The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 17, 1874, Image 1
1 \ Columbus ^KTJD IDJLXXTZ' Hirer. L. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1871. NO. 40 TERMS WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY BWQUIRDH. "RED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. mouths, in advance $8 00 hnths, “ 4 00 I months, “ 2 00 |onlh, “ Too. Enquirer, one year 2 00 ; Enquirer, ouo year 2 50 and Weekly Enquirer to. •r, one year 3 00 Advertising Hates.* Dally, $ 3 W> in with the privilege of a cImago nontlis. For yearly cards u liberal dis- i made. y rates will invariably bo one-third ndvertisomout is changed more than > months thn udvortiser will be cliarg- cost of composition. Foreign adver- 0116IA LEGISLATURE. usion of HonhIoii Talked Of— ion of tUc hay 111 Kimballs lid.‘lire—Kxtenslon of the II. and A. It. It. will lltilii the State Hoad. Atlanta, Feb. 14, 1874. llio Senate to date 307 bills have introduced, 130 passed, 54 lust, and emuiu to bo acted on. In the House Mils have been introduced, 0(52 read e, G withdrawn, 07 passed, C2 thdrawn, 407 to bo noted on. le resolutions that have boon intro- , 04 agreed to, 20 lost. The Gov- lias approved teu nets and ten roso- s. The Legislature has only ton more to sit by constitutional limit, ilready a session of teu moro days is d of. e following is tie nctiou of to-day: following bills wero passed: •ban go the name of the Goorgia •y Institute to the Goorgia Military, Itute, Agricultural and Normal Col- Tax act was so amended as to make : on sowing machines from $1,500 to This tax is for the whole State, and i of uuy county tax. Soction 4th amended as to read “gross oarn- ’’instead of “gross receipts,” relative e tux on express companies. The bill these exceptions was passed. . motion of Mr. lloge, the Senate ution authorizing the appointment of iint committee to consider the claim Boorman, Johnson A Co., and the re- of Thomas L. Snead, special State uisnoncr, was taken up. The reso- s to investigate the $120,000 of i bonds givon ns collateral security loan of $80,000 to Kimball. The jlution was agieed to, and Kimball will jailed before the committee. passed—To prevent fraud in ialo of fertilizers, and to mako the ctiou laws moro stringent and effoc- ) bill repealing the usury laws was . Mercer introduced a resolution au- ziug the Governor to appoint fish dssioners for the State. Passed. Towers introduced a resolution to f flio change bills issued by the Supor- ldeut of the State road audited, led. 'bill to repeal tho lien law was made ipocial order for Tuesday. ABOUT HI KIMBALL. Any of tho loading capitalists in At- fear his testimony. It is confident- atod that quite a number are as guilty Among this number is the lirst a prominent bank. Otherwise dered why many of tho honest uteso pay court to this distinguished at do it. 1 itod. not call distinguished?; volopments are anxiously UIN TO THE It. EXTENSION STATE ROAD. has granted a bill to extend ness of tho Stato Road. Suppose the B. uud A. K. R. is extended, and the com binations with Ciuciuuati are effected, which I know to bo certain, will not tbo Central, in self-defence, accept the Lou isville proposition, and will not tho Stato Road be thereby injurod, and the State thus loud her aid to her own destruction ? It may be said tho Contral will lose on the road botweon Macon and Atlanta. She lias as many miles between Columbus aud Macon, and a largo bonded interest iu tho road between Montgomery, Selma and Columbus. Sho has moro miles that way than any other. It may, too, bo urged that the Central wnnts the Brunswick & Albany Railroad. Tho Central has enough to carry already. Sho has stronger interests in making c >u- UeotioOS with Louisville than in making any suuh investment. SLo has bought and endorsed enough railroads. Macon docs not alone want the extension toCov- ington. Sho is looking to u Cincinnati connection, indepoudout of tho Stale Road or Macon & Western. The House has passed a bill granting aid to tho B. and A. road. I hope the Senate will refuse it; for