The Argus. (Buena Vista, Ga.) 1875-1875, December 17, 1875, Image 3
%W< gwcmt LOCAL DEPARTMENT. i i;n.\v SnfnMti <•, /ufcKMitiit ivm. i£:>. mm II Mi ■nu mu ■miiriiirii TANARUS I In ■.. —Wo have sot'll ono silver doj- Inr si iK'O \vc inve been in iftfcnh Vista, and that was drawn in a * jirize box'. —We understand tliat, there is tuning to be a rcstaurant‘in Buena Vista. And wliy shouldn’t there be ? A town with as many ad vantages as our nice, little, tight little, town, ought certainly to have an eating house. —There was no meeting of the United Friends of Temperance' owing to the fact that someone had stolen err misplaced the key to the door of the lodge room. There was quite a large attendance, but had to return home without any meeting. —Several of our fellow towns men have been quite successful in the nog-raising business. One of them has six fine fat bogs to kill, •mother lias seven or eight, and still another has already butcher ed some very fine hogs. One firm, in Buena Vista, on last Saturday, sold in c\-h sa’-es, wish ■collection#, four hundred and ninety-,, tive doll ill’s [s49f>jj. Another firm* ild fifty pairs of shoes. Drummers mom abroad saf? that mopqffeusißcss is being done in tW mmdtalile line, > ■comparatively, in Buena Vista Blau in any of the tow us and cities ground ‘ 4k they accord to 'he Augt>s par t of the credit for bringing about ft is benefipie-at state at’ things. All xto* have-- to say* to the farming •■cdminunity is, that if tli'ey want bargains, had better come to • Buena Vista. Christmas is Coming. The year is drawing to a,, close. | The hearts of the. young and the old are palpitating at the thoughts, ■of the pleasant and agreeable inci dents which always follow in the wake and on the wing of the "Christmas Hollidays. Old Santa. ■C!aus*is preparing for the coming, festivites® with usual life and v ig or, and evc*h the immortal and siever-to-be-forgottea Hard Times is compelled to rest for a while, the sombre glory of his wrinkles. Slaving been outshone 'bv the facWtous ligth of tbs -childrens great and unswerving friend, Saint . • The time is drawing near when candies, raisins, nuts and the full dine of Fancy Groceries will be de stroyed and enjoyed in vast quanti ties. The children will chatte 1 ’ •and laugh over them, and the e'.d ■folks will smile, and be happy in the happiness of the young. And it is to tire interest of all those who have such things to buy, to know where they can be bought cheap, and where the articles are pure and good ; and we take great pleasure ii refer, ing the public to the fact that MqjMicheal & (Stevens lisve a ♦rge supply of Groceries, which they say they will sell very ■cheap* At least it might bo to .the interest of the public to call and examine their goods. Burglary. „ .. . On last Saturday night, some per son or pCtffcong entered the barn cl Mr. Waljflr Woodruff by drawing the staple and stile some teu or fifteen btwhels of c<#n. He had about*ifour lmiulred buslnshjiu the barn, and sup posed from tlje-appofrancc at things that about' the 4hove mentioned t hail been taken, * t SStao measures,should, be adopted by our good citizens to stop this thing. It is much as peo ple can do to live when they will work, without their hard earnings be ing stolen by the idle and dissolute who will not work. Conference. A goodly number of our ciTizens sure enjoy ing thcniselvci irt rVtu<V icus, in attendance the Aniiu aL of tlie M. K. (murch, ISiHith. Bishop Doggott wiil preside ; but we umlerstair# that Bishop Pierce and Vlabtiyrak r pr-eseijt. t I Jjl .1 •We hope that our ffientls wilt all enjoy