The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 21, 1874, Image 4

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COIilHBl'tii WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21, 1874. CITY AFFAIRS. The Meeting of Columbus tintnge Has been changed from Friday 11 o'clock to Saturday at It) o'clock a. m. W. G. WOOLFOLK, Master. COL UMH VH DAILY 31A It K ET. Fin a sci at..—Sight bills on New York ^ por oont. dlamunt ; on Boston 1 per cent.; on Nu- v un mill pur cent.; demand bills on Boat >n >4 por cent. Hunks are soiling checks on Now York at prom In in. Currency loan* I®lHi per Oent. per month. Gold and r|i*'or nomi nal. Cotton -Gull, with little doing- The fol lowing are th« quotations Ordlrniiy 10 Qll Good Ordinary I s Low .Middlings 14 %— Middling* 14^@- Strlct Middling" — @~ Hales 181 hales. Eucol/'tsaiB hales -17 by M. & G. It It. ; 282 hy v.agonu; 116 by N. St 8. R. R. ; 12 by \V. K. K.; 000 by river ; 10 by S. W R. R Shipments 140 bales—186 by 8. W R. R. , 6 for Loina oonsuinptlon. daily siatemk#i. 8took on hand August 81st, 1878 Reoelred to-day . “ previously . EAOLE AND EHENIX EACTOHY. Erofts, Having a, Dividends, Ac. Shipped to-day. '• prevloui 1,177 818 47,022—47,886 48,612 888 .81,380—31,718 Mtook on hand lfl,7uv Sami; Day La *7 Ybau -August 31st, 1872, 166; recelvod Mime day 6flfl; total receipts 44,W3j shlppoil same day 3M ; total shipments 83,806 . Stock 10 600 ; stilus 138. Middling" I8%u. U. S l-'oiiTi Roculpts for 4 days 80,660 ; ex ports to Groat llrltnln 80,700; to Continent 7,006. stock 704,018. Columbus Cotton Jtereipts. Smco Soptonibor let tho Eaglo and Pkotiix MiiDufaotiiring Company Iihh ro- coivetl 1214 bnlea of coltou which did not pasii through tho waroliounon. Wo have incnmRcd in our talilon to day tho ro- QjiptH by that amount, and also addud it to the account of home consumption, and honcn ahippod. Thid innkca our total roooiplH to duto 47,RSlf* baloH, ngaiiiHt -M.WKl Innt year, nhowing au incroiiHo thus far of *2,842 balcH, mid uinking tho homo taking! 2,1)12, agaiust 2,.*1(12 IiimI hoiihoii, allowing un in*: return of fifiO. Hereafter wo will have daily rot urns from our luillH. CUE Lilt A L NOTICE. Tho I Honda and rolativoH of JIkn.iamin Dolkii aro invited to attend hia funoral from Ida former rehidonoe, on tho Macon road, Cknown uh I'inknoy Huzletoun) at 12 o'clock m. this dnv (Wodnosdny). Note Ail rectiaomenta. See bankrupt's notice. T. J. Clin].pell, UHMlgllOO. * 'Sana Souei." Sco notico of the now opuning by Jack Turner. Sco carda of Opelika eating hoUHon. Tiuio hooka. Tom (lilhort haa thorn tor i*al(\ at Uin Job Print mg olWoo. Hotul iu your ordorn. Light Hoards. I Inn oompauy—thirty strong—war out on drill last night. No- /tenting of Stella. Henry Stevens having failed to givo tho required notes, hIuII No. 1R was re rented yoRtordny, to J W. Patrick, for Sjtl‘2 por uiouth. At tho htunu time stall No. D was routed to William llrook for por month. This loaves throe vacant stalla, nuin bared respectively 1, t and 12. NonIIwood Horn, Prof. Keovoa has opened his school un dor lino auspices - some .'tf> or 40 scholars being in attendance tho tirst week. A Sunday School w ill also bo organized in a few weeks Tho community ia one of the host in the State. Wo congratulate the citizens upon their determination to muiii tain tho high moral ami mental status of their neighborhood. Segroes doing II'eat. About thirty negroes from the vicinity of Smith's Station, Ala., left Monday for Arknnsaa. One huudrod and fourteen from Houston county, Ga., passed through hero yesterday going to Washington coun ty, Misa. The above does not include small children, of which t hero were Nwarmi. /I •* Spartan ** Colored ll'oman. While a lot of negroes going to Louisi ana were stopping at tho pussongtM' depot iu this city lust Saturday night, a negro woman of tho party gave birth to at taut, and the next day walked aboard the Western Railroad train, baby iu her arms and started for Shreveport. That child came vcryjuoar not being a Georgian. Who kuows if he may not yet hocoiuu anothe Dunn, or Pinohback, or Hotels Look After the Trees. Our attention wan called yesterday to tho tact that the goats are skinning the Bro.ul street trees on tho block nbovi Llhs A Harrison's auction houso. ttotuf of the less protected are badly barked, aud unless the evil is stopped the trees will bo seriously injured if not killed The Street Goumiitteo should do olio of two things—force the goats from the streets, or protect the trees from th. ravages. These trees are too beautiful au ornament to allow of their destruction by mischievous stock. Will tho Commit tee please attend to