The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 21, 1874, Image 3

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Bsasasaasassaas aggtBmmaeaawaet jjlaUg OFE1IKA! AI.A.! WEDNESDAY JANUAKY 21, 1871. OPELIKA DEPARTMENT. Offireof Opelika Department of tho Columbus Ex* ‘^hkb back room of Hodgo A Hurt’s Grocery me, Hail Road street. Subscriptions for Daily, Weekly and Sunday Enquirer received at this ofllce. Also, con tract for advertising and Job Work of all descriptions At such prices as defy competition. It. M. ORAY, EDITOR. Opposition to Public School*. That nny ouo should object to a system of education for thoir children proven to l,e eminently adapted to meet tho wants of a people impoverished by war and bad legislation, is to us most singular, nud not to be accounted for except upon rouu ds of obstinacy and a dosiro of 8 ome to take the opposite of any ques tion purely for tho love of being thought singular, or the inate pride of opinion common to all men. Ordinarily men allow their minds swayed and forego op- jsition to any scheme or plan of a pub lic or private character when it proposes to put money in their pockets, or save it wliou there. Strauge to say that the op- j»o>>ition encountered comes more directly from that cluss of people who are least able to bear tho usual expenses incident to private schools, who arc pressed to )btaiu daily food and raiment for them- ,olvo8 and households. Now, while this s to our miud very foolish and very wrong, we should seek to persuade men ,o forego such unwise opposition to gen- iral good, and so rnanago tho school that ts results may bo a more potent argu- uent than hours of disputation. Tho present organization cannot and should ot be judged by tho spasmodic efforts litherto made. Wo should remember hat our formor attempts in this way have joou robbed of success for want of money sufficient to moot the necessities jf tho very large number of pupils who were entered ; and that however much ,ts friends and patient teachers might de rive to succeed in mooting expectation, 'minded upon no plan, no system, no regularity, failure was inevitable, and public odium brought upon the most be- levolont and generous scheme, save tho rimreb, vouchsafed to man. In this mattor we know wo ore right. We do not grope in tho dark and take for granted tho good wo claim for this insti tution. For yoars, in a neighboring city, wo have eujoyod its bonetits, and have witnessed the general good conferred, and to-day tho brightest jewol in tho proud front of that city is her public school iu- ,erest. Tho same feeling, the same ob* ection was urged there that exist here, ut steadily and quietly its Board of Trus ses have wisely pursued the object in iow, until to-day hundreds of her chil- ron boast of their public alma mater as roudly as the favored child of fortune the academic halls of Athens or Yale, ho sumo success may bo ours, if wo will ft, aud we think under tho proper mau- genieut warranted by tho excellent corps f teachers ami Board of Trustees now luntrolling it, success fully ample is so ured. 74, and if a good year shall bless the hus bandman’s labors, we anticipate full cribs and barns as tho result. We quote: Ba con, 10al0$; Bulk meat, 9$e.; Corn, .•?!; Oats, 7f»a80c. for seed; Sugar, 10$al4c.; Coffee, 82a8i»o.; Flour, $7./k)al2.00, fan cy; Potatoes, $4.f»0aa.r»0 per barrel; Syrup, iiOaSOc.; Bran, l^al^c.: Meal, $1.00al.l0; Dry Goods as usual. Cotton comes forward slowly. We quote : Middlings 144 Low Middlings ; 14” Received previously 18,180 “ Monday 140 Total. .18.820 OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Eating Houses. ROGERS’ EATING HOUSE, Right ut tho Depot, open ut all hours. Hot ColVeo Jh-H id Muds for all Trains. Furniture, &c. INSURANCE. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICERS! Cen. JNO. B. CORDON, President. Cen. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice President. J. A. MORRIS, Secretary. J. H. MILLER, Sup’t Agencies. At Punic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kimla of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Collins, ami Caskets. jal8 Chambers street. Lawyers. A. J. TICKERS, Attorney nml Counsellor at Law. Ofllce oppositn Alabama House. Practices in all the Courts of the State. jail Tailors. J. H. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting ami Making iu Hit* Latest Styles. Rt~ Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Deutlit, Door Plato Work aud Plugging on reasonable dee‘23] terms. Chambers street. Assets Nearly $2,500,000.00! Ratio of Assets to Liabilities to $100. Has just established n Branch at Columbus, Ga., aud oponed an offico at tho “GEORGIA HOME” BUILDING. Tho citizens of Columbus aud adjoining country aro urgently requested to ex amine the claims of this Pioneer Company to their patrouago and support. Investments made aud lossos adjusted at homo. COLUMBUS GA. BRANCH. R. N. MILLER, Cen’l Ag’t and Manager. OFFICERS : W. L. SALISBURY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Vice Pres’t. L. SPENCER, Secretary. Barber Shops. WESI.F.Y HARBINGER, llnrbcr. Corner South Railroad nud Chambers streets. dftc23 lilUXON A TURNER, Barber*, South Railroad struct, minor Adame House. dec23 Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to business portion of the city, jul G. W. ALLKN, Prop'i ADAMS HOUSE. When you go to Opolika, ho euro to atop at the Adams House, opposite Passenger Depot. Doctors. Dll. J. W. R. WILLIAMS Oilers his professional services. Office over R. M. Grcou A Co.’s, Chambers & R. R. Streets. Insurance. E. €. BOWEN A- HO*, General Insurance Agents. Offico. Railroad Street, over U. M. GYoeue & Co.’t BANKING AND SNSUilANCE. J. RHODES BROWNE, rrssident. 3E0, W. DILLIM3IIAH, Cashier. Now Advertisements. i SAMPLES lent by mall Oita re 1 quick for 410 H. L. u OL. < it r. IN uhnu r,quure, ,N Y, M. J. CRAWFORD, G. W. DILLINGHAM, W. L. CLARK, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE! ALFRED I. YOUNG, O. A. REDD, \V. R. BROWN, PETER l’REER, S. G. MURPHY, K. M. MULFORD, MEDICAL BOARD: G. J. GRIMES, M. D., D. YV. JOHNSON, M. D. ■fiT Policies in Nortiierii Couipnnios enn be transferred without loss or lulililionnl outlay. Full jmrtioulnra givou by inquiry ut tho ullico. Keep Capital at Homo. Goo cl Solicitors 'Wanted. LAMBERT SPENCER, Resident Agent. GEORGIA HOME BANK.! Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. SAVINGS BANK Offers the greatest inducements to tiioso having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by cheek by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.— 1 »y the terms of the Company’s charter, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged lor the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS; BUCHU AND DANDELION H nr .lindc- healthy n<Mlnii ut the KJ l).N K* S, ** LIVKIi and IJUWKhS: Is therclore the grontcsL Bi.oon Puiuviiiit am» i'ui:- hkhvku ul tho age, and prevents discuses by removing Lho muse. It has stood the test, and is the best medicine In use. W. C. HAMILTON A. CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. tVvntirurth** Kcfj-riny and Chock rninhiu- “j t. (ln\ Silver yai.ijilclbc. Circulars fret. Staf ford Mfy Co , 60 I ul tun St., S. Y. Newark, firings you Iree bylina il tho very best Elastic Truss.' rite at once ; 0 Pomeroy & Co., 741 Broadway, N. Y. — ...w ... any ono for Will change any colored