The Sun and Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 04, 1874, Image 4

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to min# bet ndav Inquirer. IE A.. OftWICHF.E, VLA. nutUink -fihtgn Id which 1 a * Mi; to dedicate a ! tiv* I u A Totlf* t ff iR pa» » Thyself, that •; itilpar tni The Ltu-Jvu i inylaf— ->fjr inspiration enly. Ik ths tMOngf ni Osllants Btinp rot All citin' I hot And rlghtooi Iflsh, in » Rom*)' v Stttltd Biti Married natt 111 “pleasant h Iasp»rsd by I Tie true, lit t it UrtdltM li«t It tit tban !>• I fht'll tty, • ,i U»*jthrs Oiaiif Skarsi limit 1 bet' noon it Than Flora i Auetbet natal Not toi ituif Aui yet, m«tl. With curiMlt Tbit i tbtJ t Why tsutaltc Ths t Naught tl !■<•! • <U*gbt«> A prtclotM I II -w trat thltr f Itb Ini nidtDct ibtt nerd,) )-ctlli< botrt 11dctut*; L bt, T dltdr lb a toot: )poly Itlm I i Tilt. this tt but* pays— tlf bit lift; of i II bU “ways wlft i tkii v vaunt way, it to | it; wt, tty wbat b« may. right more yet (rood 1 rtlato) with t It Fair i • appi oprlats by ah >rt. I jat faggot, '•oal?«, cl, tha vary bot, Hitlbc Ivt. i ktai it tha Flora, -Magi olla. rgtobf word, In brl f ctafoBtd, Mild It averred. i lit; >y, fillin' ol fa'htr'tbtai Recall no a lot nobly g»r From Buriys The "hlggss vnur goodly leaven, to lb# luiap. it Mbakaptaro lings • pralu, • htr I ltd alia brings - lioua* bold’’ waya. •tlwvl igpbrsss,'Big heart?' • farvl I peu? I kno v tliuii art kitty an I t| ba bit id. Ill El . In ii'iitt aio ft i, tkt n Lot In l.«i lit Ighl ; will | f, Id » it ml li ,i At I kid tins luoodi Upon lit n i. gsb'ly 11 «y pi ' uinhii bloom i ii.t im mllg;.til TU.UIU* lit" ||l And 1 akall |mt< U.f rttbo nW i a b lag a voli from Ua river ijralal alltatu i opot tba lawn, 10 (. Ill , III |>. llj nolo' grow i old! till Hum '•ip.., U.'P I a ag du my brow ; n at uiorulug! jooi byt, 'twill sweep iooi ow'a dawulog ' ttli J D I Il'JIOH. Wlutl lJUl.11 NN but w jo tig ‘ V sVbat b. t U .v. i Wb .t r.iukml t tmtlwlikl ry f*w U \ young • ■ b»" '*! Mre». -Sutltl. nil*. -itiok* W tl«L hr — Whitt tu\y rfn filled with, | -Houirhojly « women II..- wotiteu -eM .r." ffuauculiy — A Irian m >uu eyrb? Whim the w*U r. h t Iwuy h pronounced a of the body uro the hw l vo wrist*. ,ble in anything but l it uLip't A leek, cin* tiUHtance* become t w i‘ led, they ere said oh v, X corued beef, hut ig • jn other day before i an month. * ft ’ends object to bin •im how they have au Lie leiug tight. h In r husband in like a rtuei he ulwayu will guiu ; out. nlw tya have hie pock- a wh u they are empty ? •tail like abort tliita may he, tell uau who are “Mhort”— -eivn ly deoliued to re- dtap. .eh from a yellow toitr 1 e might catch the i»«ly ut the Governor's • r nl mm, Hud made it ...lull to a pardon for itenti ,ry t il o fern this induce, nbert paying in ud- ! it led to n til st-clnHH .'o.l death. i . isinr asked A •i at ho bar. •‘Well. • u.l no a locksmith.’’ r trHdo Dame Fashion seems to have taken holiday, for thore is Absolutely nothing new in her plates. If ever busy brain needed rest and recreation, most assuredly the Dame’s does. Think of her wonder ful production* within the past year and vote her a leave of absence, and on her retain may she have more consideration for the financial depression, and bring us modest, quiet styles, nioro in keeping with the times. The introduction and generul adoption of substantial out-door garments is really a mattor for congratulation. Many of them are perfectly plain, except binding and buttons. The walking jacket is usu ally made by tailors, and has the closo cut anft noatness of finish peculiar to good tailors’ work. The rodingoto, convenient, comfort able, and graceful, bolds its prestige, in spite of the most vigorous efforts to dis place it. It would hardly seem possible that one garment could bo metamor phosed into so many varieties of styles, yet a rodingoto completes almost overy costume. But bow widely different are they iu appesrance. The most fashion able redingotes are open and deep in front, fall perfectly plain, all the fullness end looping being confined to the baok, upon which the finishing sometimes con sists of bows in the place of the sash of the last season. They are made in water proof cloth, very full and long, and by letting down the straps underneath one is nicely covered from .he dampness, at the same time having a stylish covering ready for all occasions. We noticed an advertisement in one of our magazines, some time ago, that read this way : “A ladies' maid, for many years employod in the highest circles of no bility iu London and on the Continent, advises the world that she is prepared to give directions for getting up the face in unrivaled beauty and surpassing attract iveness ; that long experience has taught her just the quantity nnd quality of bel ladonna to drop into the eye to give it a sparkling brightness; that in peuoiling the lashes she has no rivaland adds: “I can in all confidence say, when the face is thus gotten up by mo, it will have a beautiful and natural appearanoo, not to be detected by the closest observer. " Spirits of departed grandmothers read! It iH enough to mako you cry aloud to see your offspring in the hands of such health-destroying, money-making, artful impostors—you who have toiled day in and day out, spinning and weaving, making and mending, browiugnnd baking, striving aud fretting, to properly roar and insfi'itorthd dear ouos to become useful members, ofvHooioty ami tidy housewives, sooner would kfxpoct to seo the stars fall from the hoavons than ono of those dear onos thus plastered and smeared. Tho artist should have added that wbeu thoroughly and bowitehingly enameled, the subject must not bo natural or self- forgetful, must undoubtedly suppress all emotional faolingR ft hat. are tho very es sence of youthful loveliness), for to give way to c hearty burst of laughter would be disastrous to tho glnzing ; to drop a tender tear of sympathy for aufforing hu manity would bo ruinous indoed, cracking the onamel aud streaking the “bloom of youth,” and, instead of the beautiful maideu the artist intoudod hor to be, she, by giving way to the outbursts of an over flowing, gushing hoart, has*made herself ouly a little less ropnlsivo than a painted savage. Would any woman of fine sensibilities be found iu the hands of rmoh manipu lators? Yes, wo bolievo many pure young girls, beautiful and fresh from the hand of God, have boeu lod into tho experi ment iu order to mako themselves more attraotive. Wo have known handsome persons whoso fair complexions have been spotted and disfigured for life by the use of these atrooious cosmetics. “Just how much belladonna to drop into the eye to give it a sparkliug brightness !" Think, 1 beg of you—you who have eyes as soft and blue au the summer skies—wlmt the consequence would be should tlio tiniest