The Sun and Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 03, 1874, Image 4

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jPjl’Ut) (Sitqtlim. <oi.l in: l s : HATUllDA \ JAM'AltY 3, 1871. CITY AFFAIRS. rue E- works. The .Stubbs' Pyrotechnic Duplay. Tho 7tli Annual pyrotechnic display under the auspices of tho Htubbg Club came olT hist night at Salisbury 1‘urk. Though no previous notice bud boon given, n largo number of spactators thronged the Htreet nnd adjacent houses. Tho display, ha usual, was tho best of tho holiday*. Tho evening was bountiful and delightful, though rather too bright for tho exhibition to bo fully appreciated. Tho following is the programme 1. Thirty Hlty Jlorkots. 2. Quo hundred Homan dandle*. 3. Ton Vortidos. 4. The I'encook Feather. H. Tho blooming Roue. t>. The l(ullelujuh Ruud. I. Forty Hky Rocketh. 2. One hundred Homan Candles. 3. Two Mines. 4. Tho Laughing I.ily. 6. The Frolicking Ruby. * C. Tho I'olku Dance. I’AHT III. 1. Fifty hky rockotH. 2. One hundred Roman caudlus. 4. Tho glittering fountain. f». Tho illmniualed star. (i. Tho morning glory. 7. The diamond eprny. During the evening j'rof. C. Muffin do- lighted tho nildionce with Huvorul balloon asaonsions, there occurring but one con flagration. Upon the conclusion of coromonioH at the park tho luemhoru of the club wero invited to partake of cuke and ogg-uogg nt the roHidonoo of Cupt. W. J. MoAllia- lor, whore, ah in their oiiHtom on all uc- cuhIouh, they enjoyed thomsolvos hugely, all finding their way homo without diffi- oulty. Want of apaoe forbida a more ox- tended uotieo of this pleasant affair. 4 LMOS'T A MG ROW. of \t:ii’ i / .iir: d.i i. Haw the Volumhusitos *lbscreed II. Thuraday, the tlrat of the year, Hoomcd like u gala time. All the onrringes in the city were engaged. Young men arrayed thoniHolvoH for couqueut or defoat, and wont forth armed with nil tho pano ply of the kuiglitH of the nineteenth cen tury the truest gentlemen tho world Iiuh ovor known. They are ho i^i Hpite of all that twaddle uboitt our aueestorH and tho cliiv- nine days when rapine, plunder nnd rape, wore tho order of the best society. Quite a large number of Indies wero re- ooivmg morn ho limn any year Hince the ouatoin was inaugurated. Many Iiouhoh wore beautifully decorated with ever greotiH and festooned with arches, am such Mowers as tho season would furnish. Very wisoly tho ealla wore first made in the country in tho morning. About •1 r. m. the city visits wero commenced nnd kept up until nearly midnight. Tho ladles all looked bewitching many nuii autly, beautiful and charming us tin bright-living flow era, they wore. Smut rooms ilium mated by brilliant lights ami female loveliness looked as if one had just entorod the, portals of an euchautod Tho day was one ol delight mid pleas tire, with not one inharmonious feutureto uiar ifb porfeotnoss. (io to (i. NY. Drowns today for a dressed turkey. Depositors with the K. and I*. Savings Hunk will find a notice of interest from the Treasurer. Two mules for sale. Apply to Mrs. II. V. liowaid or her sons. Among oilier tilings F.llis A Harrison will sell horses, mules, day it moment. Ho ole lost hv I. F.d- K. C Hood A Rro. havo largo lot of fre-di garden seeds •rney at law, Opelika, Ain. eo progrnniuie «>f the Katii John side. poultry for split lu the midst of an important trial ti fore Justice Williams yesterday, a ve dark couple, named respectively NY ash Spivey and (Mata Nelson, lushod into that functioiuirv s august presence, desiring t be “juied in the holy bands of couuubinl felicity. l’roooodings were stayed, nud the dusky couple made happy according to the shortest and most »ppn method. Tho Tourt then resumed the hearing of a criminal