The Sun and Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 03, 1874, Image 3

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r $aUg orKLIKA, ALA.: SATURDAY JANUAHY 3, 1874. OPELIKA DEPARTMENT. ieo of Optdika Department of »li«^ Colummus Ex- c nER i, a ,k room of 1 lodge & Hurt's Grocery ‘'tor.*, Kail Komi street. Subscriptions for D Ally, Weekly and Sunday Knqiuiu.r received Ht this otti :e. Also.eou- tj-rtct for ndvertlhing and Job Work «»!’ nil descriptions At such prices us defy competition. K. M. CtKAV, EDITOR. Good Keaolutioii*. It is no ootmuoii for men autl women to periodically make and unmake mental resolutions looking to a radical change in nearly every ovil habit of life of which they arc gulty, that the world arouud them, though partakers in the same sin of broken vows, look and laugh, or think and pity a weakness which forms, per haps, the most striking characteristic in their own lives. If the veil of self con ceit, so charitably thrown around us, wore rudoly torn away, and “Burn’s” pe tition: “O wad Homo power tho giftlo gie us To mho ourselves us it hers see us, It wud true uionlo u 1.1 under free us, And foolish notion,” boeu granted, doubtless “Scotia’s wine bibbing bard” wonld Lave beeu a wiser uud, perhaps, a better man. The times in which he lived and breathed his sweetest songs were, doubtless, much like those of to-day, and tho follies and vanities of cotemporaneous people gave life to some of his most humorous and caustic poems—whether or not they pro duced a change iu the habits of his loving countrymen we are not told. We suppose, however, that human nature being about the same iu all ages, results followed thou which succeed now. After all the advice asked and uuusked,written, printed and published, the people* go on much as they will to do—crops may fail; panics may conic; banks may break; poverty step iuto the stateliest halls, and drive foitb in sorrow and wretcheduess its once happy inmates to a life of toil or sad depemlanee, and yet we pursue the snme fatal road which leads eventually to ruiii and somotimes shame. To work, to toil, to sow and stitch, wo are so disin- cliued that we catch at any means to in dulge idle habits, the father of dangerous fancies and sweet temptations, and iu an unguarded moment u troop of demons throng the avenues of a once pure heart. Wo sink but rise agaiu on our good reso lutions, buttling manfully for the victory, sometimes finding an anchorage safe and steadfast. Now dragging through tho mud and mire of a weak will, we go to pie ces upon the multitude of ills which insta bility bungs around its victims. Let us ail this “new yeur,” who are being buffeted by the broken vows of the past, place a firm, steady baud at the helm, 'bout ship and keep her head to the wind. The Slipper I.uwt Sight. “Pitts' Academy llall” was thronged last evening with tho grave and the gny, tho brave and the fair of Opelika aud sub urbs. .Miss L>\ ropre-toutiug our last ad- ditian, and Miss P. II. from Montgomery. Prom dewy eve until midnight’s raystio hour, pleasure l eigued queen of tho night. “Wouldthat we were youug again," wo thought, us the bright and radiant love liness-passed arouud. The more substan tial enjoyments of the evening were in dulged without stint, and doubtless our Episoopul friends fed happier in the pos session of more friends to aid iu tho com pletion of their new building. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Lawyers. A. J. VICKKHA, ami Counsellor at I.nwr. Attorney Office opposite Alabama limine. Practices in all the Courts of the State. Jail Tailors. J. R. ( AMrilKI.1,, Tailor, Cutting and Making in the Latest Stylos. He pairing neatly dune. South Kailroud St., over Furniture Store, Dentists. 