The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 20, 1874, Image 3

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* ,at% gfogwits?, OPELIKA, ALA.: •TEdDAY JANUARY 20, 1874. Ipelika DEPARTMENT. f Opelika Department of tlm Columuos Ex* ,u back room of Hodge & Hurt’* Grocery '"store, Rail Kou»l street. Subscriptions for Dully, Weekly ami Sunday Enquirer received at this cilice. Also, con tract for advertising nud Job Work of all descriptions At such prices as defy competition. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. INSURANCE. Furniture, &c. At Piuiio Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer iu all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wo id Coffins, and Caskets. J:ll8 Cliambt rs hfeet. Lawyers. A. J. VICKERS, Attorney mid CoiiiiNcllor at Law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices iu all the Courts of the State. ju3 Tailors. B. M. GRAY, EDITOR. Opelika ami Her Duty, No. a. A common need in all embryo cities is uily of opinion and action in whatever dates to material progress. While it is possible for nil men to see alike, (and isely bo) yet there should be an amount liberality iu opinion as to the merits of y various projects which may be osseu- [ftl to solid prosperity indulged, to allow eir prosecution, though the better mode ve fewer friends. Wo remember on o occasion to have heard the remark, nch a railroad has cost the city half a illion dollars more than a judicious use if the funds would warrant.” But then, id another, we’vo got the road; without wo would not have had it, and real Os lo bo worthless: all of which is true, .trip the iron from your roads to-day, and ho so simple as to take your million of al estate] at fifty cents in the dollar? ,xts and owls would be your tenents, and isolation brood over your streets. We teed, thou, union of sentiment, union i f ction. We need a wise liberality iu city uprovoments as well as fmvate. We oed to indulge in great charity for the pinion of our fellows who pull iar iu our boat. A back stroke vliilo under headway, might be oxceed- ngly disastrous. Go with him, if ho will lot with you, and so reach the haven of lope, to which every good citizen of this 'oung giant of trade looks so confidently, jst us bury once for all, differences of ipiuion as to minor details of the battle >efore us, and uniting move on in solid olumns, advance to the goal of our hopes, ind we cannot fail to build up a ‘city on theso hills second to none, and whose in kiest shall be felt, not only in Eastern Alabama, but throughout the State. Wo hould not for a moment, indulge the idea hat our position is naturally strong, for the reverse is the truth. A railway from Auburn to Union Springs would give that place as many bales of cotton and about as much trade as we oh joy to-day. The interest of other places aud of other peo ple havo given the opportunity, and we have wisoly picked up the good dropped before us, aud it is ours to improve, to build up, to enjoy, aud leave as an inher itance for our children. Wo cannot, iu this day of change of values incident to railroad towns, count with certainty the results of ten or twenty years, and it is wise now, to-day, to so hedge in our pre sent good aud futnro progress as that cir cumstances shnll not render comparative ly valueless the arduous labors of a life time. N illicitly, but for the winds which came whistling over the blue hills and far away, was an exceedingly enjoyable day. Large congre gations were out at the various churches, nud were doubtless well repaid for their two hours of devotion. As usual, the reg ular ministers of the churchos officiated, doubtless with their accustomed zeal and ability. Public School. Wo learn with pleasure that this insti tution is being tilled up rapidly with pu pils, aud the various teachers are in place prepared to discharge their onerous du ties. Wo lind the greatest opposition to this systoui comes from au unexpected qnartor. Those who uro least able to pay are least inclined to patrouizo it. Iletfiilarity— System. If the Western Road does not pay divi dends to its stockholders it will not be for want of propor management in the move ments of its