The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 03, 1874, Image 4

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j§»Ug C~0 L1' n Bi s r TUESDAY FEMiUAliY n, 1874. Tetter day. ,lattice Court*, Yesterday was one of those dull, rainy, Yesterday was a lively day with Justice disagreoable days that you hoar of, but i Chappell in the criminal line, and the CITY AFFAIRS. The Meeting of Columbus Orange lias been changed from Friday 11 o'clock to Saturday at 10 o’clock a. m. F. J. Mott, Master. COL lmill US RAIL Y MARKET, Financial.—Sight bills on New York \$ per cont. tlis 'ouut; on 13‘mton 1 per cent.; on Sa vannah V4 por cent.; demand hills on lloston per cout. Hanks uro selling checks on New York at >4o. premium. Currency loans IfiVA per cent, por month. Gold and silver nomi nal. Cotton.—Very quiet, only a low shippers operating. The following arc the nominal quotations: Ordinary 10 @11 flood Ordinary 1U%@13 how Middlings 13%<&/— Middlings 14 @14*4 Strict Middlings. — @— Hales 16H hales. Kocclpts 21‘J bales—81 by M. it O. It. Il 21 by wagons; 18 by N. &.S. R. It.; 0 by W. K. R. ; Vi by river; 68 by S. W. R. It. Shipments 146 hales—161 by H. W. H. It.; 10 lor home oousuuxpUon. OAlr.V VrATKtfF.N'T. Stock on band August Sint, 1873 1,177 Received to-day 212 “ previously .*,.60,464—00,078 • 61,80 Shipped to-ilay 140 *• previously 34,711-34,807 Stock on hand 10,UIH Now Advertisements, It. It. OootchiuH, the enterprising plan ing mill man, follows thn general plan and give* notion nf a rod notion In prices of sash, doom, Ac. Hco card. Ecu Sheriff Ivy’a notices of sales of properly for taxes Ac. Cal Wagner, with his favorite troupe, bo well known to tho pooplu of ColuiJibus and vicinity, will be horo on the Dili and 10th iust. Hco advertisement. 1tally, Farmers / \V. H. Gordon, Deputy Third CongroU aioual District of Alabama, will address tlio citizouH of itusHoll county ut Soulo Chapel, on Friday, the 04I1 day of Feb rnarv, 1H74, 011 -tbo mibjeet of the groat organization of Farmers’ Granges, and will organise a Grange if tho Funnels desire it. Tho ladies nro invited to attend. JUr Tho •Taokson arrived yesterday with l’JO bales of cotton, 70 barrels, and r»,0()() feet of lumber. She will leave Urn moruiug, at 10 o’clock. Loan Association. Money last night sold vory high, and there were many parties present who wanted to buy. lu series A it Hold for 454 ; 11, 87, audin Mocbuuics, 4 I',. Asbury Chapel. ltev. W. H. "Noble, who has had chargo of Anbury Chapel, ouo of tho colored Methodist Churches of this city, preach ed his farewell sermon last Sunday night. Ho leaves for Thomasvillo, Ga., and will bo the Presiding Elder of tlio District, ltev. A. J. Gains succeeds to tho chnrgo of this church. Return Ing V. S. J'risonvrs. Messrs. C. M. Harkins and It. T. Young passed through the city Sunday morning on their way home, Tallapoosa county, Alabama. Those are some of the politi cal prisoners President Grant has had enged at Albany, New York, for uinotoon months. They hay they were worked hard on scanty faro ; otherwise, treated well. They were released January 21th. Most of the public conveyances and hotels passed them homeward free of charge. Watson 16 t)o*s JV#«p Map. Typographical errors made us call this a “country” and railroad map, and say that it showed all the new “countries” that had boon “found.” For “country” read county, and for “fouud” road formed, and the merits of tho map will be more accurately stated, it is a map of tile I'nital States, within which no new coun trios have recently been found, but to koep up with tho new railroads and coun ties a now map is needed nearly every year. Watson’s is up to date. seldom see. We know several men that such weather suits exactly. It is in keep ing with their spirits, and conversation, and no doubt yostorday wore in their glory. Tho street* were sloppy, nobody bad any monoy, and the store keepers looked mod. Wo asked a fellow to credit us for a small bill, and ho got angry because 0 wore