fou<R. A short distance from the scene of the murder, six dollars in greenbacks wero found, which one of the party had lost in falling over a stump. Notwithstanding the desire of the negroes to exe cute summary vengeance upon the assassins, they were brought to Biackshear and placed in jail. L()a8 OP THE STEAMER T AMIN END. Passengers aiul i rexy Based. The steamer Tainmend, which had been laying up in this port for some time, undergoing repairs, and which left a short time since for Florida, was totally destroyed on that coast about a w eek ago. The Tafl}ipencJ. had been employed but a short time on the route between &t. Augustine and Jacksonville, and while on a passage between those ijorts, with about eighteen passengers and some freight, it ap pears she si>rung aleak, which was not discovered until tfie fiojd was about three feet in water. A short time after, ipid before preparations could be made to pump her out, she struck ifie St. John’s bar with such velocity that the greater part or her hull gave way, and in a few minutes the sea came pouring in. One of the life-boats had been badly smashed, bui the other was immediately lowered, anefwith the pas sengers, in a heavy sea, they started towards shore, which they reached with great difficulty, leaving their personal effects on boircl, so sudden had been the disaster, The Steepler almost immediately sauir, aud the crew were obliged to hang on to the hog bean; during the night io a heavy sea. A schooner lying near by launched a boat, but so heavy and angry was the sea, that after three unsuccessful attempts to reach the party they were obliged to give up in despair. In the moruing, however, they succeeded in reaching the unfortunate party and brought them ashore. The captaiu and owner of the vessel were aboard at the time of the disaster, and were among the last to leave. The Taminend is a complete wreck, but we have been unable to find out wlietlier she was insured oy not. UC|iUr(„„-e „r Nia. vn Wlvomrii, As the visit of our Macon firemen extended to Sat urday only, our citizens and firemen took every ad vantage to render their visit pleasant aud agreeable. On Saturday morning hacks were hired end loaded with the members of the “Ocmulgee.” They were driven to Thunderbolt and other objects of interest. Returning, they partook of dinner at the Marshall House, after which they began to make preparations for the journey. At about 3 o’clock the Company were waited upon by members ol the Ogiethorpe Company and escorted to the Firemen’s Hill. The greater part of the members of the Washington, Germania and Oglethorpe Companies were assembled in lull cos tume. A trial was soon proposed and had between the Ocmulgee and Oglethorpe Hand Engines, in which the former proved the victor. The members of-Ihe various companion assisted iu working the jjacou en gine, Which was returned by the Macon firemen working the Oglethorpo engine. After tile exciting aud creditable trial the compaT uies proceeded up stairs, where a collation awaited them, which was enjoyed with the pleasure and jmi d‘esprit of the occasion. They lingered until near 4 o’clock, when, forming into line, they inarched to the depot, the engine being drawn by the Savannah fire men, and the members being escorted by detach meuts from the various companies. At the depot they wore drawn up iu line, and an appropriate address delivered, in which the pleasure of thoir visit was referred to, as well as regret at the preparation, wilioh they had but little time to make. The Savannah firemen hoped to meet them again when iu a better condition to render them ooml'orla ble. Au uncalled for compliment to their gentle manly bearing and conduct was delivered, in whiob tbeir action as firemen and good citizens was ex tolled. This was replied to by Foreman A. F. Herzog, who stated ihat the Company merely caine down upon a pleasure trip, aud did not oxpe t the warm reception which they had received. In conclusion, he paid a most glowing compliment to tho citizens and firemen’ ot Savannah, expressing the hope that at no future day the firemen of Savannah would visit Macon, and thus reciprocate the kiud treatment they received here. Amid expressions of undying friendship and warm shakings of hands they'entered the cars, and were soon off to their happy homes amid the cheers of the crowd. After the departure of the train the Savannah fire men were again addressed, after which they dispersed to their several houses. Theatre. To-night one of the finest and most exalted plays on tho stage, the “Duke’s Motto,” with Mr. Stetson as Captain Lagerdereas, the principal character, will be performed. It is a play abounding with human generosity, female beauty of character, and the wiles and intrigues of courts. Asa lesson of morally it is doubly worth the price of admission. Do not fail to see it and the laughable after-piece. Take the Dictator for Savannah— Passengers to Savannah from this city, from a nervous dread of sea sickness sometimes go by railroad via Augusta aud Millen, traveling right through, day and night. It seems a Hobson's choice at best, between a day’s sea sickness and a day and night’s travel on tho cars, but we have it on the authority of the Augusta Press that since a recent change in schedule, passengers by the night train from that city to Savannah must lie over five hours at Millen. This, we think, effectually decides the question iu favor of the steamboat route between Charleston and Savannah, and our advice to our readers is by all means to take passage on th. Dictator, than which no boat has better accommoda* tlons or more skillful aud obliging officers—CTiarles ton Mercury, June 14. An Acknowledgment.