partiole too much bo applied ! The light of the heavens gone out forever, tho balls staring utid dead, the woild a blank, aud life a burden ! A few years ego a species of luadueas prevailed in fuvor of golden or yellow hair, ntid iu some chhuh the tlauiiug red was considered altogether the loveliest. The darkest hair could be bleached changed so as to lust three months, and so successfully us to*lefy detection of th art that altered it. If you would not grow wrinkled aud faded before your time, use such tueuua only ns will plant vivid aud lasting toues on your cheeks and give brilliant light to the eye. Use abundantly of pure, fresh air and golden sunshine, regular exercise, and a prescribed plain diet. Go wander in green pastures and beside still woterH, among happy singing birds uud sweet blooming tlowers. Let the guu kiss your cheek, even if it should leave a few brown freckles. Hoe to it that your conscience is kept ko clear, your heart so light and happy with good deeds and kind aotiona, that your whole face will kiudlo and shin* with absolute radiance, and- your *ye sparkle with undisguised affection. Culti vate the disposition aud habits that shall beautify every feature and expression and elevate your whole being, aud, above everything, be natural. indulges y Uj iuo itbj , „ may Journey onwnru, ■ children ot tho day. ... j thut atudi tho plain; l the lurid clouds tro rising, u shall scatter Into (lory raiu. All, iu my eager grasp, have turned to dust. For through their chsmbors swept the eolumn warning, Arise 1 depart I for this la not your rout They folded their pale hands and son prmence— I only bore the arrow In my breast. wildly l r Oail lee, say, “Peace, And whisper, "Should the true dleciple murmur To taste tho cup hie Master’e lips could drai~ 1 Ami then lead on until we reach the riser Which all uiuet cross, and some must c alono; Oh ' yc who in tho land of peace are wearied, flow nbali ye breoet the Jordan’s swelling mi i your Bavlour*s bosom. Whnroin no manner of daflleineut cornelh. Nor any shadow flung from passing night. WIioho distant streams sufllced to clsanse your sin. There shall ye fiud your dead iu Chrlet arisen, And learn from them to slug the augele’ eoug. Well may ye echo from earth's wuitiug prlaou The martyr's cry, ‘-How long, O Lord! ho long S" Thomson. body.—OreviUe. caultl. — Oar minds are as different tho same road.—Colton. wine and good man.—Cumberland. much ns uatur* requires.—Franklin. tries.—Sir }V. Temple. and sustenance ; ho that let the fatbor < diHoaso be what it may, intouipuranco certainly its rnothor.—Burton. upon each other.—Fling. —The chief pleasure in onti consist iu costly seasoning c llavor, but in yourself. Do yi sauce by sweatiug ?—Horace. good luok, aud God gives all things to in dustry. Then plough deep wli" may be hindered to-morrow. till to-morrow which yon r Franklin. inequality of uuderstnndiug, who are conscious of thoir have the modesty not to talk ; del ects. —Johnson. DiRcoruuiout is a power of the derstaudiug in whioh few excel, la and partiality blind V--Qretille. Dreadful is their doom whom doubt has iti To consuru fate, aud pious hope Ion-go Likn yonder blasted boughs by lightning r , life, they never know, llut t i all the —//Ml --The t'i innati Knquir tho following reminiscence: "In lt>.»4 aud 1 the load lug men in the Senate of tho Uuited State* were Howard, Mason _ ... of Ytrginiu, Slidell i,f