themselves on their visit to Americus ; and wo doubt.. n if they will be edified by hearing the eloquent and aide sermons winch will be preached on Saturday 4uql Sunday, in various churches oulie city. Gin House Burnt- A gin house belonging to Davis & Williford, .of Stewart County, was burnt on last Monday, 13th inst to gether with three bales of cotton A 000 bushels of cottpfT seed. The fire was caused by a little negro gill stepping on a matyli in the lint room, causing it to ignite. The three bales of cot ton were in the lint roomginned. Loss about SI,OOO. County Court. * 41 The regular term of the Marion Comity Cmirt convened Crti -last Monday, Judge Wm.-B. Bjutt, ptje siding. There were ’fweiity-tbur disposed ojf lyith litigation, .the erinwnumcares were not be sym# . Everyyiing passed off quietly, and agreeable to tfl). Everybody acknowledging *' tl -sit Judge Brit Up resided with dignity,.as well as that all the officers of the court were*eminently fitted for the posh tions that they occupy. ' - dhere were quite a number of the citizens of the county in town in attendance upon the "Court. Moke vaumule than TkkasukY Notes — How that, oi l cynic, Sam Johnson, would have revelled through Webster's massive new Unabridged! how lie would havt gloated over its illustrations, beauti ful as new Treasury notes, and much more valuable to the stu •dent. r J lie Merriams have inc'firr ed a fabulous expense in having ' the whole work rewritten, reset, recast, and republished. It is not a mere revision, but a reconstu'C tion. To inlure excellence in ty pography, it-001*108'from the Riv erside Press, which is ah that need be said about its mechanical execution- It is a marvellous specimen of learning, labor, rc. search, and taste. It is far, the greatest literary work of the age. —Da It)more A merietin. —What are the wild waves say ing just now / Do they say there will be a wedding in Buena Vista before very, very long. Truly we don’t know, who does ? There are 2750 languages. Two persons die every second. A generation is fifteen years ; av erage of life thirty-one years. —— +.m. A Itev. J. O. Branch, pastor of St. Paul’s M. E. Church, South, in Col umbus, left that city last week for California, where will be the theatre of his future usefulness. He was dearly beloved by the people of South Georgia, and carries with him .their aff'ection aad best, wishes. * i A Brooklyn young man of obser vation mentioned that girls who wora. striped stockings to kiebthe gate optfn. ” “Isn 't.yoivr huybantl a Jittlc baldt’ asked one lady of another, in -terday. a bald hair in his head," was the.hasly reply of the wife. 4 The Democratic majorities fof tlie af yderinauic ticket .at At lautaVange from 7GB to 910. The “lo<(pmdeuts,‘‘ so cnlled, were whipped out oPihoir boots- The Gl iftin News learn* that Mrs. Bur burn (juuther, of Pike county, wfij dis appeared about two weeks since, was found do id in the woods last Monday, having-committed suicide by hanging herself to the limb of a treei . (fni * * Mncon, (Ja. ,December Id. —tfh 1,11 wine 011 the IJagon *iii#l RunYbitfl cxplnrleil ffiiWmrn ing, killing the engineer, (Jeorge Horning, instantly. A hjiggagit her of Florida tourists on the train, luma wcre't. . tef fid idf < tye>m L/cl uol learn J tlftlt iiigUtoi most bi-Viui],* aucgpi lias made hV two iH-gMc* #t* MiHefli'to inuidcf a young white mm named John ,\L Conner. who is’ahout yoarffof Ifge is cm ploy ed hy Mr. Daniels as a clerk in his store at Millen. 