—^Wo return our boartiest thanks to Captain Postell, the kind and considerate commander of the schooner Coquette, for a bunch of bananas that excel in size and deliciousness any fruit of the kind we have seen. We regret that we were absent from our sanctum when the Captaiu called, and hope he will drop in again before leaving our port. STATE OF GEORGIA, EFFINGHAM COUNTY— Whereas, Oliver M. Lillibridge, executor pf Elizabeth Ross, represents to the Court in his peti tion, duly filed and entered on record, that lie has tally administered Elizabeth Ross's estate: This Is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, t° show cause, il any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday iu October next. ’ F. E. TEBEAU, mh26—lam6m* Ordinary, THE COURTS. Mayor’s Court—June 15. His Honor, E. C. Anderson, Presiding. Robort Charlton, a freedman, was charged with vio lating a health ordinance, by contracting to empty a sink and neglecting to do the work properly, and leaving the same in a condition prejudicial to the health of the neighborhood. It turned out, however, that the nuisance was caused by the imperfect man ner in which the sink was constructed; but the uegro having failed to procure a permit to do the work from the Sanitary Inspector, he was discharged upon pay ment of costs, and the agent ot the owners of the property notified to abate the nuisance without delay. Robert Maher was found drunk, lying in the street, and taken to the guard house in a cart. He told the old story about being deceived by the Savannah whis key, which, he said, he had never tasted before, being a stranger in the city. He paid a fine of three dollars and costs. Robert Gordon, a freedman, was charged with cursing ami abusing a lad near the Market House, He was fined five dollars. James Flynn, a yellow boy, from Charleston, South Carolina, charged with entering the premises of two colored people at 1154 o’clock p. m. without permis sion. He said he had no home, and exhibited symp toms of insanity. His Honor directed him to bo ex amined by a physician, and if found to be insane, to take measures to have him sent to his home. Arrivals at the Hotels. MARSHALL UOUSE-A. B. LUCK. JLMoigan, IA Einstein, TBaxter, Ga G H Allen, Mass H H Fitter, Me |t Wood, Mass T Magner, ss Leo |G P Allen, ss Leo J G Thomas, ss Leo H E Smith, do A J Milier, Ga * SCREVEN HOUSE—G. MefilNLY. J M Marsh, J j R.yols, Ga J cnyder, R R E Brown, city T A liaugtnen, Dei J Tucker, L E Prescott, SO j E Tluckany, str Sylvan K A Singleton, S C Shore W M Smith, Ga, Vs L Dow, Fla J L Crawiord, Ga Mrs Snipes, do J E o'Ferrell, ti A Hud, Fia. O A Benton, Fla, s S Wing, Ga E Wimberly, Ga M J Cullen, str Swan PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. Wiltdehgbb C H Du Pont, Fla B W Doe, Ga G W James, Miss M Dos Gen UAH Blake,. U,B A T A Duughten, Del Miss A Gorman, I p Leopold, Ga G Garwood, Fla R Orme, Ga Miss E Garwood, Fla J Deloue, Mr Rodolph Jr 2 children, S W Mason, city Fla A P Wright, Ga S 0 McOorkle, Fla E A Keeclie, Ga D J Bailey, Ga s D Deckson, G T Smith, do Miss N Schofield, Ga B Ellison, Ga A Fullerton, city Mrs Ellison, Ga Shipping Intelligence. 4luiaiur» liiuau&c -’this Day* daii rl iCi.. 4 65 'jllJl seta 7 06 HIGH WATER AT FORT PULASKI. Morning 7 30,Evening. 7 51 P<>KT OF.SAVANNAH- Sp.NOAY, Juno 10,1867, Arilyeu. Steamer Sylvan Shore, Tucker, Palatka—Claghorn & Cunningham. Steamer liictator, Coxetter, Palatka, Flodda—L J Guilmartin &00. Steamer Louise, Wilson, Mobile —Master. Schr M-aggif! Yandusen, Corseu, Philadelphia— Hunter <k trammel}. • Schr Ularj, Carsey, New York—Sitan: & Roberts. Schr Coquette, Postell, Barracoa—J T Paterson. Cleared. Steamer Pilot Boy, iftcNelty, Charleston—C lag horn & Cunningham. steamer D.ofaßu', cojjetter, J GuiL martin dr Cos. Steamer Julia St Clair, Ward, Augusta—M A Cobon. Steamer Louise, Wilson, Wilmington, Dei—Master. Schr J B Knowles, Scott, New York—Hunter A Ginimell. Imports. Per steamer Sylvan Shore, from Palatka, Fla—l ibUndle deer hides, 2do cow hides, 15 hides, 1 bundle blankets, 2 bales wool, 38 bbls rum, 7 sacks corn, 5 cases braDdy, fi cases augur, 1 cape scraps, 1 do jelly. Ptr steamer Dictator, from Palatjra, Fla—4 barrels liquor, (i Bales potto*, 32 boxes tomatos, 9 bides, i tjuudle skjus, 34 boxes merchandise, 5 bbls fish. Per schr data, from New York—lßo bbls eemeut, 5t,0 keg3 nails, and assorted merchandise. Per schooner Maggie Vandusen, from Philadelphia —2H pair of ear wheels, 287 pieces pig iron. Expurti, Per scljr J B Knowles, lor New Yorjt—ll9 bales wool, 359 bars iron, 931 bbls rosin, 103 do turpentine and assorted merchandise. paaeaseri. Per steamer Bietator, from Palatka, Fia—Miss A Gorman, T A Duughien, M Adler, J S hitj)um, M E Barber and lady, H VV Carr and son, J S U!