Tri weekly news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 24, 1868, Image 4

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Tri* Weekly News and Herald. MONDAY tXOKftlttG. AUGUST 24, 1868. A WALK AJLONG THifi WHARVES. Tile Cotton Pi'eMnes -tlepairs and lm provementa—Tlie Cotton VValehouses- Wharf Itepaira, &c., &«'. NUMBER TWO. Our tirat article on this subject stopped at the Tyler Ootton Press, and we now continue it, golug west ward. The Lower Hydraulic Press, superintended by Mr. James H. Domund, has received a complete overhaul ing and is now prepared for a good business. The machinery has been put in “apple pie order,” the en gino room cleaned out. painted and whitewashed, the yard replanked, and everything put in the best possi ble condition. The warehouse next east of the press has been put in good condition; the open yard repaired, the old brick pillars removed and replaced by iron columns, and other imorovements made, rendering it one of the best warehouses in the city. Ou the opposite side of the street is a warehouse which has for some years been used by this company. It has recently been replauked, repainted and placed in general good order. Next west of this warehouse, on the soath side of tlie pienk road running along by the presses, was for several years a lot lying vacant. The owners of the Lower Hydraulic Press determined to put it to use, and therefore bought it and enclosed it with a high brick wail, intending soon to erect a cotton ware house. Lamar's pres-es and wharves are the next attract ing the attention of ihe traveler. Ail explosion of a boiler at this press some months since attracted the attention ot the public for a day or two. The heavy boiler was lifted from its bed, thrown through a thick brick wall, thence turning “end over end,” went above the roof of a forty-foot house and through the cotton yard, landing against one of tho posts of the shed. In its course it made an entire demolition of a shed on the south aide of tho engine-room, smashed the entire wall, stove the fireman to pieces, scattered human fragments of two or three other individuals in various directions, and did much other damage. This boiler was brought up near its former position, with the intention of haviug it repaired, but it was found that the diinage was too extensive, and Mr. Lamar consequently ordered anew boiler of a simi lar pattern. The two presses have been overhauled and placed in good condition for work. Tile feed-pumps have been renewed, and all the connections examined and set right. These presses are worked on what is usually called tho Tyler patent, by the direct action of steam, instead of resorting to the intervention of water in hydraulic pumps. The yard has been re-planked, the offices repaired anu everything placed in good order ior tho work which is confidently expected to come there erelong. Tae western shed has been cleared out ot guano, paved in a substantial manner, and has also received other improvements to lit it for business. This press has for suveral years been under the supeivision of Mr. M. Sinquefieid, who not only looks well after its interests during the business season, but also takes good care of tho extensive warehouses after the com pressing season is over, and they are used for storing various descriptions of merchandise. The next cotton press is that of tho Central Com pany, managed by Mr. S. W. Wight. This is a hy draulic press, of similar character to the others, and has also received a complete overhauling, until it is aa good as now and ready to receive its share of trade during the comiDg season, when Savannah will take rank as tho first cotton port. At the oid Georgia Steamboat Yard, opposite the foot of Montgomery street, is the Upper Hydraulic Press, which is also managed by Mr. James H. De mund. Here’ aIBO the entire machinery has been placed in good order, under the supervision of Mr. Win. 0 Burnham, who has for several years been the efficient cagiueer of this establishment. The eastern portion of this yard is occupied by the Black Star line of steamships running from this port to New York, of which Messrs. Octavus Cohen & Cos. are agents. The agents have made great improve ments here in repairing ihe wharf and shed, and giv ing greater facilities for the receiving and discharg ing of goods. The entire wharves and sheds, those occupied by the Cotton Press Company ah well as that portion under ihe control of the. Hteamship Company, are now in line order and prepared for a good business. Here wo must again break off, and leave for No. 3 many other items picked up in our travels. Fashion Books and Papers.— Among o hi r interesting reading matter, with which Estill’s News Depot is supplied, are the latest numbers of the following named books and papers: Leslie’s Ladya’ Magazine, for September; Harper’s Monthly, for September; Banner of the South, No. 23; Edinburgh Review, (quarterly,) for July; Chimney Corner, New York Ledger, Sunday Mercury. Thf, communication in regard to repairing the steam fire engine John W. Anderson, which ap peared iu yesterday’s News ano Herald, signed by Messrs. P. J. Bulger & Cos , should not have been published, as Mr. Bulger ordered it to be left out, as he was satisfied that the statement attributed to Mr. Chas. Gordon was not made by that gentleman. We make this collection so that there may be no misun derstanding, nnd if there is any blame to bo attached to any one for its publication, it lies with this office. The Baltimore Link. — The steamship North Point has again been placed ou the Baltimore and Savannah .Steamship Line, to run in connection M>ith the America. This ship will leave Baltimore on the 27th instant, ancl will make a weekly line in conjunction with the America. We learn from Messrs. J. B. West & Cos., the agentsof this line, that two more good ships, now ready for service, are to be put on, thus making it a semi-weekly line, as soon as the business will war rant such an increase. In the meantime the America and North Point, two staunch steamships, will afford weekly communication between this port and the Monumental City. Tobacco — Messrs. Ferrill <fc Weslow ad vertise in another column a lot of tobacco, comprising various brands and qualities. This house is exten sively engaged in the tobacco trade, receiving their supplies from Ihe best manufacturers, upon terms which enable them to sell as low as the ariicle, of equal quality, cau be brought to this or any other Southern market. Their present slock includes some very choice brand«, which purchasers will do well to examine before purchasing. The Rbtobt Coubteous.