The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 19, 1874, Image 4

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l»Us (OLUMDIH: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1874. An Important Columbus Cate. IN THE UNITED HTATEH BANKRUPTCY COURT. Shipped to-<]ay ‘ l nrnvlm COLVMRUS DAILY MARKET. Financial—Sight bills on Now YorkV4 por cent, discount; on Jioaton % per ront.; on Sa vannah % por cent.; demand bills on Boston Vi por cent. Banks aro soiling ohockH on New York at *4«J. premium. Currency loans l@l'A per cant, per month. Oold and silver nomi nal. - Cotton.—Quloi. Tho following are tho quo tations : Ordinary 10 @11 Oood Ordinary 13, l 4@13Vi Low Middlings W'A ( W— Middlings U'A@— Strict Middlings 11^14^ Kales 430 bales. Receipts 100 bales— i,8 by M. h. O. K. R.; 70 by wagons; 2 by N. k. H. R. R. ; 11 by W. R. R. ; o by rivor; 0 by K. W. R. R. Shipments 787 bales— 740 by S. W. R. R.; 21 for homo consumption ; 0 by W. R. R. * DAILY BTATHMISNT. StooU on hand August 31st, 1873 1,177 Received to-day 160 “ previously 53,2s4—63,444 64,021 767 previously. 30,2110—40,067 Stock on hand 14,664 Sami: Day Cast Ybau.—August 31st, 1H72, 168; received snmoday 164; total receipts 61,168; shipped samo day 68 ; total shipments 30,648 ; stock 11,016 ; sales 68. Middlings 10c. U. S. Forth.—Receipts for 6 days 86,017; ex ports to Grout Britain 80,084; to Continent 17,213; Btock 846,612. I mt ox to Now Advertisements. T. K. Wynno has received now ami do- sirulde styles of vehicles, ami will noil liin Htock of wagonuat low figures. Go to BrusHill’H old oornor for dressed poultry. Soo announcement of celebration on Tuoflday riight by Washington Fire Co. iioardiug wanted—boo notice. Arretted. A man named Barfield was arrented Tuesday on tho ebargo of having stolon horses from parties near Homo. N. 11. The Quadrille l*arly that wan to hnvo boon given at tho “Meueehor Jfnil” thin ovoniog will bo postponed until further notice. Managers. Fob. 19, 1874-11* Muscogee County Court—Special for Criminal Catet. Columbus Guards Election. Some thirty members of the company j mt Paper. Wo rooeivod a cull yosterday from Mr. J. B. Cox, who is agent for tho American Homestead, a paper published in St. Louis in the interests of architecture, mochunism and agriculture. Drosscd Poultry. DresBod Poultry and White Cabbage on hnnd to day at Bhaskit.i/k Oi.d Corner. Fob 19-lt* Heavy Storm in Russell County. Tho heaviest rain and hail storm ever kuowu by tho “oldest inhabitant” in that vicinity, passed over tho town of Soulo, Ala., about half-past Hix o’clock, Tuesday ovouiug. There was but liltlo wind. The storm came from tho northwost. Tho streams were much swollon. Much dumago of course has boon done to fresh ly ploughed land, the gardens, etc, Hen. C. It. Decker. lie iH now in Columbus, and is ropro Rented to bo tho smallest man in the world. His height is 91 inches, weight 46 pounds, and sgo 28 years. Ho seems to gain his livelihood by selling bis photo graphs at 2.7 cents each. He was born at Poutotoe, Miss., on April 22d, 1850. When born ho weighed right pounds, lie is tho fourth of five children—all, savo himself, of full statue, llis mother, now 59 years old, depends upon tho Gonernl for a support. Tho dwarf is undoubtedly a very intelligent gentleman. The Social World—Another Marriage. Yestordny morning, in tho Baptist Church, llev. C. A. Keudrick officiating Miss Fannie Gray, the lovely daughter o W. C. Gray, of this city, was married tv Mr. Joseph Archer, of Petersburg, Ya The attendants were Joe Estes and Miss Mary Kyle, J. J. Clapp and Miss Ella Soago, of Atlanta ; It. H. Gray and Minn Luoy Ellis, Wm. Dowdell ami Miss Ella Kirvon. Tho happy pair left on tho morn ing’s Western train for the homo of tin groom iu Petersburg. Gas Made from Water. Cols. O. S. Holland & Taylor are in ou city with an apparatus for making gas from water. The light is equal to that of tho Gorman