Tri weekly news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, April 22, 1868, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. THK HiULI By Oentbal Railuoad, through pouches for New York, PhiUdGlpUU, »Viwiiiiigton, Augusta, Charles ton, at 7 o’clock P. M, daily. Bk Central Railroad, through pouches for Au gusia, Atlanta, Alii ledge ville Eatonton, daily, and way mail for liuo ot Central Railroad, and ah points con tiguous, at 6% o’clook A AI , daily, except Sundays. By Central Railroad, througu pouches for Ma con, Columbus, S. W. R. R., Atlauta and Chattanoo ga Postal Oar, taking all mail matter lor the Weateju and North-western States, at 2 P. M. dai y. Atlantic and Gulf hailr >ad, for all points on the road and contiguous; Uaiubridge, Ga., Talla hassee, J acksouvnle, and a ] parts of Eionda, out Florida Braucn Railroad, o p. xn., dauy excent Sundays. ' * Hj steamer, for Brunswick, St. Simou’s Island, st. Mary sand Fredcn a, eve y Wednesday at b a m. B.v steamer, for l>aneu, every Tuesday and Satur day at 8 a. m. On Sundays all mails will close at 2 p. in. MONEY SENT WITHOUT HANGER OF LOSS, 5? e meaua °* JAone y Orders, at the Savannah Post Ol- The Office will open for business at 9 o’clock a. in., *nu close at 5 o’clock p. in. On Sundays the Office wid oe opened lor the delivery of the mail from 9 to Id o’clock a. m. T. P. Robb, P. M. AUENTb. The following named perssons are authorized to act as agents to receive subscriptions and advertisements for the News and Herald; OiTY.—Wa, Estill, Jr., Bull street, corner Bay Laue. jlaOON—Havens & Brown, News Dealers. lIA IN BRIDGE. - ~ I'iiEODOKK R. Wabdell. THoUASVIILE —J. R. y. Davis, DUBLIN, GA.-J J. Keen HOME, GA. —Adolfu A. Omrebo Jr. DaRIEN, GA.—D. W Davis. L vWTJN.— James Russell. HOjAERSViLLE. —James Russell. B-* vtiKdilEAß, GA.— Jas. L. Moseley, Esq. HroOKToN. GA.—George 8. Skhukrt. V \LDGBTA, GA.—P. «Pendleton. MtLliEj.iislVlLLE, GA.—W. A. QuilliaN. AJAE.UIUo, Ga —M B. G. unoil. HtwlNsN tin ad, .*». o«—W. H. Calvert. GALvEBVILLd, FLA—Dr. Porter. MONTICEILO, PL A.—Thus. Bimmons. » « FLEMING TON, PDA.—H. v. BTanwood. pda —j. W Jones QOINJI, PDA.—Thom vs J. SHEPARD. J AOKSON V’liiLiCj, FDA—E. ii. itKiD. FERN AN DINA, PL —P. O. Suhukb BT. AUGlia LINE, FLA—vV. H. Guenno. HoUai'ON, FDA. — Mc.iULAY. NEW YORK.—B, al. PETTiNoiLL &, Cos., 37 Park Row; Joy, gob A Cos., No. i opruce stroet; 0. 11. Puklps w Go., New York Herald Building, andJ. U JOKER At Go. BJai'ON-a. M. Pe itingill A 00., State street, And George P. Row all At G '26 Congress street, A. F. Lincoln at Cos , No. 89 Court street; 8. R Niles. PHILADELPHIA—Jo* Coe & Cos., 1 4rk South sixth B*eet. CINCINNATI—g. H. Parvin, 17G Pine Street; Cj k, Coburn & Mack. 13ti pine Street. OH 10AGO—Cook, Coburn ta 00.. 87 Dearb rn-st. NEW ORLEANS, DA—E. C. Wharton aCo, 8a Common street. O. W. PITTMAN, Ja., is the General Travelling Ageut lor me News and Hkryld for Florida and Southwestern Georgia. 1* »S I'MAS I E ts everyw here are authorized to re ceive adverLi'.eineuts and subscriptions at our reg ular rates. , JO« PtUYTJYtt. We have connected with the News and Herald Establisunion t, a liuo Job Printing Office, complete iu all respects, with new typo, presses and othor m aerial, and competent workmen. Orders lrom the country cau be forwarded oy mail or express, and Will be prompily lilled, at as low prices as anywhere o toe ->tato. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Index to New Advertisements. Meeting of Georgia Chapter, No. 3, K. A. M., this evening 7 H o’clock. Groceries, furniture, etc., at auction this day by Bali & Hull. Auction sale of schooner aid cargo, ou 24th instaut, by Bell A Hull. Notice to billhol lers against bark W li Fenwick. Gallett’r patent stee’-brush cotton gins for sale by Wiu. H Stark & Cos. Monlvale Spring , Blount county, East Tennessee, opens June Ist, The Union Society celebrates Its 118)1) anniveraay to. morrow. Orthodoxy vs. Reform, by Rev. R D’O. Lewln, for sa c by Cooper, Olcott A Cos. Information wanted. Notices by J- Paulsen & Cos. Opera oioak to be raffled at the Fair to. nit ht. TO rilK PUBLIC. John A. Grubb Is no longer authorized to act fur the News and Hxbald in any capacity. Our cotemporarle* and patrons will please take notice of tbe above. Jblleciion Tickets. Cihd'dateeof both political putties,or their lrlends can have their tickets tor the elect on on the 20th ol April printed at this office neatly aud legibly upon he following terms: For the flie’ ItOO $5.00 For each additional 10U0 2 50 For less than 500 SI.OO per hundred. They will be etthir mailed or Expressed as parties may order, but at their expense, ’the Tickets will be printed In any form desired. t&- No attention will be paid to any order unless accompanied with the money. Address, Mason & Estill, Savannah, Ga. The Savannah Ladies' Memorial Associa tion.—This Society met yesterday at the veatry ot tbe Independent Presbyterian Church, to make some preliminary arrangements for observing the historic 26'uh of April. The anniversary this year falls upon the Sabbath, but it was decided that the time for decorating the graves of our heroic dead, who willingly gave their lifes for the cause of their people, should not be changed, the work being not considered inconsistent with a pious observance of the tiabbath* but rather especially adapted to the sacred day. So on next Sabbath afternoon, should the weather permit, the ladies of the city will visit L uirei Grove Cemetery to enjoy the melancholy pleasure of decorating the patriots’ graves with mementoes of lasting uifecion. Should the weather be unfit on that day, tLe ceremonies will be post poned to the next fair day. This Association are endeavoring to raise funds for enclosing the lots where rest the Confederate dead, with a plain but subs antial iron fence. They have tecured a part of the necessary amount* but not nearly enough for the portion of the work designed to be accomplished this season. This is a pr ject which all our citizens should encourage, aud both duty and patriotic pride should dxctrte prompt and libeial C ntributions. Montvale Springs.