Newspaper Page Text
KLB1UAKY 10. 1874.
Immiokation to the various point* up
the St. Johns and the Ocklawata river*,
FJa., is reported greater now (ban ever
Ex-Got. Harvey, the new Senator elect
for Kanaaa, has, hinco the election, de
clared himself a “reformer," and Hay*
that he is mainly indebted to that organi
zation for bis election.
The National Gr.ingo, in convention at
St. Ltonis last week. Rejected Charleaton,
8. C. an the next place of meeting. The
choice was left to the representatives of
tho Southern Granges*.
North Cabouma, too, proposes to set
tle with her bondholders by giving new
bonds to the amount of fifty per cent, of
the old. This proposition is made in
reference to the honda in aid of the North
Tarolina Railreiul. A bill to that effect
passed the Senate on the .Mb inst.
1 iJBPATCQEH from Washington say that
Gov. McEuery, of Louisiana, has de
manded of Senator Merton a public de
nial and retraction of the epithets “assas
sin anil murderer" applied to hun in Mor
ton's late speech in tho H«nate. It is
added that unless the retraction is made,
McF.nory, in view of Morton's physical
dlsalultly, will feel compelled, through n
card to the public, to defend himself ;
and he intimates that, in such an event,
Lb will not Kptr.* feelings nor avoid dam
aging pers /nshtie* against the Senator
from Indiana.
TboDbattanooga Time* of the 54b quotas
corn at 75 cents on the wharf, and says
that holders up the river are keeping
hack their corn for a rise. It thinks that
this year's receipts of corn will ho larger
than last year's, though they are not so
great up to this date, on nocount of the
holding hack.
In view of the shortness of the crop in the
grout corn producing Status of the North
west, there does not ap|>ear to he much
hope of n decline m prices in this Rect
um. Our cotton planters who faded t »
make ooru enough last year may ns well
resign themselves to the prospect of hav
ing t » p»y for it hi cash, or more
on a credit.
An effort is being made to induce the
Ohio Legislature to repeal the act author
izing tho city of Cincinnati to borrow
money wherewith to contract the “South
orn Railroad. On the third last, a “Mous
ter petition" from Cincinnati against any
action of tho kind was presonted to thu
Legislature. Tho citizens of Cincinnati
seoui to be almost unanimously opposed
to the repeal, hilt it is said to hnvo strong
support in tho Legislature, uevortbolo**.
If the proposition were to indefinitely
postpone action under the law, wo aup-
po«o that would suit the Cincinnati folk
to a fraction, judging from tueir long de
lay in commencing the work. We still be
lieve that our North and South Railroad
will connect with ChntUuoogs first.
ritot. uiiin..
Professor White tolegraphs that he will
not tie here till (his afternoon ; no that his
looture on Cotton Analyses will not be
delivered till to morrow moruiug ; and as
the subject is one of groat interest, we
hope all our citizens will hoar it. Prof.
White has charge of the Department of
Agricultural Chemistry in the State Uni
versity, and is therefore a very competent
and able man.
NA VAN3 All K At l.S.
On Thursday, 2d day, there were two
races. The “Savannah Cap" race, two-
mile heats, was won by George 11. ltico's
Wanderer, boating T. G. B icon's Granger
and Lewis A Co.'s Joe Johnston. lime,
3:43$. The second race, mile heats,
purse fiCMO, A75 to tho sec »ml best horse,
was won by Lcwm'Ortalan, beating Hitch-
cook's l.imootonc, and llacou's Lady
Washington; Limestone second. Time,
1: Mj, !:.*»# t.
At a meeting held ou Friday morning,
the Jockey Club determined to postpone
the rvm under of tho races until Monday
and Tuesday.
Wo prmmsud a tew days since when
commenting on the brutal and cowardly
murder of Davis by A. 11. Falaud, at Craw
ford. \l« to publish the teatimony. We
give it in this issue, and ask if uuy lan
guage can be too strong in denunciation
of u Judge who froin*eimiinal ignorance,
or corrupt wcakue-w, permitted such a
fiend as this Lilaud to walk free in Gad'*
btaaaad aaaHghli ob a bail <»f flew Hwo
sand dollars. A reading of the evidence
will show wo were correct in the facts bet
forth iti our article headed “a fixed price,"
ami that never, eveu in uiuidcr, produc
ing lawless Alabama, was a more Hetidish
aasashination p»*rjM‘trated. A fear dsvs
after the umrdor, while Davis' broken
heart's! wife sat ill her desolate home
with h r three fatherless and weeping
children ditigiug to her skirts.