I can hgo noth ing but loss to tho State. Better sell for whnt it will bring. By the way tho leaso of tho State road is so worded by fugutivo Gov. Bullock, or his attoruies, as to allow the lossoes to bolt at pleasure When they choose to quit they cau do so, and tho Stato has no remedy. Muscogee. VllOIhilA NEWS. —Ex-Gov. Jenkins has resigned the presidency of both tho banks in Augusta, of which he has lately been the head. —Thirty-one Ohincso, to work on the rice plantation of Capt. A. S. Barnwell, arrived at Brunswick on Friday before last. —The bet between Kelly and the Dav enport Brothers was not decided on Sat urday night, owiug to tho inclemency of tho weather. —The county rocords of Ware county have been removed from Waresboro’ to Way cross, aud the latter is now tho rocog- nizud cupitul. —Tho Savauuuh aud Augusta papers aro udvocating a return to tho treasury of each county, of the amount for which its convicts scut to tho Penitentiary are hired out by tho State. —A Wilkiubon county Granger face tiously remarks that tho guano bird in Peru and elsewhere must have a good deal of snjid in its gizzard. —A correspondent of tho Brunswick Appeal writes from Charlton county that tho eattlo aro dying very rapidly in that county, from some disease not known to the poople. —A knock-down demonstration of im provement in tho lumber business on tho St. Mary's is given by a correspondent of the Appeal. Two men lust week had a fight about logs ; whereas a mouth ago a log could not be sold at any price. —Twenty-four thousand pounds of soup aro boiled in one kettle at tho soap factor} in Atlanta. If this establishment had boon started at Atlanta a few years sooner, possibly some Stato ofiUials might have left the place with cleaner hands. —“Big Stove,” the great fire bell of Augusta, which was always hoarse from u defect, and of late has been useless on account of a crack, was taken down and sent back to tho North on Friday. A new bell is to bo returned iu its place. — Mr. Daniel Self, an old citizen of Meriwether county (about 70) was drown ed in shallow water, at the lord of Warm Springs crook, on Sunday before last. It is supposed that his mule threw him as he was crossing tho creek, and tho fall so stunned him that ho was unable to riso. —A now cuso of small-pox—the fiv-* re ported for a number of weeks—was dis covered in Macon on Saturday. Tho case was that of a negro child, and tho locality was one in which there had been previous cases. Tho patient was removed to tho pest house. —Flowery Branch, Duluth and Buford, new towns on the Georgiy Air-Line rail road, have each upwards of throo hundred inhabitants, and aro improving. Two years ago they had only a house jor two each. Noroross, on tho same road, has now about six hundred inhabitants; and Gainesvillo has received a new impetus from tho railroad. —Tho Meriwether Vindicator learns that a man, whose name it could not as certain, was frozen to death in While Oak crock on Saturday night, 7th iust. Hu and another man, both intoxicated, wore in a buggy crossing a creek. The horse became entangled and could not froo him self, and one of tho men succeeded in getting out, leaving tho other ton drunk in tho buggy. lie was found dead in his soat in tho vehiolo Sunday morning. day last week, uud four of tho negroes carried buck on a charge of arson. The white man secured bail on habeas corpus. Tho negroes will mako a note of this, as it shows how tho white labor “agents" pro tect them in casos of difficulty. —The Talladega Reporter says the Ala bama Furnaco shipped week before last, fifty car loads of iron. Equal, wo under stand, to about tiro hundred tons of metal. Tho furnace is yielding an average of twenty tons por day. The foundations of this furnaco wero laid one year ago. Its yield, we learn, is groator than any fur nace of its size in the United Btntos. It is also making iron at a smaller cost than uuy furnaco known. This certainly is a fine record for the Talladega ores, and tho intelligent skill of Mr. H. 8. Gliddeu, un der whoso direction tho Furnaco was con structed. WASHINGTON. —The Circuit Court for ! vones tho lirst Monday in Mar last throo weeks. —Tho Ilayiiovillo Examine of tho older and more exporter: say that all tho weather sign good crop year. —Ex-Gov. Smith has diseoi copper mine in Randolph cm ondeavoritig to interest North ists in its development. —About six miles of water boon laid in Montgomery, u tract binds tho company to c< works by tho first of h point to i ity, and is ru capitul- UOKUOVrt HILL Krntitiiip Aid to the Atluutic anil Urent Western i'unul. Spoclul to Eiuiuirer and Sun. Washington, February 10.