traius. We have learned to look for the puff and whirr of its daily trains with ns much certainty us a well-to- do man docs his breakfast, or a toper his grog. To record a run oil’ or smash up, or serious detention of passengers or freight, is ono of the lost arts. With Ball iu the lead, aud Bacou at the wheel, wo aro iu a bad way for sensational items. Wo might very justly say as much for both the Savannah nnd Momphis nud East Alabama uud Cincinnati Roads. Wo feel, goutlemen railroad employees, like pub licly thanking you, ouo aud ally for so much skill and attention to thi interest of tho public. Error. In a local notice of our clever friend A. A. Harwell, tho printer made us say Har well, Gibson & Co. We iutouded to say Harwell, Gridin <fc Co. Honey easy for legimate transactions. Exchange on New York aud New Orleaus I buying; Belling par. Trmlc was good on Saturday, reminding us of better days. A few weeks iu such style ftud our mercantile friends would bocomo oisy. We quote : Bacon, 10c.; Bulk Meat, Dal)Jo.; Corn, $1; Oats, 7oa80o. for East Teunessooseed ; Sugar, 10jal4c.; Coffer, o2a3,jc.; Flour, $>7.7>l)al2.00, fancy; Pota toes, $4.60a5.50 per barrel; Syrup, i»()a 8."ic.; Bran, ljaljc.; Meal, ijl.00al.10; I^ry goods dull; stocks good, and prices uuusually low. Lotion. Receipts light. We quote : Middlings 144 Low Middlings 14 Received previously “ Saturday J. 11. LAMP1IELL, Tailor, Cutting aud Making iu the Latent Styles, lie- pairing neatly doue. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store, jal Dentists. J. I.. K. SMITH, Itcntlst, Piute Work and Plugging on reasonable .’ill] tortus. Chambers street. Barber Shops. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OFFICERS: Cen. JNO. B. CORDON, President. Cen. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice President. J. A. MORRIS, Secretary. J. H. MILLER, Sup't Agencies. WESI.EY UAUItlNUER, llurber, Corner South llnilroad uud Chambers streets. doc‘23 BICXON A TURNER, Harbor*. South Railroad Btroet, uuoor Adams House. Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to business portion of the city, jal G. W. ALLEN, Prdp’r. Assets Nearly $2,500,000.00! Ratio of Assets to Liabilities 146.39-100 to $100. Han just established a Branch nt Columbus, Ua., and optmod au ollico at tho GEOUGIA HOME" BUILDING. The citizens of Columbus aud adjoining country aro urgoutly l-equosted to ox- amine tho claims of this Pioneer Company to their patronage aud support. Investments made and losses adjusted at homo. A0A.MS HOUSE. When yon go to Opelika, ho suru to stop nt tho Adams House, opposito Passenger Depot. Doctors. UIt. J. IV. K. WILLIAMS Insurance. E. C. 1IOWEN A MUM, General 1 insurance AgcntN. Offico. Railroad Ptreet, over R. M. Groeno & Co.’s Dissolution. flTIIE firm of U. M. RLOODWORTH & CO. is this _L day dissolved by mutual consent. MRS. CHARLOTTE CLUTE & CO. having bought Mr. Bloodworth’s interest, will continue tho busiuess under the linn name of CLUTE & CO., who assume all indebtedness of U. M. Woodworth & Co. All indebted to tho old firm will please come forward and settle, as it is in the hands of ladies alone. MilS. MOORE will ho found hero as usual, to wait upon her friends. ja!8 lw $200 Seward! or persons who removed tho track near 8'mith’s station, ou tho 23d inst., or for the apprehension of any person who may at any time maliciously place obstructions on tho track that would endan ger life or property. A. J. HEARD, R. M. W. R. R. Opelika. Ala.. Doc. 2d, 1873. de26 1m FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. } obligations given for SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, with tho privilege of paying in Cotton at rate of llftoeu (15; cents per lb for Low Middlings. Uotton will bo received by me and all my Affcntft iu accordance with contract until maturity of Much ob< libations, alter wRich date till* priv. llog© will ccunc. Those owing less than a halo will ship the hale to Columbus, On., aud the balance will be returned to thorn at market p Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season To my prompt paying customers.’ Parties anticipating their Cotton Notes nnd Lions will thereby SAVE RISK OF LOSS IIY EIRE AND LOSS IN WEIGHT, Ac., and are entitled to the benefit of any excess should price lor low middlings exceed fifteen (15) cents at maturity of notes. Air Eagle and iMieuix money taken nt par, W. H. YOUNG, A’gt Pacific Guano Comp’y, No. 1*4 It road Street. I am now delivering ray well known “Rust and Smut Proof” Seed Oats, In new sucks containing 5 busluAs each, nt $1.50 per bushel, druyugo free, net 3 diwtf SEEDS. T.Altfii: I,OT Frcsli Garden Seed Just received, at wholesale and retail. E. C. HOOD & BRO. Total. Notice to the Ladies. ■JlTRP. JOIIXBON and PERCY wish to iufori ill. the Ladies that th y have opened with a elfg’iut u?M>rtm nt <*f HUMAN HAIR, nnd wi RENEW AND WOK 1 OVER ALL OLD HAIR, COMU1 NO 8, ft • , ill all th * latest styles, .'‘tore third door above J. H Junes’ dry goods store. Jail lm -a.aR’W-m. (iarden Seeds ! KllESII AND TRUE TO NAME! COLUMBUS GA. BRANCH. R. N. MILLER, Cen’l Ag’t and Manager. OFFICERS : W. L. SALISBURY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Vice Pres’t. L. SPENCER. Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: M. J. CRAWFORD, G. W. DILLINGHAM, W. L. CLARK, ALFRED I. YOUNG, 0. A. REDD, W. It. BROWN, PETER FREER, S. G. MURPHY, It. M. MULFOliD, MEDICAL BOARD: G. J. GRIMES, M. D., D. W. JOHNSON, M. D. *KT Policies in Northern Companion can bo transform! without loss or additional outlay. Full particulars given by inquiry at tho ollico. Keep Capital at Home. Good Solicitors Wanted. LAMBERT SPENCER, Resident Agent. zBfBiBBazrmMrMamaizsmmimKmMamaaammaBxammmiiKmm&snmHKammoimwsaErssaaosamMssn CLOTH! NG. IILOW THE WHISTLE. KINO THE HELL, STOP THE V.MJIM'. WE’VE TO SELL. THORNTON Si A CSS S3 into. -70 Broaa (Next dour to .1. \V. l*o Street. & Norman's Hook.More,) Havo Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s Now Advertisements. SAIYIPLKS -ent by mail lor 5nc. that retail quick lor |lu. K. L. WULl.OTi, 1*7 < Squaii, N V, f|VSPOONFUL^if"4 l - ,i; ' BUCHU AND DANDELION j • ll, ' ! ' l,l > ad Inn ..| th<> K1DNKYS, * J 'l\ l‘K nnd HOW LLN; 1- UuM-clon: ;i • greatest lli.oon Pua.KiKU . m> i.i .m/im Pci:- ol ihe age, and prevents diseases by : Juts stood tho test, and CLiOTHING-, I II i jitimrth’s Ketj-rlny anti Chech ctnnhin- etl. Her. Silver sample 16c. (Jirculainj'tic, Staf ford Mj’tj I'o , DC Cull on St., N. V. At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on formor whole- '5000 AOENTS wan ted. sale cost pricos, which will enable them to sell at less than 1 Ir-.m $5 to flu per da*y. Address N. 11 WllITiy Cost prices for tho same class of goods purchased earlier j ^^ r ^' v „ u 1UHl , tllu verylwl in the season. As we wore able to get a still further re- 1 , |j* Jastic TriSSS.' duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell j $ r « ( ,,'^. l i l ?r“y. 0 " U010 Pr! » E1,0V & co„’u at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good.-rur rwiAPip PDIVIR Sont by Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. ti.wui .!imi3iViiyiV.™!ii..dr S?* pSrina' KSrCall and see for yourselves. I -A«HiqKaaK83r3f«iaaai 11 Cl •e’s Your Chance. NO EXCUSE FOR CLOTHING A RUSTY AT COST SUIT ? NOU TllK NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR SUL'KKH STOCK OF I Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c, &c„ at Cost for Cash. Come at once, if you wish lo buy (’HOICK OLOTII F.H for a little money. THOMAS & PRESCOTT. Columbus, (la., Doc. 10,1873. d> od*w REMEMBER ! 3 NEW YORK STORE IS STILL SI.LI IVG AT Fannie Prices 2 OUR JOUVXN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT 90c. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. Nov. 2(1, 18715. S. I. AND AUER | nth .'50-oochtw 1 y | & BRO. Now York Storo. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! J. KYLE & CO, THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OFFER THE PUBLIC INDEMNITY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Get it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH 1'reKidciit. Treasurer. Scci'idai'.v. Columbus, Oct. 1-it, 1873. 