— The public have no doubt been pleased to learn irom the announcement, says the Knoxville, Term., P.ess A lieraid, that this deiight.ul Sammer Resort* not only for invalids, but for teeners of r creation and pleasure, will be opened 4or the reception of guests on tbe flrst of June. Tbe Springs will be under the immediate superintendence of the proprietor—Mr. Joseph L. King—whose excellent management of tbe estab lishment in JBJ3 will be pleasantly remembered by all who were so fortunate as to partake of his hospi talities. The facilities for reaching the Springs have been greatly increased. Last year it was necessary to travei by c >ach from K ioxv lie, a distance of twenty-four miles. This season visitors can retch Maryville by rail, and by ft pleasant drive of niue miles over an excellent road* aud iu comtortable coaches, within three hours after leaving Kuoxville, reach Montvale. Montvale has ntver yet been appreciated. Al though it has long been a favorite resort with tho*e acquainted with its merits and attractions, yet having therefore been somewhat remote from the gr eat lines of travel, It has been passed by for more remote, though leas attractive resorts in Virginia and else, where. Now that it is brought within easy approach and is boing fitted up in the best of style, we doubt not—at leasr *e hope—it will not b i long till AAout t-i l i takes place in the first rank of American Water ing places. A Bold HonuEKr.— Monday night the dwelling of Mr. Levi a. Hart was entered by means of fat e keys, and tbe tnief or thieves succeeded in getting away with a quantity of plunder in the shape of provisions, cutlery, 4c. They also entered the bed room of Mr. Hart, took ills coat, pocket-book, •ad a meershaum pipe, much valm and by the owner. Mr. H. will pay tea do.lars reward for the return of the pipe and no questions asked This is another outrage by some of the Bsdicals who, during the election, infest this city. Mayor s Court. Hon. E. C. Andebson Presiding. Tuesday, Apill 21. In the Msyor’s Court yesterday, but little business was transacted, owing eloub less to the fact that the attention of the newly enfranchised citizens, who so often grace the records of this institution, were more profitably employed around the polls. But two cases were disposed Of-L u.a Harris and Auna Hays, col ored, were charged with keeping a disorderly house The evidence did not sustain the general charge, and the parties were dismissed with an admonition from His Honor to be peaceiul and orderly in the future. A boy who wrs a rested while on a shop-Uft ng excursion into the store of Mr. Lederer, from which he took one piece of goods, but was caught in the act by the clerk of the store, aud handed over to the po lice. This youth though young in years, is old in vice, and bears the reputation of being a common thief. He has been before the Couits 0:1 lortner occa alone on similar charges, but without effecting his reformation By request of tbe proprietor, the ease was turned over to a magistrate, who upon the evi dence committed tbe youthful tascal for trial. THK KJLKCTION— SKCOND DAY. Scene, anil Incident* at the Poll.—ln terference wit It Voters—Telegram from Gen. Meade -Other Polling Place* Pro posed to be Opened, &c. TUe general features of the election yesterday were the same as the day previous, varied somewhat iu the character of the incidents at the polls, and a more de cided enthusiasm upon the part of the white popula. tion, who, acting on the suggestions made through the Conservative press, lout the moral influence of their presence to sustain and cheer those colored Con servatives who had labored in the oanae, under so many disadvantagea the flrst day of the election. At an early hour the avenues of approach to the Court house were densely packed with pecple, a large num ber of our most Influential and honored citizens being present on the ground. The former day’s experience taught several practical lessons to those engaged In the tight, through the ballot, wltb Radical rum and misrule. The arrangements made by the military authori’ies ai_d the civil ofllcers for the preservation of the peace, and the uninterrupted exercise of the franchise, was quite effective. The voting commenced lively, the ■ Conservative whites and colored awaking to the Important Issues st stake, and entered upon the day’* work with spirit aud zeal, and t ffected great good by their presence at the polls during the entile day. Oi course there u’-a the us lal amount of election eeiing going on, the recital of which would not in ters t the reader. The keen observer could detect the dodges of the Radical party to take out of toe hands of the other side any control of what till y were pleased to deuomi into ,he negro vote. Tickets ii the hands of the Cons rvative o dored people were takeu away aud others substituted, and one of the Rogistiars, Mr K. y. Nixon, was rebuked by Ron. tlcnry S v Fitch lor evi .euily going out of the line of his ottioi <1 du y in catechising voters as to what ticket they iuieuded to vote. Col Fitch despatched to Geo. Meade inquiring as to whetuer it was or was not proper for regie rare tnus to interfere with the, und r. oeived an answer saying that neither tile registrars nor any other person had the right to interfere iu tile manner stated. The Radicals had been playing that game to an alarming extent, and the Conservatives are thus indebted to