|tton, J L Broome, jr, G VV James, J H Baker, and throe deck. Per s'earner Sylvan Shore, from Palatka, Fia— K W imberly, Mr Wirgand, G H Spencer, R Einstein, Mi VVumbuig, Mr Riles, J T Keene, A Peddy, M G Par kei', C Spaulding and lady. Mis and Miss Kell, C H Rernick, Mr Prince, R P Hawi.s, li A Herndon. Cottsltfneea. Per steamer Sylvan Shore, from Pal itka, Fla—Win S Blair, Thomas Williams, FMMyrell, Uulcombe s Cos, L J Gudmartin A Cos. Cooper A McA, BA Hern don, W s Marshall, W M Davidson, Blurt A M, Hawks Si C, Ruggles A A. Per si earner Dictator, from Palatka, I'la—TUon A G, L J GuitinarUu St Cos, J W Anderson’s Sons A Cos, c W Thompson, Bouse .4 B, M Adler, F. rresler A S. A now A F, Erwin A U, J L Villalonga, F One. Per schr Clara, from New York—F W Sims A Cos, RR Agent, CYahHorp, M A Ct|hen, Gas Light Cos, B B Foi riil, Claghorn $ U, R Mclptlfe A po. Weed A C, Holcombe & Cos, Blun A M, Brady A M, Ann in A E, and order. Consignees lien central It, U- June 15.1807. 247 bales cotton, 39 do yarn, to Jo domestics, 1 do hifies, tl empty barrels, 42 boxes tobacco, 5 bundles paper, 3 bills lard, 12 boxes merchandise 110 bars iron, 12 pieces granite, too camp kettles, 60 sks pea-*. Is cars wood, 12 do lumber, aud mdse, to Milieu * W, J N Muller, W M Davidsou, T V Hutchins, M A Cohen, Col Reynolds, Wylly A M, Hess, (1 & Cos, H R Chris tian, J Warren, L J GuUmarlin A Cos, J E Hernandez, iil' iily A M, Central K K Ayt, Johnston, W A Cos, A M Scarborough, J W Lathrop A Cos, W Battershy A Cos, Wilder A F, A Low A Cos, Wilkinson, W A Cos, S E Boihweli, Clark, J A Cos. ' Consignees per Atlantic & Gull'll. R. June 15, 1867. 11 bales cotton, 2 cars cattle, 1 car sheep, and mer chandise, to Scott, H A Cos, J L Roumillat, Agent, J i. Dozier, Austin A E, Tlson A U, Bryan, H A Cos, A Minis, Quckenheimer A S, Sloan, 8 A S, Claghoru A. C, Jones A W, Duncan A J, J A W Rutherford, Mcßae A W, Houseman, A A Cos, Davant A W, Hess A G, L J Ouilmartiu & Cos. W J Clark, W M Davidson, Gnerard, F A Cos, Mr Davidson, J W Anderson's Sons A Cos, A K Folsom, E B Sutton, Hilton A It. ————y—tm—y NOTICE. —Application has boen made to the Ordi nary of Oliahtam county lor an order to be passed at.the July term, 1867, for leave to sell the personal property of the estate of Mrs. Catharine P. Hayden, ior the purpose of paying the debts and dis tribution among the hoirs. l. dewitt, i >• Executors. W. W. LINCOLN, | my23—law2m CTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY —T v ’ all whom it may concern : Whereas, George H. Johnston will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration cum testameuto annexo on the es ate of Ediuuud Moly neaux, deceased: t’hese are, •herol'oro, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear beforesaid Court, to m iko‘objection {if any they have), on or before the first Monday iu July next, otheryvise said Letters .vili be granted. Witness my official signature this 31st day of May, 1867. D. A. O’BYItNE, n l—lawlw Ordinary Chatham county. fl EORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To ail whom \JT it may concern: Whereas, Andrew M. Ross will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters liismissory as Administrator de bonis nun on tie estate of Wdnam Scarborough, of said county, deceased ; These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness my ofticlal signature this Ist day of A ril 1867. D. A. O'BYRNE, ap6—lam6m Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Thomas S. Mallard will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Executor on the estate of Wm 8. Baker, of said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have), on or before the first Monday iu January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature, this 3rd day of June, 1867. W. P. GIRARDEAU, jutieG—lam6m Ordinary of Liberty cohnty. STATE OF GEORGIA—LIBERTY COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Thom ,s 8. Mallard will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters liismissory us Executor on the estate of Thomas Mallard, of said county, de ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have), on or be fore the first Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 3d day of June, 1867, W. P. GIRARDEAU. je6-lam€m Ordinary Liberty County. IEGAL NOTICE—AII persons to whom the estate j of A Bryan is indebted will present their claims, aud those who are indebted to said estate will make payment to AMANDA BRYAN, rny 14- — lawOw Administratrix. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE "MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME.” THE Legislature of the State of Georgia, at the \uM session, granted to W. W. Boyd, and others, a Grant to adopt a Lottery, or series ot Lotteries and Agencies, to raise money for the purpose of build ing a Horne lor and supporting indigent Widows and Orphans—the Home to be called tno “MASON IC OKFHANS’ HOME ” The grantees have associated with them, as a Board of Managers, some of the best citizens of this State, in tne great work of benevolence and charity. We call the attention <-f the public to the GKAND BGHEME below, and ask your patronage In p'lrclmsing tickets, yon will remember that should you fail to draw a prize, that your money will be strictly and Maaonically applied to a charita