The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 07, 1874, Image 1
mmm mmmm 1 aatetttgK saasaiiafta? roL. xvi. Columbus v - r A> ■ ^ A3STID W id-A-ilit uirer. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1874. XO. 82 TEEMS OP TMK A ILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY unquirbr. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, I*ro|»rletor. «plvo months, in advance., it months, •• ires months, “ as month, •• ekki.v Enquire.., one year •sdav Enquirer, one year 2 r.O isvily and Wkeki.v Enquire.. to- nether, one yoar - 3 00 $8 00 4 00 2 00 7fio. 2 00 WASHINGTON 7 . €ONURK§NIONAIi AND U.N COURTS The Bankrupt Bill In ihc Senate. eorgia legislature, lore New Bills — McDaniel** R. R. lilll Passed. Tlio House coutinueH to introduce new ills. A resolution has been adopted by ie Senate that no more new matter be itroduoed after Monday. TUe House passed McDaniel’s Railroad ill. Mr. Peabody spoke and voted for io bill; and Mr. AVatt also voted for it, ho Senate, I have no doubt, will de- eat it. Senate. The following bills were introduced : Mr. Cain, to make Agnsta the terminus f the Groat Southern Railway Coro- nuy. Mr. Heard, to appoint coroners in sev- ral counties by Ordinaries. Pv Mr. Robinson, to exempt from jury 2( V physicians in active practice and iving ii p’omas. Air. Nuu ills introduced a resolution at our U.'prosentatives be requested to ie efforts to establish a navy yard at ruuswick. Adopted. A •resolution was adopted and transmit d to the House directing the collection • Jaw of tho bond of Poster Blodgett; so the bond of J. E. Parrott. A bill to remove tho capital from At- ,uta to Millodgevillo was made the special rdor for Monday. A motion to indefi- itely postpone was defoated by a vote of as IG ; nays 19. Mr. Kibboo, a resolution to authorize 10 Attorney General to prosecute, eou- ol and settle such prosecutions as are ow pending or which may hereafter o instituted for tho recovery of money the State, and indictments for crime rowing out of transactions in which the ostorn and Atlantio railroad and State ave been wrongfully deprived of money il property. The following were passed : To protoct tho people io the sale of ;orosene oil, by repealing the act of 1870. To prevent lire hunting for game. To extend tho time for recording cer- liu liens. To provide for tho probate of bills of a ertain character. Dr. Matthews’ resolution to adjourn on lie L’Oih was tabled. Various bills wore recommitted. Among !iem was the game law. House. Mr Peabody moved to reconsider action n the bill “to provide for the manner of isuiug county and municipal bonds, and declare all bonds issued contrary there- null and void,” which motion prevailed d the bill, under a suspension of the s, was taken up and recommitted to Judiciary Committeo. The following were passed: To make it penal to sell liquors within reo miles of any academy achoolhouse church outside of any incorporated u or village. Judiciary Committeo commended a substitute making it ap- ilicablo to Muscogee couuty. Substitute reed to. Mr. McDaniel’s bill, detining the lia- lily of railroad companies to taxation, 1 to repeal so much of the charters of lowpuuies us exempt them from taxation [ftor several amendments were voted u. passed as reported by the cornmit- —yeas 100, nays ffl. Fort, Tlogo, La- aam, Mercer, Tutt and Anderson spoke opposition. Peabody, Turnbull and Daniel iu fuvor. Section one provides that presidents of ompauies shall be required to return ou ith annually to tho Comptroller General, e value of the property of their respec- companiea, without deducing their dobtednosH, each class or species of roporty to bo separately named and val- ioa, and to be taxed as other property of |ho people. Said returns shall be mado nder the same regulitions as provided y law for returns of officers of other in corporated companies, which are required >y law to be made to the Comptroller eueral. Sectiou two provides for the col.action f tho taxes assessed. Suction throe repeals the tax ou tho iu- 3ino or oaruiugs of railroads. Section four repeals so much of tho veral charters of railroad companies, or a property, or incoiuo or receipts there of from taxation. Muscoof.e. FOl B PERSON** ni'RNKD TO DEATH. Evanoville, Feb. G.