tho matter imrnedi ately ? We unintentionally failed iu our de partment, yesterday, to refer to the ex hibit published in our columns of the above msiumoth establishment, or to men tion tho fact that the Directors, on Mon day, declared a semi-annual divideud of fi per cent, payable in April and November. There nro two features in the statement particularly worthy of publicity-first, that the net enrningsof the past year foot up 1140,87o Of*; second, that tho savings tfopurtiuent, put in operation lust spring, is proving a grand success. As to earn- inga, it strikes us the exhibit must indeed most gratifying to tho public, aud especially to stockhold- whon we consider tbo panicky times, und the almost innumerable fail ures which lmvo occurred throughout tho country among industrial as well as com mercial institutions. This showing estab lishes beyond perudventure that uiunufac tiring in Columbus will pay, and insures for this grand institution a glorious nnd successful future. In regard to the Havings Dcpailment, wo take pleasure in saying that it has transcended our must sanguine expectations. Inaugurated as it has boon iu a poriod of almost unparalleled money stringency, tbo deposits have continued to increase steadily, until now they sum up the heavy aggregate of $57,137 00,and this too, at u time when the factory was compelled for a while to run on short time, nnd many of tho depositors were hard pressed for funds^to meet tho ordi nary necessities of life. Who can ques tion any longer that this depart ment will prove successful and proliluhle its operations? Wo cboorfully com mend it to tho laboring classes of our city and section oh a placo where funds may not only bo safely deposited, but whore they will continually ncoumulato by tbo system of compound interest which the company has adopted. Tho attention of stockholders is culled to the important fact that tho directors of tho Factory (Jotnpany liavo doelured semi annual dividends of f> por cent., payable i and after tho first of April and No li i her. Head carefully tho sovoral advertise ments of tho company in this paper. Ilojw fur Alabama, Wo hoar from au emigration agent, that thoru has passed over tho North Louisi- nnd Texas Railroad alone, during tho past six weeks, more than live tliousund negroes from Alabama. Wo have no doubt Hint if tho Democracy of Alabama will uso their energy at tho fall oloctiou, nnd vote, that our neighboring Stato will pass out, forovor, from Radical rule, ns many thousand more negroes liavo gono into Mississippi and Arkansas from Ala- barna. Death of an Old Itcaidont of 3luarogrr. Mr. Win. G. Johnson, an old resident and plantor of Muncogoo county, diod at his residence, near Bethel OhUToh, at i» o'clock Monday morning, tilth instant, aged about sixty yours. Ho had been partially paralyzed for sovoral yonra, and for some days hail HUlYored greatly Johnson was horn in Groeu county, but lmd lived in this soction for upwards of thirty-fivo years. Ho ieavos five children and several brothers, among the latter being Messrs. John, .lames D. und F. C. Johnson, to mourn his loss. Death of Mr. Itrnjamin Doles. This aged gentleman died at his resi dence iu KukhcII county, hovoii miles from Columbus, yesterday morning, after four years' couilnomont to his house. Ho was iu tho eighty-second year of his ngo. fie was formerly u highly respoctcd nnd wealthy planter of Muscogee, having moved to the county in 1HS8, but for the past fifteen years had resided in Russell, lie lost heavily by the war. aud lias niuce boon seen hut soldoin on our streets. I was regarded by those who knew him au excellent gentleman in all tho relations of life. 4 Protracted Eight at Sun to* A dittUuilly occurred at Seale on Satur day evening last, which came very n resulting fatally to one of the parties gaged (J. R. Cawley), who recoived a voro stub from a knife iu tho hands of McGohoo. Tho wouud is two inches deep, in tho hack, near the spiuo aud tho regi of tho liver. MoGeheo received u severe wound on tho head from a two-pound weight. The tight was a protracted oi aud caused great excitement. Kniv scale-weights, bdliurd cues and barrel heads were used. In Encouraging Fact. We have made diligent enquiries among tho largest planters iu this scetion, and all coneur in the determination to so pitch their crops tho present year as to bo able to coutrol their cotton next season, und sell when they please. We Und few who will raise meat. They say they e corn and sell it for more than enough to counterbalance the cost of bacon, claim that owing to tho present syato labor aud its irresponsibility, and tho al most impossibility of frauUug