The Sun and Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 06, 1874, Image 2

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/ puiftj ©«<iwiw. rol.lM lll'Ss JANUARY (I, 1874. 1 l ESDAY '1’iik lollowinj; is the report of the block of provision** in St. Louis at tins close of tho.venr: Fork, 111,520 barrels; lard, 21,- <*;.<) tiereen; ilry salt meat, about 3,200,- 000 pouuils; hams and shoulders in awoet pickle, about 3,000,000 pounds. Tmc New Orleans Times says: “The Stale of Louisiana has boon plundered 1 ill nothing more can bo obtained; her people have been t.ixed till an increase of taxation has become impossible, Relief must come or niter ruin is before us.” 'j uk Macon Telegraph lakes a philo- fl.ipbicdl view of Wilburns' probablo con tinuation as Chief Justice. It thinks that it U destroys confidence in the Court, and thus diminishes litigation and appeals, the country will be the gainer by it. Navigation on both the Missouri and the Ohio, and all (lie low tributaries, has been, and is still, very good. Last year Red River did not rise nufiiciently to per mit navigation of large boats until late in the spring, it. is now in good navigable condition. Tub Republicans elected their ontiro ticket at the municipal election in Mem phis, TV?un., on the 1st inst. The major ities uro very largo. John Loguo was chosen Mayor by about 8,000 majority. Rome of tlio o/boors oloct aro colored. Memphis appears to ho overrun l»y no- ^ ^ Tin Smith Carolina Logislaluro has done min act for which ii body constitu ted uh it is dosoivos much praise. It has passed an net exempting from tuxation (and that implies a good deal in South Carolina) nil capital invested in the man ufacture of cotton and woollen goods,iron, lime, paper and agricultural implements. Such investments uro declared exempt from all oxoept; school taxes for ten years. The Talbot ton Standard and Thomas- t.on Jlcndd declare in favor of submitting any desired amendment of the State Con stitution directly ton vole of the people. TheOuthbort A jipral opposes the cull of a Stale Convention at this lime. We ale satisfied that whou the peoplo consider the dilficultios in tho way of call ing such a convention as would bo desir able at thin time, they will agree to tho suggestion (hat tho better mode will bo to get l ho dilficultios out of tho way first. Thk Washington correspondent of tho Now V«uk J I,raid interviewed Hon. Oslo!) Cushing on tho 31st lilt., and found him rather reticent in regard to tho spooifio object t of bis mission to Spuiu. lie tulkcd move about a commercial treaty to regulate our trade with Cuba than any thing else. Tho Jhrald says editorially that Mr. Cushing seemingly avoided tho paramount question— tho political condi tion and future of Cuba; that ho ignored tho piogressing ami long-continued revo lution, and did not appear to oontempluto Riicli n tiling as the independence of Cu ba, mid i/i this no doubt roil eels the seu- timent.; >*l the Administration. Tho Her ald Mays that “bis mihsiou iH regarded as anti Cuban.” MISKINMIT*!. I'lio first Tuesday after the third Mon day in January is the day appointed by law for tho otficinl counting of tho votes for Stale officers cast in tho late election in Mississippi. Tapers which support Gov. Power** and bin view of the legali ty of the election favor tho making up of a cane to g»» before the Supremo Court on the first Monday of this month, so that the (|i\. ti**n may bo judicially decided Refine the day net apart for counting tho votes. Put it i» very doubtful whether Ames and bis frieltdfi will consent to this or aid in car'Vying it out. jnmi: nnitii.i.. The New Uilemia Picayune of tho till inst proIrtsauH to have information of some of the revelations made in the l)u- irII inve/.tigatioii in its city, though it is conducted in secrecy. It says that there was positive proof of Judge Durell’s intoxication, both on and off the bench, and to his use of rude and insulting lan guage m court, whilo in that condition, to members of the bar ; that lion. John A. Campbell (formerly of U. S. Supreme bench - testified that Unroll denounced him, (tilling a trial as “a