1.1.. K. SMITH, l.ontUt. loon Plate Work and IMu^ring on teunouahlu denial] terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. WKSI.KY KAltKIXUER, linrber. Corner Smith Kail road uud Cliaiu be i a streets. deciiJt IIIWXOX A TIJKXI1R, Barbers, Smith Hailioad street, unuur Adams House. dec2.i Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to buttiuiH* portion of Hie city, jal G. W. A 1.1.KM, Prop r ADAMS HOUSE. go to Opelika, bo sure to stop at the i House, opposite Passouger Depot. Doctors. Oil. J. W. K. WILLIAMS Offers his professional services. Office ovor H. M. Oreon A Co.'h, Chambers & U. It. Strootv. Insurance. E. C. 1IOWEX A HON, General InMiirnnce Agents. Office. Kailroud Street, over It. M. (Jrueno & Co.’ uov23 THE SUN PRINTING BOOK - BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, Columbus, O-oorgia, MOST COMl*LETK AND EXTENSIVE IN THE SOUTH. AND Bill NO SUPPLIED WITH ALL THE Modern Styles of Machine ry and Material, FOR 8ALE AND RENT. For Rent, tpilK Valuable Plantation belonging to tho estate of A. Aben rombie, situated six miles lielow Columbus, on the Alabama side of the ri»er. Ap ply to the under-Uued. or N. L. llowaid, Ks.p C. T. ALKItCIlOMlilK, Administrator. For Sale or Rent. IpOUR ELEGANT RESIDENCES iu tho city of * Opelika are now offered for sulo or reut at panic prices. Apply to jal -w T. L FRAZER. Plantation for Sale. I OFFKIt for sale a Plantation ot 32U acre vi ithin four miles of Columbus. About < acres of this land is liver bottom, the the best quality of oak and hickory uplauds. A nuee-wary improvements are on the place. dec30 cod'd K. D. GUN BY. ASSIGNEES SALE. . . Ellis ta 11 o’clock Tuesday iu Junuatv, 1!j74, the I'mHowIiik per sonal property assigned to us by John King. 13 Reams Paper. 4 Copying Letter Books. 12 lJoten Pass Books 12 Bottles Arnold’s ink. 120 llooumerit Envelopes. 1 Cancelling Stamp 1 Letter Press and Stund. 0 Chairs. 1 Book Ruck. 1 Lot Books and Paper. 1 Stove and Plpo. 1 Eight-day Clock. 40 Hogs. 3 Horsos. 0 Mules. 1 Mare and Colt. OCo 2 Express Wagons, l Carr. 1 Two-Horso Wagon. 1 Lot Plows aud Hoes. 1 llurro.v. 1 Large iron Sale. 1 Iron Money Chest. The Largo Iron Sale Is at former office of Mr. Johu King. The Iron Money Chest is at *'’’ • ‘Bank, where par- Merohants’ and Mechanics' tics desirous ot examining can sob them. JOHN PEABODY, W. L SALISBURY. Assignees of John King, Executor’s Sale. O N tho first Tii *sduy in February next, I i » house uf Kills A Harrison, in Coiiiuibiis, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, to-wit: One undivided haP* interest iu tho premises known as tin storehouse lately occupied by Hall & Muses, aud now by William Beach, as a hard ware store. Also, an undivided half interest in the store house next the corner on Broad street, under Con cert Hall, aud an undivided fourth interest in Concert Hull. Tii" said property Icing tho interest of tho late T«*i a For Rent. for the Kent of the HUSK Pl.AOK, bclongln to tin* i-st t« of John King, this place will he r> rented at Ids rbk on TUHSDAV, January Oth, 1374, at II o'clock, a. in., before tlie Auction House of Edit A Harrison. W. b. SALISBURY, JOHN PKABODY, dccJl-td. Assignees Jiio. Kiug. For Sale. LARUE three-seatid Jurney Wu Light One-Horse Buggy. Apply at ttiis For Sale Low. SCHOLAR-HI1* IN THE MEDICAL COL- 18 WKI.L PUUI'AUKD To Execute with Accuracy and Dispatch KVKRY DESCRIPTION 09 Book & Job Printing BO OK-B HXTDINOi The llero'N Thunk* nro tendered the Knight of tho ScisHora