The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 22, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus jDJ^xihir OL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1874. NO. IS. LY. WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Mivt^untHn. LFR£D H. CALHOUN, Proprietor. month*, in advance $8 00 ionlh*, ee months, month, * ki.y Enquire!!, one year day Enquirer, one year day and Weekly Enquibbr to other, one year .... 4 00 ?0RGIA LEGISLATURE. lj ,tli«ItlllinrdiMl-ficimto Repeals nto Aid Act— 1 Tho Uan Jlnnul'ne- turlo* -UrnnirorH' Meeting; — ’l ux and Appropriation UllIn -A Fool 1 nil Cmtom. •dal Uorreapomleuco Suu and Enquirer.] Atlanta, January 20, 1874. he groat sensation of the Atiauteao boon a visit from Mnurico Duly, tho ebrated New York billiard player. Ho e a tUly cent admission exhibition in II. I. K. billiard room. He drew bet- than a circus. It seemed to me tho gislaturo attended in a body. Ho beat Crawford, the Georgia champion, euty-four points in a hundred—game, inch three ball carom. He then made fancy shots which astonished tho ivos. lie can carom from tablo to jv, mid from table to bull held over it. .is fuuny to watch the couutonanccH tho country members. He and Don- 11 thou played n game—result, Bonncll Daly 103. Daly is going to the S.i- unah tacos. Ho is n little fellow, but .11 of pluck. The Slute Grange of Patrons of Hub- ndry meet here to-morrow, and Home hundred delegates me expected. Tho els are already qnito full The Good Templars aro going to try persuasivonoss on tho Legislature, at some play too good u game of “poker" Go caught. Money is ns hard to get in Atlanta as aluinbus for business purposes ; in fuct, tore ho. If it wore not for the transient itrtlotn, we would hear of mauy failuroH. very ono who comes to Georgia visits tlanta. Mcuate. A good deal of useless gas was spent day. The Senate, by a vole of 23 to 14, nl- 1 DeYitux’s protest to the resolution skiug Congress not to pass tho Civil tights bill to be spread upon the minutes, t amounts to nothing A question was raised by Mr. DoVaux regard to alleged oruel treutinentof the 'enitentinry convicts. The subject was 'Jarred to the Committee on Penifceu After discussion, the bill to repeal State all railroad charters heretofore granted in tho Stale where the companies uo vested rights, was passed by 20 A number of bills were read a second and referred. House. e ususual number of bills regarding he Codonnd individuals were introduced. Mr. Baker—To oleet Congressmen on the tirat Wednesday in October and every two years thereafter, Mr. Tumlin—'J o exempt laud used for agricultural purposes from municipal tax ation After some debate and soma resolutions to amend and tablo, the uso of the hall of tho House was tendered the Grangers Wednesday for their mooting. Mr. Turnbull—To repeal tho act pro ving for the Hnnual collection and pub lication of the agricultural products and statistics. Mr. Williamson—To remove tho capitnl to] Milledgoville. TAXES AND APPROPRIATIONS. The hills woro reported by the c Isom : Tho .State tux is the sumo as that of 1873—four mills. Among t lho spoeilio taxes are those changes : (’irons companies £200 each day in oil )e.«, towns and counties containing u!n‘ion of more than 10,000 ; £100 i: cities,!owns counties and containing more than ;i,0()0 and less than 10,000; $<’>0 in all towns, etc., under 5,000. The prc-sideutR of banking compauics, manufacturing companies and others than railroad, insurance and exproRS com. panies, required to return all tho property whatever of their respective companies at true market value, to bo taxed os other property. 