The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 25, 1874, Image 3

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wnhag (|nqturcr. COL I'M BLN, Ui:OBUIA: SUNDAY JANUARY 2B, 187-1 COLUMBUS DAILY MARKET. Financial.—Sight liitla on New Y ork M per I uent. diaiount; on Boston 1 per cent.; on Sa-I rannah *4 per cent.; demand bills on Boston I ^percent. Bank® are soiling checks on New I York at J.^o. premium. Currency loans I@U$I per cent, por month. Quid and rUver nomi nal. Cotton.—Very dull. Tho following aro the nominal quotations: Ordinary 10 @11 Good Ordinary 13 @— Low Middlings 13%0i— Miiitlllniti 14!,#- Strict Middlings — @— gules 131 bales. Receipts 363 bales—0 by M. &l O. R. R.; 43 by wagons; 3 by N. K S. R. R ; 7 by | W. R. R. 5 ‘J82 by ilvcr; 48 by 8. W. R. R. SfllpmoutS 126 bales-125 by S. W. R. 1 for home cons-imptlon. DAILY BTATBNKNT. Stock on hand August 31st, 1873 1,177 I Roceivod to-day 363 I Vlously 48,436—18,700 I Stock on hand '....17,6311 Same Day Last Year.—August 31st, 158; received same day 113; total roccipte 46,324; I shippod samo ifhy 175 ; total shipments 34,025 ; I Stock 11,800 ; sales 160. Middlings 13%o. U. S. Ports.—Receipts for 1 day 8,756; i ports to Groat Britain 7,632; to Continent! 6,841; Stock 766,950. - New AdrerUsements. Rooms for rent—soo notice. Tho annual inoeting of Merchants' I Building and Loau Association will be held I Tuesday night. Bee yearly card of Joseph F. Pou, Esq. I Lewis Wens has an animal card. He is| a No. 1 barber. Bee nolioo of San Francisoo Minstrels. Amusements in Brownertlle. The youngsters o^ our suburban villa I amused themselves last night in a serien | of school tableaux at the residence of Mr. E. J. Holley. The pleasant little affair I was nud«r the direction of Mrs. Green I and Mra. Bell. The children performed I their several roles very creditably, and I everything parsed off pleasantly. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Agency. Messrs. Davison k Pnrsly have takon I charge of tho above agency in this city in I place of Mr. Orr, who goes out as travel iug agent. It is the purpose of the abova I ttgonta to push, with rsnowed energy, tho I machine business in this section. The I Wheeler & Wilson takes high rank on the! sewing machine list. A Probable Fair. The Secrotary has u call elsewhere fori a meeting of stockholders of the Colnn bus Industrial Association, on Tuesday! next, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the election I of officers, and with a view to arranging I for a Fair next fall. There should be c fall attendance. More Emigrants. Some two hundred colored emigrants I from Houston and adjoining passed through here last afternoon in [ charge of Mr. II. H. Garrett,, general I traveling agout of* the Vicksburg & Me ridian Railroad. They go to Northern! Mississippi nnd Arkansan. There are still | others behind. Thieves Abroad. Three thieves passed through Salem, Ala., on Friday night lxst. In their ram page they stole a horse from the stable of Mrs. Corooran, and another and eighteen chickens from the place of a negro be tween Salem and Dover. Both auimaln were found in Brownevillo yesterday morning, but tho thieves and chickens are still running. Sermon on Wine Drinking. The subject of the pastor's sermon at the B.iptist Church this morning will be : “Win© Drinking ; considered acripturally and otherwise." All tho young men of the city aro cordially invited to be present and hear tho discourse. Tho members of the Mothers' Hope Council are particu larly invited. Mayor’s Court. The following cases wore up and dis posed of yesterday: Sa*-ah Wilder, disorderly coudnot, fined costs. Cicero Brown, colored, disorderly con duct or malicious mischief, dismissed. Leila Lewis, colored,disorderly oondnot, dismissed. F. Johnson, disorderly conduot, fined $20 and costs. C. F. Wilson, disorderly oondnot on the 233, fined $'0. Edward Wadsworth, drunk oa streets on the 23d, dismissed. Settle anti Avoid, Trouble. We hear that our merchants, in order to protect themselves from further loss, have determined to adopt the “ Blsok Book" system, which ban been iu vogue in other Southern cities sinoo the war— that is, they intend to record for mutual protection tho names of all planters and others who have not nnd will not pay what they owe, nor come forward and of fer any kind of fair and honorable settle ment. This list will be kept where all business men may see it, aud copies sent to neighboring cities for the protection of their merchants. Would it not bo well for debtors to make nnpffort to save their credit by settling promptly? LOCAL SPLINTERS. —Weather cooler aud moro healthful. —Tho Julia left yesterday. —T. J. Applevard asks us to request I the Friends of Temperance to hear Rev. I Mr. Kendrick's sermon this morning. —Law was quiet yesterday. —A down town druggist writes his I signs with ink on plank pavements. —Tho lower bridge bonistors help to I cheat the printer. —Tho liver could not afford to riso un- | der tue last rain. —Stale eggs have boon plentiful during | the past week. —Business was very good yesterday at | the leading stores. —Sociables aro still tho rage among our [ Alabama neighbors. —Griffin complains Localise Columbus I in ge ting rather too much of tho Meri- I wether trade, and guessos tho reason— | that we have tho best ootton market,. -Dr. A. W. Allon yesterday turned ov- | er to our tendor keeping a turnip of his n production weighing nine pounds. is undoubtedly a whnpper. -A country nigger askod for Grier’s Al- I nmufij, and refused one with Chaffin's name on it, becauso he thought it spn- ( rious. —Tho North A. South Railrond meeting | at Hamilton, last Tuesday, continued tho canvassing committee for another month, I and added Wra. Bray, 0. L. Murray aud , H Lovelace thereto. —Tho Hamilton Visitor is a good adver- I tising medium for the merchants of Oo- | liunbus. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Ri t.kin House, January ‘44. OPELIKA DEPAP.TF/ICri C^tHi.A OIRECTORY. IV.iilinary, W. A. Griffin, Macou. T. W. Wallace, Lexington, Ky. O. B. Ileidt, Macon. I'red Blaiickensee, tit. Louis. W. L. Dennis and nnrao, Eatonton, Ga. Joseph LaBoyteaux, New York. C. K. llaight, W. H. Toombs, Washington, Ga. W. H. Knowles, Bt. Louis. G. A. Perry, Pensacola. D. G. Hughes, New York. 8. Bayler, T. C. Dempsey, Macon. F. E. Burrows, New York. D. S. Lookridge, Kentucky. A. C. Jepson, Troy, Ala. J. A Colvin, Georgia. Geo. Hookahs, City. J. T. Wade, Macon. —A Valparaiso letter in tb*> Panama |*9far says : A few days ago the Dominiu m s at Ginception caused a copy of tho |Demvcraria, a Liberal paper, to lie stuck to a pillar of the church, in close proxim ity to the holy wator font, nud tho con- ■ grcgiition was instructed to sprinkle the ■ heretical sheet, which was accordingly (done, it is hoped, to tbo edification uud Iparifioation of all concerned. OrnoE Ga. Home In*.. Go., ) Jim’y 20th, 1874. > n adjourned mooting of tho Stock- I holders of ihe Georgia HQme Insurance I Company will bo held at the Company's office, at 3 o’clock r. M., Monday, 2lith j \ Jon'y, 1871. Ham’i. S. Mnunoon, i23 fit tieo’y. Notaries Public. Eating Houses. kogLks’ eating house. Furniture, Vc. At ranlc ITicr-.. Lawyers. A. J. VH HEIIN. nutl Counsellor al U. A ' ■>*', EDITOIL j . _ j AlllS. C. V. HARLOW On llnnd. , Fashionable Milliner and l)i About twenty tons of trash, filth, debris j A ^“ 1 Vimi S'.'i si 1 ,', of resluuranta, hotels and backyards, tho I, 0; accumulation of ten years, enough to feod twenty aoros in corn or cotton, or any thing else needing u first-class stimulant, can be had for tho asking. For purlieu- n.