—“You are a dull looking sot,” as Sozodont said to the neglected teeth “We shall soou improve under your auspices,” as the neglected teeth said to Sozodont. ‘‘Spauluino’s Glob,” with brush, useful and indispensable in 6very well-regulated bouse. Gist of Getters Held far Postage, Remaining in Ihe Savannah Rost Office, which will be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office if not attended to by the writers before 29th inst.: Miss Eliza Preston, S»v, Ga ; Master J Zacharias, Savannah, Gi; Mrs JanoieCooper, Savannah, Ga; Mr John Grayson, Screven House; Miss M Vandevell, Nashville, Tenn; Mr Dominic Deaey, New York; E c Powell, Bolaver,Tenn; Addison Garz, Eeadiug, Penn; Jemmy Moran, Philadelphia, Pa; Miss Coraßrearley, Philadelphia, Pa; Miss Susan Kelley, Stamford,Conn; Miss Virginia Hubert, Aiken, S0; Miss Tbedoeia Early, Baltimore, Md; Mr Saminerlin, Lake Harney; Mr Jabez Yohne, Stephens PO, Ga; Mrs Thomas E QadeujUiirborßritton,New Foundland; W PSpencer, St Mary’s, Ga; Miss Mary Brassington, Newport, R I; Messrs J Bridals & Cos : Miss Mary Woodward, Johnson's Station, 8 C; Sam Williams, Cooper’s Plain3, N Y; Mr Rowan Woodcock, Green Cove Springs, Fla; MrDtiulan, Madison, Fla; Jas Bowles, No. 10, A&G KR; A J Striclriand, Blackehear, Ga; Mrs Sue Thomas. Row at Montezuma. — Extravagant rumors were afloat yesterday ot a serious collision near Montezuma, but upon investigation we tied then; tnoslly false. The only foundation for the reports grew out of a fracas which occurred between Mr. W. Y. Thomson and a negro man. Mr. Thompson was driving his buggy along the road, when some portion ot the harness broke. While he was down making repairs, a negro man came up, and they got into a quarrel, which was soon fol lowed by blows. The negro drew a large knife, which Mr. T. seized aDd took from him, but in doiug so tie was cut in several places on the hand. With ihe knife in his hand, the negro was completely at ihe mercy of Mr. T , but he spared him. We regret to learn that the same bad feel ing exists between the two races there that prevails at other points below, and hope our friends will act with prudence and modera tion under the circumstances. But peace may sometimes beoorne more intolerable than war. Miseram pacetn vel belio bene mu tari. —Macon Telegraph. The New Orleans Picayune says a large number of new buildings are now being erected In that city. Book and Job Printing AND Book-BindinP'. IHE NEWS AND lIKItAIiD ROOK AMI JOB MiG 13eparm on t HAS BEEN PUT IN COMPLETE ORDER, with NEW TYPE aud MACHINERY at tlie most approved construction. Merchants and others requiring Printing of any Description can rely npon havlne their orders executed promptly In a FIRST-CLASS MANNER, AND AT REASONA BLE PRICES, at this OFFICE. ACCOUNT HOOKS or Merchants, Bankers, Insurance and other Com oanles RULED TO PATTERN, with PKINIKT HEADS. BOUND in the mast substantial manner. Book-bindint;ot All Kinds ATTENDED TO. SOUTH GEOItGIOIMES published at Valdosta* Ga. rtIHIS PAPER ih a good medium an an Advertiser JL for those who desire to extend their business in the counties adjoining and ii6<tr the Gulf Railroad. The Proprietor offers to ADVERTISE AT LOW RATES, very low, when t>y oontraot for a length of time. The attention ol' merohanti and business men ol Savan nah is respectfully 1 n vited to its claims in this re grard. mavti—t.f MARRY AG E G UIDE. BEING a private instructor for married persons or iliose aoouttu be married, both male and l'eruale. iu everything concerning the physiology end rela tions of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of off-pring, inclinting all the new discov eries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and inreresting work. It is written in plaiu languago for the general readtr, aud is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and haviug the least imped imentto married life, shou'dread this book. It dis closes secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a hook ihat must be locked up and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 50 cent). Addre-s, Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Phila delphia. 46J-AFFIOTBD AND UNFORTUNATE.—-No mat ter what may oe your disease, before you place your self under ihe care Oi any one of the notorious Quacks—native and foreign—who advertise in this or any othet paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's Boult andread Lcaretully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, aud possibly your life. Dr. Youug can be consulted on any of the dieeases described in his publications, at his office, No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, j e27-twly TIIE Reporter, PUBLISHED AT LaGRANGE, GEORGIA, HAS the largest circulation of aDy paper in West ern Georgia, and is located in the midst of one of the best cotton sections in that portion of the State. It 18, therefore, an excellent advertising me dium for the merchants and factors of Savannah, who desire to solicit the trade of Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama. Subscription, $3.00. Advertising rates reasonable. JONES & WILLINGHAM, Proprietors. Mr. ELY OTTO is our authorized Agent for the city of Savannah. ocl6-tf “ THE LAKE CITY PRESS. BUSINESS MB FAMILY NEWSPAPER PDBUSHED WEEKLY, AT I-.ARE CITY, FLORIDA. FSROM the extensive circulation and the point Whore published, the LAKE CITY PRESS, as all advertising medium, offers superior inducements to the merchants of