1 he provision exempting two hundred dollars of property from taxation iu the “Id act, is repealed. In the Appropiiation act tho comruitteo recomuieud increased compensation to 'treasurer Jones for extra services. Mile age is reduced from twjnty-five cents a mile to ten cents, goirg and returning. Public Work*, reports the old ruttle-trap built by Kimball ns an Opera House and bought by Atlanta as a State Capitol, safe for the present; the cracks havn't widen- | nee the Legislature met, but if it is j t) bo used as a permanent Capitol, ho and architects advise that the walls be braced uud irou-loekcd. The members me getting scared. The Doctor says one wull has slightly bulged during the past year. The House passed tho Sonate resolution congratulating Texas. The Usury laws won’t bo ro-onacted. No fears of that. The Lieu law will go through. Your members won’t do it, but lot nny fellow come from any part of tho State and his silly member will move that the lion, gout Damphool be allowed the priv ileges of tho floor, and tho House will adopt hi3 motion. Why, tho practice has becorno so frequeut that an invitation to the floor has no honor to a gentlemau of posit ion. A short aftornoon session was held. House adjourned to Thursday. Muscogee. UEOKUIA NKWN. —Tho bonded debt of Augusta 43,000. —Perry ban received some farm negroes from Alabama. —W. B. Hill, Esq., has boon elected City Attorney of Macon. —A white man and three negroes are missing from Twiggs county jail. •Talbotton pays her Clerk £100, and Marshal £225 a Tucker Persons has been elected Marshal. —An English lord, with six servants and four dogs, has lately exercised Savan nah. He’s going to lish in Florida. —lu a tussle with a mule, a Macon po- licemnu lost his belt and baton, and yot they say a mule is iuuocout of guile. —An imported bull was sold at the Steadman bankrupt sale for forty dollars, while a setter pup brought fifteen dollars. —llev. W. B. Mcliau, aged fifty years, long a minister of the Georgia M. E. Con ference, died in Cuthbert, on Sunday, of heart disease. —Mr. Benner, of Macon, advertised £100 reward for the recovery of a dia mond. A man got tho reward who had paid a negro twenty cants lor tho stone. —The 10th, tho anniversary of the birth of Gen. U. E. Lae, tho military of Savannah, some 800 strong, had a brigade drill aud were reviewed by Gen. Joo Johnston. —Lumpkin elected a Mayor and Aldor- iuou last Saturday, and tho Council re fused to elect M. -J. Jenkins for Marshal, who had received as many votes os mem bers of that body. F. A. Lantsncster was choseu. —The following is notes they aro giving tics : “£150. On tho first day of January, 1874, 1 promise to pay J. K. L.,orbeuror, one hundred and fifty dollars, or my grey mare, ten head of cattle, eight head of sheep, six head of hogs, ton chickens, aud a dog. Value received. [Signed] S. L. I). M A LA HAM A XKWJ*. —Tho Stuto and county tax of Barbour county is two and ouo-half per ceut. —Montgomery had eleven fires last year; loss £00,813 ; insurance£30,014 00. —Hon. David Clopton, who had a se vere fall, is able to bo on tho streets again. —Thirty tons of guauo have been hauled away from a pigeon roost near Talladega. —Tho Mayor of Montgomery gets £2,000 and fees ; Chief of Police, £1,500 und feed for horse; Lieutenant, £1,200 and horse feod ; Clerk, £ 1.8(H) aud fees ; Street Overseer, £1,200 arid horse food ; Lumber Inspector, £1,500; Market Clerk, £1.000. —Sixteen years ago, while tho waters of the Chattahoochee were low, n boat discharged a cargo of several thousand bars of iron on an island a few miles be low Eufaula. A great freshet in the