not a cash customer. The Embezzler Captured. Captain 8. Ji. Randolph, Deputy U. 8. Marshal, passed through tho city Sunday morning with O. II. Davis, tho po3tmas- tor at Union Springs, who is a defaulter to tho amount of $1,500 to the United Staton. IIo was arrested in Macon, trav eling under tho name of C. L. Thomas. This is a Republican member of tho Ala bama Legislature from Rullock. Of Interest to Columbus. Tho bill which lias passed tho Senate of Goorgia, conditionally surrendering to tho Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Company the Sluto’s interest in tho road, amount ing to $1,000,000, requires tho completion of the road to Pollard, Ala., before tho transfer is made. If it should result in such an extension, tho original design of the Mobile A Girard Railroad can more easily bo carried out, viz. : tho securing of a close and direct connection with the Gulf. Tho Atlantic A Gulf Road, when exteudod to Pollard, will most probably cross the Clioctawhatehoo river at or near Geneva, Ala,, which is considerably nonror than Pollard to Troy. The direct routo from Troy to Geneva is along tho Pea river, containing the best lands of that region. The Choctawhatohee is nav- igablo up to Genova, and has somo rich country on its borders. Wo hope that tlm extension will prove advantageous to Columbus. LOCAL SPLINTERS. —The belle of Columbus is shortly to marry a young gentleman from Savannah. So society has it. —A mad dog bit a small American citi zen, of dark complexion, yesterday, and tho dog died in five minutes. —All thn barkeepers are in favor of tho tcuiperanco society, for its membors pay cash for their drinks. Good roason. —Ouo of tho Humorous calves now dri ven in tho place of oxen, yesterdoy about feed lime mado for Abell’s store, and wohld not loavo until tho owner bought somo condonsod milk. Sensible calf. —On account of tho many hens’ nestH tlmt nro robbed, an enterprising citizen has ordered from China a pair of hens warranted not to cackle. —Tho Sheriff and Marshal of tho city uro nftor everybody with u Bharp stick for their taxes —It is rumored that tho Legislature will abolish the garnishment law so far as it applios to laborers’ wages, as well as abolish tho lien law. —Tho Opelika City Court is in session, and a number of our lawyers are in at- tendauoo. —Hon. John Ponbody is at homo on a brief furlough from lm duties us Legis lator. —The Grangers aro nourishing, but have not brought down tho price of corn and bacou. note Hr (lot Rich. Ho bought a ticket in the first Gift Concert of tho Public Library of Ken tucky, and another, ho bought one in the 2d concert, and still another bought one iu tho Ud, November. Tho 4th comes off March illst, and many will get rich by linviug tickets in thin, for there ate cash prizes for 12,000 ticket holders, and among them such prizes ns $250,OO0, $100,000, $50,000, $25,000, $20,000, &Q. So it is ousy to seo how he got rich, aiul it is easy to see how wo may got rich too, but time is precious, mid we should se cure tickets while they may be obtained. Tickets can now be had i f Capt. C. A. Klink, Agent, Columbus, Ga. fob.” It .1 Netc ft tty to Collect Jiebts. It is currently reported that a Magis Irate liaR decided that, when a creditor meets his debtor and duns him for the mouey, under tho law tho creditor can, if payment is refused, grab bis hat or watch for tho debt, and that there i nothing against the law in doing so. This is good law for some people, but as we happen to owe some pretty good sized men, we can’t sav that we altogether approve it. Our approval Would not muU» it law, nor do wo think the statute books read that way. If such is law, however, tho legal profession will be bad off* ; for, besides being in debt, they won’t get any more collection*. Everybody that can whip another, will ti^ko his debt out in hido, when he ca’u’t get it any other way It may turn out, however, to be a good law after people got-used to it. Farming. We have an editor now for this Depart ment, hence wo do not propose to infringe upon his Department, or to tell “What we kuow about farming.” NVo simply de sire to remark that, from observation ami what our country friends tell us, the farming interest is getting on pretty well. There is more laud broken up and ready for plauting than has been seen for years at this season. Tho reason is manifest. Cur planters are cultivating loss and pre paring it hotter. Every planter has enough hands, but baeou and corn is mighty scarce. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers have boon re corded in tho Clerk’s oflftco during the past two woeks : Catharine Sullivan to Joseph King, trustee, lot 500, $400. It. L. A J. H. Hass to John Fitzgibbous, part of lot 17, Coweta Reserve, $50. John FitzgibbouB to Oruugo Huff, col ored, same lot $200. R. Ii. A J. H. Hass to Oraugo Huff, col ored, part of lot 17, $25. Kaiuo to sumo, same lot, $00. J. U. and Pauline Rutherford to A. M. and W. H. Hraunon, parts of lots 004 and 005, containing half acre, $5,000. T. N. Miller to llosotte A Luwhou, third interest of lot 571, $100 00. T. J. Devore to James Ennis, assign ment. . L. A J. H. Bass to Caroline Ran dolph, part of lot 17, $50. Fleming B. Nance to Benj. F. Thomas on, trust deed. R. J. Mosos to Joseph W. Huff , half in terest in *S70 acres of laud iu Muscogee county, $5,000. Warner lv. Kent to James A. Bradford and Mark A. Bradford, north part of lot 214, $0,825. Francis M. Trice to Wiley Wynn, col orod, north half of lot 507, $050. Mrs. Ann Adams to F. X.. Profumo, west half of lot 418, $1,000. cases before him occupied most of the day. Tho first case was a warrant against John Thomas, colored, sworn out by the Sec retary of the Eagle Factory, for forgery. The evidenoe disclosed the fact that some shrewd white men are at tho bottom of the whole matter, and had used the negro boy as an instrument to defraud the Com pany. He was bound over for obtaining money under false writings iu tbo sum of $200, in default of which ho was sent to jail. The next case was one against Mr. G. E. Andrews, charged by Mr. Robert Blackwell with tho offenso of robbery. Tho evidence showed that Blackwell owed Andrews a small bill, and did not pay it upon presentation, when Andrews snuteh- ed bis pocket book for tbo debt. Justice Chappell regretted the bad state of things, but dismissed the ease. Blackwell, we understand, subsequently took out a pos sessory warrant for his effects, but we did not learn what became of the case. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Planters’ Hotel, February 'J, 1S74. L. O. Davis, Alabama. J. Bushin, “ J. W. Ausloy, “ W. Semraes, “ L. Cooper, “ Wm. Ellison, Talbotton, Ga. C. II. M. Hoskins, Florida. J. W. Frazer, Virginia. 8. J. Seals, Troy, Ala. See for Yourself. You may read about a man or a place for a year, but you can get no idea of either compared with one-half hour tual observation. This truth will be soon mado manifest by anybody who will take tho trouble to stop at the store of Joseph A Bro. It will be seen at ouco that tho advertisement docs not convoy the faint est idoa of tho sacrifice they are making in dry goods of every description. Tho truth cannot be contradicted that they aro selling goods to-day cheaper than they can bo bought for in Now York, and lower in somo cases than tho cost of manufacture. Retail dealers should avuil themselves of this fact as well as gonorn! consumers. They are always ready to prove the above, fol-tf T. E. Blanchard is still offering bis stock of Dry Goods, without reserve, at Cost! Spring. Evon if a merchant has rosolvod to close out his business, he will find it possible to sell the stock on hand, no matter how good and cheap it may be unions ho keeps a supply of tho newest and most needed articles. Joseph A Bro. appreciating this, have added to their splendid stock still unsold, a sufficient supply of tho latest, best and most uoed- od Spring goods. All requiring Spring calicoes. Factory goods, Couls’ cotton, or dry goods of