case, and stern law fixed its grip upon one of the colored individuals who had been arrested charge of interferriug with a legal pro cess ou Thursday. I Ua • if.I h^ah Rand, r, has organi/. Mr. Juke Rurrus l If you want laught liear them. Rurrus* instrument is coot drum. Ho blows it delightfully, and \n addition warbles that cheery lamem of the buiuhlo-bou. He i on the minor iestiuuionts by Rill Woods, rash, Rilbro nud others. They make jolly music. I Ley surenaded New Years night nud create! inteuse merriment Tho baud w o hear has disbanded until next (.'bristuias. Hen Mr i'hai'.es Haituan is entitled to the thanks of thi^eatabliahmeut for a pitche of uog and waiter of cake sent around oi Thursday. Murdock McLeod, also, is eutitled t thanks for an elegant lunch sent in ou tho same duy. Df comae such reminders are uever °«t of place in a printing office. The fact that everything disappeared with cenmieu lab\* haste, is evidence abuudaut that the abavo favors were appreciated. A fine lot of rhickeua, t k«y» at Hogau • Ice House >fcud Tur Attempted Jteaeue of u Prisoner -1 iMl Uiny lead era Committed. On Thuraday afternoon Hherill Hupp and Constable Austin, of Chattahoochee county, came to this city with a warrant for tho arrest of ouo Ham Jones, alias Ham Dennett, colored, charged with kid napping u child of his own from Mr. Ruchtiunou in Chattahoochee, to whom the said child had previously been hound. Jones was found and arrested, and the offioors started oft* with him. A crowd of idle negroes seeing the operation congregated probably a hund red in all—and by actions and words seemed to indicate that it was their pur pose to reloaso the prisonor. This c followed ou uutil tho arresting party had reached Jepsou's burnt corner, duwu town, when some of tho inob in ado threats that they would kill tho Constable when ho got out as far as Hull Creok. At this juncture Oapt. Forau, with other mem bers of the l’olice force, interfered and attempted to disperse the mob. The offi cers in charge of the prisoner turned hi over to tho Police, who took him in cus tody and put him in the Guard House, wbero he retuaiuod during tho night and yesterday. Yesterday morning warrants sued by Judge Williams for the arrest of Johu Howard, I’oter Williams uud Henry Redding as ringleaders of tho would-! rescuers. Later in tho day they wei taken beforo the last numed officer, and ufter nn examination of a number of wit nesses, the Judge fixed tho builds of John Howard and Peter Williams at $200, in default of which they wore committed to jail to answer to the chrnge of attempting to resist on officer, at the next term of Muscogoo Superior Court. Henry Redding, of tho same pnrty, at n own request was taken beforo Justice McCahoy lust uftornoou, and, after u hoar- ,s dismissed, that offioor not deem ing tho ovidcnco sufficient to conviet, T. W. Grimes, acting Solicitor Gonornl, con ducted tho prosecution in nil of tho nhovo xud Messrs. Chos. Coleman and C. 11. Williams, Eaqrs., appeared for tho de fense. Word of Caution to Our Colored Popu lation. Heretofore tho white people of Colum bus have had less ground to complain of ouduot on tho pnit of tho blacks tig iih, thuii porha|>s those of any other section. Thu blacks havo doportod themselves unusually well and have won imnendation from their white friends. Rut of Into there have been some disor derly demonstrations which pass over in silouco. On two occasions of late attempts have boon nmde to rescue colored prisoners, who had boon arrested for utluuauH which made them nuieua- ble to law. Hindi conduct w ill not do, and if persisted in will load to trouhlo. The majesty of the law must be uphold uud viudiontod. When either white or black men violate the