-lng appui lars, enquire of all dealers and occupants j iio**Cou*rt "si* un<l of South Railroad streot. '»* ,l - <’• Hoiliitoid'H 1< Wo should have located tho incipient j fire cn South Railroad, aud not North, m | our remarks yesterday. ! , Our hotels and eating houses aro driv ing a good business. Thoy should—boiug | ' well managed. Our wngifih friends need not think wo had any allusion to the forty or fifty stray wugons which oncumbor South Railroad street, ^hen we said something about tho number in town. Some public spirited man is removing tho unsightly bill board left by “Lout’s Circus." Try your hand on the other. .Mr. O. JonoB has billed tho town, nnd proposes to open the old rink again for skating. We hoard an old deacon say if it wasdono ho should call for a now deal iu church government. Tom Janksou says Judge McKondrco was in town yostorday. Ho was in the city to-day, nnd states that our oast sub urb was quiet, several fnncoH boiug ro- paired. A farmer paid a merchant a $ 100 Dill yesterday for a ten. The merchant didn’t find cut llio mistake until onllod upon to unload. Seven have called to spook of our pig, and tho luscious joints aud ribn of seven other mi ising porkers who don’t hoar tho horn blow anymore. Cossets Grango, a very respectable body, bad a fostivo occasion on Wednes day. Installation of officers, and good thing* properly spread and enjoyed wound up tho day. Tailors. Dentists. . K. SMITH, Dcntia Barber Shops. ~WCSLF.Y l!Allltl.\Ui;it, Iturber BIUSOX A Tt llM It, Harbors, BANKING AND INSURANCE. J. P.II0DE3 EROTOE, Prosiioal. (iEj, Xf, DILIirSHAJI GEORGIA HO.US'. BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. TUB GEORGIA flili 51VI\lh B.iMi Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, tor winch they want undoubted security, a liberal interest., and prompt payment when required. D'l'.I’OSl of f. 1 and upwards received. Deposits can bo withdrawn in person or liy cheek liy those of our patrons who live at a distance. 1 Ad hlt.J '51 allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent, compound ed January, April, July and Octubov—four times a year. SLCUKI1 \ .—By tho terms of the Company's eliarter, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of tho Savings Bank. DIRECTORS : LOTTERY. FOURTH Grand Gift Concert, FUR TUB BENEFIT UF TUE Public Library of Kentucky Over a Million in Bank Success Assured! ' t <M. UHAU IXi t'LRTA » On Tuesday, 31stMarch Next! In order to nu*ol tho gouornl wish and e. .* u 11 1 1 the pulrtin nnu Uokot-lnddors, It tii.i 1' I\ii:e < ..I I ho in .Knllleent gilts nm>' t. J. RHODES BROWNE, Brest . f tho Go JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. J. R. CLAPP, Munuf lr, Clapp's Factor*. Hon. JOHN MolLHENNY, Mayor. JAMES RANKIN, Onpitalist. N. N. CURTIS of WoIIr.Ci L. T. DOWNING. Alton.h\ 1). F. W'll LC’OX, Sflorotni j JOHIAH MO UR IS, Banker CHARLES \VI«I5 # Hotels. A LA IIA.>1.1 IIOL8C, Jsl nl ° nt ^ AbbBN, p’rop’r. AHA IIS HOUSE. Atiami) Houbs.oi |m.iUs ^Acicugcr I. oi* st the spot. Mayor'll Court. Tho negro who stole Dowdy's fifth on yostorday, and hnmmorod our old irioua Few, wsi> brought to grief this morning before his Honor Mayor Slaughter. Re joicing in the euphonious titlo of Morton Miiledgu Muusfiftld, Esq., and wearing u pair of huge English whukors, a la Jack Harkaway, with two glass beads peudam, weighing a half ounoo oaoLi, he plead not guilty of Btoaling fish, or fisticuffing our oid friend. The scales fell from lus oyos, however, as tho fish uid from his hands, whon his Honor called for leu dollars aud costs in each case, netting $43 oO, or us days on tho Htreol. Doctors. HR. J. W. II. WILLIAMS Ensuranco. CLOTIjING. i lllMTLL, It tf«INE-WK» THORNTON & ACESE. r*iTo. VO EtrOad (Next door to J. \Y. Peaaa &. Norman’a Bookstore ) Ilavo Just Rocoivod a Now Lot of Men’s and Boy’s CLOTHING, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cont. on former wholo- oalo cost prices, which will onablo thorn to soli at loss than Cost prices for tho same class of goods purchased earlier in tho season. As wo wore able to got a still furthar re duction of from 5 to 6 per cont. for tho cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices Now Is the timo to buy good ! Clothing at lower prices than ovor sold In this soction. I RTCal! and see for yourselves. Tu L, rtlllg 1 nl Gift i . -Mucky, '.ho ma- ; pusipuuo tho Uui y, the 31st of March, 871 bitvuairmail} roallzod Over a Million Dollar '"'via yrent many A«outH >ot to (»nl.