Savannah. E, WALLACE DAVIS, seplß-tf Proprietor, PUBLISHED AT JVtadison* Florida, HAS A VERY GENERA I, LTHCI I-.V TION throughout Middle and East Florida, aud is located in the centre of one of the most pro ductive cotton sections in the South, which trades al most exclusively with Savannah, and is therefore an excellent advertising medium for its merchants, Advertising rates reasonable. W. L. PERRY, Proprietor. tgr Mb ELY OTTO is shy authorized agentiorthe city of Savannah. my!4—tf Advertise! Advertise! Advertise. SOUTHERN GEORGIAN, PUBLISHED AT Bainbii ge, - - Georgia. GEORGE A. PABRICK, Editor and Proprietor, riVHE SOUTHERN GEORGIAN has an extensive I circulation in Decatur, Miller, Early, Mitchell, Baker aud Thomas counties. Georgia, anil iu Jack son, Liberty and Gadsden, Florida. Savannah merchants would do welil to advertise in the Geor gian. aug26-ti NICK OF TilE WnoyS S Nick of* the Woods I “ FIRESIDE COMPANION.” / 1 EORGE MUNRO A CO. have, at an Immense vX expense, secured the exclusive right of publish ing that wonderful story of Bonier Life, “NHJK. UF THE WOODS I” in the “FIRESIDE COMPANION,” which will be commenced In No. 24 ol that popular journal, issued on April 2d. ‘ NICK OF THE WOODS” is the most remarkable and exciting story of i he kind that ever appeared, and is tlie Fountain-head l'rom which myriads of Indian Tales have been derived. Some of the characters are unequalled in the whole range of Fiction for a certain kind of weird, myste rious interest that hangs around them. For instance, the terrible Jibbenainossy, tlie “Spirit that walks,” Bloody Nathan, the “Man of Peace,” ami Roaring Ralph Stnckpole, the “Ramping Tiger of the Rolling Fork,” who was equally at home whether stealing Red men’s scalps or a pals face's horse. The desire to read a story of such intense interest, of course, will be universal, and we trust that our friends wi I order the paper of their newsdealers in season, t prevent disappointment. Tlie FIRESIDE COMPANION is tho Best Fnmil Story Paper published. It is for sale by ail New dealers. Price. 6 cents a copy; $3 a year; 4 copie SjilO; or 9 copies for S2O. GEORGE MUNRO & 00., mh«7—* »3T WteinTr, uireet. New York. THE “JEFFERSON GAZETTE,” SIONTICELLO, FLORIDA, Established 1859. A. A. Ellenwood? Publisher. JJAB a large- circulation In the States of Florida and Georgia; did not suspend dating the war, and is situated in one of the most wealthy sections of the State. Mr. John A. Grubb Is our Traveling Agent, and Is fully authorized to represent Florida and other States relative to sub scriptions and advertising. 3VZ It. BL Y OTTO aulG-tf Is Local Agent in Savannah. The Bainbridge Argus, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, IN BYINBRIDGE, GA. WILLIS mT~RUSSFLL. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION : $3 00 PER AN* NUM, payable in advance; or $6 00 at the end of the y^ar. inserted at reasonable rates. THP! ARGUB is strictly a FAMILY JOURNAL, devoted to the best interests of the country; and »r an Advertising MEDIUM offers superior induce ments to the merchants and business men of Savan nah, Charleston, Baltimore, New York, New Orleans, and other cities. The “Atrus” is Democratic in politics, and opposed to negro suffrage, and fanaticism generally. Official. __ AN ORDINANCE To Assess and Levy Taxes, and- Raise Revenue for the City of Savannah; to amend the various Tax and Revenue Ordinances of said city; to lix the salaries and compensation oi certain officers aud employees of said city, and to reduce tlie ex penses of the cily, and for tlie regulation of cer tain kinds of business in said city. Section t. Tlie Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain, The an and after tlie first day of January next, ISOB, faxes and revenue ior the support of the gov ernment of the c'ty of Savannah, and ior the advan tage and benefit of the inhabitants thereoi, shall be assessed, levied, aud raised, at aud after the follow ing rates, that is to say : l. A t tlie rate ol' one and three-fourths per centum per annum on real estate in said city, according to the valuation for tlie year 1866, and such subsequent valuation lor improvements as may have beou made in tlie year 1567, or may have been made thereafter. • 2. On all gross sales ol every kind of goods, wares and merchandise, including all sales by brokers and auctioneers, including lumber, limber, shingles aud s aves, and excepting liquors, one-half of one per reiuuiQ; sales of real entate, one-half of one per centum; stocks aud bonds, one quarter of one per centum 5. Ou the amountof all gross Rales of liquors, In cluding wine, malt and spirituous liquors, whothcr at wholesale or retail, one half of one per centum 4. On all gloss sales of cotton and rice, one-tentb of oue per centum. 6. One per centum on all commissions or profits derived from any business transactions by’ any mer chant, factor, auctioneer, broker, forwarding, ship ping or commission merchant, and one per centum on tho value ol all furniture, jewelry and plate worth over three hundred dollars, including pianos and all other musical instruments ; and one-fourth of oue per centum on the value of all solvent bonds, mort gages, judgments, notes, and other evidences of debt owned or controlled iu the city of Savannah, ex cept bonds of the citv of Savannah. ti. One per centum per annum on all incomes de rived from salaries, aud the pursuit of any profes sion, faculty, trade or calling whatsoever, except in come from real estate. And it is hereby declared and ordained to lie the duty of every person, natural or artificial, standing iu the re.ation of employer to another resident per son, receiving a fixed salary or compensation, to make a return of the tax hereby declared payable by or on account of such employee, and, after deducting said tax from such salary or compensation, to pay said tax into the City Treasury, in the case of a Corporation, the return must be made by tlie Pres ident, Cashier or Treasurer, of the Corporation, aud Ihe tax must lie paid by the Corporation and deducted as aforesaid. The amount of Eight Hundred (U 00) dollars per annum on all salaries is hereby relieved from taxation. 