law they must he arrested uud punished, otherwise anarchy will reign among us and lawloBsiiuss run Therefore, wo advise all respectable colored men among us to discountenance such at tempts as have receully boon made by luauihevA of their race, principally the ig norant and vicious. Resistance to tho law and its officers is a seiious thing must not bo tolerated either on the part of the whites or Macks. A word to the wise is sufficient. Machinist a’ and Rlacksmiths' Union. At a meeting of ihe above Uuiou held ou the ovniiiug of Decomher 31st, the fol lowing officers were elected for tho ensu ing your President A. K. Francis. Vice President—8. Garter. Deputy President of International Union W. Hawley. Recording Secretary—E. R. Wells Financial Secretary W. O. McCarter. Corresponding Secretary C. G. Wil- Avreat of a White Man. A while man from Hamilton named M. . C. Levy, a jeweler by occupation, was yesterday arrested by Policeman lirady, at the instance of parties from Hamilton, charged with larceny It seems be had embezzled a number of watches, cases, &o., and was endeavoriug to make his way to Macon. He walked from Ham ilton to Golumbus, Thursday night. In a carpet-sack in his possession were found one gold and seven silver watches. The gold watch was identified as belonging to Mrs. Russell, of Hamilton. ^ Resides these the carpet-sack contained a number of silver watch cases. Levy was lodged in tho Guard House, aud will, we under- FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. TltiS WEEK'S STATEMENT. Columbus, Ua., January 2, 1674. Financial.—Sight billa on New York % p. c. discount; ou Doiton 1 p. c. ; ua Savannah li I> c ; demand Lilia on Boston c. Dunks are nelllng check! on New Y'ork at l 4c. premium. Currency loans 101U per cent, pur month, (told ami nllver nominal. The condition has not altered materially In tho last tew weeks. Money remains light tor any speculative purpose. The large cotton sales prove there is sufficient currency to move tue crop. More confidence is expressed In the situation, and the panic Is generally sup. posed to bo over. Farmers are now somewhat pressed to pay hands tor tho labor of tho past year, Compahison with Last Yhah.-The Uni ted States port receipts are 100,077 bales more: the exports 40.718 less; the stock 95,13# t against 920,000. Cotton in sight 2,402,481; agalust 2,837,940, showing an incruuao of 74,630 bales. The Cotton Situation.—The average of the estimates of the Agricultural Bureau, the F inancial Chronicle anu the New Orleans Cot- .on Exchange Is a little beyond 3,800.000 bules is tho crop tor the season of 1873-4. Tue world will require that much eotton. Notwithstand- tttuple has been held back owing to a variety of causes—chiefly owing to the low prices cre ated by tho panic, and now It is being hurried J. Bostick. W. Alexander. This Court i iu tho eourt-hi Cotton for Tiro Dai/n. Halos 201 bales. Receipts 1533 —8 by S. \V. R. R., 243 by M. A (1. R. R.. !»:, by \V. R. R.. 37 by N. A S. R. R„ 114 by river, 204 by wagons. .Shipments 423 halos -381 by Southwestern, 41 for homo consumption. Harno day last year, sales 2f»l bal< Receipts 404. Shipmouts 343. The remainder of tho weok’s operations may bo found in our commercial coin and the prices curt out to bo issued from this office early this morning. A Now Feature. On Now Years’ day wo saw four tiuely dressed colored “bloods ’ driving d Rroad street in a stylish pbietou, intent upon making New Years’ calls. They surned a very dignified appearance, i smoked their cigars as gracefully and han dled their canes as scientifically as if they wore perfectly at home iu thebusiin NVe did not hoar what improssiou they made on their “jularkors." County Court. tnmeuces its next session iso at 10 o'clock ou Mon day next His Honor, Judge Williams, presiding. Parties litigant, jurors, wit nesses. Ac., ni'l take duo uotice thereof aud govern themselves accordingly. On the dockets of this Court are case* ns followb : Common law, 00 : criminal. 