any description, would do well to call at ouco. fol-tf Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J Moffett, 74 Broad St. dcc21 tf For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Koroseuo Oil from 0. J. Moffett. dec21tf Eldor Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths and softens the Skin For solo at Moffett’s Drug Store. dec21 tf Reduction for Cash ! A. Gnwraill has reduced prices for cash pay incuts for hire. Call at his stables, Oglethorpe street. ja’iff-lm AVintor CasBimeros and Dress Goods loss Ilian actual cost, at Blanchard's, 12; 1 Broad st. Truth. poet ouco remarked that “Truth crushed to earth will riao again," but this moro roliablo than tho fact that Joseph A Brother aro selling tho best Spring calicoes at 11c., Coats' cotton at 70c., Factory goods at factory wholesale prioos. „ Call uud seo for yourself. You can secure bargains now bettor than later in tho soBRon. fol-tf Coats’ and Clark’s Spool Cotton ut 70c. per dozen, nt Blanchard’s, 128 Broad st. A fresh supply of tho best Prints at ton couts per yard, at Blanchard’s. Lawyers. JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney at Law, ju20 SAMUEL B. HATCHER. Attorney at Law. Office over Wittlch A Kinscl’fl J. M. McNEILL Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Practices iu court1 of Qeorgh j Office 131) Broad bt., (ov pocial attention giv> d Alabama. Iloleteud A Co.'s collections. jail IN44KAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorney* at Law, Will practice iu tho State uud Federal Courts oi Georgia. . ll !s * A. A. DOZIER, Attorney mid Counsellor at law, Practices in State uud Federal Courts in Georgiu and Alabama. Office 126 Broad tt., Columbus, Go.Jab hk II. BiANDrouD. Loois F. Garrard. BLANDLORD A GARRARD, Attorney* mid Uouuftellor* nt Law Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wittlch A Kin- sol’s Jowi iry Store. Will practice in tho State uud Federal Courts, Builders and Architects. J. U. CIIALMERft, House Carpenter and Builder. Jobbing doue at short notice. n:xl specifications furnished for all styles of bmMin ju’J id 8tr Confectioners. I. G. STHUPPEU, Candy Manufacturer All kinds of Confectionery and Fruits, Stick Candy 18 cents. N» charge for boxes. ja24 Livery and Sale Stables. KOIIERT T1IOHP.OX, Livery, Kale and Exchange Stable*, Coletiiorpe, North of Randolph Sts., octSO Columbus, Ga. HAT STORES. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYgl I OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OF FUR AND WOOL H ATsI AT Greatly Reduced Prices! E, E. YQNCP January 31st, 1874. Jas. M. Russell. Chas. J. Swift. RUKKELL 4V SWIFT, Attorneys uud Counsellors at Law. Will practice iu tho Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) ,d Alabunia. Office over C. A. ltudd A Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. S. Com’r and Register in Buukruptc;. Office uov2*Jj over Broods’ Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. PEABODY A BRANNON, Attorney* at Law. ce over J. Ennis A Co.’s Store, Bp.oai vl8J West Side. R. J. NOSES, Attorney and €oun*ellor at Law, leorgia Home Insurauro Company building, »ui 0ct7 lyj olid story. I’ll AN. 11. WILLI AMS, Attorney nt Law, Uoluuibu*, On. Will practice in any Court. Office over Acoe A Murdoch’s storo. [novlG A. GANNEL, Livery and Kale Ktables, 0'ii.ETiiORPE St., Columbus, Ga. Particular attention given to Feeding nud Sale of Stock. Horses and JJulos boarded in stables by tho □iontli or day. oct29 AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS K. McNEILL. G. W. ROSETTE. S. E. UWHOK R. McNEILL k CO, Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building. Bolters at all tho truins. jul3 MRS. W. F. BNIDKR, Propr’s* Boarding Houses. THE HOME HOUSE, No. 15B Broad street, Columbus. Ga.. by Jala MRb. NEWMAN. HUS. PERSONS, Board und It mum to Kent, southeast c Restaurants. Doctors. ItR. CUIiZKY. Itcaidouco and Offira corner of bt. Clair mid Ogle- DK. S. B. LAW'. * Broad uud Kuudolph streets, Burma building. 