—Gen. Gor don’s bill, introduced to tho Senato on Monday lust, grunting aid to the Atlantic and -Groat Western Canal, directs tho Comptroller of tho Currency to issue to tho Atlantic aud Great Western Cuual Company curroncy notes to tho extent of $80,000 per mile for each section of ton miles of tho canal that shall he construct ed, provided tho company’s first mort gage forty-year bonds to an equal amount shall have previously been deposited with him as security for tho Government. Tho curroncy so issued is to bo rodoomed by tho company paying annually into tho United States Treasury a sum not less than 0 per cent, of the total amount is sued. Washington, February 10.—General Gordon bus had referred to tho Senate judiciary committee to-day a bill to re move tho disabilities of Admiral Seuimes. Tho amount of sectional bitterness dis played towards this officer has been sec ond only to that exhibited towards Jef ferson Davis himself, and great opposi tion will no doubt be made towards con ferring upon him tho privilege to hold office. Several years since he was elected to an honorable office by his fellow citi zens of Mobile, which lie could not no- copt by reason of tho political disabilities resting upon him. Ho indicted more material injury upon tho commerce of tho North than any other man who served the Confederacy. As timo wanes the memories of these things will grow faint er, aud sooner or later Admiral Seuiuio.s i will stand on the same footing us all other citizens. In his letter to General Gordon asking that action bo taken to remove his disabilities, he iucloucs the following straightforward statement as his petition to two houses of Congress. “i'ho undersigned repootfully shows unto your honoruble bodies that prior to the late war between tho United Slates and tho Confederate Stales ho was a com- uiunder in the navy ol’ the United States, domiciled iu tiie Stale of Alubumu, of which State he had been a citizen for a number of years; that viewing tho ques tions at issue between tho Northern and Southern States from a Soil'hern stand point, he believed ill the right of seces sion of a State for cause; and iu a contest for allegiance bet ween his Stato and the Fed eral Government ho believed hisullogianco ultimately due to his State; that when his State seceded ho fell himself iu honor bound lo follow her fortunes for belter for worse; that his State did secede, and th»t upon the happening of that ovont ho tendered his resignation to the then Sec retary of the Navy, who well know tho objucl of the tender, aud that his resig nation was accepted; that being by such acceptance relieved from ull his obliga tions to the Foderul Government which grow out ol’ his late commission, ho returned to tho State which he believed was entitled to his allegiuuee, took up arms iu her defense, aud defended her aud the Confederate States of which she had become a member, to the best of his ability. That at the close of the war he retired to private life, uud his ugain bo- como a citizen of the United States, hav ing as a votor of Alubuma sworn to sup port and defend the Constitution of the United Stall s, and tho Union of the States. Having thus renewed his allegi ance to the Federal Constitution iu good faith, ho desires tho prompt and entire obuvion, OX'opt in bo fur as history may deal with tho subject of tho late differ ences between tho two sections. Jle has tho natural idl'octiou of an Americun citi zen for tiro laud of his hirlh, aud the same pride as formerly in tho glory and pros perity of his country, nnd ol his whole country; and lie now requests yflur hon orable bodies to remove tlm political dis abilities under which ho has so long labor ed, and restore him to the full and free embrace of tho only couutry which can claim him, and tho only couutry which he cures to claim. Respectfully, Raphael Semmkh. “Done at Mobile, in tho Stuto of Alu- buma, on this, tho thirtieth day of Janua ry, A. D. 1871.” CO.