The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 28, 1874, Image 4

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fsamsmmm mm CDLVMBVS IXDVHTRltL AHHOCIA TIOK. (OU'lIBlKl WBUNESDAV JANUARY 28, 1874. CITY AFFAIRS. The netting of Columbut Orange Hid been changed from Friday 11 o'clock to Saturday at 10 o'clock a. M. \\. G. Wool FOLK, Master. COL VMS ITS DAILY MARKET. Fiaasoi*'..—sight bills on New Yerk^per cant, dls uunt; on boston 1 per cent.; on s»- ▼aoneh Vi per oont.; demand bills on Boston %p«roont. Bouts ero selling checks on New York at t^o. promlum. Currency loans 1 f> 1 per oent. par month. Oold and sllrer nomi nal. | Gotto*.—Very quiet, only a lew shippers operating. Tne following are Aha nominal quotations: Ordinary to 611 Good Ordinary II Bow Middlings 1SJ£@— Middlings 14«@~ Strlot Middlings — Seles 802 bales. Becelpts Ml bales— 16 by M. a O. K. U | 017 by wagons | 14 by N. a 8. H. B.; II by W. B. R.; 0 by river; « by 8. W. R, R. Shipments 111 bales—m by H. W. R. B.; «for home consumption. * DAILY STATKMCUT. stool! on hand August 31st, M79 l,177 Beoelred to-day a.* " previously 40,007—40,300 60.037 Shipped to-dfiy ill *' previously 30,041—33,12-3 Stock on band 17,41 Sake Bay Bait Yuau.—August 31st, 1372, 168; received same day 203| total reoel|its 43,776; shipped some day 104 ; total shlpiaente 31,1116 ; stock 11,0321 bhIcj 467. Middlings 10c. U. 3. Pom-a.—Receipts fur 4 days 87,174; 1-orts to Great Britain *20,130; to Continent 10,020; stock 704,220. b'UNJSUAL XOTICX. 'Alio friendH of C. Northrop nnd family, nud T>. 8. Fortor uud family, nro iuvitod to tho funeral of Katus Iuouish Noit- -rBnov, at the house of Mr. Porler, to-day (Wednesday) nt 11 o'olook. Bess Than Coetl l.adiiie' and Miaaea' Glove Kid Hutton and CongroRR Uoota. AUo, I.adieH' White Jeun Boots and HUppcre. AIho, Bntlieu’ White Kid Slippera. jn‘28 eoclltv J. Marion E»tkh. Dr. J. W. Johnson, City Physician, Will l>o ubaent from the city for a few daya, uud during that time l)r. J. J. Mu ann will attend to ltiH duties. ju'.’K-lt A fair Resolved Upon. By proceedings of a meeting of stock holders of the Columbus Industrial Asso ciation held yesterday, It will be teen that officera have been elected for the present year, and resolutions passed to hold a Fair at the usual time next fall. In order that this action may be oarried into effect a committee was appointed to aolicit aid from Oonncil and citizens tot ro pricing the buildings injured by atorms lest year, nnd getting ready a auitable premium list. After a calm aurvey of the premises, we nro rather glad than otherwise, that tho Association has determined not to let its fairs fail through. Whatever objec tions may be urged against fairs, tliero are many features in connection with them which muat commend theniRelvea to all cilizens who have at heart the buai- noaa intereata of the city. Those hereto fore held in Columbus have contributed greatly to build up and improve the city. They have stimulated the various iudua- trial intereata of this whole xoction. They have drawn together vast crowds from the adjoining soctiona, and thus tended to promote social and hnsineaH inter course. Even tho inoat violent opposors of fairs must admit that the last one add ed many a dollar to the coffers of our merchants and other bUBinasH men. We have only one suggestion to ven ture in regard to the Fair to be held this fall—that is, that the pre mium lists be so arranged or to invite hearty co-operation from farmers, me chanics, manufacturers, stock raisers auil other industrial interests, instead of giv ing tho bulk of lit0 monoy raised to race horses from other States. Let the best premiums be given to stimulate tho pros perity of onr own seotion. Ilut, before a Fair oan be givon, the City Council muat signify n willingness to help in the matter. Throe or four thou sand dollars must be raised to put the grounds in trim and furnish premiums. It must not be supposed that tho Direc tors, who have alroady sniferod Iosscr, will bo again willing to put their hands in their pockets and furnish ull tho needful monoy. If tho sum indicated be furnish ed cither by Council appropriation or by contributions of citi/.ons, a Fair can and will be gotten up whioli will bonetit the oity five or ten times that amount. We say, let tho aid bo furnished nnd lot us have a Fair. A Henry Dissolution. We hear that a trio of Columbus cotton buyers, known among their comradoH as the Baron Brothers, dissolved copartner ship yesterday by the withdrawal of the junior member of the firm, who expended bis part of the assets ($30) toy s horse, on wbieh he left on a hunting and fishing tour. We imagine the Brothers found their partnership barren of profitable re sults, and hence the rupture. Our mar ket, perhaps, will feel a terrible shock from the “bnst-np." \en Advertisements. Mae notice of adjourned meeting of tho (Stockholders of Merchants' Building and Loan Association to-night. Loudeubor A Bro. offer inducements iu cigars at wholesale and retail. 