1 dtf FIRE INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY OF Ban Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, ill the public gone'ally, that llwir I'AI.l. complete iu every department, me. They were bought during, o col lenpuml With the times, loi consisting of every article usually found the money panic in New York lor mom > cash, Wo still koip a large line of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION ! ALSO, A . v 'I’LKNDID LINK OF Ladies’, Missew’ nnd Cliildren’s Slioes, of tho Latest iityleand Hist Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Redueed Prices. MSLLiNERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! ami Fancy Dry M* at Panic £3» , Springfield, Muss. m . led for two Htampfl. Add reset, l.Eh & CO., 624 Hixlh Ave„ New York. w T3SY(JHOM ANt’Y.* or SOI L CUAKM- 1 INO.'' How olthor fux may tnscinato and gain the love and affect ions ol any person they clmoso instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can possess, free, by mail, lor 26c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladios, Wedding- Night Shirt, tic. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM MK),, Hubs., Phila. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Uso WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP (»NLY IN III.I i: BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 200 PIANOS and ORGANS. !\'«*w and St’coiKl-lland, of I’ii-si- t fims Mutters, will hr sold at Lower I'rieeit for cash, or on liiKftalliti4‘iil*, in lily or Coitniy, during 11»is Finan cial Irisis and tli«> ICOI IDA YS. b>t IIOlCAIi: \V ATE ICS A No. IHI llroadway. Ilian ever hei'orc ot’lcr. in New I orlt. Agenli Witnleil for the salt- of U'atrrs' ( Vlcbrutcit Pisin«»s* ( onccrto and Orclirrdra I Organs. 11 >ust r;«l«’«1 4'ala login’s mailed. Great linluceiiienls lo the Trade. A la tgc clisi'oiinl lo iTIiniMcrkd'iittrcii- ch. Sua<la j-Srliool*, Etc, th r O'a ^ S ’I I : , : rri? VRi Tlie liigIn-St medical aulliorili<‘M ol say the HtrongCBt Tonic, Purifier uud Duohslruont known to tlio medical world Is JURUBEBA. It arrest a decay of vital foreos, exhaustion ol tho nervous system, restores vigor to tho debil itated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN lb KI-iL LOGO, IB Platt St., N. Y. ciiiuy oi] urUUUo wn.r,, ov ami arrnit Tu-.Mmtnow, nm:ii nun i:\tiiii; stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! Tho Ladies ar<* re-pectfulls invited 1" «-»ll .md .iud;D- fm th'-UHelven. All goods tnti’.t I •• paid on ihdlvery IColuinl.its, tin.. Nov. tfith. 1873. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WITTICtl. <' M. KINSKI. WITTICK & KINSEL, Practical Watclimakcrs, Jewelers k Engravtqa No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus two fo six hottlcs nro warrant ell to cure Salt ICIi«-ti?:i or Totlrr, IHiniilotu- on l-'acOy Jtiry oi|»<‘Ius ami Ijlvor Com plaint, fcix lo twelvo bot tles, warranted to euro roftilori* N'.voIliiiCM nml Sorer: ami nil skin and ICiood I>lHra*a»^. Ily its wonderful Pool oral properties it will euro the mod severe recent or lingering Cough in halt the time required by any other modleino and is perfectly safe, loosening cough, Booih- lng irritation, and relieving soreness. Fold l>v nil Druggists. lLV.DiriU World’s iJif»i>ennurv* Haliula N. Y. N. Y. Safety Steam Power Co. J oct22 ly COLUMBUS, GA. a supply of above iu J oiler same at Whole sale nnd Retail. Druggists aud other dealers can purchase of us at Philadelphia prices. PLANTING POTATOES, ONION SETS, FLOWER SEEDS, Ac. HOI.STi:Al> A CO., Agricultural Depot, 130 Broad Street, jal OolumhuH, On. I Mean Precisely What I Say! MY STOCK OF GARDEN SEED FOR 1874, XTOW iu r.tore, is unusually large, aud everv paper guaranteed flash uud reliable. City and Country Dealers Supplied ut Philadelphia prices, and thereby uayo freight and time. Seed Lists, With spe"ial quotations, furnished on application. JOHN W. BROOKS, Druggist. 107 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. jn9 deodtwtf COPARTNERSHIP. rnilK UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP uudei ilie firm namo <• I W11.1.COX ^ HAWKS, for tin; transaction id' a tlen-ral Inst.riincn IJii.dno in tlii- city. I). F. W1LLCOX, Columbus, Oct. 13,1873. W. N. HAWKS. Willcox & Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., t uud largest Insurant u Cutnpani« s in the country, ‘'Time-Tried aud Firo-Tcsted," with assets $27,000,000! cring all cluases of iusurnble property, at r tided to. 0-A.3R.H). rpiIE undersigt J_ Coin puny, ai liens <1 I In* city, • With an exi tin' many w It" h i dollars tor luts. » Columbus. <u- • 1, having retir'd from a i 1 lurnn il tlm r«*nit••• ti"ii a!