18 or 20; claim, (5 or 8. Of these caset 42 were returned to the December term. Maying court . On Thursday Marion Hoekiusiuitb, Johu Ryan nnd Charles Markham wer before his Honor charged with thro at a house down town. The tuo first were lined the latter dismissed, terday, Fred Small, colored, for disorder ly couduct, was fined $3 and costs, and Thomas Kennedy, for the same offense was dismissed. Fatrous of the Eagle and Phenix Sav ings Department are requested to hand it their Deposit Rooks, thst Interest for tho last quarter may be credited therein. G. Gunbv Jordan, 2t Treasurer. Calf Skin and Cloth Gaiters, made to order and warranted, selling at $2.20 at CbiolkbV sun.l, l.e brought boforo Ju.lgo Williams , aiul’TA'*“r“ 1T iu"L. »i,l,,u, e nt» M6, to-day for a showing. Bitter .Venn. The Julia St. Clnlr arrived Thursday night from Rsiubridge, with 112 bules of eotton. Her officers report tho river vory low, and tlial much more cotton could have been obtained, but for the impossi bility of getting up with it. She loaves for Rainhridgo and Apulach- icola this morning. Throuyli Cotton for Savannah and .Veto York. During the cotton week, ending Inst night, tho Western R. R. of Alabama brought to Golumbus eu route for Savan nah and Now York 913 bales of cotton— 318 from Mobile, 198 from Montgomery, 129 from Opelika, West Point and other points, 70 from Vicksburg. Church Notice. Rev. J. W. Himmons requests us to give uotice thut ho will preach nt Girard Methodist at tho usual hour to-morrow morning, aud al Trinity (Bruwneville) at night. tirand Carnival Mali. King Rix orders a “masque and fancy dross boll to bo givou iu favor of his Majesty, Rix,” at DeGivo's Opera House, on tho ovoning of Junuary (5th. Thunks for an invitation. * Katie Putnam's Jewolry Will bo on exhibition at Wittich A Kin- boI'h jewelry store in this city ou Monday next. CLEAJUNO OCT SALE. Dreag floods at Half Price ! I place ou iny “Bargain Counter" to-day n largo line of choice Dross Goods at half i'iiick, in order to sell thorn off quickly. Moss colored Alpucas worth 30 conts, now only 23 cts.; Alpine Cloths worth 30, now ouly 33; Elegant Cush- tuoros worth 80 cts. to $1.00, now 30 and (50; Fine Empress Cloths at 30 cents former price $1.00; Black Alpncus and many other goods cheap iu proportion. I am anxious to close out my eutiro stock boforo spring, if possible, and will givo uni*nkc'K.dBNiKD advantages in everything. Large stock Domestic Goods, Whito Goods, Carpets, Ac. H. T. CjtlQLEIt, At old stand of Yirginia Store. dec12 tf Marked Down Still Lower. Cull ut Ontoi,Kit's al once and see prict Many goods below cost. Factory Goods at factory pric Tuohk desiring cheap goods will never have u belter opportunity I bun is offered by Dual rile .V. Clapp. At a Darya in. A life scholarship iu one of the best business colleges in the Wont, is offered far below ils cost. A situation guaranteed on the completion of the course. Such a ohanco for a young man to qualify him- self for business is not offered every day. Apply ut this office. dec 14 tf. Fow of our peoplo, probably, havo ta lion tho trouble to look into the matter, hut it is true, that a deposit of $3 pel week in tho Havings Dopnrtiuent of the Engle A Phouix Manufacturing Company will amount, in only 3 years, to $1,734.10 in 20 years, to $ 11,337.28. | deo21 If 'l’ho wonderful increase in vegetation, caused by the influence of vivifying fer tilizers, is slight when compared to tho ro- markablo additions compound interest makes to money. A deposit of $3 | mouth in 20 yearn umounts to.