Eiland, the in tu who hid made her a
widow, the c >ward whose knife had mule
her |>oor little ones orphan*. with the
bruzcu « ffruUt try of a conscienceless uiur
ilerer, waikwl the streets of this city of
t'olumbiiR. and tu*»n calling themselves
“decent," and cognizant of lus fearful
crime, took him by the band and called
him “Huuk nor saw the blood still |
unwashed from his
thought of the desolation this unchained
murderer L.d tanned in tho home of
man who worked to support his family,
nor sold bad whiskey to uegr<
named Jno. H. Graham. Even that man of j
easy and accomncxlating bailing power*,
Judge btrarge, refused to release this
wretch on bail, bat he w as not destined to ,
remain in an Alabama jail, his hands
were nearly as red as tbos* of the pro
fane murderer and blackguard who
killed Davis, and Menefee appreciated
it. He wan determined not to be
outdone in ignominy by any Judge in
the State, so he bailed Keeling for thirty-
five hundred dollars, fifteen hundred dol
lars beb>w the standard established by
Strange and followed by Appleby. Now
Keeling is the happiest murderer of the
many in the State, aud he is free to belt a
pistol on his cowardly carcass, drink bad
whisky and shoot some other man whom
he has insulted. To-morrow wo will pub-
lish in fnll the particulars of this case.
We cau not claim that the price of a
life is much higher in Georgia than it is
in Alabama, but we have fewer murder
ers hero, nnd if a man appeals to Gover
nor Smith under a sentence of death, the
Governor has back bone enough not to
interfere with the law, and he should
have no prerogative to do so.
Personally, we have no political leaning
as parties aro now organized, but we
would hail with joy any chaoge in Ala-
hsTTia tlint would give her an honest judi
ciary ai.d a fair election. Such men as
Strange are a curse from their very iu-
competoncy and weakness, no matter
how honest they may be at heart, and as
for men of the Appleby and Menefee or
der we cannot class them an weak, when
we think they aro criminal and corrupt.
A ohauge must come speedily to Alaba
ma, nod it tho courts aro not purged next
fall by the votes of the people, the tin-
liung murderers who are destroying her
homes should he taken in Laud and tried
by that “higher law,” that demands i
as of old, au eye for an eye. Wu do not
advocate lynching at this time, but if the
courts refusing to punish, throw murder
era back on the community with straw-
boil, the people will owe it to themselves
to purge this section of murderers, by
doing what tho courts should havo done.
[From tb* Rnautil lleeordcr, Mh J
i barged with BHIIti* Jo%« pb L.
DsvU, Jr.
The case of Tbs State vs. Absalom B.
Eilaud, charged with the murder of Jo
seph L. Davis, jr., at Crawford, in lhi*
county, is already familiar to tin public
The preliminary investigation was held
before Hon. T. L. Appleby, tx-ofii io
Judge of the County Court, Wednesday
of last week, resulting in the defendant,
Mr. Eiland, being admitted to bad in the
sum of T V*M) l,) sw'ait an investigation
before the Grand Jury of the next term
of the Circuit Court for Russell county.
The State was represented by Col. Win.
J. Sarufor !, of Opelika, ami the defense
by Col. Lyman Martin and Messrs. Mitch
ell A Lewis.
'loo witoeasas were subpoenaed respec
tively for tho prosecution and tho de
fense, most of them being colored, to wit:
Henry Watt, Clinton Vaughan, Jerry Han
dera, Peter Hopkins, Alfred Morgan, Ar
thur Calhoun, Ham Barker, Geo. Vaughan,
ttcott Jackson, and Dr. Thomas.
Tbs defendant had no witnesses sub
poenaed ; only cross-examined those for
the State, including the prosecutor, Mr.
J. L. Davis, sr., nor made any attempt to
do anything savo to gut hail, intern e in
terest was of course excited in this coni
munity, as well ns in the vicinity where
tbo unfortunate homicide occurred. The
examination of witnesses consumed one
day. when the Court udjournod to hear
the arguments of the counsel nuxt morn
hands were open or cfosetl, though he fell was rot quite so near Eiland'a house
maw them wheu he raised and put them aH wher fight began ; Eiland did not step
on Davis F'.land caug : Davis in front of I on the ground from his store until stepped
the coat wi h the left hand apparently , toward, Eiland contmuirg to aay to Davis,
above: when Eiland pat hands on Davis', “Oemu in and jay your account" ; when
both fell or went down together, both Davis walked oot of the door, heard him
wlines*; didn't go to ! say to Ei<uud, “Yotnre a G—dd—d liar ; '
their sides being to
them when they fell: when Davis got np didu t
Benton’s grocery
El and with a knife; beard Da
u cutting me," aud call for
AL Calhoun prevented witness from Henry; witness made no threat to Henry
going to tho parties with an axe,'when I Watt about interfering; went into Ei-
vitness burst into a cry.
i u .u il, and tho parties seemed to
Rebutting examination.—Witness didn't be mad sod cursing each other; witness
Tho two papers at Saudersvdlo, thu
Georgian and the Herald, havo been
Atlanta men are estimating the incom
ing cotton crop. Their estimates lange
from 3,873,0U0 to 4,400,000 hales.