their Congres sional candidate for bringing the matter directly to tilts attention of lieu. Meade. Insids the Court tlouse tnere was much anima ion and considerable amount of nauseous exhalations which was borne, however, by. the ofic ra on duty with a degree of heroism, amounting almost to mar - tyrdorn Tue iuevituolc Clift shoue like a flery bea con, pointing the newly enfranchised the way they saouligo. Bentley, Sims and IVuite, the humble solicitors for unices of honor and trust under the new regime, were as active as might ba supposed under the circum itauces, and made themselves eminently conspicuous in this their flrst school of politics. Mr. Nixon ordered the window opening on York street, whore tioke s had been placed for the conve nience of those who desired to obtain them to be closed, thiukiug (probably) by ibis ruse to cut off th„ supply oi Conservative votes. Busy hands however were dist touting them to crowds of colored men who desired lo act with the Conservative parly, and many of them found their way Into the ballot box, notwithstanding the extra oflloial conduct of this Reg istrar. While the show was going on thus quietly Inside the Court House, there were some side shows going on outside. Oue negro for attempting to go In and vote a Conservative ticket was set upon by a crowd of black ruflUus of the other party, aud would have been beateu to death had not the military aud police promptly come to Uis assistance. They accused him of se ling his vote. Oue negro, while he was In charge of the military, drew h s p’stol, and would have shot theobnoxiousSvoter, h ,and he not b eu quick ly se zed aud conveyed to the Barracks. Beveral rows evidently gotten up for the purpose of driving from the poll*Cootei votive 00l ,red people.were suppressed by the police force and the mditary. The negro above alluded lo was set upon as many as five times by the mob of Rad cal colored people, aud Anally mace his 1 escape after having deposited a str ight Conservative ticket. We saw him as he was going home, and he evidently lei! the dignity of his position, as identified with the best interests of his HCnU. Juet before the closing of the polls, it was hinted tLat arrangements wou and be made to open two other precincts. We were info.mod that Nixon had tele graphed to G neral Meade for such authority, bat wele unable to aaoertaiu what answer has been re turned. The Conservatives regard It as another of tl.e enemy, and oppose it. The number of votes polled up to tbe oloslng at 6 o'clock yesterday re ichei a total of 3,458, of w ich 1.P68 wore deposited tn the oouuty box, and 2,390 in the two city boxes. There were polled yesterday in the city boxes 1,390 votes, a majority which were cast by the whites. The prospect altogether look) cheering, and If th e white element aud the colored allies amongst the con servatives will make as fair a fight for the coming two days, they can uudoubtelly carry the e 1 action and and teat the schetnea ol the rule aud ruiu party. So mote it be. Damage by the Hailstorm on Monday. We anticipated considerable damage from the vio lent tempest if Monday afternoon, an unusually field, one, In wind and rain, thund .r and lightning, and a flttren-mluUfei fall of monster hailstones, large as mu.ket ballets, that rattled threateningly sgalnst the blinds, aud must have smashed unprotected gl as We learn from the suburbs that great damage was done to the crops of vegetables, some entire gar dene being destroyed, 'melons aud cucumber, dessicated, vines cut and torn in pieces, peas beaten down in a mangled condition, p >tato tops beaten off the hills as ts cat off with a knife, or fatriy uprooted, and shrubbery badly damage!. Every gar den we have heard from was similarly Injured. We judge this misfortuue will badly <ft.ct supplies for the tarly vegetable market. Abbival and Departdbb of Steamships. —The steamship Huntsville, Captain Ciowell, arrived at her whart yesterday afternoon at half-past 6 o’clock, bringing freight and passengers to her agents. Messrs. O. Cohen & Cos. H_r purser will ac cept our thanks for til.a, Ac. Tile Leo, Captain Dearborn, sailed for New York yes’erday afternoon, taking a goon freight of cotton, merchandise, aud a number of passengers Meeting of the Conservative Association. —Last evening the Committees of the Conservative Association for Chatham County, met at their room for consultation, but the crowd being too large lor the room tn which the Association hold their meet ings, after transacting some special busincaa, ad. journed to Masonic Hall, where one of the most en. thusiastlc demonstrations of Lhe campaign was had. Speeches were made by Hon Phillip M. Russell. Mr. J .hr E. Hayes, aud Jackson Brand, Francis McNeil, Fred. Law and Henry Gwinn, all colored, and member* of tire Conservative party, which were we’l received by 4ie enthusiastic crowd Di patches were read snnuouncing cheering news from various portions of the State which will be louud in the telegraphic column, and at a late hour the meeting adjourned to meet this evening at the same hall at 8 o'clock. HO fJCLi kIIKIVALg. Scbkven House —a M Thorne Horpe, Macon; Taos C Barrow, Macon; W A Baker, Charleston; G MoDtague, Jr. NY; J P Smith and lady, Ny; Miss M A Smith, N y; Allen Thompson, N J; E B Brown, N J; W P Helely, N O; Geo H Southard, N Y; 0 A Da vis, Hiltou Head; D L Moses, N Y. Pulaski House.—Mrs John UDutob, Hilton Head; C H Morel, city; W Patterson, Bryan co; J R Ohevis, Ogeechee. Marshall House.