The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 22, 1874, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MBI N: .JANUARY >2, 1874. CRT Y AFFAIRS. The Meeting of Columbus Grange Has been changed from Friday 11 o’clock to Saturday at 10 o’clock a. m. W. G. WOOLFOLK, Master. COLUMBUS DAILY MARKET, Financial.-—Sight bills on New York % i»or cent, discount; on Boston 1 per cent.; on Sa vannah % per cent.; demand bills on Boston •l* per cent. Banks arc soiling checks cn New York at V£c. premium. Currency loans per oant.. per month. Cold and silver nomi nal. Ooito.s.—Uulet. Tho following arc the quotations: Ordlnnry 10 @11 Good Ordinary IS @13^ Low Middlings 14 @— Middlings 14V£@— Strict Middlings — @— Rales 01 bales. Receipt* 674 bales—207 by M. At O. R. R.; 260 by wagons; 4 by N. fit S. R. R. ; 20 by W. R. R. ; 000 by river; 03 by S. W. R. R. Shipments 133 bales—87 by S. W. R. R.; 40 for homo consumption. DAILY BTATKMli.NT. Htook on hand August 31st, 1873 1,177 Reoolvod to-day 674 “ previously 47,336—47,000 Shipped to-day '* provlously. rovlously. Stook on hand 17,240 Samk Day L*vr Ykau.—August 31st, 1872, 168; rocelved same day 202; total receipts 46,286; shipped SHtno day 107 ; total shipments 33,072 ; stock 10,926 ; sales 235. Middlings 18%o. U. S Forth.—Receipts for 6 days 105,426; ox- ports to Ureal Britain 60,437; to Continent 10,253 ; stock 782,300. New Adeertisements. Feo ftdvortiHcnuent of J. W. Patrick, who now runs market stalla No. 2 and 18. WilHon Williams Lodgo, of Girard, meets every Thursday evening. C. J. Frederick A llro. will take con tracts for gardouing. Warehouse receipt lost' see notice of S. B. Alien. l>r. Stauford lmn a notice to Ihoso iu debted Roatrito A (Jlnpp continue to sell at panic prices. Read their advcrlisouient Mr. Rooney oflfern a plantation for rent. Gray «V Co. want hides, boeswax, Ac. Mayor's Court• W. It. Blakely, charged with keeping a disorderly house on Sunday, was dis missed, the evidence not. being Kufliciont to convict. .1 Card. Finding it impossible to give my per sonal attention to the tiimuoial depart ment of my business, I would ronpect- fully ask of my friends their kind atten tion to my collectors. ja22 iw F. A. Stanford, M. It. Justice's Court. Dr. Skinner was carried before Justice Shivers yesterday, at tho instance of B. Sait well, charged with larceny after trust. Tho Justice reserved hiu decision until yesterday morning, when ho placed Dr. 8. under a $1100 bond, to anawor to the charge beforo the next term of Muscogee ►Superior Court. Gray A Co. An will be seen from an advertisement, elsewhere, tho ubovo gentlemen, who liavo opened a store on Crawford street, under tho ltunkin House, wish to purchase green and dry hides, furs, beeswax, Are., for which they promise to pay the market prices. Those having any of those atti des will consult their interest by giving them a call at the above named stand. The Wharf O. Ji. Tho Wharf Committee have heeded our suggestion and put tho wharf in excellent condition. The work, wo holiovo, was done on Saturday mid Monday, under the superintendence and direction of Aid. Chalmers, who is always ready and willing to perform promptly his otlloiul duty. Freight cau now bo delivered ami receiv ed iu good condition, much to tho gratill- oation of shippers and river men. A Riy Hoy Kit tiny. In u car load of 120 hogs, consigned to Wm. 1\ O'Brien, which arrivod yesterday morning per Wostorn Road, thoro wore found about forty dead ones. It is charg ed that tho car which brought them was too much crowded nml not sufticiently ventilated. Tho dead swino were taken to the car bridge and decently interred in the Ch.ittahooohee. They are said to have boon unusually tine. Wo presume tho fault rests with the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and it is very likely that a law suit will ensue. Ranh in House Row. This Row is beginning to put on aiis. It is to liavo a new plunk pavement all the way from Broad street to Mundy’s stable. In tho way of business it boasts of barber and beef shops, drug store, steamboat agency, and one or two grocery houses. A rag emporium is soon to l»o opened. The various business interests of the Row are prospering, and tho occupants thereof expect to flourish equal to those of Broad street in a year or two more. Hamilton Items. On Monday last Mr. John Seats was ar rested at the instance of Mr.Jvimbrell, charged with boing accessory to liiu broth - or's escape from Hamilton jail a short time ago. After an investigation before a Justice’s Court Seats was discharged, tho evidence being iusufllcieut to estab lish the charge. Lent’s circus, recently