The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 05, 1874, Image 3

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JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL XT E A. ID AXD Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can ho furnished printed at short notice, at low Cash Rates. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlaos. GOltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. ailg fjwnstvw OPKI.1KA, ALA.! f BSD AT FEBRUARY 6, 1874. UKOBGIA news. -Small pox has been developed in nston county. ij.,00 dog tight is soon to occur iu annnb. Griflio white man has beon nrrest- „r stealing a dollar from a negro. The Sunday Ilcrahl has made its ap- r oi, C 0 in Savannah, with Win. A. joht as editor. Key. Dr. Oobleigh, editor of the lUutUtt Advocate, ot Atlanta, died Sun- of pneumonia. Schley county petition* for the repeal the act creating county commissioners that county. Tho Macon lee Factory was sold on sday, hy the Sheriff, to Mr. Win. B. ustou, for six thousand dollars. Katie Putnam says she means to buy t and build on it next spring, at Thun- bolt, near Savannah. Mr. Maxione J. Desverges publishes tho Savannah News that he recently licly horsewhipped Dr. J. J. Wariug. About two hundred negroes left Mon- couuty last week for Arkansas. “Mis- a souls who dream of heaven,” or an t without labor. Mr. Cook introduced a bill in Con- ss appropriating $5,000 for the survey tho Oconee river from a point where s now crossed by the Central ltailroad its j auction with tho Ocmulgee. Richard Wilson, an inoffensive and cenblo freedman, of Sumter county, waylaid, shot and killed, last week, ilo on his way home, by some person yet unknown. Aa the “cotton belt” is extended thward, so is the demand for negro r; and we are not surprised to learn the planters of Barrow county are taiuing negroes from Southwestern orgia. The editors and other “dead heads” Rome (of whom Bill Arp is pars mag. ) had an enjoyable feast on furrin’ at—a beaver—on Monday last. We uld have been delighted to hear Bill’s turo that night. An Atlanta correspondent of the iftiu News writes : “I learn from good V i hat the lessees of tho State ad h »v * outstanding liabilities to the omit o! **880,000, and that tho road t during single month this season 80,000. Yet they propose to ‘hold’ on this good thing,’ for a time at least.” The Milledgevilie Union attributes defeat of the Convention bill in the gislaturo to “Henry Clews &Co., back up by the Atlanta King, Satan and his els.” We do not wonder that oar iablo Milledgevilie cotemporary has its lings ruffled after coming out second t from a scrimmage with such diaboli- powers. '—The Superior Court of Bibb county engaged, on Tuesday, upon a case iu ich the Atlantic & Gulf Railroad hugs Southwestern Railroad, on acconnt of e railroad iron belonging to the first ed road, which it is alleged the Con- erato Government, during the war, k possession of and turned over to the thwestern Road. Tho case was not eluded. ALABAMA SEWS. The Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. t iu Mobile on Monday. -Mr. Emanuel Lang, aged forty years, Eufaulu, died in that place. ■Judge Brickell was not on the bench i the Supreme Court decided the Mo- e election caso. He has announced t he will write out a dissenting opinion. While Mr. Wright, who has a store miles from Eufanla, was getting a ce of tobacco for a negro, Tuesday ht, the darkey knocked him down bed him of sixty-five dollars, and left tho woods. The Alabama Commissioners to the rida Legislature returned to Montgom- on Tuesday, and verbally reported t tho question of the annexation of st Florida to Alabama had been sub ted to a vote of the whole people of rida. The Supreme Court on Tuesday af- ied the decision of the court below iu case of Willis C. Wood vs. Win. H. uell, from Pike, and held that “the bate Judge is responsible for tho ille- isane of n marriage license by a clerk l he authorizes to issue such licenses 'orally, although ho knew nothing of particular act, and the clerk had not i bond and taken the oath of office, required by the statute.” Tho uegroos of Montgomery have u told, and many of tbprn believe, Torn Sankey, who was hung there t week, revived under the influence of favorite hymn of his which was suDg er his body, and that be is now preach- a “new gospel” which was committed him while ho was dead with a broken ’k. They sny that the neck breaking mi advantage to him, as be can now n his head around like a top, without ving bis body. _ GENERAL NEWS. —Ex-Gov. Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, represented to be dangerously ill. I—Shreveport, La., is still recivingfrom JO9 to 5,000 bales of cotton per week. -The w heat crops of Northern Texas d Louisiana are reported to be very omisiug. —There are now 150 Granges in North roliua, and a State Convention of the "dor is about to be held. —The annual mooting of the National range of the Patrons of Husbandry was j have been in St. Louis commencing | xterday. —A Virginia lady has recovered a thou- ud dollars from a railroad company for rrying her two miles beyond whore sho anted to get out. —Andrew Jackson was accused of bad oiling, but John Randolph defended m by declaring that “a man must be a ol who could not spell a word more ways an one." —Tho present population of New Or- ans in estimated at 290,985, an iucreasc f 99,507 over tho census of 1870. This akts it the eighth city in the Union, or ext to Boston. —J. i>. Groome, of Cecil county, has een nominated by a Democratic Legisla- ve caucus us Governor of Maryland, to 11 out the unexpired term of Governor byte, who has beeu elected U. S. Sona- —A movement for I he impeachment of udge Watts, of the Sixth Judicial Dis- riet of North Carolina, has been com menced in the Legislature of that State. 6 I s charged with corruption in office, Tuukonness, partiality, indeceucy. Ac. °u. JoHiah Turner, of the Kaleiuh>Yu/<rf- is tho accuser who formally made the barges to tho Legislature. OPEttKA DIRECTORY. Millinery. MISSES WHITE & TUCKER, Fasliionuhlo Millim-ra uml Uresauiakers.’s fchirtu cut by chart measure, ami guuraiiteei to lit. Cham Urs street, m-xt t < Katin's illy goods Mute. KM MBS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner uml Dressmaker. Sole Agent of Uutierick A Co.’s Patterns. At the Into Hanking House ol Shuppard A Co., Opelika, Ala. ju2l Notaries Public. U. I). HIGGINS. Being appointed Notury Public for county, respectfully solidth the patronage of his fri- mis Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturdays ot each month, at K. C. llollifield’g law office. * ja23 Eating Houses. ROGERS' EATING HOUSE, Right at the Depot, open at all hours. Hot Collet ami Minis lor all Trains. furniture, Ac. At Faulc Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Cuskets. jal8 Chambers strop Lawyers. A. J. VICKERS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices in all tlio Courts of the State. JnB Tailors. 1. H. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making Iu tho Latest Styles. Re pairing neatly done. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store, jal Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Dentist, >Oos Plate Work aud Plugging on reasonable flec23] terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. WESLEY BARRINGER, Barber, Corner South Railroad uud Chambers streets. UecSS BIG NON A TURNER, Barbers, South Railroad street, um.or Adams lions. dec-23 Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to business portiou of ’bo city, jal O. W. ALLEN, Prop’r. ARAMS HOUSE. When yon go to Opelika, bo sure to stop at tho dec2.H Adams House, opposite Passenger Depot. Doctors. Oil. J. W. It. WILLIAMS Insurance. E. C. BOWEN A SON, General IuHurancc Agents. . Railroad Street, over R. M. Groeue & Co.’a HIDES. HIDES! HIDES WE WILL PAT THE Highest Market Price FOE Green 1 Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. ja22 d2m Under Rankin House. M. ML HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will Pay tlic Highest Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. illy Notice. H AVING leased to M. M. HIRSCH my business of Junkin', conducted at Oglethorpe and Bridge streets, iu Columbus. Georgia. I respect fully usk my former customers to'give him the same patronage which they have heretofore ex tended to mo. JOHN ME11AFFEY. Change of Firm. I HAVE this day taken charge of Mr. John Me- bailey’s Junk UuijneM, and will conduct tho sain in style and manner as heretofore 1 respect- lully