8ee Abell A flo.'s bill of fare M. M. Hirsoh supersedes John Melinf- I'oy in the rag business. 800 his card. Drof. Anderson, tho Wizard. As will bu aeon by advertisement, An demon, the renowned wizard, will givo eutortainments at the Opera House on to-morrow nnd Friday evenings, during whloh ho promises to givo sway nightly one hundred valuable presents. For par ticulars, sec programme nnd advertise ment. AfariAatl H-Aoleirile Douse. Attention of planters and dealers is celled to the advertisement of Mr. J. T. Holland, who is now oponing in the town of Marshall, Ala., jnst opposite this city, a wholasale grooery house, whore, from the favorable facilities at ooinmaud, ha ia prepared to offor rare inducements to dealers and consumers. Bead advertise ment for particulars. atkowt Lowering Assessments. The city assessors iuform lie that tax payers aro clamorous for a reduction of aseeasiueuts on real estate. Wo oannot exaotly understand what would bo gained by ouch a policy. There ia just so much money required to ineot the aoorning debts end current expenses, and it is therefore evident that if assessments be lowered taxation must bo increased. 80 nothing would be gained by loworing as sessments generally, nud it could not be done in spooiel ousos without Injustice to otbors, from whom the deficit would havo to be made up. Taxes aro undoubtedly onerous, and should be decreased as soon at the oredll of the city will admit of it, but until that time arrivos citizens should bear their burdens pationtly. Wo feol oertsin the assessors desire to do equal justice to nil, the rich and the poor aliko. A Keen dense of Obligation. Ellis, while blueing away at auction the other night, gavo as hia deliberate opin ion, based upon loug experience and close observation, that no man who re fuses to take his goods away from an auc tion houso cau ever hope to get to Heaven. An old man from Harris heard and pon dered over the weighty opinion. Next morning, alter uttcmliug to some street business, ho started homo on his mule. About two miles up the road ho bethought him that he had purchased a bill at auc tion tho previous uigh*, nnd had forgotten to call for his goods. He rounded to and came all the way back to aottle his bill, remarking, as he did so, that he had not * forgotten tho jndioial opinion of Ellis the night before. An Old Dank suit. Among the innumerable suits growiu out of tho affairs of tho old Chattahoo chee Bank of Columbus, there is a claim ngainst tho city of $70,000 and interest sines 1840, footing up in principal and interest the snng little sum of $200,000. Judge E. H. Worroll, who represents the claimants, it said to havo made a proposi tion to compromise the case for $1000, and we hear there is a probability that • meeting of Council will be oalled to con sider the proposition. Gen. Benning who folly understands the nature of the eleim, advises that it be settled, if pos sible, on this bests. He will lay the mat ter before Oounoil at an early day. We do not profeas to be posted on the merits of the oase, but if there is any prospect of protraoted litigation, the oity would save money by compromising on $1000. Otnnl Things. Go to tho Uuby Restaurant for your fair this fall. Meet 1111/ of Stockholders of tho ColumhUi Industrial Association. The stockholderH of the Columbun Iu- dustriftf Association held their annual con vention yesterday. Upon motion of Mr. Mcllhenny, Dr. 11. A. Ware was called to the chair, and W. D. (Jhiploy made secre tary. A (Jonuuittoo consisting of Messrs. Salisbury, Klink aud Mollhouny was ap pointed on stock, and reported .111 shares prosout out of r>44. Tho following directors wore unani mously olooted: W. L. Salisbury, W. D. Chipley, Juo. Mcllhenny, G. L. MoGough, T. E. Blauohurd, 0. A. Klink, Johu King, NV. K. Ranks, K. A. Ware, O. A. Redd, W. U. Kent, John Peabody, E. T. Shep herd. The following preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted: Whjebeau, We are convinced from our past experience that tho fairs of this asso ciation have greatly benefltted this city and surronuding country, by promoting a pleasant and agreeable intercourse be tween the oitizous, aud advauoing tho agricultural and commercial interest of all concerned, and whereas, we deem it important that a fair should be held dur ing the oorning fall, lUsolved, That we hereby requoat the directors elect to take propor steps to carry out this object, and, if necessary, to appoint a oommUtoe to confer with the city conucil and oitizens to secure such assistance ns moy be required to repair the fair grouud buildings, and make the fair a success. We wore gratified at the attendance and interest manifested by the stockhold ers. They seemed to review with great pride their successes iu the past, a feeling which gives a guarantee for their future