—"apt Fowler, bark Georgiana; W K Kennison, Hilton Head. Wines, Liquors. RHINE WINES, PORT, HOCK, SHERRY, CLARET, CHAMPAGNE ! FRENCH BRANDY, FRENCH CORDIALS, NEW SWEET CIDER, ALES AND PORTER, PLANTATATION BITTERS feMOKING TOBACCO. SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, at C. J. BEATTY’f*, aplß-tf 30 WHITAKER STREET. NEW BOOKS, *C. SHADOW OF THE ROCK. CHANGED CROSS. Letters From The Frontier; Gen. McCall. GOSPEL TREASURY, Mimpris*. FAMILY BIBLES. ST. JOSEPHS MANUA.L. ANDREAS HOFER, Muhlbacb. BLACK BOARDri FOR SCHOOLS. Copying Wheels, tor Marking Patterns. Miallon &, Frierson. ap!B—tf Commercial. Savannah Market. Office of the Keys and Herald.) Savannah, -April 21—6 P. M. J Cotton.—To-day 1 here has oeen no market nomi nally speaking The sales were very light, ill tact, they were the smallest of the season, and therefore we omit them. The controlling markets are dull and nominal. Liverpool reporting a decline townrds the close, caused our maiket to cl ee dull, but holdeVs in order to effect sales, seemed uuvviiling to make con ces.ions. We quote: Middling 31 (0 On aocount of the damage done to the railroads by the recent ralus, no trains arrived esterday, and consequently tier© were no receipts. Gold—Steady; bought at 1"8 and sold at 140. Exchange.—New York sight steady; bought at % discount, and sold at premium. Merling is turn at 160(0151 for 60 days. Bacon.—The demat and is light, with a flr stock, and prices aro somewhat easier. We quote: Shoulders* ribbed sides, 7 7(0 17 %c; clear ribbed »iUei», 17X<0i8>tc; clear sides, Flour.—We have no change to report in this mar ket The supply of Njrthe n Is ample lo the de wand, which is very moderate. We quote Northern super, S.O 60(011 6b; extra, sl2 60(014; family, *l6® 16pO; choic** tamilyin sucks, $8 ~U. Geo*gi 111 ur u scarce; moderate demaud; quotatlo s uucmvnged : Georgia super, sl3; extra, $-4(014 50; family and fancy, $15(016 Grain.—Corn Is Inactive. The stock oi Western is hu g*, and receipts continue h a.y. Prices arc with out change. We quote: Tennessee corn from depot iu large lots, $1 25; smaller lots, $1 3»; from store, $1 36. she demand lor Maryland corn is light. It can be had for $1 30 by the quantity, holders general ly asking $i 40 lor small lo s. Dab are firm at our last quotations: $1(01 06 on the wharf; $1 10 from store. Rice—Dull. Quotations are unchanged; demaud principally of a retail character. We quote clean Caro lina, 1O<0lO?£c; by tho single cask, higher; rough, $2 25(024 ; seed, $3(04; middling rice, 7@>Bi; Rangoon, $LO> 2 ($lL Freights—Are very dull. There is but little room disengaged, but tae <-ff-riugs are so small that it is iouL;«l difficult to fill up. To Liverpool by sail, 7-ltki on uplands and on sea islands; on tim ber 34d for sawn and 30d for hewn; through via New York, by steam %and on uplands; 1‘ 8 l on sea inlands. To New York, by steam, y a c ou up lands; lc on sea is aneb; $1 on domestics. To Philadelphia, on uplands, 65c ou domestics. To Baltimore, MC on uplands To Boston, through via Philadelphia jfc on uplands. Coastwise freijhts are more acive. Considerable lumber and timb r awaiting shipment. Lumoer to Baltimore aud Phila delphia, $7 60(09 00; to New York, $:0; ti lo New York at $11; lumber to Boston—flooring, S9(O 9 50; re sawed, slOvoll. beveral < üban freights otter ing. South American, s2l and $5 primage. Sugars—Aie unchanged. We quote: Crushed, 18 @lß‘ 2 c; A white, I7 ot7>£c; B co, 16i«(0l7c; extra uo, 16©16>ic; yellow C, 16(015>5.'c; blown clinh.d, Muscovado, l3R@44c; AAUkIETS fti V i ELEGHAPtb Domestic MarkeTs. New York, April 21—Evening. Financial—Sterling at lio>i; goid htia at If 1362 coupon,. 111?^ Cotton—Dun and easier: sales, 700 b iles mid dling, 6 C. Flour—Active; Scuthern, sl2 35#516. Grain-Wheat heavy. Com h avy; white south er*-, $ 16@il IS; y- How, $1 24®1 26. Provisions— New mess poik, $27 45; old, $ 6 50. Laid nrmei at 17^(018>aC. Hugau—Active Other groceries unchanged Naval stores. —spirits turpentine, sdJ«<os6>£c; rosin ui changed. Freights—Quiet. New York, Ap*il2l. PTnancial.— Sterling, gold, Virginia sixes, 46; leiineodeo sixes. 66%. . Flous 6@loc better. Grain.—Wheat 2(03c better; corn 3-6(0lc lower. Pi*ovi»i->Ns—Me s poik, $27 o'>; lard, common dull and drooping a' 31c. Naval Stores—Turptntiue 66j; rosio $3 for ttfuiued common. Wllmington, N. C., April 21. Cotton- Quiet: middlings Bc. Naval fcxoßEs -far advanced to $2 20. Spirits Turpe.itine 6S>i@ s -9c.; rosin unstrained $2 50; low No. is3 00; pale $0.00@7 < 0 New Orleans April 20. Financial—Sterling, 149>i<0154; New York sight, %c premium; gold. 139}*.. GoTioN—Firmer; middling, 31%c; sales, 650 bales; receipts, 1,503 bales Sugar and Molasses— lrregular aud ui s> ttled. Flour—ifuliand unsettled; superhue, $9(09 50. Grain—Corn easier at $l OU(01 02; oats declined to 76c; hay unchanged. Provisions—M as pork, $27@27 59; bacon dull— shoulders, 13%c; rib. clear, lb; lard firm — titree, iß>£c; Keg, JB%c. N ew Orleans. April 21. Financial—Sterling, 149>a@163; New York sight, >£c premium; gold. 140. Cotton—Quiet but steady; middling, 31c: sales, 1,000 bales; receipts, 107 bales; exp,n s, including those not reported yesterday, 3,:85 bales Suoab—Small sales lair Louisiana at 13%c; ptltne, 15 '.-ac; Cuba molasses held at 40 Qu. Flood —birmer at $9 13 76. Grain—Coin Aim at $1 ol; oats dull at 74; hay, sl9ial2l, Provisions—Mess pork held ftt S2B; no sales at that price; bacon shoulders, 1.1.41i;jL; rib, ii'c; clear, 18c; lard active—, 18>atspl9Jkc. Charleston, April 21. Cotton —Without demand; sales, 33 bales; mid dling nominally at 30@31c ; receipts, 187 bales; exports, to Great Britaiu, 1,558 bales AuatrsTi, April 21. Cotton.—Market dull and nominal; sales 70 bales: receipts 00 bales t middling 30c. St Louis, April 21. Flour—Heavy; Superfine, $0 53<gi$8 50. Grain.—Coro drooping :,t 83®86c. Provisions.