Tri weekly news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, April 22, 1868, Image 4

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Trl-Wsekly News and Herald. WF.DN KSBAY MORNING, APRIL '2B. 1868, Rejected Manuscripts. With Some Specimens in Prose and Poetry. Every large newspaper office at each pe riodical sweeping and scrubbing and general clearing up, sends off lo the waste-paper buyer, or consigns to the flames, or bestows upon its devil, among its cart-full of odds and ends some bushels of rejected manu scripts, on white paper and grey, red paper and speckled, ladies’ note aud legal cap, brown paper and every kind of paper. Some of it is in pencil and some in bright iuk, and some in writing fluid just gone with the consumption. There in the cart, or into the flames, or. greater disgrace, iuto the custody of the of fice’s very devil, go the hopes of some, the pride of others ; perhaps some productious ot days and nights of unremmitted toil, and excruciating brain-racking. But it can’t be helped. It stands to rea son that no contributions are ever rejected wbeu, iu the judgment ot the editor, tbeir publicatiou would be of advantage, and it is not reasonable to suppose articles will be accepted that will not be beneficial. A large class of contributors make great mistakes. They forget that the proprietors own the paper, and that, as depending on the public lor their patronage, they will de termine for themselves, or through their editois, what the iuUrests of the public re quire. Then they otlen attempt to transfer the freedom of the advertising department to the editorial columns, which will uot an swer. They write articles about something not of public interest that would cover a page, and take one printer nearly a week lo set up. They use gross personalities, and give merely a worn Je plume, with no legiti mate siguatuie. They seud beastly poetry, aud want pay for it; and villainous mang lings of plagiariz and prose, with a request for fifty papers, aiid a promise to write more. The love-dittyisls are the most fearful of the most troublesome class of uu-wanted con tributors. They force on us the most sick ening of pap, aud curdled at that, aud when we tell them their poetry won’t do, it must be that they gently weep. Then at the other extreme are the blood or satisfaction class, whose manuscript is like a hoise-pis tol, charged with fearful accusations and dire imprecatious, wadded down with dread ful in inualiona. Old fogies write scathing broadsides at us, aud every enterprising business man under some caption like this: ‘•Modern Upstarts and Modern Innovations,” in which it is assumed that nobody under sixty knows aught, and that no customs not sixty years old should be tolerated. Why don’t they go further, while they are about it, and eat with their fingers, aud all that sort of thiug? These manuscripts are often curious tor their archaisms, but are usually very lengthy. But wu started to give some samples of a large pile of “rejected manuscripts’’ wliielr we have just revised. Premising thut we always return such documents when they are worth it, we will give specimens of some uureturned ones : First we eliminate an application for the position of Assistant Editor. The writer assumes that we shall of course take him, and alter he has appointed himself with rare self-possession, he proceeds to direct us to secure a first class boarding pluce for him, as he will he along with his baggage in a a few days. He says : “I know 1 cau laid your paper up, for tho’ not a pro eslierual jurimlist i kuow wbait tile peplu want 1 ca i write * u anny subject, in Prose i r poe ry 1 in close a pit cool blank verse, when you cau judge It is good. Tilt; reason t never hav wrot more—it is becaus 1 haint needed to do it £ nut now i feel like trying iit istial double yourc.i'culashin iu i umullis." The individual came, and as the horse meD say, was a pretty good looker. But that letter killed him, if even he did write it, as he said, “iu a great hurry.” Wo ascertained that he was a dry goods drummer by pro fession. Here is an article on “The Condition of the Country.” The Lord knows who wrote it or where it came from. It commences with the granting ot the English Constitu tions, spends a good deal ot