—Full particulars f a burning of Chris Mebr’s House, and tteudiug fatality show that but four per- ons were burned to death and several ere badly burned. The details show lie sulTorings of the victims to have been lerriblo. Tboro were, when the tire iroke out, about ten porsous iu the house, ilrs. Mehr seized two of the children lU, l rushod through the ll vmes, uud a loardor seized another of the cbildreu. 'Ir. Mehr rushod out, an 1 seeing that ciuo of his children woie missing, again a, i iuto tho house and was not seen 'Rain alivo. Wheu found he hud clasped Q his arms three children who had boon eft behiad, the four hodits being burned iltuont to a cinder. These four were tho >nly persons burned to death. Most of the other persous were more or leas burn ed. Senate. Washington, Fob. G.—Morritnon pre sented a petition of citizens of Wilming ton, N. C., and tho Chamber of Com merce of that city, asking an appropria tion of $9.70,000 to complete the im provements at the mouth of Cape Fear river. Referred to Committee on Com merce. House. Being private bill day, a number of private bills were reported and acted upon. Tho Senate resolution giving witne-mes before the Senate Committeo $4 per day and ftve cents per mile each day. Passed. Tho bill for the relief of W. H. Vesoy was passed. Davis introduced a bill to authorize the Attorney General to settle the claims of tho Government with tho purchasers of its property at Harper’s Ferry. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. Bankruptcy resumed. An amendment of Mr. Sherman to fix the limit of time at 90 days in whioh a party dishonoring his commercial paper can bo adjudged a bankrupt, which, after discussion, referred—ayes Iff, nays 29. The amend ment requiring third creditors, Ac., to force a debtor into bankruptcy, was re jected. Thomas said tho clause now' pro- proposed to be amended had been subjected to tho severest criticism in the committee, and, after careful considera tion, one-fourth of tho number and one- third of the urnouut of debts had been agreed to. Curpontor said ho came hero at the be ginning of the session fully proparod to vote for tho repeal of the baukrupt law, bat, after a thorough examination of the (piostion, ho bad come to the conclusion that to repeal tho law would be detri mental to debtors. He would therefore vote for continuing the law, and would support the amendments of the Judiciary Committee, with such others offered in the Senate as he might deem advantageous. Tho amendments reported, with a few verbal changes, were adopted ns reported by the Judiciary Committee. The com mittee’s amendments, as passed by tho Senato, fix tho time at forty duys within whioh any banker, broker, merchant, manufacturer or tniuer, who has stopped or suspended, and not re sumed payment of his commercial paper shall not bo deemed bankrupt; and prescribe that fees, commissions, charges and allowances, excepting actual and no pessary disbursements of and to bo made by the officers, agents, marshals, messen gers, assignees and registers in cases of bankruptcy, shall be reduced to one-half of the allowances heretofore provided for tho Justices of the Supreme Court, who uro to make new rules and regulations in respect to this law, and are empowered to consolidate the duties of register, as signee, marshal and clerk ; and to reduce the cost of charges to tho end that prox imity delay and unnecessary expense may be avoided. Edmunds offered a new amendment, conferring jurisdiction in bankrupt cases upon any circuit or district court of the United States ; which was agreed to. He also