ble work. liEORGIA STATE LOTTER X, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE “Masonic Orphans’ Home I” TO BE DRAWN IN OPEN PUBLIC, at ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1867—Class C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1867—Class D. Soheme the Same for Each Month 1 Prize of., $50,000 ig $50,000 1 Prize of 20,000 Is 20,000 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 Prize ol 6,000 is smoo 1 Prize of 2,500 j a,e - 24 Prizes of 500 are 12,050 65 Prizes of 260 are 13,750 125 Prizes of 200 are 25,000 160 Prizes of 100 are 16,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSOO each f.r the uine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $50,000 Piizeare 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of $250 each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $20.000 Prize are 2,250 9 Approximation Prize, of S2OO each for the nine remaining units of ifie same ten of the No. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize are 1,800 9 Approximation Prizesof SJOO euoh tor the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $5,000 Prlzo are 000 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing ihe $2,500 Prizes are 1,800 424 Prizes, amounting to $168,000 Whole Tickets, sl2; Halves, $6; Quarters, $3; Eighths, $1 50. All the Prizes above stated are drawn at every drawing. JP LAN Os the Great Lotteries, and Explanation ol Drawings. The numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with the numbers on the Tickets, ipe pointed uu separate slips of paper 4UU pncfrcled ’with small tubes, ami placed ip a glass wheel. All the Prizes in accord ance with tne Scheme, are similarly printed and en circled, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and two boys, blindfolded, draw the Numbers and Prizes. Onp of the boys draws one number from tup wheel of Nps.. and at the same pine tfie oflier boy tfra\7 s out uhe prize from tlip wheel of Prizes. The number and prize drawn out and exhibited to the audience, and what ever prize comes o«t is registered and p aoed to the credit ol 1 hat 1, umber j and this operation is re peated until all the Prizes are drawn out. Tbe tickets .ire piiuled in the following style: They are divided inio Quarters and Eighths, printed on the face of the Ticket. Four Qnarters, or eight Eighths, bearing the same number, constitute u Whole Ticket. Prizes Payable Disental- W. W. BOYD, Deputy Qrand Master, principal Manager, Atlanta, Ueorgie Orders for Tickets hy mail or express to be ad dressed to L If BROADBENT, Agent, Or W. W. BOYD, Principal Manauor, feb27—lawevMtjel7 Atlanta, Georg it. O. W. MASSEY. F. S. JOHNSON, SEN COTTON GINS- Combination of Skill and Pri(ct)pa) Ex. rpHE undersigned, having completed ttietr shops, X are now read* to receive orders or Cotton Gins. They it liter themselves that their Gins will compare favorably with those of any other establishment, oar Mr. Massey having b en employed with Mr. Samuel Griswold lor len years, from 1881 to 1841, and since IS4I a successnn K.anuraeturpr on MS utt-i account We have at work for us many of the men braght up by Mr. Griswold in ihe business from boyhood, there by securing a combination of skill and practical ex p.lienee. We will spare no pains in striving to give satisfaction, as our success and, pends on the merits of our Gina; and as we procure seed cotton and test our Gins before shippin >, buyers of ns may rely on being plea-ed. Having a foundry attached to our business, we are prepared to furnish all castings for gins, gin und mill gear, sugar mills and boilers, and fur any other machinery that may be wanted. Our works are con- euierit to Macon (three miles distant!, on Central Railroad, and easy ol ace ss. UEP.URISIU HONK WITH DISPATCH. G ns sent by rail to Macon, for repairs, wld b« taken to our shop by us, aud returned to Macon. Orders addressed to us at Mac n, wilt riceive prompt attention, and as we expect to have but tew travel ing ageuts, persons intending to purchase of us will please send In their qrdprs as early as practicable. We would say to the former patrons of tyr. Qriswold that, iu eoiiscquonte of advanced qge, he has given up the manufacture or gins entirely, and his kindly extended to us all his experience anil advice. Werespectiully ask a share ol pfttranage. MASSEY ft JOHNSON, Bibb County, Oa , May 20th, 1867. K.O, WADE A CO., Agents, my2o-law4m Savannah. Ga. Co-Partnership Notice. I HAVE admitted P. MACOMBER to an interest iu my Wholesale and Retail Clothing Busi ness in the city of Savannah, and the busiHeee will hereafter be carrjad on under the firm name of H. A, TUPHAJU di CO. Jal4—lw 11. A. I'OPUAM. STOP ' STEALING! I ADDRESS MYSELF to all who in Buy manner deprive me of bottles bearing my name. If you have any of those butties about your premises, send them to the nearest grocery store or bar room, and 1 will recover them; then you will ho restoring oar neighbor’s goods. Respectfully, nryt9—lf JOHN RYAN. F. C. UGUTE A CO., {LateLighte, Newton A Bradburys,) Manufacturers of First Class Pla Fortes, Highest premium at the American World's Fa rand Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. This well known establishment is n >w continue by F. C. LIOHTE aud