reorganized in Atlauta,exhibited in Hamilton ou Tuesday last, and we understand drew well. This is tiie second circus which has visited the plaoc since the war. The same circus, we learn, performed at Sand Town, Meriwether couuty, ouo day last week, and took in about $000. Loral ,Spi Inters. Weather warm and atmosphere damp. Broad Htreot presented a fine busi ness appearance yesterday. Randolph street is in better condition than for many years. —Colonel It. L. Mott left for Washing ton on Tuesday. —Tho San Francisco Minstrels will per form in Columbus on Saturday, Jan. 31. Mrs. Sykes’ residence has been re- shingled. Ellis A Harrison sold much goods at auction yesterday. , —Columbus is not so bad oft’ financially ! as some of her siHter cities. The “Amateurs” have a meeting for ; rehearsal to-morrow night. —Railroaders are not satisfied with their business prospects. Judge J. J. MsKendreo was in town yesterday. There is an improvement in the tax collecting business. The city Assessors have commenced their annua! perumbulutious. —Nothing doing in tho courts yester day, unless iu Hymen’s dominions. —Tho young men’s party comes off at tho Perry House to-night. —There is some activity observable in tho garden seed business. Accidentally Shot. Wo regret to hear that a little son of Joseph F. Pou, Esq., five or six years of ago, was accidentally shot while out hunt ing with an older brother yesterday. He was walking behind his brother, whon, owing to some cause wo did not bonr ex plained, tho gun was discharged, a por tion of tho load taking effect iu the boy’s leg. The wound is not supposed to be dangerous. Romovul. J. W. Patrick has romoved to Stalls No. 2 and 18, where lie will bo pleased to soo his friends and customers, and servo them with tho host meats tho market affords. ja22 fit Parties desiring their Gardens Plowed nt reasonable rates, can have them promptly attended to by leaving their or ders with C. J. Frederick A Buo., ja22 2t] or W. E. Sandefohd. Chattahoochee National Rani;. The Stockholders on yesterday ro- oleetod tho following Directors: II. H. Epping, It. L. Mott, Goo. P. Swift, Jo- soph Kyle, S. II. Hill, S. G. Murphy, G. C. McGelieo. At a Directors’ meeting, H. II. Epping was re-elected President, who re-appoint ed U. W. Edwards Cashior, and It. M. Mnlford assistant cashier. Deaths in Stewart County. Mr. J. G. Singer, Sr., diod at his resi deuce iu Lumpkin, on Saturday last, of heart disonse, in his (53d year. Mr. Sin ger was an old and iuilnontinl citizen of Stewart. Mrs. Parmelia Martin, an estimable lady, died at her residence, six miles south of Lumpkin, on the morning of tho 14 th iust., after a painful attack of erysip elas of throat and face. Marshall Items. Jim Tom Holland has returned from a circuit around the Union, and appeared ou Broadway, in Marshall, last Monday, in n now suit of clothes and three-story hat, which greatly astonished tho unsophisti cated nntivos. Some of tho boys say the hat. is throe feet high, and makes a good relloctor at a distance of fifty yards, though this assertion is probably hyper bolical. It is a good thing we didn’t see the gontlouniu in this plight, or wo should have gone for him sure. The “Hornet’s Nest” has closed for want of patronage. It will bo reopened as a wholesale grocery house, Mr. Holland hoving a large stock en route for that purpose. Thoro aro now two schools in success ful operation in the village—ono taught by Mrs. Ilnrlnnd, at the Methodist church; the other by Miss Mary Slockwoll, on tho hill beyond the bridge. Justice Smith yesterday arrested and “jugged "a negro boy for stealing two links of sausage from Old Harry, a crip pled darkey, who has a stand in the main thoroughfare. Wo did not hear what be came of tho juveuile thief. Although business lins boon vory dull for a mouth or two past, improvements are quite numerous on tho plaiu uud hill sides beyond Marshall. To Close Out for Sjtriny Trade ! I am Htill selling my largo stock of Dry Goods at cost, aud in many cases at half price. Have recently added to it many now goods bought nt panic prices, which aro also selling at cost. Embrace an early opportunity to secure this advan tage. Twenty pieces choico Black Alpu cas, cheaper than ever. Terms cash only. H. T. Chioler, at old stand of Virginia Store. Haryain Counter at II. T. Criyler's.' Largo lines of assorted goods selling nt half price, to close out. Unprecedented bargains offered. jalfi deodtf Fine Cloths, Gassimcivs at d Furnish ing Goods at cost, at 11. T. Criulek's. excellent Shoos, still Criulek’s To tho Tnblic. Messrs. Editors:—A notice having ap peared in The Sun and Enquirer of yes More of