hoary rebel, who ought to bo hung.” Several lawyers swore to similar conduct, and attiibutod it to intoxication. On the other hand, respec table witnesses testified that they wero intimate with Judge Unroll, and had never sm-a him under the inlluenco of stimulants. Tlio chargoa of maladminis tration of the bankrupt law wero ho Btrongl.v sustuiuod, that it is said oue of the members of the Congressional Com mittee exclaimed in surprise, “My God 1 how could any people submit to such ex tortions! These extortions, according to tho evidence, wero committed by the general assignee, but Judge Cure!I would do nothing to arrest or repair them whou they were brought to his notice. M Al iM. »* I.IiUAI. TlTNlU.ltS. •* I'ctor Cooper, of Now York, well kuown for liii public spirited liberality, huts .set! to President Grant a letter suggest inn n modification of tho “legal tender" requirement. lio proposes that tho legal tender Treasury note system bo xuaiutanted, and that all duties duo to the Government and all debts duo from indi viduals to one another shall be legally paid by simply adding to tho amount of currency wideli the debt or duty nominal ly calls for a sum equal to tho proiuiuiu that gold has averaged during tho mouth preceding the maturity of tho debt—said premium also to bo paid iu currency, uud the Government to declare tho average rate of premium on the first MomUy ff in their operations, or rather that they would contrive to make it ho. They might, by concert of action, arrange a time for tho maturity of their loans, uud then work for a rise in geld during the month previous, with a view to the secur ing of largo premiums. They have, on several notable occasions, demonstrated their ability to influence seriously the dif ference in value between gold and cur rency, and nn “elasticity” in tho value of legal tenders might offer additional gains ns tho result of their “corners” and specu lating combinations. If this disturbing interference could bo controlled or clock mated, we believe that Mr. Coopnr'ti proposition would prove as salutary in operation as it is certainly just in princi ple. Tho other branch of tho suggestion— that tho Government should take its own notes, which it makes “legal tendonT for tho peoplo, in tho paymuiq of its duties we favor unqualifiedly, “without a why or wherefore." C1KIOI N, IF TRUK. Wo learn from n gentleman who under stands whereof he speaks, that “in Muh- aogeo and tho counties adjoining there aro forty dogs to ono sheep." This being tho case, that one sheep has a vory slim chance for reaching anything like u ron- peotablo old age, indeed the marvel it) that with so many dogs “tied loose" there are any shoep in tlio country At all. Many dogs are an evidence of great wealth and leisure ns in tho caso of the English landed gentry, or of great pover ty and degradation, ns in the case of tlio Nomudic Indians, whoso villages swarm with unclassified curs. Wo do not know how many of these dogs are taxed, but tho fact ol' thoir overwhelming excess over sheep strikes us a queer commen tary on nn impoverished agricul tural peoplo. This climnto is favor able to tho brooding of dogs; so is Green land nod Quito; they flourish wherovor the crow, tho house fly and mnn livo, and thoro aro many qualities about dogs tlmt wo admire, particularly whore they bocomo scavengers as in Constantinople, hut on tho wholo we aro more partial to sheep. In this latitutude sheep can bo raised with profit and to ndvoulago, and with propor mnungoment they might bo made more profitable than cotton. They require but little-care, ami from tail to nose tip tbny can bo utilized. Wo can’t say so much for dogs. True, sheep aro not good sport ing animnls. They have no skill in nosing out birds nrnl rabbits and foxes, und tboy never fawn on a mnn with n shot-gun, but wo havo an idoa times would not bo so tight iu our country if we had forty shoop to ono dog, and shot-guns only in propor tion. This army of ours bespeaks im providence, particularly in an agricultural community that has not a surplus of food for iiH peoplo, much loss for its (logs. This subject may bo worthy tho consider ation of tho granges. THE UKANflEKM AT NKALE. Admirable Renolutlon* Adopted. OorieapomletifA of tho Kuqalr< r. lly invitatiou from Gordon Grange, nine of the granges of Russell county met in conucil at Soule on Saturday, 3rd day of January, 1874. After tho usual opening ceremonies, 8. 