$ 3,200. Rut at 7 per cent., compound interest, will amount to.... 11,337 Showing accumulation of inter est to be ,$ (5,337.28 Exceeding the principal 1,137.28 dec2l tf It is .Fir those of tho sumo period last year, and tho Httlea continue quite large—chiefly to fill Bob- ton orderfl lor Eastern spinners. Fanners aro busy In hiring nogroep, most of whom will remain on tho plantations on which they now uro The average prices are seven and eight dollars per month and havo quar ters and rations—thouah some aro pushing the rate to ten dollars. Some atteinps arc being made by agents to induco emigration to Ar kansas, hut it is not meeting with any marked success. Tho Indications aro that planters will rondor raruiH sull-sustulnlng tills year and pay less attention to cotton. Tho holidays are passed, and overvone is re turning to work, many negroes stlUlingor on tho stroets. Thk Wuathbr.—Thermometer for the week averaged 44°. Tiny snow a lew minutes Saturday. Homo cold, hut now pleuaant. Sumo wcok last yoar tho thormometer aver aged 48°. One hard rain. The Maukbtb. — The following shows the prlco of middlings In Now Y'ork and Liverpool, gold at Now York ami Low Middlings In Co lumbus each tiny of the woek: Up. Or. Up. Or. Oold. Col Saturday... — —lfl 110)^14 Monday 8J^ 8J£ \b% 16% llok 14 &— Tuosduy .... 8y* 8*4 15^18^,110^14 «- Wednesday. 8 8J4 1BV.»18^ 110^ 14 <0- Friday!^ - .!. # V/. l»!4|n%|n0J4,14 On tho wcok Liverpool declinod J^d. New York advanced Ho. Columbus unchanged. Pbices Past Year. — Liverpool Uplands 10% ; Orleans 10%d ; New York, Up lands 20%c; Orleans 2iJ4c. Gold 111%. Colum bus Middlings luhjo. Columbus inurkot to-day closed quiet. Halos 201 at tho Pillowing quotations: inferior — ©— Ordinary 10 ($11 Good Ordinary Low Middlings 14 m— Middlings 14%($— Good Middlings — <$— Week’s sales 1489 hales—911 Northern spin ners, 128 home consumption, 0 lor Now York, ... . .. - unntt j, j 0 | 0 r speculation, 0 lor i,28U8 (or Now York,1,346 tor home couautu; - tlon, 2,980 lor Savannah. Week's rccotpts2.163 hales, against 3,072 the previous one, and 1,217 the corresponding week last season—112 by S W K K, 6S0 by M S (J It R, 70 by Opelika R R, 884 by river, 456 by wag- ons, 72 hy NaSU R. Shipments 2050 bale.-— 1927 by S W R K, 123 lor home coiisuinptlun, WEEKLY STATEMENT. 1874 Stook Aug. 31st 1,177 Hecclvod past week 2,163 Total • • Total Shlpncd past week Oil -Kerosene gall 38c: Linseed, raw $129; do boiled |1 26; Lard *1 60; Train $1 26.—Case pints dos |2 60; quarts Potash—V case |v 60. Potatoes—Irish, V hi f4 60. POWSEU-V keg 47 60; J4 keg $4 00; % keg :k *2 26. junnuii \ - 70c; Fine 76c; Extra 41; Navy 60@06c; Maeoab do white 14@l4*/«i< Hon A—Keg 7c B Bj; box 10C. St A uu 11—VI IS 9c. Tea—Green aud Black tt. 41.25®^2.00. Vinegar—V gall 40c. WuiHicv—Rectified *i gall$l@2; Bourbon 42 tue: Flour, A 44 76; D 44 26; 043 26. Bran $1 26; Rlc h Shorts 41 75. Corn Meal and Grits 90c. perbusnel. lltv Goods—7-8 Drown Domestics lOo; 4-4 do 10c; 10-4 do 36®42l^c; 4-4 Huu Island Domestics 16c; 3-4 Bleached Domestics 10c: 7-8 do He; 4-4 do 14®20c; American Prints 7®9o; Furniture Prints 20c: American Delaines 19@21c* Black Alpacas 40c®41: Ticking 41d@40c; Cot ton Flannels, bleached 20@40c; do brown 16® *7%@85c; Wool Blankets, colored 42; do 9-4 white|3®3 76; do 80-4 43 6o®6; do 11-4 44 60@7; Kentucky Jeans 16® 46c: Ladies' Hose per dot 41®6 60; Ladles’ L. U. Hundkerchiels pur dot 75c®43 76; Corsets 62*^0@43 75; Coats’ Hpocl Thread 80e por doz. COUNTRY ritOUUCB. DRY COODS. BARGAINS I BARGAINS 11 BARGAINS I! | Important to Those in Want of Dry Goods. >NTKMI*f,ATfN* 1 n .lijrM ch.HKt‘ lu «tir hll.ln...