offered an amendment dispen sing with personal service of notice in all esses of claims not exceeciiug fifty dol lars, and providing payment in cash ; where tho amount should be under that sum, notice could bo given by publication in the newspapers ; agreed to. He also offered au additional section to the bill, providing that it shall bo the dnty of the Marshal of each district, in tho month of July in each year, to report to the Clerk of the District Court, iu tub ular form to bo proscribed by the Justices of the Supreme Court of tho United States : First, the number of cases iu bankruptcy iu which warrants have come to his hands. Second, how many of such warrants were returned, with the fees, costs, expenses and emoluments thereof. Third, tho total amount of all o.her foes, costs, expenses and emoluments eurned and received by him during (he y from or in respect to auy matter in bankruptcy. Fourth, a suuimai izod state mout of such fees, costs, emoluments, exclusive of disbursements it bankruptcy, ns were received oi earned during tho year. Fifth, a sum murized statement of all actual disburse incuts iu such cases, also requiring every Register to report in like manner the number of voluntary and compulsory cases iu bankruptcy coming before him during tho year; amount of assets and li abilities of bankrupts; amount and rate of per cent, of all dividends declared and disposition of all such cases. Every as signee is required to make a similar re turn, and the Cleik of such Court, in tho mouth of August iu each year, is required to transmit to tho Attorney Gouoral mid report all cases pending and disposed of; dividends declared; disposition of cases; whether any officer has failed to make his report. Any violation of this section is to be punished by dismissal from office and tho purty offending be guily of misde meanor, and upon conviction be fined not more than $.700, or imprisonment not ex ceeding one year. This section won adopted. Thurman offered an amendment to abol ish the office of Register iu Bankruptcy, and authorizing the several District Courts to make such orders and to tuke such steps as may be necessary t | form any of tho duties heretofore per formed by Registers; such power to l»e al so exercised by a Judge in chambers; no foos or compensation shall be paid to any such commissioners except such as shall be allowed by the Court. Thurman advocating the adoption of this amend ment said three-fourths of the U. 8. Dis trict Judges had ample time to discharge all the duties whioh would be devolved upon them if the office of register in bankruptcy should be abolished, and in consideration of complaints from all quarters of largo amounts received by those officers as fees. He thought it a move iu the right direction to abolish tho office. Edmunds said his friend Thurman might huvo some prejudice on this sub ject that ho was not aware of himself, and had therefore got a little off the track in this case. It might bo that ho would like to seo so many Republicans put out of t flice. Thurman said ho did not know the politics of a single register in the United States, but from all accounts the Democrats had got a pretty good share. (Laughter.) Edmunds thought that may be, as there is very little of that thing going on but what tho Democrats get a share. [Re newed laughter.] The amendment of the gentleman (Thurman) had been considered in Com mitteo nnd rejected in the amendments already agreed upon provided for a re duction in fees. To have work done effici ently under tho Baukrupt Law it must be paid for, and ho did uq£ think it udvisablo to imposo this duty upon tho courts pond ing tho discussion on Thurman’s amend ment to abolish tho office of Register tho Senate, on motion of Cameron, went into Executive Session, and after a half hour tho doors ware reopened and they ad journed. * No confirmations. Washington, February 0.