The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 20, 1874, Image 4

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iOLIMBlH: FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1874. Shipped to-day. nrnvloiu CITY AFFAIRS. COLUMBUS DAILY MARKET. Financial,—Sight bills on New York % per cent. (Us jount; on Boston y K por cent.; on Sa vannah >4 per cent.; Uomand bills on Boston >4 por cent. Banks are soiling chocks on New York at >40* premium. *Uurrenoy loans l&VA per cent, per month. Gold and silver nomi nal. Cotton.—Woak. The following aro tho flo tations : Ordinary 10 @11 Good Ordinary Low Middlings 14^@— Middlings 14!4@— Strict Middlings 14%@14% Salos 180 bales. Recoipts 184 bales— 2 by M. & G. H. R.; 80 by wagons; 8 by N. & 8. R. R. ; 0 by W. R. R.; 0 by river; 76 by S. W. R. K. Shipments 769 bales—'7t® hy 8. W. R. R.; 63 for homo consumption; 0 by W. R. R. DAILY BTATKMKNT. stook on hand August 31st, 1873 1,177 Received to-day 184 “ previously 63,444—63,02* 64,806 769 previously.. * 40,067—40,816 Stock on hand , 13,080 Samb Day Laht Ybab.—August 31st, 1872, 168; reoelvod same day 28; total recoipts 61,190; shipped samo day 200 ; total shipments 30,877 ; stook 10,836 ; salos 8. Middlings 19c. U. S. Pout*.—Recoipts for fl days 07,998; ex ports to Groat Britain 43,27o; to Continent 24,006; stock 834,202. ——. Index to New Advertisements^ Administrator's Sale—Geo. II. Kupp. Executor's Halo—A. E. Ragland. Hale of Groceries, Dry Goods, A0.—M. McCook. Debtors of W. M. McCook—Bee notice. A Happy Time—J. D. Black mar. Hirer Newm. The Julia 8t. Clair is due to-day and will leave to-morrow. Tho river ia very high. _ Home Again. Home of the Mardi Gran excursionists from New Orleans returned yesterday. The remainder are expected to-duy and to-morrow. Sensiblo Farming. • A gentleman who hns lately visited nearly every neighborhood in Russell couuty, Ala., informs us thut there is a greater average of laud in oats than there has been uny yeur since tbo war, and thul tbo crop is promising. Personals. Lotters received from Mr. Tkoft. Gol den, foreman, and John Stewart, printor, in the former Sun newspaper, state they aro now in New York. They have many friends hero who wish them tho amplest BUCG6H8. The Legislature. Mr. Tom Watt, one of our immediate representatives to the Legislature, re turns to Atlanta to-day. Ho is of the opinion that the Legislature will adjourn Monday. It is to bo hoped so. What was Represented. Partioa from New Orlenns tell 11s the Mystick Krowo on Murdi Gras represent ed the various countries of tho world, ami the gentleman who acted as Comus, the rnlor of the Krowe, died the next day. Hunting Birds. Robins are vory plentiful all arouud the city. We hear a little boy killed for ty in an hour tho other day. Doves are found iu ahumlnuce in Russell county. Two goutlemou killed over eighty one day last week. A Very Old Counterpane. Mrs. M. M. Gleuu, residing near Ulenn- ville, Ala., has in her possession a boun tiful figured counterpane, made by her mother iu the year 1820, and hence ih fifty-four years of ago. It is still in a good state of proservutiou. One Result 0/ all Cotton Planting. A planter in the lower part of Bussell county, Ala., states that ho had last year two hundrod acres of good land in cotton, from which he gathered three bales. This I is a yield of a bale to Hourly seventy acres. The financial result needs no allusion, for the planter feels bad enough already. doing for JSacon. A four hundred pound hog was stolen from Mr. Dimoud Wednesday night. Who does uot beliove in civil riglitH, and who questions the inequality of stealing? Such thefts are uot calculated to improve the moral or religious tone of the com munity. Registered Letters. To tho first of Jauuary the registration foe ou a letter was tiftoou cents ; since that tinio it has been eight couts. We hoar thut some country and town post masters are still charging tho old fee. Parties should refuse to pay it, and de maud back their money when it his been done. Comparative Weather Statement. Since December the 1st tho thermome ter in Columbus has uveraged fifty-throe degrees. Wo have