The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 19, 1874, Image 3

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»U# Ill'i LIkA, AI.A. : USDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1874. elika department. r. M. GRAY, EDITOR. l'ubllc Schools. bat any one, or that any set of men, turned thanks, and adored our people that no effort would be spared to make it j useful iu protection against fires. The company is an excellent one, and under CITY DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. FIRST l'RESBYTERIAN. . . , , .... , „ Comer of Oglethorpe aud St. Clair their management, when drilling shall streets—Bev. J. H. Nall pastor. Services perfect them iu its mauiigomeut, wo bnve ; nt 10$ a. m. and 4 p. a. each Sunday. I but little fear of disastrous conflagrations. I Subbath school ut 9 a. m. I EPISCOPAL (TRINITY). Brevities. j Oglethorpe street, between Randolph 1.1 si f f ’ I lli f T? u u \V O Mnnlit. CLOTHINC. ukl oppose the education of the masses a inode of general taxation—unless it uld prove intolerably burdensome—is • miud inexplicable and not to be Re nted for on auy general process of roa- ig. Any man you meet will readily ; it is of vital importance that all 1.1 bo educated, for private happii ess public good ; for there is no condi- in life that iH not bettered by intolli- ce. This truth has been so impressed on the minds of legislators and rulers in whom we derive our intelligence iu i-eat measure, that laws are in force not ly aiTordiug the most liberal education the people, but fixing pains and penal- i upon parents who do not use the nd* ntnges so freely offered their children r education. We cannot believe, then, ignorance of its value, or iudif- reuco to the wisdom which experi- i bus given older communities moves is opposition. Wo much fear another ason, and to our miud an inexcusable e, underlies this street corner opposi- n to a plau of general education, so po ut fur gojd, so beneficial in its results the rich and the poor, but more espo- ally conferring its blessings upon the ildreu of those upon whom the hand of isfortuuo lies heavily. Our prejudices d passious are most unfrequently the or by which au astute enemy may euter i castle of the miud and lead willing ptive tho judgment and opinion, even diust the citadel of our own safety. Tho eauer passions of the heart are also uohstones upon which aspirants for po tion aud emoluments of office lay tin- oau hands, and fire tho heart and steel in ;i 1 by false alarms and well told •so. . •; less extravagance, foolish ex- eudituu. .. largo corporation debts, and eavy taxation to educate other peo- i children. Aud so we might go on ud enumerate—but facts are, some how, tubboru things, which we cannot ignore f we would. Tho city of Opelika owes o little, that it wero an insult to speak of t as a debt. Five thousand dollars will over the amount ; one dollar special tax pon her inhabitants would wipe it out y, o-day, or one-half of one per cent, upon er real estate, or one-fourth of ono per out. upon her sales, would do tho same hiug. Supposo we allow that it will require eu thousand dollars to pay current ex cuses, railroad aud school tax, next mu- icipal year, nnd daring the year au aver- ge of two huudred pupils attend tho I chool for nine mouths, at a cost to us of j one thousand dollars ; for this is the sum j “llowed by tho present Board of Alder- ' men for the school, Dr. Soars giving ono ! thousand dollars, tho State about as 1 much, and each pupil paying on avorage j of $2.50 per quarter, or $7.50 for tho j I term, making $1,500 or $2,500 ; tho ac- ! I trial cost to the citizens of Opelika for tho I annual education of two huudred of | her children. Lot ua go a step further j with the figures, and contrast this show- I iug with tho cost of private schools. Tho | same number of pupils, taught from the same hooks and for the same lime, and who will upon trial show no greater pro- l gross, will cost to individuals—if they pay I the teacher, and they should do so—$130 I for each pupil sout, aggregating $0,000— I twice the sum paid to our public teachers, 1 and nothing more g.iinod. In this osti- mato we huvo placed tuition in our pri- > schools and academies at a lower rate than is usual. We huvo said nothing as to tho cost of books, for in either ease you m us & buy them. There aro other roasous, plenty as blackberries, why wo should not only