Louisiana, Bell ot 1 he rd h cull for tb« Tennessee, and Crittenden of Kentucky, u (ui tho front door.” I They are all dead. What changes are « l «.» Virginian I *“ * of twenty years ! ••can you anawer this k “ " u - v 01 prominence who wore in ■ '.iu i mb you H bet ’ tUen aiui now, and have lieeu 1.1 » ut a nil a cork— cuntimied to the ple.etil time, are Churlea he ■ hiakey out with 8uuluar . uf UaasueUmetta, nnd hi« col- "t hr. akiu doliotila?" leagne. Henry Wilaun, who is its pre- ■ V .y. push de cork “ i<iu, « •n < ere talking lately . —The deputy sbeiiffa man whose preaching ! m pursuit of (ienet bav .1 d.< "What do you ‘ v-sl 1 .owe. “I think,” l bo ler two years ago.” r*ar»theu?” “True,” tit ill mean." udft , being interrupted th jury by tbe loud ay i j tbe ntreet near tbe ata id, •*What's that?” u the judge had jual up tuktanlly arose and Di» honor that tt was of tbe court.” ho have gono traced lmu to Canada aud got him iuside a circle of 100 unlus, with the principal points of escape well guarded. Great ooutideuoe is ex pressed that the deputies will have tho fugitive buck iu Now York by next Monday. habit of pfeQ. teac# ho utUr man -oervaot dm«**d th* ill. John, they aay e*y ;' and if i no r**«on wb mj, John T he eeuotaph erected in Greene street to the memory of the Confederate dead, was an veiled iu Augusta Tuesday. Th© entire eeuotaph is thirty-two feet in height, aud composed mainly of Stone mountain granite. The structure is ele- i gsnt aud graceful. 1* >on aho »u in th* j lu .v«r, iij. , —The small Louisville darkies oathor *■ '£ 51 'p :ri:: is vd dotnettic I tay, Tirnea are chanced ©grocery. at you hit that I tay *1 | — “ 'L*^;. I, *r, ,h * t !; - Th * “•* Sul “ u of" Morocco has an ru ahould uj luy\ broken up the herein of hia father and the Will keep only on* wife. nUNKKTIi' RECIPE#. ham Hour, neatly a quart of boiliu or milk, on* teaapoouful of salt, tbe Hour, when you have Halted it, into i soft dough as you ettu handle. this upon a red-hot stove. Prope scalded and cooked, they are light hot. Plain Buns. yet luauy"—\> hen baked. the day they are baked. Bou.kd Indian Meal Puddiko.- quart of milk, one quart of Indian i throe eggs, three heaping tahlcspoo of su^nr, aud oue teaspoouf'ul of one-fourth pound of beef suet, ebo into powder. Scald the milk, aud your bag iu hot water, tiou half full with the mixture, as very much. Boil fivo hours. —A Paris journal tell* the story beggar who presented himself regu at a at rtaiu coffee-house with a clari uodet his arm. “Will you allow gentlemen,” said he iu an humble tot voice, “to play a tune? lam oulj amateur, and if you prefer giving me few coppers I will spare you the anno* ance of listening tome.” Every oue ft at once for a few stray coppers, and t musician departed with a profound obi sance. This he repeated several eveuin in succession. At last, one evening, he wanted to hear him. “liut I afraid, sir, I shall disappoint yo “Never mind that, give us a tun a very poor instrument.' that—I want to hear yo since yon insist upon it,” Well, my psrfonnance.” Watchmakers. . J. M. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker and Jewell©*, Cody's building, Broad 8t., Columbus, Qa. All kind* Sowing Machines repaired. Needles, Oils and Attachments for all machines. I«lec28 Restaurants. Ull IIA11 111 H COUNTY RESTAURANT, "" No. 82 Broad Street. Tho best of Foreign and Domestic Liquors end Cigars. Meals nt all hours. declO J.J. BLAKELY, Prop’r. Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford 8t., undor Ranklu House, Columbus, Oa. duel 8 Cotton Factories. J> MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of 8ITKKTIN0S, 8IIIRTINQS, * YARN, ROPE, 4c. COLUMBUS, (IA- 0.1*. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary 4 Treasurer. uct3l ly. -|^ - — -- Sg M Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT TlioMPMOar, Lltcry, Mnl© and Eiclinugo btables, “GI CCLETHOKI'B, NoRTM OF RANDOLPH STS., BUlIl octao Columbus, Qa. A. UAMMEL, Livery and kale Stable*, OOLKTIIORPX ST., COLUMDC*, Qi. Particular attention given to FeodJog and Sale ■ A of Stock. Horses and Mules bonrdad Ju stables by the month or day. oct29 Doctors. DH. J. A. URQUHART, Office nt C. J. Moffutt’s Drug Store, Broad street. JUsIdenco on St. Clair, between Broad and eopO Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. yy OB. COLZEY. Keiidenco corner of St. Clair nnd Oglethorpe st*. Office next to residence, on St. Clsjr st. sep27 dtf DR. J. C. COOK, Office over Ellis A Harrison’s Commission House, .. sepfi first door to loft. “ Dentists. " W. T. FOOL, Dentist, nov2;t] loi Broad St., Columbus, Ga. IV. J. FOGLE, Dentist, tt sup. r >] Georgia Home Building, Columbus, Oa. oat Lawyers. Jas. M. Kisssll. Chah. J. Swift. RUIHF.LL A SWIFT, Attorueynand Counsullora »fl,AW. Will practioe iu thu Courts of Ueorgia (Chattabeoobeo Circuit) u&il Alabiinm. Office over C. A. Redd A Co.’s store, t Broad street, Columbus, Qa. Jal *de 6 I„ T. DOWNING, ■— 0 Attorney uud Solicitor. U, B. I’om'r and Register in Bankruptcy. Office uovsFJ] over Brooks' Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. 1'EAIIODY A DRAXXOY, B Attorneys nt Law. 1 Omen oveh J. F.nnis 4 Co.'s Store, Broad St., H fi novlSJ West Side. H. J. RIOSES, Attorney mid Counsellor at Law, . Georgia Homo Insurance Company building:, sec- 0 out 7 ly J ond story, r LOUIS F. GARRARD, f Attorney nnd Conn«ellor at Law. ^ Offlco No. 07 Broad street, Columbus, Ua. Will practice in tho Slate uud Federal Courts. Special „ uttontiou givou to Commercial I,aw uud cases lu Bankruptcy. **p4 a €11 AS. 11. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Columbia*, Ga. | ^ Will practice ia any Court. wd Offlco over Acoo A Murdoch's storo. [uovlC Crocers. DAN’L It. I11ZE, Deulerin Family Oiocorics, on Bryan street, be- iwoou Oglotborpo A Jacksou streota. •S' No charge for druyngo. dec7 Ot J. II. HAMILTON, ® 1 Wbolcvale nnd Retail Grocer, 1 Junction of Franklin, Warren 4 Oglotborpo Sts. ' No chnrgo tor drayugu. sopl4 | ISIIAJI COOI-EB, Family Grocer and Dnnler in Country Produce, sop5 m-xt to “Enquirer" ODloo. X. ‘ Fresh Meats. y J. T. COOK, y Freuli Mcnt* of All Kind*, f ecpit Stalls Nos. 15 uud 17. ‘ Rags, Hides, etc. Q JOHN MEUAFFEY, l- Denier 1 it Una;*, Hide*, Beeawax, et©,, ot nnd nil kind* Of Junk. K r- Corner Briduk and Oulrtiiorpk Srs.. Fii BO Columbus, tin. Druggists. on DU. J. I,. CHENEY A SON, 1 i- Druggists and Proscriptionlsts. \ large assort incut of Bnist’s Oardeu Seeds. Cheney's Co to a Syrup. Crawford btreet, undor ltankiu House. duels # U. 1*. I'ALKER, Licensed Apothecary u *< jr Oue door above Virginia Orocery. i.i l’liysiclans’ Prescriptions made a specialty. do doc 17 j Night boll to loft ol door. it J. 1. GRIFFIN, 10G Broad St. H, jd In*porter of EtifflUh Drug;* and Mcd- ju Iclnes )li —also— ,e I'urlaluu Prcsouts, i'uriualtlea. Ornamental