had only one imagina ry approach to snow, and eighteen rains. Last season, during the samo time, tho thermometer averaged forty-seven de grees, saw three small snows and twoutv- oue raius. Bo the past winter was colder by six de grees, aud rainy by throo more days than the one W’hich hau nearly gone. This has been a blessing to the poor. Much Excitement, The telegram received last night con cerning the kilSiug in Atlanta of Peun Bedell by Gaines Chisolm, created a marked sensation iu sporting circles, to which class both men belonged. They wore raised here, and were known to all who have lived any longth of time in Co lumbus. The digq go constantly armed, aud the death of eitbor was expected at any time. Both had gambling establish ments iu Atlanta. Bedell's fatbor was killed by a pistol shot in a personal rencontre in 1804, wo believe, at Greenville, Ala., where he kept a hotel; and Penn’s only brother was killed in the same fashion, by the same man, in another difficulty. The father, many years ago, was tho landlord of tho Oglethorpe House and City Hotel, in this city. The City Hotel was a large wooden building, located where tho Georgia Homo edifice now stuuds. An Amusing Incident—A Witness Who Could Not he Punished for Contempt. A cause came before Justice T. J. Shiv ers, yestorday, which excited some com ment and much laughter. Joe Mart in, colored, bud robbed Dr. Blount, the former spoakor before colored men of the Radical persuasion, of $200 worth of goods. Before being orroHted, ho shot the Doctor in tho cheek. Joe couldn’t got bail for $1,000, and hence was jailed, until ho could appear before tho Superior Court for trial. Dr. Blount took out a warrant against (Judge, colored, os an ac cessory to the night burglary, and ab Joe was tho only witness, had him brought from jail to give evidence against Cudge. Dr. Blount uppourod as couusol for tho Htato and also as prosecutor, and relied solely on Joe to make out his case. C. II. Williams and Louis Garrard, Esqs., ap peared for (Judge, and they already wore counsel for Joe. Joe testified in answer to Blount's ques tion, that he knew Cudge. Joe, then, would not answer a question, acting on tho advice of his attorneys, who insisted that to implicate Cudge, ho would be com pelled to admit himself guilty. Joe re- uiuinod mute. At tho request of Blouut, tho Justice gave Joo peremptory ordors to answer. Joe remained silent. He was told that, unless he unswored he would be iroprisouod for contompt. C. II. Williams, Esq., statod this would suit Joo exactly, us ho was compelled to stay in jail auyhow until the Superior Court met. Ho could not bo kept longer than livo days for contempt. Then ho would huvo to bo brought out and sent back again for tho same time, and so ou. Ho thought Joo would like it as a mode of relaxation. Louis Garrard, Esq., said the case rc minded him of the examination of a rail road ougiiioor, who on being asked in Court whethor it wus safer for a train to run fifty thau sixty miles an hour, an swered: “It is tho same thing. If you run off moving fifty miles au hour you’ll go to h—11, aud if at sixty, you cau’t go any farther.” The up shot was Joo could not bo pun ished for contompt, so ho wont back to jail, and the lawyers cleared Cudgo, aud Dr. Bloufit was dofoated. The Purim Rail. Tho third annual ball of tho Columbus Purim Association takes place on the ovening of March Id. Tho committee in charge have inot with oxoollont success iu disponing of tickets nt throo dollars each. Tho ball aud supper are expected to be tho largest and grandest ever givon in Columbus. Tho many who attended will recall tho delightful eutertoiument given last year. The 0110 to be given next March will largely exceed that in every particular. Wo think tho Israelites, iu less than two years, will have a ten thou sand dollar synagogue in Columbus. The members are among our best aud most generous citizens. They aid every wor thy enterprise, reganlloss of douomina- tiou, and will iu turn bo aided by all claSHCH. LOCAL BRIEFS. Pied from the Effects of His Injuries. Mr. B iruey Dutfie, tho Irish drivor of Mr. Joseph Kyle, died from