resist any attempt to pull down the foundations of an institution so charitable in conception, so beneficial in results, but why wo should to a man, sot ourselves vigorously at work to nourish, sustain, and make public educa tion a loading idea iu Opelika. Even now, tho friends of more advanced ed ucation aro casting about them for tho ways and means to establish in some ono of tho Cotton States an institution, whose endowment shall cost a million, and wo know of no place tor health, acceptability, nnd general adaptation better suited to their purpose than this central city. Sup pose this question of location for th’s monument to eiucation wore before the board to-day, aud our city in nomination, and she will be. IIow would it sound to hear it announced that Opelika was op posed to popular education, and by a vote of her citizens had abolished public schools? Wo hope, however, for hotter things, and trust that on the 131 of March the friends of Opelika and her future progress will so fully sustain the friends of education as to forever set at rest this question. Trial of the Extinguisher. At four o clock yesterday evening, “Champion Fire Company No. 1,’ mndo a trial of the Extinguisher recently ordered by tho Council. Capt. Johnson and son, with the company, managing tho machine, a house having been built for the purpose 18x18 and about 20 feet high, nnd largely filled with combustibles, over which was poured tea or more gallons of keroseuo oil. Tho building was fired by Mayor Slaughter, aud after gettiug under good headway, the order was given by Alder man Frazer, aud before ono could write it, was put out. Fire was again applied, and a part of the building allowed to burn up before applying the stream of gas. When done, tho flames aud coals were again subdued iu about fifteen seoonds. Citizens and Aldermen were satisfied that tho machine would do all, and more than Capt. Johnson modestly claimed for it, and thereupon signified its acceptance. In behulf of tho Board of Aldermen and citizens Alderman Frazer, in a happy ten minutes' spoeeb, turned over to the Champions tho machine and outfit. Capt. Bdwarda, on behalf of his company, re- —More rain duriug yesterday, and last : St. Clair—Itev. W. C. Hunter rector. Services at 11 t. m. and 4 p. m. each Suuday. Sunday school at 9$ a. m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. St. Philips and St. James (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Baldwin and Few streets—Father Patrick pastor. Mass at <»} and 9} a. m., and vespers at 5 r. m. Catechism at 4 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST. Randolph street, between Jackson and Franklin—Rev. O. A. Kendrick pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 13 p. m. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph aud St. Clair streets—Rev. Dr. J. S. Key pastor. Services each Sunday at 10.} a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at night it came down in torrents. —Our Chief, Maj. Calhoun, passed through yesterday for Atlautn. He de nied being on a friendly call upon II. I. K. —Wo nover knew until yesterday how many children there w ere in Opelika—tho fire developed them. Trade No change iu quotations for Slip- Dull, plies. Cotton. Receipts light and transactions limited. Wo quote: Middlings 14 Low' Middlings 13} Received previously 15,078 “ yesterday 52 15,130 CITIZENS' TICKET. FOR MAYOR M. M. SLAUGHTER. ALDERMEN T. L. Frazer, J. M. McNamee, Robert Trammell, W. S. Turner, 0. A. Cannon, A. 1). Emory. People’s Ticket. Mayor—J. II. HARRIS. Aldermen—L. L. Fraser, Win. Hi men, J. W. Williams, J. >1. McNauio, 13. A. G. Eumry, It. J. Trammell. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. MS. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon ami Physician. ffioo at Slaughter's Drug Store, Railroad utiee Bit. J. W. It. WIM s his profeBsiuunl etrvlcoH. 1 Millinery. MISSES WHITE & TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners ami Dressmakers. I Oonllomon's Blurt, ctu by uliurt maunra, un( I guaranteed to tit. Chaminrs street, n<-xt t> j Kalin's dry goods store. t’ohl MRS. C. V. HARROW, Fashionable Milliner ami Dressmaker Sou Agout of Ibitterii'k A Co.’s Patterns. At the late Hanking House of bhappurd A Co. Opelika, Ala. ja23 Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, uppointed Notary Public Jo tfully solicits the patronage < lo'lds Court 1st and 2d Sutiipiuys ol t It. O. IIollifleld’H lnw oflh-. r Ills ITieudi each moutl J'US) Eating Houses. IiOGUllS’ HATING I TO INK, Right at the Depot, open at all hours. Hot and Meals for all Trains. j'f-i Furniture, &c. At rauie Trices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Fun o, Metallic, Wood Collins, and Cask Attorney Ofllee opposite Al: Practices in all tho Court Lawyers. A. J. VICKERS, and CoiuiMcIlor at Law. Tailors. J. n. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting aud Making in tho Latent Styles pairing n< at iy done. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Dentist, Mato Work and Plugging on rent Barber Shops. WESLEY HAKKINGUK, Barber, Corner Si.ti.h l'.uilioad and Chambers strum deo88 RIG A o \ A TURNER, Barbers, South ltuilro*d stn-ut, urn.or Adams Horn deem Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to busitinu portion of die city. G. W. AbbKN, Prop' ADAMS HOUSE. When you go to Opelika, bo sure to etop at Insurance. E. C. HOWES' it SOS, General Insurance Agent . Railroad Stm t, over H. M. Urei n THE BEST ADVICE '' niAAmx rYi.'i" Ili.OW Till Will NT I. F.. KING THE BEI.I., STOP T1IE ENGINE—WE'VE GOO ON TO HELL. THORNTON & ACER, No. 78 Broad Street. (Next door to J. W. Peaso & Norman’s Bookstore,) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s OH.QTJEUnXTCSr, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for tho same class of goods purchased earlier In the season. As wo were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. SQr’Call and see for yourselves. j a8 EACLE AND PHENIX SAVE YOU* "oiwr irn r. St. Paul—Southeast corner of Frank lin and Troup streets—Rev. Arminius Wright, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10} a. m. and 8 r. m. Sabbath school at 4 p. m. liroad Street Methodist—On upper Broad Btreet. ltov. R. W. Dixon pastor. Services every Sunday at 10} a. m. and 7} r. m. Sabbath school at 8} p. Class meeting at 9 a. m. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Corner Crawford and Forsyth streets. Herman Birkinthal rabbi. Servioes every Friday evening at 8 aud Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. GIRARD. Methodist.—J, W. Simmons pastor. Services 1st Sunduy nt 10$ a. m., and 3rd Sunday at 5 r. m. Sabbath school 3 p. m. Baptist.—llov. Jasper llickH pastor. Services on tho 4 th Sunday in each month Sabbath school at 8} a. m. BROWNEVILLE. Broicncvillc Baptist.—Rev Jasper Hicks pastor. Services 1st and 3d Sundays. Sabbath School at 8:30 a. m. Trinity (Methodist;—Rev. J. W. Sim mons pustor. Services 1st, 2nd aud 3rd Sunday at 8 p. m. aud 3rd Suuday at 10} Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and oveniug. Sabbath school every Sunday at 4 r. m. COLORED. Asbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. J. Gaines pastor. Sorvicos eve ry Sunday at 10} a. m. aud 3 p. m. and ”} af night. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Clair (near river)—Green McArthur pas tor. Sorvicos every Sunduy at 10} a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —G. 13. Taylor, pastor. Services every Suuday at 10} a. m. aud 8 r. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. Second Baptist (Northern Liberties)— Rev. Primus Stafford pastor. Services ovory Sunday at 10} a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. I. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair and Crawford sts. Regular meetings held every Monday evening, at 7} o'clock. Encampment meets 1st and 3d Fridays in each mouth. MASONIC. Lodge in Burma' building, corner Broad and Randolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Moots 2d Friday night iu each mouth. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meets on 1st ! Friday night iu each mouth. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each month. St. Aulcmar Commandery—Moots 2d j Tuesday night in each mouth. B’NAI BERITH. Lodge iu Burma’ building—Mootings held on tho 1st and 3d Sundays iu each mouth. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (iu Court Square, contro of city) between Oglethorpe and Jackson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on East commons, foot of Craw ford street. Opera House n. o. corner Crawford aud Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East common, near cemetery. Post Office, corner of Oglethorpe aud Randolph. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rooms over Griffin’s drug store, Brond street. Open from 8 a. m. to (j r. m. Booli3 loaned to members returnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 25c. per week thereafter. Mrs. J. II. Ivey, Librarian. HO 1ELS. Rankin House, corner Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters' House, Broad street, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad street, (east side), between St. Clair nnd Crawford streets. Homo IIouso, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair aud Crawford streets. Broad Street. House, (east sido), between Crawford and Thomas stroots. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (wnito male) n. e. cornor Jackson and Crawford streets. No. 2 (white fo- inule; s. w. corner St. Clair and Forsyth streets. Temperance Hull (mixed colored) Ogle- iliorpo street, between Randolph aud Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—S. 13. Clogborn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—AL M. Moore. City Attorney—Ohns. H. Williams. City Physician — I). W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynab. City Marshal—Mat. W. Murphy. Deputy Marshal—Win L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Jake Burins. police. Chief—Mat. W. Murphy. FIRST SQUAD. SECOND SQUAD. Capt. W. L. Cash, Cupt. John Doran, Rob! FERTILIZERS. 300 FERTILIZERS! I’ATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY’S AM MON I AT ED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES, it Lungdale (English) A A *• “ “ •• B B “ • A Soil'd Ammonintfl Super Phosphate of Liuie, “ Gouuiiie Phofplio Peruvian Guano, IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. wishing genuine timt rlam preparat WM. A. JAMES. Mehouse, Oglethorpe atroot, next to Kpiacopal Cln MOST ANY ONE CAN MAK. WISE ONES w,..- If you will only Save what you Waste, it would bo no trouble to become Independent. EKli 4 PMMS JEMWT, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent, compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. STOVES AND TIN WARE. 200 COOKING STOVES! FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT HARD TIMES* W. H. Robarts & Co., Who invito tho attoutin of tho public to th.-ir largo an»l eouiploto mock, cnu«luting of Cooking Stoves, (Charter Oak and other first cIuhb putUunn), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, SILVER PLATED AND BRU'NNIA GOODS, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery MunuractuierM of TIN, AMI SHEET IKON WARE of every dwrlption. *9- Prices oh low iih the lowest. Stoves, Stoves! NATHAN CROWN, BANKS. MERCHANTS’ AND MECHANICS’ JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER., BILL HEAD AND Statement Ir*aper, ALSO. VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can he furnished printed lit abort notice, at i.ow Cash H\vk.«. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama 'Legal Blanks, on hand. Thos. Gilloort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, <i.\. COLUMBUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. GEORGIA. A. 0, BLACKIVIAR, Cashier, K< bruury fith, 1 S7 l. INSURANCE. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Corap’y CONTINUES TO OFl'U.K THF PUBLIC INDEMNITY apimt I-oss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, Sho Wants a Chance to Cot it Back. J, RHODES BROWNE, GEO, W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH iwmaa.'uu^xv a PULE ORANGE. w (Opposite .Sun Ofllee) Columbuw, Ga., j 0ULD respectfully Invite the attention ofl friends nnd rUBtommu to his oxtenni k of 8TOVK8, HOLLOW AND Cl’A.Ml’I WAUK, II0USK-FUItN 1811ING GOOD?, Ac. Al TIN WARK, at wholosalo and retail. Manufacturer of TIN, PUBKT IKON A‘ COPPKii WORK. Roofing and Guttering dono promptly and in tho host manner. ( lie solicits a cull, feeling assured that ho give entire satisfaction. Price as low iih the lowest, f’oino a,,,?, before you buy. oclUfi eod*\y J. W. Den J. M. Be; Southern Stove Worl” Columbus, Cd. g J. W. DENNIS & CO. " W K are tuanufacturing nnd selling ut Wlndes:.!.. « good nssortinent of STOVES, €4KATES, FI KE BOILS, CO F K Tit V A X I> STO V L IIOI.I.OIV WAKE. Extra I* Stove we ii hum pie luniinlK.I baloR, oh followH : February 15 I-lfiulf*};' March 15 5-32al5 3 10; April 15 25 32a15 1 13-10: May 10 9 32a 10 5-10; Juno 10 23-1 32a 10]; July 17 5-32al7]. New Orleans, Fob. 19.