time ou the last William, gives, without much epitomizing, a history of ihe Colonies in America, the American devolution, the formation of the national government, the subsequent quar rels, the dual breach, the Confederate war, the surrender, the reconstruction measures, and of everything we all know aboil!, and gravely winds up with the only point in tin; thirty-two pages of foolscap ; and to show what they were all written to arrive at, we give the closing sentence : “Is all lbi« right ? Where are we driving to ? Whither are we drifting ? Have w« pilots who yeo the breakers hbead ? I tear that prosperity b,s left our quee happy laud, Mint that we shall lio’er again be kuown as a p overfill people ’’ Here comes one from an indignant trades man. It breathes direst veugeance in two pages against a rival. The public are in formed that he is a liar, a swindler, a cheat, dirty, notorious in the neighborhood for his bad habits. The writer demands that this shall appear as an editorial, and iu his ac companying note says; “If yon knnwed that iffau as well as 1 do you would done it before. 1 odd lihu yesteid ty I would put a a piece in niper übow. him, and He said I couident Ilf you don’t inset t it lie stop uiy paper.’’ This manusciipt was not relurned but a note sent informing the pariy that as his ar ticle had been positively rejected, he might avoid serious trouble by settling his account at our office before stopping his paper. la there such baseness iu the human mind? We have always had a wicked desire to send that manusci ipt of editorial and letter to that Man, hut as it would have been untight, as Artt mns Ward would say, we have kept it sacred. The bad poetical contributions have not geueralty point enough to them to be funny even iu their absurdity, their meaning is so used up iu the desperate struggle for rhymes. But some excite our mirth equal to Tom Hoods’s best. One is entitled “The Sea of Love.” It opens bravely. This is the first stanza : The mighty sea oflove, with wondrous tides. Is sternly junl to tuu an drain; 'Tis laving at this moment Saturn’s sides,— ’ns ill my bluod an brain. Now that is what our esteemed friends of the pit would call bully. It is slightly of the mystic-figurative order, but anything of that kiud goes well. Yet that particular ttanza seemed to have something familiar about it. After fruitless inquiries among the poetically eiudite, and futile efforts to gain a clue from poetical dictiouaries, whicli have everything in them one don’t want, we finally, following the stars, treed the lines in Alexander’s Drama of Life. But here is the second stanza : fie my physicl »n, ob my loved one be, — Thou onlv canal elf ct a cu'-e ; And wc will lei the whole world ace, What Love la, holy, perfect, pure. And ten or fifteen wore veraes, growing more and more mauldin aa the muse gets in toxicated with the theme. Bead this sample— Awril ’roua ’mong the orbs of quizzing eky, Imperious Jupiter makes debut , With supercilious grace and ostentation. Tbe feeble moon bide-* then her face abash’d For though diminuitive by her broad ahai e, kibe aeea that In brilliancy that eonqueretlu That aud a yard or two more like it, as evi dently better adapted to sum; astronomical journul. We I ave not gone through a third the pile. We have not alluded to quack-mediciue let ters, and those about patent pullcrs-ou of stock ings, aud electrical perspiration dryers, and gift enterprises, because they are usually ad dressed to the business department of the of fice, with the thrilling information that by inserting an advertisement to the amount of several hundred dollars, we shall receive oui pay in the wares, on sending a cash order for a duplicate amount. But we must allude to one kindred epistle, when, as the ministers say, “we close ’our illustrations. Dr. Parr, a sort of pyromancer, we judge, furnishes us a long editorial, which bo says will be of great utility to the human race, and that as he has a great affection for Sa vannah in general, and this paper in partic ular, he will furnish it to it. He has no per sonal interest in the discovery. Anew science is found called Pyrology. Under it— cures can be cflfectod, alt sickness prevented. The treatment consists exclusively iu a wise admin istration ot