Students' Lamp, both in softness and brilliancy. In writing wo wore in a corner of a room some distance from tho burner, and found it far supe rior to tho ordiuary gas. Tho burner on ly consumes one foot an hour, and til* gas can be made at a cost of $1 50 pe thousand foot. Tho apparatus can bo see) at Central Hotel, where it was tried to tin admiration and satisfaction of all last ovoniug. Died at Vicksburg• Mr. A. C. Kirvon, formerly of Colnm bus, died in Vicksburg, Miss., Tuesday night. The remains will be brought to Columbus. Mr. Kirvon will bo remem bored as a young gentleman reared inthii city. Before the war he was foreman of the machine shop and planing mill cf Barringer it Morton, then as a good Con federate soldier. Since tho war he lo cated at Vicksburg, Miss., whore he hoped to better bis fortunes. Ho was a member of the Columbus Baptist Church, and true Christian. Tho deceased has host of friouds iu Columbus. He was a near relativo of tho Messrs. Estes, of Colum bus. Investiyation of Joe Martin. Our readers wore acquainted, a few days since, with tho robbing of Dr Blouut's store, and the subsequent at tempt to shoot Dr. Blount by tjie robbers, Yesterday the investigation took place before Justice Shivers. Several witnesses woro introduced, and the proof was al most conclusive that Joe committed the burglary. Tho other warrant, charging him with assault with intent to murder, was also sustained, and in default of giving $500 bail in each case, ho was committed to jail to await his trial at the next term of the Superior Court. Solicitor General Little appeared for the prosecution ; Bland ford A Garrard, and Chas. H. Wil liams, Esq., represented the prisoner. Connor vs. Southern Express Co. In October, 1866, in the Superior Coart of Muscogee county, Martin Connor, of Colnmbns, Ga., instituted suit against the Southern Express Company for recovory of the value of certain merchandise, alleged to have been lost by that common carrier in the Savannah river in 1865. The attorneys for the plaintiff were Gen. II. L. Henning, Jos. F. Pou, Esq., Judge of our County Court, and Peabody & Brannon, Esqs. ; for the defense, Maj. It. J. Moses. In 1868, Connor filed bis voluntary pe tition iu bankruptcy, including this suit in bis schedule of personal property as worth $500. Connor was in duo course of lnw adjudgod a bankrupt, and was dis charged. and is now living in Alabama. Gabriel Selig, formor partner of Connor, was, by petition of the creditors, appoint ed trusteo of tho estate of tho bankrupt, to act under a committee of Ihe creditors. Tho case in Muscogee Superior Court wont adversely to the defendant, the jury rendering a vordiot for $1076 42 in favor of Connor; was subsequently carried to 'the Supreme Court of Georgia, and upon reviow thut tribunal affirmed the judgment of the court below, and execu tion has been duly issued and levied, and property of tho Southern Express Com pany advertised for sulo for its satisfac tion on tho first Tuesday in March prox imo. Tho trusteo of tho bankrupt’s estate, Selig, claims the right to control this fi. fa. and demands tho money to bo paid under it as tho property of tho creditors, while Conner’s attorneys in tho action in the State Court cluims a one-half interest in tho fi. fa. (or foos for services under contract in tho caso. Under these circumstances tho South ern Express Company havo filed a bill in tho United States Circuit Court for tho Southern District of Georgia, praying an injunction against Connor and his attor neys, Henry L. Bonning and J. F. Pou, Esquires, and asking the direction of tho court for their protection, alleging that while ready to pay tho amount of tho fi. fa., they do not know to which of tho claimants, the trustee, Selig, or the law- yors, Banning and Pou, tho funds right fully belong. Judge Erskino, aflor consideration of tho bill, issued an order at chambers for a temporary injunction restraining fur