LOUIS ERNST, at the old stand, 421 Broome street, between Crosby and Elm New York City. jy4-Iveod SAWED WOOD! piNE WOOD for sale by WM. BURNS «& CD,, Head of Broughton street, near Safaiinah und Ogee ohee Canal, iu quantities to suit purchasers. Sawed to any length required, and delivered in any part of the ci y, at $6 per cord. my22-BOdlm QTATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To O all whom it may concern : Whereas, William Burns aud Robert Mclntire will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Executors ou the estate of Mary Auu Quantock, of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he aud appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in September next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 4th day of March, 1867. D. A. O’BYRNE, mhs—laraflni* O. C. C. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Jane Bryan will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory*as Executrix on the estate of Joseph Bryan, of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, tooite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, il any they have, on or before the lira! Monday in September next, otherwise saidlet terg will be granted. Witness my official signature this 16th day of Feb ruary, 1867. D. A. O'BYRNE, feblß—lamCm Ordinary Chatham County. STATE OF GEORGIA, EFFINGHAM COUNTY— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Adolphus 8. Cauuet has applied to me for Letters ol Administration on the estate of Cara mel Tysou, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to o te all 'persons, whether kindred or creditors, to appear at tne Court of Ordi nary on tile illst, Monday in July next, to make ob jections (If anv they have) why Letters should not be granted to tire applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 26th day of May, A. D., 1867. my2B—law4w" F. E. TEBEAU. Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —All persons hav ing demands against Sarah M. Gould, deceased, tale oi Liberty county, Georgia, are hereby notified and requested to present them, properly attested, lo be nn ersigned wlibin the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to the said deceased are hereby required to make payment to the undersigned, Wal thourville, Liberty county. A. C. DUNHAM, my3o—lawßw Administrator. Ruction Sales—This Day. BY JMjUN & MEYEII. THjIS DAY, 17th iust., at 10 o’clook, will bo sold, 5 hogsheads Bacon shoulders and Sides 10 barrels Sugar Cured Hams, 50 boxes Goshen Cheese, 10 tubs Goshen Butter, 10 tubs Leaf Lard, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 boxes Sparkling Champagne, H T. 10 rises Rhine Wine, lo cases Port Wine, 10 cases Sherry Wiue f 6 boxes Tallow Candles, 10 barrels Muscovado Miffasses, 1 barrel Imported Brandy, 4th proof, 4 bags Dned Apples, 2 bags Jamaica Ginger, 3 barrels Currants. ALSO, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Notions, 8 Awnings, an assortment of Furniture, and 1 Cottage Bedro m Sett. j«i7 UNDER W IUTERiTsaIe. BY LaItOCHE, BELL Ac WILLIAMS, THIS DAY, Monday, June 17th, at 12 o’clock. In from of the Exchange, THE HULL, ENGINE AND MACHINERY OF THE STEAMER FOREST CITY, A« eh« now lies at Venus Point, saved from the fire of 16th ultimo, and sold under inspection and re commeudation of the Port Wardens for account of the Underwriters and all concerned. Terms cash. j e j,y Private Sales. CHOICE MUSCOVADO MOLASSES AT PRIVATE SALE. BY LaKOCHE, BELL A WILLIAMS. 120hhds Choice Muscovado Molasses, 48 tierces Choice Muscovado Molasses. jels _ New Cottage Furniture —AT— PKIVATE SaAJL,:E. BY LaKOCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS. Another large invoice just received per schooner J. B. KNOWLES, from Bostor, consisting of COTTAGE CHAMBER SETTS, CHAIBB, (all kinds), BEDSTEADS (assorted.) jeS-tf AT PRIVATE SALE. BY LaKOCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS. Now in store and for sale LOW at auction prices, 2,000 bushels Good Yellow Com, IQ boxes Choice Shoulders, 5 lihda Clear Itibbed Sides, 16 bbls Muscovado Molasses, 60 kegs Nails, (4’s to 30’s), 100 boxes Soap, (assorted), 25 boxes Adamantine Candles, 100 cases Wines and Liquors, 60 kegs Butter, 40 baskets Champagne, 20 cases Congress Water, 25 bbls Falkirk Ale, 10 tierces Rice, 20 caddies Chewing Tobacco, 10 cases Segars. j©7 A LARGE INVOICE OF FURNITURE AT PRIVATE SARE, BV LaKOCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS, Consisting of the following invoices just received from Boston and New York : Chestiut Gr. Toaster Cottage Sett, English Oak R. C., Office Table Chairs, Peg Arm Chairs, A. G. Chairs, light, Wood Boston Rockers, Wood Nurse Rockers, A. G. Chairs, Red, C. 4'B. Nurse Rocker*. C. N B, Arm Rockers, 8. Q. Chairs, Baltimore Wood E. Ohairs, 8. Wood E. Chairs, Oak Dressing Chairs, C. & B. Arm Rookers, D. B. Wood Seats, U. S. Teaater Bedsteads, No. 1 Beadsteads, R. C. Single Bedsteads, No. 4 Bedsteads, R. C. Bedsteads,Mtefi, Gothic Teaater Bedsteads, No. Single Bedsteads, Three feet Leaf Tables', Ac, 4c, For sale lory jn lots to si;it purchasers. ;may 34 FOR U*USF/, BY QRQ, W- WYLLY, Twenty-seven acres of Land, one mile from the city, on the Midddle Ground road—all together, or in parts, as may lie desired. Also, five