8. Brinson, Master of Crawford Graugo, was called to tho chair; John Chadwick, Master of Kaudfort Grange, appointed Overseer; John 8. lienfroo, Gordon Grange, Gato Keeper, and 8. It. Tills and John Brannon requested to act as Sooroturies. Upon tho announcomont by tho chair that the mooting was ready for business, Col. W. C. Clifton submitted boido im portant enquiries, which, being seconded, wore roferrod to a special committee of ono from each grange represented. This special committee, after duo consultation, beggod to recommend tho following: 1st. That each grango in tho county bo fully represented at tho subsequent meet ing called for 7th of February next. 2nd. That it is the true policy aud bonndon duty of every farmer to devote in tho future u sufficient quantity of laud to corn, peas, potatoes, oats, wheat, ryo and turnips, for the support not only of his own family, but for the laborers and stock on his farm, thereby making his cotton crop a surplus. 3rd. That instead of paying out such vast sums of money for commercial fertil izers, ovory planter Rhould rnako as much manure at homo as possible, and further improvo his lands by resting and rotation of crops. 4th. That all persons refuse to buy farm produce betweou tho hours of sun set and sunrise, and that each grange respectfully requost tho sevoral merchants of thoir neighborhoods not to do so. Tho above recommendations were adopted without debuto. The mooting iliscUBHod sevoral other vory important subjects, iiual notion upon which war doforrod till tho mooting iu February. Mooting then adjourned. 8. S. Brinson, Chairman. 8. It. Pitts and J. M. Brannon, Secre taries. —The lawyers of Atlanta have formed “legal association," and a correspondent of tho Milledgeville Union says that it “is having a most improving effect on the Atlanta lawyers,” which is to us a suffi cient aHsurnneo that tho movement is a good and wonderfully effective ono. They havo thoir rules of government, their library, their reading room, periodical lectures, Ac. SCHOOLS. The Beallwood High School. T HE exerciMen of this School will cotuniuiice on Monday, the 1‘2Lli instant. iu charge of Frol". J. P. Al. 1 llet-vcM. All the English branches, tl»o l’lAHsicti ami Mathematics will be taught. _ F.-reonn wishing to have their children thor oughly educated will hud it to their Jntorest to patronize this school. Young ladies and gentle- men from u distance can he accommodated with hoard in tho immediate neighborhood of tlio Bchool lahlo teruiH. For rates of tuition, igued at Columbua. 4c., address tho under- rooil SPAIN. Tho early and suddon downfall of tho Caslolhu* administration is nut a surpris ing ovont for fickle Spain, but it is, wo fear, an unfortunate ono forthooniiKO of struggling Republicanism in that dis tracted country. Castollar is not only uu- questionably ono of tho ablest and purest public moil of Spain, but his long and ar dent devotion to tho cause of popular lib erty attests tho deop sincerity of liis re publicanism and his reJinblo fidelity to its principles in ovory omorgoncy. This de votion made him tho great representative embodiment of free governmout in Spain, and though tho forms of republicanism may still bo maintained by his successors —though ho himself may still be tho nomiual executive—the overthrow of his civil rule and tho substitution of a mili tary dospotism affords but poor oncour- agemeut to those who havo heon hoping that. Spain would soon emerge from hor presold trouble, a respectable Kiiropoau republic and a nucleus around wliioh tho liberal sentiment of tho contiuonl might gather and organize. Ah wo uuderstaud it, tlio revolution as thus fitr reported has progressed no further than tho substitution of bayouot for civil rule. Gen. l’avin is snid to bo a republican and a friend of Castollar. Tho reactionary loader, in whoso behalf tho