*"' id idfers his i .iTVful altenti" d. -"li< its for the eyt'-d by him, and now I• v tli A f, ^ - - f - - jt; - - te" >v. "fS5S« :• *. N KNTIUKI.V NHW CTCII K H A H1II S, (UAX'HS, ."UII.K A Diiinioiitls, Gold and Silver S|e« l.n Gold anil Silver 'I liiinb Plain an I I --.r v ^ • I >ue8t t it-h pric es, STERLING Sl!,\ l it A E'J 'c li L WAIilL If! i-i i>. r. svi i.i.n* \. DRY COODS. Dissolution Notice. rpHK FIRM OF THOMAS QILHERT ic X CO. has this day boon dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business will Lo sottlod up by THOMAS (HLHKitT, to whom those having claims against tho firm will present them for payment. Those Indebted to the firm for sub scription, advertising, job work or book-bind- in* aro requested to give early attention to tho settlement ol their arrearages. THUS. DtcWOLr, TIKIS. OILKLKT. Columbus, Ua., lice. 31, ItTJ. , Y r r COHT! FROM THIS DATE. I OFFER TIRE STOCK OF AT COST FOR CASH ! J. S. JONES. T1IE PLANTERS' AHEAD Oj FAVORITE ! rjHlK umlorKignod having j COTTON GINS with ti. W i wcu’d call attention to the fu-t tho'. PRATT’S amm,: i.vm tho 40-Saw Oin thal 1 AIjTj ! eutonls f*»r (ho salo of tho ahovo tho Genoral A^onl for this ftoction, lmnd si fulll stock of COTTON - GINS, tool; the /■'ir. t Prize ut our last Fair, heating tnplolcd ua . Di.m.inoi mi they hm [ > nnd ginning i* praise. MO lhs. seed cotton in i7 minutes. Too much cannot l»‘ HOLSTEAD & GO., Agricultural Implement and Seed Depot, 1.7.) UliOAD Stblet, ColCmijuh, ( BOOK cfc NEWS ZEP-TAUPIBIFL At laiua .VJiilis, JAMES ORMOND, I'kopiuktob. tJ-tJ* Kefotrt to this sheet as a flpociuit'ii ot News i', mylo tf The Only Known Medicine THA'I AT Till! hAMIS TIMK Puracs, Purifies, and Strengthens the System. i united us to aet « admixture wltii .1 purging; whilo . t yi tom. ! tin- - J'iH- arc cathartic, a «U medic il men, other words, tl and do it mud of, lor ticy re but Impurities g the idor.itum long sought lor by t n vit liolore discovered. In y do the work ol two medicines utter than any two we know ove nothing I rein tho system o that whilo they purge they and hence they cause no de- tollowcd Ly no reaction. 11 Si blllty ini. if i v'ti i - 1i.i.a have a wonderlul inllucn . n ti e blood. They not only purify without weakening it, hut they remove all noxious par- tie lit hum thi chyle ficlurc it is converted into fiuid, and thus make.- Imj iuipo-sibility opoiatlcn ot ti is which never .-trains bilitntlon, so r. km • - attending the -t exei .lent medicine, tortures the digestive i to work in a perfectly liau.ral man; . t . ■!■■;. : • '■ do not become pale and ctii.icmteu- '"it on tho contrary, while all impurities arc l eingremov ed, tho combined action -d tho Sarsaparllht and Wild (Mierry juirifics and invigorates the l„„|v and a robust -tatc cl health is tlie result ol t'hoir united net lull. I’l lce. L»5 c uts a box. Sold by ail druggists. Depot 48 Oortlandt f l.olS PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Absolutely ate. Perfectly odoiIcs unltorni. l’llumtnating qualities 1 gas. Hums in any lamp without dan pin ling or taking lire Manufacture ly to displuee t expr latileand danguroms .... . .every poss.ldo test, a: d its perfect humiug qualities, are proved l»y its continued u-c in i.ver oco.cuu i.unilics. Millions of gallons 1. ivo l ceil s-do and tio a - cldeiit—directly or indirectly—has ever occur rod .r.-m i ■ . ' - : "■ -■; 'I'ho iiuincn.-c v early loss t*» lllc and i'i - "j'cM . resulting tn-m the use of cheap at; I dangc oils in the I'nited States, is apjaillmg. Tho Insurance Companies and I nc t "Uiu.i.- sloii'TS throughout tho country - ASTRAL as thohe.-t sa 'egu aid w hell lamp.- are used. Soml lorcireul sale ; ■toil I ’ the t rally , ('ll Alt LFLs ct, Now York, d&wtfiu A I Attention for Ton Days! )KTI0N of the Watches, Jewelry, i way their article. T. 8. 81‘KAU, A.. t, a!iiliair« Si vv ing M.ii hio. v - J‘J Uroud Street, Coluuibu i,