Lair to a perma- nont black or brown ami oontittps no poison, , Springfield, Mass. J. RHODES BROWNE, 1’rcB't of tho Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, OapitnliHt, Atlnntn. J. K. CLAPl’, Mnnnf'tr. Clapp's Factory. Hon. JOHN MoILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES RANKIN, Capitalist. N. N. CURTIS, of Wolln,Curtin & Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attoruoy-nt-Law. D. F. WILLCOX, Soorotary of tho Co. JOSIAU MORRIS, liaukor, Montg'y. CHARLES WISE, mayl cud A wit SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! CLOTHINC. It LOW THU WHISTLE, RING THE HELL, HTOI* THE ENGINE—WE’VE GOODS TO SELL. THORNTON & ACEE ]Vo. VS Broad Street. (Next door to J. W. Poaso & Norman's Bookutoro,) Have Just Received a Now Lot of Men’s and Boy’s CL.OTHING, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cont. on former whole sale cost prices, which wiil enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. i<£5®-Call and see for yourselves. jan A lartro book, full of good thing*, valuable secreto, •Tul imi>uit*nt information, mailed for two Htampa. Addrcm, LEE & (JO., 521 Hixth Avo„New York. tfc T3 s Y(lH()M ANOYu or SOUL (’ll ARM - X ING.” lh»w either ncx may fascinate and gain tho love and ullocUons of any person thoy choose instantly. This simple inonial no- (|Uiromont all ran possess, Irco, by mall, for 25e., togothor with a marriago guide, Egyptian Ornclo, Dronins, Hints to Lailios, Woddlng- Niglit. Shirt, {to. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM iNt UO., Pubs., Phlltt. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Uso WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN III.I E UOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Uruggists. 200 PIAMOS and ORGANS. |\i*iv mid N«‘('Oiid-BIsiud, of E'irht- t ins* Jlukrrs, will be snhl at I.«%%«•*• Prict'N for ca*h, or on I nsln llmnits, in t ill or t’oiuily, durian lliis B'lnaii- < i;i I l i isis and lli< IlDs.tD.WS, by lOOlKAt a; WATI IIS A NON, No. IKI Itroadw ay, titan ever lielore oller- AucntN Wauled for ’ t'rlcbratrd Dili nos, . ... ami Orclii'Hlral tlrgans. 111iisi ra l«'tt t 'ala logaps inailrd. Ureul Indiicciiit'iitN to the I'mdi*. A lariti* disroiml lo AlinisJi rs.l lmri li on, Sunday-Solioolw, Etc. J. KYLE & GO. A Good Thing I S TON F.Y ROGERS’ EATTNG SALOON, hard by tiiu Western Railroad. It is ao convenient lor travelers, and then lie knows ho well how to got op Hot CofYue and Oysters, or u SQUARE MEAL, all for a half dollar. Wo ropeat, a good tiling is Toney Rogers’ Eating House, jftfil oawtf Dissolution. rplIE firm of 11. M. llLOODWORTU A CO. is this d iy dissolved by mutual consent. MRS. CHARLOTTE Cl.lITE A CO. having bought Mr. Ulco Iwortli's interest, will continue tho business under tho firm mime of C1.UTE& CO., who assume all indebtedness of 11. M. llloodworth & Co. All indebted to the old firm will pleaso come forward ami settle, as it is in the bands of ladies alone. MRS. MOORE will bo found here as usual, to wait upon her friends. ja!8 lw .VI ay or’* Court. Tbo bar of liis Honor's court was mado Inustially attractive yostorday by tho ap pearance of two lovely “yuller lassies,” ack pleading their character soiled bj' Bio other’s dirt. Whether lovely Sallio |r gay aud festive Lizzie threw tho most lirt was a posor, and his Honor wisely loncluded to make them separately and idividually pay up or go up. Being lush they paid up. In tho Calabrnmo. Two wayfarers claimed lodging in the alabooso on Mouday night in preference • sleeping on the soft side of the railroad llatform. When able-bodied white men llaiui such doubtful lodgings it is well, jorhaps, to lock them up. Tho weather is as changeable