oppououtH of Castollar in the Cortes concentrated, under the loud of Salmo- ron, President of (ho body, is said to ho Gon. Serrano, a famous old revolutionary and reformatory chioftian. Ho iH best known outside of Spain as tho “regent” who succeeded Isabella after her flight and abdication, in 18119, aud whoso re gency Castollar strongly opposed. Ho has siuco given in his adhesion to the Republic, but his sincere devotion to tho principle may well bo doubted, iu view of hi« former services in the cause of Isabella, his intimate lelutious with hor government, and his attempt to continue tho monarchy after hor deposition, lie lms, however, been a life-long opponent of tho Oarlist cause, and no direct aid to the royal protoudor limy ho expected from him, should ho come iuto power. Aud wo imagiuo that tho next contest at Mad rid will ho n struggle betwoen tho now administration and tho supporters of Ser rano. Meanwhile both tho Carlists and the Intransigents may lie encouraged and tho Republicans distracted by this war of factions at tho neat of govornment. F. S.—NVo infer from a dispatch ro coivod siuco tho abovo was writtou, that Serrano is tho noting Prosideut. YOUNG AMERICA FIRE CO., No 5. There, bo hold 'J at 8 o’clock. Uy ortlor of tho Foreman. G. K. FLOURNOY, Sec’y. jafl It RESCUE HOOK & LADDER CO., No. I. The regular Monthly Mooting will JRfiTbo held THIS (Tuesday) EY'FNJIVa, iitT'/i o'clock. By ordor of Foreman. jnfllt J. 1). ESTES, Soc. 4 Troaa. COLUMBUS FIRE COMPANY No. I. M EM HERS aro noliflod to attond regular monthly mooting and drill THIS EVE- NINO, at VA o’clock. G. O. SHERWOOl^Scc’y., jafl-lt Southern Female College, LaGrange, €•><%. e direction of a graduate of Leipaic. Modern Lunguag h taught by h Professor who speaks French ami Herman fluently. Painting In all Its forma at modern ratoa. For particulars Heud for Catalogue. I. F. COX, President. January 4th, 1874. (12awit* FOR SALE AND RENT. Two Good ^3f«ANTATION Mules for h.Jo upon ii Apply to MRS. IIOMER V. HOWARD, T. B. HOWARD, or RICHARD HOWARD. For Rent. lu tubus, on the Alabama side of the rivor. Ap ply to tlio undersigned, or N. L. Uowatd, Esq. Columbus, Georgia. 0. T. ABERCROMBIE, Administrator j al dlw For Sale or Rent. T. L FRAZER. AMUSEMENTS. SPRINGER'S OPERA HOUSE! MARY McWILLAMS, 1 . ..... Mun ... ers EDWIN 11 ROW NK, J 11 1 Mun “8 or »* Tuesday Eveu’K, Jnn'y Q, 1S74, 111M1T1 ANl) I, A NT NIGHT OF tin* RrllliiiuL and Versatile Young Actress, Katie Putnam ! Wlu will hppciu' In her great Dual Impersona tion of Me Mann the Marchioness! ASSIGNEES SALE. Ellis 4 Harrison,at 11 o'clock a. in. Tuesday in January, 1874, the following per sonal proporty assigned to us by John Kir 13 Reams Paper. 4 Copying Letter Books. 1*2 Dozen Pass Books 12 Bottles Arnold's Ink. 1*20 Document Envelopes. 1 Cancelling Stamp. 1 Letter Press and Stand. 6 Chairs. 1 Book Rack. 1 Lot Books and Paper. 1 Stove and Pipe. 1 Eight-day Clock. 40 Hogs. 3 Horses. 0 Mules. 1 Mare and Colt. 6 Cows. 2 Express Wagons. 1 Cart. 1 Two-Horse Wagon. 1 Lot Plows and Ilocs. 1 Harrow. 1 Large iron Saf'o. 1 Iron Money Chest. Tho Large Iron Safe la at former olfico of Mr. John King. The Iron Money Chest is at Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank, where par tlos desirous of examining; can see thoin. JOHN PEABODY, W. Ls SALISBURY. Assignees of John King. Executor’s Sale. of Ellis 4 Harrison, in Columbus, but wee u tho usual hours of sale, the following real estate to-wit: Ono undivided IihK interest In tho promises known as ihs storehouse lately occupied by Hull A Moses, and now by William Roach, us a hard ware store. Also, uu uudividod half interest in tho store house next tho corner on Broad street, under Con cert Hull, and an undivided fourth iutorosi in Concert Ilall. Tlio said property being tlio interest of tho Into AUCTION SALES. By Ellis Harrison. FINE MULES AND DRAYS AT AUCTION. A T 11 o'clock mi Tuesday nnxt, the Gth inntnnt, wi< will cell in front of our store, without rvo, to close n copartnership, Harness, about as good 2 fin • Dray Wa AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 8. E. LAWHON. O. W. ROSETTE. Young Mules, sound aud well broke. Two-Horso Wagon. Kxp Parties need I ng a complete drays and mules will Hud it to tend (lie S tic. ffit in the way of uir interest to at- Ja8 at* By ELLIS & HARRISON. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. O N TUESDAY, Gtli January, 11 o’clock, we will noil iii front of storo, A PREMIUM WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Rosewood Case—took tho premium at jr lust Fair; all in perfect order. jal at Real Estate at Auction. ft'O Will . art of City Lot No. 12, on Front Street, near'y oppoilto the Empire Mills, formorly owned by 11. Ingram's estate, now b-longing to W. O. Eason, who sells it for change of investment. The house has four rooms, good garden, 4c. 'titles unquestionable, Tern tdi. ALSO, Vacant lot iu QIrani, Ain., No. 23, containing four acres, formerly buioiigiug to James Torry. Titles good. Tonus cash. Jal 3t ELLIS 4 HARRISON. REAL ESTATE ACENT8. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AteD AUCTIONEERS, iii tho City and country, aud will udvurtiso the same (al piivut-1 sale) FKEF OF CHARGE, uulans the prop- rty is sold. For Exchange. Twenty Valuable Unimproved Building Lots in the city of Omaha, and sixty-nix lots in Platts- mowih. Nebraska. A portion or the whole will be exchanged for a Southern Plantation in Georgia or Alabama, on vory reasonable terms. [sop!7 For Sale. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated in the butd tie: 8 centre of the city. WHlsotiatai bargain, or to an acceptable party an uudividod interest. Tho proporty cun bo made to pay u larg interest on tlio iutoutment. A HOUSE AND LOT, with 20 acres land attach ed. 3 miles from the city, in a good neighborhood, aud couveuieut to a good school, churches, 4c. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ton acres ground, in Limvood, ono mile from S. W. R. it. depot; a vory comfortable uud desirable homo. HOUSE with five good rooms, within 200 yards of SouthwoBtoru Railroad depot, oue-half acre ground. For Rent. ONE DWELLING with tliroo rooms, aero ground, cu McIntosh street, near the Fair Grounds. Good water, etc. seplu A STORE HOUSE in tlio valley of Talbot couuty, at a cross-road, tin no miles of tho Cliulybeatu Springs. A \ury desirable locatiou for a Dry Goods and Grocery businers. sepl7 With a genteel family iu a desirable part of the city, TWO LARGE ROOMS, with the use of fur nished parlor, kitchen and (table. Runt very rea sonable to an ucceptulde tenant. HOpO tf R. McWEILL & CO., AUCTION, Commission Merchants AND Real Estate Agents, 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H AVING formed a copartnership to conduct the AUCTION AND COMMISSION business, solicit a share of tho public patronage. HAVE NOW ON CONSIGNMENT, HIT, 01TS, CORN, iPPLIS, POTiTOfS IND FRESH BUTTER, Which in offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, nt prices that will be an inducement to Oanh Buyers. R. McNEILL & CO. ColumtniH. October 12t)i, !$73. (10m BANKINC AND INSURANCE. J. BHODBS BROWNE, President. OEQ. W. DILLINGHAM, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. DRY GOODS. TIIII GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS BANK Offers tho greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s charter, the entire capital and property of tho Company and the private property of tho Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS I J. RHODES BROWNE, Pros't of the Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitnliet, Atlanta. J. K. CLAPP, Manuftr, Clapp’s Factory. Hon. JOHN McILIlENNY, Mayor. JAMES UANKIN, Capitalist. Tom flh. ISAAC I. MOSES. Exooutor. For Rent. tlio Rout of the HUSH to tlie estate of John King, thU place will be rented at his risk on TUESDAY, January Gth. 1874, ut 11 o’clock, a. iu., boforo tlio Audit » of Ellis 4 llurridon. . SALISBURY, JOHN l’KAUODY, AasiKUecs Jno. Kiug. Suppo EDWIN BROWNE, u New Songs, New Dunn ted l-y DICK , null a Great Casio. 