river soon ensued, which somewhat changed tho course of tho river, obliterated tho island, uud all traces of tho iron wore lost. Numerous attempts havo been mado for yenrs past to find tho rich deposit, and one day last week u lucky explorer suc ceeded* in locutiug it full two hundred yards from tho prosont course of tho river, and buried fifteen foot in the grouud. £ TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. — Miss Price of Baltimore, was killed yesterday by a coal oil lamp explosion. -The Democrats of Philadelphia have nominated a straight municipal ticket. —Tho Pacific mail stoamor, Panama, on account of a leak returned to New York. -The Chicago Mutual, of New Orleans, lost £2,000 ; Atlas, of tho same city, £1,- 00.) by tho Chicago lire. -Captain Nuchener, who was recently arrested on the charge of robbing tho mails in the dead letter oflioo in Wash ington, has boon exonerated by tho grand jury. —Shfidd, colored, has been elected Speaker of tho House by tho Mississippi ! Legislature. There aro a dozen appli cants for subordinate places, and numer ous aspirants for Ames’ unexpired term. —At Salem, N. J., Tuesday night, the Deputy Shcrift went to arrest George M. Ward for a crime, and not finding him, searched the yard, whero ho found him, with his throat cut from'ear to ear. He is still alive, but cannot recover. —The citizens of Burlington were scared WASHINGTON. Currency Detmtc— New Election Probable In Louisiana - .Nomination*. Forenoon Ncasion—Mcnnte. Wasuinuton, January 21.—Tho Senato Finance Committeo reported favorably ou the bill to appoint a committee to in vestigate as to tho manufacture and traf fic ou alcoholic liquors. Nominations. etc. Eiexis E. Lomoe, Itooeiver Public Mon ey, at Notcbitoclics; E. W. Holbrook, Register Laud Oilico, Now Orloans. Tho Prosidont approved tho Salary Bill. Piuchback is at tho White House to day. Afternoon Ncnlon-Ncnsle. Washington, January 21.—Waite was unanimously confirmed Chiof Justico. Petitions for womou's Hufl'rage will hereafter be referred to tho bonimitteo ou Privileges and Elections. The Caunleu Board of Trade have peti tioned tho Senate against tho repeal of the bankrupt law. Morrimau, of Ncrlli Carolina, addressed tho Senate to-day ou the currency ques tion. He said that our country enjoyed tho confidence of tho people more than any couulry ou tho face of the oartb, yet our currency had been valued loss than gold by twenty per cent. He argued that it was impossible to niako a paper cur rency equal to gold. It was idle aud criminal for Congress to undertake to bring greenbacks up to tho standard of gold. We must put ourselves on a level with other commercial nations of tho eurth, and to do this wo must have a gold and silver currency. If wo do not establish a medium of exehntigc bused upon gold aud silver, wo can never have tho advantages of commerce. Ho udvocatcd at) immediate resumption of specie pnytuonts. Tho people of the United States had lost twen ty por cent, on all their exuhuugos from tho time tho groonbaok systom begun, in 1801, till now. If the greenback systom continue, depreciation will continue ; and it is tho duty of Congress to rid tho country of this, not ouly that tho faith of tho Government had been pledged. Morrimau was in favor of a return to flpeeio payment by July 4, J87(», tho American centennial. Ho computed our present circulation at£780,000,000, which was noteuoughl»y£ 100,000,000. Now York and Now England woro credit Slato c , and had debts duo them nil over tho country. Plenty of money could bo hud in Now York on collateral, which iH money. Ho spoke of tho unequal distiilmtion of