A wide spread religious revival is
progressing in Bainhridgo. It is conducted
by lt* v. ltL Honiker, a minister not more
than twenty-three years old.
M.ij. John T. Burns, former Comptrol
ler^ imernl of Georgia, and lately Senator
from tho Rome district, announces his
intention to removo to T« xas. some time
next fall.
Two hoys, Elijah and John llarnnock,
wore found guilty iu the Superior Court
• •f Quit man county, of burning the house
of Mrs. Thomas, and sentenced to tho
penitentiary for six years.
An astounding report of juvenile do.
pravity comes from Liberty county. A
negro boy 11 years old isre)H>rtcd to have
shot and killed an old negro man named
George Moody for the purpose of robbing
An unknown white man was run over
amt killed by tho down train on tho
Western A Atlantic Railroad, on Saturday
evening, near Tunnel Hill. He was sit
ting on the truck, apparently nsloop, and
probably drunk, for there whs a strong
tell of whiskey about him. The train
is within twenty fuot of bitn before ho
The Grillln AVirjsaya : Whilo Col. Ham
nloy was being examined on the witness
stand last week, the question was pro-
Jed to huu, “What rate of interest
hi cbnrgo ?" The Colonel replied
enthusiastically, “1 don't remomber what
H trust I charged, but I know I charged
him a plenty," wheroupon the crowd
o a gostly smile.
I’ho Court-house of Pi?keu« county is
advertised for sale by tho Shonff.
Tbo Montgomery street railroad ap
proaches completion. The fare will prob
ably be It euuts.
t he several public schools of Mont
gomery have --<> white and "»l)7 colored
The Birmingham Independent learns
that ttic post-office name of Blonnt
Springs has been changed to L’Orieut.
Dr. Lelund of Tuscaloosa claims to
have discovered the means of preventing
or ulleviatiug, an attack of yellow fever.
i\»l. Joseph Hodgson,once editor of the
Montgomery Moil, and late Superintend
ent of Education of Alabama, is now ed-
tor of the New Orleans Picayune.
— The Talladega Uqiorter prouotiuces
the new printing press of Messrs. Sawyer
A Hampton u “complete succ
designed “to print on both tides at the
Hutuo iinpre i.iion," aud «■» l»»*th a success
and u uovelty if it really does this.
— It is probable that Judge Smith's do-
cision against the constitutionality of th«
Funding act of thu Lie Legislature will
depreciate the State certificates for which
it provided, if an attempt is made to put
thorn into circulation before the Supreme
Court passes upon the question.
The only charge against Judge Bus-
teej, that seriously impugns his charac
ter, is the allegation that iu a libel brought
by K. M. Reynolds against Bustecd,
“money was taken from the Register of
the court and paid to Reynolds in cousid-
eritioii oi a distu ned of the suit." The
other charges roUto to a neglect of duty,
—Bullock oouuty taxes show $42,427
34, of which amount the county is euti-
tied to .f IK, 18.1 (K). UneoHecfe.l faxes,
Ay, i|3. I’ho county owes $13,'.‘78 ‘J4, to
meet it leaving balance against county
of sj:’, 747 82. rhe entire indebtedness
of the county is >y,474 82,*after the Tax
Collector lias paid into the treasury *V
113 of tuxes uncollected. Courts coat
An immense crowd of negroes was ex
pect rd t«» congregate at Mt. Meigs on
nor | Sunday last, to hear Tom San key preach.
Tom was hung m Montgomery* aloiui ten
know what Davis went into Kliaod's store ,
about five fuel from door; aaw Ei-
for; the cutting occurred iu the middle of ‘ lutid wh* n he ciuie from behind counter ;
not pirticularly attract
nearer to I ed to tlrem; saw no knife in the bauds of
ight feet; | either; didn't notice Eiland's right hand;
nred in front of thu front hu rnigut have had a knife aud he not
have known it : saw Davis pick op a board 1
or son.ethii'g like it about us broad as hts
a public road; the side door of Eiland’* | his attention
store where Davis went out
the door of the stole about
door; Eiland aud Davis were in the rear
of the house, about ten feet from the
whore Davis went out: Eiland went I baud; he threw it down after walking
out of the front door; Davis never went back and forih once or twice ; didu t hear
hack into the house; Davis picked up u him tell Eduud he was not armed aud
* J - l “ 1 — *-• 1 ' didn't want any weapon ; threw board
down before Eiland came out of his house ;
he remembers heard no farther
> of board,about three feet long,said
1 got no ireajton nnd don't trant uny,
i wrh killed where the fight
id during the fighting; they were
jot ten minutes only a short time.