\ wi.uuo tlcLclri havo boon Ifitmed umi 112,000 Ocisb. Grip s-il ,.->00,000, vt.l ho Ul-Iributnl amomr iho tlckot-huliloi ml all f Death of a Lovely Young Lady All that was mortal of Mrs. Marion Jasper, wife pf Lamar Chappell, Esq , was interred at this plaoe yesterday. Her funeral took place from Trinity (Episcopal) Church. This highly esteemed and gruat- ly beloved yonng wife breathed her last at tho residence of her father-in-law, Ool. Absalom II. Chappell, near this city, on Thursday morning, tho 22d inst , niter a lingering decline, tiho came here from the rosnieuoe of her huaband in Aikansas, a few days before Christmaa, in tho hope of arresting the work of tho destroyer ; bnt alas 1 ii was in vain. In her twouty- aeoond year, she has gone down to the habitation of silenoe and decay. “Marion," bat a child then, was a refugee here, with her father (Mr. Gen der), mother, aud sister, during tho latter part of the war, ali of whom have pre ceded her to the spirit land. Her father, in ante bcllum times, was a wealthy West ern planter. Three years ago she became the wife of Lamar Chappell, a son of our honored fellow-citizen. She was an ac complished lady. The blow is a most sad one to the bereaved young husband, who did not arrive in time to attend her burial. _ A Handsome Compliment. Yostorday was the eighteenth anniver sary of the marriage of our accomplished and versatile fashion editress, “Annette," to whom wo can pay the high oompliment onoe given to the gifted poetess, Mrs. Browning—that “ her productions aro her own talk pat on paper." Our fashion articles—oa men, women, and occur rence® generally, in our Hunday issue- are universally commended aud admired, nnd are deemed equally as instructive as they are admirable. A gentleman, yes terday, not knowing of the coimnumorn- tive event, sent her some of tho rarest and most lovely of the japonicss raised in this aeotion in the open air. They are typical of the beauty and independence of character which “Annette” would give our Southern ladies—to bo independent of all formR, while they maintain the pu rity and obarm which havo won for them the regurd and esteem of tho world. Wo know i^ot of an unlooked-for gift which nppro- , y for cotton bills. Exchange Eldar Flower Lotion enron Chapped | ^-ork and Now Orleans buying i- Hands and smooths nud softens tbo 81»in. i tt L l” r - For oalo at MoFraTT’s Drug Store. dm21 If ii nnd Things. Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Gamo, and all things good to eat. octlfi If Don’t Plant Western Potatoos l But buy thoso solectod for seed, in Philadelphia and Now York, al UOLSTEAD it CO. 8 Agricultural Depot, Columbus, Ga. J»28 1” Here’s Your Chance. NO EXCUSE FOR CLOTHING A RUSTY SUIT AT COST! Rei <m be Landreth’s Garden Seeds, rue to name, at Holst 23 lv fresh nutl & Co.’s, Agricultural Depot. Hurra for Burney t Report baa it that three Western dro vers and tVif “nigger" applied for board i could have been more graceful and lodging at Barney Hawkins' eating priai house during the post week. Barney agreed to take the three first, but tbe “nagger'' couldn t eat at his table. He kept ho*el for white folks. The black individual informed Birneythnt ho had been aocuatomed to oating with white folks beyond the Ohio, and expected to do the same hero. Barney couldn t see it, and told him ho most go in tho kitchen amongst other negroes, or seek