aud Paulo Put, who presides so well ovor nn entire sheet, gotten up by clippings and pressings from n paper which has had the ill luck to be published iu the same otliea and issued one day ill advance of the Observer. Eant Alabama Agricultural College, at Auburn, will resume its exercises on Monday next. , Gov. J. L. Pennington, of Dacotak, has received his commission and will leave during the next week for Yankton, the capital of tho Territory, to assume his new duties. —A hoavy lire iu Montgomery last night. Look out, Opelika. —After tho cold snap of last week, tho spring like season upon us is most enjoy able. —Now Year’s dinings and calls occupied our people on that happy day. —Our Episcopalian friends netted about eigbty-livo dollars from their supper last j night. ' —The first drunken man of the New | Year was “.sloshing’ around to-day. We j noticed Marshal Brooks giving him some , good advice. CsTUsing Steam Power, running six of the most improved and best make Presses, with constant additions to our already very large assortment of Elegant Types, Rules, Borders, and other material, and skilled workmen in every department, our facilities for turning out ail descriptions of work, expeditiously and neatly, at the Low est Cash Prices, are unsurpassed by any establishment in the State. *^-Ordcr« Irom ubrond will re vive tliu Miiinu attention aw if the particN were present to iruiiwuet the biiNineMN, and will bo prompt ly filled. THOMAS GILBERT. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Money easy for cotton trausuotions. Collections dull. Exchaugo on New York and New Ui *’’ h j, selling par. Our Seventy Pa^;e Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, 8ASI1ES, BLINDS, STAIll BAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M lilvil to any one interested in building, on receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 A 250 CANAL STREET, jy 11 dAwly NEW YORK CITY. Trade has not recovered from Christmas stagna tion. Wo notice some movement in gro ceries and dry goods ; 8$ for bacon, (»$ to 11 for flour, I" to 20 for sugar, Doe. to #l for corn. Cotton has been coming in slowly for the past two days. There are scarcely any wagons on the streets ; Ihoso that are, being full of household gear, changing huso. Middlings 14 Low middlings 13$ lteceived previously 10,fi47 “ to-day and yesterday 301 Total 10.948 Blanks for the Granges. pli.'U constantly ORDERS FILLED FOR LI OIH.IA. ALABAMA and other Mate*. Apply at the ..111- •• ■■! It..* C’olubll* Kitq111- Iff, by, or othtt»io. v22 tf CHATTERBOX FOR 1873, FOB SALE BY d«8BJ j, W. PEASE & NORMAN. MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost » g ii;ivo on hand, purchased at tho lowest whole- of MILLINERY, besides GLOVES everything usually kept in a first IOR8KT8, und hiss Millinery Kidohlishiueut. Wo are satisfied you will he ph ased with our selection if you will but call and examine We are next to the New York Store. Respectfully, MKB. COLVIN and oct!8 ly MISS DONNELLY. T. S. SPEAR, AGENT for Non-Electro Plating “:EP-A-3xrio” »oi:m not check the iai.R or HOOD’S EDREKA LIVER MEDICINE Attention for Ten Days! I.hUK AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. novO tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. FOR RENT, 1 71 ROM the 1st ol January to the 1st of ’ October, tho vory desirable rosl-1.1 donee on Forsyth s’reot, near Randolph, JU donee on Forsytn s’reot, near uniuioipn,cuu. at present occupied by the Rev Mr. Christian. Apply to H. M. HOW ARB, de'27 S. W.R. R. For Rent. fjlll K FONTAINE HOUSE i: for Well •nrding House. Can be had partly