efforts. After the adjournment of the atock- holders, the new board, eleot, organized by the election of tho following officers: W. L. Salisbury, President; John Mcll henny, Vice-President; John King, Treasurer, aud E. W. Peabody, Secre tary. In compliance with the request of the stockholders, Messrs. McGongh, Chipley, Hedd, Klink nnd Ranks were appointed a committee to oonfer with council aud tho citizous generally. Tho Fair Ground Committeo wore di rected to look to the nocessary ropaira at once, and an early meeting was appoint ed. after which the board adjourned amid general expressions, showing a determin ation to mnko the coming Fair, outstrip any of its splendid predecessors. LOCAL SPLINTERS. —Cool south winds and light rams were tho order yesterday. —Nothing doing in the courts. For several days business has been light. —Reuj. Cleveland, of Stewart, brought in yesterday . r >4 bales cotton by wagons. There were nineteen wagons in the train. —The Fifth Avenue Theatricals have put up very handsome show bills. —Ellis has our thauks for specimens of Atlnuta rnado soap. —Ladies aro not shopping very exten sively. —Gray gasses mnehly about what Ope lika is doing end ought to do. —There are rumors of a faotory on the .Alabama side of the river. —We are pleased to see that Dr. Urqu- hart is recovering from a protracted ill ness. —The Jaokson left yesterday with fair down freight. —Keep a sharp look out for thieving negroes. —Several Coiambus boys have gone to l Athens Univeraity. - -Come ye yoang and old aapirer, and subscribe at once for Th* Enquibke. Mar-gain Counter at M. I. Crigler*•! Largo lines of assorted goods selling at HOTEL ARRIVALS. Rankin House, January 97. R. E. Stevens, New York. Chan. G. Halo, “ “ J. W. Meakin, Rome, Ga. Janies Selby, New York. * K. It. Abbey, Mississippi. D. Itice, Arkansas. P. T. Stevens, New York. M. J. Rier, Macon, Ga. John Milton, Florida. Tom L. Paschal, Hatchechubboe. Lexington (Vo.) GasttU: “It is alleged that the colored Raptist preacher is ex pelling from the Church every member who voted for Kemper. The black and impious tyrant has anathematized some of the most honorable colored men in the community.” A Card. Finding it impossible to givo my per sonal attention to tho financial depart ment of my business, I would respect fully ask of my friends their kind atten tion to my collectors. ju‘J‘2 lw F. A. Stanford, M. D. Money. Monoy is scarce, yet it cannot bo de nied thoro is still a great deal of hard cash hid away iu tho houses of mechanics aud farmers. The fact bec&mo evident in our city when, some time ago, Captain T. E. Rlanchard announced to the people that he had determined to soil his unri valed stock of dry goods at cost for cash. At once his store became crowded by those desiring to take advantuge of his offer, ull of whom became convinced of tho truth of bis pnblio statement. Cap tain Rlanchard has wisely determined to continue tbo sale of his goods, believing it will bo to tho advantage of himself and customers to continue soiling at his for mer low ratos. We can commoud this sterling establishment and its energetic head and courtoous attendants to all who desire dry goods of every price, style and variety. jail tf Ruy Drugs at pauic prices from C. J., 74 Rroud St. dec‘Jl tf For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Koroseue Oil from C. J. Moffett. doc‘21tf “Truth is Mighty.” When iu tho early fall Joseph & Rro. announced their purpose to withdraw from tho dry goods business, and their resolve to sell all the goods ou hand at cost for cash, thoy did not mean to get rid of their stock on baud with tho view of reuowiug, but rnoant every word con voyed in their invitation to the public. Thoy havo sold a largo quantity of goods, but it is small compared with the magniff- oont stock thoy havo on hand. Reing still dotorminod to quit the dry goods busmens, tho firm will continue to sell their unrivalod Btook of dry goods of ovory description, till the supply on hand is exhausted. Ho far every person has left tho store of Joseph A' Brother satis fied that the promises made Were roalized. Country merchants, mechanics, farmers, and citizens of every class, will never again havo such an opportunity to buy superior goods cheap. Tho attention nnd patronuge of Grunges is particularly in vited. ^ jal8 tf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths aud softeus the Hkin. For baIo at Mofpett’s Drug Store. doc21 tf Attention t As my Address on elementary Aoni- ouLTi’BAL Chemistry, teachiug the cheap est and Bhortost means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received and heartily endorsed by almost every intelligent planter iu this seotion, and that 1 may be compensated iu a meas ure somewhat commensurate with the acknowledged merits of the production and value of tho information conveyed, 1 do from this date establish the price at TiO conts por copy. In consideration of this