- The Senate to-day, by n vote of 22 to iff, concurred in the House bill endorsing proposed Philadelphia Ceuteunial Exhibition in tho United Slates District Court to-day. FOREIGN. DOMESTIC. TROUBLE!* OF CIO All MANUFAC TURER!*. New Youx, Feb. G.—Tho Bowery aud up town cigar manufacturers, at a secret meeting, have resolved to rescind their action of last week in acceding to tho de mands of tho workmen nnd giving an in crease of ono dollar per fbousaud. It has been discovered that a number of down town manufacturers have bud a secret understanding with their men to work at a reduction of twouty-fivo per cent, por thousaud, by which means they were ena bled to undersell the up town manufac turers. This notion will undoubtedly lend to a general striho next week. 17. H. COURT IN BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Feb. G —In the United States District Court this morning, Hon. Judge Giles presiding, iu the case of Jas. S. Mason, registrar of the lirst election district of Kent county, iudioted under the second section of tho act of Congress of May Gist, 1N70, for stnking from tho list of qualitiod voters the names of four teen colored persons in October last, tho jury renderod a verdict of guilty. Tho Tho court imposed :i lino of live hundred dollars and ousts. The whole umount is about six hundred dollars Immediately thereafter the euso of G. B. Haekett, indicted for intimidating vo ters in the same election district. A uol pros, was entered on the payment of iho amount of tivo thousand dollars. Mason was defended by A. K. Cluster, Attorney General of the State, and other able counsel. TWO DANCERS BURNED. Philadelphia, Feb. <5.—This afternoon two ballet dancers, Msss Hays and Mbs Lee, attachees of Mortimer’s Varieties Theater, wore badly burned. The former was in the green room before tho curtain rose and her dress caught fire from the stove. She ran on the stugo ami tho flames from her drew communicated, to that of Miss Lee. Both were badly burn ed about their bodies, although it is be lieved their injuries will not prove fatal. LYNCH LAW IN ILLINOIS, Cairo, Illinois, Feb. G.—Yesterday af ternoon Sheriff Irwin started for Carbon- dale with Chas. Wyatt, negro, charged with the murder of Mrs. Ryan. A crowd was collecting at Carbondalo with the iu- j ...v toution of lynching his prisoner. Irwin | H,,< 1 export; left the cars below Carbomlale and took Wyatt to Murphoysboro, county seat of Jackson county. To-night a crowd of 400 or .700 men visited tho jail at Mur phoysboro, took forcible possession of the prisoner and hung him. Wyutt con fessed his guilt beforo his death. THE ENGLISH ELECTION. LIVELY FIGHTS ALL ALONG THE LI N E-UONSEIl V ATI V EN NT ILL GAINING. London, Fob. G.—Tho Times says this morning it is now* evident the counting has returned adverse decisions to Glad stone's appeal. The elections in Ireland may show uulooked for results, but noth ing is likely to restore the losses of the Liberals iu Groat Britain. Disraeli is bound to accept office of the Government. The Pont, in au editorial of similar strain, says tho plunders of the govern ment are far more thau average. Its ex ecutive power has boon us absolute ns it has been indiscreet. It is immaterial whether adverso results of elections are duo to the dissatisfaction of tho country At the post, or the uncertainty regarding the policy of the Government iu the fu ture. London, February G.