ther proceedings under the execution un it tho further decision of tho District lourt, and requiring tho payment of the uiouoy ou tho part of tho Southern Ex press Company into tho rogistry of the court, the costs of tho Stato Court pro ceeding boiug at tho same time paid to tho Sheriff of Musoagee county. The logal papers in tho caso wore on Monday regularly issued by James McPherson, Esq., tho Clerk of the United States Court in Savannah. The injunction of Judge Erskino estoj the officers of Muscogee Superior Coui from tho oxocutiou of tho mandate of ti Supremo Court of Georgia, and transfers] the matter to (ho Federal tribunal, whose decision will givo filial determination in tho cause. Does not this causo create a con tlict be tween tho State and Federal courts ? Thin Court met yesterday at 10 o'clock , assembled at the armory laat evening. 0DD’0 f)PITT? A HffflSU I a. m., with Hon. J. F. Pou presiding^ | First Lieutenant, C. H. Williams, presi- Ul lllIlUUll U U1 AlllA UUU.JJ3 . Reese Crawford as Solicitor, and W. 8. Lloyd as Clerk. The following are the names of tho ju rors: J. Ennis, C. Northrop. Israel Rich, J. M. Denson, John J. David, J. J. Bostick, W. K. Banks, George I. Lloyd, J. M. Bmith, John McDuffie, John Doad, and W. W. McDaniel. BailiffH wore J. W. Barber and S. D. Lewis. State vs. Ed. Robinson, colored—Steal ing an axe from W. R. R. of Alabama. Found guilty and sentenced to twelvo months on the chain gang. Stato vs. Ike Davis, colorod—stealing Magnolia trees from H. McCauley's lot in the cemetery. Found guilty, and sen tenced to twelve months on tho chain gaaR- Stato vs. Munro Parker, colored—sim ple larceny—stoaling a hide. Sentenced to six months on the chain gang. State vs. John Simpson, colored—lar ceny from tho house. Verdict not guilty. The jury was then discharged, and the court adjourned to the speoial torm. The now officers show marked ability, quickness and discernment. Jndgo Pou, specially noted for his knowledge of law, does not bolieve in mere logal technicali ties when public safoty is involved, and Solicitor Crawford is wide awako to all the questions that arise. The Wallace Sitters. They were greeted in tho Opera House last evening by a lino audience—a very fine one, considering the coldness and the Lenton season. The entertainment was a very pleasant ono, and “wiled” away very joyously several hours. Tho orches tra is a large and fine one, and its music is fully worth the price of admission. The evening opened with the farce of “The Loau of a Lover,” which was ren dered right jollily, and received oontinued plaudits. It was followed by the bur- lesquo operatic extravaganza, “Aladdin, or tho Wonderful Scamp.” The audience was immensely pleased. The actors were evidently suffering from colds and the wea riness of constant travel in the variable climate of tho South, yet they played their parts in a manner which elicted frequent applause and laughter. All present seem ed to be delighted. Miss Jennie Wallace, the slur of tho troupo, is a bright, spark ling, captivating beauty; Miss Minpio daucos charmingly, and is decidedly gay and piquant; Miss Maude, winning in her manner. Fortiscue was very happy in his delineation of tho Widow Twauk- ey, and Lewis Spencer who characterized tho Dutchman, was called again and again to the footlights. All represented their parts well and faithfully. To-night we are to havo tho rioh opera burlesque “Field of the Cloth of Gold,” and “Turn Him Out.” Secure your soats early, for thoro will be a rush for them. The Presbyterian Church for Five Years. Last Sunday was tho end of the fifth year of tho pastorate of llev. J. H. Nall, of tho Prosbyteriau Church iu Columbus. During the progress of his sormou in the morning ho road tho following statistics, hioh, regarding tho times, speaks vol umes for tho generosity of tho church and tho mil nonco of tho pnBtor : Members received on examination.... 