7. One per centum on gross receipts of any busi ness transaction not included in tho above and fore going, and including all local insurance companies, gas companies, express companies, cotton presses; all receipts for freight and for passage money payable in this city; ot all hotels and restaurants; aud on all gross ourniugrf of every bank, bank agency, banker, bill and exchange broker, one por centum; but ou ihe gross receipts ot all agencies of other than such local companies or banks, two per centum. Also, one per centum ou all gross receipts of all commercial, steamship, steamboat, vessel or other agencies other than those taxed as commission mer chants. Also, for the improvement of the Savannah river, one per centum ou all freight and paeqgj, t money received or collected by the agent, pn clerk or other officer of any steamboat or vees&i riving at or, departing from the port of Savannas,, it being hereby made incumbent on too agents ol said boats and vessels doing business in Savannah to make returns under oath monthly to tho City Trea surer, aud pay the tax. 8, On every horse aud mule, except those actually usedin wagons, drays, trucks or other vehicles for which badges may have been taken out, one dollar per month. 9, Ou all gross sales of borsea and mules, one per centum; it being understood that every person bring ing in horses or mules for sale, shall not fitter them for sale except through a taxed livery stable keeper, auctioneer or merchant, or cither person properly taxed, and all returns of such sales shall be made separately Horn other returns of gross sales. 10, On every dog, the annual tax of three dollars and fifty cents, Including the price of a badge for each. And all Uogß ioumi running at large without such badge shall be impounded, and if not reclaimed in iorty-eight hours shall he disposed of. And it shall he the duty of tlie Treasurer to put every person on oath as to the number of dogs on his or her pre miaea. 8 ction 2. And it is further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, That wheneier, under this or any oilier ordinance of said city, any reinru may be re quired or any tax be assessed or due, by or from any non-resident, company or corporation, the return •ffiall be made and tne ta- be pit, able by the agentor other manager or director oi such company or cor poration, aud for every default execution shall issue accordingly; anil that m the case of every person or persons liable or subject to make a return '<nier L thiu or any other ordinance, and where defanß may tie made, e xecution shall issue for a double tax ou the immediately previous return, and if no return shal have been made, then the party in default Bliall be liable to a penalty of not more than one hundred dol lars on conviction before tho police Court for overy day’s default, for which penalty the City Treasurer shall forthwith issue execution; and in all cases of detault in making returns or payment of taxes, exe cutions shall ißsuo, and the taxes and penalties col lected in the manner now pointed out by existing or dinauces; aud that the same rule shall apply to the cases of persons failing or refusing to take out badges or licenses. And In any case where sucli person or party shall have no property to bo found, out of which to collect such pen ilties, Buch person or party may be committed to jail for a period not longer than thirty days. Section a. And it Is further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that tlie following annual specific taxes shall be levied and collected: On every nnrtioneer, twoi.uudrod dollars; on every wh lesale and retail dealer in soodo, wares ana mer chandize, exclusive of liquor license, silty dollars; every retail dealer, exclusive of liquor license, twen ty-five dollars; on every bank, banker or bank agent engaged in buying or selling exchange, one hundred dollars; every person or house dealing In exchaugo, and every broker, money-broker and pawn-broker, oue liuudred dollars; every local insurance corn puny or agency, one hundred dollars; the same for each aud-every agency; every foreign inauruucecom pany or agency, one hundred and filly dollars; every the keeper or keepers of a hotel, one hundred dol lars; every the keeper or keepers of a sailor board ing house, one hundred dollars; every tlie owner or owners, lessee or lessees of a cotton press, driven by one engine, two hundred dollars; every the owner or owners, lessee or lessees of a junk shop, three huu dreddollars; a cotton pickery, two hundred dol lars ; a cotton pickery two hundred dollars, to be confined exclusively to tho sale of cotton ; every the owner or owners, lessee or leasees of a public stable, one hundred dollars ; every com mission merchant or factor, fifty dollars; every ship ping master, one liuudred dollars; every stevedore ether than non-resident, titty dollars; Hon residents, one hundred dollars; every the owner or owners of a coal, lumber or wood yard, fifty dollars ; every tlie keeper or keepers of a warehouse for llie storage of cotton, merchandise, goods, Ac., for each warehouse, fifty dollars ; every the owner or owners of a bil liard table used lor hire, one hundred dollars for each table; every the owner or owners of a ten pin alley, flit.y dollars for each alley; ovory the owner or owners of a saw mill, planing mill, sash and blind •factory, one hundred dollars; and on the owner or owners of every steam engine used for hoisting pur poses, pi lining purposes, or any other puiposs or business not regularly taxed, as hereinbefore stated or enumerated, seventy-five dollars; ori every engine used for driving a grist mill, twenty-five dollars; a Hour mill, fifty dollars; every the owner or owners of a job printing office, twenty-five dollars; every mas ter builder, mason or mechanic, including shoe makers and tailors, takingcontractstor work, twenty, five dollars; every the owner or owners of au intelli