thoso selling at cost, nt The Virginia store, Peyton, Gordon A Co., from this day will soli only for cosh, and hope their friends will not ask to have auy goods charged, as they will be forced to decline doing so. Tho Virginia store, Peyton, Gordon A Co., have on their “bargain counter’' a largo lot of Dress Goods, which they oiler at one-half tho N. Y. cost. A large lot of Prints and Bleached Goods just received at the Virginia Store Peyton, Gordon A Co. The Virginia Store, Peytou, Gordon A . Co., have their Shoes nud Boots made to t«rd.y, HUting that John M. Quin was . order, and ar6 offoriag tUem at f.otory finsd fiva dollars for disorderly conduct I prices, on th# 16th; and for same cause was * brought up on tho 1 teth, snd dismissed, The Virginia Store, l'oyton, Gordon A I hereby notify the publto thst the ( ’ 0 -. have been appointed sole agents for young uisu above named is John M E- lhitteriek A Co. s Taper l’attorns, aud Clancey, not John Quin : have just received a large lot, which will John Qcin, j be sold at New York prioes HOTEL Alt HIT A 1.8, Rankin House, January 31. C. C. Briggs, Union Springs, Ala. S. Wilkerson, Russell county, Ala. C. R. Crozior, Portsmouth, Va. R. H. Richards, Atlanta. John Sheardon, Macon. J. G. Thornton, “ Louis Potsdamer, Philadelphia. A. D. Tapucott, New York. J. M. Lamb, Russell county. McP. Hardee, Savannah. G. M. Attaway, Montgomery. D. W. Buck, Opelika. Eppos Tucker, Opelika. W. W. Richards, Macon. Central Hotel, Jan. 31, IH74. William Milos, Illinois. C. C. Chambliss, Stewart county, Ga. T. Rerry, Atlanta. A. E. Patterson. Alabama. W. D. Ingram, Villulo, Ala. John M. MoCutchen, Groeuville, Miss. D. J. Shipp, Green Hill, Ga. G. W. Aubrey, Biltimoro. Win. Smith, Box Springs. Ga. To Cook Poultry.—All kinds of poul try and meat can be cooked quicker by adding to tho water iu which they are boilod a little vinegar or a pieco of lemon. By tho use of an acid there will bo a con siderable saving of fuel, as well Hsmbort- oning of time. Its action is beneficial on old, tough meats, rendering them tender and easy of digestion. Tainted meats and fowls will lose their bad taste nnd odor if cioked in this way, and if not used too freely no taste of it will be ac quired. Men's Furnishing GoodH, Fine Cloths and Cassimercs are selling at a sacrifice at Ciiiolkk’s. , Attention! As my Address on olomentftry Agri cultural Chemistry, teaching tho cheap est and shortest means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received nnd heartily euLorsod by almost every intelligent planter iu this section, and that I may bo compensated in a meas ure somewhat comuiensuralo with the acknowledged morits of tlio production and value of the information conveyed, 1 do from this dato establish tho prico at 50 cents per copy. In consideration of this change, I do hereby agroo to re fund the money to any farmer who, after loading tho production, will certify to me ho is not fully satisfied with the invest ment. Thoro is no slavery so hopeless as that which compels u man to support a family by the cultivation of poor land. The problem to bo solved by tho South beforo wo can hope for agricultural recu peration and prosperity, is cheap aud re liable manures. The Address solves that problem. I defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove ouo fact or posi tion taken iu tho Address. J. Monroe Lenkard, Columbus, Ga. Tho above work is for sale at tho En quirer Ofilce, whore copios can bo order ed by mail, with stamp onclosod for ro- turn postage. A liberal discount rnudo to Grangers or fnrmors ordering a largo number. This pamphlet should bo in the hands of every planter at this tiuio, jalfi dAwtf ** Truth is Mighty.” Whon in the early fall Joseph A Bro. annouucod their purpose to withdraw from the dry goods business, and their resolve to sell all the goods on hand at cost for cash, they did not menu to get rid of their stock ou hand with the viow of renewing, but mount every word con voyed in their invitation to the public. They have sold a largo quantity of goods, but it is smull compared with tho magnill- cout Mock they have on hand. Being still determined to quit the dry goods business, tho firm will continue to sell their unrivaled stock of dry goods of every description, till the supply on hand is exhaustod. So lar every person 1ms left tho store of Joseph A. Brother satis fied that the promises made were realized. Country merchants, mechanics, farmers, and citizens of every ela^s, will never again hnvo such an opportunity to buy suporior goods cheap. Tho attention atul patronage of Granges is particularly in vited. jal8 tf Money. Money is scarce, yet