—Rioting was gen eral yesterday. In tho pottery district of Staffordshire, at Hanley, there was a dos- perato fight between two mobs. One man was ^killed and tuauy persous seriously wounded. Among tho injured are sev eral spoeial constables and policetnon. At Tunstol tho authorities closed all public houses. Tho mob soizod the bullot boxes, which woro recaptured by the police. Similar scones were enacted at Langton and Bursten. Tho Mayor of Wolver hampton and Magistrate of South Staf fordshire telegraphed late yesterday P. M. for military, ami asking for tho immedi ate dispatch of all available troops. In Ireland the feeling was high be tween tho Clerical and Nationalist parties, especially iu Limerick. A light occurod yesterday between tho supporters of the rival candidates iu Askelon, in which fire arms woro usod and three men shot dead. Ashburgand Shutt, Conservatives, linv boon elected ut Brighton, which was rop- reseutol in the last Parliament by Faucett and White, Advanced Liberals. Faucett yesterday stood at tho bottom of the poll. Polling in Manchester yesterday resulted in tho election of two Conservatives and re-election of Sir Thus. Basely, Liboral Jacob Bright stood at tho bottom of tho poll, and tho Conservatives gained ono seat. Tho Liberals gained a seat at Black burn, and the Conservatives hold thoi own at Sol ford. ITALY. Home, February 6.—General Delta Muriuon to-day requested permission to resign his seat in the Chamber of Depu ties, but tho Chamber refused to accept his resignation, and decided to grant him two months' leave of absence. Famine in luriiit. Calcutta, February f>.—Tho faniiue is increasing. It is estimated that Hit), 000 natives are already severely distressed. (Tiaui.eston, February G.—Steady; stock j fiG, lOff bales. Weekly net receipts 12,019; exports to Groat Britain 4,."94; to Contiueut f»,G12; France ff,8110; coastwise 4,A99; sales G,.7()0. Savannau, FebruaryG.—Nominal: stock 8G,2f»Jl. Weekly uet receipts 1G.92G; exports to Great Britain 22,GUI; Contiuont 4,124; coaRtwiso G,G30; sales G,G87. REGULATOR ST THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. TIi in unrivaled Medici lie i* wnrruntcd not to ntnln n Minglu jmrtirlo of Mi itcuRHY, or nuy in- jurioiw min. nil mibufanco, hut Ik PURELY VEGETABLE, ntuining those Southern Hootmin.l ll.tbn which i nil wiHe Providence him pliicod in roiinttioH here l.ivwr Dieeimes i.wnt prevail. It will cure nil Discuses rnusctl hy Dcrnnttc incut nr the Liver nml Bowels. Simmons* Liver Regulator or Medicine Ih eminently s Family Meili. ine; amt hy Ii kept r*aly for immediate reeort will Have man ' ulTirln« ami many a dollar iu time Afte a’ bills. • fi ll il in h(ill i in oil ia I h to it MVilIK the ' f the IiIicImHt char><etor and re poll nihility. KiiiIih ut phyu hum com mend it as tin MOST EFFECT!’ \1. SPECIFIC FOR l>YNI*E!»NIA OK IN DIOENTION. I with thin ANTIDOTE, ell climates and of water and I I may I e fared without h a iu MU.UHnl S FKY Kit8, IP »W El. COM PI.AI NT.-*, It KSTLK.-SN r.SS, .1 AC N DICK, NAP.-<KA. IT HAN NO LOCAL ! the i heapeHt, Piiieat md lti -st Fam ly Me Heine in the World ! J. II. /.FILIN’ A <<>., MACON, 11A., and Pll I LA DKI.PII I A. c, Sold hy all DruggiMi*. di od*wly GROCERIES. New Turkish Prunes, Now Currant*, Irish Oat Meal, Spin il Tripe, Atinure** Mincetl Ment, | ■•ure Apple luul Wine Vinegar, Buckwheat Flour, live! Tongue*, Choice Butter, Extra Choice Young II)noii, Impe rial, Unnpowtier iiutl Oolong Tcun, White Kerosene Oil, Fresh Sliakvr Barden Needs, war ranted, ROB'T S, CRANE, _ft'bl «d Trim tee. A New Entei-priae ! WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. RAILROADS. Central Railroad. J. T. HOLLAND T AKES pleasure ill notifying Merchant* Planter* of Lifying Me •in liiihc «<nin • of till MISCELLANEOUS. Dividend Notice. pm: i.n... i., IIEN'L, SUPT'S OFFICE O. K. K. I Savannau, Nmeuiberl, 187a. { O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, Sd ln8t,.nt, Fasioiigor Trains ou tho Uourgia Central Kt.llniu.1, Itshrtinohuauiid ooimuctloi.s, will run os lollowa: . RAIN No. l.UOINU NORTH AND WEST. l.eavu Savannah 8*46 , w Eoavo Auvusla .....i lliuh a m Arrive at Augusta j u0 .. Arrlvu at MllluJuevlUo „ ’ Arrive at Eaton ton Arrive nt Macon a-A „ I.uuve Ain cun tor Columbus ....... ). j. Leuvo Macon lor KulauLi . p iu i* m Leave Macon lor Atlanta 7-;^ v ‘ w Arrive at Oolutnbus A M Arrive at Kufaula .lu-”u a m Arrive at Atlanta 1.40 A M COMING SOUTH AND LAST. Lea vo A Hunt a 1:U0 A M Leave Columbus 7;4o 1* m Leave Kulaula 7^5 v M Arrive at Macnu iroin Atlanta tb.'iu a m Arrive at Macon Irani Columbus ft.oo a m Arrive at Macon from Kulaula 0:4;. a m Leave Macon 7:15 A m Leave Augusta ti-u& a m Arrive ill AUKiialu 4.00 i* M Arrive ut Savannah b.'lb i* m TRAIN No.