1 ullory, r.0 cents. t*d at IV. J. Chatliti’w »m.t For Sale. hree-seutod Jorse Light Ono-lloruo Buggy. For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN THK MEDICAL COL- BEGE AT KVAN8VILBK, INDIANA. .vO tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. A FOR RENT, tlonco t „ at present occupied by tho Jlov. Mr. Apply to 11. INI. HOWAUI). d«27 8. W.K.K. Fresh Venison! LOT OF FRESH VENISON FOR The real ro i; certainly justice in the propo- tfmt (Im currency he made a legal r lor tho payment of debts, not ut ihitrary valuation, but at its —Thoro wero forty flies iu Savannah last year. Loss, $81,010; insurance, 800. Tho expenses of tho Fire Depart ment were $15,000, aud receipts $17,000, in round numbers. —The Talbot ton Standard thinks, at wo do, that if any amendments of tho 8tato Constitution must needs ho made vory quickly, the host way to offoct them is for tho Legislatures of this and . next winter to submit the desired atuendiueuts to a direct vote of the people. The Ma rietta Journal opposes the call of a Con vention just at this time, ns prouiaturo and impolitic. —A speoial election for Ordinary of Thomas county is to bo held ou tho Kith , inst. The names of several prominent lm% and this amondment j c jtjzengof the county have beou proposed for the vacancy, but no nomination or I'ouhl havo that object But we think that tlier tlmt the gi.millers who is reason to fear oall for a nomination has yet been made lake their money by any party or class, except by the ne groes, w ho, as wo learn from ibe Thomas by the flint indium* of tho currency would . ville Enterprise of Wednesday, will make pnd in thie premium feuture a facility for ' their nomination on Monday uext, A LOT ( A ctioaii W. E. 8ANDEFORD’S, 2t Peutk of U. ink in lloii„o For Rent. 81’LKNDID COUNTRY nitiluti'd in tlie«o iifigliborliood. I will raut with ilia sioru a charming home 'UU stables, pate lies, Ac. Apply at onto to tlio umluisiguiul, at Oswichec it imho 11 Recorder plouso copy. JflO (J8od2w J tJ. 0114MPICKS. Sheriff Sales for Taxes. w u,b ° oiiuty, w it hi 11 •Id before Clmt tain legal hours of sale, on ti 1874, tlio following wild lands, levini on to sutiH/y tl fas issued l»y tho Tax Collector of Chutta- onuty i-wit: Lot number 200, in tho loth distti. t; '• “ 234, " loth " “ ll'J, “ 7th « “ “ 07, “ lOtli “ " « 175, “ 10th “ " “ 177, “ 10:h “ “ 145, “ JOth “ “ •• 160, « loth “ J011N M. 8API*. Shorin'. TAYLOR COUNTY.—William Smith o me for Letters of Administration if Zachai'iah t-’mith, lato of oaiil G K.0UG 1/ .ipplie Oil the e unty, 1I1 Hint. Thes cito 1 admonish nil persons conceriied, mditors urn! next of kin, to show cause, if any they can, on or before tho First Mouilny in February next, why ailminiitrutiou should not bo granted suid applicant on said estate. Given under uiy liam! nrnl official signature, thi: Jd January, 1874. JsG w4w JAMES D. RP8S, Ordinary. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. W first Tuesdi • •f sale, March tho Court II0U60 door i •clieo county, On., ou tli next, within tho lt-gal One Black Mare Mule, about 12 years of ago III. |.ropmy of II. .Iiiv, 10 nu tM-iutiun ll. my h.u.lh, iauunU liy II. • U. il; ot tku Superior Court for a .Ul county, upon tlio foreclosure * mortgnuo ou uni.l mule, iu favor of 1 Im p j»b «tif ' JOHN M. SAPl*, Shoriflf. NOTICE. Plantation for Sale. r OFFER for sale a Plantation of 320 a [ within four milen ot' Columbus. About t'-O t-rcs of this laud is liver bottom, the hnlaute lie bust quality of oak aud hickory upland-t. A ecoiiiary iinprovouicutw aro ou the place. dt‘c30 eudtit U. B. UUNllY For Rent. L i WO LARGE. WKLL FURNISHED BED itooius, witli nso of parlor, in cuntral part of tho city. Terms liberal. Adores* p28 tf M, Enquirer Offlco. Rooms to Rent. .