tile laws of heat-. By it a person can be kept ruon hs alive without food or water. There is every hope while warmth remains. Further devel opments are to he made in another ariicle. This one occupies many pages, and art fully saudwiclied into the middle is a flash advertisement for Dr. Purr, who is the ouly person that knows anything about it, aud who will give any information on receipt of one dollar, directed to box eleven million seven thousand and something, New York. Go on, Doctor; if you can find fools enough to make a living out of that way, we are willing, but dou’t seud us any mure pyrite contributions. We are obliged to reject many worthy ar ticles from esteemed contributors. Borne ar rive so late their conteuts are old. The ar guments or facts in others have often been anticipated substantially in our own edito rials. Borne have a tinge of personality not intended perhaps lo be offensive, but which may seem to us indelicate and uot desirable for publication. Borne have uot the proper vouchers of names. Os all classes of communications we moat desire those containing news, which if au thenticated are never rejected. Prom plan ters and manufacturers we are glad to obtain statistics of their productious and opera tions, and also their views on the topics they are necessarily familiar with. We so licit contributions from our professional friends —lawyers, clergyrueu, physicians— their communications are almost always welcome. Thoso attending conventions or meetings of any kind confer great favors by sending reports promptly, and they are al ways as promptly published. We are glad always lo receive expressions of their views from experienced statesmen, qualified to discuss the subject, on the state of the coun try. But we desire no misanthropical la mentiugs that we are overwhelmed .vitu ruin, and no remedy suggested. We wish no milk-and-water moist-eyed loafers to but den us with the perusal of their sickening pro ductions. Among other things we request all contiihutors to avoid writing ou both sides of the paper—so will the Editor be prepossessed in their favor, the ’compositor rejoice, aud the devil withhold his curse. Princeton College received Inst w< ek two gifts—one of SIOO,OOO, the other ot $125,000, raising the fund to $375 000. THE ALBaM Tri-Weekly News, PUBLISHED AT ALBANY, GA., EVERY TUES DAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. CAREY W. STYLES A Cos., Publishers. rUE LOCATION OF Tills JOURNAL and its fa cilities for expeditious circulation throughout tbe rich cotton regioi o South veatcru Georgia, em bracing the coulilies of Dougherty, Baker, Mitrhel, Decatur, Terrell, Lee, Worth, Thomas" mid Brooks, makes it important to advertisers and indispensable to tbe reading public of ibis aectipu. News on • day iu advance ot any other paper to ibe people oi A lb.iny aud surrounding counties, i’be same tiewa that is read in Albany in the evening rora the lYfacou papers, appears iu the NEWS on tho morning o; the same day. lir Tbe price of subscription to the NEWS in re duced to $G per anuum; $4 lor Fix months, and $1 per month lor any less peri d—always in advance. To clubs of ten tbe paper will be sent, one year dfty dollars. nov*>K~tf AN ORDINANCE - To ameud the various ordinances 01 the o*ty of £a vanuah iu relation to ihe Eire Deflation nt of Savannah, aud to increase the eld ienoy of said Department. Section 1 Tho Mayor and Aldermeu of the city of Stvanii th. in Council assembled, dq hereby ordain, That it shall uot hereafter Ikj luw q for any organi zation o! tiieraeu lo have any thing to do or to be connected with tbe S ivannah Fire Department inde penitently ot aud without thecohscit of the Oitv Council, aud (’ouricil uh -II h realter use its bes ef fort* to prevent the incorportion qf any now flr«; com pauy iu tbe city of Savannah, but not to prevent the renewal of any existing charier **f a tire company. Section 2. And it is further ordainul by the au thority ahuenuid, That hereafter every engine or other article or thing used for the extinguishmentoi tire, and put into tbe service of the City, shall, with out respect lo ownership, be conside ed the property of the city, so fitr ns that the same shall never be withdrawn from hciv < «; without thirty days previous notice