as a pet- &d child ; this morning is as balmy as an ^jiril sun. Improvement* o on steadily. But for the money striu- enoy, many'buildings of a public and ate character would to-day adorn our ilreets aud vacant places. For tho en hing spring and summer, we hoar of im- Jvements on a largo scale. If wo could Induce our City Fathers to till up and fade either side of Railroad street, it oald add much to tho appearance of the ity, as well as to the convenience and tufort of our city. It strikes us that ork upon streets aud highways almost eless could bettor wait, and our euer- ;ies and means be oxpended upon the •riuoipal thoroughfaros of the city. Wo commend tho example of Captain htnhar in macadamizing the front of his andsomo saloon and the Adams House, he cost is trifling. If each merchant ould follow suit, much of the unpleas- tncss from mud would be avoided, and start made towards grading tho entire reet. Oak lluwcry 14range. ^ o anticipated much pleasure iu at- ndiug the installation of officers of this )urishing grange, but were prevented busiuess matters. Wo learn that a go assembly of tho patrons und friends d lovely women of that section mot, ^ passed a delightful day, Worthy ft der, J. T. Harris, officiating. Removal. A- O. Harwell having withdrawn from e tirm of Harwell, Gibson & Co., has moved to Chambers stri ct. His friends i patrons would do well to call on him $200 Reward! mUB above reward will b«* paid for tbo appre- I honsion, witli evidence to convict the portion or persona who removed tbo track near Smith’s Station, on the 2:Id, or for tho apprehension of any person who may at any time maliciously place obstructions on the track that would endau- gor life or property. A. J. HEARD, R. M. W. R. R. Opelika, Ala . Dec. 24. ltiTJ.de2. r > 1 in j his j Toro H ’ e> *' ■l«»n 1 ‘ n».*w quarters, and examine stock furo buying elsewhere. Prices at panic jalS suitwedtf Money I-xchaugo on New York and New leaus|; buying 4 selling par. Trade r y good for Monday. We notice more °lde than usual on the streets. Much eparation is being made for the crop of FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. } is culled to ths :os, Liens and other obligations givuu forSOLUliLE PACIFIC GUANO, with tho privilege of paying in Cotton ut rate of fifteen (15j cents per lb for Low Middlings. Uotton will be received by mo and all my Agents in accordance with contract until maturity of mucIi ob titrations, after which date this priv, ilctre will cease. Tiioso owing less tiiun a halo will sliip the liale to Columbus, Gu., and tho balance will be returned to them at market price. I am now ready to Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season To my prompt paying customers. Parties anticipating their Cotton Notes and Liens will thereby NAVE It I Sit OF LOSS IIY FIKi: AND I.OSS IS WEIUUT, Ac., aud are entitled to the benefit of any excess should price for low middlings exceed fifteen (15) c< uts at maturity of notes. Eagle and Phenix money taken at par. W. H. YOUNG, A’e;t Pacific Guano Comp’y, No. 12 Ilroad Street. I am now delivering my well known “Rust and Smut Proof” Seed Oats, In new sacks containing 5 busings each, at $1.50 per bushel, drayage free. W. II. Y. oe :\ d*wtf THE Georgia Home Insurance Com |Ly UONTINUKS TO OFF Fit THU 1HI1LHJ INDEMNITY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cot it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO, W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S, MURDOCH President. Columbus, Get. 1st, lh7: Treasurer. Secretary. FIRE INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE cojvir-A.Txr'S' OF San Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, COLUMBUS, GA. COPARTNERSHIP. SEEDS. LARGE