sufficiently protective laws, that they cannot guard against tho stealing of swine. They open ly declare, however, that never again will they be put into a position where they are forced to buy corn. HOTEL A It NIC A LS. Hunt;in House, January 190. H. Clay Armstrong, Notasulga, Ala. J. H. Hchoolfiold, Henry county, Ya. II. A. Perkins, Cincinnati. H. T. Holzbalb, Jacob Schwarz, “ Willis Walker nnd wife, Rome, Ga. L. Heldner, Atlanta. Mrs. Becker, New York. J. P. Kennedy, Alabama. Frank Wilkerson, Russell county. F. C. Morohend, Washington county, Miss. R. L. Gilbert, New York. J. Castleberry, Spring Hill, Alu. Wm. Bass, Macon. Win. Douuey, Lexington, Ky. David Morrell, Russell county. Central Hotel, Jan. VOth, 1H74. David Maxwell, ( hattunooga, Tenn. W. A. Walker, Uchoo, Alu. John E. Lev ter, Jornigan, Alu. C. C. Howard, “ “ J. It. Mendenhall, “ “ James 1‘. Walker, Alabama. E. E. Clark, Bristol, Conn. J. C. Matthews and wife, Buena Vista, Lawyers. Livery and Sale Stables. Js20 SAMUEL B. MATCHER. Attorney at Law. Office over W ittich A Klneel'a. J. M. McNEILL, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law. Tact tees iu courts of Georgia and Alabama. office 138 broad St., (over ilolsteod A Co.'s .special attention given to collections. Jail Porter Ingham. Martin J. C»AwroRi>. Reese Crawford. INGRAM * C’BAWrORDN, Attorney n nt Law, Will practice In the State and Federal Courts of Goorgia. Ilges A C Clair Bt A. A. DOZIER, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Uw, Practices in State aud Federal Courts In Gcurgla Jan Offici Mark II. Rlandpord. Louis F. Garrard. HLANDFOBI) A GARRARD, Attorneys land Counsellors at Law. Office No. 67 Broad street, ovor Wittloh A Kin- eel's Jewelry Store. Will prsetice in the State und Federal Courts. MP4 ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale ami Exclntnffe Stables, Coi.kthorpk, North of Randolpu Sts., tw-tan Columbus, Ga A. GAM MEL, 1,1 very and Bale Mtables, owlet iiorfu St , Columbus, Ga. Particular attention given to Feeding aud Sale of Stock. Horse* and Milles bonded in stables by the Social life Among the Jtailrvaders. Married yesterday, noar Nuckolls Oroaaiug, by Rev. J. W. Simmons, Mr. J. C. Boiihou, of tho Southwestern rail- I road attaches**, to Miss M J. Moore, of i the former place. Tho attendants were Mr. James Kennedy and Mrs. N. Martin, | aud Mr. Salas aud Miss Emily Benson. i After partaking of a rich and varied re- ■ past, tho newly married returned on a special train nnder the superiutendeuee of Mr. A. J. Nix, the gouilemanly Master ' .Mayor's Court. Mechanic of the railroad shops, who did John M. t^iiin, for being drunk auddis- all iu his power to make the excursion a orderly on the 18th, was lined five dollars pleasHut social success. 1 and costs. Tho satno party, for the Rame A delightful reception was giveu the offence on the 19th, was dismissed, bridal party, last evening, at the residence ' Mittie Williams, colored ; disorderly of Mrs Betisou, in Girard I conduct, dismissed. Cotton Thieves Hound Over. Bill Wornutu uud Wash Booker, color ed, charged with stealing s bale of cotton from Mrs. Scliley, iu Chattahoochee comi ty. last Friday night, were taken before Judge Williams, last afternoon, to under go a preliminary hearing. After nu in vestigation of tho charges, that officer put the aforesaid individuals under a bond of $100 each to rtuswor to tho charge before tho next term of the County Court. T. W. Grimes. Esq., for prosecution iu both oases; Chas. Coleman and A. A. Dozier, Esqrs.,for Wornutu; G. E. Thomas, Esq., for Booker. Ga. W. <). Peoples, Chattanooga, Tenn. H. M. Fuller, Russell county, Ala. W. D. Trammell, Waverly Hull. George Anibroy, Baltimore. H. O. Lloyd. We liuve been shown a lot of chairs which were repaired uud revaruinhod by this geutlcman in handsome style. Send yonr old furniture to him, if you would it mado as good as new. lie does excellent work, und no mistake. Shop next door South of Postoffice. a Truth is Mighty.'