to ihe City Gooncil; and every such engine or article or Miiug ns aioivsaid shall be received into service as aforisaid only ou the foregoing express condition, 8; etion 3. And it is further ordiiined by the au tboriiy Hb*rea»id, 1 bat uo steam fireingii eor other ippirntus of any description shall not herealter be •issigued lo any private work or enterprise, or used iheiein or be remov« and, or carried or placed beyond ihe proper fit .tiou assigned to it, without the written consent 6l' tbe Chief Fin man and the approval of the Ma*or. Section 4. And it is further ordained by the autho rity afoiesiiin, That every file company having con trol or management of a steam file engine Hull have the right to elect its engineer, under .ho following rules. Such Company shad noiny Urn Oh e> Fiieiiiau of such electiou, anil he shall at oin e appoint a coiu mitieeoi three eugiuecis. who shall loim an exaui imugboa u; and if ihe engineer eb cied he iound competent, the Ohief Mreman sh ll approve tile elec tion aud loi thwith send the action of the ex.iminii.g board to Connell lor continuation; and no person shall b a lowed to become ;• candidate lor engineer unless ho shall pr< duce certificates of proper q iuiili .Dions ir<*m engineers well kuown to be cou.peteui Midge ol such quablicatiouH Section 6. And ii is further ord lined by the autho rity aforesaid. That each fire company mauagii g a steam engine shall be ulioweo one huadred dollar* per mouth for ordinary expenses, and so mu. h of auy ordinance as allows salary or complination to engineers of fire companies is heieby repealed; this section to take oficct&s horn ihe first day ol January last. lection ti. And it is further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, ’J hat itsliail not be lawful for any en gineer of or attached to any steam fire engine to put ou a pressuie of more thin seventy pounds of si earn, unless order* and to do so by I be Chi« f Fit email, under a penalty of thirty dollars for each and every viola tion of this prohibition ; and it shall he the duly of each engin**or to have his engine in proper woi king order after return from a tire and bet. re leaving the engine for bis lodgings All necessary repairs ol engines or other fl e apparatus shall, before being reporied immediately to tlie officers of such engine, who wil notify the Fame to the t Thief Fin manor Inspecting Officer of ti e Department, who will order the nect.saury repairs maue, iiiiiess they b** ol magnitude, and theu Ih.y shall only bo made with tne consent of th.* Mayor j Section 7. And it is further ordained by the autho j rity aforesaid, That contests lor superiority of steam i fire engird s at fires are hereby expressly lot bidden; nor shall any engine ever be put or used to its ui most capacity or test without the consent ol ihe Chief Fire man, who will see to the utility of having such tests made at the annual parade, when two hundred feel ot the best hose will lie furnished ol the capacity of t wo hundred and fifty pounds to the inch, ami winch hose will be used for iha; purpose aud uo other. For every violation oi any provision of this section a fine of twenty dollars may be imposed; besides which iu any case where damage may be done to private pro perly by any tire engine or other apparatus, and for which the city may be 1 able, such damage shall be collected from the managers of such engine or appa ratus. section 8. And it Is further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for any engine, hose cart or hook and ladder truck to fake the mot available route In going to a Ure; but, on refund >g, it shall not he lawlul for such , can. or tru k to be carried on or over any side-w alk or through any square, or through Ihe Market, under a penalty ol tllir y dollars on the person or persons violating this section; and any damage done to a pavement or to private property shall be borne and paid for by the managers of the lire companies by whose fault the damage may he done. Section 9. And it Is further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, That in case of any disagreement be tween a fire company and the chief officer or officers of the Fire Department, from alleged insubordina tion negh Ct of duty or oMie wi«e, the same shall, after