—Mess Pork dull at $26 75@527 00 Bucon dull; shoulders 13c ; o ear sides 17c, generally held lie higher. L.rd Urm; choice 17>4c. Whiskey—Firm at $2 20. Cincinnati, Aj ril 21. Floor—Advancing and in good demand, g v\ hiskey—Scarce at $2 15. PttovisioNa—Firmer but Inactive; Mess Po k held at $27 50. Lard held at 18c, Mobile, April 21. Cotton—Dull and nominal, no sales; receipts 60 bales; exports none Laltim ibe, April 21. Cotton— Dull and nominal. Floub-Quiet aud unchanged. Gbain—Wheat -c iv-; Maryiandred, $3 Uo@3 25; white, $8 00<a,3 3'; corn fl m; white, $1 12@1 14; yellow, $■ 18@1 22; oats dull; Southern, 85@38c. Rice—Very active at $1 0 i@l 20. Pk visions—Mesa pork firm at S2B; bacon un changed. Foreign Markets. London, April 2’—noon. Financial —Consols, 93%@93>i; United States bonds, iO> t 4y7u’,' Liverpool, April 21—noon. OoTtoN—Tnl’; 8-]"«, b.OnO bales; prices same. Breadstuff —Quiet. Sugar—Dull. London, April 17—Evening. Financial—Consols, 93’4®93X; bund-, 70>1. Frankfort, April 21. . Financial—Bonds steady at 75>^. Paris, April 21. Financial—Bourse firmer; rentes higher. ~ Liverpool, April 21—Evening. Cotton—Dull and declined a fraction; sal s. 8 000 bales; uplauds, 12‘sttj;.'J.Qd; Orleans J2;Q^l2Qd. Manchester news favorable. Yarhs aud fabrics firm. •* Havre, April 21. Cotton—Dull and declined; uplands ou the spot, 147 francs So centimes. Liverpool. April 21—Noon. Gbatn,—Corn, 39s 6d; Wheat qu’et. Provisions.—Po.k quiet; bacon advanced 495; lard firm. Naval Stores.—Turpentine declined 32s 6d. Shipping intelligence! niliuaiai* <iiiu«nat—rhit ua* Sun rises.. $ 28 Sunsets. o o 2 High water 9 11 P AJ PORT OP SA#V*\AH WeljjesdaY, April 22, 1868. Arrived Vtsltriay, Steamship Montgomery, York— O Co hen <fc Cos. Steamer Pilot Boy, McNulty. Charles ton—Claghoru & Cunuingham. Bark lou, Willetts, Cape Town, in ballast—T FA J R Mills. Ba.'k Pequot, Uogg, Dublin, in ballast. Cleaied Yesterday. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York—Hunter & Qainmcl. » Sailed Yesterday. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York—Hunter & Gammed. Exports. Per steamship Leo, lor New York—4s2 bales upland cotton, 3* baits sea Island cotton, 22 packages mdse, 70 packages vegetables, 395 dry hidjs. passengers. Ptr steamship Leo, for New York—W Battersby, lady and 2 children, Miss H trtridge, Mrs U A Wi - kiu9, Miss J Gould, J R Habersham. J J Wilder, De Courtuey, J R it W Rountree, C B Gray, (» W Lane, E H Sch*flcld. W H H Smith, Mrs G Wellington, J Barnes, and 5 steerage. 3 Per steamer Pilot Boy, from Char eston—W M Hea ley, Nias Fuller. Miss MUu rard, W Einnisou, C A Davis, Rev J Stouy, Capt W A Perreman, and ti deck. Per steamship Montgomery, from New York—Capt J P Smith, Mrs J P smit e Miss W P Smith, .1 Ryan, H Strong, D L Moses. Mr Montague, D Garrett. » •< consttfnses. Per steam-hip Moutgotnety, from New York—A & G K K Agt, C rt R agl, W 8 Abbey, Addison, E & Cos, Bou»e a B, Bateson A Bro, cooper, 0 & Cos, J Cohen, M A Cohen, tt M Colding, .Champion & F, Glaghorn C, J Collins Coiiner&t AJ, W Cuuiming9, M J Doyle & Cos, Epstein Jt E Einstein A E, 1 L Falk A Cos. A & L Freidenberg, L J Guilmaruu & Cos, G Gemenden, J Gilliland & Cos, Gazan Bros, A C L Gilbert, W B Griffin A Cos, J u Greely, UiUon & R. .1 E Her. naiidez, Holcombe k Cos, S P Hamilton, Win tlouo, A B Ivos, Jaudon, C A Cos. Johnson .k DeX, J Koox, J Xtppraan, J Lyon, Lilienthal & K. J Lama. Lathrop iSi Lo, S M Lederer, W W Lincoln, Levitt & Cos, L A Cos in a diamond, LLin a lamond, Lovell AL, Mur phy A Cos, M s Meyer. S S Miller, J C Maker A Uo, Metnhard. Bros 5r <;o, Mason A Kstill 8 Moore, Neuf ville A Bro, G N Nichols, Oppenheimei, M A Cos, E O'Byrne & «on, Pa T Palmer AD, HG R, J Ryan. I' Reiley, C D Rogers k Bro E Schwarz E D Smythe A Cos, J C Schreiner & Bon, F W Sims A Cos, A A Solo mons k Cos, D T Scranton, R A Topham k Uo, W A Thomas, L Vogel, W H Woogk J B West & Cos. Per ateamt r Pilot Boy. lrom Charleston—Claghorn C, 8 P Whitehead, A Fornai dez a Bro, F M MyrelJ, G Gray, A Reinhart. [By Telegr iph.J Fo tress Monroe, April 21—Weather thick; wind Northeast Chauleston, April 21—Arrived, steamers Charles, ton and Saragossa, from New York; brig MunslDlllo, from Savannah; schr Wide Martin, from Matanzas Hailed* ship Graham's ‘oily, for Liverpool; brig Webster Kelly, for Georgetown, SC; schr R W Uod fr y, lor Geoigetowu, S C; achr Catawanteak, for Philadelphia. Havana, April 20— Arrived, Victouaut and Cuba. Sui.ed, Lo»il Change of ttohednle. M*H j •"•VaWaiv GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Atlantic) A Gulf Railboid Company, V SaVfiUhab, April 10th, 1868. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, the l»lh inslant, the Schedule of Pasaohger Trains un this Road will be as follows: Leave Savannah daily (Sundays except ed) at . 4 00 P M Arri e at Arrive ai Live Oak 2 06 AM Arrive at Jacksonville 7 30 A M Leave JacKHonvilie daily (Sundays ex cepted) at 8 50 P M Leave Lt vp Oak at 2 30 AM Leave Bain bridge daily (Suuduys except ed) ar 10 00 PM Arr vb at savannah .. 100 I’M P liman's Palace Sleeping Cars run through from Savannah to Jacktonvide %WT Steamer Hattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka ev.-ry Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday, at 9 A M.; returning every Moneay, Woducsdav and Friday, at * P. M. ' r Steamer Darlington leav. a Jacksonvil.’e foi Enterprise evt ry Sunday, at *J A. M,; reCjurning, ar rives at Jacksonville on Tuiirsday, at 4 p. M. THROUGH TICKETS BY THIS LINE is LOW un Oy any other route. Passengers for Bt. Augustine have choice of line of etages itaily from Jacksonville, or from Picoiaia, on arrival of boats. connect at Baldwin wifi Florida Kuilroad daily, to Ijniuosville and Fernandiua. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin ou Monday and Kr day; returning, arrives at. Baldwin on Tuesday and Saturday. Hi r Steamers leave Bainoridge fur Columbus, Ku fauia and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wedues ar and Friday, on arrival of train; re urnuig, anlve ai Bain bridge on same days. U. S. HAINES, all—ts General Superintendent. jSTO ITCIS. •'** SsgJ*K JSQt- OFFICE OF SUP’T GA. CENT’L R. R., 1 Savannah, April 14, 1868 ) i )fi AND AFrER THURSDAY, April 16th, the Pass nger Trains ou tbe Georgia Central Rad roa J will run as fol ows: UP DAY TRAIN. arrive. leave. Savannah 8:00 A. M Macon 7:3n p. \t Auguna 5:33 P. M Mil edgevtlle 745 M 8:00 P. M. Eatonton 9;o0 P. M Connects with train that leaves Augusta 8:16 A. M. D >W’N DAY TRAIN. Savannah 6:16 P. M Macon 7:05 A. M. Augusta 6:38 P. M Milled:) evil e 6:25 A, M. E-itontou 4;30 A. M. Oonoeciß with train that leaves Augusta 8:45 A. M. UP NIGHT TRAIN WITU WESTERN MAIL. Savannah 3:00P M Ma on 2:35 A M Augusta 4:00 P M DOWN NIGHT T4AIN WITH EASTERN MAIL. Savannah 6:45 A M Macon 8:45 P M Augusta .5:30 VM savannah and aogusta train with NORTHERN MAIL. Savannali 10:00 P M Augusta 5:30 A M Mat oil 8:45 P M AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH TRAIN WITH SOUTHERN MAIL. Savannah 12:00 P M Augusta 4:00 P M Macon 2:36 A M EATONTON AND MSLON TRAIN. (SUNDAY) EXCEPTED,) Eatonton 4:3 I A M Mille igeville 6:10 AM... 0:25 A M M»c.,n #1:10 A M Savannah 6;15 p M Augusta 5:38 P M MACON AND R&TONTON TRAIN. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED J Macon 4:15 P M Miileagevlile. .7:45 PM 8:00 P M Eatonton 9:50 P 51 Sava nab £ 8:00 A M Augusta 8:45 A M JOHN G. CLARKE, aplfi—tf Assistant Superintendent. Published for Information. A bill to be entitled AN ORDINANOK .To the OrdinaLce passed in Council on the (we £th day of December, 1886, entitled “At or din tucti to prevent the erecrebtimi of awning t oats and sign posts in any of tne stre. ts or thti r nghfsres of the city of Savannah, and for tbe removal of those now standing; to prescribe the ‘no ie anu m inner of coustrnctlng awnings and f istoning signs, and to aittx penalties fur the vlo ia ion ot tbs ortUnauoe." Section 1. The Mayor aud Aldermen ot the city ol Sa aunah, to Council assembled, do beteby ordain, That tiie above recited ordinance bs and tbe tame le hereby repealed. In Oouncil, April 15th, 1868. Ordinance upon the lirstreading ana ordered to be published tbr iulormatiou. JAMES STEWART, apl7—lt Clerk of Council. Pubii.hed for Information. A BII.L TO BE ENTITLED ( AN ORDINANCE To grant to the Savannah, Bkidaway and Seaboard Ra iroad Company certain right* aud privileges, ou certain teirns aud condition*. Section 1. The M .yor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain Thar the Savannah, .-kidaway and Seaboard Railroad Company shall have the right, with horse railwa cir« or carnages, to connect their line of railway leading to and from the countrr with Drayton arui Whitaker streets, in Savannah, beginning at Ander son street, and running the line of said Dr-yton and Whitaker streets to Bay street and connecting by Bay street: provided the work of laying the track for such carriage rai'way on Drayton a reet be com menc'd, in good .aith, within months from the dute of the pissing of this ordinance, and be completed within months from the time of such commencement; and that the work on Whita ker street shall be commenced wi»hln months after the passing of this ordinance, and flulshe within months after the date of this ordi nance: Ad provided further, fiat the said work -hall be done as to gradings, cro sings, and all other things there wit« connect* and, in the manner aud on t i© terms in the ordinance for the estab lishment ot lines of street railways passed in Coun cil ou the first day oi M .y. iu the year «iehteen hun dred ano sixty- even and i hat ail the rules, regula tions and conditions* (f said ordinance in relation to the running oi cars, the of fare, and so forth, shall be applicable to the grant of au hority hereby mad*: And provided further, that the said Compa ny shall, btfore catering upoii th** said work or any oa t theieof, enter into bond, with approved securi ty, to ify* city of savannah to perform and bide by all su> ht- rm rules, regulations and conditions; and furtiiei, that it will every dsy a ter beginning t • run on any street ruu repula ly four tim s a day from said Ande ton street to Bay street, between the hours df six o»cloek In the morning and eight o’clock iu the evening: And prov did fuither, that the city of Sa vannah shall have the same police jurisdiction ver the said Sa aonab, Sktdaway and ?©aboard Railroad C mpany.its employees and agents, as it woald hav. had over any company that ought have-been organ ized under the oidinauce heieinbefore mentioned: An ou ibis further expre s condition—thit if here after a system o» s'reet railways toall be entered up <■ll by MUtliority ot the City Ciu i'il of Savaunah then all the rlgh s hereby granted shal cease, and the property of tae said Savannah. Si idaway and Seaboar id Company, invested or acquired under thegraut hereby made, shall be appraisd by : persons not exceeding three on each side, and on such apprais ment, such City Railway Con pany S' a’l hav© theopti »n to pa'chase *»u:h property a such apprai ed value, and to use and work; the same for its own benefit the e.f .tr, ani. on the failure of savannah, Skid* wav audS aboard Kallro»d, 00. to submi to tuch appraist meut within two months after notifi atio . of ihe other party of its readiness to pureba’e in the terms a oresaid, then all the rigbt9 tuid privileges her*by granted should cease, and all B‘ich property shall revert and belong to the City of Savannah. Bectioa 2 And is is further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid. That whenever property-holders on Price street or West Broad street, or any street in said ci y, shall a sum sufficient for