* When in the early full Joseph Sl Bro. announced their purpose to withdraw from tho dry goods business, and their resolve to sell all the goods on hand nt cost for cash, they did not moan to got rid of their stock on hand with tho view of renewing, but meant every word con voyed in their invitntion to the public. They have sold n largo quautity of goods, but it is small comparod with tho magnifi- cout stock they have on hand. Being still determined to quit tho dry goods business, tho firm will coutiuuo to sell their unrivaled stock of dry gooi^s of ovory description, till tho supply on hand exhausted. So far every person bus loft tho store of Josoph & Brother satis fied that tho promises made wore realized. Country merchants, mechanics, farmers, and citizens of gyery class, will never again have such an opportunity to buy superior goods cheap. The attention and patronage of Granges is particularly in vited. _ jal8 tf Money. Money is scarce, yet it cannot bo de nied there ia still a great deal of hard oftHh hid away in tho houses of mechanics and farmors. Tho fact became evident in our city when, some time ago, (Juptniu T. E. Blunchard announced to tho poople that ho had determined to sell his unri valed stock of dry goods at cost for cash At once his storo became crowded by those desiring to tako advantage offer, all of whom became conviucod of tho truth of his public statement. Cap tain Blanchard has wisely determined to continue tho sale of his goods, belioving it will ho to the advantage of himself and customers to continue selling at his for mer low rates. Wo can commend this sterling establishment and its energetic bond und courteous attendants to all who dosire dry goods of every price, stylo and variety. jail tf Attention ! As my Adduesh on elementary Aoni- oultuiiai. Chkmihthy, teaching tho cheap est ami shortest means for procuring und compounding manures, is enthusiastically ived and heartily oudorsed by almost every intelligent planter in this section, and that 1 may bo compensated in ft meas- souiewhat commensurate with tho owlcdgod merits of the production and valuo of the information conveyed, l do from this date establish tho prico at ,*»0 cents per copy. In consideration of this change, I do hornby agreo to ro tund the money to any farmer who, after reading the production, will certify to mo 1m is not fully satisfied with tho invest ment. There is no slavery so hopeless as that which compels a mau to support a family by the cultivation of poor laud, The problem to bo solved by the South before wo can hope for agricultural roou- poration and prosperity, is cheap and re liable mauurcs. The Address .sola's that problem. 1 defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove oue fact or jMsi- tion taken in the Address. •I. Monroe Lekkard, ('olumbus, Ga. Tho above work is for side at tho E.v- qciKBK Office, where copies can be order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal discount made to Grangers or farmers ordering a large number. This pamphlet should bo in tho hands of every planter at this time. jal3 dAwtf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths and softeus the Skin. For tmlo »\t Movvett’s Drug Stove. dec21 tf tlooil Things. Go to the Ruby UestAiiraut for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. ootlA tf Buy Drugs at pauie prices from C. J. Movfktt, 71 Broad St. dec2l tf For safety, dealers aud consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from 0. J. Moffett. decSltf attention: New Clocks, Watches Diamonds, Rings and Chains. All my friends and patrons are iuvited to call aud see new goods. I will sell Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, at as reasonable prices ns can be purchased anywhere iu this city or any other. Thankful for past patronuge, 1 ask for | a continuance, at 99 Broad street,opposite , Beach's, Edmunds' aud Kyle’s, next door ! to Ennis. T. S. SPEAR, feblO tf ^ Agent. Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pirn Jan. M. Kcnukll. Chas. J. Swift. RTS1ELL A SWIFT, Attoruaja Hud Coutmallom at Law. Will practice in the Oourta of Georgia (f Aiitl AlubaiiiR. Office over! Ilroiui btreut, Coluiubun, l. t. now! Attorney and BollcHor. U. S. Coui'r and Keglatar in Itankruptc;. Oflk uor2')J over iirook*' Dru^ Store, Coluiubun, Ga. PEABODY '••Er 1 BRANNON, Attorneys at Low. J. Knnis k Co.'s Store, Uuoad St., West Side. Office ov liovlMJ R. J. MOSES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Georgia Homo Imturatice Company building, soc octl lyj oud ntory. Oil AS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney nt Lnw, Columbus, Gn. Will practicu in any Court. Offlco over Aooe A Murdoch's atoro. (uovlti Doctors. tliorpe «tii. OQlce houra— DR. COLZKY. lleHideiico and Ofliire corner of St. Clair und Ogle- ,i 12 to 2 V. M., aep27 dtf DR. S. B. LAW. Office corner liroail and llandolph utreeta, Burras' building. Kealdouce on Forsytli, iliroe doura below St. Cluir. JaO DR. J. A. E1144U1IART, Office at C. J. Moffett's Drugstore, Brmtd street. Kosiduiice on St. Clair, lietwneu Broad aud sopf. Front Sts., Columbus, Oa. DR. J. €. COOK, r Kills A Harrison's ('ommistion Hoi first door to left. Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs, Ac. Prescriptions carefully prepared. ja!8 N» 1 Broad street. DR. J. L. CHENEY A MON, Druggiats and Preacrlptionists. V large iinsortnient of Buist's Garden Seeds. CiiBNF.r’s COU'JII Strup. Crawford Streot, iindor ltaiikin House, duels C% II. l*AI,MEll, Ltccuacd Apothecary Uno dour above Virginia Grocery. ♦dr- Physicians' Prescriptions made a specialty, doc 17J Xig'it bell to left of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, DruifirUt, Two doors below Ueo. W. Brown's, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. <?• Night Bell right of south door. sep6 FONT Lit N. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, east of Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. A. M. BRANNON, West Side, Broad Street, Ooluhiius, Ga., Hholvsnle and Retail Dealer Drug* and Medlcinen, Cotton Factories. COLUftlBUH MANUFACTURING CO„ Manufacturers of Slieetlngs, Shirtings, aud Sewing aud Knltttug Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn- Office over Wittich A Kiusul'a, Kamlolph street, jalh It. II. CHILTON, President. M INCOG EE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of SHKKTIN’QS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPK, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. 0. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. oct3l ly. Builders and Architects. J. 44. CUALMERN, llouwc Carpenter und Builder. Jobbing done at short notice. Plans aud specifications furnished for all stylos >f buildings Broad Sti Jail Watchmakers. C. SCUOMBURG, rmvtlcal Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to L. Uutow-ky, IV A C. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 1.11 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. lu-s and Clocks repaired in the bent tuan i war ran tod. jail J. 11. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. Co-ly's building, Broad St., Columbus, Go. All kinds Sewing Machints repaired. Needles Oils and Attachments fur all nin.'hiuis. (dec28 Tobacco, Clears, tic. Hotels. l-I.ANTUKS- IIUTKI., Next to ColumluiH llatik l.ulldittg. Porteis at all tin* trains Jal3 MK«. W. F. SNIOKR, Propr'si C. LOPEZ, Dealer Iu and Manufacturer of Fine C'lgnrn, jail Near Uroad Street Depot. MAIER DORN, Dealer in Fine Cigar*, Pipe* and Chewing Tobacco. Between Geoigia Home aud Muscogee Home. ja8 Grocers. DA.VL R. BIZE. Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan stroet, l»e- J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale aud Retail Groeer, ISHAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Troduce, se|vS uext to “Enquirer” Offlee. Rags, Hides, etc. .. ^r— M. M. U1R8CD, 11 idea and Furs a Specialty. pies, ringworm, salt-rhoum and other cut- WiW W tbe b >s'>wi market price for Hides, aneous affections eared, and the skin *‘ ur, » Beeswax and Rags, made soft and smooth, by using the Jr>*i- j AM kinds Wrapping Taper and Tai>er Dags | per Tar Soar, made by Cassvel ., Haz ard J- Co., Now York. He certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many imitations made with common tar which are worthless. jail JOHN MEHAFFEY, Dealer In Bags, Hides, Beeswax, etc., and all klads Of Junk. Cornua Beidoi and Ouletnospi Gt«.. »sp6 Columbus, Oa. Boarding Houses. THE 1IOMK HOUSE, No. 163 Broad street, Columbus, Ga.. by Jal8 MRS. NEWMAN. MHS. PERSONS, Board and Room 1 ' to Rent, south east corner and Crawford streets. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad Street. The bent ol Foreign aud Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Meuis at all hour.-), decl'j J. J BLAKELY, Prop’r. Central Railroad. o GEN’L SUPT’S OFFICE C. K. R. ) Savannah, November 1,1873. J N AND AFTER SUNDAY,2d Instant. _ Pit.-scnger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, Its branches and connections, will run as follows: TRAIN No. 1,GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah 8:46 am Leave Augusta. 9:05 a Arrive ut Eatonton 11:65 t Leave Macon for Eutuula Leave Macon for Atlanta Arrive at Colutnbus Arrive ut Kutauln . 3:57 / .10:20 i Arrive at Atlanta. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 1:00 a m Leave Columbus 7:4o i* m Leave EuUillu 7:26 v u Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 6:60 a m Arrive at Macon from (.'olumbus 6.00 a >i Arrive at Macon from Eutuula . Leave Macon . Leave Augusta.. , 0:46 / 7:15 j Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker lit Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Boot and Shoomakers. WM. MEYER, Loot und Shoemaker. hs ilt-i in Lea'll -r aud Flu Hugs. Next to Jd .1 tv*. Prompt and strict attention giv Fresh Meats. J. \V. PATRICK, Stall No. 2, Market lloune. Fresh Me,its of every kind and best quality, JaiI ■ ya on hand. W. C. TOLBERT, Fresh Meat* of nil kinds. Fresh FausH'^o Meat e* erv day. Jan Stalla No. li and l J. T. COOK, Fresh .Heals ol' All Kinds, sepfi stalls N«s. 15 and 17. Mattress-Making, fltc. J. D. McJUNKIN, General Upholsterer aud Mattrons-.Maker. 