it caunot be de nied thoro is still a great deal of hard cash hid away in tho hotises of mechanics aud farmers. Tho fact became evident iu our city when, sotno time ago, Captain T. E. Blauchard announced to the people that he had determined to sell his unri valed stock of dry goods at cost for cash. At onco his store became crowded by thoso desiring to take advantage of his offer, all of whom became convinced of tho truth of his public statement. Cap tain Blanchard has wisely determined to coutinue tho sale of his goods, bolieving it will bo to tho advantage of himself aud customers to coutinuo soiling nt his for mer low rates. Wo cau coiumeml this sterling establishment and its energetic head aud courteous attendants to all who desire dry goods of every price, style aud variety. jail tf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped llunds aud smooths and softens the Skin. For sale at Moffett’s Drug Store. dec21 If Hood Things. Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, nnd all things good to eat. octlo tf Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J. Moffett, 74 Broad St. dec21 tf For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec2ltf ATTEN TION! New Clocks, Watches Diamonds, Rings aud Chains. All my friends aud patrous are invited to call and see now goods. 1 will sell Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, at as reasonable prices as can bo purchased anywhere in this city or any other. Thankful for past patronvgo, I ask for a continuance, nt fi‘d Broad street,opposite , Beach’s, Edmunds’ and Kyle’s, next door to Ennis. T. S. SPEAR, febl'J tf Agent. Chaffed Hands, face, rough skiu, pirn pies, ringworm, salt-rheum and other cut aneous affections cured, aud the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juni- fer Tar Soap, made by Cassv hl , Ha/, ard A Co., New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many imitations made with common tar which are worthless Lawyers. Ja20 SAMUEL IS. HATCHER, Attorney at Law. Office over Wittich A Kin**)’*. J. M. McNKILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. 'radices iu court* of Georgia aud Alabama. Office 139 Broad bt., (over Holstaad k Co.'* Special attention given to collection*. Jail INGRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in tbo State aud Federal Court* of Georgia. Office over Freer, Illge* A Co.’* etore, northwest urner Broad and bt. Clair 8t*. Ja8 A. A. DOZIER, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law, ’ractico* in State and Foderal Court* in Georgia and Alabama. Oftico 128 Broad tt., Columbus, Ga. JaG Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale and ExrliHitge Stables, ColltuoRI’e. North of Randolph Sts., <*■ t3*» Columbus, Ga. A. GAMMEL, Livery ami Sale Stables, OaUYJiORRK Ft . Columuc*, Ga. Particular attention given to Feeding aud Sale of Stock. Horne, and Mule* boarded in stables by the month or day. «>ct29 Hotels. Mark II. Blandford. Louis F. Garrard. ■ILANDLORD A GARRARD, Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law. Office No. 87 Broad atreet, over Wittich k Klu- surs Jowelry Store. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts, sepl J as. M. Klssrll. ('has. J. Swift. RUSSELL A SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law. Will practice in the Court* of Georgia (Chattahoochee Cireuit) Uud Alabama. Office overO. A. Redd k Co.’s atore, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. S. Com’r and Register in Bankruptcy. Office novJOj over Brooks' Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. PEABODY A BRANNON, Attorneys at Law. Office over J. Knnis k Co.’s Store, Broad St., iiov18] West Side. R. J. MOSES, Attorney and Counsellor at Lavr, itorgiu llume Insurance Company building, sec oct7 lyj ond story. CHAN. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Columbus, Ga. Will practice iu auy Court. Office over Acoo k Murdoch’s store. [novlG Doctors. DR. COLZEY. Residence and Office corner of St. Clair and Ogle- DR. S. B. LAW. Office corner Broud and Randolph streets, Burma’ building. Resilience on Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair. •JaG DR. J. A. URQUIf ART, Office at C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. Residence on St. Clair, between Rroad and sopf> Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. DR. J. C. COOK, Sis A Harrison’s Commission Ho first door to left. Jal 8 Druggists. J. L GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs, Arc. criptiuns carefully prepared. No 106 Broad street. DR. J. L. CHENEY dr SON, Drugiiists and Prcscriptionists. A large assortment of liuist's Garden Socdi. Cheney's Cough Strip. d Mroet, under Rankin House. ilo cl 8 C. II. PALMER, Licensed Apothecary One door above Virginia Grocery. 