‘2,(it).Nil NORTH AND WEST Leave Savannah 7 yu p m Leavo Auuustu 8:06 i* m Arrlvo at AuguMa fi.M a m Arrive at Macon b:'2u a m Leave Macon lor (Jolumh-is 8:4£» a m Leave Macon lor Kutaul u:u6 a m Leave Macon for Atlant u:lt) a m 1 dividi-nd* <d f» p.< I after it pi II 1st. I.s To All Whom it May Concern. rpJIK copartnership 1 day dissolved l 0 r M V Kit, ot said 11 rm. n of F MY Kit fi MARINE INTELLIGENCE. New York, February 0.—Arrived: Goethe. Arrived out: Curlier. MARKETS. HY TELEURAI'll TO ENOUIREK. Money and Nfock Markols. Paris, February G.—Rentes f»8f. 40c. London, February G. — Frio I T. Bank and street discount same. New York, February G.—Gold oponod at 11 lj}. Stocks active and strong. Money eusy. Exchange—long I.S.T. New York, Fob. /».—Money very oasy during the afternoon, with largo offer ings. Exchange heavy and lower at 181 A. Gold 11 l .Uo)l llg. Governments strong and higher, oousidorablo doing, advance duo largely to purchases lor account of books, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Provision Markets. Louisvillk, February G.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn quit t at 70. l’ork easier at #1.7 374. Bacon quiet; hIioiiI- ders clear ri » 9; Hear sides 1*4 Bird —9] for tiorce; 10.} for keg. Whiskey fl uit»r at 9GU St. Louis, February G Flour dull and nominal on low grades, which are scarce and wanted. Corn easier at 27 cash. G0a GOjaGl east trick, G.'tj in March. Whis key steady at 9G. Pork quiet at #1.7. Bacon, only a limited jobbing demand, buyers of round lots standing off for lower prices. Lard easier X' n . Cotton Markets. Liverpool, January G. 1*. m.—Cotton steadier; uplands 7 ,‘1; Orleans H.jd; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for specula- tu il exports I 1,000. tkh —Cotton to arrive 1 I -fid dearer. Sales of unluuds, no'hiog below go* d ordinary, shipped February and March, 7 Bt-IGd; shipped March and April 7jd; deliverable March and April 7 11-1G l. Sales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped Ft binary and March, 8 1-1 Gd. Sales include 8,.700 biles American. New York, February G. — Notice to Shippers. Notice to the Ladies. \llts. .IOIINHO ■' a 11 >1 I*Kitov wish I.>11.1..Ill ill tin. fiiuff*'* lIn-4 Inn.. •■pMi.-.l uith at KKNKW AND >YOK OO.MlilNOe, , in third door ul.ovo .1. s jail lm Kit ALL OLD II Mil, A Charcoal for Sale Cheap. I.AllOE qJASilTY OF OUAHCOAI. . Ilu-li.'l till tie* pi WOOD, \\'OiHI! ()" 4 COPY A OF.1 MUHCOOKri MAM I A' T’NO Wanted, III I "Ill'S IIAII.Y KNI.I .1. DD8SKV, American A' Cotton Tic Co. U lull up, ; li.culi ' nml lm THE RETAIL HOUSE OK Ilollnml A linker IS NOW 01'KN, With a full III)*, of Groceries and Staple Goods, J.i5M dlmj a.lupt.-l to tlio |ia.l«i. Co to Pomeroy’s, AT II.M.III’iH’S ( OIIMill, For Ferris 4 Co.'s Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strips, Ferris’s Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright's Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore's, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Cggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston Butter, Soda and Pic-nio Crackers, Snaps, 4c. ae-.’.Ir. T. t). PniiiiixoN will ho round at iho oouiitor, and will ho plouMod to wait on hi* lor- inur i'uetomi*ri* and blends 8 . Tlio patrotinuu ol tho public In roApootfully ^ollcl'c i. |d«ao Italian Maccaroni, Cream and Pine Apple Cheese, Corn Starch, Albert, Soda and Fox Crackers, Family and Toilet Soaps, Sperm and Parraftne Candles, Liquors and Spices, Imported Wines and Cigars, Dried and Pickled Beef, Mocha, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee, AT H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. Dissolution Notice. IlDlJO, h (hi* <h»> Mr .1 W.lluilo re- 111 will lie 8 Itleil b> It (i. \\ I i l l A M - . T. .i ri: Mb i; .1 \V. IIMIM. Ilo ill to the le w Him ol T. .1 I’KMti'h A ( O. who ire .