1> went »lde Warren, near inti rsection ot U; .‘pi tliorpe and Bridge Sts, Dentists. T. W. HENTZ, Dentist. lopli A Brntlinr’s .tore. W. T. POOL, Dcutlst, | ini Broad St., Col millm«, i W. J. FOGLE, Dentist, ■opoj Georgia Horn- Building, Columbus, L Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. Itl.AI', “ Repairer and Tuner of Pi.utoes, Molodeons a Accordeoti*. Blgn Painting also done. Orders may be I»b left at .1, W. Pease A Norma Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFI.ER, Gun and Lm-k-vvitU, Crawford street, next Johliaon's comer, Coluuibus, Ga. ji WILLIAM SCHOREK, Gun and LockmiiWi and dealer in Gunning Ma- teriul.i. Opposite Riiquirer Office. Dress-Making. MINN M. A. 1IOLL1NGNWORTH, Dress-Making, Cubing and Fitting. Termschoap. Uesideiu'e and-hop iu Brownoville. Feed Store. JOHN F1TZGIRIIONN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Hay, Oats, Corn Bacon, Ac , Uglcthorpu St , opposite Jal - * Temperance Hall. Barber Shops. ALEX A NAM, _j;ivS ll.vr.iii.iis, Bt. Cr.Aia 8trekt. ED. TERRY. Ilarhrr, Crawford Bt., nnder itniikiu iloiise, Colmubus, Gn dec 18 D Dental Notice. U. Piti:i.P5 hi- Presbyterian Ctiuroh. ed his office to hit* r»-s- arei-t, in roar of tin* oct2 tf LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, A.ttoruoi—at-ljaw CUSSETA. (Ill ATT AIIOOCII kb Co., Gaj ♦♦-Spuclul attention given to collections. HINES DOZIER, Attorno.v at, Law,>’, OA., W ILL practice iu the CliattahiaaIn-o Circuit or any where else. All kind of collai-tions PUHIIBD. “Pay ine or run away.” novl-i tf DOCTORS. Dr. John H. Carriger, OUKOUOS AMI 1-llVSIOIAN. Ofllc. »outli«a«t IO corner Broad aud Randolph streets, Crime's grocery store. Beside dale's, two doors be! poll ly Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O FFKBS Lia Professional Bervices to the citir.ens of Colmubus and vicinity. He is a graduate of the reformed school ot medicine, and has been practising his profession for twenty-six years, and has beeu very aiicct-stliil iu treating chronic dis- rs, opposite MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! VLJ E have on hand, purchased at the lowest whole- 77 - iI- i i-h i n- - a l.u a- and well assorted stock of MILLIN'KKY, Insides GLOYKS, COR3KT8, and everytliimr usually kept in a first Millluery Katablishiueut. V pleased with our s examiue. W«-are Respectfully. - York Btore. MBS. COLVIN and MIBB D0NNKLLY. RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT. Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ! r |'HK undersign*.d will open thi*^ e.taldishmeut, and l>e prepared to sup ply liis friends with every luxury. octl5d6m A. J. ROLAND. DEIN I SON’S IPATEKT SHIPPING TAG > OVKH TWO Hl'NDBKD MILLION'S have been sold within the post IU years, (Without ci mplaint of loss by Tag be- ^ coming detached. They are more iatde for marking Cotton Hales than any Top in AU Kxpress Companies use them. Sold by Printer* and Stationers everywhere. deelU d«oiLw3ut »:U6 a M Arrive at Augusta 4:00 v m Arrive at Savnnuuli 6:25 v m TRAIN No.a,GOING NORTH AND WEST Leave. Savannah 7 30 v m Leave Angus;a 8:05 p m Augusta . 8:20 a a . 8:46 a 1 . 9:06 a l Arrive at Alacon.. Leave Macon lor (Joluinbu Leave Mucuu lor Eulaul Leave Macon for Atlanti w:iu a : Arrive at Columbus 1:60 p : Arrive at Eutnula 6:40 p : Arrive at Atlanta 6:48 p : COMING SOU H AND EAST. Loavc Atlanta 7:00 a : 2:30 p : Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:10 l ll:65i Arrive at Eat . ... Leave Augusta arrive at Augusta . Arrive ut Savannah Train Nu. 2 being a thiough train 7:15 j the fourth Grand Gift Concert.- KOR THE BENEFIT OF THF Public Library of Kentucky, Over a Million in Bank! Success Assured! A FI LI. BRAWira CUH’i'i,. On Tuesday, 31stMarch Next! : Jn order to meet the general wish and exm.. tation of the public and ticket-holders iur ih ! lull pay merit of tho tnngniflcent gifts ann.un? e-l i. r the Fourth Grand Gilt Concert ut ti. I Public Library of Kentucky, the lnanagemem nave determined to postpono the Concert u, | Drawing until auj I Tuesday, the 31st of March, 874! They have already realized Over a Million Dollars lriui l,n ' ° * KrCat m ““ y AB<mla J' el >u lie.: MI DOU1IT 18 KNTKUTAINKD OP THK BALk . BVKHY TICKET IlEKOUK THK DUAWINU hy, WUKTnKR ALL ABK BOLD OB NOT TllK CONckiit A.ND DUAWINU WILL POSITINKLY AND UN Eon VOCALLY TABS PLACK ON THK DAY NOW Vixiu AND IK ANY ltKMAIN UNSOLD THKY WILL hJ CANCELLED AVI) TUB PBIZK8 WILL UK BKDUCKi. IN PUOPOHTION TO THK UNSOLD TICKETS. Only 00,000 tickets have been Issuod and 3-2*000 Cash G-ift^ #1,500,000, ’ will bo distributed among tho ticket-holders 1 lie tickets are printed In coupons, of tenth* aud all fractional parts will bo represented n! the druwlngjust as whole tlckots are U List of Gifts. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT iK’JS ONE GRAND CASH GIFT Z'Z, ONE GRAND CASH G1TT 95'Z ONE GRAND CASH GIFT *“ CASH GIFTS *10,000 each ioo’JS CASH GIFTS 6.000 oacli.. un 1 ,*. Central Railroad, stopjilng only at whole s tions, passengers (or half stations cannot be taken on or put ott. Passengers tor MtUudge- ville and Eatonton will take Train No. 1 from Savannah ami Augusta, nnd Train No. 2 from points on tlio S. W., Atlanta and Macon. The Mllledgcvillo and Eatonton train ruus dally, ••Sundays excepted.” WM. ROGERS, no6 Gonoral Sup’t Western Railroad of Alabama. 53'j HOURS TO NEW YORK Not York and New Orleans Mail Line- Palace Sleeping Oars Ban Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. IVKSTKUN HAILHOAD OF ALABAMA, CoLOMUCS, Qa,, November lGlli, 1873. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - • 10:40 a. u Arrive at Atlanta, • • 5:4o p. M. For Montgomery, - - 5:00 p. m For Selma, • - - tk.'tO p. M. Arrive at Montg'y, 10:40 p. m., 6:20 A M FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 63 lipurs and 45 minutes.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 a. m. ABBIVK al Opelika 12:27 p. Ol., ut Atlanta 6t40 p. III., Sleeping Cars Run Tliroug:li from Opelika to liynclibiirg:. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, • • • 0:10 p. m. From Montgomery at 8:5G a. m , 2:30 p. M. The 5:00 p. in. Western Mail train ruus daily, connecting with traius for New Orleans, Mobile Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis, n? Montgomery, and for Vicksburg at Solmu. On tin's train sleeping earn are run through from Opelika to Now Or- Tho 10:40 a. ui. Now York Express train runs daily,connecting at Atlanta with W. A A. und Georgia U. R. Tim 9.30 i 1 . m. does not run Sunday. No delay at Opoliku by any t Tickets for sal R. A. BACON. Agen*. Change of Schedule. -ruiijnl■ l mi" XTLf Bu 0 OPPICK MoiULS A fllRVKn Railkovk, \ Columbus, Ga., Dec. 2, lb7i. / N AND AFTER DEC. 3D, WEDNESDAY, Passenger Train will run as follows : CoLt'Miius I'ntly, S'liidays excepted, 3:00 : Tito I.e Arrive at Trov, L«-avo Troy on Tues.l, Batunla.vs at Al rive at Columbus, dec3 t 4:50 . L. CLARK, Sup't. HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, Ua. J. W. liYAN, Prop’r. Prank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restauraut, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin House. mv2l dtwtf \V. HVAN. 50 CASH GIFTS 40 CASH GIFTS 1U0 CASH GIFTS 400 each *0,^ 300 each 46,ooo 200 each 60,ow TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, amounting to *1.5oo.Wi) The chances lor a gift nro as one to five. Price of Tickets. Wliolo tickets«M)0.00; Iinlvos *25.00; Tent ; or each coupon *5.00; Eleven Whole Tickets i,.r *500.00; 22^ Tickets lor *1,000.00; 113 Wi-ia Tickets for *5,000.00; 227 Wliolo Tickets Tor il-j. 000.00. No discount on less than *600.00 wor:!i of Tickets. The Fourth Gil t Concert will bo conducted ia all respects llko the three which have already been given, and lull particulars may he learned troin circulars which will bo sent iree from this otilco to all who apply for them. Onto s for tickets nnd applications for agen cies will Lo attended to in tho order they are received, and it is hoped they will bo sent In prunibtly that there may bo nodisuppolntment or delay in filling ull. Liberal terms given te those who buy to sell again. All agents are peremptorily required to settle up their nr- eouuts and return all unsold tickets by the tiotli day of March. THO. I). IlltAMLETTE, Agent Public Library Kentucky, and .Manager ol Gift Concert, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. [Uel3 d'ZtuwAw rickets lor sale uml.'prlzeg collected free of ohargo, by Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Prize Tickets sold by me cashed without dls- coimt. JNO. D. HLACKMAR. Ag t. 82 Broad Stieet, Columbus, Ga. docl4 td DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pa^e lllustra- ted Catalogue of D ©OR S, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any nun into routed iu building, ot receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 A 250 CANAL STREET, Jyll dAwly NEW YORK CITY Sheriff's Sale. r lY virtue of an order from Ills Honor. Will..uu J F William-*, Judge of the County Court iur Mu-o-og*- rount.v, I will sell on Wednesday, the -’1st instant, at tin* auction house of Ellis A It 0 risen, in tlu* « ity of Columbus, between tin- usual hours uf rule, the following personal piopurty, 1 box lamp hooks, II corsets, 12 duzi-n toilet soap, 15 boxes sonp, 26 jugs, 41 lanterns, 20 uweis and l.nsins, 2 l *dts pant goods, 11 gl ws jurs, .0 liackngi s Limp shades, 7 packages shmle t nu’. - lamp roll.