Lotsin Frewtown, form ing a body of 300 by 106 feet, lying between Jefferson and Barnard streets. marls This Deliciou? Tonic Especially doaigtijfi (Q, me use of the Medical Profession and the Family. is now indorsed by all the prominent Physicians. Chemists and Connoisseurs, as possessing all tiioßt intrinsicmedlclnaiqualities (tome anfi diuretic)which belong to an OLD AND PURE GIN. Wetrnstthat our established repntatlou—tonndeci upon eighty-eight years of experience—abundantly vindicates our claims to public confidence, and guar antees the excellence of this Standard Article. Put np in cages, containing one dozen bottles each, and sola by H . G . RUfE, 80LE AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA SAVANNAH, v And all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. A, M. BININGER & CO„ [Established 1778. J Sole Importers, No. 15 Beaver street, New York. Opinions of the Press. The Btnlngers, No. 15 Beaver street, have a very high reputation to sustain, as the oldest and best house in New York —Home Journal. The house of A. M Bininger A Cos., No. 15 Beaver street, hns sustained for a period of eighty years a reputation that may well be envied—N. Y. Evening Post. left-eoddAwly NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John Cunningham, administrator upon the estate of Randolph McDonald, deceased, late ol said county, having made application for dismission from said administration to the Court of Ordinary: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters wil] be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this Ist day Os April, 1867. M. A. CUAWFORP, apft— lam6m Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern; Whereas, William H. Wlltberg r will apply at the Courtof Ordinary fur Letters Dismissory as Admin istratior on the estate of Elizabeth Hoherts, of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday iu September next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official slgiiatnre this Bth day ol March, 1S«:. D. A. O’BYRNR, mil# lain6m O. C. C. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whomil ” may concern: Whereas, George Jones will apply at the Court ol Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Executor on the estate of Harriet f. Campbell, of said county, de ceased: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said court to make objection (il auy they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otheiwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this Ist day of April, 1867. D. A. O’BYRNE, ap3—lara6m O. C. O. TATE OF GEORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY—Where as, James C. Drawdy, administrator on the estate of Joseph H. Manning, late of said county, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, thathe has fully administered said estate : This is, therefore, to cite all poisons concerned, Kindred and ciediiors, to show cause (If any they can) why said administrator should not be dis charged aud receive Letters of Dismission, ou the fits Monday in October, 1867. Witness my hand and official signature this 6th day of M.y, 1866. GAO. W. RUtyPH, myls—lam6m Ordinary. Georgia— wayne county— ro an whom it may concern: Henry P. Grantham having, in proper form, ap plied to me for permanent letters o[ ad ministration on the estate of Thomas Grantham, late of said county: T ds la to cite all and singular the creditors ami next of kiu of Thomas Grantham to be ami appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause (If any they can) why permanent letters of ad miulet ration should not be granted said appli cant on tho first Monday in July next. Witness my hind and official signature this 28th flay of May, iS67. GEO. W. HUMPH, jel—lawlm Ordinary. MARYLAND CLUB Smoking Tobacco I I fihir For sale by all fiist-class Tobaeconiats. imyl7—flttwlml Shipping. For Baltimore. The steamship FANNIE, Capt. H. H. Smoot, will sail for Baltimore on Thursday, June 20th, at iOo’cloek a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accom modations, apply to WEST & DANIELS, ■ Jones'Block. Philadelphia and Southeni Mail Steamship Cos. Por Philadelphia. The first class steamship WYOMING, TKAL, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, June 22d, at 12 o’clock in. For freight or passage appl y to junell-td HUNTER A GAMMELL. Murray's Line FOR NEW jg|g YORK. The first-class, new steamship Leo, DEARBORN, Commander, will eat! on Tuesday, June 18. al 8 y„ o’clock a. ni. Positively no engaged berths secured uulees paid for by Monday morning, June 17th. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, J° s 84 Bay street. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner w. S HILLS, Captain Gkohgi: Thompson, having bulk of cargo engaged, will have uiapaicu for the above port. Apply to jels—2t HUNTER & GAMMELL For Liverpool. The A1 British ship -VQaO ALLAHABAD, Z STEVENSON, Master, •■xis now lecelving oargo, and only requiring one thousand bales to finish Her engagimeut, will have quick dispatch for the above port. Apply to je!2—-tf CHARLF.S GREEN A SON. FOR LIVERPOOL r Uta British ship /ffjCTp) Oeob e Habclay, Master, will have diepateb. For freight, ot eight hu idred bales cotton, apply to jell—ts WM. BATTSRSBY A CO. OLB Ml-WIKLI LINE. Leave Every Tuesday & Friday For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA- Kt'9, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE. AND PICOLATA. The now and elegant steam packets, LIZZXK BAKKK, Capt. N. KING, and SYLVAN SHORE, Capt. JAMES TUCKER, having been specially mini up fin i fib route alu unsurpassed accommodations, will leave regularly for the above places, the Sylvan snore every TUB: DAY MORNING, and the Llzzio Baker every FBI DAY MORNING, at ten o'clock Retnrning, willloava Jacksonville every Mondai and Friday, arriving at Savannah every” Tuesday and Saturday mornings, iu time lo connect wil li th, New York steamers. Freight for Trader's Hill, Camp Pinckney, Colo ratne, King’s Ferry, aud all landings oust. Mary'i river will be received and forwarded every Friday per steamer Lizzie Baker, and will be charged through at luo per cent, additional to regular tariff. The Sylvan Shore will touch at Darien going and returning. No Freight rterlvcd after *3 o’clock on day of sailing. Forfreight or Passage apply at the office ou Florida wharf, or to ( LAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Ageutr. N. B—AH freight payable byshippers. lylti-U “BACON'S DIGEST.” Digest of Georgia Reports, VOLUMES 2 1 TO 3 0 INCLUSIVE, 33y O. Haeon. FOR SALE BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. j jurielk— tr j Greenbrier .White Sulphur Spriugs WILL BE OPENED IST OP JUNE, 1867. THE popular and far-tamed WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, iu Ureenbriercounty, West Virginia, will be open the ensuing season ior the arc,,u,n,dila- tion of a lur-e number ol visiters an i will be kepi in the best style by the Lessees, GEORGE L. PEY TON ft CO., assisted by WILLIAM U. PKITON, brother of the principal, both of wliom are experi enced hotel-keepi rs. Near the While Sulphur is an excellent Chalybeate Spring. Rosenbarger’s celebrated Brass anil String Band o Baltimore has been engaged ior the season. The lights of parties owning cottages at tliesi Springs will be respected upon their giving timely no tice to the lessees of their purpose to occupy them. The railroad will be completed to Covington by Ist July, from llience to the Springs by stage, and a suf ficiency of coaches w ill be provided to ensure com fort to passengers, as not over ten will go upon a sin gle coach. Cholera is uukuown iu the regions of the White Sulphur Springs. je3-eod2w GEO, L PEYTON ft CO. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it mav concern: Whereas, John W. Burroughs will apply at tile Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismiss uy us Admin istrator de bonis non ou the estale of Joseph H. Bur roughs, of safil county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom It may concern, to lie and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters will begrauted Witness my official signature, this 19th day of March, 1867. D. A. O’BYRNE, wh2o—lamCm Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, John B. Barnwell will apply at the Oouil of Ordinary for Letters D smissory us Administrator on the estate ol Elizabeth B. Barnwell, of said couii ty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to ho and appeal at said Court to make objection, (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 3d day of De cember, 1866. D. A. O’BYKNK, decs-lam6m* Ordinary. State ~of ~ ue6rgia-ltbekty~cgunty— To all whom It may concern: On the first Monday in August I will apply to the Honorable the Oourt ol Ordinary of Lioerty County, for leave I o sell all the lands belonging to the estate of William Maxwell, late of said county, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WM. C. STEVENS, nijJ l—law2m Administrator. Shipping. EMPIRE LINE FOR NEW YORK. PASSAGE RATES: CABIN PASSAGE $23. STEERAGE, with Subsistence sl7. The new and fast sidewheel steamship SAN JACINTO, ATKINS, Master, will sail for the above port on her regular day, June 22, at 12 o’clock in. Through freight of cotton taken to Liverpool by steam, and through bills of lading given here, at one half penny for square, and Ihreo farthings for round. For freight or passage, having very superior ac commodations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, NO. 12 Stoddard’s Range. . GARRISON & ALLEN, J«" No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. N. B.—Positively no engaged berth* secured alter Wednesday, June I7lh, unless paid for. FOR PALATKA, FLA., VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACK* SONVILLE, AND ALL INTERMEDI ATE LANDINGS THE NEW STEAMER D I C T A TOR, (1.000 Tons,) Captain L. M. COXETTER, Will leave Chaileston Every Tuesday, at 9 o'clock p. in , And Savannah for Patatka aid intermediate Land ings on the St. John’S Ktvbr, Every Wednesday, at It o’clock p. 111. Returning, will leave Palatka Every Thursday,-at 8 o’clock p. ni., And Savannah Every Saturday, at <J o'clock a. in., Arriving in Charleston same evening in time to con nect willi the Northeastern tram going North. For freight or passage apply to OaFT. L. M. COXETTER. Agents at Savannah: L. J GbujiakTin & Cos. jeT-tf _ New Voik and Bremen Steam ship Company. fJAHE FIRST-CLASS Tllilted Slates Mail Ntcanuvhi] s ATLANTIC, BALTIC, WESTERN METROPOLIS, fourth steamship now