* *. <>ll**r fioru Ihl. it.*. (I|*r .,»* KTOCK or IIHCHN AMI FA MV 4IOOOH AT UM-HAI.F lLIIi:, mill In.lle Him. In u*u,il to cull, examine aud lu* couyIucmI. Nu char,™ niadii Our Terms from this date will be Cash. No goods will be sold on longer time than thirty days. JfiF* All those indebted are earueitiy requested to call and settle at once, or iiiakeas i.r.-. arrangements. '* ,or l JOHN McGOUGH & CO. Janmry 1st. 1814. dtf 35040 40060 60 p’k 4 60 ubl 8 00 bbl 1 00 p'k 1 20 nn Hlll|l|>0.1. 1 COIl! 2 14, Total home consumption.. 10,389 1,888 68,108 1874 Southwestern Railroad 2,278 Mobile and Girard Rntlrund.. 12,608 Wostern Hallroud 1,490 Itlver 4,889 Wagons 17.282 North and South Rullroad.... 1,988 Stock, Aug. 31, Reo’dto.l uu. 2.. Stook .lan. 2.... Your’s receipts. 280 125 1572 1660 32874 49246 49917i 29032 12829 16467 123101 10234 ' 48500 67274j 76007! 40860 12280657 329800014352317|2974361 Tuuouan motton.—By Mobile and Girard Rullroad 1.929 against2,006;by Western Railroad 28,4*3, against20,417 last >eur. Fukiuhth—Per loo Its. eotton. To Savannah 800.; to Now York, Philadelphia and Baltl- uioro, $1 16; Boston 41 26. Futures.—January 16 16-32; Fe’ man ia 1-32; March 18 17-32018 9-18 , April 17: May 17%®17 9-18. The United States Pouts.—Receipts lor tho week 1(9,871 hales, ugaiust 214,726 lust week —195,195 the week betore and 104,703 same week last year. The total movement is as follows: d 169,671 1,903,394 B to G R.... 72,520 Total exported to G. 11 644,17' ,487 1873 46,929 104,703 1,736,061 8,046 tholr total r 924,644 718,708 484|W72 its 3,930,508 Ports.—The following shows eipts to dute: 1874. Now Orleans 582,615 Mobile 162,6*9 Savannah . .408,430 Charleston 245 664 Galveston —164,911 That Roatrite A Clapp aro Rolling their mugniticeut stock of furs ut ton por cout. loss than cost. liandkorchiofSi J tress (loads, Silks, linens, Ac., of tho latest importa tions, at Boatrito A Clapp's for ten per cent, less than cost. Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands aud smooths nnd softens the Skin. For Rale nt Moffett’s Drug Store. deoSl tf The Caban l»7i/\ Thore cau l>o but little doubt that the difficulties with the Spanish authorities in Cuba will load to war ; iu which evout tho prices of all manufactured commodi ties will nt once rise. T. E. Blanchard, however, has decided, war or no war, to continue the sale of his fiuo assortment of dry goods at cost for cash. Those desiring to purchase, should remember this. (de« 7 tf That “Bargain Counter" at Gbzoler’s should be seen by all who want Towels. Napkins, Handk'ch'fs aud Table Liueus. JosEiui A' Kuo. call especial attention to the fact that they are selling Sprague, American, Hamilton and all the besl brands Calicoes at NINE CENTS. Coats’ Cotton nt SEVENTY cents. decSl tf Congress is terribly exercised over some plau of financial relief; if our people would save what they wasted and appre ciate the almost incredible wealth intrust showers upon her patrons, we would soon solve the problem now agitating tho Council of the Naliou. Security, beyond doubt, aud liberality, iu the rate of inter est, are both attractive features of the Eagle A Pbeuix Savings Department. decl'l tf 1873. 484,774 180,874 391,937 216,919 170,020 IN'OW York 73,080 38,383 Other ports 316,009 252,135 Total 1,003,394 1,736,061 Intkuior Towns —They have received this wook 30,176 bales, against 25,039 last year, aud have stocks ol 134,051, ugaiust 91,684 Tho fol lowing shows tholr total receipts f 1874. Augusta 127.908 . 68,272 . 17.469 Macon Eulaula . 40,236 •Montgomery 20,444 Selma 34.341 Naslivlllo 40,440 Memphis 200,663 Total 640,752 1873 97,099 42,956 14,584 29,032 43,423 44,708 33,624 — The following Is tele- .. 