solicit tlic customers of Mr. MchufTey to favor me with their consignments, and assure all piunipt attention in every respi ct. M. M. imiscii, Oglethorpe and Bridge streets. Columbus. Jun’y 27th, 1874. Ju28 lw CHEMICALS—PURE ! roil OME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICK* 1 . E. C. HOOD & BRO. J**-! taply MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDER, PRACTICAL Engineer and Machinist, A VINO taken the Machine Shop In Goetrhlus’ Planing Mills, is now prepared to do all in his 1 no with pro i ptm-ss, ami at prims ■ as similar work can be done iu the South. H as lo fpe Mill Work and Repairs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. No need of sending wink to neighboring cities. Public i atronago solicited. ja2d dcodtwlui THE SUN PRINTING —AND— 13001*: - iJiiNiriivo ESTABLISHMENT, Coluxn'bus, Groorgia, IS ONE OP THU MOST COMPLETE AND EXTENSIVE IN THE SOUTH. AND BRING SUPPLIED WITH ALL TUB Modern Styles of Machine ry and Material, IB WELL l’UliPARED To Execute with Accuracy and Dispatch BVKUY DESCRIPTION OP Book & Job Printing —AND— EOOK-I3IKTDIIS7G. DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT, N EEDING MONEY VP.UV MUCH, and wishing to CLONE OUT ALL WINTER GOODS Before Spring, offer CHEAT INDUCEMENTS! To those who buy lor CASH ! Wo are s-dbug many of our goods REGARD- LESS OF COST! Now is your chance for bargains • Again wo ink all whoo.w us any thing to come and pay. jaH PEACOCK A SWIFT. SEEDS. SEED O-A-TSi ! And Groceries and Provisions, —AT— BARBEE A IVEY’S, jxU dlw Crawford Street. CiTUsing Steam Power, running six of the most improved and best make Presses, with constant additions to our already very large assortment of Elegant Types, Rules, Borders, and other material, and skilled workmen in overy department, our facilities for turning out all descriptions of work, expeditiously and neatly, at the Low est Cash Prices, are unsurpassed by any establishment in the State. H'Orderv from uliroutl will re* eive the Maine intention u« it the partioN were present to traiiNact the huNincsN, ami w ill be prompt* ly filled. THOMAS GILBERT. BANKINC AND INSURANCE. J. &H0DES BROWNE, President. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. Dissolution Notice. rnHK FIRM OF THOMAS Oil,HURT & J, UO. bus this day boon dissolved by mutual consent. The business will bo settled up by THOMAS ttlLHEHT, to whom those having claims against the linn will present them li»r payment. Those Indebted to tho firm for sub scription, advertising, job work or book-bind ing arc requested to give early attention to tho settlement of their arroarugos. TUGS. DuWOLV, THUS. GILBERT. Columbus, Ua., Dec. 31,1873. FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS iron PLANTATIONS AND FARMS IiimUc, „„y ima to ko.p ncetiratoao- counts with their employees. Price $1 r,u Tho form is one furnished by a planter of much expe rience. Iti use will enable a Farmer to save many times Its cost during the year. Printed an 1 foi s.Uo by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. *8-ll.u Boult will l*o forwnrduil l*y mall, uu rucolitt of i*rlco. J»!l il.wtr ill I II Offers tho greatest iiuluccments to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By tlic terms of the Company’s charter, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS I J. RHODES BROWNE, Fros t of (lie Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Wells,Curtis A Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attomoy-at-Law. J. R. CLAPP, Manuf’tr, Clapp’s Factory. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of the Co. Hon. JOHN McILIlENNY, Mayor. JOSIAI1 MORRIS, Banker, Montg’y. JAMES RANKIN, Capitalist. CHARLES WISE, Hiay4 end A wit MISCELLANEOUS. Dividend Notice, rpilK Diiei loin of tin Eagle mid Ph.-uix Munu- 1 fit’’uring Company have this day dec lared two komi-auuu il dividends <d r, per rent , the first p.tyab’e Oil Kiel ii't.T A j * I i I let, 1874, the HUCOlld oil and uftor Novemle r 1st, iS71 To All Whom it May Concern, rnilE copartnership of F. MYER A CO. is this 1 day dii.H.,; v ...| by mutual ronaent. WILLIAM M Vlilt, of sui.l firm, is solely Miithot ize.i to nettle the affairs •>! th ■ lat. firm, and will continue tie- Boot am. fch »e nu-iness at same |dnc-. F. A CO. .1 tiiuarv 7th 1-71 dondUi.