011 the night in question lie was walking between the sime and Mr. Dauieb’housoswlienlif! was set up. on by Iwo negro men, ’•who knocked him down vviili a brick, and then strucK him twoorthict limes with the same weapon. They took from Lis perseji tao del an j, 11 muncy, am! were scarelt rg I' r bis WjdelJnheß they were frigh tened off. Yeung Obnner is danger ously Wuunded,’ ii i •knlbhaving been fra. tuied. He is n very eehfniibl" 3 ot ng man, and is liked and l’especteo in the ueiglihorhood in which he dives. The uegioeswliq couunitied the foul dee'l were arrested yeHteiday and wilged in jail.” Wholesale Prices Current. Corrected "Weekly mtt & w&mm Columbus, Ga. December 10' li, 1875. BrtCuii—Cß Sides 14i Shouldel.t *.l ftt Bulk —C R Sides 12. J Sboulrterg t 94 Lbng (dear sides . .1. . 12. 1 , Ilan s—-sugar cur#l, eanva&cd 15 Nilgai* cured, plain If 1 Csindle, — 4 Bso eCuffue—<iiou.-e v Mf. ...A.!... .+23 1 Prime.'". . 24 Ja \ a .... .. 1. ~... .4. 1 Cam-vlijiiKe4iliitoy .Ds*to JJtW Yellow w ........... 9Cfc, Flour— I'iOte.vjy., Good ffflßiy .... Wl 54* tpijjtoo Coin won- .... $G 50' to Lard—'Jhoiee leaf, tieices ]5 Choice leaf, keg 5,......... 16 Choice leaf, buckets, 17 Potatoes—lrish, Bills $3 50 Sweet ~#oc 10-75s R ; ce —per lb its barrels 1... '8 Oats —Bust proof, per bus $1 2o Yellow— 75c to tO Blai k 70c to 7tM- Hides—dry 11 G veil G I’o.s—Field ' fcl 00 Table $1 25 Eggs —per cl • n 25 Chickens-—Grown 30 to 40 Small sized 20 to 25 Oltior.S : —per bbl.. 84 00 Apples -per bbl $4 00 to $G 00 Oranges—apii ce , ..v .... .*1 .. I^- Meal—in sack, p r bushel $1 00 Syrup-s—Choice New OHoanv, 05 Prime. . t .^k....,60 . Choice Plot id a' 55t Cotiupon. ‘ .'59 Sngiyar-Criraii < and ... +,?! .13 wramtiated .fit. /... 12J Soaj) —Laundry, per pound, to 7|c Toil j t, per'j'idzeu GO Starcli—-per pound 7 Soda —in kegs, per ptund.'. 0-t Asscited .... ’ 7^ Cliceso—Best, Cream 10 •Salt-—Liverpool 175 Virginia: 22-5 Shot—per sack. 240 Tolupco— ll the lb.. 50 a 0.5 Twist GO to 75 Shoes—Home-made Brogans.... ISO Northerff. . 140 to 175 WomenV, . . ... 125 to 200 Slier ting 4 .47. -,' . i • 9 Shirting—| 12 U Stripes—. .V .-. oto 10 Orsnaburgs— >5 oz 12 J Jeans — 20 to 60 Sewing Thread—per lb .•• • v 40 Koclory Yarns—- ....120 Ticking—. Best. *.®®o • Medium 20 to 25 Co&nnon; 12 tn 20 ■CoTTON. Mid i rg . 42 Low Midling " ...... 4 I j Good Ordinary 41 Ordinary • 10 IWIIE TO ILL!- 1 will sell fc my residence rtn Kii#uifuinee ctoek, uer Pineville, on 'lhnfwtey' theHCtli t)f lMeeml'ier, 1875, tlie following property to wit- 3 good mules and 2 horses, 400 jplslp els of corn, BUO3 lhs of "EViiTder, 30 he'nd of ho|<s, bouecboMand kitchen-furniture. <nlow and wagon gear,- and Tenns l ash. 4* f—. MAI i t JowvS, Djcanbeß 3-2 t ■ ’ > #• ” _ 1J * Vnrura B. JLASOS FRENCH HOUSE, Public Square, Americas, Georgia. ifttistßii iAbOfr, Proprictcrs^, ;.r ' , t First Class * Application For flonicsttail, I GEORGIA—Makion County: Alartha Blythe has applied for exemp | tion o: personalty aud setting apart and | valuation of homestead and I will pass upon the same at my offieo r on Tuesday, Hi ' 21st inst, at 9 o’olo- k, a. hi. I Decelnber 9tli, 1875, at Jab. M Lowe, Ordinary. , |J|R|!ipiEi\TS. PEACOCK’S Si: BERK Ml ' 1 *! , f C*n tjftn. frm in jn wif' ' l>< I fiSi I'* m "if I'lolili, 'iisf I *•-tin cpa.’c Hii* win titr‘loo Miifiht’l.-iiiut will *cll iheui ;ii Tvo Dnlj Iniv- per if call, a f'*r l>y Hu; Jit st ul l’uli -1 nil do on min extra aoro this year thou mi a jrmnik M*e(l eottuii, mid 1 wi'l thi>, that I have f'aiili to ht lime that, thc.-p eed are a far ahead .*1 any I have jdnufod that r am vvillinsr to |nf in $2- r > OH with any mini ler ot men who will |da,ut ttlnr variety oi .