the emeigency is over, be referred to ihe Mayor for hi- arbitrament, with tbe right, of either of the parties to take au appeal to the city Council, who shall finally decide tho matter; an 1 all ordinances or parts of ordinances, so far as they militate with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council, March 4th, 18ti8. MARTIN J. FORD. Mayor pro tem, Attest— James Stewart, Clerk of Uouncil. mh7—t NEWS & HERALD STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 111 Bay Street. We have attached to THIB OFFICE a First-Class JOB PRINTING OFFICE. improved by the addition of all the Latest Styles or Presses, Type, Borders, &c., and we would call the particular attention of the Mercantile and Business Community TO OUR FACILITIES FOR DOING EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. WE EXECUTE EVERY* Description ol Priutiutf, HUGH A« CIRCULARS, LETTER NOTE HEADINGS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, DRAY BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECKS and DRAFTS, HANDBILLS, POSTERS. LABELS, BUSINESS CARDS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, WEDDKNG CARDS, BALL CARDS, INVITATIONS, LAW BLANKS, COMMERCIAL BLANKS, BLANKS FOR COUNTY OFFICERS, or (anytmng else which may be desired. RULING and BOOK-BINDING ATTENDED TO WITH CARS. We would respectfully invite all persons having PRINTING done to call at OLI R OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ANYTHING IN OUR LINE, IN AS LITTLEI'TIWE, Grood Style, AMV AT A8 LOW RATES AS ANT tmiUMMEMT IS THE CITY. MAsm £ ESTILL. Medical. fRENGH MEDICINES. PREPARED BY GRIMAULT & CO., Chemists to H. I. H- Prinoe Napoleon, PARIS. rpHESB different medicines repretent the mom t re cent medical discoveries, founded on the principles of Chemistry and Therapeutics. They muat not be confound, and with secret ot quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indicate their composition; a circumstance which has caused them to he appre elated aud prescribed by the Faculty in the whole world. They widely diffei from those numerous me dicines advertised in the public papers as able to cure every possible disease, as they are applicable ouly to but a very few complaints. The most strin gent laws exist in France witli regard to the sale ol medical preparations, and only those which have un dergone an examination by the Academy of Me dicine and have been proved efficacious, either in the hospitals or In the practice ol the first medical men, are authorized by the Government. This fact must be a guaranty for the excellence of Messrs. Urinate nits et Co.’ s medicines. FERRO MANGANIC POWDERS, pbepabed BT Burin du .Buisson» APPItOVKU BY THE ACADEMY US’ UUDICINJC IN PARIS. A small quantity of this Powder, in a glass of wa ter, Is sufficient to obtain instantly an effervescing mineral and gaseous water, to be drank at meals, either pure or mixed with water. It la a moat valuable medicine for persone suffering from chlorosis, stomach aches, and for ladles suffer ing from difficult or suspended menstruation. It Is especially recommended to persons unable to digest tho ordinary medicines containing Iron. i'hls celebrated preparation has the advantage to prevent all tendency to constipation, and to oontain a certain portion of Manganese, con idered by the most eminent modlcal men as indispensable In cases ol treatment by ferruginous medicines. HU MORE COD L.IYKR Dll. Grimault’s Syrup of lodized Horse-radish. NG Till* medicine has been administered with tbe al most success iu the Hospitals ol Parts. It is a perfect substitute i,.r Cod Liver Oil, and has beau found most beneficial in of Use Chest, Murofula. Lymphatic Disorders, Green DlckneU, Muscular Atony Aud Doss ot Appetite. >t regenerates tbe constitution iu purifying tbe blood, it being the most powerful depurgative known. It lias also been applied with happy results in UI senses of the Skin. Further, It will be found to be of great benefit to young children subject to Humors aud Übstruction of the Ulunds. COASUMFriOfIi CUKUD. Grimault’s Syrup of Hvpopho sphite of Lime. This new medicine is considered to be a sovereign remedy in case of l*hti»isis aud other Ulsensca us the Lunge. It prompt, removes all the most serious symptoms. Tbe cough is relieved, night perspirations cease, aud tbe patient Is rapidly re stored to health. N. U.