* Notice to Shippers. rniiK cr.N'iRAL link of 1 BO \TK from and a!t< r ib n date, will m liver n » fteig ita at Landiugs v. it .out Agem i. s. un less fre'ght pr*-pai l, or Amenta at Coluailm nettle bills on pi Jut Wanted. \I7K Will give in -n and women Ikl'NLMJNK VV ill AT WII.L PAY Imre ti to j»er day, can be pursued in your own neighbor- hood; it is a rare chance for those out of emplo)- ineut <>r having leisure time; git Is uud boys Ire- quently do as well a- men. F .rtlrnlars fi ‘e. Wanted, A COPY of the COM MHU8 DAILY KNqUIHKU OF JULY 13TII, j'7J. Apply at thU office. Ju2J U INSURANCE. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y (OMIM I N TO OFFUIt THU PUBLIC INDEMNITY against Loss by fire j Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cet it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH Prcuideiit. Columbus, Oct. 1st, 187:'. TrenNiirvr. FIRE INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY OF San Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 COLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, oot22 ly COLUMBUS. GA. COPARTNERSHIP. rnilR UNDEUS1GNEI) HAVE TUTS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP under tho firm natii X WILLCOX A HAWKS, for the trummetion of a Genuial Insurance business in this oily. I). V. WILLCOX, Columbus, Oct. 13,1873. W. N. HAWKS. Willeox & Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., oldest uud largest Insurance Companies iu the i ceding $27,000,000! II classes of insurable properly, at r O^IFVID- rpilK undersigned, having mtired from a serviec of fourteen years in Hie Georgia Homo Ihhumhc 1 Coiiipaiiy, and rnniml tho euune. tion above mimed, solicits for th- new firm u slime ol .1,. bimi hush of the city, and offers his careful attention thereto. With ait experience of twenty >«-uis in Hie eomiuuliily ns an Undeiwriler. lie req.ei th.lly refer-* t, the many who have during that Hum received bis poliehs. and to whom h- I .i • dUI nr-cd tliousamls ol dollars lor lorses iiicurre.l by Comj.uni-s Iben .* pi-s-nt- d by turn, and now by lb- m w firm. f’nlnmhu-. net. M. 1s7 i. ti l>. F. WII.UOX. MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! lillinerj aM Fancy Dry Goods at Panic Prices WILL, ON ANI) AFTER TO-MORROW, OFFER HER ENTIRE ^ OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOOF- x OR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! •rill- U.llos 1.1 ' tc-|,.i.tfiiUy Invili t t>. anil jn*t^« t*.r lln-m,*Hi.«. All ;•**.>,I. nni.t l**> |»vi*l WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WIH'ICII. WITTICH & KINSEL, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. CLOTHlNC. HI.OW HIV. VVIIINTI.K, HI Ml T 1IK BF.1.I., s tiij: i:\iiim: vvv. vi noons to sum,. THORNTON & ACEE, No. 78 Broad Street. (Next door to J. W. Penso \ Norman’s lljokstore.) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s CLOTHING, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. Call and see for yourselves. Here’s Your Chance. EXCUSE FOR A RUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING AT COST! TIIE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR SUPERB STOCK OF GENTLENEN’S, YOUTHS* AND <111 MHIU.VN Clothing and ‘Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., &c., at Cost for Cash, Como at onco, if you wish to buy CHOICE CLOTHES for a little money. THOMAS & PRESCOTT. ColnmiiUH, Gu., Di'c*. 10, 1873. diodftw NO F°'t DRY COODS. REMEMBER ! THE NEW YORK STORE IN NTH.I. NFI.MNU AT Panic Prices ! OUR JOUVIN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT 90c. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. Nov. 20, 1-879. S. LANDAUER &. BRO. Grand Clearing Out Sale ! TO MAKE READY FOR TUB SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH ! ANI) KVKUY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO HE KOUNI) ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & VER8TILLE, WO 11RU A II S iKI EI BOATRITE & CLAPP, WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clotihing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Notions. HAVE JUST RECEIVED New Prints and other Staple Goods, AND WILL CONTINUE TO SELL Winter Dress Goods, Flannels and other Cold Weather Fabrics AT PANIC PRICES, FAR BELOW COST. T UTH ! LITTLE CASH—LOW PRICES! JOSEPH & BROTHER H AVING r-«olv..«| to quit III* Dry G»k.«Ih hm-im-M**. nro h*III Hulling thoir magnificent of srPEUioit me v uoodn at uont roit i anii ! To M< itlnmiH tin* I ring t» ii.w-t, a furl urn* in ..It r .lint o rluinco to buy out tlm hUu k at omo Never uguiu in 11.i-t Hertlcii will aucli an o|i|iortuuity hu ..tlbi-mi tu buy arti> lea fur Clulhlug il.eap. THE DOMESTIC STOCK Will be sold at lower prices than can bo given in Georgia, and all other articles lower than in New York. Sprint; in coming, nml tills uppnrtiltilly ciinnut lust lurevcr, Sli.rc tipcn early mill laic JOSEPH A BROTHER, Culmulina, .lull. IS, 18TI. dtf 00 Uruud Slivcl, Culiiml.ii., a. BOOK cO NEWS PAPER. Atluntii I’aper Mills, JAMES ORMOND, lWnuTmi. CfT Itufors to this nln*fi ««* n **pnoimon of Nowh Fapor. invl5 tf SEED POTATOES! n \vi: iiAititi i.s or i*i m: kelixtei) ni:i:i> i otatoun NTOltE, culiHiillng ol (lie follow mg vaiMn- : EARLY R08K, RU8SETT, EARLY GOODRICH, PEERLESS JACKSON WIIITK. PINK EVE, LONDON LADY, PEACH BLOW, Wl i. h I wills.-Hut tho low. at market rutoi to |iroin|.t pay ing .iih omem. This Herd was rc ■' trade. TIi.m - wanting car lot*, will be given a nnitul J. K. IIAUT, ♦V- ' u7 dJtu oli* I tod. Louisville, Kv DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pa^e Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, S.lSriES, ltLINDS, STAUt HAILS, NEWELS, FANCY CLASS, Ac., M lil* I tu any *.im, inti r.--l-,l in l.inl.liag mi " c. 11■ I .*1 »tia |*. ' KEOGH & THORNE, Wl It WO CAN 11 .-' I II HI I oil JAwly N I H out It ITi \ . WACON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL H AVING taken Goet.hiua’ Ulaiksmitl) Fh.q.. .a now |.ro|ia»o l tu ilo Bluckdmltbing aud Wood Worn in nil tl.eir v..i i Hi bran, hea, mull a- IMaiit.ilioii Wo. k. Ii. |iairlng of Unniages and Wag-mi, muking H all dentiijd.oi.a of Plows, Horn' .'•hoeing, .v. . I kern coiidlan ly on hand a large atovk of u *"i« , ll'‘« ‘-'heap as can I 11 tV" be. UK d the • the well known Wood .vliiih will be HII1 1 nil) where in the <H of PETKR EDGAR, J. II. MOSHELL. A N ENTIRELY NI.W STD' K ef Hid u-»r g .. •Urn. I the L. I. »l aty leu I * en reniitlv m . in New York, aud me m.w «.tl.-i. 1 at Dm I. w M . ..-h pri.-.i. 9 1 WATiHEK, CLOCKS, JEWELIIY, STEItl.ING SILVER A I’MTI I) WAIlli, All Of tile latest mauufacturera. Dlamondu, Gold and silver SpcelaelcH a ml K)e.(i|uaaeh, Gold and Silver I tumble'. Ladies'and Gents’ Cl.niiiH, Plain uud Faney Gold Rings of beautiful uorkni iiishlp, and i very tariely of Vrfiele found in a Hrsl-( lass Jeuelrj s|*,re. Stenril riates of every desrripf ion rul al short notiee. SOLE AGENT.-* for Hi.- cehbiafe.l Duni.oii I ivi.bhd Fpe. i ». U- H and Kv- Dla-aea, mid Agents !.*r the A r undid Pebl.le .spe-u. lea. win. I. arv alightiy c..|, and in high l.iv.,1 with everybody using si.ei Li lies or eye-gUsse-. Watrh, H.hV and Jewelry repaiitug iu all its br.uu ties. Hair J.-wtlry, S». iety Radg. s, liiHinond Fittiug. or au> new work made t>» or-lor at rounuuublo ENGRAVING promptly executed. dvc2J d3li WOOD, II lllli)! MU8U0GEri MAM F.tLT’NG CO. dueiS tr T. S. SPEAR, AGENT for Non-Electro Tlating, rni K l.est mu le ever introduced hy me, price 1 f per hottl.-, f..r Cleaning Silver and Phiied VNaif Try it. F■ *r sale ut 'J'J Uiuud alteet. Singer MacUiuw Depot. *plj u PRATT S ASTRAL OIL. Af.solutoly Milo. I'erlectly odorless. Alwir uniform. 1 lluuiinntiiig iiun!itUt> superior ' ff«s. Hums in any lamp without dungcr of u id i ling or t.iking (iro Mauulacturud czproe ly to.livjdneu the uso of volatile ami dungeroi oils. Its safety uuder every possible teat, at its perfect burning qualities, are proved by 1 continued u>o in over 300.000 families. .Millions of gallon-* have been sold und no a oidont—directly or indirectly—has over oocu red from burning, storing or handling it. The immense veittly loss to life audpropert resulting from the uso of cheap uud dangero oils in tho United Statos, is appalling. Tho insurance llotupanies uml Fire Uomui sloncrs throughout i lie couutry recommend t ASTRAL as the best safeguard when Imu are used Send for circular. For sale al rotail by tho trade generally, a at wholesale by the proprietors, 13HAKIJ VKAl't Is VU-I I'm lulluh Slruot, New Y.h » u -* 0*w*u