icsslon given iinuiedlatoly. Apply CHAS. II WILLIAMS. For Rent. tii pled l y II. Castle iii tin* Georgia Home 119 building I'o-serfsioii given iimnediiilely Also, Slei.piug Rooms in I lie name Building, and iu the basement, suitable for a sleeping n k shop. Water is furnished iu the house, ami the rooms well heated by a furnnee throughout the cold sea- u. Comfort guavuutoed. Apply to CHAS. COL KM AN, Over tl»o store of Abell Sc Co , 110 Broad st. novJl tjnul For Rent. 1 1W0 LARGE, WELL FURNISHED BED - Rooms, with list* of parlor, iu central part of the city. Tonus liberal. Aderess >28 tf M, Enquirer Oilh REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, in tho City aud country, and will advertise the same (ut private sale) I'll 111' OF CHARGE, unions tiio property is sold. For Exchange. mouth* Nebraska. A portion or the whole will »>« ’hanged tor a Southern Plantation in Georgia Alabama, on vory reasonable terms. [sepl7 For Sale. VALUABLE CITY PUOPKRTV, situated in tho biisinu. s coutre of tho city. Will sell at a great ain, or to an acceptable party an undivided iu torus I. Tho prupei ty can he made to pay a laq e interest on tiio investment. attached A HOUSE AND LOT, with 2< land Httach- ed. 3 miles floin the city, ill a good noighhoihood, good school, churches, Ac. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ton acres ground, in Llnwood, one mile from S. W. R. It. depot; a vuiy comfortable and desirublo home. HOUSE with five good rooms, within 2<»o yards of Railroad depot, one-half acre ground. For Rent. ONE DWELLING with three ground, (mi McIntosh street, Grounds. Good water, etc. rooms, acie near tho Fair SeplO A STORE HOUSE in the Talley of Talbot conn a cross-loaf, thioe miles of the Chulybe Springs. Goods and * With a genteel family in a dnsirahlo part of the city, TWO LARGE ROOM8. with the uished parlor, kit. lion an 1 *1111.10. soliable to an acceptable tenant. 8. pit tf Relit Merchants’ Building and Loan Association. r K Hist anil'ml iiicctinx <>f tin- 8t<. kluddors of tho MERCHANT..'. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION will be held TUESDAY, JANUARY 27th, 7 P. M . at tho tho 8oc- retary and Treasurer. The annual statement tho Secretary and Troasuror will be nmd OFFICERS old ted fur tlm ensuing year. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WITTIC1I. C. M. KINSKL. WITTICH & KINSEL. Practical Watch makers, Jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. BANKIMC Af-SD INSURANCE. J. RHODE3 BROWNE, PreNdon*. 3 S3. W. DILL’NOHAM, CaaWsr GUOJtGlA HOME BANK A ^ NEW STOCK of ill.* best good.- au.l the latest styles liuvo been recently purchas il /V iu Now York, and are now offered at the low.«t cash priies. WATCIIF.S, ri.OC’li.S, JCWHLKY, STI RLING NILVKH A PLATF.II >\ AKL, All of tho latest manufrtctur.M 1. IHutuonih, Gold anil Mirer Sued nr Ion mid Kye-G lasses, Gold und Silver Thimbles, Ladles'and Genin' Chains, Plain and lanry Gold Rings of l.enutIfni workmanship, and evert variety of Article found in a First-Class Jewelry Store. Stencil Hates of every description cut at shot! notice. Hates of every description cut at shot t notice. SOLE AGENTS for tho celebrated Diamond Pebbled Spectacles and Kyo-Glasses, and Agents for tho I.!-. slightly colored, nud in high favor with everybody using spocla- Arundel Pebble Spectacles, which cles or oye-glasseH. Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing iu all its branches. Hair Jewelry, Society Badges, Diamond t reasonable ratca. VN M. N. HAWKS, Soc’y. oby given that tiio folic \ ' optio PHOTOCRAPH GALLERY. THE WILLIAMS’ GALLERY OF 81 Broad Street, ’ Columbus, Ca., ART, H AVING recently been enlarged uud refitted with all tho latest styles of Instruments, and having engaged extra esaistants for each departinont, can now say. without fear of co itradietion. that UKNT 1*11*JIM, |*OHlKLAIN OK 1"KKIIEOTY1*KM, over taken 0 ’ hod at this Gallery. The COLORING Department in under tho charge ot Artist Lite of Washington aud New York, aud lh.* I.iglmxt testi- Coloriat can bu hliown from the first citlr.oiis of those cities and from Columbus ; and with this assurance, wo can guarante- to turuihli the test Pictures of any kind, North or South PROFESSOR JOHN L. DUl’FKK inonials as to his siiper or abilii from Card to Life-Si/.a, th • art is capable of producing. COPYING an I ENLARGING OLD PICTURES by a new process, reproducing them as correctly as if taken from life. PICTURE FRAMES and ALBUMS of every cuaracter constantly on hand and for sale. The public nro invited t.. visit the rooms and examine our work, where every attention and Infor mation will be given. Remember that WILLIAMS’ GALLERY is over Cartels Drug Slots, Columbus, foe 11U 1I1 odswhui Georgia MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! Fancy Dry (ioods at Panic Prices! Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made, n n;u\ Offers tho greatest inducements U> those having idle funds, tor which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. D.EP0S1 IS ot $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by chirk by those of our patrons who live at a distance. IN ri3RE»l allowed at 8cvon (7) Per Cent, compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.— By the terms of the Company's charter the entire capital and property of tho Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORi3 : J. U1IODES MIOWNE, lWt of tho Co. N. N. CUltTIS, of WoIIh,Curtin A Oo. JAS. l'\ BOZEMAN, (Japilnlint, Atlanta. 1,. !'. DOWNING, J. 11. CLAPP, Manuf’tr, (Jlnpp'n Paotorv. l>. P. WILLCOX, tiprrotnry of tho Co Hon. JOHN McILHENNY, Mavor. IOSIAH MOBIIIS. Banker, MoiiIb'v ’ JAMES ItANKIN, CapitaliHt. OHAHLES WISE, may I mnbVwlt INSURANCE. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY TI J Id Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y (OXTIM LS TO OlI LIt TUI'. 1*1 III.1C INDEMNITY against Ws by fire ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chanco to Cot it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH l*i’4’*l(lonl. Tr«‘U*i»roi Columbus, Get. Ut, 1873. 1 dt I WILL, ON AND AFTER TO-MORROW, OFFER HER ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! PLANTERS 1 reaped fully iuvitod to call 1 1 PIKE AND MAKJNF. FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. rpHK attention of 1 X pay 11 (Miitomurn i» eulbd to tin • •the ibliguiioiiH given for SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, with tin* pi i vilege ol' paying in Cotton at rate of fifteen (!.'•/ ei.nta per lb for Low Middling*. 4'oftou will lie ro«*€»lvocl liy 1110 nud all my AkoiiIn in iiecordance ultli vuufriM’t until iimlui'ity of kiieli ob ligation n, after u liirli date (IiIm prlv. liege u ill eeane. TIiohu owing less than a bale will Hliip llie bale to CuliiiubiiH, Ga , aud tho balance will bo returned Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season To my prompt paying customers. Parties anticipating their Cotton Notes and Liens will thereby SAYIi Itl.Mi OF I.4ISS IIY FlllF. AXII I.OKS IX WiiltdllT, A<*., and are entitled to the benefit ol any exertm hIioiiIiI price for low niiddliugs exceed fifteen ci nt« at maturity ol notes. Eagle aud IMienix motley taken at |htr. W. H. YOUNG, A’e;t PaciflcCuano Comp’y, Xo. 