|l\vn r I Star Apply to J..4 tf J. K JOHNSTON ti 00. Blanks for the Granges. >LANK6 of every doncription constantly 01 ) hand. ORDERS FILLED FOR iiEOKUIA, AViABANA a*ml other Ktates. Apply At the o 111 CO of tho Cloliibus Fnqul rer, _l»y mail, or otherwise. nov22 tf IN VINO VERITAS! D ll. MOFFETT has now on Hand, for Family aud Medicinal u.sch, u Fine Stock of Native CATAWBA mid CONCORD WINKS. They arc cr and Hotter than the greater part of the high- od Native Winos. Try Tiutin. CITY TAXES. COUNCIL positively ilirorts that executions bo j issued against all persons wlioso TAXK LEAL ESTATE, SALES AND LICENSES,) ai ipaid on 20tli January next, l’av now and sic ,*t. JNO. N. BARNETT, doc 31-dtd. rolleetor and Treasurer. L. D. DEATON & SON, No. ICG, Under Rankin House. W E have removed to tlio large and commodious store one door abovo Messrs. Watt A Walker, Broad street, wln-ro we have in storo and are con stantly receiving a large aud well selected stock of Staple Dry Goods AND QR0CERIK3, CROCKERY, UL/ SS, TIN, WOOD AND HOLLOW WARE, STOVES, and HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, 4c. ids nt price* to suit tho tsitrouago, we hope for and examine our stock. UeodawHiil THORNTON No. > nro offering onr go times. Thankful for last continuation. lM.-:i>e .-.ill Columbus, Oet. IU, 1873. STILL CONTINUED ! OUR ENTIRE STOCK Dry (Ms, Shoes, Hats, Clothinei, Notions, &c., AT COST FOR CASH. All who want goods in our lino will do well to avail themselves of tlio extraordinary opportunity Peacock & Swift. CAUTION. 1)UY ONLY THK Genuine Fairbanks Scales, MAxupACTURnn nt E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. m Diaries for 1874. SIZES, Styles of Binding and Prloes. For sale by ilcSl .T. W. PEASE fit NOLMAN. Q H d nt tlie Ordiuary’s office until Thursduv, tho 15th January, 1874, »or Medical Treatment und tho fur nishing of Medicines for tho poor of tho county. Candy, Candy, Candy ! Manufactured at No. 80 Broad St., And Sold at IS rents In £5 lb. Lot*, by Profumo 4 Hoffman. WOOD, WOOD! MUSCOOKsfi MANUFACT’NG CO. Hay! 100 HAY, just received and for eulo W. II. Y0UN0, 12 Broad St. Wanted. Standard Scales Btock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Beales, Dairy Scales, Counter Beales, 4c., Ac. Scales Repaired Promptly And Reasonably For Bale also, Troemner’s Coffee and Drug MiUe t Composition Bells, all si/.ea Letter Presses, 4c., 4c. THE MOST ILIRM IB DRIVER. Milos Alarm Till Co.'s. 11VKKY HEltClUNT list Them 1^^ 'Mala «'.r r .nto«. SOLD AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 llllOADWAY, JT. T., 1GU Baltimore 8treot, Baltimore, 63 Camp Street, New Orloau*. FA1RHAXKH A HWI.VG, Masonic Hull, Pbiladelpliia. FA1R1IANKN, BROWN dk CO., 2 Milk street, Boston. . i* , per day, can be pursued in your own neighbor hood; it is u rare chance for thoee out of employ ment or having leisure time; girl* aud boys fre quently do mi well a* n»en. Particulars free. . Address J. LATHAM A CO., nugkb tf 292 Washington at., Boston, Moat. I DRN N ISON'S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS 'over TWO HUXDKKp MILLIONS have boeu sold witiiiu tho put lU years, without complaint of Ioib by Tag be- ^ coming detached. They are n reliable for marking Cotton halos tl any Toy in tise. All Express Companies them. Hold by Printers and Stationers everywhere. dsslU di-odaw 3ui N. N. OUBTI8, of Wells,Curtin & Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attoruoy-at-l.ftw. D. F. WILLOOX, Secretary of the Co. JOSIAII MOIUIIS, Banker, Montg'y. CUABLE8 WISE, mnv-4 oodiwlt CLOTHINC. 111.Otv THE WHISTI.K, RING THE HEM., STOP THE ENGINE—WE’VE UOOI1S TO SEI.I,. & ACEE 78 Broad Street. (Noxt door to J. W. Pease fit Norman’s Bookstore,) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s ClaOTHINGr, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. SLS^Call and see for yourselves. j, 3 Here’s Your Chance. NO EXCUSE FOR CLOTHING A RUSTY SUIT AT COST! J10R THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR SUPERB STOCK OF GENTLEMEN’S, YOUTHS* ANI) CTIII.DKF.Ni’K Clothing and Underwear. Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, | Carpet Bags, &c., &c., at Cost for Cash. Como at onco, if you wish to buy CHOICE CLOTHES for a little money. THOMAS & PRESCOTT. Columbus, Gr., Dec. 16, 1873. deodaw HATS AND CAPS. E. E3. YONGrE, in HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AT THE OLD STAND OF F. LANDON. &C. BUS MKKT, STAPLE AND FANCY HATS! In Fancy Hats, the “very latest” in style and colors. In Staple Fur and Wool, his stock is perfect, octl2 tf j And to which ho invites (he alien11 DRY COODS. AT COST! FROM THIS DATE. I OFFER ENTIRE STOCK OF AT COST FOR CASH ! J. S. JONES. Columbus, Sept, 28th, 1»73. deodiwjl nfRlkCT,