73 Uocoived on certificate 78 .146 Total Members died aud dismissed. Disciplined or struck off Total Gain in five years., Annual average gain Tho deaths and removals just about' equal tho number rooeivod ou certificate. The inoroaso about equals tho professions of faith. FUNDS RECEIVED. Paid church debt, about $15,000 Expenses 15,648 Total $80,648 Average annual collections $6,129 Average annual expense 3,129 By Itencvilence. Sustentatiou, $866 ; Foreign Missions, $305 ; Education, $1,427 ; Publication, $180 ; Invalid Fund, $125 ; Poor Fund, $750—total, $3,653. Giving an average of $730. Total contributions, $34,301. This shows tho average collections for the past five yours to be $6,860 por year. It is a most generous showing whou we regard that so many members havo been ruiuod, financially, by tho result of tho war. The sploudid church edifice was built before the war, aud a largo portion of the debt remained mioaucellod. The budders were glad to obtain tho notes of the church iu ante helium days. Tho real membership of the church uumbors 350 instead of 320, and tho Sun day School is over that amount. HOTEL Alt III VA LS. Jinnkin House, Feb. IS. J. P. McQuenly, New York. 11. D. Hoppei.heiu, Montgomery. John Doe, Now York. Eugeuo Morehead, North Carolina. W. S. Welch, Macon. S. J- Kout, • “ C. Markers, New York. Gen. 0. K. Deokor, Nashville. E. M. Johnston, New York. J C. Sproull, Cartersville, Ga. D. F. Flynn, Stewart county, Ga. Henry Hooper, Now York. Miss Jennie Wallace and troupe. Coats’ and Clark’s Spool Cotton at 70c. per dozen, at Blanchard’s, 123 Broad st. Tho Fine-Cut Smoking Tobacco at Buhleb’s, new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph street, next door to Chap man’s Drug Store. febl5 tf The original “Lone Jack” Tobacco at Buhleu s new Cigar and Tobacco Store. feb 15 tf LOCAL BRIEFS. -Further investigation shows that the litle whito girl who was killed by light ning on Tuesday night had her neck bro ken.This must have been caused by falling from the chair, after tho electric fluid had passed through her body. -The Wallace Sisters’ brass band ser enaded Broad street yesterday. —A man named Barfield was arrested Tuesday charged with stealing horses from a man near Uomo. -Evory one who has studied the figures by tho past thinks that the cotton crop of the United States will exceed four million bales. —Judge George Y. Bryan, of Harris county, states that he has boon a subscri ber to tho Enquirer since it was started iu 1828. —About 1840 a paper was published iu Girard. Then that place was larger than Columbus. —Hail au inch thick fell several miles balow Columbus early Tuesday night. —Yesterday was cold, dark, cloudy and gloomy. Somo anticipate snow before tho weather changes. —Of all the pooplo killed by reports by lightning, wo can authenticate only the one wo have roported. Tho genuine Periquo Smoking Tobacco at Buhlor’s new Cigar aud Tobacco Store, ou Randolph street, west of Enquirer office. febS tf Dry Goods at Low l*rlces. Landauer A Bro. having disposed of a large lot of dry goods to prepare for the spring trade, offer to sell tho balanoe of their stock, until their new goods arrivo, at the very lowest prices. They invite the attention of buyers to their articles. If their prioes do not suit tho views of buyers, they will make prices that will. They ask that all may call, and they guar antee satisfaction, both as to quality and ohargos. They have a magnificent stock of goods, and they consider it a pleasure to show their fabrics. Give them a call. tf _ Attention, Farmers ! Currie's Ammoniated Flour of Raw Bone, the best and purest Fertilizer, at Ilolstead & Co.’s Agricultural Depot, 189 Brood stroet, Columbus, Ga. febll lw ded. Third Lieutenant, T. W. Grimes, was elected without a dissenting ballot, 2d Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of W. N. Hawks. J. A. Cody’s resignation as Quartermas ter was accepted. Rules were suspended and R. A. Bacon was elected Quartermas ter by acclamation. Hereafter he is Cap tain Bacon. An election for Third Lieutenant was ordered in ten days, the official time re quired. FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE VIR GINIA STORE. 