— Be sure to see that tbe signature of Gitl- MtDL’l' A CO. ts affixed to the Louie, as this syrup 1b liable to imitatious. NO MORE DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL Df GKSTION 1 DR. BURIN DU BUISSON'S, (Laureate of tbe Paris imperial Academy of Medi cine.) DIGESTIVE LOZENGES This delicious preparation is always prescribed by ihe most reputed medical men in France in cases of derangements of tbe digestive organs, such aa Guatritia, Gaatralgla, Long and Laborious Digestion, Wind in the Stomach and Bowels, (Emaciation, Jaundice, AND Complaints ot the Liver and Loins. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA, DIARRHG3A, DYSENTERY, Intantaneously cured by GRIMAULT’S GUARANA. This vegetable substance, which grows In the Bra zils, has been employed since lime Immemorial to cure Inflammation of the Bowels. It baa proved of late to he of the greatest service in cases of Cholera, as It is a preventive and a euro la cases of dlarrheea. NO MORE COPAIBA OK CUBKBSI firiiaalt’s Capsules anil Linnii Eitraci of Matico Ycfotalis. Where all other preparations have failed these pro parations will always effect a cure. These Insure ra pid and extraordinary cure of severe recent and obronlc cases of private diseases. They are need la tbe hospitals of Paris, by tbe celebrated Dr. Bioand, and found greatly superior to all hitherto known mi neral remedies and copaiba and Oubehs. The lection Is used in recent, and capsules in more ohrtv ntc cases. GENERAL DEPOTS : in Paris, at GRIMAULT A CO.’S, 49 ram Richelieu. In Savannah, A. A. SOLOMONS A CO. In Maw Orlanna, DUCONGI. 1R Work, FOUffiFHA. Medical. __ HELM BOLD'B FLUID EXTBACT BUCHU is pleasant In taste and odor, flee from all Inju rious properties, and immediate Ih its action. IT ELM BOLD'B iXTUAOT BUCHU gives health XJ. and vigor to the ft am*, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility la aoconpanled by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment Is submitted te eon aempties, insanity or epileptic fits ensue. Fob non betention oh incontinence ot Urine, irritation, iuffammaiion or ulceration ol the bladder or kUfneye, ot the prostrate glands, (tone iff tie bladder, calculus, grarel or brick dual deposits, and all and aeaaea of the Bladder, kid neys and dropsical swellings, USB HELM BOLD’S FLUID BXTBACT BUCHU. Enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both .exes, use HELMBOLD’S BXTBACT HUCHU. It will give brisk and energetic leellngs, and enable you to sleep well. > Take no mobe unpleasant and unsafe Remedies for unp-easant and dangerous dis eases. Use HBLUBGLD’S EXTRACT BUUUU AND MPBOVBD BOSS WASH. TUg GLOBV QF MAN W SrßßNOTH.—There fore tbe nervous and debilitated should imme diately use BKLMBOLD’9 EXTRACT BDOHD. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re gained by HXLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOBU. Shattered constitution■» restored by HELM BOLD 8 EXTRACT BUOSC. HELMBOLD’S IX IB ACT BUCHU AND IM PROVED HOME WASH cures secret and deli cate disorders In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, po lnconvsntanoa and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste aud odor, imme diate In Its action, and Bee from all Injurious pro perties. f-- HELHBOLO’i FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is a «-rtaln core for diseases of the BLADDEB, SfiDNEYS, QUAVER DBOPSY, OB GANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENEBAL DHBILITY, And all diseases of ibe ÜBINARY OBQANS, Whether existing lial MALE OB FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter of HOW LONS STANDING. Disease* of these argsns require tbe oae of a diu retic. If no treatment la eat milled to, Consumption or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood me supported from (beaa sources, and the BBALTU AND HAPPINESS. And that of Posterity depends upon prompt use of u reliable remedy. HKLMBULD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upward of eighteen years, prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, Dnuoaigx, No. 9U4 Broadway, New York. No. 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. • - - j — j Price, $1.21 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $0.60, Delivered to any address. HOLD BY DHCO<JIvTB EVEBYWHERE. mhl?