|. |i-imined m l to l.r .iml.-mold j-i.U lm .I jIIN \\ . HO. O. T. J. Pearce &,Co., (SucicSBon tu Willmmn I’ a*. -A Holo,) Wholesale and Rotri! Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, I ) i:HI‘K('TH’L1.y aiinooiM .- I, . i t thij public ill .1 H,.) vv.ll . "" i-M Groceries, Plantation Supplies. Ac., Arrlvo lit Uoluuihus l;f»u i Arrlvo ut Eufaula f,;4o p m Arrlvo at Atlanta r»:4S p m OUM1NH SOU 11 AND LAST. Loavo Atlanta T oo \ m Loavo CotumhuH p i Leave Kulaula i:-.u a m Arrlvo at Macon Iron Atlanta ;i:40 v m Arrlvo at Macon Irom 1'olumbiiH 7:30 p m Arrive at Macun from Kulaula &:lu v m Loiivo Macon 7:3;i p \ Arrlvo at MJlledgevillo Ity.-oy p \ Arrlvo at Eat nton ll p > Leave Auguata tpuu p > arrlvo itl Au«u>ta a v Arrive at Saviiniinli 7:16 a .> Train No. I! I.oing a th ough train on tin ('ontrul Kiillroiid, Htojijong only at whole sta tlon.*, paH-onger* lor hull Ntaibma onnnot hi taken on or put otr. I*.m engeiH lor Milleduo villi) and Katonton will take I'm In No. | iron .Savannah and Atuusta, and Train No. 2 Iron points on the S. W.K.K , Ailanta and Alue train r Change of Schedule. Ofui'i; Mudilk & tiuuiii. Harumvb, > Col.m.l.uv «i.. . Ii. c. 2, 1*7:: , O S’ AND AFTHU I K . :t|>. WEDNESDAY, iW'iu-r 'Irani vv.ll run a* folloWH i.MvlVmv. 111 V 5:A« a', ill AHHIVR at Ooi.LMIICrt, III...; A. Ticket Olhec at hiru-t Shed w ill he open. I FllKKHIT AND A'Vo.MMOl) \ I ION Leave ColimibiH Mondays, W.-.Li.-wdav i uud Fi Ida) h al '• f, ; :',(i .. y, Arrive ut Troy. I.o , p. m. Lcve Troy oi. Tiie*da)-. ll.oiHd. viand baliirduyB at ... | ; uti a. m. Ail ive ut t,'.iluii.I n*. • - - j;. e. m d..:t eoikii \V L, CLARK. r*iij»’i. Ol I *t I'UtjY I'.li HOTELS. LOTTERY. FOURTH Grand Gift Concert. Kilt THE BENEFIT (if Till: Public Library of Kentucky. Success Assured! A lill.l. IIKAMIM. On Tuesday, 31st March Next! In ortler to meet the general vvIpIi und oxpoc- tation o| tho puldio and tie*et-li d iet.*, lor i lie lull paymo-t t.l tho m giiilleenl giiiH aim un ed tor the Fourth drum! (Hit Conceit.d t e I'u Id io Llh. ary ol Kcntuek), (lie manag.iiioi.t h.tvo ilulermtnetl toportiponu tho Concert and Drawing until Tuesday, the 31st of March, 8741 No Further Postponement. X £1,000 Caali ^1,500,000, will he distributed among tlio li ket-b* bier.*. ties* re pi I*iof lire FRAME MOULDINGS. Rankin House, ( Joliunhiis, (iru. ft! Fit A ME MO' » MAKK FI- v V| |.w ,, r ,| W. J. CHAFFIN. J. ENNIS, —Tho Sutiounl Trotting Association, in con volition nt New York, rn olec’ed ■ nominal; Halos .>20 bil Amisn Spraguo Biusulout ; a Iho adopt ud !•’»*; 1G^. a rosolution that whom ii horso which 1 Futures; March 1.7{; April H'.^alG .7.;;2: coubl have won was unfairly ridden so as M*y 1G; Juno In 1-1*1; July 17,‘. to biso tho r ipo, ic shall bo declared void, Liverpool, Fobrtiiry G, p. m.—Sal os of aud the horse s ownor expelled from the '| uplands, nothing below good ordinary, Association. . . , I doliverublo February nnd March, 7 11-IGd. —A charity ball in Now York, Thurs- j Yarns and fabrics at Manchester quiet day night, real./ml roceij>ts Hinounting to and unchanged. No. 95 and 97 Broad Street, I DKAl.L't IN 1 ", 11 Hardware, Cutlery, Iron and uplands 1 ... , . . . . 1 Sled, ami It«iI»Im J. W. BY AN. Prop r. Frank Golden, Cbuk. ltuhy Kcstiiiiraiit, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Bankin House. my21 d*« ff .F. tV. K \ \ . Helling, mi l m.mi'Hi tiirei ..I III IIS, S 1*014 UN, V\i; II AM)Li:S, «v< J*20,000, 0|M‘iiiug ol tlic (icriiiaii I'arliuiiieut. Bi run, February .7.