6.000 yards yard wide Bleached Cottons at 12^ cents—worth in the beginning of the season 18c. 5.000 4-4 Sea Island Cotton, 12 J cents, worth 15 cents. 5,000 yards Spring Prints. 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting. 600 dozen John Clarke's Spool Cotton, only 70 cents. Black Alpacas only 40 cents—worth in any market 50 cents. Jugla’8 and Harris’ Kid Gloves for ladies and gents. Gents’ Opera Kids only $1.00. Foxed and plain Cloth Gaiters, Calf and Oil, Goat Shoes, made to order and warranted not to rip. Gents’ Hand-Sewed Shoes at cost. ■friT Remember, the Virginia Store is on the west side of Broad street. Peyton, Gordon & Co. ja27 deod&wtf Coats’ and Clark's Spool Cottou, 70 cents per dozen, at febO eod J. S. Jones’. Men's Furnishing Goods, Fine Cloths and Cassimores are selling at a sacrifice at Criqler’s. T. E. Blanchard is still offering his stock of Dry Goods, without reserve, at Cost! Delay is Dangerous ! Previous to stocking up in spring, a choice lot of White Goods, Check Mus lins, Jaconets, Linen Lawns, Table LiD- ens, An., are still offered at cost. As the above will bo in steady request in a few weeks, a very little delay will result iu enhanced prices. febO J. S. Jones. Attention / As my Address on elementary Agri cultural Chemistry, teaching the cheap est and shortest means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received and heartily endorsed by almost every intelligent planter in this section, and that I may be compensated in a mens uro somewhat commensurate with tho acknowledged merits of tho production d value of the information conveyed, I do from this date establish the price at 4) cents per copy. In consideration of his change, I do hereby agree to re fund the money to any farmer who, after reading the production, will certify to mo he is not fully satisfied with the invest ment. There is no slavery so hopelesR as that which compels a man to support a family by tho cultivation of poor land The problem to be solved by the South before we can hope for agricultural recu peration and prosperity, is cheap and ro uble manures. Tho Address soloes that roblern. I defy the agricultural or soi- utifio world to disprove ouo fact or jtosi- ion taken in the Address. J. Monroe Lennaiid, Columbus, Ga. Tho above work is for sale at the En quirer Office, whore copios can bo order ed by mail, with stamp eaclosod for re turn postage. A liberal discount made to Grangers or farmers ordering n largo number. This pamphlet should be iu tbe hands of overy planter at this time. jal8 dAwtf For safety, doalers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from C, J. Moffett. dec21tf Good Things, Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. ootl5 tf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths and softens the Skin. For sale at Moffett’s Drug Store. doo21 tf Wednesday A Thursday, Feb. I8AI9. THE POPULAR TRIO! The Brilliant and Dashing Artistes, the WALLACE SISTERS, JEN MB, MINNIE AND MAUD, Sun- Gi t i by ihe four Eminent Comedians, FOKTEiCUK, BLAKE, JOHNSON and SPENCER. Burlesque & Comedy Troupe. Twenty live Artiats, Full Orchestra, (11 porfortners) anperb » r oh Band, (a la grenadier). WEDNESDAY, AIjADDIIsT I Or, THE WONDERFUL SCAMPS o.l ami elegant Olio, un l ‘Tho Yilluge Maid.* THURSDAY, The Field of the Cloth of Gold I” PriceM of Admission $1. Reserved seats for sale Chaffins Book store, without oxtra chargo. Performance commences at 8 o’clock sharp, feia f.t] FRANK B. DOBSON, Solo Manager. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! W E have on hand, purchased at the lowest whole sale c:i'h prices, a large and well assorted stock MILLINERY, besides GLOVES, CORSETS, and •ry thing Usually kept in a first • Uss Milli ’ iBtaldishment. We are satisfied you will i with our selection if you will hut call aud examine. We are next to the New York Store. Respectfully, octlS ly MILLINERY. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of BOORS, SASflES, BLINDS. STAIlt RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M-.fl.Ml t.. .my ono Interested In building:, on receipt of Stan:li. KEOGH & THORNE, 251 k 250 CANAL STREET, jyll ,Uwly NEW YORK CITY. Builders and Archite, Cts.I j. g. month:, Tailor. “uild,, Lawyers. josKi*ii v. rou, Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court. Practices iu all other Courts. Ollicc over store of W. II. RolmrtB <& Co., Broad St. • ja2<» SAMUEL B. HATCHER, Attorney at Law. Ofiico over Wittich A Kinscl’s J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. PracticcH in courts of UoorgU aud Alabama. Office 13U Broad fct., (over Holateud A Co.’s Special attention given to collections. jail INGRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorneys at Law, Will practice iu the Stale aud Federal Courts ol Georgi oer, Illges A Co.’s store, northwest id St. Clair Sts. ju8 A. A. DOZIER, Attorney mul Counsellor at Lmv, Practices iu State and Federal Courts in Gcorgio and Alabama. Olllco 126 Broad . t., Columbus, Ga. JaO Mahk 11. Blandfokd. Louis F. Garrard. ULANDFOllD A GARRARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Ollice No. 67 Broad street, over Wittich & Kin Bel’s Jewelry Store. Will practice iu the State and Federal Cour iep-l CllAd. J. SWIFT. HIDES. HIDES! HIDES! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & €0.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. i22 d2m I'nder Rankin House. L M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets Hides and Furs a Specialty. 'Will Pay the Highest Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. Ail kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. Jas. M. Russell. RUNS ELL A SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lnw. Will practice in the Courts ot Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit; Ui.d Alabama. Ollice over 0. A. Redd \ Co.’s store, Broad street, Oolarabua, Ga. jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney mul Solicitor. U. S. Com’r aud Register iu Bankruptcy. Ollice uov2‘Jj over Brooks’ Drug i?tore, Columbus, Ga. PEABODY A URAXNON, Attorneys at Lnw. Office over J. Ennis & Co.’s Store, Broad St., novlSj West Side. J - «- eilAHiER* House Cnrpcnter mul Jobbing done at short i of'bmiJi^ ,p ""‘' a,l0 “ .. I Broad Ftieet, next to n w n Ju9 ‘ to o. R. Bro*,.- lun,i. Us r _ Confectioners. I. G. BTBUPpkV Cautly Manufacture: AX» DEALER is All kinds of Confectionery nml Stick Candy 18 C c„ t , '' N » chargo for l axes. livery and Sale'stabJes Robert tiiosii>so.\, Elvcry, Sale and Excl, Sw Coletuoupe, North op Kasrolpr s:. octatl Columbm. Gr. A. liAltlll,!,, ~ Livery and Hale Stable,, Oglethorpe St., Coh-mrcs, Gi, ' of *“ r Attention give, to Jfocdiog,, ■dalle, lj. ■i, Hotels. PLANTERS' HOTEL Next to Columbia Bank Ruildln. Pot turn at all the irama. s JaI3 Mils. TV. F. 8NIDBH, |.„, IHE HOME HOUSE, No. 153 lii.iii l Rtrcet, Colon bus,,, 1 MKA. 5L«iv | MRS. PERSONS, Board and Rooms to Rent, southeastcoi It. J. MOSES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, • corgiu Homo Insurance Company building, se< oct7 ly J ond story. CHAS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, C’oluinbuN, Ga. Will practice iu any Court Office over A eve A Murdoch’s store. (novIO Doctors. DIL t'ULZLY. nd onu-e corner of St. Clair aud Ogk- Olilce hours—7 to U a. m., 12 to 2 t*. m.. sep27 dtt DU. S. It. LAW. Broad and Randolph streets, Burwia building. i Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair Dll. J. A. I HUUl.iHT, Office at C. J. Mofl'utt’s Drug Store, Broad street. Ro4itin%:u ou St. Clair, between Broad aud sep5 Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. DU. J. €. COOK, lis k Harrison's Commission House first door to left. Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Cliemiculs, Prescriptions carefully prepared, jal 8 RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ! gtJtJ will open this ad be prepared to eup- doclfi ho. 100 Broad streot. CHENEY A NON, and Prcf-cnptionists. it of Buist’s Garden Sot-ds. Cheney's Couoit Syrup. fora ttrtct, under Hankin Home. Dll. J. I. Druggie C. B. PALMElt, Licensed Apothecary One door above Virginia Grocery. Physicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty, doc 17 j Night boll to loft of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two doors tolow Goo. W. Brown’s, Broad Streot, Columbus, Ga. Night Boll right of south door. sep6 tablislimont, ply liis friends octlS uCin cry luxury. A. J. ROLAND. VALENTINES. Somelliiug new—the “Culobra” Cignr Try it; at Buhler’s new Cigar aud To bacco Store. febS tf Buy Drugs at pnuio prices from C. J Moffett, 74 Broad St. dec21 tf More of thoso excellent Shoes, still selling at cost, at Origler’s. To Arrive: A now’lot Prints aud Bleached Domes tics, which will be offered at cost, at fob6 eod J. S. Jones’. A fresh supply of the best Priuts at ten cents per yard, at Blancdard’b. Factory Checks at 14c. per yard at Blanchard’s. Buhler’s new Cigar and Tobacco Store is open. febS tf Winter Cassimeros and Dross Goods less than actual cost, at Blanchard’s, 123 Broad st. Tho largest assortment of Imported Havaua Cigars, at Buhler's new Cigar aud Tobacco Store, on Randolph stroet, west of Enquirer office. febS tf Reduction for Cash ! A. Gnmruill has reduced prices for cash payments for hire. Call at his stables, Oglethorpo street. ja29-lm The genuine imported “Henry Clay” cigar at Buhler’s new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph street, west of En quirer office. febS tf Full lines of Bleached and Brown Homespuns, at cost at fel Blanchard's. Valentines for 1874 W E Iiuvh reivivcd a complete assortment at VERY LOW PRICKS. New Styles, New Designs. VALENTINES AT 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $2! J. W. PEASE fubO !i. Wo gunranteo satis- & NORMAN. inclill ly FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, east of liroud Street, Columbm Ga. A. M. UK AN NON, West Side, Broad Street, Columuus, Ga., Wholesale aiul Retail Dealer I Drugs and Medicines, Toilet Articles and l'erliinicry. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Sheetings, Shirtings, and Sewing and Knitting Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn- Olfico iu rear of Wittich & KIubcPb, Randolph JalB R. II. CIIILTQN, President MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING t’O. Manufacturers of SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary & Treasurer. oct3l ly \V Wood, Wood! gEST OAK AND HICKORY, for cooking, w seasoned. Sold by the car load, ou Lite road, $1.75 a cord. Address orders to febll lw POSTMASTER, Box Springs, Ga W anted. K krill give n..n and women RUN!NESS III IT WILL DAY from ft to $H per day, can be pursued m your own neighbor hood; it is a rare for those out of employ ment <> r having leisure time; girls and boys fro- ouently do as well i\ - men. Particulars frso. And rets J. LATHAM A CO., aug28 tf 292 Washington st., Boston, Mass. CHEMICALS—PURE f~ FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICKS. E. C. HOOD & BRO. l»pl» Administratrix's Sale. A grerably th will pi r tin from the llonornblo f Muscogee county, xpiration of ten once, two tnules and f tho pernouul n erty belonging to tbe February 12th, 1874 Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. milE follow in X tilled that foie tho auction house id Kills & Harris. ... .. Monday Manh ltlth, at th<-Usual hours of sale, t' e following m ticl. s, unless said consignees come forward, pay charges and remove freights : K. G. Marie—Ono barrel merchandise. A. Van Pelts—One box “ 11. C. Key—Ono s, taper. Dauiol Co!Hub—Ouo car lumber. D. W. APPLER, *febl.’