tho currency, and tho pressing needs of tho South. Tako £25,000,000 from Now Eng land and givn it to tho South. Shorman said that the Comptroller of Currency had authority now to withdraw twenty-five millions from New England and givo it to tho South aud West, or Stains which have not their proportions. Edmunds asked how long would it stay there, and Sherman added, “That is the quostiou." Morrimau said it would go back very Rlowly if tho banks of New York aud New England cuuhl not oflVr u higher rate of interest than those Stutes. He denied that tho currency was ruduudant as com pared with Franco and England and their population. Tho business of tho country was based on a bloated greenback circula tion, and ull our debts were contracted and should bo paid w ith it. Another £ 100,- 000,000 would revive the business of the oountiy, and by fixing a time for spocio resumption would avoid tho losses of sub sequent contraction, and adjustment made for tho new systom. Tho National bank ing system was a huge monopoly founded on credit currency, 20 por ceut. Jess valu able than gold. Evory dollar of tho cap ital stock was in tin.* V. 8. Treasury, and the banks receive 5 per cent, from the Government on bonds doposited there, lie was opposed to such banks and sys tem. No industry can prosper at the rate of interest this country is paying for money. Tho volumo of currency cannot bo fixed by law or controlled by Congioss. Busi ness needs should regulate it. Ho would like to see a graud national batik chartered with £25 shares, iu which tho wbolo people could have stock, und tho capital of £100,000,0(10 and directors bo in every With soctionul legis- lalion, and this unequal distribution, Con gress can never produce art equilibiium in industry. He showed how Congress could produce this equilibrium by engaging in vast in ternal works in t}•. j Wost und South, by improving livers and harbors, building national canals, Ac. Granting that fifty millions of dollars more bo given to the South and West, it would fluctuate to tho pockets of those entitled to it. He said ho did not believo that there was a dollar more iu the Stato of Vermont now than there would bo if every bank aunuftlly. Tho course of thing* takes | The Slxc ol Cuiiulrii'i. away tho money. There must ho Rome i he Rod sea wou.d reach from Wash- f.1.6 basis to .to tins. Had tho South to Colorado, aud it Ihe rest is tho saiuo as last year, with i about 3 r. m., Tuesday, by a terrill these exceptions : ‘ | plosion, w hich was heard twenty miles pital she would flourish iu every de partment of industry, aud Wall street, instoad of being in Now York, would bo Savannah, Charleston and New Or leans. Edmonds wanted to know how tho South could get that cupilul. Morrimau—We wish your pooplo to come there. Edmunds contended that justice was not impartially administered in tho South, and until that was done Northoru men would uot go there. Morriman stated a man was safer in tho South than in Now England, for the ata- tistics showod that there was more crime and outrages iu tho North by two to ono than in the South. Edmunds said he had been told no l T . S. officer aaut South was received into society, and that the ouly pooplo that would usnooiate with them woro termed scalawags, Meiriman said, that is untrue. Re spectable people are welcomed to tho South. It" they aro worthy, they can got into any socioty. Edmunds said he had received his in formation from army officers when hs (Edmunds; visited tho South in 1807. He also told several narratives of how New Englanders hud been treated in North Carolina, aud Merrimuu told experiences directly