LOT Fresh Garden Seed! Just received, at wholesale and retail. E. C. HOOD & BRO. j»:t tuple « ■ . (jiarden Seeds ! I FRKSIl AND TRUK TO NAME! just received _ _ .. rr papers and bulk, aud offer ■ hale and Retail. Druggists and other dealers cuu purchase of i at Philadelphia prices. PLANTING POTATOES, ONION SETS. FLOWER SEED*, * HOLST HAD <t- CO., Agricultural Depot, 130 Uroad .Street, j*I Columbus, Ga. Columbus, Oct. 13, IhTl Willcox & Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., oldent and largest Insurance Companies iu the country, "Time-Tried and reeding $27,000,000! i of insurable property, at tegular talei. All proposal* and -A. D. rpn HIE undersigned, having retired from a senice of fourt<>< Company, and fornud the connection ubov.i named, solicit! ness of the city, ami offers bis careful attention thereto. With an experience of twenty )e«ra in the community as an Underwiiter. I.<* respertfully teleii tie* many who !• iv«* dm ing t bat time n «•ived lus pot tries, and to w b<<iu ha has di»hiiMi-l thotts.m L dollars tot lotsi-s im nr red !•> Companies then repn-ncutcd by lum, aud r i • • hy th i me tirui. Columbus, let 14. IhTJ. tf |>. F. Wll.MOX. 11 K ANiU wi'vriKii ntdi k oe mtv oooos i, cotibiiting of every article usually found ,l ”’ 1 the tu»ney |»tt»ilt* in New York lor m*im v cash. We still keep a hit go line «•! IRISH LINENS, OF OUit OWN IMPORTATION ! A f.S< >. A SPL KN t) 10 U X E OF I .adie*', Miwses’ on<l ORiltlren’w Hlioets, lit file Latest Htyh-nud lies I Make. Also, a Bea utiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c„ at Pvedueed Prices, I omen and llie public gi •ally, that tlielr FA I.I. etc in every department, a*. * They were bought diirin • correspond with the limes, lor MILLINERY. Bargains t and Fancy Ury !Bai»g:ains!! mV at Panic Prices! zifrlrV S2Is? ® FsS 28 Is , 5,uS--.S3a.»a :_/■ t*^ 2-3.*.‘S’ if!f||||!l!! 1;^ 'I’ll,* I, lull (si iiKMliral aullMirm,** ol i:nro|M* say the strongest Tonic, Purifier And Deofistruent known to tho modleul woiMis JURUBECA, it arresth decay of vital forces, cxliaustlnn ol the nervous system, restores vigor to tho del.II* Hated, elo'insm vitiated Idnod, removes vosielo ohstructions and nets directly on tho Liver nml Spleen. Price *1 a bot'le. JOHN CL KLL LOGG, 1H Platt St., N. Y. SHE LiJ. WILL, oR AM' A FT Id: TG-MGHIlOW, OFFER HER ENTIRE STOCK UK MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS FOR CASH, AT PAMIC PRICES ! Tin* Ladies aro respectfully invite ! to cull and jude for tin | Col II III hi paid WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WITTICH. t . .M. K INHI-.L WITTICM & KINSEL, Practical Watclimakers, Jewelers A Liiitravcrs 67 Broo.d Street., Columbus, Ga. S euros all Humors from 1bownr«r Scrof- iiIn to a con non ICIotcli or I'implc. From two to fix bottles tiro warranted to euro Knit Itlirnm or Tetter, Plmplr* on Face, ISoiliiyslpelui and Liver Complnini. .‘•iv to twelve bot- tloH, wnrrnnud to cure SeroCnloii* SwollIneH find 8oren and all Skill mid ISIood DlsenneM. Hv Its wonderful Pectoral properties ItjiviU euro Uio rno 5 severe recent or lingering t'oiii’h In hall - time required bv any other mcdlclno ''orfcctly Bale, loosening cough, sonili- anil is * ,,n ».rc 1JcrJ11Borc ; ^^ Fold lng irritau. by all Itruggl, 1... XVorld’H lHaocu n -WerCo, N. Y. Safety Steam k. HO UMCTbAMti M; U YOltK. Mi) orb.r Stkam Lnoink- a no Ho. l.i:n , by Sf iiiachinci \ and duplication <>t parts. They arc Sale, Keo- i" lineal, l* a.-ily .Managed ami not liaMc to derangement. Tlielr UoMiu.Mii> IOnoini. and Hoii.ku i j jiceuiiarly i ida pled to nil purposes re- uiiiug sumII power. .More AN ENT I It ELY NEW ,-TOf K 'VAK IIIS, < !.