\<iiKi:SSIO\AL. pipes hav< tion, Kolloy yielded tho floor to Waddell, of North Carolina, referring to him ns tho descendant of one whoso bones rested in the old Motinouito churchyard at German town, having fallen nt tho head of troops from south of tho Potomac. Waddoll rnndo a suitable acknowledg ment of Kellogg’s politonoss and cour tesy, and sustained the resolution iu a spooch, in which ho alluded to tho honor able history of tho Revolution uud tho groat political ovouts preceding it, par ticularizing the destruction of the stumps openly and publicly long before tho throw ing of the tea into tho harbor of Boston by tuou wearing disguisoH, nnd referring to tho original Declaration of Independ ence drawn up in Meckliuburg county, North Carolina, lie wound up by saying, “Let Congress, then, on tho 15th of Sep tember next, meet in joint convention in that venorablo ball, and let tho ordor of tho occasion speak with a lioaliug power— a power which will arouse tho slumbering spirit of former days, will revive a tailor ing faith, and unseal once moro that foun tain whoso waters, however hidden or ob structed, still well lip porpolually in every true American heart.” Tho motion to suspend tho rules aud pass tho resolution did not receive the uocessory two-thirds voto, and tho reso lution was subsequently referred to tho Select Committee on Contouninl. Among tho bills introduced to-day wero tho following : To provide for an increase of national bank notes, and tho with drawal and cancellation of an equal amount of U. S. legal tender notes ; im posing a duty of $(» a ton on juto; abol ishing navy yards at Kitlery, Charles- New London aud Washington; abolishing ponsion agents* nnd providing paying pousious by postmusters and collectors of internal rovonuo, thus effecting an annual sav ing of half a million of dollars ; to abolish tho rovcmio marine sorvice ; also to abolish cortnin custom houses ; lo re peal tho special tax imposod on dealers iu tobacco and manufacturers of cigars and tobacco. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Contingent Expenses iu the Department of Justice to impure into judicial expenditures in tho Western District of Arkansas since 1871. Lumur, of Mississippi, offered a reso lution, which was adopted, instructing tho Committee on Military Affairs to in quire into tho propriety of a salo of Horn Island, iu tho Gulf of Mexico, now hold Imt not usod as a military reservation. Senate. The Senate discussed tho bill to equal ize tho distribution of national banking circulation. Camcron'subiuiltcd u substitute to pro vide for froo banking under tho present nnlionul laws, aud to remove all restric tions limiting tho circulation. Ho sup ported tho same in a written speech, fol lowed by Pratt aud Logan favoring tho substitute, and Frolinghuysou against it. Buckingham ruovud to recommit tho whole subject to tho Finance Committee ; ponding debate upon which tho Senate adjourned. I (chin. * lion. Alexander if. Stephens is quite ill at his rooms with neuralgia of tho kid- nios. Night before last several physicians wore iu consultation relative to his easo, and ngrood that his condition was serious. He was somewhat easior yesterday aud to-day. Gen. Eaton, Commissary General, was retired to-day by orJor of the President, and Gen. Shcruz was assigned to duty rs Commissar}’ Geuoral, and Gen. Amos Beckwith nssiguod to duty at Washing ton. The Howard Court of Inquiry moots on tho 3d of March. Tho following Gonurals compose tho court : Sherman, McDowell, Popo, Meigs and Holt, with M ij. Gardner as Judge