Lying down and • quipping a line of carriage railway on any such street beginning at Anderaon street and ending at a convenient, point for the business of such lb e ou Bay street; then It Bhali be the duty of said Savannah, tfeidaway and Seaboard Railroad Company, if no system of street railways shall ihen have been begun and organized, and tbe property on Drayton and Whitaker streets not yet ceded, to lay down a line o railway ou said Price street. West Bioad street, or any other street, as aforesaid, to be subject to all tbe rules, regulations and Condi ions as to the line on Drayton and Whita ker streets, connecting with Bay bt-eet, except as to the time of beginning and completing uch line on buch new str et. but iu such case ihe time of sach be ginning nbali be within months after the actual subdcription aud the time cf completion witb iu months thereafter; the aforementioned u e as to appraisement ands Ac to be applicable to the work and property on any srph new Jiue on Price street, West Broad street, and any other street, as aforesa and. In Council, April 16, 1868. Ordinances on their flrat reading and ordered to be published ror information. JAMES STEWART, apl7—72t Clerk of Council. HEWS & HERALD STEAM ■ PMC ESTABLISHMENT, 111 Bay Street. We have attached to THIS OFFICE a First-Class JOB PRINTING OFFICE. mproved by the addition of all the Latest Styles of Presses, Type, Borders, die., and we would call the particular attention of the Mercantile and Business Commuuity TO OUR FACILITIES FOR DOING EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. MS-WE EXECUTE EVERY 3 Description ol Printing, SUCH AS CIRCULARS, LETTER ai* u NOTE HEADINGS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, DRAY BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECKS and DRAFTB, HANDBILLS, POSTERS. LABELS, BUSINESS CARDS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, BALL CARDS, INVITATIONS, LAW BLANKS, COMMERCIAL BLANKS, BLANKS FOR COUNTY OFFICERS, or [anytning else which may be desired. RULING and BOOK-BINDING ATTENDED TO WITH CARE. We would respectfully Invite all person? having PRINTING done to call at OUR OFFICE. Zt»- WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ANYTHING IN OUR LINE, IN AS LITTLEJ TEffE, Good Style, AMD AT AS LOW R .A. T E 9 AS ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITT. MASON & ESTJLL. Shipping. Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Cos. For Philadelphia* Cabin 3Rt;AO The flrst crass steamsbip WYOM^IG, TitAL. Commander, WUl«ail for the above port on Saturday, April 251 h, at 10 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage apply to FOR BALTIMORE. THE STEAMSHIP FANNIE, Oapt. J. J. Johnson, will sail lor Baltimore on siTuanAy, April asm. For freight or passage, having good uccommo datione, apply to ap!7 J. B. WEST ft CO. F OR NEW YORK ATLANTIC COAST JYlail Steamship Line, SIDE-WHEEL SHIPS, SAILING EVERY THURSDAY. Thenewaad very fast sailing eldewbeclateannhij Greneral Barnes, T. H. MORTON, Commander, will positively leave on her regular day, Thursday, April 113, at 8 o’clock a. in. Bills of lading given here on through freights of coiton to Liverpool by first-class steamers. For relght or paas.ige, having new and splendldlj arranged accommodations, apply to WILDEK S FDLLAUTON, 8 Stoddard's Upper Range, Opposite tue Post Office. N. B.—No engaged berth* secured afterTnesdßy, April aiat. qnl"si pnlri f. r. apl7 BLACK STAR INDEPENDENT LINE!! FOR NEW YORK. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMBHIP MONTGOMERY, LYONS, Master, Will stli on Saturday. April 85th, at o’clock m. For Freight or Passage apply to OOTAVUS,COHEN & CO.. Agents, 82 Bay street, Savannah, Ga, $9" R. LOWDEN, Agent, No. 93 West street. New York. ap2l FOR NEW YORK. EMPIRE LINE. CABIN PASSAGE Jas, STEERAGE, with Subsistence sl7, THE FINE SIOEWHEEL STEAMSHIP SAN SALVADOR, K. 8. NICKERSON, Ccmmander, Will sail as above pn Saturday, April SJsth, at o’clock m. Positively no engaged berths secured attar Wednesday, April 22d, unless paid for Sf For freight'or p issago. ac commodations, apply to JO3. ROSSE, Jr Agent, No. 12 Steddard's tiaDge. WM K. JAKRiSON, Agent, apr2l No. 5 bowling, New York ■ ; r For Liverpool. The AI American ship MAYFLOWER, Captain Call, Having the larger portion ot her cargo ou board, re quirps 300 bale* to oompletefr. Aurly to apl&T-tf BRIGHAM, HOLST & CO. For Sale or Charter. A SCHOONER -I)A) AwW of one Uunclre<i an<i Thirty (130) Tons, —gSySair . ready for se*. For further informa tion inquire at the offlsr cf febl7—tf WILLIAMS, WARD 4 MoINTIRS. For Liverpool. K _prv_ The flue AI An oilcan ship ELT EN i3EO**Q SOUPHAKG. Captain u. E. Bickford, j tftSßf. wants 500 bales Cotton to complete her cargo, and will have quick dispatch as above. N B.—For freight engagements apply to apr6—tf T B. MARSHALL, * BRO. HI HOUSE TO LET. Jg A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, conveniently located, containing six rooms besides kitcb u utd servants' quarters. A ppy at THIS OFFICIO, or at tbe corner of Jones and Jefferson streets. tnli3 —ls FOR RENT, MA DESIRABLE RESIDENCE situated on JONE3 STREET, be tween WHITAKER and BARNARD. Apply to E. B. CHIPMAN, a{.4 -ts 1-7 HAY STREET. INDIA MATTING! r rj ROLLS BEST INDIA MATTING, 4xt, DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTERS, For sale by aplß—st BELL & HULL. .Notice to -Bondholders OF THE CITY OF SAVANNAH. XN COMPLIANCE with a resoutlon of tbo City Council, adopted April Ist, instant, notice Ishere by given that the undersigned will, on the first day of May, proximo, exchange at pur 331 shares South western Railroad stock and 039 shares of Augusta & Waynesboro Railr. ad stock, lor bonds of corres ponding issues. Parties owuiug the aforesaid bonds will please call and register their names. JOHN WILLIAMSON, aplO—3w Oily Treasurer. MANHATTAN HAMS, .WARDED PRIZE MEDAL at Tails Exposition. 