gence office, twenty dollars; every manufacturer of soda water selling from founts, twenty-five dollars, and manufacturing and bottling soda watsr, fifty dollars; every soap boiler, tanner, and founder, for each establishment, fifty do’lars; every gas titter, twenty-five dollars—one tax tor each firm ot two or more persons; every practicing attorney at law, physician, dentist, daguorrean artist, photographer and ambrotyper, twenty-five dollars; every steam ship, steamboat, vessel or other agency carried on by any other than taxed commission merchants, tlie sum of fifty dollars for each agency; on every ice house, fifty dollars; on each and every mu seum, twenty-five dollars; on every express company, two hundred and fifty dollars; ou every baggage ex press wagon drawn by one horse, twenty-five dollars; if drawn by two horses, forty dollars; on every gas company, two hundred and fifty dollars; on overy restaurant where a liquor license is not takon out, twenty-live dollars; on every rice mill, one hundred dollars; on every person selling, or offering to sell, by sample, or otherwise, and who is noi a resilient ol the city, one hundred dollars; evory lottery office or agency, three huudred dollars; every barber shop, the annual tax of twenty-five dollars; overy private billiard table, tho annua! tax of twenty-fiv e dollars. Every person shal), under this ordinance, ho deemed a money broker who buys or sells stocks, bonds, or money, other than ids own; and shall be bound to make returns and pay taxes, under the penalty prescribed by ordinance. The taxes provided for in this section shall be due and payable on the first day of January, in each and every year, and re turns therefor Bhall be ma le ou said first day of Jan uary or within ten (10) days thereafter: Provided, always, that any person who may begin business after the first day of July shall, immediately alter so be ginning business, make the proper returns, aud shall be liable for anil pay one-half the said tax. And pro vidod further, that iu the case of co-partnership be tween practicing attorneys-at-law, or physicians, or dentists, or daguorrean artists, or photographers, or ambrotypirs, each member ot such partnership shall pay said tax of twenty-five dollars. And it is further declared and ordained, That no junk shop or cotton pii kery shall, after the tenth day or January next, be used or kept open, unless the owner or owners of such junk shop nr cotton pickery Bhall have previ ously paid into the city treasury the said tax thereon for the year, aud shall have taken out a license from tlie office of the Clerk of Council, in which license it shall be distinctly expressed that such jutik shop or cotton pickery shall always be subject to llie visitation of the police of the city; a duplicate of which license, signed by such owner or owners, and expressive of his, her or their assent to suchcondiiiou, shall be re tained by the Clerk of Council; ou refusal ol' such owner ur owners, at any time, to submit to such vis itation, such junk shop or cotton pickery shall Imme diately be closed by the Mayor. Section 4, And it is further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that the license for tho sale of goods, provisions, wares or other articles from any vessel or whart shall he one hundred dollars, instead of fifty dollars, as fixed by the Ordinance of thirty first_December, eighteen hundred and forty ; and any shipmaster, captain or officer of an j-vessel sell ing articles or collecting hi* or their own freight money shall bo subject to a penalty not exceeding ono hnndiod dollars. Provided, always, that any person required by this Ordinance to take out a li cense, and who may begin business after the first day of July, in any year, shall, for that year, pay only one-half the price of such license; and the fol lowing persons shall be compelled to take out badges on the first day of January, annually, or within ten days thereafter, at the prices herein designated, that is to say: every vender of email wares, and every huckster and hawker, and keeper of a cookstove or shop, an annual badge at the price of ten dollars, which may be reduced one-half if not required to bo taken out until after the first day of July; and any person subject or liable to take out any such license or badge, or any other license or badge re quired by this ordinance to ho taken out, and failing to do so for ten days after the said first day of January in each year, shall be liable to a fine of not more than thirty dollars for evory day’s default, on conviction before the Police Court. Such licenses and badges shall bo issued by the Clerk of Council, and the licenses shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the Clerk, and haveimpressed on them the seal of the city. And It is hereby de -1 oared and ordained, That any shipmaster, captain. supercargo, agent, or other officer of any snip or yet nel who snail pnrehase a oargo or part ot a cargo of timber, lumber, cotton, or any other produce except through a regularly taxed commission merchant or broker, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred d °Sec. 8 6. And it is further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That every male resident of said city, be tween the ages of twenty-one amt sixty years, shall bo liable to a poll or capitation tax of one dollar an nually, ex ept only such of said persons as may he entitled to registry and to vote at city elections, ana who shall register their names and pay for the same. Section 6. Aud it is further ordained by the au thority aforesaid. That on aud after the first day of January next, tho price of a license to rotail spiritu ous liquors for oue year shall bo oue hundred and sev enty-five dollars,auu the applicant shall be required to submit ■nT>rr ,tl ‘‘“ two responsible freeholders ol the neighborhood as a prerequisite to the issue of Baid license; aud ior a wholesale liquor license the price shall be one hundred and fifty dollars, and no sales to be made under a ball' gallon, by any wholesale