change, I do hereby agree to re fund the money to any farmer who, after reading tho production, will certify to mo he is not fully sutisfiod with the invest ment. Thero is no slavery so hopeless as that which compels a man to support a family by tht> cultivation of poor land. The problem to be solved by the South boforo wo can hope for agricultural recu peration and prosperity, is cheap and re liable manures. Tho Address solves that problem. I defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove ouo fact or tioh taken iu tho Address. J. Monroe Lennard, Colnmbus, Ga. Tho above work ie for sale at tho En quirer Office, where copies can be order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal discount made to Grangers or farmers ordering a largo number. This pamphlet should be in the hands of every plnuter at this time, jalfi dAwtf rtgfcattf|jj, 1 i6h, Game, and all things good uali- ruct, to clot. out. Unpraoad.nUd 0 Mt> oct 14 tf | bargains offsrad jalt daodtf Don*t Plant Western Potatoes.' But buy those selected lor seed, iu Philadelphia aud New York, at Holstead & Co. ’s Agricultural Depot, Columbus. Ga. jt28 lw _______ Remember, Landrelh's Garden Seeds, fresh aud true to name, at Holstead & Co.'s, j»23 lw Agricultural Depot. ATTENTION! New Clooks, Watches Diamonds, Bings and Chains. All my friends and patrons are invited to call and see new goode. I will sell Watches, Clooks, Jewelry, Stiver and Plated Wore, at os reasouable prioes as can be purchased anywhere in this oity or any other. Thankful for past patronage, I ask for s continuance, at 99 Broad street, opposite Beach's, Edmunds’ and Kyle's, next door to Ennis. T. 8. SPEAK, f.blW tf Agent, CITY DIRECTORY. CHCBOHES. first raassn-niAK. Corner of Oglethorpe and St. Clair streets—Kev. J. H. Nall pastor. Sarvioaa at 10} a. lx. and 4 r. If. each Sunday. Sabbath school at 9 A. *. Kpxsoox-AL (Tamm). Oglethorpe dtteat, between Bandolph and St. Clair—Bex. W. C. Hunter rector. Services at 11 4. u. and 4 r. u. each Sunday. Sunday school at 9} A. it. BOMAM CATHOLIC. 8t. Philips and St. James (Catholio)—on Jackson, between Baldwin end Few streets—Father Patrick pastor. Maas at 0} and 9} a. if., and vespers at 6 r. m. Catechism at 4 r. u. FtBST BAPTIST. Kandolph street, between Jaokson and I Franklin—Bev, O. A. Kendriok pastor. Services every Sunday at 10} a. u. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. x. METHODIST. fit. Luke—On Jackson street, between ltandulpb and,St, Clair streets—Be v. Dr. J. S. Key pastor. Services eaoh Sunday at 10} a. it. aud 8 P. M. Sabbath sohool at 9 A. M. I*a ul—Southeast corner of Frank lin and Troup streets—Bev. Arminiut Wright, pastor. Services every Suuday at 10} a. m. and 8 p. it. Sabbath sohool at 4 p. M. Broad Street Methodist—Oa upper Broad street. Bev. B. \/. Dixon pastor. Services every Sunday at 10} a. m. and 7} p. it. Sabbath sohool at 8} f. m. Class meeting at 9 a. m. JEWISH SXNAOOaOE. Corner Crawford and Forsyth streets. Herman Birkinthal rabbi. Servioes every Friday evening at 8 and Saturday morning at 10 o'elook. OIHAKD. Methodist.—J, W. Simmons pastor. Services 1st Sunday at 10} a. u., and 3rd Sunday at 5 p. M. Sabbath sohool 3 p. M. Baptist.—Kev. Jasper Hicks pastor. Services on the 4th Sunday in each month Sabbath school at 8} a. m. UttOWKLVtLl.E. Brownsville Baptist.— Kev Jasper Hicks pastor. Services 1st and 3d Sundays. Sabbath School at 8:30 A. M. Trinity (Methodist)—Bev. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Services 1st, 2nd end 3rd Sunday at 8 p. k. and 3rd Sunday at 10} a. M. Alternate Suudaya supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath school ovory Sunday at 4 r. M. COLOBED. Asbury Chapel (Methodist)—East oom- mon, W. H. Noble pastor. Services eve ry Sunday at 10} A. M. and 8 p. m. Sab bath school at 9 A. M. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Clair (near river)—Green McArthur pas tor. Services every Sunday at 10} a. m. and 8 p. u. Sabbath sohool at 9 a. m. St. John (MethodiBt) N. E. ooi.tuou, —J. M. Cargill pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10} A. it. and 8 r. u. Sabbath sohool at 9 a. m. Second Biptist (Northern Liberties). Bev. Primus Stafford pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10} A. M. and 8 r. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. I. O. O. F, Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair aud Crawford sts. Begular meetings held every Monday evening, at 7} o’olock. Encampment meets 1st and 3d Fridays iu each month. MASONIC, Lodge in BurruB’building, corner Broad aud Bandolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7-rMeeta 2d Friday night in eaoh month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meets on 1st Friday liigfft in eaoh month, Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each month. St. Altlemar Commandery—Moetu 2d Tuesday night iu euoh month. B'NAI BEBITH. Lodge iu Burma’ building—Meetings held on tho 1st and 3d Sundays in each mouth. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, centre of aity) bitween Oglethorpe and Jaokson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on Eaat commons, foot of Craw ford street. Opera Hense n. e. corner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East oornmon, near cemetery. Post Office, oorner of Oglethorpe and Bandolph. PUBLIC LIBKABY. Booms over Griffin's drug store. Broad street. Open from 8 A- X, to Or. if. Books loaned to members returnable overy two weeks, or borrower pays 2So. per week thereafter. Mrs. J. B. Ivey, Librarian. HOTELS. Kaukiu House, oorner Broad and Oraw ford Btreets. Planters' House, Broad street, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Brood street, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Home House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Broad Street Honse, (east side), between Crawford and Thomas streets, PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) n. e. oorner Jaokson and Crawford streeta. No. 2 (white fe male) s. w. oorner St. Clair and Forsyth streets. Temperanoe Hall (mixed oolored) Ogle thorpe street, between Bandolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVEHNMENT. Mayor—S. B. Clegburn. City Treasurer—Johu N. Barnett. Clerk of Counoil—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Cbas. H. Williams. City Physioiau—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynah. Oity Marshal—Mat. W. Morphy. Depnty Marshal—Wnt. L. Bobinson. Wharfinger—Juke Burrus. POLICE. Chief—Mat. W. Mnrphy. FIRST SQUAD. SECOND SQUAD. Capt. W. L. Cash, Oapt. John Foran, liobt. G. Mitchell, John St. Clair, Win. II. H. Wood, Josh ltoper, Charles Brady, John Feagan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien, James Huberts. Henry Yoight, Tom McEachern, John Brady, STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL—1874. Accounts—Grimes, Andrews, Durkin. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmers, Kedd, Grimes. Cemetery — Durkin, Blanchard, Mo- Gehoe. Cisterns aud Fire Department—Kent, Flourney, Grimes. CitylmprovemeutsandPublieSchools— Kedd, Brannon, Mehaffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mehaffey, Blanch ard. Coutraots — Brannon, MeGehee, An drews. Finance—MoGehee, Kedd, Schenssler. Hospital—Bltnebard, Kent, Brannon. Market and MagmEine — Soheusaler, Flournoy, Chalmers. Police and Gas—Mehaffey, Durkin, Chalmers. Streets aud Sewers—Andrews, Soheuu- ler, Kent. BOLL OF COLUMBUS PIBE DE- PAKTMENT. BOARD OF OONTXOL. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. Bosette, Firgt Aex't Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Second Ase't Engineer. A. K. Francis, Secretary. naa companies. No. I—B. F. Coleman, B. Ledainger, W. H. Brannon, T. O. Doaglata. No. 5—E. Ia Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, O. B. Flournoy. Central Mechanics No. 6—0. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis. J. Smith. Book and Ladder—Vi. M. Moore, F. J. Mott, 0. B. Grimes, George Moors. Lawyers. JOSEPH P. POP, Attorney nt Liw, Practiced iu all Stale ami Feilervl Court*. Office over store of W. H. Kobarte 1 Co., Broad St. Ja26 SAMUEL B. HATCHKK. Attorney at Law. JuZO Office over Wittidi Jk R!u*«*lV J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practices in courts of UeorgU ami Alabama. Office 13‘.» It road M., (over llolsieud & Co.’h. Special attention jiiven to collections. Jail IN Git AM A CRAWFORDS, Attorney* nt Law, In tbo htato and Federal Court* of A. A. DOZIER, Attorney und Counsellor at law, Practice* in State and Federal Courts iu Georgia HI)d Alabama. Oflb-e 12« Broad ; t., Columbus, Qa. jaO_ Mark 11. IIla.iuford. Louis F. (2arraiu>. MLANDFORD A GARRARD, Attorney* anti CoiinRcllor* at Low. Office No. »*7 Broad street,, over Witticli £ Kiu* *el’* Jewelry More. Will practice Iu the c?lute aud Federal Courts. iep4 J Art. M. Kusskli.. Builders and Architect*. J. 6. CHALMERS. Mom® Cnrpeuter ond Builder. Jobbing done At abort notice. Flan* and speclflVationa furnished for all atylee of buiiiliugs Brotid Street, next to 0. W. Brown'*, Columbus, On Confectioners. I. G. STItUPPER, Gandy Manufacturer AMD DEALER IN AH kinds of Confectionery aud Frulta, Stick Candy 18 cents. X \charge f?r Lose*. ja*24 Livery and Sale Stables. RUNNEL Attorneys and C< Office ovk novl«J # _'Ve 11. J. MOSES, Attorney und Goiiii*cllor at Law, (»col*in Home Insurance Coiupiiuy building, sec oct7 lyj und story. C1KAS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Coluiubua, Ga. Will practice in uuy Court Office oVor Act e A Murdoch's store. [novlG CuArt. J. Swift. A SWIFT, i at Law. Will pt ROBERT THOMPNOX, Livery, Sale und Excttuaiffe Stables. Oglethorpe, North of Randolph 8ts., oct:u> Columbus, Oa. A. GAMSfEL, Livery and Sale Stable*, oulp.tuorpi 8t., Columbus, Ga. Farticular attention given to Feeding and Sale of &tock. Horde* and Mule* boarded iu stable* by the nioulli or day. oot2U orgiu (Chattahoochee Ciruiiit) luhuiuu. Oillco over C. A. itadd X Co.’s dturc, 81 rest, Oolnmbtf, Ga. Jat Is. T. DOWNING, Attorney nnd Solicitor. Coui'r and Keglrttor iu Bankruptcy. Office l)j over Uruokw’ Drug Ptore, Co turn Imd. Ga. PEABODY A ltRANNON, Attorney* nt Htw. ; .1. KxNid k C'o.’s Store, Broad St., West Side. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad Street. Thu best of Forcigu uud Domestic Liquor* uud Clguid. Meals at all hour*, dec!9 J. J. BLAKKLY, Prop’r. Doctors. _ DR. COLZEY. Hcrtidenco uod Office corner of St. Clair aud Ogle thorpe sts. Office hour*—7 to 9 A. M., 1‘J to ‘J p. M., P. M. __ dupirt dtT DR. S. H. LAW. corner Broad uud Randolph streets, Uiiituh' building. once on Forsyth, throe doors below St. Clair. DR. J. A. UR41U1IART, Office at C. J. Moffett's Drug Store, Broad street, ltosidouco on St. Clair, butwoen Broad aud sep5 Front Sts., Columbus, Gr. DR. J. €. COOK, • Ellis Jk Harrison’- Commission House, H rut dour to left. Druggists. * J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Druga and Chemical*, Proscription* carefully prepared. jal8 No 100 Broad street. DR. J. L. CHENEY A SON, Druguidts uud Prescriptiouistb. large assortment of Buist’s Garden Seeds. Cheney’s Couon Syrup. Crawford htreet, under Kaukiu House. declH C. R. PALMER, Liccnned Apothecary Oue door above Virginia Grooery. SF* Physicians’ Prescriptions rnado a specialty, doc 17 j Night hell to left of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two doors below Goo. W. Browu’*, Broad Btrout, Columbus, Gn. 4$* Night Boil right of south door. so|)6 FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Kumlotpb, east of Broad Street, Columbus. Ga A. M. BRANNON, A «**- Street, Coutmu Retail Dealer • 1 *•. West Side, Broad ! Wlioleaiale nud Drugs and Medicine*, Toilet Article* nnd Perfumery. ggpo Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO, Manufacturer* of Sheeting*, Shirting*, and Sewing uud Knitting Thread. Card* Wool and Grinds Wheat aud Curt Office over Wlttlrh A Klnsel’s, Kandolph street j»18 K. H. CHILTON, President MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers of BURSTINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, HOPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly Watchmakers. C. SCIiOMBUllQ, Practical Watchmaker und Jeweler, Successor to L. Gutoweky, jail is, Gn. C. U. LEQU1N, Watchmaker, 134 Broad street, ColuinbUB, Ga. Watclie* uud Clock* icpairod iu the best ma ter nud warranted. jail J. II. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. Cody’s building, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. All kiuda Sowing Machines n-paired. Needles, Oils aud Attachments for all uinchines. [dec‘28 Tobacco, Cigars, &c. C. LOPEZ, Dealer iu and Manufacturer of Fine Cigar*, ja9 Near Broad Street Depot. MAIER DORN, Dealer in Fine Cigar*, Pipe* and Chewing Tobacco. Between Georgia Home and Muscogee Home. jaS Grocers. DAN’I* R. RIZE, Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan street, bo- tweon Oglethorpe A Jackson streets. No charge for draysge. dec7 J. H. HAMILTON, Wholetale and Retail Grocer, 1SHAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Produce, ■ep6 next to “Euijuirer” Offiee. R&3S, Hides, etc. JOHN MEHAFFEY, Dealer In Rag*, Hides, Beeswax, etc, and all kinds Of Junk. Coxxr.R Bridoe and Oolkthorpi Sts.. »pi Oolnrebo*, Ga. Boot and 8hoemakers. WM. MEYER, Boot aud Shoemaker. Dealer iu Leathor aud Piudlug*. Next to 0. A Redd A Co 'a. Prompt aud ttrLt attention gi Jell to orders. Hotels. LECALNOTICES. Sh.rlffS.Ui for T»x„~ W'ttirSfSSSSJfiSis-**, 'WfiSsaysSSS* virtu, ut tuft r.a i*nKrbvtk.v Mo U> tor or UhattAiioocti.a «ouoty- U, W. tnt«.>t la loll or lanlfftS 1 ® 144, 160, 161, 17*. 173,178, 170 V?? •». IS dlitrict or dhAttalioochee county S. U ,V ,, " 1,1 ‘ arty of John D. Longhorn *' * '*» pro,,. Alio, th. rollowlnir lots and , land, to-wlt; -218,181 acres of totals I'L loli 01 oflot 247, 178 marcs of lot 248, »H 0 f h,’ t ,7 ‘On oil ln”’tho l 6°thdlrtHot or’chrttftoJihM 1 ^ ll! > er unknown, to satisfy tax B <st auoootie, i »»t. Also, at same time and place’ th« r„n ot land for dt faulting tuxes, owner. lol ‘ Alt lying In the 10th*dtstrlot of Oh»ttahl“°i W “' county. Noe. US, 1-28, to-2,147,143 im ‘‘““1,.. 111,2*, 108,106,103,104, ’ui 'm ’ 3 »*, Ut, »?*t »»»- 144, to*: 188 91, 'l(J?y , & “I. Also, at the same time and tiiaM lr., ; No 36 tn the 6th District of orlgtnaliv i * W gee now Ohattahjoohe. county) lSvcLt 11 "'"' satisfy a fl fa Issued from the SuncrinVn “ 1,1 Uhattahooohc county, in favor Vm" w vs. Leory Williams, as tho nriiMrtv (!,°t n *' Jn ° u -- e - ksL Jb» y s ^sr PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building. Porter* at all the train*. JalB MRS. W. F. RNIDKR, Propr’m Boarding Houses. THE HOME HOUSE, No. lf.3 Broad streut, Columbus. Ga., by MRS. NKWMAN. MRS.