—Cotton irregu lar and activo; middling 10}; low middling 15}, good ordinary 13}; receipts 4,025; exports to continent 1,391; to Franco 1,703; coast wise 390; sales 2,000—last eve ning 2,000. Savannah, February 19 —Market quiet ttu.l easy; receipts 2,311; exports coast wise 1,722; to France 1,431; to Great Britain 3,129; sales 1,385. Charleston, February 19.—Quiet; mid dlitigs 15}; low middlings 15; good ordu nary 14}; receipts 1,029; exports t< ’ Franco 1,750; sales 500. Boston, February 19.--Quiet; receipt 3; exports to Groat Britaiu 404; sales 200 WAGON MAKINC. Wood and Blacksmith Shop J. H. MOSHELL IP HOTELS. 1 Rankin House, Columbus, On. J. W. KYAN, I’rop'r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undeu thk 11a? <tr .1. xv i HIiopIok, .l-H€Tl,.< illl.r. HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT', BUSINESS AND VISITINU GAUDS. r.AI'.EI.S AND SIUIUTNO TAOS, HAND HILLS AND OIKOULAKS, IJOCIE'i’Y liY-LAWH, l’AMI’HLETS Ai*. LEGAL BLANKS. JCnili'oi.fl BcooiptH, Bi)]H Lulling. Ac in Louk or louse, Blank Books ol all G. Mitchell, II. H. Wood, CtiuTns Brady, Whit Smith, James Kohnrt i. Turn McEnohotn, DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE r*j-it at night, w.ll flu 1 I jd going to bed th<*v and refieahing rent. UHtc. it i« easily udmlni by all druggists. Lahn street, New York :<1 t» child ry 48 and 60 C .rHandt fubl!> deo.Uw ly John St. Clu Josh Roper, John Fcngan, Johu O’Brien, Henry Voight, John Brady, STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL—1874. Accounts—Grimes, Andrews, Durkin. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmers, Redd, Grimes. (bine cry Dm kin, Blanchard, Mc- Gchce. Cud r m Flonvucy, < CityJmpr It- (ill, Bran Commons aid. Contracts id Fi FI part me nt—Kent, 1 Public Schools— noy,Mchaffcy, Blunch- Btannon, McGehee, An- Mcht pair Financo—MoGehee, Redd, Scheussler. Hospital—Blanchard, Kent, Brannon. Market and Magazine — Scheussler, Flournoy, Chalmers. Police and Gas—Mehaffoy, Durkin, Chalmers. Streets and Sewers—Andrews, Scheusa- ler, Kent. ROLL OF COLUMBUS FIRE DE PAHTMENT. BOARD OF CONTROL. W. II. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. Rosette, First Ass’t Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Second Ass’t Engineor. A; K. Francis, Secretary. FIRE COMPANIES. No. 1—B. F. Coleman, R. Ledsingor, W. II. Brannon, T. O. Douglass. JVo. 5—E. L. Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, G. R. Flournoy. Central Michanic* No. 3—C. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis, A. J. Nix. Hook and Ladder—M. M. Moore, F. J. Mott, C. B. Grimes, George Moore. wrmcil A ki.\-i:l .1. tre nuln ng.-uti f.»r G-duuiMiH. only ho alt Do not buy i.nrk Pictuni AND MOULDINGS. l'aines FRAME ..I l-IC I IIAVK ju-l r. • »i,~l • - i > I TUKB FKA.MK MUU.IHMih, «i» >' Hi.I.i .1.1 an. |.|.-|. ,i. <1 lu MARK I IUML tu uni- W. J. CHAFFIN. novlii If By ELLIS & HARRISON. THE AUCTION SALE OL LIBRAR BOOKS •ru«a<iiiy n'Bi.t. nth.ii. 250,000 COPIES SOLD! RICHARDSON’S NEW METHOD PIANOFORTE! I.\ KLLLM K i-d. Tin- I’iiI-IimIk- Advirlihi of tho bn HOHTPONKI) UNTIL FRIDA 20th iuM . 7'4 o'rlo. .IGIIT fJ^WENTY ing aud Loai; For Sale. HAKES IN MERCHANTS ill ILL Unoriation. Apply to A. 0. BLACKMAR, odtf M. »u't,M. Mink, Price, K.I.7.T. tbou»ufj.lM of Tearli. Oliver Di'.son & Co., Chas. H. Diwor. k Co. 711 Lilu.ilaa) X. V FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE oojvECESja-ixrY OF San Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, <•‘22 ly COLUMBUS, GA. COPARTNERSHIP. Walloon a Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., “Time-Tried aud $27,000,000! OAR.D. ■ >. 1. lill.I.I O.f. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. WITTICH & KINSEL, aoticul H alcliiiiak.'P-. jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ( UVA; ' y. jfb 1 L • 't'.:. ■ cV ■ AT > . ill: 7 ;s%.. '-y 7 t v:i. • ; y 'J*- - -• 4. vA ‘-'V \ N KNTIbTLV M UXb l-l g <2 .< ul rl. • *0 "« lutvb b«. n rccfutiy | nrtim-'n ;V in Now York, and oII.tmI »i th«» h»wci*t prici-s. iVAK iics. n.ot iis. js:\\ i iiv, vmti.iMi sii.vf.k a flatkk wake. "li w’ and tioiiti’ t lull ii h, ...III liiiiifsi.t* lioniitifui workni inatilp. and ever ; irb* fullu'I iu a Klr>M lass Jomdr) More, n .’oscrlptlon rut at short notire. -u'l pebbl. il 'pei iii*’b s and Kyo.aiaHnee.nmI Agen lv cgIuI'imI, iiii'l iu high tavor w Ha .li-wflr, very body i iciety R*ign BOOI db NEWS PAPER. Aihiutu. l*a[>er Mills, JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor this sheet au a specimen of News Paper. myli tl