dealer. Aud no bar-room shall he licensud which has lot an entrance to It separate and distinct from the entrance to the dwelling, and the license shall be forfeited for a second viola tion of any Siato law or City ordinance; aud in case of forteiture the license shall not be reuewud lor the space of two years. Section 7 And be it hereby ordained by the au. thority of the same, That hereafter the lollowiug shall be llie prices for licenses or badges ior the ve* hides and animals herein,liter mentioned: For each ono Ijorso dray or truck sl6 00 For each two horse dray or truck 24 Oo For oach throe horse dray or truck 81 00 For each four horse dray or u qek 46 00 For each one horse cart or wagou 12 oo For each two horse cart or wagou 24 00 For each one horse cab, hack or buggy 20.00 For each two horse cab, back or pleasure car riage 40 (Ml For each two horse omnibus 40 00 For each four horse omnibus 60 00 For any break wagon usod for exnibiting horses for sale 40 00 For each horßo or mule used for loadiug or un loading vessels 31 00 Too license feu for cabs, hacks, and buggies, to bo paid to the Oity/rpeasurer, aud not to tho Fieri, of Uourioil, and ih tne case of all other vehicles whore lladgcs are exacted, the badges shall be taken out at the office of tho Clerk of Council, aud tho fees paid to him. Suction 8. Aud be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, That all returns required by this ordinance for real estate, income and commissions shall bo made quarterly, that is to say: on Ibo first day of April, the first day of July,the first day of Octo ber aud the first day of January of oach year, or with in ten days thereafter, respectively, for the three mouths immedlate’fpvwcrtit'g such respective day s, and that for gross sales, .'including freight and pas sage money, amt gfosti receipts ol all commercial agencies, and gross receipts of all steamship, steam- Uqtu and vessel agejmetes carried on by other than taged commission merchants or brokers, returns shall lie made between tlie first and tenth day ol each month for tlie preceding month, beginning with the mold li of February next, eighteen hundred and sixty, eight. Section 9. And it is further ordained by the au thority aforesaid. That the following shall be the ab uttal conipefisatiotvTffid no more, allowed the fol lowing city officers and employees trout and alter the first regular meeting ol Council 1 n January next, that is to say; The Mayor $2,500 Lurk of Council 1,600 fy Treasurer- 1,60 b ttiab rj.Oity Treasurer 1,600 !5» ual .. 1.600 (bv-*'JStract) 800 OlerfeMr-Jm * jjket As&istt, the Market *** City r uvvoy’or. - Messenger ol Council.,. 120 Keeper of the Pest House 4SO Jailer, including Deputy 2,000 Keeper of Forsy th Place M 0 Pump Contractor 1.200 Corporation Attorney 1,200 Harbor Master 1,200 Chief of Police. 2,000 First Lieutenant of Police 1,400 Second l ieutenant of Police 1,100 Chief Detective of Police 1,400 Six Sergeants of the Police, each 1,000 Privates ol Police, each 7 Jail Guards, each. CoO Health Ofticor 600 Keeper of Laurel Grjve Cemetery 1,200 City Dispensary 600 Engineers oi Fire Department, each 600 Superintendent and Engineer of Water Works. 1,600 Aariist ant Superintendent and Engineer of Water Works 1,20 c Second Assistant Engineer of Water Works.... 900 Secretary and Treasurer of Water Works 1,200 Turncock of Water Works 900 Section 10. And it is hereby ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, That hereafter the Clerk of Council, tho City Marshal aud the Messenger of Council shall, without compensation therefor, perform for the Board of Health Hhe duties heretofore respectively performed by said officers for said Board. Section 11. And it is further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That nil ordinances and parts of ordinances, so fur as they militate with this ordinance, be and they are hereby repealed* Ordinance passed in Council December 30th, 1867. EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest: JAMES STEWART, Clerk of Council. ianl—eodtf sli ll CO SITT (J TION, A LIVE DEMOCRATIC DAILY, Goes forth Every Morning full freighted with valua ble information, Interesting Original) Matter and the Latest Intelligence. XT’S COLUMNS ARF, BNRIOHKl) WITH THE ehoierst selections From Literature aud theA'.ta, while Agriculuire, Commerce, Demoeraey, Local and Slate News constitute Leading Features iu Ita Edito rial management. PUBLISHED AT Tec Dollars Per Annum, Five Dollars for Six Months, or One Dollar for One Month. Hpocimen copies sent on application. Address CABBY W. STYLES & CO., Proprietors of The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. ISC A W eekly will bD issued as HO;in as the neces sary rna terial unites. like: $3 per MMim. je2 Die Charlestoncr Zeitnng, JOHN A. WAGENEIi, Editor. UNDER THE ABOVE HEAD the undersigned propose to publish a GERMAN WEEKLY PAPER, to be the organ of the German population, and de voted to the interests of this State, in encouraging immigration and indnstrial pursuits Literature, Agriculture, Commerce, Arts and Trade will be represented in its columns, and the news of lire day will be given. Gen ral JOHN A. WAGENER has kindly con sented to undertake tlie Editorial management for the present. Subscription—s3 for twelve months; $1 50 for six months; $1 for three months. Advertisements inserted on liberal terms. C. G. EKOKMANN A CO., nep27— linvtf No. 3 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C The Tallahassee Sentinel, PUBLISHED AT TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, BEMI-WEKELT, BY .1. BKKRIGN OLIVKB. Pfir annara $5 00 six months 3 00 Three m*nths 150 We Lave able correspondents at Washington, At lanta, and other points, who give us weekly the latest, and moat reliable news. Regardless of labor and expense, we intend to continue the improve inents already made on the SENTINEL, until it be comes what it is making rapid progress towards, THE LEADING PAPER IN FLORIDA. The prominent feature of the SENTINEL wtil be “ils devotion to the l ights, interests