368,000 43,000 1873. 336.000 46,000 234.000 141.000 46.000 adorato with fo American.. 24,000 19^000 113,000 9,000 13,000 - Business remains s ol note in price. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Kentucky 17i lek th 18c. Fanned Goods—Sardines W case ol 100 bxs •to. Oysters. 1 ft cans *) dot, *1 76. Cukese—English Dairy )t ft, 18c; Western 7c; N. Y. State lgc. Candles—Star V &> 22c; Sperm 46o. Coffee—Rio V ft. 30@3lc: Java36®38c. Corn—Yellow Mixed bus 96c, no do- aud; White 41.00, car load rates in depot bo a us—Domestic ft M #18060; Havana #98 Flour—Fiuo « bbl #8; Superfine #9 00; Ex- tra #10; Double Extra #10; Fancy #12 00. Hardware—Wide Iron ftftSo; Refined 6c, Sad Irons 8c; Bar Lead 14c; Castings 6Ue; Flow Steel 12)*; Cast Steel 30c; Buggy Sprlugs 20c; Horse aud Mule Shoes W ft 9c; Horse Shoe Nall* 33)*®3ee; Nails V keg #8 60; Axes Hay—W cwt #1 76. Iron TiKS-fi ft9U®10c. Lard—Prim* Leal ft lie. Leather—Whit* Oak Sole V ft 46 c; Hem lock Sole 83c; French Calfskins #2®4 ; Amerl. can do #203 60; Upper Leather #2®3 60; Har- n*ss do 60c; Dry Hides lie: Green do 6c. Mackerel—No 1 bbl #26; No 2#16; No 8 #9 No 1 ft H bbl #10; No 2 #9; No 3 #6; No 1 #1 kit Meal—• bus #1 00. Oew peas 1 00 bu 1 26 bu HOTEL A lilt IVALU. Rankin House, Jan. 1st and Xd, 1874. 8. W. Gates, White Hulphtir Springs, Gu. G. W. Guulding, Opelika, Ala. Lou:a Bceliler, city. Mr.-. Moody, Holtun, Alo. Ttu h. Emeraon, Boston. E. Webster, Philadelphia. W. H. Welch, Macon, Gu. J. C. Quinn, city. O. Hummoud, Baltimore, ltobt. Runner, New York. A. L. Conklin, “ “ Goo. NY. Taylor,Atlanta, Ga. J. S. Burch, Seale, Ala. Job. T. Warnock, Uuiou Springs, Ala. C. B. Heidt, Macon, Ga. A. L. Clapp, Yougnboro, Al*. Mrs. M. Cady, Montgomery, Ala. J. L. Hailihuld, Atlanta, Ga. J. E. Craig, Lawrenceville, Oa. Phillips Lippmau, Montgomery, Ala. A. Irvin, Newark, N. J. A. II. MoAfi'ee, Macon, Ga. Win. Rasa, “ “ B. T. Bethuue, Augusta, Ga. Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Richmond county, J. W. Wort ill, New York. F. M. P.ijne nud lady, Newton, Ala. Ulysses Lewis, Sealo, Ala. Central Hotel, Jan. 2d, 1874. Thos. D. Griffin. A. Lftwhon, Ho. F.xpresa Co. W. Fleming, City. A. W. Brantley, City. E. J. Stanford, Harris county. G. M. Kilpatrick, “ “ G. M. Riser, While.sville, Ga. J. M. Wright, Alabama. Mrs. E. Adkins, Hickory Flat, Ala. F. G. Wilhelm, W. R. R. J. W. Mnrphv, Hamilton, Ga. H. A. Murphy, W. R. Jewell, Shelbyville, Teun. Ii. C. itauisev, Nolasnlgn, Ala. It. M Jones, Louisville, Ky. J. H. Tryners, Society Hill, Ala. J. H. Carter, ilamilton, Go. Jlroad Street House, Jan. tat and 2d. K, H. Worrill, Talbotton. R. A. Mathews, “ W. E. Perkins, Kentucky. Mrs. Thon. I*. Williams,Jamestown,Ga John M. Sapp, Ciu-selu, Go. J. B. Collins, Talbot county. W. S.. Collins, “ John J. Pntlerson, Cussotn, Ga. Thos. J. Mines, Stewart couuty. Thad. Williams, “ “ Joel D. Murphree, Troy, Ala. Julius W. Bngly, Cusseta, Ga. Mrs. J. Huff', “ “ Miss Mattie Frazier, Jainestowu. Miss Rettie Frazier, “ George A. Huckaby, city. I mjnrrtnnt. The panic has unsettled values nnd made mouoy scurco. The planter cannot get the price ho couuted ou for his cotton, and feels, therefore, that ho must econo mize and purchase less dry goods for himself and family. T. E. Dlanobard, of Columbus, appreciates this fact, and he now selling his splendid assortment of goods at prices so low, that persona need- iog goods, oven with roduced means, be enabled to provide themBolvoH for the winter. The reader who has any doubts about this, can call, even if he does not desire to purchase. | dec 7 tf Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pirn pies, ringworm, salt-rheum aud other cut aneous affections cured, nnd the skin made soft nnd