op wheu both 1 conversation; Eiland got Davis down by
b >rt of knock aud push together; when
r them next Eiland was on top when
J. M. Thomas testified that Davis, they wont down ; while down Eiland seem-
d- ith was caused by wounds inflicted with ; ed to he striking Davis—not as many as
a kuife, and thought that a knife
he hiid seen in EiUuds possession would
produce such wo.icds. Davis was iu a „
mdition when ho saw him. The Da via there, went to Eiland'a store to buy
J seven or eight tunes.
Arthur Calhoun deponed—Via* in Craw
ford Saturday evening; saw Eiland and
Rate cause of his death was a wound ! cboe«o and crackers; heard Davis oarsing
between the two lower rib", causing inter- j generally; Eiland got tho cheeae, which
nal hemorrhage; there was little _ ___
ternul bleeding; a man lying
- j vas already cut; saw bo knife or sign of
heard no further conversation be
on his buck could hardly have received j tween Eiland and Davis; thinks Davis
id, hut Btiuggling to rise
might do so; the kuife between the two
lower ribs cut one of the iutercastul arte
ries: the wound was one which
d lorn was liung m Montgomery aooui
days ago, hut the negroes say that be:
H leiily come to life while they were singing
mT him, aud has since been going over
»es ns does ! the county preaching a “new gospel"
Kii.od. Apulebjr m.y bimxlf 1 committed to him while hu Ufo nan «u«-«UeJ to lm few ro.peeter. N««1t «H of them bedi.r. thK
1 utid crow tls were preparing on Saturday to
and supporters the lawyers who have
made him tueir willing tool, and the
friends of F.iland : hut the day is neir- I
•e Montgomery for, Mt. Meigs to
nnd hear Tom in hia new mission.
—A large meeting of the citizens of
ittg whet. »n lu.l iiruiit peopte, by their ' Mobile n> hei.i on Friday evening.
wheruat they resolved that thay would
not recoguize C. F. Moulton as Mayor,
nor pay licences or tsxea to the city
government wo long as he is at the bead of
it, or to give in taxes to J. L. Hsmiltou,
“the usurping incumbent of the city tax
office." i his state of affairs arises from
the attempt to saddle on the people of the
th the intention of “out-liorodiag city «.f Mobile, by edicts of the courts, a
It will be remembered that last . government not of their choice. One of
franchise, will hnrl him from *.hi»t seat of
justice whose ermine he has fouled, md
whose Uww he has persistently perverted.
On Saturday another Judge calling^hun-
self Menefee. and located at Tuskegee, fol
lowed in the fools'-epa of Appleby,aud evi
Wl . (.[low Uuburt K^ hiil.J ! , . b » ■* ““‘'r'
, I m the oluiowt unanimous refusal of the
tu the most deliberate and cruel way a hueineaa men t*» receive the city money
young gentleman universally r«*q>ectwd. j while Moulton u acting Mayor
Pint Viilne**, Henry Wall, [colored
being iieorn, de}to*(jd: 1 hat he lived with
deceased, Mr. J. L. Davi*. Jr., near Craw
ford, Russell county; he was at Crawford
Saturday afternoon, January 24th mat.
Saw tho difficulty between Eiland and
Davis; be went iu with dcceused to
Eiland’a grocery store. Davis and Eiland
were talking privately, deceased being be
hind the counter witti Eiland. Witnesses
hurried Davis to go home; Davis asked
Eiland if hw had Anything to drink; ho
poured out drinks; Davis said (sjieHkiug
to Eiland) “Hunk, let me hare a ,,!uy of
tobacco! I'te got no money noir; am go
ing to toien next iceek to tell cotton, and
trill tquare ert ry debt / nice in Vrairford
aucOHHod asked Eiland how much his ac
count whs; pulled out his pocket book utid
then got mad; Lilaud reminded Davin
that he owed something ou last year’s ac
count, nnd add: “ )W dt turned coir a rdly
non-of.a-bitch' / don't belie re you hate
got the money!" Thou Davis went out;
Ed ind then went out aud loaned against
the door; Davis was outside and cursing
Eiland; Davis and Eiland then ran togoth- j kuife fr<
or in tho middle of tho road; they fought knit
before the door of Eiland s store; Eilaud
oumo up to Davis and got Davis down:
Davis halloed for w-itness to get Ei.’nnd off
of him, and sotuu one cauic up und said:
“// you interjere I 'll knock your lirahi*
out xnUi an use!"