12 llroatl Street. titutiou ill be offered fo! rt option «t the meeting : Resolved, 1st, Hint lb- time for holding the annual meeting ••! the A---* iatlon be t ltangod t<> the FOURTH MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, soon thereafter as practicable. Resolved, 2d, That the - Gary of tho Secretary aud Treasurer be fixed at f2’>‘) per annum G. W. ROSETTE. December 27, l* Grand Raffle! Clocks giveu to me to ropair, may now be foulid with me. Also, the unsettled accounts and notes. M> trieuds would do me a favor to call, ietlie and take away their articles . SPEAR, Agent, At J. U. Brauihall's Sewing Machine Ageucy oovU tfl sm broad Mi ant. Columbus, Ga. A FEW CHANCES lett iu a rufllo for the FINEST GUITAR in the city Call take u chance, at F. REICH'S Bar Room. Obancoa$2.00. d. _. 1 Taylor Cotton Gins. HAVE ON HAND TAYI.Oll COTTON Gins, front 40 to 8ft Saws, fut sale LOW. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS to an*28 dfcodtf W ‘Rust and Smut Proof” Seed Oats, CROCERIES. Irish Potatoes and Apples. INSURANCES COMPANY! OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Office in tho Company's Building, 41 Madison Street. I 11A V K IN BTOIIi: A I.AIIOK I.OT Best Seed Irish Potatoes, 0K D1KKKRKNT VAKIKI IK- Choice Eating Potatoes, Apples, Nice Tennesseo PORK SAUSAGE, ANU A KUI.I. K Crocorles and Provisions, Assets, Anu'iisl 1, 1S73 $275,870 4f> FOR MALE CUE A I* FOR 1 No ('harf'o for Druyngo. J. H. HAMILTON, Junction Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts, dec 31-dtit. H. F. ABELL & CO. OFFICERS. D. T. PORTER, President. W. A. GOODMAN, Secretory. D. H. TOWNSEND, Vice President. J. G. LONSDALE, Jr., Asst. Secretary DIXIBCTOXIB- I>. T. PUHTKH, ol Ford, I*, rlet \ 1». II. 1 (»W XST■ .N D, < hiiiimlsaion iMcrehan!. M. J.WIUKN ol WirkH, Tvrry A. i'o. <». V. J{A '<1 HA I 1, •»! I. .U. A1 porsott N. tfit. i\|. 1j. M I;A('II AM. ol M. Ji Mu 11 din in Do. .s F. ah N I 1 l. "i Owen. McNutt N, Co. .IU1IN tl. F1ZFH, ol Fut ut*, Fl/.ul N. Do. i A. .1 W 1 i II I <d While, i.itiig-'ull .V Co. S. II. liKt It IKS, ol Htook Neely N. (Jo. .1. Al.«1 ( H HI II A D, '.I < (•••••ib:tr N. (1 III Hand. (I. II. J I l)A II, ..I Wnikcr Hr. . (Jo. W. L. HA Dl-OHD. «.l Taylor, Kaillord & (Jo. K. L. COFFIN, ol Dll bird 1 'oftlii. B. FlSi; \1A N. ••! Bleu, St lx (Jo N. |{. SliKD*l K,i*I Sludgo, IMcKuy ft Co. WALKER & DOYD, Gonoral Agonts, Kimball House, No. 8 V/all Street, Atlanta, Ga. A. G. REDD, Local Agent, Office at J. R. Johnstor & Co.’s Hat Store, duly eod'iw Colli xnljtirb, Gr«t. HAVE NOW IN STORK CLOTHING. Early Rose uud I'ink Kj** Sued l'.»ti HuxHett I'otatoei lor Table Use, Fifty Sacks Ground I Vos, Forty Boxen Florida Oraugeii, Twenty-live lluricN Florida Syrup, Family Flour, (all fine grades t an I Groceries of all kinds. •Iec30 THORNTON & ACER, 3NTO. VO Broad Street. f.N't M door to .1. W. F* n.-e .v. NorinaiiN IJ loketorc, Co to Pomeroy’s, AT 1104)11 Fit's (4IRM IF HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, (i a. J. W. ltYAN, I’rop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, For Ferris & Co.’s Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strips, Ferris’s Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore’s, | Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre- | served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston Butter, Soda and Pic-nio Crackers, Snaps, &c. •«rMr. T. 4). l'tumtKON will Wo lound at the counter, and will be pleased to wai* on hi.- lor iner customers and irlonds. The patronage of tho public Is respectfully soliullo .. (do2<) Bar aud Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin House. my24 dtwtf J. W. RYAX, l*ro|»*r. CITY HOTEL. ( KM RAU.V I.OC.VI Kit. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop’r. Have Just Received ti Now Lot ol' Men’s and Boy’s At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them io sell at loss than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, wo will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. S. 1* Call and seo for yourselves. Ja :i CONFECTIONERIES CENERAL INVITATION ! NO Horn’s Vonr i EXCUSE FOR A CLOTHING AT v in STY SUIT ! COST ! Come One, Come All, to VV. 'I'". Itobinson’H. : ( IIIIINTMAM Al'I-I.t:*. UKANUCS. ; m;mo\s axd < <m oam is, « a>- I DN S, XI'TN, HAIS1VN. FI4JX RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, Ten-Pin Alley aud Bar ! A X I) 4 I IIKA XTS. 1*14*14 Id ntlSIKIII), J Mills. SGIIIIMS. 4ICA4K- 'I HE undfrsgnml will op n Phtabli-liiii'-nt, and bo puqiarod to ply bin fiifinls with GV. ry luxury. iivin ii.n. « ii »» »» ■ 'KM A 4 AX (d)OltS. I llli: 4 IIA4 K JJKX A 1*1 hi; W«ltl4«. Ilarm-nti*h», M.irbb a mid A• > • -1• I•■ •.• - 'no \'t. T Hold 1180118 Go- |iIhw tor yon. FiMt tloor In*low G. W. Riowu's. ■ 10R THE NEXT THIRTY DAY.' WE WILL ."ELL Ol'R ^Ul'KRB >Tt)CK ", Gi:xTi.nii;x’s. voi tiis' ami 4 jiii.dici x .s Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises. Carpet Bags, &o., &c.. at Cost for Cash, Como ,|| otic**, if y.»u v inh |*» buy i'll"iCE (’I.OTII I. * I*>i a little mom y. TMOWiAS & PRESCOTT. PRATT’S COTTON <>I\S THIS HOUSE IS I’ll ERA RED TO FURNISH Toys and Fireworks rt 15 dfim A. J. 114)1.A XI). The Cottage Saloon. nf tho IlnoHt quality, and everything nit i ln ap, t<*r the HppiOirltirtg Holiday. ALL KIND.** OF 6C-*; il |i yff*H. ILfefei'J ly built and well t, nnd rontiuuHti Ohoiiti LIQUORS AND CIGARS always on hand. Tin* publiv an' invited octl tf J. R. BROWN. Fine French and Mixed Can dies, Nuts, Fruits, &c„ &c. • >v '. - a. <,1 .fit.. --j V ; ' IV. .J. BU8S1 Mv own manufactured CANDY at Im ., in Iota • d lb. , tut 1 everything in ptopottii>n. Tin* ptibli i. ri-apcrtlully invitnl to give im* a • all All th"**.* who wi*h to g.-t fixed up in the light *tyb*, Hbotibl uot tail to et«*p ill, Jiiat bulow tic- .''katiiig Kink. nov3U dim American Cotton Tic Co. I LI. APPROVED PATTERNS OF I'.PROVED A COTTON TIES, fnrnihlt.’il In any quuiitity, at lowest inarket rat-.. Adply IN VINO VERITAS! j AUSTIN Sc ELLIS, 1 General Commission Merchants, I Alt. MOFFETT lie. now ..*» IIm I t " F.inily l /and Mfdii iual tin*-., a Fin*’ St ■ I. •>! Nati»•* CATAWBA and CONCORD WINES lb. > a".* Purer and Heller than the gie>it*-i part "I the Itlgb- priced Native Wiuee. Tty Them W ILL tuako advance* on Oottou •■» u,uv> yv~ ditcu, for *til« hero or *hipiuent to our friend* York, Hoatuo or Liverpoel. •thor pro- But J U r -M THE PLANTERS’ FAA r ()lUTE ! AHEAD OW -A-X-iIL. ! fJ|lIIK undor.sif’nt'tl having ctjniplolotl j„, .....angoments for tho mile of th® abovo ■ COTTON OINS with (i- W. IHi.linouam, tho (iuuertU Agent for this Huetiou, would call alteution to tho fact thiit they lmve on hand a fulll stm'k «»t PRATT’S COTTON GINS, imouc Ihfm tiio 4u Sa« Gin took the t'trat l'ru< at our last uir, » ooiuj^iiiois uttil Riuuing’-Mu U'«-noo'l fotton iu 17 uiitmlos. loo luui-h eauoot li unit! in their pruiso. HOLSTEAH & CO., Agricultural Implement and bcod Depot, uihl7 dAwtf 13'J Broad Street, Columudh, Ua. kIohmv hair, ho lifted the throbbios aud all the past, but this one thing, touch place it ou tho name wise counsellor and t-lli- more esnily, end tho hurinotix^ i l'«*a*e’» bunk atoii*. where tbt-y are prepared to i Coluuibus, Git.. ""I >