Advocate. Nomination*. Fubius Stanley to ho Rear Admiral in tho uuvy. P. Clayton, of Georgia, to bo Consul at Valparaiso. TF.LF.GHA 1*111C A*OTL.N. York —Chief Justico Waite loft N for Washington yesterday. —Tho Now York Gold Exchango has opened subscriptions for tho rolief of the poor. —Tho Mississippi Legislature adjourn ed to Wednesday, and many of tho mem bers left for New Orleans. —It was reported in Philadelphia Sun day that the band botweon Chang and Eug had been operated on, uud that the report will ho made to tho College of Sur geons on Wednesday next. —Ou Sunday, tho citizons of Charles ton, South Caroliua, of ull classes, attend ed tho funoral of Robert Stuart Burns, Past Grund Muster, and one of the high est aud brightest Masons iu tho United States. —Nothing 1 ,has boon ascertained so far in regard to tho bank rubbery at Quincy, Illinois, though several persons huvo been arrested ou suspicion. A roward of $20,- 000 has been offered for tho restoration of tho stolon property and capture of tho tliievoH. Among tho bonds stolen woro $100,000 of Adams & Co.’s bonds, num bered from 221 to 4()0, inclusive. — In tho nisi prius before Judge Sliars- wood, tho jury in tho easo of Robert Fox vs. Ponnsylvauia Mutual Life Insurance Company, which was a suit upon a policy of insurance effected by Mr. Fox upon tho lifo of John Clark Loo, tho jury yes terday morning, at Philadelphia, ren dered a verdict for tho plaintiff for $20,031 25—the full umouut claimed, with interest. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, Feb. 1C, 1874.) Probabilities.—tho South Atlantio States northwosterly winds, partly cloudy and clear weather, ami somewhat higher temperature. MARKETS. It Y TFLFUHAFII TO DKUHIKFR. Honey uml Mock Murli<*t«. New York, Feb. 1(5.—Money easy nt la 5. Exchange weaker at 485. Gold 12jj. Governments strong; considerable doing. States dull. Provision lllitrkctft. Cincinnati*!, Fob. 10.—Flour and com steady and unchanged. Pork dull, only limited jobbing demaud, $15,25. Lard quiet; steamed HijnjJ; kettle JlajJ. Bacon steady, shoulders, <;;; clear lib sj; clear sidos 8i|Uj|. Whiskey, good demand at 35 Louisville, Fob. Hi.—Flour dull, low er. super $4.25. Corn unchanged. Pro visions oasier. Pork $15.25a 15.50. Ba ron shoulders 7aj; clear rib «>■; olear sides 3a£. Lard, tierces wjajf; kegs lojaj. Whiskey 3lj. St. Louis, Fob. 1(5. —Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn dull and lower: No. 2 mixed 53 on track. Whiskey steady at 3(5 Pork quiet at $ $15.25. Bacon quiet; shoulders 7. clear rib S 4 ', clear sides 8jj9. Lard held at 8 : ,'. Potion Markets. New York, February 1(5 — Cotti sales 387 bales at HijuHijjc. ; net 37d Bales. Futures closed weak ; sales 1(5,2' oh follows : February 15 5-1(5 ; M 15-32a4 ; April 1(5 I 1(5 : May 1(5 13-31 Juno 17 1-H5 ; July 17 13-32. New Orleans, Feb. 1(5. Cotton firm and hold higher; middling, 1 fij*; low mi dlings 15$; good ordinary, 13$; ordinn 11.}; not receipts 1(5,530; exports to Grc Britain 3(55(5; to continent 5,227; Franco 1774; sales 3000 last ovoni 7000; stock 333,(552. Mobile, February 1(5.—Steady, go demand and higher; middlings 15,'; 1 middlings 1 l : ,'; good ordinary 13;,'; not cuipts 2,335; sales 2,000. Boston, February I(5.—Steady: in dlings 1(54; exports to (. A Hiib-c Hamilton of tho ittuo ou tho Judiciary hu’ mploto tho j long report in favor of tho tho tost oath in ull oases, i ALA 11AMA NEWS 'ho House has granted u lull to extend ther Stato aid to the B. & A. It. It.