—eowtl Tlie Press and Messenger ; . I PUBLISHED EVEBY TUESDAY AT | EATON TON, GA., By Gentry, Jefferson St Cos. TUP. PRESS AND MESSENGER is published In tbe central part us Georgia, and In a section that gives uiu«h business to Savannah; it iherefpre offers superior inducements to advertisers, who wish to get customers from Middle Georgia. AdvertiMtmtnti innrttd at Ou mutt rtasonable rates. TBS PBSOa AMD MMaSEMOSR la Strictly a Family Paper, and N devoted to the beaUntereste of the country, and Democrat!# In pelltici. Subecrlp. tlen, $k 00 per annum, in advance. mhfifr-U Newspapers and Magazines. Die Charlestoner Zeitung, JOHN A. WAGENEIt, Editor. UNDER THE ABOVE BEAD the undersigned propose to publleh » GERMAN WEEKLY PAPER, to be the orgaii of the German population, and de voted to the lb tercets of this State, in encouraging Immigration and Industrial pursuits. Literature, Agriculture, Commerce, Arts and Trade will be represented In its columns, and the news of the day will be given. Gen ral JOUN A. WAGENF.R has kindly con sented to nqdertaka the Editorial manage., ent for the present. Subscription—sß for twelve months; $1 50 for six months; $1 for three moathß. Advertisements Inserted ou libera) terms. C. G. BUCK MANN 4 00., sepfiT—luWtf No 3 Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C. Now is The Time to Advertise IN THE MADISON NEWS, Madison, Morgan County, Ga. /YNB OF THE BEST MEDIUMS along the line o V/ the Georgia Railroad, published weekly, in one ol 'me richest cotton sections ot the Slateoi Georgia, and devoted iu politics to reconstruction. Subscrip tion, $3 per annum. GEO. P. EVANS, *u3o—tf Pro| rietor. Atyertise! Ativortie! Advertise. SOUTHERN GEORGIAN, PUBLISHED At Beiubrldg'e, - - Georgia. GEORGE A. PAD RICK, KdUor and Proprietor. r|THE SOUTHERN GEORGIAN has an extensive 1 circulation Id Decatur, Miller, Perl), Mitchell, Baker and Thomas counties. Georgia, and iu Jack son, Libeity aud Gads in, Florida. Savai uah merchants would do weld to advertise In the Geor gian. aug'26-tf THE “JEFFERSON GAZETTE,” MONTIOBLLO, FLORIDA. ICstablished 1859. A. A. Ellenwood, Publisher. H* 8 a large circulation in the States of Florida aud Georgia; did uot suspend during the war, and la situated In one of the most wealthy seciiona of the State. Mr. John A. Grubb Is our Traveling Agent, and Is fully authorized to represent Honda and other States relative to sub scrlptions and advertising. MR, BIaY OTTO aulfi-tf Is Local Agent in Savannah. He ml-Weekly Floridian, TALLAHASSEE, FLA. DYKE & BPARHAWK, Pbopbietobs. rIE completion of the hive Oak Conueetion opens to. B&vannsh so lmmeuae trade from Florldu. Merchant* will Aud the Floridian tbe be n medium for communicating with the people of that State. Ilia tbe oldest paper tb Florida, did not suspend during,the war, and circulates In all parts of the i EStAi. A BROTHER areagents for the Floridian lb Saaanaah, authorized to receive adverlisemeuts ■ Mr! E& OTTO is authorized to receive aud receip fbr advertisements aud subacrlptlons in Savannah. auiO-ti The BaiuMge Argus 'T'HIS PAPER is published every Saturday morn X lug, in Baluhridge, and is one of the best adver tiatng mediums in Southwestern Georgia. The nivr- Chants of Savannah appreciate it on account ol Its consistent aud flnfalteriiig advocacy of the Atla ti, and Gulf Railroad aud tbe Commercial Interests ol Gila city. All business connected with the Argus in Savan nab wilt be represented by the subscriber, who Is authorized to receive aud receipt for subscription, and advertisements, and make contracts for adver tlaing with our merchants. ELY OTTO, Agent. yavannah. Sept. 26,18««. «e‘2l ti TUB WIIBRN mCER, PUBLISHED AT Madison* Florida, Has a Very gknkhal circula tion throughout Middle and Fast Florida, and la located in the centre of one of tlie most pro ductive cotton sections in the South, which trades al most exclusively with Bavunuuh, and is tberelorc an exoeilent advertising medium for Us merchants. Advertising rates reasonable. W. L. PKJRRY, Proprietor, 40- Mb. ELY OTTO la my authorized ageul lor the city Jf Savannuh. myl4—tf THE LaGrange Reporter, PUBUSBBD AT Lagrange, geokgia, HAS the largest circulation of any paper In Wee, ern Georgia, and la located in the midst of ont of the best cotton sections In that portion of tbe State. It Is, therefore, au excellent advertising me dium for the merchants and factors of Savannah, who desire to solicit the trade of Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama. Supiorlption, $3.00. Advertising rates reasonable. JONES ft WILLINGHAM, Proprietors. Mr. ELY OTTO is our authorized Agent for tbe 3tty of Savauuab. ocl6-tf The Tallahassee Sentinel, PUBLISHED AT TALLAHASSHK, FLORIDA, BfiMl-W BKXLY, IT J. BERRIEN OLIVER. Per annum $6 oc Six months 3 00 Three months..... 