opposite. Morrimau then moved that tho Senate proceed to tho consideration of Executive business, which motion prevailed. At 4:3») tho doors were re opened, and tho Senato adjourned. IIOIINO. Tho Hoiiso was engaged all day ou tho Centennial celobration. Pinchback did not succeed in getting an interview with the President, who was talking with Creswoll. Gov. Warmoth asserts that Carpenter and Bailor have agreed on a now oleet ion bill, which will bo introduced in both Ilouseaou Monday, nud that after a can vass of the Democrats in the House, ho did not liud ono who would not vote for the bill, nnd feels confident that it will pass the House next week. Pinchback believes that treachery was tho cause of his defeat, and is hard at work for a now election. GEORGIA GRANGERS. MEETING IN ATLANTA. Special'to the Sun and Enquirer. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 21.—The Stale Grange met in this city to-day. A largo number of delegates are present, 275 Granges being represented. Tho meeting is harinouious. Tho Grange will lie in session two days. A Committee on Busi ness was appointed. There are over live hundred Patrons of Husbandry in the city. TEXAS. The LegIstature —Conical lot* I nileil Mates Senator. Austin, January 21.—The President of tho Senate has discharged the Assistant Sergeants-at-Arms. there beitig no further uso for them. The votes of tho other State o(floors havo been counted, and their majorities average the snmo as the Governor's, which now reaches 50,000. Tho returns of sev eral counties were found iu tho office of the Secretary of State. Tho returns of about forty comities have not yot been received. The contest for United Stales Senator increases in interest. There »>re now live candidates, us follows: Misers. Tlirook- tllUCH wide as Like Out Mud- gnHcur is us largo as New Ilaitip- j shire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connocti- j cut, Now York, Pennsylvania, New Jer- 1 sey, Virginia, nud North Carolina nil put together. Palestine is ono-fourth tho size of New , York. llindostan is more than a hundred times J as large as Palestine. Great Britain is two-thirds the size of Japun, ono-twelfth tho size of Hindustan, ouo-twontieth of China, and ono-tweuty- lifth ot the United States. Greece is about the size of Vermont. Thu English chunncl is nearly aH large ns Lake Superior, and Lake Huron is us largo as tho Sea of Azof. The Groat Desert of Africa bus nearly tho presout dimensions of tho United States. Tho Caspian sun would stretch from New York to St. Augustine, nnd is as wide as from Now York to Rochester. The following bodies of water aro nonr- !y equal iu size: German ocean, Black sea, Yellow sea : Hudson's bay is rather larger; the Baltic, Adriatic, Persian JJGulf und (Egoun sea about half us large, aud somewhat larger than Lake Superior. Tho Mediterranean, if placed uorons North America, would make sea naviga tion from San Diego to Baltimore. The Gulf of Mexico is about ton times the size of Lake Superior, uud about as largo as the Sea of Kauitschatka, Bay of Bengal, China sea, Okhotsk sea, or Japuu sea. Lake Outurio would go into cither of them more than fifty times. Great Britain und Ireland are about as largo ns Now Mexico, but uot as largo as Iowa and Nebraska. They aro less than Now York, Pennsylvania und Ohio. Tins Black and Tax Hkpuhlim.