-(red ojj one aare ot land, aiid the one making the mlit all the mo my. IiKNAJAk I'K COCK, Four tniloa West of Uuena Vi#ta, Marion Cos. (Jn. a. s se. It’ will get a copy of THE LA GSANGK IfUPolUKit f.w six luontlis: thr I'KKMIIOI WEKK JV iiV GKOIUrI i; to ill the gold muilalnt tlu' jjiatq Fair in 1873, ns' the lioet county wenliS- in the .Slate WH AX IX W I t. D o. “typography, mllie-vrti. busimss, reading matin' and etlitorial man agemut coiwiilrreil.” si NlfOK'E DOLI.AIt ANU IIIY IT FOR SIX MON Ills. Specimen copies fr . ’ rmi la grange Repouti.u hi not mnrply a W.i! paqc r. Besides its lo cal ami mi v ellaneous reading, it has a de partment devoted to the farm and gar.lgn: a department specially adapted to household reading; one devoted to State news, one to □itwn of the Southern states, and one to the news of the world, collated with great care from the telegraphic dispatches as found in the best metropolitan dailies. Espe?iaJ pains ar- given to the news columns, Hire design hi the publisher bcingto give his readers the es sence of tire news, gathorecLfrorti. <4l sources and buried dgiyjfc by. UiiaVjatem, the read- Hgn nrgte pWifeym-'kvf all events ot fmport <Acr. htippen pnjt'vliore, add the publish er thiulis he can justly claim that u this re- tire LaGriuige ltepc l# has no superior •Pits cl ass. luraiff- i2 a Star; $1 for six JpenSfs. ,4Jc -elm m copv. Adjresl J. T. WATERMAN, i ~ for Homestead, GEORGIV—MiI ri on ♦Conoty-.-Jc >hii R. lvcmp Gas applied foy e'xemptiou ol pessonaltj.aud setting ae'art flnd vulua (mu nf HomestfTid, and I pass upon the same ai my office on the 2-Stli fust., at 10 o’clock A. M. i. M. LOWE, December-17th, J 875. Oid’y; , i m-* 7 /oJ)lCTKl\Af."Woi\rzras~ / £ ! CEf TT '.E &ES%* IWE©F-J< Dictionary 10 bOO Worifs and Meanings not in oMum Bfictlon-irica. 8000 Engravings; 18-fo Ihmes Quarto, iheoe v-12. Vf 7 ebster nmriaglorious—il, leavs II iug lo*||f *(fesirred-- Pres l Fuk.w College.’ '* fAve-ry sclie’-.i’Vk.i'ws the vHi aof the Vj woik --ft", ft Prcfedtt , the Historian. 1 Relieve it tojre tlie most perfect dleliona 3ry cf die lie gu*ge J O. Holland Superior in most respects to liny other known lo me —George P Month. ' I’ll," slandnrd audinrity for pr n i g in Ibis I ollicc —A II CHapp, Cos tern me.) t Printer idxccls all others in givi ig and a- fi ng sc - entific lerms —Paendent Hitchcock 1) errnrkubie compendium of h .r,,an knoivl- Y , dge —W S Clark, Pres’t Agricultural Coll"! e. “Th ' best practical English Dietiona rv extant.’’—[Louden Quarterly Review. October, 1873.] i A NEW FEATURE.—'To- the 3000 illustrations heretofore in Webster's Uu abridged we have recently added four pages of Colored Illustrations, engraved expressly for the work at large expense. ALSO WEBSTER’S NATIONAL Pictorial DICTIOMIY. 1040 Pages Octavo. GOO Engravings, .ihioe 85. National Standard. .*' ILioot: 20 To 1 The sale of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in 1873 wero 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries in proof we will send to' any person, cm application, the state ments of more than 100 booksellers from every sectioned the country Published bv* G & 0, MHRlllAll, Bpringfiaid, 'Alass -4 c f * §o\i by alF.Booksellers ii'. ’ Executor's Sale. ‘GF^fccllA—Mamov Counts: Ilf virtue of-a a ovder <•( ttie Court of Ordi nary, of said'eounty, > I'cviM sell on the first Tuesday in January next befflre 111” p'oiivt idloude in* s’Hld'conuty. the one bay interest in lot of land Ulr,’ nineteen rl) i ■tflWoiijth (4) Histl oL saicl..pcmnty. mild as Hip Jtfopertfof Mi*T%rvey. # -!k<'’iTL foils' mbution. Terms cash. M. J. Ila R \ ITI, 1 lee o, 1875 —f \v. r % i.xecuto ugpfestet'°"*' f Tftm very in need of money at tliis tinm, ~.uid take Hms method of flilteigmiloft . KWard "and ' accounts, 4 have made hills fof drugs, med ium's, Sc., oi* tho promises o? mv natr*nn, and tbcji are nuw.dLasind lu* ]i 1 f A l '- less past iudemeimeßS'is HilßlJd, I will lVot do a credit business another year. In tact,, I could not if 1 would, > ifc ;‘' ' ' I Miring my aosenee Tromv*w'H, Col. E. M. Butt is duts ar.ft irizsdto receive money and reoeipt for Bills due me. F. ii. WisnoM, M|D. Bucua Visti, Ga., Bee, 10—tf. Buyevs. r J3^ Wtr, IT fA T □ '%y ; <3£&iSsL %La3sßi <&!> 'SEKaro' v^y □ |-l ata I anrnow receiving a WELL A.-'SC HIED li’UClv yf VAIL S WIMTESI GO OLE es Which I will sell at greatly It )DUC2D PlilCEb. Mv Stock consists of STAPLE and FANCY LIIV COO Aft, ITApg HOttT.v FAMILY CitOiT.ltllN, I! itOWAUR, XOnO.N'-. -... and haft tmon bought with SPECIAL KKKiili!iN<'E to til-’-wants and MMKGIiL p01.81T101.... community, and will 1i0.%0hl As LOW As IHKY CAN* La. LOJ'.<lli any win re in any jtegular liou-c. * Tl;iving*iongh.t tjnwn in person. Ipm StHIJ iSLOITAJ* Till? *** ' WILL M€M BM Calico 0 to 8; Soda 12 pounds to the dollar; O'ouuine ColSina |Axo .$1.25; and other goods in proportion. a^saar 1 Oise, Canaan .•til, JBsail Sum- cliea? &oOils *£iia l>e sold Isa JSiiesia Vislii* ■ • ms. Bu na vista, Georgia, October 3*l, I^s. JPiUIC&CJXa liMc I- T.. A ~g=g ~t=*.T£j. do hereby issue this my Prorlanutrbn: That the roo tlin' crop being exceedingly short unit money extremely nctuee, and having a well selected stock oi ,S4-() <)( X > worth of goods, consisting in part of 4 Fore inn ail Dome.tic Dry Goods, Clothing of the Lai stiinlliist Styles, Dress Goods. Hat#, Boots u ail Shoes, * with everything Usually kept in n fust-class store, which must be sold at greatly reduced prices, in Older.tlmt'aU may •• ' -r opportunity of lieiuselves with tin lute comforts ol life. ‘SPEL imtde in clothing, (Assn litre suits from $d upward. Oil find .. *’ 1 mean business. 3L*.j. 3.* ?i3, Olumbus, Git., October Bth, 18T5—3m -No. lU, Broad street &mmm IS THE GREAT WHOLESALE A>*D RETAIL mn goom clotiiinc & shoe HOUSE OF SOUTHWEST GEORGIA! ! T. WHEATLEY, Successor to KENEEIS & WiiEATEY. The Largest Stock in the City. Lower than the Lowest. Unusual Inducements Buying tlie next 30 Bays!. SMIiMI G&SU- NEW GOODS AT PANIC PRICES, WE HAVE JUST OPESKB ATOWR Amoriclis, €J*t , /. Fall and WimtepJ'jOod s • duptoil to IhoAr.mts Of 6ur customers and ift'ettmorditiary low prices. Wo have added to our usu n tfhicli vfu lutWmd suits .rftlioVor* ffkcst#Aitßcrn Doruitin Joans ever brought t this market, matte jesjiecially tr.ilejt ower (luiit they ere ever taowni On retook of .*'*# . 4 - IS the Georgia, 'and will he so!<J ns low a* the sw*no qvLiUtyiiifi he. t fit fu or AHiilta?' wf lmvf never Jnul an large a sflbckof .IS V*s, nor as as itnvt. *ahm- of i Atr.t, 'Chanty.Tito best wq ever sold* pv lviv *‘ h heantifnt A k-f 1: ' . ' •yul— iu* ikLAPACAS- cannot he .excelled, they are. very dia-inI.aNie.AJJR - out* I SHaivltr* *jhJ<*©h tfelmvo Domestic ft.* d-sb. :iva.tvariety, a*ul '" m manv of theni eoneKi>oiuling WiUi a COTTON AT TTOTJ FU CTS FL‘ ZPOTTINTID ” Our' stoejt of Table Damaskwas Never so gboeT. We keep altos ft nr Rfdflr nrSfti £■?, Hats! Umbrellas, Tattle ami Pocket nrtisry. Kxtr.-i Fine ‘Razor Steel” • . ■ Scissors, Fi-cu Moan, Starch. Soda, Blacking, as w- 11 as m my artUUe ,p>t on "aerat'd. Xllobaap! ©heap! I&xtra 6bcau! . . :ar es c -al mis a:. a Wo respectfullv invite evortbMVto fafl aid oxamiee onr steel, lieldre po vlia-iny. Kov.6,isToim