1300 Pounds MANHATTAN HAMS 1300 Pounds DRY SALTED 111.1.1 ;S, 30 Tierces PliltE LEAF LARD, IJust received in store and for sale by EDWARD O’BVRNK & SON. ap!B—6t Corner Bryan aud Jefferson streets. Auction Sales—This Day. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, FURNITURE* &cl, AT AUCTION. BY BELL * HULL. THIS S>\\ (Wednesday, April 22, at 11 o’clock, to front of the store, will be sold : Choice Baoon Shoulders, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Starch, Flour, Alee. Wluee and Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco and Suuff. ALSO. DRY GOODS, „ FURNITURE, &c„ *O. .Terms cash. aprtMt FURNITURE AT AUCTION. BY HELL At HFLL. Oh WEDNESDAY. April 2?, at 11 o’clock, In front of the atore, will be »old: AND BK OKO°M FURNITURE. Parlor Setts, Chairs, Rooksrs, Pictures, &e Bidsttads, Wash.tands, Bureaus, Stove and Kitchen Ware. -Terms'; apr2l-2t Auction Sales-—Future Days. Assignee's Sa e. BY BELL & HULL. ON THURSDAY, April 23rd, at 10 o’clook, to iront of the store, will be sold. Slock ol Clothing, Real Estate to waresboro’, Ga. Choses in action In the matter of David Davidson, In bankruptcy, consisting of Aocouuts and Note., Ac. terms cash. aprla-id Underwriter's Sale. BY BELL & HULL, ON THUnSDAY, April 23rd at 12 o’clock, to front of the Exchange, will be sold: THE SCHOONER “ L. AUDENREID," 160 tons burthen, with her cargo or 239 tons of best Parlor Egg Coal, as sue now lies sank and resting ou be gunboat Georgia, near Fort Jackion, tone her with sundry articles now ou boatd the Vessel, viz: 1 large Storm Fly Sail, new, 1 Anchor, 1,100 pounds, 60 latnoms Cvain, large, 60 fathon s Chain, small. Sundry Small Rigging, bhip stores and cabin Fixtures. ALSO, Immediately after the above sals, at Messrs. Hnnter A Gatnmeil’g Steamship Wharf, the following articles saved from the wreck: 1 Mainsail, 1 Foresail, 1 Flying Jib, 1 Standing Jib, 1 Anchor, 80u pounds, 1 Kedve Anchor, 450 pounds, 1 Hawser, 60 falb ms, 1 new 4.tnch 40 fathom Line, Lot of Running Rigging Blocks, Ac. ALSO. 1 new, 17 foot Yawl Boat. Purchasers to rernova said vessel aud cargo from her present position. Sold under mspec’lon and by recommendation of the Port Wardens for account of the Underwriters and all concerned Terms cash. *pr22-td W ANTED. CENTRAL RAILROAD STOCK. apr2o-lf BY BBI.L & HULL. Administrator’s Sale. BY BELL A HULL, On the FIRST TUESDAY, to May next, at II o’clook, will be sold before the Court House, to Chatham county, under an order of the Court of Or lnaiy, the following land belonging to the estate Os . T e undivided 3d of 68 acres of land, 4>f mils* from the city ol Savannah, on Central Railroad. Plot can be seen at our office. XHOS. HUTCHINGS. apr’B-td Admiolatrator. STOCKS AT PRIVALE SALE. BY BELL A HULL. 40 SHARES S. W. R. R. STOCK arplSslt FISH, FiSH. MACKEREL, Is, 2s and 3s, PICKLED WHITE FIBH, SMOKED aud PICKLED SALMON, GENUINE GRAND BANK CODFISH, AT G. J. Beatty’s* aplß-tf 30 WHITAKER STREET. OIL, OIL. 35 BBL3. NO. I KEROSENE OIL, For sale by apl4—tf WILLIAMS, WARD A McINTIRE. Ice House to Rent. ICE HOUSE, with all the necessary fixtures, pleasantly located near Colombia Square, for rent. Apply at THIS OFFICE. mhl6—lf TEA, TEA. JUST RECEIVE 0 AT BEATTY’S. 36 WHITAKER STREET, CHOICE YOUNG HYSON TEAS, to five and ten pound caudles, and by retail Japan TEAS, UNCOLORBD. SOUCHONG, OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON and GUNPOWDER TEAS, by retail or In chest at the aplß—tf SEW OROCERY STORE. COKE. SAVANNAH GAS LIGHT COMPANY,! Savannah, Ga., April S.h, IS6B. / Jj'HOM THIS DATE, until further notice, COKE will be sold at this office at $% OO Per Load. ap9— eodlOt A. G. GUiSRARD, Agent AN ORDINANCE To preecribe tl.e kind of fuel to be used for *te»m bo'ter engines in the city of Savannah, and to afltx penalties for violation of thl* ordinance. Section 1. Tbc Mayor and Aldermen ol tne city of Savannah, in council assembled, do hereby ordain. Thai from and ts er the pradng of this ordinance It shall not. he lawlul for any person to use to any ateam ng ue boiler In said city, In which there muy be an amlicla draught by the iniroductlon ol »tea-n In the smoke sack, any luel other than anthracite o- bitu minous cal, under a pena’ty of not more than $l6O for each and every day’s offence. Ordinance pubsed In Council, April 16th lr6B. MARTIN J. SORB, Mayor pro tem. Attest—Jas. Stxwaut, Clerk of Connell. ap!7—St CHEAP EDITION OF DICKENS. JUST RECEIVED a Farther Snpplyof SKETCHES BY “BOZ." 26 cents. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND 40 cents. A TALE OF TW.O CITIES 25 cents. PICKWICK PAPERS 25 cents. OLIVER TWIST 25 cunts. GREAT EXPECTATIONS 25 cents, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT ..25 cents. CHRISTMAo S'OKIES 25 cents. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY 25 cents. DOMBEY AND SON 25 cents. HARD TIMES 25 cents. FOR PALE AT ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, BOLL street, next to the post OFFICE The Bainbridge Argus, FUBLI9HED EVERY SAIURDAY MORNING, IN BAINB RIDGE, GA. WILLIS mTrUSSELL, EDITOR AND PROI'RI’TOR. TERMS OF SUBS RIPTION : $3 00 PER AN NUM, payable in advance; or $0 00 at tbe end of tbe year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at reasonable rates. THE ARGUS 's strictly a FAMILY JOURNAL, I devoted to the best interests ot the country; and as an Advertising MEDIUM i iters superior induce ments to the merchants and business men ol t-avan j ua H , Charleston, Baltimore, New York, New Orleans, and other cit les. The “Atru,” is Democratic In politics, and opposed j to negro suffrage, and fanaticism generally. I Icb24— ti