— Our friend aud ally, tho noble Baez, who wanted to sell out lii.s rather shaky claim to the St. Domingo digging*, has arrived in St. Thomas, having parted from his Dominican frioud.s in rather a happy manner. They nr** a mercurial poeplu in the favored laud of Saiimua, and like a clmuge, so they shipped Itm z, who was not clever enough to hill them out, though ho was rougtic enough to desire to do so. Tho pnpper-and sal) colored in habitants rather like a rogue if lie be clever; but Baez's fanx lost him in i their estimation. lie will now have to apply to President Grant for a situation. It. js, perhaps, fortuur.te that Cm-lnng withdrew from tho Chief Jnsliocdiip. President Grant call now oil. r it to Jl.iez. Perhaps ho would take it. 1 X. V. Herald. .'tlciiiionilCM l>c«irit>u’ I.mid*. The Senato Committee on Public Lsii-In ou Friday morning bad under consul ra tion Senator Cameron s resolution direct ing thorn to impiiro into (I*.- expediency of granting tho request of the Mennon- ites, of Russia nnd Pin siu. to purchase frotu tho government a compact body of lands sufficiently larg** )*» a fiord hnim i for them in this counliy. 'I hey number between 10,000 and 50, mom soul-, and pur pose emigrating to the United Stator, to enjoy tho civil and rehgh u* liberty which llitr recent edicts «T lh**ir nativo couutrieH contemplate depriving iltoni of within the tit xt eight years. l'lio oonmnttco dis cussed tho matter without e nuing to nny, January 21. teuton firm and ' in good demand; middlings I5je: low middlings lljc; strict good ordinary Iflje: not receipts 1.871; exports to Great Britain 4,355 ; anion 2,ouo ; st,Mjk U5,050. CuAiti.iiHTox, January 21.—Cotton quiot; middlings 15j}o; low middlings 15c; strict- good ordinary 14jJo; not recoiptn 3,147; exports lo Great Britain 8.707; to Franco 400; sales 800; stock 05,120. N»w Orleans, Jau. 21.—Cotton active; oilV*ring moderate; middlgs 10, low mid dlings 14 j, strict good ordinary 13^‘ ; not receipts 0350, gross 7535 bales ; exports to Groat Britain 4403, France 581) ; sales 8000, last evening 11,000 ; stock 278,025. Galveston, January 21.—Cotton quiet and firm ; demand fair ; good ordinary 18^e., middlings 15jj ; net receipts 3108 bales ; exports coastwiso 007 ; sales 2000; stock 109,734. Philadelphia, January 21.—Cotton steady ; middlings llijc., low middlings 15], Miriot good ordinary 15 ; not rocoipts 100, gross GOO bales. JOB PRINTING. THE SUN PRINTIIXT Gt BOOK - BINDIN(J ESTABLISHMENT, Columbusi, Georgia, ■ nm or Tits MOST (OUl'I.liM AND ICXTKN8IY1C IN Till! SOUTH. AND SKI NO SI)I' 1*1.1 BO WITH ALL NIK Modern StyleR of Machine ry and Material, To Execute with Accuracy and Dispatch EVERT DESCRIPTION OIT Book & Job Printing BOOK-BI 2ST.OX3NT C3rg BANKS. " L. 8AL18HUHY. A. 0. ULACKMAK. I’reiidiiil. rVeililrr. BHCHASTS’ 4 IMAMS' BAKTKL, Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business. DUALS IN Kxihaam*. Hold. Nllver, Ntoek*. Ac. Npeelnl intention to Uolltw- ttona, mill prompt return* tnmlo. Nut YorK Cwtlui»i*nNnii!«T• Ninth Nntionnl Hunk of Now York. SAVINCS BANK. DIO'OMTN received in *uma *(' *»fi ootif* mid upward*. MKVEN per cent, per annum In tore*! allowed, payable fat January, April. July and October, (compound ed tour time* annually.) DKI’ONITM RAID ON DLSTAND. DIKBCTOHri. W. L. RALlSlUJItY—FoniiOll) ol W*iu«xjk4L«. A. ILLQB8—Of Proor, nig.** A lv W. II. lUlOWN—Of L'olniiiliUH Irou Wi»rk« )'o 0. A. RUDD—Of V. A. Ru.ld .% Co. 0 L. MuOOOGlI—Of Jobn MoUoiitfU Ji Co. out lu Hfctl OUNIIY JORDAN, OPKIOB OF TUB tuortou, R Flournoy. Preparations are bein inauguration ball, to l»t zotis of Austin. Tho State Journal h its (.fiieo is offered for t Dumorse, Morey, and nadc f*' i THE WKATHEIi. Washington, Jan. 21. 1871.) Probabilities.