11 Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair UK. J. A. UR41UIIART, HU00 at 0. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. Residence on St. Clair, botwoon Broad and sop5 Front Sts., Columbus, Go. Dlt. J. €. COOK, Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Chemicals, Proscriptions carefully prepared. Juts * 100 Broad street. Dlt. J. L. CHENEY A NON, Druggists and Prescriptiouists. . largo assortment of Buist’s Garden Deeds. Cheney's Cough Syrup. Crawford fctreet, under Rankiu House. declS C. 11. PALMER, Liccnncd Apothecary One door above Virginia Grocery. Physicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty, dec 17J Night bell to loft of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two doors below Geo. W. Browi Broad Street, Colon ■5 ar- Night Bell right of soutli door. «p5 FOSTER K. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, east of Broad Struct, Oolunibui Ga. M I R RI AO E LI CE NS FS. Recorded In the Ordinary's O/flcc Raring January, IS74. WHITES. Arthur Davis to Yiotoria Huff. James T. Waguon t■> Sue E. Hallow. Willis Leo to Auuie Heury. Cain West to Maria Waters. John 11 rook to Mary Ogletreo. William A. Martiu to Atu&uda J. Gar rett. Jefferson Foster to Frances Collier. David Littleton to E. A. Foster. Cautions C. Lyon to Linda Willett. Wm. M. Hawkins to Florence Leo. John T. Nix to Mary Pressley. Frauds Cowatt to Sarah L. lleury. Thomas E. Hair to Ahbie Moss. Alien F. Johnson to Nancy Smith. COLORED. Francis Simmons to Harriot Sparks. Audersou Weems to EUeu Butler. Jason Taliaferro to Oarrio Williams, lleury King to Estorliua Johnson. Elbert Morris to Quiuine Davis. Sad Simmons to Sallie Crowell. Wm. Cotield to Mily Bellamy. Washington Spivy to Clara Nelson. Isaac Joues to Ida Bozeman. Terry Bhines to Ann Bozeman. Jackson Walker to Fanuie Watson. William Freeman to Josephiue Patrick. Stephen Jones to Jane Kelley. Frank Willis to Elsey Venable. Archie Johnson to Laura Murphy. Mathew Thomas to Nettie Hatcher. Georgo Hood to Julia Pierce. Jerry Williams to Ella Lucas. Daniel Reese to Laura Pye. Nelson Gunn to Maria Odum. Wm. Flanders to Lnciuda Golden. Wm. H. Robinson to Elisa Walls. David Williams to Martha Fraukliu. Madison Washington to Jane Fogle. David Wimberly to Harriet Wiggins. Full lines of Bleaohod and Brown Homespuns, at cost at fel Blanchard’s. Factory Chocks at 1 It por yard at Blanchard’s A. M. BRANNON, West Siuk, Broad Street, Columuus, Ga., Wholesale and Hctnil Dealer in Druir* and Medicine.*, Toilet Article* and Perfumery. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO, Manufacturers of Sheetings, Shirtings, and Sewing und Knitting Thread. Cards Wool und Grinds Wheat ami Corn- Gffioj iu roar of Wittich & Kiusul’s, Randolph st jal8 R. U. CHILTON, Prosidout, MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. 0. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. oct3l ly Watchmakers. Jail All kinds f Oils uud Attachments Attention ! As my Address on elementary Agri cultural Chemistry, teaching the cheap est uud shortest means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received uud heartily endorsed by ulmost every intelligent plauter iu this section, and that I may bo compensated in a moas- ure somewhat commensurate with tho acknowledged merits of tho production and value of tho information convoyed, I do from this date establish tho price at 50 cents per copy. In consideration of this change, I do hereby agree to ro- fuud the money to any farmer who, after reading the production, will certify to mo ho is not fully satisfied with tho invest ment. There is no slavery so hopeless as that which compels a iuau to support a family by tho cultivation of poor laud. Tho problem to \>e solved by the South before we can hope for agricultural recu peration and prosperity, is cheap and re liable manures. Tho Address solves that j Dealer iu Fi C. 8CU03IBURG, cticnl Watchmnker and Jcwelor, Successor to L. Gutowaky, a, Ga. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 33 IIroiicl Street. TIim li'-at c f Foreign anil Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Meals at all hours. .!• J. J. BLAKELY, Prop’r. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly utteuded to. Fresh Meats. Commission Merchants I AND Real Estate Agents, 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H AVING formed a copartnership to conduct the AUCTION AND COMMISSION I business, solicit a share of tho public putronage. 1 HAVE NOW ON CONSIGNMENT, HU, OATS, CORN, 1PPLES, P0TIT01S FRESH BUTTER, Which is offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at prices that will be u| inducement to Cash Buyers. It. McNEILL & CO. Columbus, October 12th, 1S73. dOm J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. 3 ami 18, Market House. Fresh Meats of every kind and best quality, jail always hand. W. €. TOLBERT, Frc*h Meat* of all kind*. Fresh Sausage M01 ju8 J. T. COOK, Uresh Meat* of All Kind*, i Stalls Nos. 15 and 17. Mattress-Making, &c. J. D. Mi JUNKIN, General Upholsteier and Mattress-Maker. Shop west side Warren, near intersection of Ogle- Dentists. T. W. HENTZ, Dentist. Joseph A Brother’s store. IV. T. POOL, Dentist, v23] lftl Broad St., Coluinbn W. J. FOGLE, DcntiHt, oj>5J Georgia Homo Building, Columbus, Ga. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLEIt, itli, Cruwlord street, uext to Jatt , Columbus. Gu. WILLIAM SCHOHER, id Locksmith uud dealer iu Guuuiug Ma terials. Opposite Kuquiror Office. Dress-Making. MISS M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, •ess-Making, Cutting and Fitting. Terms cheap. Residence und shop ia Browuevillo. Feed Store. JOHN ITTZGIDBONS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Huy, Outs, Corn Bacon, Ac., Oglethorpe St, opposite jal Temperance Hull. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS’ (Success .1 Under Georgia Urn Prompt and polite bn SHAVING SALOON, to II. llenea,) le Insurance Building, 'bers Id attendance. Ja25 El>. TERRY, Barker, ivford Ft., under Rankin House, Columbus, Gu. Boot and Shoemakers. WM. MEYER, Boot ami Shoemaker. Denier in Lcnthor and Findings. Next to C. A Redd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention gi to ordurs. u giv< jull D C. U. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad street, Columbus, Go. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best man •r and warranted. Jail J. 11. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker aud Jeweller, dy’s building, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ing Machines repaired. rail 1 cliiti* 1 (duc28 Tobacco, Cigars, &c. C. I.OPEZ, Dealer iu aud Manufacturer of Fine C’iirnrs, JaO Near Broad Street Depot. MAI Ell DORN, Dealer in Fine Cigars* Pipe* and Ch«wing Tobacco. Between Georgia Home aud Muscogee Homo. ja8 Crocors. problem. I defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove one fact or posi tion taken in tho Address. J. Monroe Lennard, Columbus, Ga. Tho above work is for sale nt the En quirer Offieo, where copies can bo order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal discount mado to Grangers or farmers ordering a large number. This pamphlet should bo iu the hands of every plauter at this time. jal8 dAwtf Hood Things. Go to the Ruby Restaurant for vonr Oysters, Fish, Game, aud all thiugs good to eat. _ octl* tf Men’s Furnishing Goods, Fine Cloths and Oassimeres are selling nt a sacrifice at Cbiglsr's. No DAN’L R. BIZE, tuiiy Groceries, ou Bry Oglothorpo A Jackson streets, barge for dray age. , bo- dec? J. II. HAMILTON, W holesale aud Retail Grocer, 1S1IAM COOPER, Family Grocer uud Dealer in Country Produce, •ep5 next to "Enquirer” Office. Ras;s, Hides, etc. JOHN ME11AFFEY, Dealer in Rais;*, Hides, Beeswax, etc., aud all kind* Of Jnuk. Corner Bridui and Ooletuorm Sts.. MS* Columbia. Ga. Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoc*, Mclodeoiii aud Accordeon*. Sign PaiLtiug also douo. Orders may be be left at J. W. Pease A Norman’s Book Store. sep5 Dental Notice. R. PHELPS lua removed his office to hit on St. Clair street, iu rear of tin ishyferlan Church. octl tf LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, Attoruoy«at*liaw OUSSETA, Chattahoochee Co., GAj tf*r*Spo* attention given to collootloni. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law ii.v.mi/rox, UA., W ILL practice in the Chnttuhoochoe Circuit or any wher doctors. Dr. John H. Carriger, S URGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office southeast corner Broad and Randolph streets, ovei Crane's grocery store. Hosideuco at Mrs. Teas- dale’s, two doors below Goetcliius' planing mills, octl ly O’ Dr. S. J. AUSTIN >f tin* reformed school of medicine, and has been practising lib profession for twenty-six years, aud lias been very sucilshIuI iu treating chronic dis MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times Millinery Goods at Cost! 11/ E have on hand, purchased at the lowest who f» sale cash prices, a large and well assorted stock of MILLINERY, besides GLOVES, CORSETS, and everything usually kept In a first i^ss Milliuery Establishment. We are satistteU you will be pleased w ith our selection if you will but call aud examiuc. We are uext to the New York Store. Respect hilly, MRS. COLVIN aud octl8 ly MISS DONNELLY. CHATTERBOX FOR 1873, I'OK SAI.E BY de28] J. W. PEASE A NORMAN. AUCT 3NT, GROCERIES. Wew G-rocery Storej DANIEL & BARBEE, At Watt .t^Waikor'a old Rtnnd, No. 152 Broad Street. respectfully notify cur friends and the public that we have opened ut tlio above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS OF ALL KINDSl BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C., 1 wc propose to soil at lowest market prices. We resfect'ully solicit a share of the public)*! ;n, as we will keep tlio beat of goods, and will not Lo undorsold iu this or any other uuigbbonul ot. Respectfully, i23 (11 in DANIEL A UARREK. DRY COODS. J. KYLE lb CO. > their friends, cuntomers and tho public gene’ally, that their FALL | AND WINTER STOC K OF DRY 4400DK ia now complete in every dernttiua; I usistiug or ovory article usually fouud In a lirst cIuhh Dry Goods House. They were bought dur.u I e money panic in N* w York for money, and will he sold at prices to correspond with tho huu- f»h. ir We still keep a largo liuu of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OF Ladies 9 , Misses 9 and Cliildven’s Shoes, of tho Latest Style and B< nt Make. Also, a Beautiful Line cf Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Fricei. ill do well to give us a call, Grand Clearing Out Sale! TO MAKE READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH ! AND KVKltY OTHER AKTICI.E AS 1A»V AS TO UK TOlUiO ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN *fc YER8TILLB, .4 .lot..) t< I’llOAl) MII1H BOATRITE & CLAPP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clotihing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and HAVE JUST RECEIVED New Prints and other Staple Goods, AND WILL CONTINUE TO SELL Winter Dress Goods, Flannels and other Cold Weather Fabrics AT PANIC PRICES, FAR BELOW COST. TRUTH ! LITTLE CASH—LOW PRICES! H* JOSEPH A BROTHER lvo.1 to ritilt tlio Dry Goods bit.ltinH-., nro still selling tlioir magnlfiM"! tl* 1 —" VT COST roil HASH 1 I.iitime i ..ITer .1 in ten cltauce to buy out the .tut. “t |tpurtilttlty be offered to buy article, for Clothing cln»I THE DOMESTIC STOCK Will be sold at lower prices than can be given in Georgia, and all o’ articles lower than in New York. OS* Spring it coming, nud tlii, ojiportunity cannot last forever. Sloro often early und lute JOSEPH & BROTHER, Coluinbn., Jan. 18, 1874. iltf 60 Itroml Street, Cclutubm. ■_ I! M!H Important to Those in Want of Dry Good*. hurg"» made /^ONTKSirt.ATINtl n .light chnttge iu nnr buelnsn. we offer from "JV ; r,lM* No’cburgef m*J^ tor ,0,Kl - will* 6 Our Terms from this date will be CaBh. No goods sold on longer time than thirty days tvirueitly roqu call aud nettle ( make sa id** JOHN McGOUGH & CO Jauirrry l.t, 1874.