Davis said: "Hunk! do you intend to
kill me?" Eilaud said; “ Yen! Cod
! intend to kill you !' Davis
said (to witness) %% ('»nne here Henry!
Hunk* rutting me!" Witness said:
Live or die, 1 11 beg Ha** Hank to yet
off of him!" Deceased then ran into
Benton's store; Davis was carried to the
horse rack aud bud down, und said "tend
for a doctor ! don't know bow fur it was
rum tlie storo to where the cutting no
il r rad; thinks it was from forty to fifty
stups. Davis laid there until the Doctor
ml sewed up lus entiaih, then died
v luiuutuH; saw Mr. Eilaud have no
kuife or weapon of any kind; thought
Eiland was beating Davis with his fist.
Tho fight was conceded to have occur
red in Russell county.) Witness knows
that Mr. Fhlaud w as thu mall that cut aud
killed Divis, w itness saw Eiland tho week
before, who told witness to fell deceased
to come and see him, “there was some
thing between them, and ho had rather
see him than to see his Daddy."
Witness knew Davis had u«> weapon us
witness asked him for his kuife before he
left home; don't know what sort of a
weapon Eiland had, or did the killing
Croat-examined. —Lived with Davis for
over a year; he lived about two miles
from Crawford ; the difficulty occurred at
Crawford. Davis left home after dinner
Saturday to go to Crawford; witnc.-a went
with deceased to carry a wagon wheel to
the shop, when witness got Davis to go
into Dr. Noble's shop to repair a watcii;
witness went thou to Court-house, amt
left Noble's iiomotime in thu evening;
both walked about two miles lo Claw lord,
leaving home soon after diunor with de
ceased,’ stopped ou tho way about half un
hour; went out of Noble's about tin hour
after they got to Crawford: took some
wine with deceased at Notdu's; stiyedin
the Court-house until * shoemaker pegged
around a shoe; didn't see Davis dunk to
lore he left home; deceased didn't seeui
under influence of liquor; sun wav nearly
Saw Davis go into EiUnd's store, who
seemed to be iu usual good humor when
he asked witucss where deceased was,
though ho never knew when Eil .nd was
mail- havo seen both together often; lln-ir
mutiuei was friendly, never saw any Uis
pate bitwi»n them before this dilliculty
KiUud was keeping a storo iu Crawford,
as well as during latter part of 1*7.1
Saw Eiland *nd deeea.*ed talking to
gether privately behind the counter they
didn't s< cm angry at all, though didu i
know what w.»s wild; Eilaud s store from*
Benton's And is on the corner; the bouse
is Minuted North and South, the road on
two sides of it; Eiland'a stor
door; Eiland's, Benton's, the hotel and
oourt-houseara on oppotuio comers, whoi
Davis asked Eilaud about his acoonnt,
Eilaud reached and got it, Davis pulling
out Uis pocket-book ; Eilaud gave Davis
the tobacco ho called for before latter
pulled out his pocket-book; D.;v.s said,
“Ftcork for my tiring and <Xpert to vay
every debt hare." Davifi got mad when
Eilaud opened his b>ok ; the for an t had
asked Eiland what hie account was- Eilaud
caul. “ You owe m »ome on la.d year'* ae.
count." After finishing talk behiud the
counter, Devie said, “/ trant a plug of
tobacco." Eiland taid, “There it -
thing on la*t year'* account." F.iland said
he did a cash bjsiuess now. and credited
uohtKfy; Davis said he had worked hsrd to
get his new ground cleaned up. and asked
Eiland how much he (Davis) oa-cd hlai;
latter seemed to get mad ah mt the ae-
count and being nunned; don’t know
whether I>■»vis earned Eiland or not ; wit
ness, Eilaud, and lulls sou of tho last,
wero all in the Rtore; witness had his hand
on Davis daring the couverailion, who
didn't seem under the influence of liquor; ■
fight oocarred between Eiland's and Bru-
tou'h stores, and Davis was cursing while
«itn«R« was going over to Bentons
Eiland said, “ Why don't you come in f"
Davis said, *7 *oon't raise a fuss in uo
man * house." D*via said a great deal,
and witnesa waa after Davis to go home:
don't remember what he said, as he w&s
have recovered from them; none of the
tontines were cut."
Clinton Vaughan, heingsworn, depoeetb:
He was in Crawford Saturday evouiug
aud saw Davis and Eiland togulher; Davis
loaning on the couuter, Lilaud on the odi-
er hide: heard Eilaud say: “Ain't you go.
ing to nettle f Davis said: “Alp/" Eiland
said; “Come hack, yon damned coward!