quarters Tbo Virginia Store, Peyton, Gordon k Co., have their Shoes and Boots mado to order, and are offering thorn at factory prioes. The Virginia storo, Peyton, Gordon k Co., from tbi* day will sell only for cash, and hopo their friouds will not ask to have ary goods charged, as thoy will bo forced to decline doing so. Tho Virginia store, Peyton, Gordon k Co., have on their “bargain counter” large lot of Dress Goods, which thoy offor at one-half tho N. Y. cost. a Truth is Mighty.” When in the early foil Joseph k Bro. announced their purpose to withdraw from the dry goods business, and their renolvo to sell all tho goods on hand at cost for ci.ah, they did not moan io get rid of the r stock on hand with tho view of renewing, bnt ninanl ovory word con veyed in thoir invitation to tho public. They have sold \ largo quantity of goods, but it is small compared with t ho magnifi cent stock they havo on hand. Being still determined to quit tho dry goods business, tho firm will continuo to sell their unrivaled stock of dry goods of ovary description, till the supply on bund is exhausted. 8o far ovory porson has loft tho store of Joseph & Brother satis fied that tho promisos made woro realized. Country merchants, mechanics, farmers, and oitizeas of ovory class, will novor again have such an opportunity to buy superior goods choap. The attention nr patronage of Granges in particularly i vilod _ jald if Jtfotiey. i scareo, yot it cannot be d is still a groat deal of hard ay in tbo houseH of mechanics . Tho fact boenmo evident vhen, Homo time ago, Captain Money i. nintl thero caah hid u .. and farraort in our city - elsewhere. We presume ho went to tbe kitchen. A Train Fired Into. Tho freight-accommodation truin on the Southwestern Roud, in charge of Conduc tor Dense, was hred upon Fridiy night between Howard and Bostick stations. T. F. Blanchard announced to tho people that he had determined to soil his unri valed stook of dry goods at cost for cash. Addresses at Opelika and S oale, Ala. ■At once bis storo became crowded bj Colonel A. It. Calhoun, proprietor of thoM desiring (o uke a dvant» B o of hi- thia paner, trill tell, by apodal inflation, j , )Jer „ f whom be[ , aII]0 oonvinood of tho farmers of Lee county, at Opelika, on Thursday next, “what ho knows about farming.” He may not bo so very scien tific about practical operations, Lot ho will speak, os he writes, honestly at least. Ho will try to subserve the interests of tho Southern people, for his lioart is in the cause of the farmers. On next he speaks at Healo, and if tho suggestions ao makes load one mr>n even to uhango the suicidal evu seour farmers have boon pursuing, hs will fool I compensated for his labor. Tho Nows Editor CAn promise that the I ' the truth of his public, statouiont. Cap tain Blanchard has wisoly dolormiued to j continue the sale of his goods, believing 1 it will bo to tho advantage of bitnso'f and UHtomers to continue selling at h . for j ruer low ratos. Wo can commend this | sterling establishment nnd its euorgotic ' bead and courteous attendants to nil who 1 dosire dry goods of ovory price, stylo uud j variety. jaH If I Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J.. Momrr, 74 Broad tit. Trudo boon good tho entire week, prinei pally for iv.r.h. Tho few buyers on Him i to submit to hard terms—so hnr< that it is doubtful whether they will bo u nny hotter condition by another fall, uu less they shall bo permitted to maku tin usually good crops, and live uu noonouii oally us to uavo sufficient from formoi business to pay tho heavy interest, do manded on him nnd mortgages. Block* aro light, but sufficient to moot iho do mauds. Our railroad facilities aro m ubundant that it is unnecessary to hold | supplies iu quantity. Wo quote : Bulk moafc td ; b icon 10 ; corn $1 10; meal $1 10; Hour $7 50(g) 12 for fancy; sngarl0£@14 ; syrup fit (w ' 80 ; oats 30@8/i for seed ; coffee 32(§/3fi ; potatoes $V f)0<2)f> fit) por band; bran i$l 7.1@2 00. In dry goods wo havo to report a dull week. Our lady friends are unusually economical in matters appertaining to dress, and the'cheaper fabrics for wear is about all that is finding sale. Stocks iru good, howevor, nnd wo hope tu witne.