* PERSONS, ml Kent, Eouthca&tc uud Crawford street*. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker iu Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ji»7 No. 174. Broad Street. Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. \\ and 18, Market House. Flush Meat* of every kind aud bi*ht (fuality, jail always on hand. W. C. TOLBERT, l resli Meat* of all kind*. Fresh Sausage Meat e\ery day. M11II9 No. 11 and 13. J. T. COOK, Fresh Meat* of All Kind*, *ep(i Stall* No*. 16 and 17. Mattress-Making, dec. J. D. McJUNKIN, General Upholstorcr and Muttrons-Makor. Shop west side Warren, near intersection of Ogle- pi thorpe und Bridge St*. Dentists. T.W.HENTZ, Dentist. eph k Brother'* atoro. tl r . T. POOL, Dentist, lot Broad St., Columbus, Oa. W. J. FOGLE, DentiMt, sepftj Georgia Home Buildiug, Columbus, Ga Sheriff Sales for Taxes. W ILL be Kolil before the Court lion.. Cueesta, Chetuboocbee couuty, mllbb’ifl ,eg«l hoare of e.le, ou the first <T„e.a»v ;, u "" 1871, the following wild land, t.vitd .m . ■ •“ » ‘■■"•X* hy th. Tax Collecior or°CUtf 1 hooche* county, to-wit: lusu,. Lot number 200, in the loth dlitrict • “ 204, loth •' ' “ " “ 7th o 07, " 10th “ " 176, « 10th “ " “ 177, - 10th '• “ 146, •• loth “ “ “ 100, « loth ^“ li *1** JOHN M. 8Al-|>, BUeriff. Bankrupt's Sale. B y vlvtoe of an order of the lloiior.ble th, n;, U-Ict Court of the Uulted Stale, for the s„ ,, on, Dletrlot of OeurgU, will be .old. he ft„„ t encumbrance., ou the llret Tueeday In, next, to the hlgheit bidder, In front of t’s Coln Uou.o door In the town of Butler, 'leylor ceem Ucurgla, the following pro|>erty, to-wft; Lot of laud No. 146, containing 200 „cr>-i of ,ot No- 144 ’ ,outl * “fRuihcnil lieing 10O IIerr., more or leu ; fract'on.l lot, bore 160, containing 80 acre, more loan, .nj;;; eoutalniug 32 acre, more or leu, aud the no„i half of fractional lot No. 108, containing 60 mere or Ice—amounting in tbo aggrrg’te t, s bundled nud llfty-four (654) acre, more or I™ ,i! lying and being lu the 24th dl.trlct ..Id Tivl,, county. • 1 Tho above tismod proparty is boM at a«son „f John Is. Woodward, bankrupt, aud iu lot* tu>i i purchasers. Terms cash. jal0w4t^ JAMBS D. RUSS, Awim*. Assignee’s Sale of Personal Property, IN GBORGIA, TAYLOR COUNTY, Iu the matter of John L. Woodward, liaukrupt. B Y virtue of an Order from the HouorabUtb District Court of the United States for th* Southern District of Georgia, regularly grsnteJ the 31st day of December, 1873, before the Coun house door lu the town of Butler, iu said count;, on the first Saturday lu February next, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry or other wise, tho following described personalty: Fourteen bales cotton, more or less; oue oil piano, (Uhiekeriug); one old four-horse wsgon, ouo lot old irou, two sets old plow gear, two common plow stock-4, three old patent plows, cm old cotton planter, one old gin, two mules, 4c.,4c. The above property is sold for the benefit of tb« creditor* of said John L. Woodward, bankrupt. Terms cash. This 21*t January, 1874. ja23 w‘2w JAMKS D. RUSS, Assign*. In Bankruptcy. T HE undorslgnod hereby gives notice of bisip- pointment os Assignee of the firm J McMicbuel A Co., of Muscogee county, and th* members ot said Arm, Seaborn W. Me Michael, tf the county of Murion, and James N. McMirM of the county of Stewart, State ot Georgia, iu sail district, who have boeu adjudged Bankrupts by thi District Court of said district. THUS. J. CIIAPPKLb, Ja‘21 Assign*!. Piano Tuning, &c. F.. w. bud' Repairer and Tuner of Piauoes, Melodoou* uud Sign Painting also dono. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP F.IFLER, Gun and Lockswith, Crawlord street, uoxt to Johnson’* tornor, Co'.umbus, Ga. JaO WILLIAM SCHOBER, and Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Ma terials. Opposite Knqniret' Office. Dress-Making. MISS M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, ress-Making, Cutting and Fitting. Terms cheap. Residence nud shop in Browneville. novlO Feed 9tore. JOHN 1TTZGIBBONM, Wholesale und Retail Dealer in Hay, Out*. Corn on, Jfcc , Oglethorpe St, opposite Temperance liall. Barber Shops. IIJ1M WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to H. Ileus*,) Under Georgia Homo Insurance Building, ’rompt and polite barbers iu attendance. Jatf* ED. TERRY, Barber, ivforil St., under Hunkiu House, Columbus, Ga. Dental Notice. kit. PHELPS has removed hi* office to his t f iilence ou St. (. Presbyterian Church. Notice in Bankruptcy. Iu the matter of 1 In Bankruptcy Thomas J. Ilamby, und [ Severally und a Oliver II. Hancock, and { upon hi* owu |« Bush rod W. l>ismakes. J tioo. for each of the above parties, to-wlt: Thomm 11 mu by, Oliver U. Haucuck aud Bushrel W. Wi mukes, of the county of Harris, In baid district _ J»10;oaw3t WM. I. HUDSON. A.iignK- Administrator’s Sale. W ILL l>6 sold on the tirst Tuesday iu Febru*;? next, at public outcry, between the in. 4 hours of salo, before Ellis i Ilun ison'a auil.» store, iu the city of Columbus, Ga., ouo lulf i»iu- est iu theeasL half of lot of land number 20, .1 the 18th district of Muscogee county. 