—Por the Southern Slat***', southeast to southwest winds, with on tinned high temje ralme and rain. 1 ire aud Lots of Life. Bknninoton, Yt., January 20. J he knitting mill of H. F,. Bradford wan burned this afternoon, the tiro being eiuseii by tho b* iking ot a gasoline pip" The gas ignited from the boiler fire, and, exploding, demolished tin* adjoining Hew ing room. Nine women, who wore at work there, were instantly killed by the explosion or wam burned t<> death in tho file which followed, and many others were injured—Home shockingly, 'i’ho card and sorting rooms were s ived from destruction. Loss £!00,0')(i -partially in sured. The Crop* of Oaf*, Hay and Wheal. The yalional < '/'*</> UrjiorUr, of Janu ary 10, publish* h its final estimutes of hist rop of oats and liny in the States conclusion. MARINE IxTKLUliKM'K. AitMIVAI.* A N 19 l>i:i*A KTI « UN. London, Jon. 21. Ari ired u* Liverpool: Social, Savannah. Haded I rum l.ivmpoo!: bark Phomix. Nkw Y«u;k, Jan. 21.- Arrived; G.-re o, Idaho, (Jdy of Mexico, Ur/ of Antwmj. Australia, St. Lawrence. •WUsinfj Steam Power, running six of tho moat improved and best make Presses, with constant additions to j our already very largo assortment of j Lioyont Types, Rules, Borders, and 1 other mutorial, and skilled workmen ! in evory deportment, our facilities for turning out ail descriptions of work, j expeditiously and neatly, at tho Low* ! eat Cosh Prices, aro unsurpassed by any establishment in tho State. Manufacturing ('oinjiy, ColnmbiiH, (iuorffin Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO lNUUI,i\lTr. THE H.MllT uf SAVINU ON THE 1*AUT or THE OFEUA1TVEH, AN1) TO PHOVIOIS A H«fo and roliable flrrungonient for the beneficial acooc^alftticn llm earnings of nrtifisna end elassss, thi-» C’ompuny i.a* eniahtiAhed, under SPECIAL CHAltTEK FROM I HE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which the following advantages are ottered to Depositor** «»f oitlier large or small u mount a 1. PER FEU r SEUUUt 1 r. I htt asnulH of j the Company vrera on thu 1st of Jumiary, j 1873 £l.;04.4fj 13 and nruHtoadilj iiiereasiug. Th« ImiikI is !i j All **f whi 1) prqmriy is .ipm'm j ri.iuaiM) by act ot tho Gone)id Av for tho protection *i I‘epomtor*; ...; i addition, by th<* sams !, Sto* I ms of the. Company me uiado 1NM\ : ALLY KLsl'ONSlBl.!'. in piopom J their shares, for Him integrity of J Savings DiqmitiuoiiL uud its ( .•iliilcal. MARK ITS. RY T F. 1.1 .<• IC A J* £S quiet. I0x'*b*mge State qni'-.'i an*! no i*i i I 2tl.II. I'ror daion llnrlif ichnnged : bu -in*? -* hio.t Olid ligld ; ho'il i • i'i m . ixed on truck. Whisk • *.it)7e. Pork quiet ; jnb; icon firm: shonl*b»rH 7 ' clear Giles INCINNA I I. J i *15 50. Lird ipii> '/.•J for City knit I lily jobbing *b in I oil on M ark el I'l'iMH nbroilii will re. 'iv** (lie name iillcnlion nail (he |uirlie« iv*>r« prewent i« trinivui ,.g ' Mi-.* Lnstnews, uml will bu prompt. 4*' I 7 bill'll* THOMAS GILBERT. __ i ~ , SADDLES AND HARNESS. -■ li ii! Nut lie (iii|rrM)|i|!; '■’» i ---- Saddles, Harnoss, Biidlos, i ,,, Collars, Whips, Trunks, . Satchels, Wagon and Piow Bridles, Harries, Back Bancip, Traco Chains, ,, \| : 'i ■!' -i ... T niv II,,.. .. , ,1- I.Dir f l- Til K I. i« K.-I- \.i ..] ■ I - I «■ 1 iiRl'ATniNO (innfl rl,M,p anil Rtwl Will Hall, k , .1 . : N .w Work t-or,I, r 2, UIIEll.M, IX IDUEHT. l(«io nlli.v. .! Sdveu per cent, per aiiiii.m, compoiiu i. : four limes a year. 3. DEPOSITS ran bo withdrawn • f tour irif/i'Ott ii'itirr. Depositors rt-siiio • I hr ’ V cti'M'ks RULES AND REG! LA I )**fjartn.niil I'm nir.!n*.| hi • ROOKS iven \n ,t. UI’I i Y15 ti. sidfH 12,1)00 t'ules, ir spoeulatiw’i nnd expo?t U*4,'lon to arrive I - H nothing below g..