—The session of the Keiolistng was oponed to-day with a speech from the thrum* delivered by au Imp iriftl commission. The Kmporor re grets that he cannot attend the opening in person; he enumerates as the principal measurers to be .submitted during the ses sion bills relating to tbe army, the press trades unions, and marine jurisdiction, iljudicato j q'be speech concludes with tho nesu und dispose of all such matters or pro- j aueo that all nations of Europe are Cfodings in bankruptcy now ponding be- aolvod to preserve peace. such Register: alwi giving the din- j _. TUo Mjrrist }/, trict Courts power where it may appear j t hj s a B ft u j t j 0 u : •’• Christmas evorgreeus to bo necessary or desirable to nppoiut | —Editors who give u tivo dollar puff for a Groat Britaiu 2111, to c«-ntiuout M 1.7, to in Load special matter; Commissioners to per*, dollar and a half turkey.” France 1J,072; sties 4700. I New York, Fob. G. -Cotton not receipts J,!!,'' All w. 1,1 H2. i w»4..H vvl ." Futures clqscd ([iiii.'t, sales Iff.900 bub s * t. 'V.«.v as follows: February l.7l-1Gal.7£, March 1 P; 1 1.7 1.7.;J2.»I.7 9-BJ; April Hi ll '.l'Jd |li,|; May ' imh.'i 1G^ ilG 9-1G. 8;iiings «( i Mobile, l'Vb. G - !'i r m *r and higher; | i middliugK 1.7|J; low middlings H£; good ordinary Iff]; stock G.7ff9. Weekly uet receipts 1:511; exports to Grout Britain f.,70'1, to continent ; :bi.7; sales 90(H). New Orleans, Feb. G —Active and firmer; supply poor; middlings low middlings It ]; good ordinary lff{; stock ild man gives ff 14,831. kly net receipts 524; exports to Ooitou undoihor Amcrln K lulu wort. Cohen RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT. Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ■ | iik iu... i. m-i "i : ■ ... JJfej •■•I HI, lill.l I.. |.r. | i... i -, |. IJg—* : III, Ilia r.i-n.l- «. h.v.i) li.x.i • mill nil fratillunal |mpi< a ll. lm i<-|.rui-uulu i iu tlio •(rawing jufii ns whole ilckut.* are List of Gifts. ONE <llt A Nil (’ASH < i I t'l *2;.o .*.'-1 ON h UK AN I) KAMI OlKl biD.o-Jj ONE OKAN1) CAS.! OlKl’ iI' ONE OH AND (ASH O 111’ •-.>•■*<• ()N E O U A N D (' A S11 OI I T 1 T.Loo in CASH (HKT.n rln.UUU Da. Ii Iou.covj (.’ASH OJEI s i>,uut> «». h 1 o.uu.> au (’ASH OIF i s l.uoo cue, i>u.uun 40 (’\SI1 Ol VTS 6UU fi'. h 4*> '.di lOurASHOlFTS 4ucoh.Ii 4uuuu 1(>0 CASH OIF I S :iun uad, iJ.uin 26U O A > ii (i 1 F I S 'JUU cm Ii aU.OO'l :vih CASH OI Fl S km en<-h ..'I s.uu 11,non CASH OlFTS 6U each bbO.uu > TOTAL, 12.000 OIF IS, ALL HASH. am mntliiK to »i.:.uu,ouu Tho churn c.« lor h gilt urn m uiiu to live. Price of Tickets. \V liolu 11- kut!* II a Ivor *2a.uu: Tontl. . or cacli«**»•!,.m,; Lie von W i.olo In ko * c r iaOO.UU; 22!*, 1 IckCtX Io. ii.tXJU.OU: 113 w.i.i-: I’m kot.M lor ni. r ) I uuu.bO; 227 Wh. le 1 ickoie b-i Ijoo no Nodi.-iviunt on Ir.*.- tli.iu +I>uu ou v.,.i • of t ickets. Tho Fourth (»i:t Concort will he condu. ted all rcfi.icl- like lliu ihicc whb h have ulmi.E b cn m /cii, an > full part iiiay be b a-. I Iroin circa la is which will office t.» all vvl,.. .i|.|-i.v I BJ.J . it tree Ir Hi ns b-r b-s will «cc veil, h ml I' I.- h"p"l tiny "lib ■toinptlj that tlo-lR in > > l> • bodl- ip| i .it-liiv b, all. Liberal tc-ru..- hoMJ WHO bil) b, -.11 again. A I iy Ag'-nt. foi Hr Inlay Plow, Mimni p..w«l.-i t oinpunv. svp'J iH*i»wu,ii ; W. Brummer, Schroder & Co., ico i i i;ic■>.% »i, IMPORTERS tr- -i*. A. .1. IIOI.AM). COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Ad Viil LATE ARRIVAL OF MAI.ALA OltAPIV 1.0 N IMFN LA VI.It I IOS. 1.0 \ IH)\ milt RAISINS, All Iilinls of > I TS*, al \o. HO « ,Mints and return all immibs licki ts h) 2> day ol March. r:to. i . hr \ vn.irri» . Agent I’uiili- Llhrnry K ntiK«y,ui,d M in. .i mb Convert, l'ubitc Librar M i LnuUvllk, Ivy |.;cl3 .I2taw\v l !* kc*5 lor sab* and prl/.ci* o." i • Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. PrUo TUkoU wil'l I.V mu Wlilu.iii .1 John D. Biackmar. Auont hy >• i.i. P tmcntoi (}<.v. Hrunitcttc. Vj III oad St cut. rolimihu .Hi. do-14 Id li i: A v iho I* HIM Mill'll' <i\ i it two him Iti.b III- cl. Prolumo & Hoffman. Cotton Union ihon r.vj,«l -.I*** - *i •* aud Matiuui-n* tmpilarr,