and Uusoful, just received. - **«» ... r l JOHN L. JORDAN, V Druggist, Two doors bolow Ueo. W. Brown s, , Broad Street, Columbus, Ha. T, «-Nlglit B.II ri,Ut uf wulli Joor. «.,* ° FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, DruirvUt, u HuuJolpb, east of Broad Street, ° ■"I' 5 Columbus, t)a. J' A. M. D1IANNON, Hi d West Side, Broad Street, Coluwuuk, Ua., JJ WhoIvNulo and Retail Dealer In j at Drug* and Medicine*, •' Toilet Article* and Perfumery. P BCpIi 1 Mattress-Making, Ae. t> J. D. MeJUNKIN, 1, Uoncral Upholsterer and Mattress-Maker. H Shop wont side Warren, iHMir iulersectlou of Ugl. • sept tliorpeand Bridge Ms. d — •• ^ • c Piano Tuning, Ac. n E. W. 11LAU,: HI _ Repairer nnd Tuner of Pianoes, Meledaois aud III f, Aocordeons. Sign Painting also donn. 11 Orders may be be l»*f. at J. W. l ease 1 Norman’s 11 Book Store. sepd Dress-Making. v MINN 11 A.IIUI.MMIS'HDBTII, 1 \ Dress-Making, Cutting and Fitting. Terms cheap, lltwideuco uud shop Iu Browuevllle. novl6 " Feed Store. < r a JOHN FlTZGIllUONS, It Wholesale and Retail Dealer lu Hay, Oats, Cor* e llicou, 4c., Oglethorpe St, opposite j_ Jal Temperance Ilall. ! « Wanted. ,A L 1*7 K will trive m«n and vonun BUKIN EMU VV T1I hT WILL PAY from $4 to |« per day, can be pursued in your own neighbor- fj 0 hood; it 1* a rare chance for those out of employ- 1, raent or having leisura time; girls aud boys fra- ,, ijueutly do as well u« men. Particnlnra free. V- A<ldn*ss J. LATHAM A €0., „ aug'JS tr 292 Wasblngton si.. Itostea. Mass. WOUI) s WOOD I r r 7 ^ /'\RDEK9 can be filled promptly by application r V_F at the office of tbe 11 MUSCOGEE MANUFAOT NO CO. dec28 tf INSURANCE. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ATLANTA DEPARTMENT W. UOSETIE. orrioBitsi Cen. JNO. B. CORDON, President. Cen. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice President. MORRIS, Secretary. J. H. MILLER, Sup’t Agenl Assets Nearly $2,500,000,001 R. N. MILLER, Cen’l Ag»t and Managi OFFICERS t Y, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Vice L. SPENCER, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ALFRED I. YOUNG, H, C. A. REDD, W. R. BROWN, MEOICAE BOARD: G. J. GRIMES, M. D., D. W. JOHNSON, M. D. ' Policies ia Northern Companies can be transferred without lose or adi j. Full particulars given by inquiry at the ofUoe. Keep Capital at Home, tood (Solicitors Wanted. LAMBERT SPENCER, Resident Ag< FIRE nrSURAN San Francisco, California. Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, COLUMBUS. OA'. • WWHon, ILL k CO TION, n Merchant AND tat© -A-gr©xits] reet, Colnmbns, Ga., tip to conduct the AUCTION AND COMMIssifJ the publio patronage. 1U M i’SIGNMENT, , APPLES, P0IIT01S III BUTTER, lALE AND RETAIL, st prioes that will u. R MONEILL4C0 * Y GOOD*. mi 11 B1RB1IHS! I e in Want of Dry Goods] .. ^ uui bu*tnea*, we offer from thta data our khth FANCY GOODS AT ON ■•HALF THE.. fexaiuluM and be continued. No ohargea uada for abotia |te will be Cash. No goods will b| time than thirty days. Irequoated to call and settle at once, or make to lift k ,|l cGOUGH & CO. Further Notice] HE CASH, lock of Dry Goods] COST ! me, I request immediate pay eral prices for Cotton in settle iIVEBEU WITHOUT T1IE MONEY. LANCHARD, 123 Broad St., Columbus. Ga. COPARTNERSHIP. WILLCOX A UAVTKa, for tbe transaction of a Oeneral Insurance Business In this city. D. V. WILLCOX, Ocl.18.1873. W. N HAWKS. Willcoz & Hawks, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., a list of tbe oldest and largest Insurance Companies iu tbe country, "Time-Tried and $27,000,000! r their services in covering all classes of inauraltlo property, at reguli ir rates. All proposals and a to. WILLCOX k HAWKS* _A_ OJLULIO. rnUK undersigned, having retired from a service of fourteen years in the Georgia Home losurnuce Company, aud formed tba connection above named, solicits for tbe n«w firm a share of tbs bust- s of tho city, aud offers hie careful attention thereto. With an experience of tweuty years in the community as an Underwriter, be respectfully refers to vbo have during tliat time received lil« policies, and to whom be liui disbursed thousands of losses incurred by Companies then reprtseuted by him, aud uow hv tbs new firm. Columbus, Oct. 14,1873. tf D. F. WILLCOX. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINLEM TO OFFER THE PUBLIC 1NLEMNITY aiaiist Loss by FIRE ! She Wants a Chance to Cot It Baok. President. Columbus, Oft. 1st, 187: Treasurer. MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains!! ery and Fancy Dry Goods at Panic Prices WCMEMS> WILL, ON AND AK1T.R TO MORROW, OFFER HER ENTIRE STOCK OF AT PANIC PRICES ! i resport fully invited to cell and judu#* for tin AU goods must be paid fCnlambue. Ua.. Nov. lftth, 1173. PANIC ! PANIC ! ! [ NOW SELLING AT FAN 10 PRICKS MY LARGE AND KA8H1UN* BLE 8TOOK UI MILLIN EB Y, tnprisiug all the latest Novelties in the line of Trimmod and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Ornaments, Velvets, &c. HAIR GOODS in aU Styles, Jet and Immitation Jewelry, all goods usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. The Ladies are invite* ill aud examine. AU good* must be paid for on delivery. Hrs. M. B. HOWARD, November 21. eodAw RANDOLPH ST , NEXT TO STRUPPER'S. COST! FROM THIS DATE. I OFFER ENTIRE STOCK OT AT COST FOR CASH ! J. S. JONES. Columbus, ffept. 28tb, 1873. dood4w)f TEN PER CENT. LESS T As we always sell as low as the low est, we offer for twenty days our entire stock of New and Fresh Goods at Cost and an additional extra discount allowet of 10 per cent, on all bills of ,$20 and over. We mean to sell. BOATRITE & CLAPP. R K8PH0TFni.LV announce to tliHr frlk-nd-, . AND WINTER STOCK OF DRY WOOD* I. consisting of every artlclo usually found ' ‘ the money panic In New York for i J. KYLE & CO. public gene'ally, tliat their fAll m.w complete In every d« ;n*rU“ .. s House. They were bought dm v, nnd w ill bo sold at prices to correspond with tie t lm * We still keep a large Hue or’ IRISH LINENS. OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OK l^atlies 9 , IVIlNwes 9 and Children 9 *! Shoes* of the latest Style aud Beet Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &e., at Reduced Price. All wifhlug to purchase will do well to give us a call, ae we bought low and will ssll Columbus, (M. 6th, 1873. j. KU.r.. $75,000! UN PARALLEL! D SACRIFICE OF Dry Gr oods • AT COST FOR CASH. PrkM fro- *0 1. 40 |wr nil. Ill doM oul lk« C«ll >t«»« •* JOSEPH & HKOTHERS Ooluiubus, Out. 5,187S. dtf HATS AND CAPS. ES. 33. VONOB, DEALER IH HATS, CAP*, UMBRELLAS, AT T«E OLD STAND OP P. LAW DOM. H as oh hand and is reccivixo RKortYitiY- vkom mahctacve* 111 " FliLL STOCK OF STAPLE AMD FANCY HATS! In Fancy Hate, the “very latest” In style and colors- In Staple Fur and Wool, his etook Is perfect, octl? tf J Aud to which be Invitee the attention of PI**** 1 *