9ir Physicians* Prescriptions made a spociulty. dec 17j Night boll to left of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Drugglit, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown’s, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Night Bell light of south door. sep6 FOSTER H. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, east of Broad Street, Columbus, Ga A. M. BRANNON, West Side, Broad Strbet, Columuus, Ga., Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Drugs and Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. Cotton Factories. COLUMUUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturer* of Shootings, Shirting*, and Sewing and Knitting Thread. Cards Wool aud Griud* Wheat aud Corn- Office over Wittich k KinsoPs, Randolph street. Jal8 r. H. CHILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer* of S1IKKTINQR, SHIRTINGS, YARN, KOPK, Jkc. COLUMBUS, GA. (R P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SV\ 1FT, Secretary & Treasurer. oct'Jt ly. Builders and Architects. J. G. CHALMERS, House Carpenter nnd Builder. Jobbing dono nt short notice, and speciflcntion* furnished for all atylei of buildings Broad Street, uc JnO jail Watchmakers. C. SCUOMUURG, rt leal Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to L. Gutowsky, 106 llrond street, Columbus, Ga. C. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Urond street, Columbus, On. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best msn icr aud warranted. jail J. 11. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker aud Jeweller, Cody’s building, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. All kind* Sewing Machiues repaired. Needles, Oils and Attachments for nil machiues. [dec28 Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. C. LOPEZ, Dealer in and Manufacturer of Fine Cigars, jaU Near Broad Street Depot. MAI EH DORN, Dealer In Fine Cigars, Pipes aud Chewing Tobacco. * Between Georgia llomcand Muscogee Home. Ja8 Grocers. DAN*L R. DIZE, lealer in Family Groceries, on Brynn street, bo- tweou Ogiethorpa k Jackson street*. AP No charge for dreyago.dec7 J. 11. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, net ion of Frauklin, Warren k Oglethorpe St*. »'u charge for dvayage. sopl4 INHAM COOPER, mily Grocer nud Dealer in Country Produce, ep.‘» next to “Enquirer” Office. Rae;s, Hides, etc. M. M. 1IIRSCH, Hide* snd Fur* a Specialty. Will pay tho highest market price for Hide* Fur*, Beeswax aud Rag*. All kind* Wrapping Paper and Paper Bag* ot hand. _ Jail JOHN MEHAFFEY, Dealer In Kagi, Hides, Beeawax, etc. and all kinds Of Junk. Coatvx* Bkjdui axd Oaiavauari St*.. *ep6 •oiurnbu*. da. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to ColumbuH Bank Building. Portent ut all the trains jal3 MU i. W. F. SNIDKR, Propr’ss. Boarding Houses. THE HOME HOUSE, No. 153 Broad street, Columbus. Gif., by ja!3 MRS. NEWMAN. MRS. PERSONS, Board and Room* to Rent, southeast corner Ilruud Ja9 and Crawford streets. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, So. 82 Broad Street. Tho best «.f Foreign nnd Domestic Liquors nnd Cigars. MouU at all hours. doclD J. J. BLAKELY, Prop’r. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker In Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. J*7 171. Broad Str Boot and Shoemakers. WM. MEYER, Boot and .Shoemaker. •oiler in Leather nud Finding*. Next to C. A. Id A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention jrivoii >rdnr«.Jail RAILROADS. Central Railroad. Fresh HVieats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. 2 and 18, Markot House. Fresh Min.ts of every kind aud best quality Jail ahv ijs on hand. W. (’. TOLBERT, Fresh "deals of all kimta. Fresh Bau-ago Meat otory day. Jafl Stalls No. ll nud 13. J. T. COOK, Frenh Meats of All UindN v sepG Stalls Nos. 16 and 17. Mattress-ftlaking, &c. J. D. MeJ UN KIN, General Upludstoior and Mattroas-Makor. 'hop west side Warren, near intersection of Ogle- sepl thorpeaiul Bridge fcts. Dentists. T. W. HENTZ, Dentist, r Joseph A Brothor's store. W. T. POOL, Dcntlnt, >v23J H»l Broad St., Columbus, Ga W. J. FOGLE, Deutiat, •op’*) Georgia (Ionic Building, Columbus, Ga. Piano Tuning, 6tc. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner uf Fiancee, Melode. Aecoideons. Sign Painting also don Order* may be be lef* at J. W. Pease A N« Book Store. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP El B EER, Mini Loekswitb. Crawford street, next t« Johnson’* coiner, Columbus. Uu. jal* WILLIAM SG’HOBER, nud Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Mu terial*. Opposite Enquirer Ottilia. Press-Making* MINN M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dress-Making. Cutting and Kitting. Terms cheap. Residence and shop in Browuuville. GEN’L SUPT’S OFFICE «. K. R. ) Savannah, IN’in ember 1, 1873. $ O N AND AFTEli SUNDAY,2d Instant, Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, Its branches aud connections, will run as follows: TRAIN No. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Lcavo Savannah 8:46 a m Leave Augusta » : o6 a m Arrive ut Augusta 4:uo r m Arrive tit Milludgevllle iu:ub p >t Arrive at Eatonton H:66 i* m Arrive at Macon tJ;45 v m Leave Macon l'ur Columbus 7:i& v m Lcavo Macou lor Eutaulu y : io r m Leave Macon for Atlanta 7:30 i* m J Arrive at Columbus 3:57 a m Arrive at Eufuula lu:20 a m Arrive Atlanta 1:40 a m j COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta 1:00 am Leave Columbus 7:40 p m Lcavo Eutaulu 7:26 1’ m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 8:60 a m Arrive at Macon from Columbus 6.00 a m Arrive at Macon from Eutaulu 6:46 a m Leave Macon 7:15 a m Leave Augusta 0:05 a .m Arrive at Augusta 4:00 v m Arrive at Savannah 6:25 1* m TRAIN No.2, GOING NORTH AND WEST Leave Savannah 7 30 v m Leave Augusta 8:05 p m Arrive at Augusta 6:66 a m Arrive at Macon 8:20 a m Leave Macon lor Columbus 8:46 a m Leave Mncon for Eulitul 9:06 a m Leave Macon for Atlaut 9:10 a m Arrive at Columbus 1:50 r m Arrive at Eutaulu 6:40 p m Arrive at Atlanta 6:48 p m COMING SOU H AND EAST. Lcavo Atlanta 7:00 a m Leave Columbus 2:30 p m Leave Eu fan la 7:20 a m Arrive tit Macon Iron- Atlanta 3:40 p m Arrive at Macon Irotu Columbus 7:30 p m Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:10 r m Lea vo Maeon 7:35 p m Arrive at Milledgevillc 10:09 p m Arrive at Eatonton 11:66 p m Leave Augusta 8:05 p m arrive nt Augu.>ta 6:53 a m Arrive at Savannah 7:15 a m Train No. 2 1 elng a tlnougli train on the Central Railroad, stopping only at whole sta tions, pas-engors for half stations cannot ho taken on or put off. Passongors for Milledgo- villo and Eatonton will take Train No. 1 from Savannah and Augusta, and Train No. 2 from points on tho S. W. R.R., Atlanta nnd Maeon. The Millodgevillo and Eatonton train runs daily, ‘’Sundays excepted.” WM. ROGERS, no5 General Sup't Western Railroad of Alabama. 53j HOURS TO NEW YORK New York and New Orleans Mail Line. Palace Sioepinj Oars Run Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WESTERN RAILROAD OE ALABAMA, Columuus, Oa„ November 10th, 1873. TRAINS LKAYK COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - • 10:40 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta, • • 6:40 p. m. For Montgomery, -• • 6:00 1*. m. For Selma, - - - 9:30 p. m. Arrive at Moutg’y, 10:40 P. m., 6:20 a m FOR NSW YORK, DAILY, (Time 63 hour* and 45 minute*.) LKAYK COLUMBUS 2:40 a. 111. ARRIVE at Opelika 12:27 p. m., at Atlanta 5:40 p. m., at WnHt'ington 7.20 a. m.. New York 4:25 p. in., via l’liiladclphia nnd Baltimore. Mopping: Cars Run lhrough from Opclilui to I.ym hhiirg. TRAINS AllRIVK AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - - - 9:10 p. m. From Montgomery at 3:50 a. m , 2:30 p. m. The 5:i 0 p. m. Western Mai! train rim* daily, counenting with tmin4 fur New Orlenn*, Mubil<> Lutiisville, liy., and St. Loni*, at Montgomery, nnd for Vicksburg nt Selma. On this tram sleeping ear* are run through Gun uptdiku to New Or- leans. The 10:40 u. in. New York Kxpross train runs daily,conneeting nt Atlanta will. W. A A. H.K. and Georgia U. U. The 9.30 P. m. doc* not run Sunday. No delay nt Opelika by any train. Tickets for mile nt Union Passenger Deput. ('HAS. P. BALL, General Sup’t R. A. BAOON, Agent. fnov2l ti Change of Schedule. A ^ Il l’ll Grand Gift Concert EOB THE BENEm OF THE Public Library of Kentucky, Over a Milljon in Bank! Success Assured! a mTTwTxa ceu, m . On Tueeday, 31stMarch Next! In order lo meet tlio goncral wl.hnn.i. tnilon III the imblio nnd Uu k ot - tir.lde™ CI t* lull pnymentof iho mnKnlfleent irirn^t 1U Pood Store. juux iiT/.<aniio.\N, Whuleiuh) nnd KeUtl I'rulnr In liny, OnU, Cu lluoil, Ac., Oglethorpe St , opposilo Jal Temperance Hall. Barber Shops. KD. TEIIUY. Barber, Crawford St., under lUtikin House, Columbus, Ot Dental Notice. D U. PUKLPS 1ms remc idenco ou St. Ciuir Presbyterian Church. LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, Attoraioy-at ■ Xj aw OUSSETA, Chattahoochee Co., GaJ 4Gi*Spocial attention given to collections. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, 11 AMI K.TOX, OA., In tho ChntUho DOCTORS. Dr. John H. Carriger, Crane s gi dale’s, twi orit ly Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O FFERS hi* Professional t’erviros to thecitiemB of Coiumhu* nnd vicinity, lie is a graduate ot the reformed school of mediciuc, aud 1ms iiei u practisin'.: his profession for twenty-six years, and has been very sucms.-inl in treating chronic dis- W K have on hand, purchased at the lowest whole sale cash prices, a large nud well nssorted stock of MILLINERY, beside* GI.OVK8, CORSETS, and everything usually kept in a tirst lass Millinery MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! Establish it pleased with out examine. We n Respectfully oetTS ly Hutifftrd you will be iou if you will but call and t » the New York 8tore. MRS. COLVIN and MISS DONNKTA.T. RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ! f |'lIE undrrs'gned will open e.taldislimcut, and l*e prepared t*» piy hi* friend* with every luxury. octlA dtitn A. J. ROLAND. Wanted. U 'K men ,nd wnm.n HL’SIN'K*. Til U WII.L. PAY tr„m $4 to fs (fdr->ss J. LATHAM A Co., augftti u '*92 lY**bmgtou *t., Doetoa, Mas*. lull pnymentof iho innKnlticent Kilts ann ed lor tho Fourth Orand Ulii tlonowtV” I ubllo Library of Kentucky, the inuuuL have dotorutined to postpone tiio iv.nn^® 1111 Drawlnis until 1 U u ‘h. Concert, M Tuesday, the 31st of Maroh, 874' They have already reallied Over a Million Dollars And hitven groat tunny Agent, yet to ^ NO DOIIIIT IS ENTKUTAl.NKD OF THK R*,o BVKHV TICKET 1IKFOHE THE DBAW.v,, WHLTUEKAI.L ABB BOLD on HOT TH K co»d l ' ! AND DRAWINO WILL POSIT1N.LY AKD 0*2? VOCALLY TAKE PLACE ON THE HAY NOW S’ AN1> IF ANY ItEMAIN UNSOLD THEY WM,* 1 ' CANCELLED AVD THE PRIZES WILL HE ItKIHVu IN 1-ROPORTION TO THE UNBOLD TICKET. Ul# Only 00,000 tickets have been Issued u.d 12,000 CrtBili Oif tl ijjiljCiOOjOOO, ' "I. 1 . 1 , beaiotrihuled among the tlckot-holotj 1 he tickets uro iirintcd In coupon., of t™,;, and all fractional part, will be roiircsenS : the druwlng just as wholo tlckots ire List of Gifts. ONE OKANl) DASH GIFT ONE OllANU GASH GIFT... ONE GRAND OASH GIFT.. ‘R ONE GRAND gash G1TT S?' 1 "-’ ONE GRAND OASH GIFT PS? is »ch...v.: iiiS |j ■' C •jjnixwlkTiAi* i Opitce Mouilk A Uihahd R.ulroau, \ Columbus, Uh., Dec. 2,1873. j O N AN!) AFTER DEC. 3D, WEDNESDAY Fnssuuger Train will run as follows : Lkavi: Columuus daily, Sun Jay* exempted, 3:C0 v. a Arrive at Troy, “ “ *• 8:52 p. s Li:av* Troy, 4:5o a. .v Arrive at Columuus, Ticket Office ut Broad * at 2:30 r. M. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Columbus Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at ... . 5:30 a. j Arrive at Troy, - ... 4 : o5 r. 1 Leave Trr.y on Tue-days, Thursilavs and Saturdays at 4:00 a. i Arrive at Columbus, • - . 2:25 p. i deed cod3t W. L. CLARK, Sup’t. 10:33 A. t Sited will lie open HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, Cs-a. J. W. 11YAN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. lluhy Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under tiie Rankin’ House. mylll li.wtr j. XV. KX*AN, Prop’r. hU GASH GIFTS 00 GASH GIFTS 40 GASH GIFTS 100 GASH GIFTS 150 GASH GIFTS 260 GASH GIFTS 025 GASH GIFTS 11,000 GASH GIFTS M00 each : iS l,uoo oaeh •JU 011c i‘ 40,*! each 4u,oeu 300 each 46 0m 200 each 60,Wj 100 each 32joj 00 each l>60,oo.j TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH amounting to *1,600,604 The chances (up a gift aro as ono to tlv. Price of Tickets. Wholo tickets $50.00; Halves $25.00; Tent 1 * or each coupon $5.00; Eleven Wholo Tickets : : *500.00; 22b* Tickets for $1,000.00; 113 Wh ’ Tickets for $5,000.00; 227 Wholo Tickets for 41, 000.00. No discount on loss than *500.00 vh ot Tickets. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted In nil respects like the threo which have b.‘cu given, and full particulars rany be learned Irom circulars which will lie sent Iroe from this office to all who apply for thorn. Ordo s for tickets and applications fo> agon, cles will lie attended to In tiie order they art received, and it Is hoped they wlil be sent In promptly that theru may bo nodlfluunolntiuetii or delay in Idling ull. Liberal tortus given u thoso who buy to sell again. All „aents nr< peremptorily requirod to settle hh tlielr ac counts and return till unsold ticketsV, 'heMU day of Mat ch. THO. I). IIKAillLMTI'E, Agent Publlo Library Kentucky, and Mu el Gift Goneert, Public Library Bui Louisville, Kv. [dels il2Iat., Tickets lor sale and’prizes collected lr! charge, by Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Prize Tickets sold by mo cashed without dis count. John D. Blackmar. Agent by appointment of Gov. Brain let te, 82 Broad St.eet, Columbus, Ua. •Iecl4 td DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS RASHER, BLINDS, STATU KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed lu any i',ua inlt retted in building, u te.vipt or stamp. KEOGH & THORNE, 251 i 250 CANAL STREET, Jill dittly NEW YORK CITV. EPPIMG’S BUCHI Notica to all Purchasers of this Eseellss: Cosipou&d Extract of Eucliu. S END YOUR ORDERS TO I,. PIKUCK i. CO., ('oluiubuN, Ga., and you will gut the Qonuliir, Original Kxtract. Thera is NO OUTPIDK AGENCIIiS—KM’IlER SPECIAL OR UUNKHAL. I urn individually .Sole Proprietor. L. TIERCE. March ,',tb. 187H. tf Sheriff’s Sale. Y virtue of nn (*rder from liis Honor. William F. Williams, Judge of tho County Court f<>’ scogoe county; 1 will sell on Wednesday, tl. t in.xtant, nt tho auction house of Ellis £ lh» ! »n, in the city of Columbus, between tie* uiuh! irs of sule, tiie following persouul property, toilet 1 box lamp books. 11 corsets, 12 di-zeu oiip, 15 boxes soup, 25 jugs, 41 lanterns. 26 sins, 2 lioits pant goods, It gl jars, '■ l)IA.HO\D NPIXTACLllS ! packages lamp shades, 7 packages shade rugb- lump reflectors, 13 boxes lend pencils, 11 tin si'd* toons, 5 boilers, 20 dozen ladies’ nud nilsso*’ hoe 1 . 10 towels, 1 lot calico, 51 boxes paper collars, 1 soap, 1 box glass ware, 7 barrels glass ware, ! «• on razor straps, 8J,£ packug s lamp brackets, 1 1 ■' calico, 12 boxes lump burner*, 5 package* screw eyes, 1 dozen mustard and rot dishes, 1 box lam|' hooks, 1 box elastic, 8 razor straps. 7 broonw. 1 package pad locks, 0 boxes shawl pins, 1 lot flax thread, 1 album, 1 lot tlsii hooks, ]/ 2 ream " ritmg paper, 3 boxes hone sett, 1 box spoons, 2 boxc shawl pins, 2 broken boxes toilet soap, 3 brac<» and I uug* r, 1 puck*-go dour hitches, 1 saw sett' :■ 13 store sitters, 1 lot beads, 2 braces. 3 d. zeu *ukhi difli-s. 7 broken barrels glass ware, 169 tumbler-. I dozi n p ates, 101 goblets, 35 pickle dislus, 3 ‘l •' small disiicH, dozen cups, 2 dozen guhieis, daz n glasses, l dozen saucers, 9 dozen |*re*H'; dishes, V4 dozen large glass pitchers, •> d0 ' mugs, 1 dozen suit n llers, 10 butter dishes, m spoon bowls, 2 doz :n soap dishes, l d"7. !U creani pitchers. , The abovo dcsciibed property h ' 1 isfy two mortgage ti fas- u ’ " Brother These Spectacles uto Crystal Pebblci called Diamond «>n accobnt of th brilliuucy. Having been tested with tiie polariscope. tho diamoud lciihcs lmve been found to admit lirtetn per cent, less hentoilrHystlmnnnvotherpid.bin They are ground with prrnt hri.-ntilic nccuracv, are free trout rhnmiatic uberrati >. hii.1 prad-.i.*" u brightness and distinetn«M of vi-ion not !«•'• r • attained iu hpectaeles. Manulucturcd by Hi - Spencer Mnnufacturiur New 'York. For sale by responsildo agent. i:i exeiy city in the Union. WlTriCH k KIN.-F.L. Jewclors and Opticians. ar» solo agents fjrColi, u t , jruiu whom they can only he attained. N • ped.l . mpIoMd Do not buy a pair units* vuu see the trade mark .»ct8demhwly N. .J. BUSSEY, AGENT FOR American Cotton Tie Co. A ll APintovKD patikhns* of improved COTTON TIPS, furnished iu auy «[tiRUtily, at lowest mat hot rat-**. Adply ‘ Dissolution Notice. a xHK FIRM OF THOMAS GILBERT A . C’O. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be settled up by THOMAS GILBKHT, to whom those having claims ngalnst the lirtu will present them f *r payment. Those Indebted to the firm for sub scription, advertising, job work or book-bind- lug are requested to ghe early attention to the settlement of their arrearages. THOS. DkWOLF, • THOS. GILBERT Golumsai. Ga., l>e* U 1878. idwtll of iiawes, Hyatt A Co., against J. II. llumscy A Co. , .«■ jait t.i ii. o. ivk^, EMERSON’S Singing School. Price 75c. or $7.50 per doz. Is a Oomplote, Cheap, and Useful Book for Singing Schools. Now is lie time to use it, as it bftS all t,,l ‘ U) '* IoiIhI to make the Winter hinging School atP*' ( ivu an l useful in th- Uisliest degree. By L. O. EMERSON. System for Beginners on Tin: P5ANOFORTE. Ily MASON & HOADLKY. Oil" .-llliuut ll"l]l liking lhi» lllOTHH* 11 '*. utic inothuil. tlio work o. men omineui iu - ■ |iroloe.ion, uti l who lmve thu lin|iorliuit ‘I 11 lion of being experienced teacher*. r> u ,„ Remember that th*» ffist months o ui*» ' ( , If there I, Uu.., iho I® I one*. That is tiie time to lay a good . “A work well begun is already halt done I * 100 ’ il | All books sent, post-paid, on receipt of i* ‘ I price. J Oliver Ditson «5; Co., Chas. H. Pitscn & Boston. *ll Broadway, N I «*pU 4ft«w*w _ ! T. S. SPEAR, AGENT for Noii-Eloctio Plating. fltl K h««t •rll.To over Intrudur-.* l">'“* " I , iwr hull In, lur tluiiuiiig s,1 ' L 'r “ (Cm , Try it Fur aaW »t »* 1D^ ,u ‘ 8x.v j MasLtna Depot. lti .i PI- 1 H Sux-