Newspaper Page Text
NO. tfl
reive months, in advance $8 00
l months, “ *
re*> months, ** 2 00
ie month, ** 75c.
{kklv Knquibkb, one year 2 00
hday Ehquibeb, one year 2 50
(iOAi anil Weekly En^girbe to-
j«tber, one ye&r 9 3 00
ukoroia reim.
. [he Macon Fire Insurance and Trnst
Locution have declared a dividend of
Ren per ceut. on the capital stock paid
L V correspondent of the 8ntBmervilIi
Idte snys that Judge Allgood is having
limited the cost of a telegraph line
(j. Koine to Trion Factory.
- The Indian Springs Echo aays there
l mania in Butts county against guano
I cotton : also, that at a sale last Satur-
[ mules and borsoa said at an average
fifty dollars each.
[-The Atlanta papers are urging action
elteve the destitution and suffering of
j persons in thelt city, aud a public
Ktiug to take the matter into oonsider
i to have been held yesterday.
LThe Gainesville Advertiser reports
It! ;bt of the men in Jackson county
*>f the murder of Holliday. A
S. Marshal with a squad, sent
a to arrest them, arrived too
|lhe Georgia .Society for the proven
of cruelty to animals have sent to
tLsgidature a bill to punish by a line
s than $5 nor more thau $25 any
on who shall torture or cruelly beat
|beast, bird, or other brute creature,
ink its passage.
i J. Waring denies, through tho
mah press, that he waa horsewhipped
J. Henvcrgcs, and says that the
is “sn unblushing liar, coward aud
irt." We hope that everybody is as
iMsfiod as wo are that that is enough
) controversy.
The Augusta Land Company are lay-
ktf into lots their land on the western
|dnrv of the city, romprising 365
Tho company will expend $20,000
roving the property, laying off the
|tn, Ac. The principal object of the
any is to encourage the building of
Do Tuesday, in Savannah, Central
id stork was sold at auction at $85,
uthwestern at $83. A tract of land
acres in the 22d district of Stewart
s sold by the U. S. Marshal for
and bought by William E. Parra-
, of Columbus.
i Jackson, of Banka county, died
n 26tb of November last, at the greal-
Ivsncod age of 11 yeera. He was a
e of Virginia. The At Sena H’ulr/i-
kny* that “he was an boueat man—
paid his debts — wus an old-line
| aud never took u dose of modicine
life, even eschewing ‘doctor’s
i his last illness. He left a wife,
It 10, and several cbildron."
ui:xi:kai< xewa
t is suggested that Dr. Livingstone
<m out a false report of bis death
1 another call from Stanlev, the
finiieut of the New York I/erald.
•ms, the defaulting and for a time
jdiug State Treasurer of Pennsylva-
been found guilty of embezzle-
}o tin; amonnt of 185,863.
rong petition baa been preaented
ess, askiug the extenaion of the
i order Rystom to all post-offices in
>ited Sautes.
How fast they build houses now!"
| : “ they began that building last
iitud now they are patting iu the
“Yes,” answered his friend,
next week they will put in the
to Sheriff and Clerk of Linooln
, Colorado, have reported to the
tor tivj more recent murders in
inty, and declared their inability to
u order or bring offenders to jus-
a. Sheldon, one of the Louisiana
isinen, expresses the opinion that
h will sanction the Fort St. Philip
“jeot, aud mako an appropriation
iHeshim for the couiiueuceuient of
[was two hours and fifty-four ruin-
3e time of that fast train hotween
Irloaus and Mobile on Monday,
lows that tho run was 49 mites «n
nste »d of 68 os the telegraphic re-
ado it.
m. Sheridin, who maintains that 1
hly good Indian is a dead Indian,”
♦‘•■'ted against the proposed redue-
tho army. He says that the effect
he to invite an outbreak and en-
- depredations by the Indiana.
Kentucky Houae of Ueprosenta-
ks, by a large majority, passed a
option” law, submittiog to the
k of auy coan'v or town the qnes-
prohibiting the sale of liquor
doesn't make any exception of
in, either.
Hciunati is behind in the slaughter
* this season. Up to the 1st inst.
Iuiber slaughtered waa 062,112,
) to same dite of loaf year;
e hlaughter of lest week waa not
irth of that of tho corresponding
f last year.
,n - J^mes M. Harvey, who haa
0 ted F. H. Senator from Kansas,
‘ginian be birth. He was a Union
luring the war, waa elected Oov-
f Karnes by the Republicans in 1
Id 1870, end is now e Republican,
kid to fce e “reformer."
» were .'>18 deaths and 451 births
[Vnrk city Ua» week. It appeers
other section* must suffer to
<be population of that city, for
It also pro-
» who attempt
ou tho Bank-
Morning Report.
Wabdinoton, Feb. f>. —Senator Carpen
ter introduced a bill to rostoro the rights
of the State of Louisiana, and mid be
would ask that it be printed aud lie on
the table for the present. Early next
week he would ask indulgence of the Sen
ate to submit* u, 'nie remarks explanatory
of the bill, and would then ask it to be
referred. So ordered.
The Senate proceeded to the considera
tion of a bill for the protection and pi use-
ention of works of improvement at the
month of the Mississippi river.
The House spent most of the day's ses
sion on the Army Appropriations bill, but
did not finish it.
A bill extending the time to complete
the railroad in Louisiana from the Texas
State line to the Mississippi river, oppo
site Vicksburg, was reported by Morey,
from the Committee on Public Lands, aud
sent to the Committee of the Whole.
West's bill to improve the mouth of the
Mississippi river, as passed by tho Senate,
directs the Secretary of War to assume
full control over tho canal to be construc
ted by the Govornmont until it is com
pleted ; establish regulations, aud pub
lish them consecutively in two New Or
leans papers for ten years,
vides punishment for those
to injure said canal.
A long discussion ensued
rupt bill.
Carpenter's Lou I • Inn n BUI.
Carpenter s bill to restore the rights of
Louisiana commences with a preamblo
declaring there is no legal State officer or
Legislature in the State ; that lb% parties
holding offices wero elected contrary to
the Constitution of tho State under a
fraudulent cmuvass of votes; that n pre
tended Legislature has been organized in
pursuance of illegal orders issued by a
Judge of the United States Circuit Court;
that the President's proclamation recog
nizing tho suid porsons as legal officor* of
add Stnto was issued upon the representa
tions of said persons, who, it now ap
poars, are not legal officers ; that tho peo
ple of Louisiana are iu danger of being
oppreaaed and involved in vexations liti
gation by acts of the pretended Legisla
ture; and that the public poaco in Louisi
ana oati only be preserved during tho ex-
istiog state of things at the expense of
tho L'nitod States, und by retaining a part
of the army in said State.
The bill provides for holding an cloc-
tiou in Louisiana on tho fourth Tuesday
of next May for the above State officers,
and for such members of tho Legislature
as ought to have been chosen on Novem
ber 4tb, 1872. The President of the
United States is required to appoint soino
person, or designate soruo officer of the
army, not below the rank of Major Gene-
eral, to act as Superintendent of said elec
tion. This Superintendent is to appoint
two citizens of Louiainna, of opposite po
litical parties, to bo State Registrars, the
registration to be commenced within
twenty days after the enactment of this
bill, and to be completed ten days prior
to the date of election. Those registrars
are required to appoiut the Superinton
dents of registration, of opposite political
parties, in each parish, except Jefferson
and Orleans, for the former of which
there are to be four Superintendents, and
for the latter, two in oach ward. The
bill proceeds at great length to prescribe
the dotails of registration and election,
these provisions being substantially. the
same as those oontaiuod in Carpenter's
bill of lust year.
In case the President appoints a civilian
to be superintendent of tho election, the
latter is to receive ^$*>,000 fur his services;
J if any army oftDor shall be appointed
superintendent, aud shall willfully fail to
perforin the duty prescribed by this bill,
ho shall bo fiued not exceeding tfl.OOO, or
impris<yiui6nt at hard labor not exceeding
one year.
The bill also provides that it shall be
lawful for the President of the United
States to employ ail'll part of the land
and naval forces of the Uaitud States as
shall be necessity to aid iu the execution
of judicial processes to carry out and en
force its provisions, and to maintain the
public peace, and to sustaiu the officers
appoints 1 under this set in the dischargo
of their duty ; and any act d me by any
person claiiuiug to be an ofli:erof the
State of Ijoniauna, or any process issued
by nny State government or offi er to en
join or interfere with tin execution of
the act, is to be treated as absolutely void.
tation, and a partial embalmment of the
bodies was then performed. The bodies
once more were covered iu the coffin
securely, soldering the tin box, again
boxed, and after obtaining consent of the
widows, removed it to Monnt Airy, and
thence to the railroad station for trans
portation to Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, February 5.—The phy
sicians who went to North Carolina for
the Siamese twins, have returned. The
bodies will be here to-night by express.
The examination will not take place for
t sro or three days, and will then be con
ducted by the College of Physicians.
The bodies were reported well preserved.
London - , February A.—Disraeli ad
dressed a meeting at New Point Pagnel!
yesterday. In tho course of his remarks
he said Gladstone's Irish policy had ut
terly failed. Instead cf producing tran
quillity, Ireland was in a more disturbed
state, and nioro stringently governed than
ever bofore. He said that but for the
University of London, Mr. Lowe would
be without a soat in Parliament. His un
popularity was Mich that his appearance
on any hustings would endanger his life.
Throughout tho wholo of DTsraoli's
speech the mob was pelting with stones
the windows of the hall iu which the
meeting was held. They attempted to
break up the meeting, whon a free tight
The polling at llackouey hai boon de
clared void, because of informality.
Additional returns show tho Conserva
tives have gained one sent each at Buck-
inglmll, Canterbury, Christ Church, Mario-
lahonne. New Castlo on-Tyne, Salisbury,
and St. 1 vhh, and the Liberals have gained
one each at Abingdon, Hartlepool, Mon
mouth, and Strtckport.
The Liberal member of Parliament has
boeu re-elected from Dsrliugton, Hudders
field, Hil l, Leicester and Perth, by a large
Messrs. MundelU aud Roebuck are
elected from Sheffield, Roebuck leading
by 1,300 votes.
Mr. Forsyth, Conservative, at M.tri**la-
boniie, had a majority of 1,500 over the
Liberal candidate.
Sir Joseph Cowen, Radical, was return
ed from Now Castle, on tho Tyne, by 2,-
000 majority, over his Conservative op
Tho home rule caudidato has been
elected iu the Irish constituency of Mnl-
low and Yoaughal, county of Cork.
At Stacybridgo, Lancashire, serious
riots occured during the progress of the
election, and many persons were injured
At Dutuout, Worcestershire, a conflict
occurred betwt o j un imported mob of
Irish aud miner*. A number of houses
wero ransacked and much property de
stroyed, and the Riot act was read. All
the shops were closed. It was foared the
whole population would rise ag liust the
More of (he Elections The Ashiantee
London, February A.—The Time* anti
cipates large majorities for the Conserve
lives in tho elections, but says tho Scot
tish and Irish votes wt I turn thejiculo in
favor of the Liberals.
The following highly important dispatch
from Sir Garrett Woolsey, commander o'.
the Ashantee expedition, was recjived to
day by the Secretary of State:
“All the white prisoners held by the
Ashimtee* have heou delivered to me
The King accopts iuy terms for a cessa
tion of hostilities, which ho asked, and has
agreed to pay an indemnity of £.">00,000.
We halt for a few days within thirty miles
of Cuoumsnio.
latest Election Returns.
London, Feb. 5. —Additional returns
jm ioUH minoritl milMtunro. I.iit U
mill lion els.
Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine
New Youk, February G —A dispatch
from Richmond, Ya., Rays the scientific
medical commission from Philadelphia
f»rrived at Monnt Airy, North Carolina,
oo last Sunday. A consultation wa a
hid with thft wives of the Siamese twins,
which resulted in obtaining their consent
to • proposition of tho rotunusAion on
condition and with He distinct under-
atan ling that the bodies were not to be
says that this number of births mutilated. The commission repaired to
nuroging,’’ from which we infer the cellar where the remains of the
! d '* th " ,Dd b,rth ‘ w.r., ...a op.u.a th. Cffin, „.d
then removed the inner coffin to a meat j
.nniMl convention ofth. N.I.on. xh , „„ ln ord „ t . 1
m Auoei.tioa met .1 t«o o alack ...
y. ia Piimburiib. in th. Ltntwy , Ch.n 8 . (..lure. u. pvtully dtatoHal,
An immenae attendance present, thote of Eng being natural. The widows
M*g delegates from evory State
and representative* of all the
lic«l denomination*!. Joseph i>a-
Fla., ia one of the Vice Preei-
then entered the room aud lock a final
farewell of tie remains, and left them to
the docto
A partial examination wa«
theg had, which waa followed by oonsul-
muntary elections show a gsin of the Con
sul v itives in each of tho following places:
Hus wick, Luwt-s aud North Oiler ton.
They have also gain d the two seats for
Nottingham. Two seats for Potiryn have
been gained by the Liberal*, and Liberals
have been ag.ii'i returned from Cockor-
mouth, Dewuslierrv, Glasgow, Wortbyr,
Tydnlrochadi) nod Bradford. Iu (be last
mentioned, Right ilou. Wrn. E iward For
ster had a majority of l,“00 over Lis Con
servative opponent. Liberals have been
ehoaeu to represent the city of Edinburgh.
Aahon, I’ndlyno and Stalybridge have
agsiu chosen Conservatives. Thus far
the Conservatives have g»in»d t.*> seats
lately held by thi Liberal*, and Liberals
have been chosen lor P.t seats beforo oc
cupied by Conaarvativcs. Of the total
number of member* chosen up to this
morning, the Conservatives have a major
ity of 25.
New Yobk, Feb. 5.—A private Inter
from Havana says: 'Ibe affair at Trini
dad ia r**g tried as an cxueptioual case,
and not at all indicative of a general up
rising of tho negroes and the Imrniug of
plantations. The opinion prevails that
the insurgent* will soon be able to ensis
the old Tmoha in comparative force.
Heretof ire t.Vy have been able occasion
ally to cross m small p irt res Should
they succeed iu crossing in large bom
bers, the horning of p'aotatioiii is inev
itable. A secret organization h thought
to ex.->1, wiili ranuttc iltoos extending to
all jsirts of the island, the object of
which is to give moral and material sup-
port to the insurgents, who, if succenaful
in their operations iL the Central and
Eastern departments, will endeavor to
post into the Yillaa district, and it ia con-
eaded that the Spaniard* aie just now io
a tight place, and need men and money to
carry ou a war. The want of both is
apparent, aud telling severely against the Lmcitrooi.. Feb. Evening —Sales of
Spaniards. uplands, nothing below good ordinary,
SPAIN. shipped March and April, 7 13 16 ; sales
SI.DEID, Fob. r. -The' Minl.ter of W»r °' 1 “ , ““.., u “ lhi "K H". 0 ' 1 . " r , d 1 i ” sr 7-
. . . shipped rebruarv and March, • l.» 16. *
ha* received intelligence of a donperute u .,1 - .. .
. til* . .. Savannah, Feb. a. -Quiet; middlings
ennagoment no.r LooJ» between the lie- , S j. ne , re o«iptn -1149; eiporte to Great
publicans and Carlists. The latter were Britain 4450, to continent 2500; sales
defeated with heavy Urn iu both kilted U3; stock 89,062.
and wounded. i New Orleans, Feb. 5.—Irrognlar,
demand fair; middlings 15-J; low mid-
TIIE CLERKS DID IT. dlings 14j|; good ordinary 13; net re-
N*w York, February 5.—It uow trans- ceipts 3860; exports the Great Britain
ptre. the. the recent dilution of lb. j StmtS"
heavy cotton firm of Thomas Perkins A : _ ... , .,
3 n . Charleston, February 5.— Steady; mid-
Co., 141 Pew I atreot. w.h owing to tbe dling ^ low middling. 14|ej, good or-
fact that all of the first clerks had boen j dinary 14: net receipts 1902; sales 1000;
■peculating for two years, and making stock 58,922.
good their losses out of the firm's fundN.
Unable longer to conoeal their defalca
tions, they made a clean braaat at the
commencement of the year, when a dis
solution followed. By mutual consent,
II. M. Tobors, the wealthy cotton broker,
who was special partner for $100,000,
and brother-iu-law of one of the default
ing clerks, has boen appointed receiver
by order of thu Supreme Court, and will
settle claims of tho firm.
St. Louis, February 5.—Lost night's
session of tho National Grauge of tho
Patrons of Husbandry was entirely takon
up with discussion as to Parliamentary
rules for the government of subordinate
Granges. It Iias been decided by the
Stato agents of the or.lor, now here, to
leave tbe (piestiou of co-operation en
tirely to tho National Grange, with a view
to having a constitutional provision made
for it. Thi* will defer the mutter for an
other year, as amendment* to the consti
tution must bn ratified by two-thirds of
tho State Granges before they laTo effect.
Osweoo, Fob. .">.—Tho flood at Fulton
continues without abatement. Five
houses have been moved from their foun
dations, aud would have floated iuto tbe
river had it riot been for trees. The force
of tbe current is vory strong. Taylor
Bros work shop is inundated, nearly five
foot of water being iu their work roomn.
The paper mill* are stopped.
— Baker A Barton's oil works, at Mom-
phis, Teuu., were btirnod yesterday.
—Judge Alfred Conkling, of Utica,
New York, is dead ; ngo 85 years.
—John J. Jones, well known in N'nw
York social, theatrical and political cir-
clea, ia dead.
—Tho house of J. S.-huift, himself,
wife and sou wero burned yosterday, at
Guilford, Maine.
—A serious scudont was reported to
havo oucurrod on the Chicago A North
western Railroad, near Howard, Illinois,
yesterday. No particulars have yet beou
—Early yosterdav morning, in Evans
ville. ludiana, a fire burned Mr. Webr's
house, himself, wifo and four children.
His fathor-in-law, and barkeeper, and two
children escaped. 'Ihe mother got out
with two children, but returned after tbe
—Tho annual session of the Natioual
Grange of tho Patrons of Husbandry con
vened in tbe Soutberu Hotel, bt. Louis,
yesto'day. Thirty-two Ststes and two
Territories are represented by the Mastors
of State Granges. About thirty ladios
are present. Tbe session is held with
closed doors.
—Collector Howard, of Portsmouth,
New Hampshire, ha, received orders from
tho Secretary «>f the Treasury to ullow
the lauding of the Atlantic cabin at Rye
Roach, without entering the bhips con
timing it at the customs house ; also to
afford the enterprise all the nid at the
diaposul of the Govornuisnt.
Money nu<l Nlork M.arkele.
London, February 6.—Erie 454. Street
rate j below bank. Bullion decreased
£182,INN). Consols 92 »92j.
Paris, February ">.—Rentes 5*f. title.
Nxw York, February 5. Stocks »«■ ive
an 1 higher. Mon*y Ia5 per emit. Gold
lllj. Exchange- long I*5: short 4hsJ.
Governments strong and active. State
til. hiu-l.l
• lit |.|.y«t
mo;t Km:t:n 1
KI'M'IMC nut
Arm*' t wilh tin* ANTIDOTE. »\\ .Itsu.i.-* *n>\
IT II AN SO ■:«(!.% I. !
J. II. 7.1.1 LI « A CO.,
»N,«M . and FtllLADELPIII
Nubl l») all llruui(ltil».
Dividend Notice.
To All Whom it May Concern.
rntlK *<»|t»rtmi,lii|i .1 V MYKK A t •» >• thi*
L -lay| l.jr miifat ..t. WILLIAM
Notice to Shippers.
New Turkish Prunes,
Notice to the Ladies.
M IC-. JOHNSON Hud I'KIH'Y v Uh (.. n.Mrr
lb* Ln.ll.« ll.Hf Hi • I..< ; -.-I a •!. .
€'ii man f«,
Irish Oiaf Vlrnl,
splrrd Tripe,
Atmor«>*» MIiicimI Meal,
Dure Apple and Wine Vinegar,
llm kivheat Flour,
Hweff Tongues,
Choice Hutler,
K*lra Cliolre Young Hyaon, Impe
rial, Gunpowder and Oolong
While Keroirnr Oil,
Freah Shaker Garden Need*, war*
bU *"i Ti l.-.
A Xew KnterpriMe !
Grocery and Provision House
In Marshall, Ala.
T AKK.* |>I.m*ui-> I * uollfylnz Mvr.lmnI. »n<
• *Y
llollmicl 4 V lliikei*
with a full lino ..|
Groceries and Staple Goods,
J**« «Hm 1 iul.|.|od to tl... trad«
Go to Pomeroy’s,
AT iiooiii:h*s <okm.ii.
For Ferris & Co.’s Sugar-cured Pig
Ham* and Strips, Ferris’s Mild-cured
N. Y. Bellies, Wright's No Plus Ultra
Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore’s,
Raisin*, Fig*, Oranges, Lemons, Pre
served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch,
Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes,
Christmas Lggs, Turkeys, Ducks and
Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston
Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers,
Snaps, Ac
r. T <1. I'riimiio.v will 1.0 (oiin.l at llio
rout.tor, and will l.o |.I«-.ih.m1 t<> w.iil j.n lii* |«»r-
iitor cu-stomero am! Irlmils. The |.utr..t.aj.o ..I
tha puLlio la raapeotfully sollelta i. (doBO
Italian Maccaroni,
Cream and Pine Apple Cheese,
Corn Starch,
Albert, Soda and Fox Crackers,
Family and Toilet Soaps,
Sperm and Parraflnc Candies,
Liquors and Spices,
Imported Wines and Cigars,
Dried and Pickled Beef,
Mocha, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee,
H. F. ABELL & CO.’S.
j.» s "I* tr
Dissolution Notice.
T il K . .>|>«rtn« r*»* |. hrrvl..'«ni l.. K I.HW... ,.
WILLIAMS, I K IlfK A !•«*» O, is llu* •!«>
•I ***>hi*.| by ..-hiM.nt . .Mr .1 W. Iludo r.
r ••* Tl. • bii«.n. .. ..J Hi-llrrii will be * -til* .1 I.)
Central Railroad.
AND Woll {
Charcoal for Sale Cheap.
\ LARUK q' XNIlTY •>) • lAlHOAI. •
UOill). ll(illl)!
|5,:>«K),IH>0 fri
New You*
Feb. I -Evening. Money
dull 111 5*111 d
end roiislderablu tbiing. i
pilot and nominal.
Pro* lalon Mtirkr
$ 7.(N)a7.30.
n f.iir demand at GUa
I’roviKfrns closed dull. Pork nomi-
il at $15.50. Lird dull; buyers in de-
iatid: steam held at 9; kettle 9j. Bacon
nil: shouM* rs clear rib sides f , 1 ;
clear aides !ij. Whisk'-y iu f.di
it 96.
T. J. Pearce &. Co.,
Wholosalo and Retail Croccrs,
No. 20 Broad Stro.l,
Groceries, Plantation Supplies. &c.,
> TH4THII.:.
r day, c*u I-
mxI; it I* w r u- rh*rn ••
ml <>r lisvuiK I. mui •
>••»»!/ -I
.navasmah, November 1,1»73. \
/ \N AND AFTER SUNDAY,2d inatant,
Rid I r i on . l,ie ,,u, >rK«a Ueutral
iu folblwr 11 * f D and ° <mn * ott °ni>, will riyi
Arrive »t Millwlsevtlln ...* in.,,
Arrive ut Estuuton . ...U
Arrive at Maoon q \
Leave Macon l«r (Nilauilnu . . . . ; i
Leave Macon lor Kulaula ' u -i
Leave Macon lor Atlanta ; : j
Arrive at Uoltmbti* alb
Arrive at Eufaula m y
Arrive at Atlanta..
Lea vo Atlanta j ; o
Leave t'olumbu.'* ; : 4
Leave Eulaul.i 7 -j
Arrive at Macon Iroin Atlanta
Leave Maeon 7:16 a m
Irfavu AU|(Ui<In 'J:Ub A M
Airlveat Augot'fi 4:00 r m
Arrive at Havanuuli bM r u
I.eavo .Savannah 7 3t> m
Ljuvo Auuimu (j : o5 %• m
Arrlro at Au^Uhtn a m
Arrive at Macon *:2U a >1
Leave Macon lor Columbus n:4t A M
l^inve Macon for Kulaul «:uft a m
Leave Macon lor Admit tuu a m
Arrive at UolutnhiM t.:.u r m
Arrive at Kulaula i.:t<i j- m
Arrive at Atlanta . t
COMING hou it AND J.Aoi.
Leave Atlanta ; ; yo A M
Leave ColuiiibuN .. l* a
Leave Kulaula 7 : -zu a m
Arrive at Macon iron- Atlanta ;t:40 !• m
Arrive at Macon Iroin t 'olninbu- 7;;io r a
Macon Iroin Kulaula r>:lu t* m
Mac* 1
A rrlve at Mlllo«lKe'
,reive at Eat ntou
rrlve at Ausuati
Train No.2 iVln
cnlnil Railroad, >
*»n«, iniM-onucra l<
ml I'm In No. 2 I
Change of Schedule.
Grand Gift Concert.
Public Library of Kentucky.
Success Assured!
A TI LL DIB % \% I,\(* ( liUTtIN
On Tueaday, 3l*t March Next!
In order to meet u,*- Kci.cral wDh mid ex|,. •
lull pay »>o lot the 111 sniU.ciit gilt- nl.11 ut,
•• I for tin- F urth Orand Gilt t',.u<eriol 1 o
I'm.lie I..I- 1, ..: h .
Drasuia ami? *•« 1 t * »"Ga .
Tucscay, the 3lit of March, 374’
No Further Postponement.
-OOO Crtsjll Gll’t>*.
9i v OOU«UOO f
»e i'i>!rtbolc'l aim-ua 1 lie tu ket-bobter-.
• i-iIi.h-i to c* u 1 on01 Until-.
und all fra
tho drawing just a * a hole ukeU
List of Gifts.
asii 1
j. i \ 1 u t >1
Pork quiet aJe*l ■
.«i a shad* T.w*
for finer rib
Urd-9ja9; for li* r. ..>; I0{«|
II for steam. Wliywiijf 95j.
tallos Narkcl*.
kw York, February 5. Colton dull
snd nonaiua ; sales 728 balm*: upltodH
T, Oilcans I6j.
Futures: Pabulary III. March 15 7-16;
April 16 1 - Ifttl - SI 1 May IS Mfij
June 16 4 *.
W9 You*. YsK 6 04tOI MB Md
DoiuiiiaI ; sales |.'*oo bales at I'> l i al6^ ;
net receipts 1739
Futures closed steady; sales 16,100
bales as follows : I **R uary 15/J, M^ch
15 17-32e9-D>, April «6 ID* 3 32. May
Dijal7*32, June 16. .15 16 Inly 17 7-32aj.
iveiiis>oi., February 5, i* M. — Market
er, bilk not <p*>tably lower; sales
10,0181 batea, including I ,»hh» for specula-
and ei|H>rt
ilea of Orleans, nothing below low
middlings, shipped February and March,
Md; deliverable March am! April, Md.
2 r. M.— Uplands 7Jd: OrleanaB|d.
3 r. *«. —Uplands 7j«l; Orleans Mj l.
Hales of 6.600 bales Atuerioau.
Hales of uplands, nothing below g«»«>d
ordiuary, shipped February aud March,
;p. i
fvr Nou-EIcctio Plating,
r|ii || -t ck oti Hit
wait •
S. » • f M »• In*.- IMSW si.i * »f
* 1.1. API'ROV f l
/\ uoTI'o.N Tl»
Cotton TV Co.
Rankin House,
('oliiinluiH, («ii,
Huhy Best an runt,
Bar and Billiard Saloou.
Under the IUmix House.
J. W. It* \N, Piop'*.
OPKKA Iiorsjv
Ten-Pin Alley and Bar!'
I 11 k in.-i m .n i *
»' E *
Ml it ITT
mu t'AMI •1IFT.N IT) f t.l, ...
am -uutliiK to *1
lie • lisn* c* i*»r » «itt sr** m one to n.
l’rico ot Tickots.
kci» t
CUU|S>|.«,.U : n.
i*l% It*
> U bole I t.
\. J. HOI,IM».
I ll * VK J*i-t r.r.lvrd • j*•( I* ut ID-
^ TURK KRAML Mo* I.Im so- * . . i, f or
NAI.AUA UKtrtft.
».\ 1)111 I.AVI.R I'll,,.
1.0\IIOA I.A<l:l ■ ALIA*,
,11 kin,I, ol M r*. .If.. HI Aw. HO
Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt.
rkk.l. lull n„..,/.n/ .llku.t .1,
John D. Blackimr.
»> n|»|* I:,truer.t of K*»v. Hrsrnl.-:t«*.
Prolumo & Hodman.
Attention for Tan Days!
A POBTION ‘t th# Walt bee. JmmArj. a* I
Clark# «!*#•• •*» «>»• »•> r^swr. »*«•»
«!*.., ih- uM»lilsdwxuwniaan.|
* frirn U » ■•ilJ do mu a favor tail,
uk,- »»a> thru ariKlsa.
T. 1*. SPEAK, A (-ut
H. Br*mhali • M«< bis* A««a*-y,
fj Broad hit<wi, Colaaite#, tit, '