What are you run ing for
and leaned against the (too
the street, and Eiland came out between
talking about an account; Davis said,
’Bring up your books here." Eiland got
hem end said, “Will you pay uie ?"
m on j Davis said, “I want you to keep away
i from me!" no I ain't; Eiland said, “You
way from me! ’ Davis said, “/run
would bo likely to receive; neither
br wounds wonld have been nocessari
sorts! imva from luflamation, und wero j whipyou’damnedquick." Eil» nd aaid“ You
necessarily fatal; deceased might | pay me; that'* all / a*k." Davis was out
heu he uoxi saw them, Eilaud wt>s
{ in his store.
Crot* /!xninitiation. —Witness loft Ei-
j land s h!' I went to B utons, leaving for-
mer in his store; Davis was talking to
| some bls< k people iu the road when wit-
i nesa went to Benton's; Davis wasn’t
Raising (i(> aud down the road cursing
Eiland, ibinks if ao he would have no-
Eilaud came Deed H ; Davis was cursing iu Eiland's
Davis u’hu in i store ; didn’t hear latter carso Davis;
Dari* came out front door iu front of
ters; he saw EiUnd jerk his hand 1{etjton H h,ore: whcn w ‘ tne »^ pASsed
1 saw knife in his hind: as Eilaud I Davw in lb « Htrsel Lo waH T oi ®L talking
to some black people; the time was a
little after sun down, botween sunset and
J. T Dari*, Sr., deposed;— He had
known Eiland all bis life; deceased was
witness' son ; personal relations between
Eilund uud deceased up to the difficulty
were always friendly; the families were
pirticularly friendly previous to the dif
Cm** Kxnr.iination:—There might
have been differences which witness didn't
know; hadn't seen tho parties together
for two weeks before the difficulty; was
in Eiland’s afore a few days before and
bought some aitides; didn't hear Eiland
say h word, ns he recollected, about do-
k. McNeill. o. w. hosettb, s. e LaW)((
Commission Merchants
Real Estate Agents,
121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,
H AVING formed a copartnership to conduct the AUCTION AND COM.MIsm ,,
bnsineai, M,licit a hbaro of tho pnblic patroLage.
Hil, OiTS, t
Which is offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at prices that will l„
inducement to Cash Ituyern. R. McNEILI. A CO,
Bargains ! Bargains !!
aid Fancy Dry Goods at Panic Prices
leaned against the column
out; saw the knifo in Eiland's huud<; re
turning from his shop witness heard Davis
hollow (hut hewosent; never saw the knife
any more after Eiland pas-ed him; the
men down wt-ru Lilaud and deceased;
Eilaud sermed to he on top; Davis hal-
I nd: “OA //< nry! Oh utnry f don't
dm kill me! / am eat to death now!
Th. l,vliM :ir,- r.ipwlfullj iorit-! lo call :
n delivery
'ibe testimony here closed. Tho chief
ibjcct in the preliminary investigation
las confined to obtaining bail. B«d
i the sum of %r»,000, with ton
St. Aldcmar Commandery.
All Sir Knight* ill good *’and ing ar« inritml to
•tt-'inl, and nt«Siher* pvrlicuUrly re.|ur«t«<'l to
i - | r.-»ont to consider maltT* of importTnct*.
M M Mookk. KoeonWr.
Clarke's New Method for Reed
Prloo. $2.GO.
Tbo rniLOiM* »aI > of tills favorito method may
; a». ril» d. i. >t only to Its thorough instructive
. on.-, < nirnMol with the neodfiil sr lies, sxar-
nnil stud.**, but to its aiiinirftble collection of
13" |'i« t <•< ..r iho best lt**o<| OrirMU music, *lii|>te<l
wi ll « X |ol»it*> lost*- nud skill to the parpeso of
Organ at Home.
Its paces, of full »h»< t music sir.s, »rs < ompactly
fllbil isitli tho nio«t |M'i>uUr music or tho dsT—
Airs. Ni»« ;ur«c*, M»i--les, Wnltsos, Rerorios, So-
lortior.t rr, mojwrss, . Ac., iloO pieces In all.
nun- sl'fltv ill t play, on I all bright and pli>»sir.g.
Fri. 15 U f: », Cloth |:t; Full (Jilt |4.
Carhart’a Xrluiloon Instructor. $1.40
( larkr’s $1 Instructor for Kf«l Organs.
Wlnnar’s New School for Cabinet Organs. .75
Clarke’s Btii Ori»>n Conipanloa. *J.OO
Aro all eacelleut ai.d popular cheap books for
» books
«t-pnid, ■
ceipt of
Otivor Litcca A Co., Cli&s. H. Diteon k Co.