-, tor-*. ’ : l uxes lead pencils, 11 1 in sp.t toons, f. butlers, 20 do/. to tuvi <■!«. 1 f>t 1 alien, , 1 bn ■l.-ls gitti* , 4 do: in razor straps, Hi j packag s lamp brackets, l 1 .. calico, 12 boxes lamp burners, 5 packages screw eyes, 1 dozon mustard aud set dishes, 1 I ox Intup hooks, l box elastic, 8 razor straps, 7 brooms, l package pad locks, G boxes slmwl pins, 1 lot Ilia thread, 1 album, 1 lot ftnh hooks, *£ ream writing paper, 3 boxes bone sett, 1 box spoous, 2 boxes •liuwl pins, 2 broken boxes toilet soap, 3 biace* ami 1 auger, 1 package door latches, l suw sett-1 13 store sifters, I lot beads, 2 braces, 3 dozon sugat dishes. 7 bruk* n barrels glass ware, ICO tumldur*. 4 doy.i n p a*e», I• *1 goblets, 35 pirkle dishes, I! doe Miiall diohes, l*.j d»Zau cups, 2 dozon goblets, 1 do*.-u glasses, i dozen saucers, 9 dozen preserve dishes, l 1 , vloy.en largo glass pile! 6 poo tl 1 pitcher The above dcsciibcd property levied on to sat isfy two mortgage tl fas—one iu favor of Btudui-ll Brothers, the oilier iu favor of ilawes, Hyatt A Co , against J. II. Uumsev A Co. Jail M * If. u. IVEY, Sherifl DIAMOND NFECTAlT.FH ! EMERSON’S Singing School. Price 75c. or $7.50 per cJoz. Is ft Complete, Cheap, a ml Useful Hook for »Singiny Schools. Now is tho time to u»e it, as it lias nil the tua- terial to make the Winter singing School attract ive and usetul iu tIn* hishest degree. By 1-. O* KMKKsON. System for Beginners ON THE PIANOFORTE. By MASON & HOAULKY. One cannot help liking this thorough, i.yateia- title method, tin- w -tk . nun tin tent it! their profession, and \\ho luxe tin* important qualifica tion of being experienced tea* in is. Kemeatbor that the rtr-t tn-Mitlis of instruction are. if there is any di-uii tin ituportiuit That is the* time to lay a good foundation. nrcobut of tlieir liardm uilliaucy. Having been tested with the polariscope, per ccni They . found to udtnit tlft-.-:i less heated rays tlian any other pebld o gri-Uftd with great ■eieutillc arvurav chromatic aberrations, and |»rodu< j a brightness and distinctness ot vision not hetuis attained iu spectacles. Manufactured hy Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co., New loti-. For sale by responsible agents iu every city iu Ids Union. j WITTICH A KI.\SEL, Jewelers uud Opticians, i nr® sole agents for Colutnbus, Ga., from whom they can only !»• attained. No peddlers employed. Do not buy a pair unless yon see tbo trad* KITING’S BUCHF II begun is air. inly l'rlce Chas. H. Eitson & Co. 711 Broadway, N. Y. ”A work $3 00. All books s.-nt, p. Oliver Ditson & Co, Boston. Sep13 ditawtvv To All Whom it May Concerc, T UE c-.|-.irtnersii!p of F. MYER A CO. Is this day dissolved l.y mutual consent. WILLIAM MYER, of said firm, is solely authorized to settle the affairs of the lat«> firm, and will coutiuuo the Boot anu Shoe business at same place. V. MYER k CO. January 7th. 1874. dcodlrn* Notice to all Purchasers of this Excellent Compound Extract of Buchu. CJ END YOUR ORDERS TO I.. I’lKUCK A HI., 1J ('olumbus, (in., and y ou will get the annum*, Original Extract. There IS NO Ol'TSlBF. j AGENCIES— EITHER Sl’EClAL OR UBS REAL. | 1 atu individually Sole Proprietor. March 5th, 1873. L. PIERCE. Wanted. U T K w 'll tri'-' and women RI'.Sl.MiSN THAI' WILL PAY from >4 to |8 per day, can be pursued in yonr own neighbor hood; it is a rare chance for those out of employ- taent cr having leisure time; girls and boys tie- quently do a» well n« men. Particulars free. Address J. LATHAM A CO., *u*-S II Washington St., Boston, Muss. Bankrupt’s Sale. B Y virtue of all order of tho Honorable the I>»« trirt Court of the United States tor the .out i orn District of Georgia, will be sold, freetTvm a- encumbrances, on the first Tuesday in next, to the highest bidder, in trout of the Loiitt House door iu the town of Butler, 'laylor county. Georgia, the following property, to-wit : Lot ol land No. 145, containing - 1 "'‘ I or less; all of lot No. 144, south of Ruin ir* • being 100 aer. s, more or less ; iractl<»n»l 1 -I* her* 15G, containing 80 acres more less, aud 1 • • containing -i-’ acr* # more or loss, and the n half if fractional lot No. l*-\ containing a. more or lira—« In the aggregvtc to n huu.l'cd . »!.} r. ... MR,, wot.-t'"' lying and being in the 24th district said lay. M 41!.? .Vow. ,Mimed uronertv i« su'd ax assets