smooth, by usiug the Juni per Tar Soap, made by Casswell, Haz ard & Co.. New York. Re certain to get the J unipci Tur Soap, ns thero aro many imitutious made with common tnr which are worthless. Tho substantial growth of the Savingi Deparmeut of tho Eagle A Phenix Manu facturing Company is convincing evidence of tho fact that depositors, watching their own interests, believe in ample, ronl uud tangible assets. doc21 tf ltoatrite A Clapp, Appreciating the necessities of the times and the scarcity of money, are Belling their varied stock of now dry goods aud blankets at ten per cent, less than cost. Buy Drugs nt panic prices from C. J. Moffett, 74 Broad St. dec21 tf Hood Things. Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, l'ish. Game, nnd ull things good Joseph A Bho. are selling nt cost the newest and best goods. They have no old goods on hand. decLM tf ^ The Yirginia Store, Peyton, Gordon A Co., have their Shoes and Roots made to order, and are ottering them at factory prices. For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosoue Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec21tf Carpet:) ami Rugs again marked down See them before you buy. Furs, Cloaks and Shawls below cost nt Crioi.eb’h. Hosiery in Great Variety, Ten per cent. Less than cost, at Roatrite A Clapp’s, ▲•k aud see for yourself. I Offer Until Further Notice, IFCOR. THE GASH, Entire Stock of Dry Goods AT COST! To those who owe me, I request immediate pay ment. I will allow liberal prices for Cotton in settle ment of accounts. «• no uoodb wii.i. lit: di:mvi:ri:ii without the money. T. E. BLANCHARD, 123 Broad St., Golumbus. Ga. Columbus, Or , Nov. 9tli, 1673. dtf*w4t TEN PER CENT. LESS THAN COST! As we always sell as low as the low est, we offer for twenty days our entire stock of New and Fresh Goods at Cost, and an additional extra discount allowed of 10 per cent, on all hills of $20 and over. We mean to sell. BOATRITE & CLAPP. A. 5330,000 STOCK r jr «Z2 SB !M rMTm DKTKKMINKI) TO HA INK M0XK-Y, I IIAVK ('O.NCLl'I)KO TOSKLI. MY KXTIltK STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ UNDERWEAR, Cents’ and Youths’ Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Piece Goods, and everything in stock, AT NEW YORK COST! ft®* Now I* your time to gel burgaliiN. l ull anil see lor yourself. BEST CALICOES at II cents. L. HARRIS, Nov. 9tli, 1678. f«ep!4 tlflm) NO. Ill ItltOAD STREET J. KYLE & CO. R K ' •ally, time their TALI. M «ill hr sold ut |.r IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A BPLKNDID LINK OK Ladies’, Misses’ anil Children’s Nlioes, of tho Latest Style aud Host Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. . (thing to mirvhuse v libus, Oct. 6th, 1873. $ 7 5, 0 0 0 ! UNPARALLELED SACRIFICE OF D r y Gr oods! AT COST FOR CASH. Prices lied need from 20 to 10 per cent, to close out the business, full nt r id he convluml. al JOSEPH & BROTHER’S, Columbus, Oct. - r », 1673. «ltf «« Broad Street, Columbus, Us- REMEMBER ! THE NEW YORK STORE 1H STILL SGLLIYU AT Panic Prices ! OUR J0UVIN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT 90c. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. Nov. ‘20, 1871k S. LAND AUER Sc BRO. [rob30.eoa&\*l}'] New York Store. HATS AND CAPS. E. E. YOKTGrE, DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, Arc. AT THE OLD STAND OF F. LANDOK, H A KOU. sl'OCK oV' U 18 KKCKIVmi RKiiUl.ARI.Y K ROM U AN U KACTIRKR3 WM C STAPLE AND FANCY HATS! In Fancy Hats, the “very latest” in style and colors. In Staple Fur and Wool, his stock is perfect, ,f I AoJ to wliU h ho invito, tho Hltchtlnti of 1-Uutor.. BOOK db NEWS Atlanta T^npei- .Vlillrs, JAMES ORMOND, I‘ropbUti> b - lUfora to thia ah««t m ft ftpeoiinen of N«wa Pap«r. tl