Boston. Til Broadway, N. Y.
out. Davis said : “ Yen make ins do it}
talking at tha aauie time and aftor Davis j wb«n Eiland ateppad oat, and tho parties
to go home; fighting began before wit- 1
nesa got to Ueuton'n store; witnoaa’ back
waa to theta, usd looked back over his
ahoalder, the parties being a few steps
from Eiland s store when they
/ou mean Haul! Eilaud said:
. / mean to kill you."
•ainitiation.— Huiut boon in
the habit of going into Eiland's store
t know whero Eiland got the
bo jest got a glimpse of n
blade four or five inches long;
didn't know whether be uned it as u
cheese or tobacco knife or not. Eiland
loaning against the door said: “ You
damned coward, irhat are you running
tor! Davis said : “Imr. lining to get on
fair ground like you!' Dulu't hear Da- given
via curse in the Douse; Davis went out, ! or eleven
side, door, the fight was in the street- ■
Eilund went out at the end door fronting
Ronton's; believer went farther than the
door; witness' shop’s about 40 or 4.‘> yards I * kkiji l.ih of <t. ALDK
from Eiland's store; went to shop, and j MilH'"MM.iNI'Ki:Y \ . K. T..
coming up the road saw Dnvis fall; saw Mil ) l [ , “'l' 1 **»*• evening at 7R
Eiland make a lick, but didn’t know what !
ho hid in his hand: then heard Davis hal- ]
loo for Horny ; when he saw tho nun fall j
he, was in the middle of the main road, j
aud about ton feet from steps of Eiland's
store; road is about forty foot wile, nnd !
runs cent rally between Eilaiul’s nnd Ben- |
ton’s; when witnesa passed parties they j
wore fighting. When Eiland said “Come
up and tittle!" Davis said: “Come on J
here!" Eilaud then leaning against the i
post. Duv.s talked a goo 1 dod, saiJ, 1
“Come out here and I'll nettle!" Don't
remember whether Davis cursed Eilaud ;
didn't soo thu parties until they foil; don t
know which made thu first advance ou
the other; when witness went to stop
Eilund was loaning against the post, and
Davis in the middle of tho road : difficul
ty occurred ubout dark, a lighted candle
iu Eiluud's store.
Rebutting Jixanination,—Moon was
shining at the time.
Hr. Thomas lie-examined by Defense.—
Saw* Eilund at his residence ou the night
of tho difficulty. Eiland sent for him lo
examine a wound wbero tho hand and
wrist join ; the wound caused some hem
orrhage ; personal relations of the parties
before the difn -ulty were friendly ; never
saw them together frequently, hut ware
fiiondly wheu together. r . u ,j j. r
Cross L’xa mi nation.—Eilacds wound
was on the right baud ; from where thu
thumb joined thu hand it ran diagou illy
across the wrist ; was not serious nt all ;
it was possible such u wound 0“ulU bo
caused by shutting of a kufe.
Rebutting examination —The knifo on CICAR8.
mantelpiece was a lock-spring bark knife,
blade hanging from the handle ; it was
not, nor was it like, a bowiekuifu ; being 1*1 W
a spring-back knife it conldu't close if the
rivet was in proper condition.
Alfred Morgan dejemed.—That he was
in t.rawford at datk Saturday evening,
and saw Falaud and Davis iu Eiland's
store, arguing ah mt mu account; when he
went in, Arthur Calhonu Henry Watt
were there, former staudiug by the iheeso
box; E.luiul whs talking to Davis, and said
to Arthur, “Let me wait on th«* man
that's got the money first." Eilund
said to Divi , “Bay me what you owo
me, uud you can stay away from my
house." Davis said: “I’ll do it, bring
up your account." Da via Raid : “I leant
g >u f,i understand / ca, t whip any Goii
darned man irho jting* $2 .10 in my face!"
Eiland said : “Ray your account and ice
wiU si ttle that at some other time!' Ei
land si.pj ing over hts accounts, when he
got to Davis', Utter said: “f shunt da it,
(rml damn you, and you arc a God
dam id liar besides/" mh Davis walked
out of the doof. Eilaud walked out to
the door after saying, “why don't you
mme back hen and pay this account /”
Davis said ; “God damn you! you tealk,
out here, and Tll pay you !" EUand aaid :
“ What are you running for? repealing;
the expression. Davis said : “J wont do
it, Goddamn you! Make me do it!"
D.tvix continued cursing, and said:
“You come out here and TU whip you
quicker than htU (could do something)
witness don't r-m- iubar what. Eiland
was standing in hi* store door at the
time, l’hev talked thin several minuter.