and feelings of Florida au her stricken sister States; we would lilt them tip om the valley m. humiliation, exhort them to a Migotfuluess of the past (except its glories), and nerve their arms for the arduous struggles of the fu ture." Mr. Joun A. GRPTfn is our General Traveling Agent, and is authorized to receive subseriptionsand solicit advertising, collect money, and receipt for the same. J. BERRIEN OLIVER, mar!s-dtf Proprietor. Published for Information. AN ORDINANCE To amend the several Ordinances in relation to the running at large of bulla, cows, oxen, calves, and other cattle, and to prevent llioir being tied In cer tain places, and going at large or being tied in the Military Parado Ground. Section 1. lie it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men ol the city of savannah and Iho hamlets thereof, in council assembled, aud It it* hereby ordained by the aiithorityjol the same, that from and immediate ly after the parsing of this Ordinance, it shall not be jawtui t ji' any person to tie or cause to be tied any bull, cow ox, call, or other description of cattle, to any tree, fence, stake or other fastening* in auy street <> r other public place in said city where, under exist /? ftr,ce or or dinanctß, such animals arc pro hibiiod from running allarg<\ or In the Military Pa’ rado Ground (now Forsyth Place extended). ♦i * A P? t 0 11 farther ordained by the au thority afoi es-iid. That no bull, cow or calf, or other description of cattle, shad be permitted to enter the eno.onnrc of or he at large la the Military Parade Ground (now Forsyth Place and that any person violating any part of this or the preceding Sec tion, shall, on conviction, be timed in a sum not ex ceodimr live dollars for every such offence; and it shall, moreover, be the duty of the officers and pri vates oitho Police force to impound every such ani mal so tied or going at large as aforesaid ; and Hie sam*'proci edings shall be had, and the same rules snail govern, as are prescribed in other caeca of im pounding cattle ruuuing at large. Ordinance passed in Council Bth May, 1801. Ordinance ordercd t,.i be republished f.»rinfornia tion and its provisions to be rigidly enforced. . « A , _ .TaM E 8 RTE W A KT, J el0 ~ 10 Clerk of Council. ERRORS of y O UTII ! A Gentleman who Buffered for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It the receipt and directions for making the simple reined by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, may23—twly No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y. Medical. FRENCH MEDIGINES. PREPARED BY GRIMAULT & CO., Chemists to H. I. H- Prince Napoleon, PARIH. (JtHESE different medicines repreieut the moat re cent medical discoveries, founded on the principles of Chemistry and Xherapeutica. They must not be confounded with secret or quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indicate their composition; a circumstance which lias caused them to be appre dated and prescribed by the Faculty in the whole world. They widely differ from those numerous me dicines advertised in the public papers as able to cure every possible disease, as they are applicable only to but a very few complaints. The most strln geutlaws exist in France with regard to the sale ol medical preparations, and only those which have un dergone an examination by the Academy of Me dicine and have been proved efficacious, either in the hospitals or in the practice of the first medieal men, are authorized by the Government. This tact must be a guaranty for the excellence of Messes. Grlmautt* et Co.’s medicines. FERRO MANGANIC POWDERS, I’REPAitED BY [Burin dn Bnisson» APPROVED BY THE ACADEMY OE MEDICINE IN PARIS. A small quantity of this Powder, in a glass of wa ter, Is sufficient to obtain instantly an effervescing mineral and gaseous water, to be drqnk at meals, cither pare or mixed with water. It is a most valuable medicine for persons suffering from chlorosis, stomach aches, aud lor ladios suffer ing from difficult or suspended menstruation. It is especially recommended to persons unable to digest the ordinary medicines containing Iron. This celebrated preparation has the advantage to prevent all tendency to constipation, and to contain a certain portion of Manganese, considered by the mosteminent medical men a3 indispensable in caseß of treatment by ferruginous medicines. MO MOKE COD LIVER OIL Grimault’s Syrup of lodized Horse-radish. Tills medicine lias been administered with the ut most success iu tlie Hospitals ol Paris. It is a perfect substitute fur Cod Liver Oil, and baa been found most beneficial In Diseases of the Chest, Scrofula, l.yinpl.ut to Disorders, Green Sickness, Muscular Atony And Goss of Appetite, it regenerates tlie constitution iu purifyingtheblood, it being the most powerful depurgative known. It has also been applied with happy resnlts in Dieeases of the Skin. Further, it will be found to be of groat benefit to young children subject to Hnikori and Obstruction of the Glands. CONSUMPTION CLUED. Grimault’s Svrup of Hvpopho sphite of Lime. This new medicine is considered to be a sovereign remedy iu case of F’trttrlsis and other Diseases ..Y I lac Lungs. It promptly removes all the most scri ms symptoms. The cough is relieved, night perspirations cease, aud the patient is rapidly re stored to health. N. B.—Bo sure to see that the signature of GRI MAUI/l 1 fit CO. is affixed to the bottle, as this syrup is liable to imitations. NO NUKE DIFFICULT OK PAINFUL. DIGESTION I DR. BURIN DU BUISSON’S, (Laureate ol the Paris Imperial Academy of Medi cine.) DIGESTIVE LOZENGES This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the most reputed medical men in France in cases of derangements of the digestive organs, such as Gastritis, Gustralgia, Long anil Laborious Digestion, Wind in tlie Stomaclx and Bowels, Emaciation, Jaundice, AND Complaint* of the Elver and Loins. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA, DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, Intantaneously cured by GRIM AULT’S GUARANA. This vegetable Bubslauce, which grows in the Bra zils, has heen employed since time immemorial to care littiammatlion of the Bowels. It has proved of late to be of the greatest service in cases of cholera, as it is a preventive and a cure in cases oi diarrhea. NO MOitisi COPAIBA OK CUBFBSI Griinaiilt’s Capsules anil Lipid Extract ofMatico Veptalis. Where all other preparatious have failed these pte parations will always effect a cure. These insure ra pid and extraordinary euro of sevore recent aud chronic cases of private diseases. They aroused in the hpspiial3 cf Paris, by the celebrated Dr. Ricoud, and found greatly superior to all hitherto known mi neral remedies and Copaiba and Cubebs. The lection in used in recent, and capsules in more chro nic cases. s GENE It AT, DEPOT’S : In Pai ls, at GKItVIAUET A CO.’S t *5 r«# Kichelieu. In Savannah, A. A. SOLOMONS A CO. 11l New Orleans, DUCONGI. In Msw York, FOFtFKA, Medical. J tm i %?' 3 | ■ v" . * A CLEAR- SMOOTH SKIN AN» BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION follows the use of Helsiboli.'s Conointbatbd Extract Sarsaparilla. It removes black spots, pimples, moth patch and all eruptions of the skin. IN THE SPRING MONTHS, the system naturally undergoes a change, and Hrlmbold’s Hiqhli Conobntrated Extract of Sarsaparilla Is an as slsiant of the greatest value. YOUNG LADIES BEWARE! OF THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS of Face Powders and Washes. AU such remedies close up the pores of the skin, and In a short time destroy the oomplexton. If you would have a fresh, healthy and youthful appearance, use Hslmbold’s Extract Sarsaparilla. Not A PEW OF THE WORST DISORDERS that afflict mankind arise from corruption of the blood. Hblmbold’s Extract Sarsaparilla is a remedy ol the utmost value. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA cleanses and renovates the blood, Instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the hnmors that make disease. Quantity v« quality, hslmbold’s extbact SaRSapaMLLa. The dose is small. Those who ue. ire a large quantity and large doses of medicine ERR. Those who desire brilliancy of com FLEXION must purify and enrich tbe blood, which Helmbold’s Cohcentbxted extbact op Sab sapabilla invariably does. Ask for Helmbold’s. Take no other. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA is the Great Blood Purifier. HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA (Eradicates Eruptlrs and Ulcerative Die* cases of the Throat, Nose, Kyes, Kyellds, Scalp and Skin, WHICH BQ disfigure the appearaDoe, PURGING the evil effects of mercury and removing all taints, tho remnants of DISEASES, hereditary or otherwise, and Is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO IABLE-BPOONFULS of the Extract of Sar saparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoctions as usually made. AN INTERESTING LETTER Is published in the Medieo-Chtrurglcal Review, on the subjoot of the Ex tract of Sarsaparilla in certain affections, by Benja min Travers, F. R. 8., sc. Speaking of those dis eases andtdlseases arising from the excess of mer cury, he Btates that a o remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla; its power is extraordinary, more So than any other drug lam acquainted with. It is, in the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attri bute, that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunh en, and yet so irritable as renders other substances of the tonic class unavailable or injurious. HKL.MBOI.D’S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Established upward ol eighteen years, prepared by H. T. HELHBOLD, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, 604 Bhoadwat, N. Y. SOLD BY DBUGGIBTB EVERYWHERE. Price, $1.25 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $0.50 may*—eowtf The Press and Messenger TUE9DAY AT BATO ‘TON, GA„ By Gentry, Jefferson & Cos. ritflß PRESS AND MESSENGER ispnbliuhed A the central part of Georgia, end in a section that gives much business to Savannah; it therefore offers superior inducements to advertisers, who wish to get customers from Middle Georgia. Advertisements inserted at the. most reasonable rates. AS- THE PRESS AND MESSENGER is Strictly a Family Paper, and is devoted to the best lnterestsof the country, and Democratic in politics Subscrin tioa, $2 00 per annum, in advance. mh2o— tf • THt SAVANNAH IWS i MKALII, Daily and Tri-Weekly. PUBLISHED AT 111 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. The Daily NEWS & HERALD HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN SAVANNAH AND IN ITS VICINITY, AND IS IHE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY! It also publishes the OFFICIAL AD VERTISEMENTS OF NEARLY EVERY COUNTY having it3 advertising done Savannah. IT S v STA FF , OP EDITORS. REPORTERS Comsoondents anil Cntrttilm Is very large, including Colonel W. T. THOMPSON, well known as tlie author of “Maj. Jones’Courtship,” long editor of the Morning News ; Db. J. S. JONES, former editor and publisher of the Tallahassee Floridian and Journal ; enterprising and accurate Correspondents at all important points ; and Commercial, Marine and Local Reporters. Especial care is used in procuring Early ami Reliable News from all quarters, and no jpains is spared in obtaining information by Telegraph, Mail and Express. CORRESPONDENCE, well authenticated, is aolicitod from all points. TERMS: DAIL ® *l-09 per month; JlifiiM per year TRI--WEEKL Y.. $1,76 per quarter ; SG.V> per year. PRICES CURRENT (issued eveay Friday) Per single copy 5 seats. Per hundred $4.50> , l • Advertisements. The NEWS AND HERALD is unsur passed as au advertising medium for Georgia and Florida, aud it has a large circulation elsewhere, with patrons in nearly every State in ihe Union. The Terms are as low as the high price of paper, material, labor and rents will allow. A Sc e of Prices appears in the DAILY. JOB PRINTING. Connected with the Establishment is si WELL FURNISHED JOB PRINTING OFFICE, at wmen all orders will be promptly filled. J. H. ESTILL, raoi-siETOK.