> tmchlfi Treasurer. Dividend Notice. and after N j»2U eo.ll . tor.-* of tbe Eagle and Pheuix Munu- >« Company have this day declared :.U .1 dividends of 5 per lout., tho first and after April 1st. 1&71, tho second ou 111 1874 G. GUN BY’ JORDAN, u Soc’y A Troas’r. Watchmakers. C. SCIIOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker ami Jeweler, Successor to L. Gutowsky, jail C. H. LKQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad street, Columbia Watches and Clocks repaired in Restaurants. H AKIIIS COUNTY HKSTAlmvJ No. 32 Broad Street. best of Fort igu aud Domestic , 1 Cigars. Meals at all hours. I J.d. BLAKELY,IVJ tied y Tin and Coppersmiths, wm. m:, Worker In Till, Slice! Iron, OrJcrti from abruuil promi-tly attraki, 1 J»7 * N... 171. ,. Fresh Hieacs. J. XV. PATRICK, Stalls No. 8 and IS,,Market Iiouit. Fresh Meats of overy kin i and beet Jtili alwuys on baud. I W. U. TOLBERT^ Fresli Meats of nil kinds. resit Sausage Meat every day. J»3 Mulls No, H Anil J. T. COOK, Fresh Meats ol alll Kind*, alls -V- 1. Mattress-SVlaking, &c, J. D. Me J UNKIN, Gonernl Upholsterer mid M«tin.-vM»k • Shop west aide Warren, in-ui iutersiv.. ; »l thorpo and Bridgo .-ts. Dentists. T. W. HISNTZ, Dentist. ver Josoph & Brother's btor *. W. T. POOL, Dentist, nov23J 1«H Broad St., CoinluU W. J. FOGLE, Dentist, sepoj Georgia Homo Buildiug, Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLEIl, and LockbWith, Craw lord ^tit, Johiibou'u corner, Coluiubus. tin. j WILLIAM 8CHOUEU, nd Locksmith and deabr inhu: terials. Opposite Emr-iir 1 u:,l ‘ Dross-Making. MISS H. A. llOLMXKSWOimi. On-..-Making, Clltlitik »nd Kittlnp- ‘ 1 ’ -1 ' Residence and shop in Bn'Wiit'..* Feed Store. JOHN I'lTZGIlinOXh. Wliole.ftlo and Retail Uioleriii ll«f, IV Bacon, .to., Oislotbori-ft. •vi' 1 jal Temper Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS’ SIIAVING i . (Successor to II. Hem*,) Under Georgia llomo Insurance Bu Prompt and polite barbers in uttemld ALEX A SAM, li.VHUERft, Si. ' LAU Barber, ED. TEllItY ivford St., under ltuukii Boot and Shoemakers. WM. MEYER. Root ami Shoemaker. Dealer in Leather and Findings. N • ..H ud. jail J. 11. PALMEB, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Cody’s building, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. All kinds Sewing Machines repaired. Needles, Oils and Attachnu nts for all umciiiui s. (dec2S Tobacco, Cigars, &c. €. LOPEZ, Dealer iu and Manufaeturer of Fine Cigars, ja3 Near Broad Street Depot. MAIER DO 11N, Dealer in Fine Cigars, Pipes mul Cle wing Tohucco. Between Georgia Home and Muscogee Homo. ja8 Grocers. DAN*L R. B1ZE, ►caler’in Family Groceries, on Bryan street, be tween Uglothorpu A Jackson Btreets. Ay No ciiarge for drnyape. dec7 J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction cf Frauklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts. No chargo for dtiytgs. to orders. LAWYERS. w. A. Fariey, A. ttor xx oy-ftt’- 1 ^ OUSSETA, Oh att a hooch | «-Spoclnl attention given tocollK- 1 . HINES DOZIER, j Attorney at * jU ' HAMILTON, ' doctors. Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O FMsns bto rrufcwb.oal f’-r« ot C'.lllnil'll, and tf datj. ' ■ ■ • of tbe refertned scbu.d of , lit. I'rofe.'dnn Jor ini. benn very sucetimlul iu Dr. John H. Carriger, d.Uo'n, two doom ludoW ‘ epH ISIIAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Produce, sop.** next to “Enquirer” Office. Piano Tuninc; 9 6tc. r.. W. BLAU, er and Tuner of Pianoes, Melodeooa aud G-cordeons. Sign I'aiuting also done, rs may l*e be left at J. W. Peace A Norman’s MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDSft J l*KAt'TU'Al. 3 Engineer aud H A AVING taken the M:o'.un •'•• • Planing Mills, is u -" l 1 in bis lino with prompts as low m similar work can Special attention given to Mill Work and Repairs o ALL WORK llUARAS : alii. No need of sending ' Public patronage sol nrk