<»< liS, .IKHEI.KY, STi;KI.!\<; SII.V St«*ir«*iI Pintos of HOOK AOKXTH for tie - ■ M.raf.-d 0 Arillifli-l I’obbla Spectucb'i, wbirli »! -I clou or eye-glasses. Watcli, Clnck and Juweliy lepHirm iin Me**, Ladies’and (.i nis’ ( Imiiis, old Itiiius of iM-aiiiii'ui uorliin uislilp, nml 1 1 First-Class Jer ... I'cripfion rut at short notice • Idih-it -p. ' lai les and Eye-Glai: etiing, or any new work a KM i It A V1NG promptly PRATT’S POTATOES! V- ! ... dM -'TCW: thu other is .* tin • Fill iron iht 1111 cathartic, a desldeiutuui lo medical men, but never boh other wordb, they do 1I10 wot ami *i<< it much 1 ctt**r th in any of, lor th y remove nothing in* but Impurities, .- . th it while they purge' ‘ strengthen and hence they* cause 1 they bility 1 hu. Trrr’H f'tu ~> luv on i .0 blood. They no weakening It, but the;, remove all 1 tide.- trotn the chyle belore it is <••**.i. t::el iui tluhl, Mini thus n.akes Impure bh an utter impo.-fdldlity. As there i- no de'uli: • ti<*n. - there h no nausea or slckne.-s attcmllng the opornti-n ot ti.I.s im>jt excellent luudteiue, whlcli never strains or torture.- tin? dige.-tiu? organs, hut cau.-es them l » w< rk in a | crlcctly natural manner; lienee persons taking then do n .t become pale nml emaeiatcu 1 but -n 1I10 contrary, while nil lnijuruie- a •*•• 1 e Ing remov ed, the combine*.I a<in>n 1 ti;*? ami Wild I ‘Lit r . par::. body, ami a r• •!• u- .... Hind ; j. nts a I*, ortlaudt S I HAVE. 4,000 DAltltl.I.fc OF 1*1 ItF SELECTED SLID I'OTATOES, IN STOKE, eonki 'img ut lie. lollowmg varieties : EARLY ROSE, KAHLY GOODRKMI, JACKSON WHITE. LONDON LADY, Which I will sell at the luwi ht market rat. with avlt w to the wants .*1 tin* Southern tiado duvtimi. 9if OrdeiH solicited. Jn7 d2t.iW HKkwtfehlo UU88KTT, PL. EULESS, PINK EYE, PEACH lll.OW, ,: l*t paying customers. Thin 1 • w tuting car |ot.i w II be ge TIIK FA VO HITE ! A'LIj ! BOOK db NEWS Atlanta I»jij>ei* Xiltn, JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor. Kefern to this sheet aa a Kperimon of Nows Paper. tuy!5 tf PLANTERS’ AHEAD OK '2 undurhi^imtl having coinplotMi nararqpduontH for tho hhIo t»f tho above I OO'rTON GINS with G. W. Dillinouam, tho General Agent for this ootioi would cull ftttmition to tho fact that they have on hand a fulil stock of .PRATT’S COTTON GINS, among them tho 4()-Hhw (>in tlmt took the /»Yr.t /Vue at our last Fair, I'catiug a^ oompouuita and ginning 240 Jba. seed cotton in 17 minute i. Too much cannot »>• Raid iu thoir praise. HOLSTEAD & CO., Agricultural Implement aud Seed Depot, inli17 ittwif i:!:< jiuo.iu Ktiilct, Coi.iiiuu.s, c*i. i PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. | Absolutely-'aI i’erltdly taiorlcs-. Aiwa uniform, f:■ ■ •. ? •;'!*. • gas. Hums in .« lamp \*... »ut •! *nga r < t c . idodlug or t ih n_- i:ru .Manufatturc l < \pr« ■ * ly to dlspl.'ieu thu use ot v.duttlea: *! hingen. oils. Its safety under every p e f - •’•. J'i its perfeet buiniug quallti' -. tic pi vc*l t»y I continued U c in over auo.tuu (ami:.' .-. .‘Millions of gallon.- have been sold and no a ' oldent—directly or imn.-cctly—has ever oeci; ! red Irotn burning, so i.i ~ . b indling It. , l bo imtiivn-*yc.irly I --1 :ik* amt pr* pci • rc-uiii.Mg from the u.-c i cheap and dangi I oils In tho Unite.! State.-, is up palling. i Thu Insurance ('••lupunies anu Fim* <' sl<>m*rs throughout tiiu country rc■■. •" ! 1 * ASTRAL as tho host s.ileguurd wl a i i aroused. Send for circular. l*’or salo at retail by tho tr.oio c.- n rai iiai.'I.::* -I au dm at wholOMiie by Mm projni. :* I’UATT At < l-.s 1.UMI •• aim Attention for Ten Days! \ PORTION the Watclu-s, Jewelry, . Clod*- o** a m m.' to r-pur may tmv cad it rent, Colutulua, (,