< * a stir with our dry goods friends. Cotton Has boon weakening during the wauk. Another quarter off lias about reduced middling to 14o. and low middling to 13jo., at wbioh rates all offering is readily taken. Receipts have been light for tho week. If wo reach 18,000 balon, it will bo up b> expectation. Middlings 74 How Middlings kU Roocivod previously 10,037 ** Saturday *jj $200 Reward! A Good Thing f H0QBK8' EATINt 11,001 J.VJ1 ...rtf SHAEFER & WOOD, LKALKHt, in v\\\W'.\liki 11//<// , p.n tiif, i Clotliini! KXT TUI IvT GIVII DAYS W I.ML.V! WIU, PH. 1,1. Ot:it PIT Hill PTOI-K OH voi’Tiir and < icii,i>nr,Nv and TJndei'wear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &e., &c., at Cost for Cash. LOTHW lnr n llttli* mouoy. THOMAS & F'ftESCOTT. G-rand DSY COOL'S. Clearing Out Sale Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH I ami i viiitv ornr.B Akin u. ah i.ow ah to ar folmi i.i.m whkiii: Diat of Gifts. VK llllAMi » ,YISIL (HI T -I, OI. AM) CASH (1111.... 11,000 UAS1I OU TS bo oauli Oho TOTAL, 12.000 HI FI’S, ALL DASH, amouritlmr to 91.b00.iK Thu ohmkus lor a gilt .iro a« ono to five. Prico of Tickets. WI.Mlo „• -; ]l.iIvon; Tenth !•" "• "> • i : l.h )ui. \\'u 1'iokoiH l' if^O.Mt; 2C , i i. ,i> I.*r 4U.tHMMjO; 113 \Vl v .. 1 ' • • ' ♦•'•,000.0.1; -J^i w nolo TU-kotn for I- • ‘ I -y hi Mill! ; all. Lu.eral i l, “ ■ ul ! 1 « ;l «gtin. i l""" l l! '"l'« r-t I- sat til 1 rut m ii all uclaold tick Jay ul March. k ino. u. iikayii.i: A goat 1'uhllc Litirury Kentucky C.ipt, C. A. Klink, Agt. ,■ ! ui' C Tlcl “ lls " ol11 liy 1,10 ld ‘ : “ d wltliout Ul, John D. Blackmar, An."ul by n,M ,1’itlimnt urOi.v, llriunlotlo, h- UrmiU St.uot, Uulumbu,, Ua. fcllU __ • FERTILIZERS. Home-Made Fertilizers! I ^1. ■ ■ r 1 !■■• <1 a slock or Chnmlm! 5.000 lbs. Sulpliato of Ammonia, 3.000 “ Muriate of Potash, 5.000 “ N trc* * of Soda, 50 tonr. Nova Scotia Lund Plaster, 50 tons Amm Bones, kc. ^niuted Flour of Raw , &c. (.' U A ! N A; VKKHTlLLh:, VI 1 IlOAl) ST It I 1 T Notice. Uotvsl O. .la.^H Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Gibaon k Co., Ihih removed to Chambers struct. Ilia friends and patrons would do well to call on him in his now quarters, aud oxamine stock bsforo buy ing olsewhoro. Frioes ut panic raton. ja!8 snAwodtf AND Houbo - Furnishing G-oc-ds, rnatraetort far llooflliiK and Juh Work. Chambers St., Opciika, Ala. Jn4 ILw to Make a Fortune! r l''II18 Unowlcdg* l» ihtHircd by nioM urnryliody. 1 I will try nnd tr ■ I. you. imt rur-dbet, ii Itrrtraud Znchry, «)|n lil R.EM.EMB 1 THE NEAV YORK STO RE I I ATS 1.1, M. I. LING AT Pure. II. and M. Fertilizer. nd Plaster, Dissolved Bone Panic Prices S OUR JOUVIN TWO-B iJTTON KID GLOVES I AT 90c. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. S, LANDAl'iflR ic BRO. ih 30-eod J:w ly] New 3. 1 ti Nitrate of Soda, and Potash Salts, W. JOHNSON, Agont. MILLINERY. id ,.i ml .!•>. As iny Address ULTORAJi CnKMJHVIO ole IILKTIIAMI ZACIIRV. Hum cor. N. It. Ik and TulUpmua Si «i Opullka, Ain .1. UU8SEV, Bargains ! Bargains !! duo Fdncj Dry Gflcds a! Panic Prices ,v»-h Ear. wm*. ra . ao WM.Ii, (,N A^rl AFIF.P TO-MORROW, OP FOR M F.R KNT111R FTOI It <0 MILLINEEY AND FANCY DRY G00D3 FOR CASH AT PANIC PRICES ! Guano Notice tc Planters. iiicl* date (Ilia prlv nil; I ;.tU AGENT mtnry A ihing Iho clu oat nud HhurtoBt moaaa feir prnnnrin^ nnd American Cotton Tie Co. oomponndujg manures, is ontiiriKiaHti'.-ally ! A 1 rati i*rvs ok i innovi.n received nud heartily om’orsud by almost I ,it lowest rmirkst uit-k. Ad|Vy 'in " U " y ' ,,,u,Jt,ty ' every intelligent planter in thin section, JM fl r.*rJ* a aud that I may bo compensated iu a ii MM POTATOES 1 Deliver Soluble ‘Pacific Guano for Another Season vwi; itisii m .vllAt iv ilh acknowledged merits of tho product nnd valno of the information convoy I do from this dato ostr.blish the prict f>0 cents per copy. In considomtion this change, I do hereby agree to fund the money to any farmer who, nf reading tho production, will certify lo ho is not fulh/ 8 U ti>ii, ;( j with the invt mopt. There is no slavery so hope! ns that which compels a man to Hippor family by tho cultivation of poor lai The problem to bo solved by iho Sot before we can hope for agricultural ro< peraiion and prosperity, is ohoap and llllllll, llliOl)! 0”'a: Mir UK/. MA iUT, WJU io, •t ic:; si.1.1 V/. H. YOUNG, A’j;t PaciCcCiiijno Comp’y, 1^ Ui'otul Street. ‘P.ast PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. l ’rjn Ul 'lflm, f °n "'I'tTfm. A Iwn l-I'i BOO.Li db InTEJ-NAYSS Adnntu Paper AIsHm. JAMES ORMOND, J‘. and Smut Proof’ Seed Oats, nf V., . TV,i li.blo Addr. doc'Jl tf The ball passed th' ougb the pa*-**engsr farmers will hoar addresses of gre* For oar, narrowly mianing tbe head of a train hand. Thero were several passengers on board at the time. This portion of tbe Southwestern Road seems to La infested with a class of heartless wretches, who frequently attempt damage to passing trains. If a few of them could be arrest ed and pat into tbe penitentiary, it would be a good thing for the safety of life and property. The Virginia titore, Fey ton, Gordon «t Go., have been appointed sole agents for E. Butteriok k Co.’s Paper Patterns, and have just received a large lot, whioh wll] be eeU at New York pnoaa. tetest from a man who is thoroughly in earnest in promoting the interests of the South, one who is as eloquent with the tuugue as be has proved to bo with the pen, ami one who is thoroughly in earn est in promoting the best interests of tho South and her people. Come out and hear him. Rara Avis. On a plantation in Russsll county, Ala , a heu Uid twelve eggs—one ot which was double—whioh wore sot under the hen, and from whioh thivteen chiekens were hmohed, the daoble on » hatching a beau tiful pair of Ivina. iftfoty, dealors end consntnors should buy Crystal Koiowoue Oil from C. J. Moffett. deoh’itf ATTENTION! New Clocks, Watches Diamonds, Rings and Chains. All ruy friends and patrons are invited to call and see now goods. I will Sf 11. Wa*ohes, Clocks, Jewelry, j Silver and Plated Ware, at an reasonable ! prices as bo purchased anywhere in 1 this city or any otfier. Thankful for past patronvgo, I ask for a continuance, at Ofi Broad stroot,opposite Beans a, Edmunds and Kyle's, next door to Ennis. T. S. Bi‘Ei£, i feb!9 U Agent. : the U.N- I defy the AgricuHn. ontidc wo '•! to disprove one f..< tion taken in the Addresi. J. Monroe Lens Columbi Tho abovo work for nalo a quirer Offloe, where copies can ho < od hy mail, with stamp enclosed lor re- ^ turn postape. A liberal discount made to f*., Grangers or farmers ordering u largo u number. This pamphlet should bo in the j %D bauds of every planter ut this time. ' At . jald d«kwtf A Card. Finding it impossible to give my per sons. attention to the financial depart ment of my omunesH, I would respect- fully ask of my friends their kind atten tion to my collectors. ja‘J3 lw F. A. Stanford, M. I). A Urge lot of Prints and Bleached Goods just received at the Virgini» Store. ParxoN, Goedon A Go. 1 EMERSON’S ni.iMoxi* i Singing School. <sS ^$ sOOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Sovonty Paste lilustra' toci Catc.lot'uo of i. W. PEASE U NORMAN. Kotlco to ali r-aria:ora c( thia Excoii wompovmJ Es-.raet of Buohu. (JKN1I vnt'K 0Ui,i:us Tu !,. rieucr * m 0 ColtmiliUH, (.4., \ I will m«i tlu G-: >. ;1 18 NO - 40K.NCIE — 1 ITU EH 8l»Kt IAL OH QKNK11A2 1 su. indiviilu-.My Sol* Proprietor. L. FIERCE.