Davis told EiUnd : “Came out and shirk
yourself!" walking backwards and for
wards in (rout oi Eiland's store, and
coming nearer the store, wheu Eiland
stepped out on the porch. Davis then I »
stooped and picked up a piece of board.:
plank or stick. • don't remember which',
tapering, would be owing to how w man ■ 0rJ# „ fr0B
gut be struck whether he could be hurt ! price*. »i
or not. Davis was a heavy built man. I »krw».
th aught Davis coaid have hurt Eiland | Jjf in Jru,ir >r
with the board striking him edgewise, j 4 '
Davis continued walking up aud down, I ....
tellii'K him to cooio in *nJ p»r hi, 1 J, 4 PEASE & NORMAN.
tenant, p.nd I‘..ivi, d,rin|> F.iland to roue
No. VO Broad Street.
(Next ibsir to J. W. Psoas a Noruinn'a Rjokstore.)
Havo Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Bop
At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole
sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less that
Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earliei
In the season. As we were able to get a still further re
duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell
at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy gom!
Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section.
SJTsrCall and see for yourselves.
K K8PKnTTI.LV nr*, unm ».. lie Ir fr«« n>K >»r« >m«l ill* public pneolly. Hint tli’ir FALL
AM) WINTKK STOCK OF S»K V GOODS I* n«.w cmpble in .wrr departn
n>ii« in tint; *«f every ulti. urnaliy teliml in a fnht . i.«. lev Go. d* f|. ii*o. They wore hoilifht
the raou. v pwtilr in Ni w Y -rk f..r niou> j, nr. l w 111 l -.’.I at y rices to corrupoiul with ll- blue
rush. « a - >Ve Mil! k<rp a Ihi K o line id
Ladies% M.issi.*H’ and Children’s Shoes
of Ill's LaUwt style aaU 11. >Iak». A ho, a
1 Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices
II w i*bihr to pnrcli i*<* will do well t .give iu a call, m we boU(ht low and will »HI rhea
Cigars and
IT r> *i" otfatl) i
on ltnn<lo!| b »tn
Important to Those in Want of Dry Good
C IONTKMPLATlNO » w^ickl clt.inr.- its «nr 1 lawlawnr. we offer fr-.m tl.U *ht<* p»r EKJIBJ
VALVE. Uis I iisvit- «».- •" in W.nt t» .'.ill, txniiiin • tit Ibo tourinred. No f ls.u|'-« ns*d« f**r •' - -
Our Terms from this date will be Cash. No goods will)*
sold on longer time than thirty days.
Iso*’ Indebted urn wmcttly r. .lull' d to ritll and Mltl« at once, or ruwkr *» s* * :
mre to tlie pub'ic that
■ weet of the Ku<|u4i«r
ctock of the flneet
Imported and Domestic Cigarp
Ever Brouglit to This City!
«t prices within resell of
nvinre y»u>a that you
••ttrr Cigar fur Imi money
to liti* C.IJ.
Wtat of Enquirer 0(Uc«.
Valentines for 1874
U ’E ) ;it* rrr.Jv'd a r»mplele awrlment al
\ KHY LOW FH1CK8. New Style*. Now
! jc. 10c, I3f, ik, 3Of, ."(Of, i5f, *1 id $2!
We guarantee aatl*
Dry Goods, Clotihing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Notion;
New Prints and other Staple Goods
Winter Dress Goods, Flannels and other Cold Weather Fabric
III., iLe.r m.einO''"
Never again i
O lut.-i a lurtun- . ■ llrr .1 in t r H.eurr to l.uj mil mr
ail un h u.i i[ p >itunit> be • ffered to Lnjr artirl.*# tor Ciotiunit r
Will be told at lower prices than can be given in Georgia, and al*
articles lower than in New York,
ppcinf ccnnng. aud line oppurtanity <aun<i* iaat f >r«ur. Store ®p-n early u» J ‘
C»!mnbn», Jan. 1*. 1*«T4. dtf 60 broad Street. C.d'.-i
Davia was walking backward und for
ward before Eiland «* store with hi* bands
behind him: aaw Eiland when he |>nt his
hands on him, bat aaw Eiland have n*
weapon: don't know whether Eiland'a
si:i<:i> oats.'
Imchud, thought he waa wreatltDg; an
Ei'and strike Davia with hia flat when
Davia felt: conldn’t tee whether any Mcka
paated after they swing together: atrack |
Davin about shoulder or breast as far on And Groceries and Provision*,
he <‘.juld leo; aaw neither have a knife in-
aide tho hoase. ' —As—
Crast-Exnmination.—fhHis right east,
th* way the road waa running ; tight hap-
paired for aeveral yards around ; when he
Crawford llreet.
January H*t. 1»"«.
Greatly Reduced Prices!