1 60 We have able correspondents at Washington, At lanta, snd other points, who give ns weekly the latest and most reliable news. Regardless of laboi and expanse, we tutend to continue the Improve ments already made on the SENTINEL, unlil It be comes what it is making rapid progress towards, THE LEADING PAPER IN FLORIDA. Tbe promluent feature us the SENTINEL will bt ’Utedevotion to the rights, Interests and feelingßOl Florida an her stricken sister States; we would llfi them up om tbe valley of humiliation, exhort them to a forgetfulness ol the past (except its glorießl, and uervetbeir arms for tbe arduous struggles of the fu tare." Mr. John A. Gkcbb is our General Traveling Agent, and is authorized to receive Huhscriptioneano solicit advertising, colteci money, sod receipt for thi game, J. berkien olivkr, marl6-dtf Proprietor. THE LIKE CITY PRESS. BUSINESS AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT LAKE CITY, FLORIDA. FROM the extensive circulation und the point where published, the LAKE CITY PRESS, as an advertising medium, offers superior inducements to the merchants of Savannah E. WALLACE DAVIS, aeplß-tf Proprietor. BOOK-KEEPING. A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, Exemplified in Thirteen Sets o Books, accompanied with tbe various forms of bills, Mercantfe Letters, etc , By NICHOLAS HARRIS, A. M„ PRII F—S’A.OO. Also, BOOKS FOR PRACTICE, to accompany tbe above—sl.76 per act BR o TH EH, auglfi—tf Bull street, next to the Post Office. ~ ~pit~ EUHOR 8 OF Y OUTH!- A Gentleman who HUffcnd tor years from nervou* dobillty, premature decay, and all tbe effect* of youtblul indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It the receipt aud directions for making tbe simple remed by which I:e was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s. xperieuce can do so by addressing, iu perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, mayflg—twly No. 42 Uedar street, N. Y. THE SAVANNAH n t HERALD, Daily and Tri-Weeklv, PUBLISHES IT 111 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. 'l'lie Daily HEWS & HERALD HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN SAVANNAH AND IN ITS VICINITY, AND IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY It also publishes the OFFICIAL AD VERTISEMENTS OF NEARLY EVERY COUNTY having ita advertising done Savannah. ITS STAFF OF EDITORS. REPORTS RS Correspiiiciils and MrlMors Is very large, including Colonel W. T. THOMPSON, well known as the author of “Maj. Jones’Courtship,” long editor of the Mornino News ; Db. J. S. JONES, former editor and publisher of tbe Tallahassee Plohidian and Journal ; enterprising and accurate Correspondents at all important points ; and Commercial, Marine and Local Reporters. Especial care is used in procuring Early and Reliable News from all quarters, and no pains is spared in obtaining information by Telegraph, Mail and Express. CORRESPONDENCE, well authenticated, is solicited from all points. TERMS: DAILY, SI.OO per month; per year TKI--WBEKLY.. $1.76 per quarter ; $6.00 per year. PRICES CURRENT (issued every Friday) Per siuglu copy 5 cents. Per hundred $4.60 Advertisements. The NEWS AND HERALD is unsur passed as an advertising medium lor Georgia and Florida, and it has a large circulation elsewhere, with patrons in nearly every State in the Union. The Terms are as low as the high price of paper, material, labor and rents will allow. ABc eot Prices appears in the DAILY. JOB PRINTING. Connected with the Esiablishment is a WELL FURNISHED JOB PRINTING OFFICE, at wnicn all orders will be promptly filled. Mason & Estill EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS.