The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 06, 1874, Image 2

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COM’.n BUN: FRIDAY FEBRUARY G, 1874. POSITIVE. We are forced l>y the necessity of our business to make tho following nunounco- xuent. Tho advertising and subscription rates printed in this issue will ho strictly adhered to, and where subscriptions are not paid strictly in advance tho following prices will be insisted on : Per Annum. Daily $10 00 Weekly 2 50 Sunday 3 00 Sunday and Weekly f> 00 Monthly subscribers 00 AW APOLOGY. Owing to tho groat demand of adver tisers, and the fact that our prosses have boon busy getting off Dr. Buck’s capital papor, 'The Templar, we cannot go to press with our immense extra edi tion till this afternoon. Tho supplement will be the largest paper ever published in this part of the State, and such an op portunity to business men as they will not soon have again. It will oontain Major Calhoun’s address to tho Grangers, and tho first chapters of tho new and thrilling story which will appear in tho Sunday | Enquirer of tho lf»th inst. Several col umns will bo devoted to a description of “Columbus—Her Industries and her Bu siness.” In this description we propose to givo n large editorial account of tho houses advertising in our largo four-page supplement. Wo will hold tho forms open till 2 o’clock this afternoon, in order that these who have not availed thom- hoIvob of this enterprise may have an op portunity. The paper will bo distributed in every Grange, Post-offieo and Good Tomplar Lodge within oue hundred miles of Columbus, and largely in Florida and Tonnossoo. Tub appointment of a new Supromo Court Bouch for Texas is an event likoly to cause gonoral satisfaction throughout the South. Governor Coke has appointed tho following judges of tho court: O. M. Roberts, Goorgo F. Moore, Reuben A. Roovoh, Thos. J. Devine, and Wru. P. Ballongor—all said to be men of ability and integrity. Tins charges against Judge Bustard, presented to Congress on Monday by Alox. White (Republican of Alabama) are—tlmt ho lias nover resided in any of tho Districts of which ho is Presiding Judge, or in Alahatua; tlmt ho has failed to hold oourtH as required by law; that ho has failed to keep his appointments for holding courts ; and improper relation to a libel suit. The Supremo Court of tho United States now stands as follows : Chief Jus tice Waite, of Ohio; Mr. Justice Hunt, of Now York; Mr. Justice Clifford, of Maine; Mr. Justice Sway no, of Ohio; Mr. Justice DaviH, of Illinois; Mr. Justice Field, of California; Mr. Justice Bradley, of New Jersoy. Officers of tho Court—D. W. Middloton, Esq., Clork, of Washington, D. O.; John G. Nioolny, Esq., Marshal, Illinois: and John Williams Wallaoo, Esq., Philadelphia, Reporter. Tub National Cubuenoy.—Wo copy below tho official report of tho amount of Uuitod States currency outstanding on the .‘list of January. It is somewhat largor than was generally supposed, and it is probable tlmt tho issues of the National Banks of tho country swell tho whole amount to $725,000,000: Old domand notes $ 78,51)2 Legal lender notes, new is sue (57,435,am Series of 18G3 1114,280,1110 Ono yoar uotos of 1803 80,48 Two yoar notes of 18(53 24,500 Two year coupon notes of 18G3 31,100 Compound interest notes. ... 451,270 Fractional currouoy, just is sued 4,340,551 Second issue 3,101,381 Third issue 3,335,5111 Fourth issue, first series 21, Second series 0,810,850 Third series 3,074,552 REMOVAL OF THE CAPITAL. We, in common with the people gene rally of this immediate section of the State, care very little whether the seat of tho State Government be continued at Atlanta or removed back to Milledgeville. We would prefer Macon to either. But we nro of the opinion that tho question of location ought to bo settled, so as to stop its distracting agitation. Thus believing, we should have no objection to make to tho passage of a constitutional amend ment to that effect by the Legislature, so as to let the people voto upon that propo sition separately. It is plain to cur mind that we cun never get up such a Constitu. tioual Convention as is desirable, and havo a fair expression of tbe popular will upon important general amendments, until we got this exciting local question out of tho way. While it overrides, in excitement, all questions relating to tho general administration of the government, wo cun never get a Constitution which is clearly, upon its own merits, tho choice of the great mass of the peo ple. As wo have taken tho ground that a Convention ought not to bo called solely or primarily with a view to tho removal of tho capital, so wo are clearly of the opinion that the apprehension that the •upital might bo removed ought not at any timo to prevent the majority of tbe ! peoplo from amending tho Constitution in other respects if they desire to do so. Regarding the removal quostion in this light, and caring but little how it decided, wo aro in favor of deciding it quickly in favor of ono locality or nnother. Then wo can soo plainly whether tho people want a Constitutional Convention or not, and then, if they do want important amendments made, there will be a much otter chance to obtain a popular voto upon such amendments without distrac tion by local interests or jealousies. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. mils vs. tJic Constitution —L(‘K:iNln- tl v«* Action- Strong .tlnron nml llrmiswicli Hull rood Sup port, Etc., Etc. was postponed indefinitely by yeas G3, nays 50. THE MACON AMD BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. Macou has a strong delegation here to urge the continuation of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad to Covington. The whole thiug is wrong. Tho Slate should refuse aid further, and involve other roads in taxation. Muscooke. MARRIED, In Hurtville, Ala. on tlie ermine of the 4th Instant, by tlio Kcv. 0. W. Epps, nt llm residenco of IH. M. I.. Long, tho bride's father, thn llov. C. K IIKNDKKriON to M(ji GKKTUA L. LONG. Total. .$430,174,71 Masonic Notice. A Regular Mooting of Parley Chapter . * / No. 7. It. A. M., will he held this \£t/ (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Vi»w!ng Companion* In good standing «* nro invited to attend. By order M. E. II. P. CLIFF. B. OKI MLS, foh8 It Secretary. Valentines for 1874 VALENTINES AT 5c, I lie, 15c, 25c, 30c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $2! in the country tilled with , and mailed free o' pustagi ordurt to us. Wo guarunt to uuy 5 satis J. W. PEASE & NORMAN. M)*i jfachll ly DRESSED . • Turkeys ami Chickens, Freeh Butter and Eggs. Bond tho money with tho order, fobO lt» AT GUXUY'K. Dwelling House and Lot For Sale. I The lot i* WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. ». wirricn. c. M - Maim. WITTICH & KINSEL, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, 6a. A N nd the latest styles have been recently purchased York, and - .... t WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER A PLATED WARE. All of the latest manufacturers. (•old and Silver Thimbles, Ladies’ and Gents* Clin In*. Plain and Fancy Gold Bings of beautiful workmanship, and every variety of Article found in a First-Class Jewelry Ntore. Stencil Plates of every description cut at short notice. SOLE A HUNTS for tho celebrated Diamond Pebbled Spectacles and Kye-G lasses, and Agents for the Arundel Pebble Spectacles, which aro slightly colored, ami in high favor with everybody using specta cles or eye-glasses. Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing in all Its branches. Hair Jewelry, Society Badges, Diamond Setting, or any now work made to order at reasonable rates. ENGRAVING promptly executed. dea2X d3m EACLE AND PHENIX MANUFACTURING CO. SAVE YOUR MONEY! REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY .TO THE SALE, KENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE in the City and country, and will advertise tho same (at private Hale) FREE OF CHARGE, unles* the propi rty is sold. For Sale. McIutO Will be sold The place is nr creek, ten minii es’ wu terms, apply to C. A. I 1 ; tho dwelling is comfortable pairs can be made desirable, the Brick Yard, on Marshall's Ik from either bridge. For ‘ ily. Enquire ~ COTTON IN NORTH GEORGIA. A correspondent of tho Athous Watch man, giving that paper tho nows from Franklin county, Ga., mukoa a report of tho progress of oottou culture there, which wo believe to bo a fair sample of its growth in most of tho couutios of North ern Georgia. Ho states that before tho war the cotton crop of tho oouuty did not exceed twelve hundred bales, and that now it roachoH four to six times that uinouut; that soino ten or twelve thou sand acres of cotton were planted last year, and observing farmers say that the yield averaged a bale to every two acres, lie attributes tho improvement in the yield cliictly to tho use of commercial fer tilizers, but suggests th it u change of cli- mato may havo euutiibutod something to wards it. Tho opiuiou is eutertaiued that the country will very soon become oue of tho best cotton growing distiiots of the State. But this correspondent ulso reports au effect which wo see everywhere through out tho “cotton bolt”—that "while tho culture of cotton has been developed, other interests havo languished." Hesajs that fifteen years ago tho peoplo of tho county aunually aout bacon uud Hour to tho markets, but that now they buy many thousand pounds of both from tho mer chants, and largo droves of hogs aro brought there for sale. They, of course, get Hour and bacon cheaper than tho plan ters of this region cau buy them; but there is still little doubt that tho economy of neglecting such crops for cotton will in tho end prove greatly injurious oven to thorn. —At tho latest accounts from tho soat of war iu Africa, tho British army was within ono day’s march of Oomassee, the Ashanteo capital, and it was said that the Ashautee kiufc hud sued for peace. 8o it is likely that British “roconstruction, Fpeoiitl Correspondence Enquirer ami Him ] Atlanta, February 5, 1874. Tho chartered lights of railroads havo been attacked by a bill introduced by Mr. McDaniel, of Walton, which proposes to tax the property of all railroads. The honorable gentleman gave as a reason for believing I hat tho tax could bo imposod that the Code of 1803 expressly stated that all roads getting charters from the Legislature after that date should hold them subject to fnturo modification by the Legislature. He claimed tlmt roads char tered prior to 18G3 had accepted amend ments, und were consequently amenable to this section of tho Code. The Consti tution, however, reudora inviolable all ights, privileges and immunities which may havo been vested iu or accrued to any persons or corporations, or in a fidti- iary capacity, under any act of any legis lative body sitting in this State, such, Ac. To override this plain provision of tho Constitution, passed live years after tho Code of 18G3, presents a grave question. The decision of the Supremo Court of the United States, that a charter is u con tract, and that no law impairing the obli- gatioim of contracts is legal, is a thought which comuionds itself to our napiont legislators. Donate. The following wero introduced : Dr. Mathews—To authorize the Ordina ry of Talbot county to issuo scrip on said county for the pnrposo of paying ropaira done on the court-house. Mr. Hillyer—To provide for tho better hearing of pauper criminal cases in the Superior courts. Mr. Brimborry—To protect inuocont purchasers at sales of property subject to judgments. The following woro passed or otherwise disposed of : Mr. Loster's resolution that tho Seimto adjourn o:i the 13th was laid on tho table. To require an enumeration of tho school population to be taken aud read annually; to secure tho more efficient collection of the poll tux. Tho bill requires the patrons of public schools to exhibit receipt of pay- uiout of poll tsx boforo tholr children cun be entered. Indefinitely postponed The messago of tho (k>voruor relative to unification of colleges was taken up und 200 copies ordered printed. Tho Senate resolved to devote ono hour to House bills, and tho House devote one hour to Sonuto bills. House. Tho following bills wore introduced: Mr. Mercer—To exempt dentists iu ac tive practice from jury duty; to amend the laws in roforouce to affidavits. Mr. Carlton—To incorporate tho Geor gia State Inebriate Asylum; to re section 3 of tho net of 18GG to prevent tho spread of small pox. Mr. Lyon—To fix pordiom and mileage. Per diem of President aud Speaker is $12, members $3 ; mileago ten cents per mile. Mr. Tuiulin—To ulluw compensation for taking down evideuoo in criminal cases before committing magistrates aud judges of county courts. Mr. Walsh—To prevent cruelty to ani mals. Mr. Kaiglor—To authorize sheriffs and other officers to collect advertising fees. Mr. Peabody’s bill enrno up as a special order. It was to provide for the manner of issuiug county and municipal bonds, and to declare all issued contrary thereto null aud void. Tho Judioinry Committee reported amendments that the majority shall be a majority of freeholders; provided that its provisions do not apply to the cities of Atlanta aud Savannah; that it is not con strued to prevent tho city of Augusta from issuing bonds to finish the canal; that no bonds shall be issued unless by W";!:. Guardian’s Sale. ! Hold first Ttiomlay in Murrl t tho iimihI place of holding publh < >, in iin: city of ColiitnliiiH, (la , -l,()h3 hIihi us o " k in tho Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad the property ol Honjumin May, decensod, l»t«, and for tho purpose of distribution. UUfiTAVUd DELAUNAY, pay aid Sheriff’s Sale. yy ILL bo Hold on tl front of KlI.a A Harrison’* auction house, Broad "trout. Columbus, Ga, tho following dincrilod property, u-wil: Part of lot 2-10, known iih the property of D. W. uurt, agent for wife, with improvements thureon. »viod on for State and county taxed for tho year • :o mo liy Win. CITY LOT No. Gill, three dwelling* on t together or depurate, a Ja27 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated iu tho Lindners centre of tho city. M ill sell ut a great bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided interest. Tho propel t.v can bo made to pay a lai£0 iutorodt on the invoHtmeut. - A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with teu acres ground, iu Litiwood, one mile from 8. W. K. R. depot; a very comfortable aud desirable home. For Rent. A STORE HOUSE in the valley of Talbot county ut a croMn-ioad, three tuiled of tho Chalybeate Springs. A very desirable locution for u Dry Good* aud Grocery business. sepl7 JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can ho furnished printed nt short notice, at low Cash Rates. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. TUos. G-lIbert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Independent. E1GLE l PHENK MGS DEPIRIIUI'T, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent, compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. * BANKS. MERCHANTS’ AND MECHANICS' OOLUMBUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. February 5th, 1874. if GEORGIA. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. INSURANCE. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY I MuhnfiVy, lawful countable fcb. r » iv 41 H AVIVU hci teals, Ao BltODKF. 1 li II. G. IV BY, Sheriff. Card. my Htock of Drugs, Chom ELLIS & HARRISON, AGENTS FOlt GEORGIA SOAP FACTORY OF ATLANTA, GA., W ILL ho'I i hr ho excellent Soaps of ALL grarios to the trade a* FACTORY PRICES, freight added. huy- ivill do jalil , tlu oddW 1V ell toexari.iu They aro guarantor i other good* iu this l.r d a. good, n at 160 reby return thunk* to my 'rlendn r past patronage; and in retiring fi'om , I solicit a continuance of the same for jsaor, who 1 am confident can please both 1 to price and quality of good*. Respectfully K:A. WARM. Dr. F. L. BROOKS, Dr. K. A. WARE, Manufacturing Druggist, nnoAB MitiiT. above Rankin House, Columbus, Gu. Fresh Drugs and Chemicals (warranted pure) nro b dug daily received. Pure Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cin, for medicinal purposes, always on hand, and Held ut the lowest panic prices. French, English, German and American Perfumery, ull the latest novelties and styles, at vory low |irli-ra. Lamps and Fixtures, Oils, Spices, Laundry and Toilet Soups, Stationr Teas, Cotub*, Brushes, and Fancy Goods o every description,at extremely low prices. The Finest Cigars At tho lowest prices to be had in the city. cfully compouiuh-d hv all hours. Railroad Notice. FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. rjllIK SMALL DWELLING SECOND dour north of Mule Public School, Jack* son street. Apply to fcliS tf C. J. FREDERICK & BRO. For Rent. Q LARGE ROOMS, with side entrance, with uso ut parlor and kitchen. Parties cun board with family on very reasonable terms, if preforied Ilou-to is well located. AddrvS* Ja25 tf L, Box 181. For Sale. Broad Uwopo*. Apply to jati-i 2taw4w m us the B. nrtho upper cuptod by Mr, PEABODY A BRANNON Notice in Bankruptcy. No. lUTti. rpnis is ' i the 24th day of ut in Bankruptcy of Joseph King. For Rent, O NE of the most cumfortublo Dwellings iu Wynutou, the residence of Thos. BSIrH A. Cainuk. deceased. Terms easy. Apply®** at this ofi'iiv, or to 0. G. RAGLAND, Agent * JatO tf tor Jam's Gatnitk. Ex r. For Sale Low. ^ SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. — uovO tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Rooms to Rent. J. K JOHNSTON &. 00. WAGON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. M0SHELL H AVING taken Goeti id now prepared U Wood Work iu all their various brnnchcH, such us Plantation Work. Repairing of Carriages an Wagons, making of all descriptions of Plow, Ilorto Shoeing, Ac. I Keep constan ly on hand a largo Htock of a! kind-of Pl.OAS in gtueril use, which will 1 soul a* cheap a* can bo found any whoro iu tho South. 1 hav * and deli bankrupt, to him *fer of any property that a melting i-l •on adjudge i . d that the pi •perty guarantee n.l woik doiio, either iu the n lino. patronage of tho public is respectfully J. II. MOSIIELL. Th lolicitod. ja-0 if unlike American, will poll dowu a black authority of a Rpecial ouaetment. government und set up a white one. —Henry Clows, in a note to the New’ York Jit raid, contradicts the statement that the United States Government will lose anything by tho suspension of the house of Clews, HaV.icht A Co. Ho says that neither tho Government nor any in dividual will loso a dollar, aud the house will pay all liabilities in full. Mr. Hudson off ered au amendment that it does not apply to bonds already or to be issued to build jails and court-houses. Messrs. Peabody and Mercer advooated tho passage, and Mr. Anderson opposed the bill. On motion of Mr. Andersou, the bill >f L. T. Do’ H'loro Lorn Gst day ot bo hold tors of tho H.ih >1 to choose out ill bo held at . , A. dTi!s74. ut D» o'clock* W M. II. SMYTil tilted Marshal, a* Mi ngcr SADDLES AND HARNESS. NOTICE. SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, Ami other goods iu his line, At Very Reduced Prices! FOR CAMII ONLY! and to bo convinced, plea.-o call aud examine stock and prices. N. B.—All personi* who are indebted to me aro requested to call and settle without fuithcr notice. H. MIDDLEBR00K. Columbus, January 1st, 1874. eoiUw'Jm CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICES. E. Ja-4 taply C. HOOD & BRO. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Prices Reted to Snit the Times. Sash, Blinds and Doors. 8x10 Hash uuglazod 8c, and glazed 20c per lig 10x1- *’ •• IOC, • “ 2 V. “ 12x14 “ “ 1*c, “ “ 3fio 12x1 fi “ “ 14c, “ •* :t7c 1 - x 18 “ •* ltic, “ “ 41c 12x20 “ *• lbc, *’ “ 6lo “ THE SUN PRINTING BOOK - BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, ColumloiiH, GeorgiA, IB ONK OF THU MOST COMPLETE AND KXTKNSIVE IN THE SOUTH. AND IlICINO SUPPLIED WITH ALL TI1B Modern Styles of Machine ry and Material, 18 WELL PREPARED To Execute with Accuracy and Dispatch EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Book & Job Printing —AND— BOOIllm KmiKTG, fS'Using Steam Power, running six of the most improved and be9t make Presses, with constant additions to our already very large assortment of Elegant Types, Rules, Borders, and other material, and skilled workmen in every department, our facilities for turning out all descriptions of work, expeditiously and neatly, at the Low est Cash Prices, are unsurpassed by any establishment in the State. ^Orders from u.broutl will re vive tlie same utleiiUon us If (he parties were prevent to trunanct the busincKM, mid will be prompt ly filled. THOMAS GILBERT. THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUE** TO OFFER THE PUBLIC INDEMNITY against Loss hy FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cet It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH President., Oct. l*t. 1S73. Treasurer. FIRE INSURANCE FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE OOMPAWST OF San Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, oct22 ly COLUMBUS. OA. COPARTNERSHIP. mill? UNDBRSTGNKD HAVE THIS DAY FORMHD A COPARTNERSHIP under the firm name o JL WILLC0X A HAWKS, for tho transaction of u General Insurance Business in this city. I). F. WILl.COX, Columbus, Oct. 13,1873. \V. N. 11AWK8. Willcox & Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Representing a list of the oldest and largest Iusurunru Companies iu the country. “Time-Tried ami Flre-Tostod,” with assets exceeding $27,000,000! 11 classes of insurable property, at t -A. O^FUD. f tho city, and ulTer* his careful n With an experience of twenty yeai tho many who have during that time rt dollars tor lotses incurred by Companie Columbus. Oct. 14. 18715. tf uni a service of fourteen y m above named, solicits foi ten I ion thereto, iu tho community us an Underwriter, he respectfully refer* solved his policies, and to whom he has disbursed thousands then represented by him, and now bv tlm new firm. 1). F. W1LI.COX. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. G. \V. ROSETTE. S. E. I.AWH0N. Lip sash 2c per light additional. BLIND3 f»Oo l’KK FOOT, hi asuring length i «ubi 2 panel doors, 1 : JJ 4 “ “ 1% ut« per side f. c th. hick, 3x7 feet plain, $2 75 1 :i\7 “ -3 50 moulding doors extra. GOETCHIUS & CO., Fifty R. R Corner St. Clair ami Jacksou Sts., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Dissolution Notice. CO. has till* day boon dissolvod by mutual eonsont. The business will be settled up by THOMAS GILBERT, t<*whom these having cluims against tiro firm will present them for payment. Those Indebted to the firm for sub scription, advertising, job work or book-bind ing are requested to give early attention to tho settlement of their arrearage*. THOS. DkWOLF, THUS. GILBERT. Columbus, Ga., Doc. 31,1873. FARM BOOKS. fobs dlw**c4t Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLAS8, Ac., Mtiilcii to nny ono tntrrcstod in butlilinv, ot receipt of aUmp. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 A 256 CANAL 8TRKKT, J) 11 dAwly NSW YORK CITY. TIME BOOKS FOR PLANTATIONS AND FARMS Enables uuy sne to keep accurate ac- counts with their employees. Price $1 50. The form i* oue furnishod by p planter of much experience. Its use will cuuble a Farmer to save many times its cost during the yeav. Printed aud for *alo by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will be forwarded by mail, on receipt of price. Ju2l dawtf R. McNEILL k C0„ AUCTION, Commission Merchants AND Real ESstate Agents* 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H AVING formed a copurtnerubip to conduct the AUCTION AND COMMISSION business, solicit a share of. the public patroLOgo. HAVE NOW ON CONSIGNMENT, UT, OATS, CORK, IPPIES, POTTOS UD FRESH BUTTER, Which in ofifereJ nt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at prices that willi ha an inducement to Cash Buyers. R- McNeILL Columbus, October 12tU, 1873. dGm