8«1J 1 the beuoflt of the heirs and crodltors. Tormi r*»- J. H. 1IARR1S0I, Jau’y 1st, 1874. wtd Adm'r Notice to Debtort and Creditori. / > KORMA — MUSCOOKK COUNTY.—All K V X sous Indebted to the estate of the late 1: ward A. Faber, deceased, of said euutity, *• hereby requested to make immediate jiaymer.! and all peroous having demunds against said d* cessed, will JavO w40d ' them In, agreeable to law.i- 8. G. FABKK, Adm n. M U8GOGEK COURT OF ORDINARY.—M»rj llobbs has applied for a Homestead tiou of Personalty, und I will pas* upon at my office on Monday, the 20lli January, at 10 o'clock a. m. JalG w2t* _ F^M.JJBOOKH.Ordlimi)- UtCOGRK COURT OF 0RDINABY.-J*»« Johuson has applied for a Ilotuente*u u emption of Personalty, aud I will pass upontw same at my oiiioe on Tuesday, the 20th J*au»r.', 1874, at 10 o’clock a. m. JftlO 2t F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary M u I IKORQIA—TAYLOR Jl 111 -' VJ has applied for lottar* of admlnUtrsBo»'» the estate of William H. Miller, late of said count), deceased ; These are, therefore, to admouish all conc fi a V| (crodltors and next of kin) to show came » thoy <mn, ou or before the tir*t Monday lu •" uary next, why administration should uut granted said applicant as prayed. . Given under mv hand and official signature,' • 4th December, 1873. „ „ „ ilro« »-4w JAMES D. RUSS, 0rJln«J- LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, A. ttornoy-at - U a w UUSSETA, Ohattauooohbb Co., UaJ Aj-Spedal attention given to oolleotion*. HINES DOZIER" Attorney at, HAMILTON, OA., cti . wl l'USIILD. “Puy ! DOCTORS. Dr. John H. Carriger, S URGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office southeast corner Broad and Randolph streets, over Crane’s grocery utoro. Residence at Mrs. Teas* dalo's, two doors below Goetchiu*' planing mills. _ octl ly __ Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O FFERS his Professional Services to the citizens of Columbus and viciuity. Hu is a graduate of the reformed school of mudiciue, and has been practising his profession for tweiity**ix year*, Mud has been very successlul iu treating cbionic dis eases. Office iu Profumo’* building, up sta r«, opposite Dr. Cheney'H Drug Store. wpr28 tf MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! of MILLIN everything usually kept iu a first • loss Milliuory Establishment. Wo .are satisfied you will be pleased with our selection if you will but call And cxAmluo. We are next to the New York Store. Respectfully, MRS. COLVIN and oet!8 ly Mlbl DONNELLY. Wanted. por day, cau be pursued In your own neighbor hood; it is a rare chaace for those out of employ ment or having leisure time; girls aud buy* fr*- uuentlv do a* well a* men. Particulars free. Andros* J. LATHAM * CO., augllt tf 482 Washington at., Boston, Mass. QEOUGIA—TAYLOIl COUNTY.-WilllftW^j? applies to me for LetterH of Adralnlitr* the estate of ZucliAriuli Smith, late ot county, deceased; , These are, therefore, to clto aud mlmon * ^ persons concerned, creditors and uext°l * 1 • show cause, if any they cau, ou or before tne Monday iu February next, why adminUtrau should not he granted said applicant on *‘M < * 1 . Given uuder my hand aud officiul signatur, 2d Jauuary,1874 jaO w4w JAMES D. RUSS, Ordlnarp Notice to Debtors and Creditor!. A LL porsons Indebted to the estnto of lh> Scandrett, lute of Taylor county, u are hereby notified to make immediate 1 . and those holding claims against sale> i3 , prurient them, duly authenticated, within spocJfied by law, tor payment. »•,7 jalo wOt U. C. llOLBHOOiM'il -L. M* M uscogee court of ordinary.- ha* applied for a Homestead exempuo Per-ond'ty. and I will paw upon the office on Tuesday, the 27th January, w* U fe\fuivi' I. M. UltOOKS, Muscogee Superior Court November Term, 1873. III. Honor, Jnin.i Jobueon, Judg". t ,re,id “ i: Henry S. Devi., \ n ,„ Bo ,«. I Bill, , Doeier Thornton, i Superior Co"”- Bu!' : It. S. Smith, Trustee, I perfect .ervice IT oppearing I* the Court tost «J[ th ' o|0' L .StVto .aid bill are »" non-re*bl I* State, «nl the Sheriff«f. . vf lil found ». to each of mild 'o( U> tion of complainant ordorod tkat , bill bo made by publication a. Jiunep A trno extract from tho minute; ol j Superior Court, November term. C l*i J»0 cam4m J. J. Muscogee Superior Court November Torm, 1873. Ells Honor, James Johu.ou, Judge, pr**“ ’ lUr, B. Waleon, | Llbcl for Dlvon* Alexander IVeleou. ) , t j, TT appearing b* tho return of .H» u 1 above caio that the it fed 1 found tn tho county of *ot rf' 1 ’ appearing that the dofeudaut do . the itate of Oeornla; It ie bewby orier^ j be .erred by a publication of lUU urJ , ll j..r '■? lumbue Sun uow.p.per * 0 “ couLi» ; , month*. ALKX. 0. M0BTO • . j;' A tra* extra* from th. mloute. ot f