**d .. Fohru »ry aud March i O.lMlO bales of Amerie . Brniidhtiilfa quiet. Livkiu’Ooi , Jimuurv . W- re. KK£NT V ; belo good r; upland*; **> <pi‘«*i •* Kbip|• I .N’ O'!' I <. MO. in the State were removed to L)uisian„. years crop ot oats an Every man ontitled to money would h-vo | G f iUinoin, Indiana, I it in his pocket, and no contrivance or | nesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tc*i legislation could force money to remain ! NVisconsin. 1 ho esiimilled total produ**- , kj i . i tion of oats in the Statos named, in 1872. the gas works ou tho promises’of II. E. j In 1,10 ‘"' l t,r ‘ ot * 11 by industry j n round numbers, 1U2,300.000 bush- expenses and keep in repair the Academy i Bradford. Ten were killed and a number j and economy tho people would entitlo 1 eln, unci tlxo «jIV from this iu 1873 lor the blind ; $13,500 to tho Deaf nnd ' wounded. j themselves to become owners of it. No J is placed at I o'- per cent. Indi Damb ; £228,000 to pay the iutoreat on —The Publishing and Printers' Associ- i section uau keep money which it owes. 1 the heaviest lo-*, being ov the bonds of the Macon & Brunswick , 1 UL ' t * u , Manchester, N. H.. and jMmutids stated time Congress co p-M. , , , . . a*!'.jptcd a ros'ilutiou favoring u law nllow- itMlroad by the State, under the set of iu) , lo Ku frc0 in the county the General Assembly Approved December where they are printed. Governor Straw shows| I pass no law which could confine money to ' a section. No pow* r can do it. Tho 3d, 18)18 ; and £33,liU)» to pay the interest Rave a public reception. Tho Society will j people have the light to put their money on the bonds of tho North Jc South Rail road Company, endorsed by the StHte. For legal services in the case of the State vs. tko Brunswick A Albany Railroad, Clifford Anderson aud Richard K. Hines, ^qa., receive each $1,500. hereafter Lo known shire Pressmen. the New Hamp- An instance of tho tyranny of men was exhibited at a woman s rights meeting in Titusville, where a gentleman entered and told ht» wife, ono of the officers of ting to come home quick, “es the Dr £ a. Fie*alien, liuparintonddnt of baby had the oolia tahe wont where they can make tho most out of it. and they will do it. Merrimtiii leplied that the country was not in n normal condition, as Edmunds principle indicated ; circumstances lmvo forced money from the South and West. The fcuuth made £»50,u0i),)SK) of cotton nud Tonnossoe tho largest gam, uearly per cent. Tho estimates of tho hay crop give an nvornge falling oflf * f tin* crop ••) 1-73, us compared with that of 1872, eqmd to •»j por cent., mul makes tho total yield last year in tho above States nearly 10,000,000 tons. Reports from correspondents <>f tho pn par named indicate an unusually favora bio condition of tho growing who-**, in most Hoetions, although in a few* localities it is foiiii-d damage will miiio l*y tin* alter uatioUH of fio*/iug mul thawing weather. eipts 1,848; gro- es. iik follows: .1 outlicrn flour dull nnd drooping BOOTS AMD SHOES. YOTJR \ rr•. ^*j.'*; , ^ ,:: ; T '■ due olT*r «<1 ) ■* !»• yrrn ■•) ROOTS A NR *4 IS 01*4. \t|* tt-Ap Ol'l w !! It 1 • 5 ; HEAD SADDLES, m, > ;• HARNESS, • »'■'" »■'< v V ‘ TRUNKS, IS At Very Rcducod Piicos ! s on rtsn om.y ; “LEVEL” ej- " * "I *IG*l 14,'** lar ; salo*i 12 47 I Boston, January 21. < steady; inubtlings 18*. n* groan 1,585; sales 250; ste Savannah, January 21 uot receipts 1.271: expor* sales 2,375: stock 115.03m R*suiry II. MIDDLEBI100K. .'Min 14 RU5 ihipmou'. • 2,320; aiock t URY ISlilKN. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Sr end Street. HJl ZjA l» i: N N « * O N VS I n( v iV/two >aj|n ; n» To All Whom it May Cor ceni, ; .Li-.nary 7.L. 1474 dvodliu 4 1 Kjtluuri* wir)whir