— go aid it has, too. The cause is, many opposed to the Central Company, ich has done moro to develop uud aid i Stato than all the State aid roads in stance. Let us look nt tho matter bile. By Stato uid tho B. & extended to Covington. The Southern Security Company has road, in case of such an adoption, to ild a branch at Dahlonega or some utli- poiot ou tho Richmond uud Atlanta Ir-Line Road to Covington. Cincinnati nuts n road to Central Georgia, oontroll- by herself. Sho is now building one Chattanooga, which will bo completed fore many months have elapsed. North oorgia has always desired another road, a Cincinnati line will build a road from run a steam road w utlanoogn to Homo point ou the Air- down tho turnpike t 1 ^ nt of tho State Road, aud Atlanta to ( & Charleston Railroad. House and Senato will assemble in Cnr- Wliere thou will be the State Iu Lowndes county, where cropping pouters 1 lull, 1 hiludelpbia, on Monday What will be its value? j last year wasi not a success, 53 mortgages Gth of September, 1774, in centennial I have positive information that the \ZZuor\Ve ^Sli/lbo commemoration of the assembling dole- ouisville lino has long desired to pro- Examiner says tb it nearly all the mort- f»*t«8 from tho several colonies and pro- ith the Central, so as to carry all gagors wero negroes. But if the policy vinocs of North America, on Monday-<th from the West via Montgomery ' of planting nearly all cotton is continuod, of September 1871. and that tho Speaker Y IN ATLANTA. Atlanta, Feb. 1(5.—Phillip D. Cori cashier cf the Atlanta branch of il Freedman's Savings Bunk and Trust Cc was orrostod here yesterday for embozz! ment. His defalcation is estimated $10,000. FOREIGN I vi Ki.I.KiEXri MEDICINES. '5i 5. A THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This Mnlit'liio is warranted not to nitniii a aiiiKlc purtich* of Mwri anv, or auy iu. cull IHsrftM'*i rallied I13 IIitiuikc* il ol (lie Liver uud (tonels. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine most m lit 11 \l siM.rmr nut IIYN I* LI VS IA OK IMIltdMIOA. Armed with (hit ANTI liOTK. all Hi mat on and rli.uiKf* of'wall--r and I • I mn In* I'm without four. Ain Romotlv lo MALARIOUS KHVBH8, now HI. COM 1*1. AI NTS, It Hs VLESsN KSS, JAUN- MCK. N AUSEA. IT II AM NO ■:<) t A I. ! .1. II. 7.151 LI X A ( (►.. IN', (J A., and I'll 11. \ DEI.I'll I A Sold ••) all UriiKKlHlN. BANKS. OFFICE OF THE EPPINU’S BUCIIU Notice to all Purchasers of this Ezccllont Compound Eztract of Buchu. IlDKltH TO |„ 1* 1 Kim: A CO., < nlIImini id you will p-t tho U trail. Tlmrii IS NO OUTSIDE EITHER SPECIAL OR GENERAL, latlj Solo Proprietor. L. PIERCE. piiet: ceipts halos, eh 15 sah W i!i 1 tain 25 Fel. l -Sternly in fair demand; good ordinary 13,' tiling. I lit; net receipt. exp Ormit Untuin '.I'.'O; in I-'rnnon Min L\:.00; .lock lift,llln. Sa\ 1,1,1 net 15} a 15$; le mlmury I I} l» i: V .\ I N i I* A T I N I SHIP P ()\ LR TWO III BOOTS AMD SHOES. Y0UII II ENT ION ii Hulls ,,.|i.d tin til 1 i* aro KKi'o.Mi To M)NK in lie HOOTS A so .mi o i:n. 1 , \V aluil" ondoavor*by "fair* moan* *1 HEAD OIK I.LATHI.I *A Kill EXT I- IS “LEVEL” WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Street. Manufacturing Comp’y, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HAIIIT OF HAVING ON THE FAHT OF THE OPEllATIVES, AND TO PHOVIDE A nml reliable arrangement for tho bouettciul aocrmnletion cf flio earning, of nrti.onH rad nil oLh< r cliuisc, thi. Company h,m, umlor SPECIAL C1IAUTEU FHOM THE STATE OF GEOliUIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages aro offered to Depositors of either largo or small umounts: 1. PEliFEOT BECUUITY. Tho iWHot. of the Company wero on the 1st of January, 1873 $1,704,450 43 and are steadily inerousing. Tho Rosorvo Fund is $237,715(5 32 All of which property is specially lkdobd by act of tho General Assembly for the protection of Depositors; nnd in ndilition, by tho same act, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company aro made 1NDIV1D- ALLY RESPONSIBLE iu proportion to their shares, for tho integrity of tho Savings Department and its certificates of Deposit. 2. LI It Fit A L INTEREST. Rato allowed Hovon por cent, por annum, compounded four tiuios a year. 3. DEPOSITS cau bo withdrawn at ant/ time without notice. Depositors residing out of tho city cau diuw deposits by chocks. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnishod upon application, aud ull desired information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. e. All accounts of Depositors will he con sidcrcil strictly private and confidential. DIRECTORS r N. J. HUSSEY, W*. II. YOUNG, \V. K. PARRAMORK, ALFRED I. YOUNG, of Now York. CHARLES GREEN, Idcint of (ho Savaiiuuli Hank and Trim Coin SADDLES AND HARNESS. NO’i H E. mm: nndoniKno.1, with vh*w of armiiKlni '*j ' !» ' '■ ‘• I’ •' c .1) «la> SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS At Very Reduced Prices! I OK CASH OM.Y! H. MIDDLE BROOK. ITALY Lon iu Feb. Hi Tho > has ! -A MU ban h.™ intro.1.100.1 into C„n- i k „ ut it l0 thu fl ,„ comlailloo . i l» gross, by Mr. Hays of Alabama, to ronn- * . 4l „ . . , , -y, burse tho State fur the d-struotion by the | temper of the House is in favor of j Fedoral troops of tbo University buildings j such legislation, 'iho bill will relieve j at Tuskaloosa. : pensioners and deputy-postmasters from — A man named Gordon has laid a plan | tho exactions of tho tost oath, nnd will ^ before tho merchants of Huntsville, D dispatches from Rome, stating that ti e Pope will hold another Consistory in June next, when eight more Cardinals will bo croatod, including Archbishop Maivoring. NI»AIN. Madrid, Feb. 1(5.—Tho British Minister , prepared u i ha ' 1 11 ,on B conference Saturday with the abolition of ^ ,u * Hter of Foreign Allans, id will this The subject of the interview is aup- DR. WM. HALL’S Balsam for the, bin; Tin: GUI: AT A M Lit 1C A A ( si mptivi: iti:>u:!»%. HALL’S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY. ' j\ :s < j v AT It HIM < l.k» I KK I S. that Whitesburg, on tho nd thence run a small totally banish tho iron clad oath proscrip- *° While Lifo Lasts There is Hope. J Rankin House, Iu tho Kelley, of Fenusylv Krni l to have been tbo easo of n British 1 detained in a Spanish port. KI.SNl A. pETFithHUHG, February K5.—A grand ;r was given kist evening by the Czar d Royal visitors. In .hty said that tho J’m- I A Germany, Queen of England, >r of Austria, and himself, would csorvo the peace c f ll.. world. Tho Prince of Wales, who was tho I the Queu:, HENRY. CUItHAN csentaliv d Columbus to Central Georgia and ther points. President Wadloy has ob- ted because he loved Georgia, and do- ires not her property to be injured, as it ould destroy to a great extent tho busi- such records w tion ou accouut of race condition of servitude. —A white her of negroes f .•o!or, 10 distinc- | 0 f tho House bo invited to preside over previous , tll0 mooting, aud Vico President Wilson o carried off n m.m- bo re 'IU0Hl o d lo deliver uu address appro- Montgomery for Ike i priato to the oi-oasion. thanks ; a spondod, tho Czar. —Tho i< .riipen el to his Hit aph re- nts of , olitmbus, J. w. lev 1 lisihy Rcsianriint, Bar and Billiard Saloon, littosa Tint I»a s *. i. Ho, i. RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, York, feet West, was arrested at Birmingham one j Alter remarks iu support of tho roTolu- frout uf Tr< broke up suddenly Sunday, broke up the water rose t< many minutes. Tho wate ceding. The danger of u freshet is sup posed to lie over. Two workmen ouujq very narrowly boing drowned. Improved Lotion Seed Ton-Pin Alley and Bar! -M '"' . : : , 5,;5r .‘y:.. . STOVES AND TIN WARE. 200 COOKING STOVES! FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT HARD TIMES* W. H. Robarts & Co., Will III' ito Mil* nil.-mill of llio public to III. I r larr- mill . Oinpli-t- nto It. ■ ■mimMIIiik "> Cooking Stoves, (,.k an.I ntla-r Drat clou |.,.llvr.„). Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, SII.VI’ll PI.ATKD AND BIUTNNU U.a.l.s, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery »r our own Importation. Mmiiifn. tm-M ..( Tl.\, tOl'PFIl A.\l> Ml III I ICO N WAIti: of I Very il-Hi riptimi 4U- I'll* 1*1 IIB low Hi II. • low.-Ht •«»|l7 -Oil(ill! Stoves, Stoves! NATHAN CHuWN,^ CJoliimljus, 6a., \V r,M I'D r* n|.. . If.illy Invito tho Attention of l.h \\ fri-ii'li mi'l niHtoiiuTH to I.Ih —xi—iihi' hi... k *1 FTOVEF. HOLLOW AND bTAMPED K H R.NI.-IIING GOODS, A* . Al WARE, nt wliol.-, ’OPPER WORK VIN, SHEET IRON P-oofing and Guttering Southern Stove. Works, Columbus, C.a. J. W. DENNIS & CO. Slot I S, EH Ii'n VYi <• it vi i s. rim: imm.s. . yypmaaarv.; FRAME MOULDINGS. W. J. CHAFFIN.