building, for Southampton and Bremen, taViilg putsengers to Southampton, London, Havre and Bremen, .at the following rates, payable in gold, or its equiva lent in currency, (to London or Pm is $5 additional) First Cabin, $110; Second Cabin, $65; Steerage, $35. From Bremen, Southampton mid Havre to New York, First Cabin, siu; Second Cabin, $76; Sleev age, $43 EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME, Cabia, $210; Second Cabin, $120; Sicerage SAILING DAYS FROM NE W YORK AND BREMEN. May 4th end IStli—June Ist, 15th and 291 h. July ]3tti aud 27th—August 10i!i and 24th St pteniber 7ill and 21st--Octf bt r sth and 19th. For freight or passage apply to BLUN & MEYER, Agents for Savannah, Ga, ISAAC TAYLOR, President, No. 49 Broadway, New York. mayl—ly DILLONS Patent Universal Cotton Tie and Iron Hoops. rpniS TIE, with the HOOP complete, weighs no more than the ut-ual i ope used in baling Cotton, and renders au allowance fur tare unuecessaiy. It loses no slack vffclc putting n. and isso perfect ihat the necessity lor heavy hoi pi, t. make up lor defi ciencies in ihe Tie, Is entirely obviated. Can be sold, by the pound or ion, as cheaply ns tho heavy hoops ana less perfect ties. Each and i very Tie is warranted perfect. As au evidence of tie estimation in which these Ties are held, weherewiih append Ihe certificate of the Agent of the Central Ceiton Press in t|u>: city, if a competent, judge can 1,0 louinl anywhere as to l**e *«ent» of Iron Th . this gentleman may smely be so considered, as lie presses H and* of bides of cotton every year, and li. • of all patents are lon btuntiy pas-dug through hie hands. OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL COTTON PRESS. * Savannah, May 27th, 1867. j Messrs. F. W. Sims & Cos., Agents for Dillon’s “Uni versal lV” Savannah. Dkar Sirs— ln my bueiuess of compressing cot ton. 1 have had eccasion to examine closely all ol ihe various Ties for iron bands need in baling cm ton aim take pleasure in testifying to tin- supeiUn ity over mi others of the "Universal Tie.” li is as easily adjusted and Is much stronger than any other Tie. A lie that is in,l good at the press is n t gi od at the plantation, as nearly all the cotton is compressed at Hie ports, amt a weak Tie must then lie replaced by a good one at The expense f ihe Plan I el- I have never seen .me ol your lies bleak, though I pitched a hale of cotton secured by one of tin in out ol a sec ond story to the ground, without any break to ihe tall. Under these circumstancesT unhesitatingly ucom menri the "Universal Tie” to i-veiyiP.anter as t oin biuiiig the gieaiest simplicity, with unequalled strength. _ S. W. Wli JOLT, Manager Ol Central Cotton Press Company, of savannah. A circular, with full parthmiars as io theupplicati i of this Tie, will accompany each package. F W. SIMs it co., Savannah, Ga , General Agents for Georgia, BEALL, M’KAHS A CO.. Agents, Augusta Uii. SIMS, LIGHTF’OOT A C’o., Agents, Macon, Ga., GRAY & BEDELL, Agents, je4-lm Coiumbus, Qu. CHEAP PRINTING PAPER TO EDITORS ili\D PUBLISHERS. LETTER FROM W. G. CLARK, ESQ., PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTHERN PRESS ASSOCIATION. ATLANTA, Ga., April 19, 1567. J. S. Tiiuabheu, Esq.: Dear Sir: It affords me much pleasure to commu - nicate to you the following resolution of the Southern Press ABsoclath n: Resolved, “That as a testimonial of our apprecia tion for the zealous, faithful and effective service oi John 8. Thrasher, Esq., as Superintendent oi this Association m years past, “We hereby tender him he thanks of Ihis Associ ation, and confer upon him ihe complimentary po sition of Ageut of the Southern I’iess Association in the city of New York.” The teims of commendation employed in ihe above resolution do uo mote limn, jusiicG to your important services during your superintend, licy— services which none had better opportunity to know, and none can more highly appreciate than myself. Should occa-dou inquire, 1 shall be glad to avail myself of the aid provided for by the resolution. Tory respectlully, your obedient serv’t, W. G. CLARK, President. NOTICE X would respectfully reqaent every daily, tri weeUy^wmi-weekly, weekly aud monthly journal, south or the Potomac and Ohio rivers, and the 36 de grees so minute* parallel of latitude we*t. of the Mississippi, topuWi*b this advertisement twice, and send lo me at New Volk, each time, a copy of the paper containing it postpaid, with b ll for same. It is desirable, In my combinations to procure cheaper printing paper for our Southern journals, that J shall have the ful eat information regarding the sizes of paper tißed t»y the several publications, and I can procure it in no other way thau by re questing particular attention to the need o( Bending copy of the publication w th the bill. I ueaire it sent twice to provide against mail fail urea, aud that they be postpaid to secure post oftice delivery. J. ft. TUKARIJhH ap2s-tt Box 5,63® New York, H. W. HARNEY & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, aid 3m No. 12 Stodd&fil’s Upper llanpc. For Rent, A BRISK STABLE ON YORK STREET, between Lincoln and Habershsin strec s. Apply at THIS OFFICE. u.>27 " A. RICHARDSON, SHIP BUOKEH AN 1) Oommission INI ercliant fcbl-tf Jli.f BAY STREET,