the effects of injuries received iu a runaway Tuesday, lie was iu a buggy, drawn by a single horse, in front of Mr. Kyle’s residence, about dinuer time. Mr. Kyle bud just stepped from the vehicle and goue to his meal. The rein got under the horses tail, and Dutfie loaned forward to extri cate it. Just thon tho animal started aud Dufilo was thrown from tho buggy. Tho horse runaway and broke the vehicle to pieces. Dutfie was insensible, but after being carried into the house revived, and did not lose his consciousness until death euded his existence. His spine seemed to have been b:okon. Dr. Stanford was liis medical attendant. Ho was visited by a priost twice before tbo fatal end oatno. lie hail no friends or relations, and was about GO years of ago. Mr. Kyle engaged bis services when in New York, some four mouths ago. lie know all about liorsos.’ 1 The funeral takes place at 10 a. m. to-day. The H'dllaro Sisters. They closed their engagement iu this city last night. Not many *occupH>d the chairs, bat tho galleries were largely filled. The plays were “Turn Him Out” and tho burlesque opera “Field of the Cloth of Gold.'' Borne passages were fairly rendered, though we have seen the latter better done several times iu Co lumbus. Fortoscue and Louis Spencer are tho telling cards. Tho latter is tho most comical of Dutchmen, and con stantly excited laughter. Tho former made homo good hits at tho stage gas, which proved troublosomo at this aud several previous performances. To the ''orchestra wo can give the highest praise, —No Mayor's Court boa been held in two days. The city is very orderly. —Yesterday was cloudy. Cold in the morning. Turned warmer, and rain ex pected. —The Wallaoe Bisters brass band again serenaded the streets yesterday. The members discoursed excellent music. —It is estimated that a pair of healthy sparrows, such os they have in New York and have transported to Southern Geor gia, having a family to bring up will con sume over 8,000 caterpillars a week. —The simplest kind of burglar alarm is to throw newspapers loosely on tho stair ways near doors, and in front yards. —Somebody remembers that ninety- nine years ago February was so warm that people bathed in the open air. We don’t vouch for this. —The colored sexton, Porter, suggests that the colored people arrested bo put to work cleauing out tbo colored cemetery. It woulif pay at least their feed. —Very few women who go shopping have any definite idea of what they want. —Tea is improved by squeezing a little lemon into it. —Drab-tinted cards announcing births aro tbo latest society wrinkle. When we say patronize yonr own town, we allude to marrying here, just as well as other business. —Lord Shaftesbury recently stated, in a public meeting in London, that, from personal observation, he had ascertained that of the adult male criminals of that city, nearly all had fallen into a course of crimo between tho ages of eight aud Bix teen years; and that if a young man lived an honest life up to twenty-five years of age, there were forty-nine chances in bis favor and only one against him, as to an honorable life thereafter. —Though very unpleasant weather, there was a fair attendance, especially of ladies, at the prayer meeting in St. Luke’s M. L Church on Wednesday evening last, and quite au interest manifested in a revival of religion. A Happy Time. The first of January is a happy time, also tho 22d of February, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving day and Christmas, but the happiest time in tho year 1874 will be the ,11st of March, when the drawing of tbo Public Library of Kentucky’s Gift Concert will take plaoe. Twelve thousand per sons will that day draw prizes in that Gift Concert, and among the prizes will bo such as thoso, $250,000, $100,000, $50,000, $25,000, $20,000, &o., and in cash. The fact is appreciated all over the land, aud the demand, even now, is im mense. For tickets and information apply to J. D. Blackmar, Columbus, Ga. feb20-lt HOTEL ARRIVALS. Rankin Hou*e, Eeb. 19. F. C. Johnson, Philadelphia. W. D. Wilson, Opelika. W. M. Harris, Macon. A. II. McAfee, “ W. Coouen, Louisville. T. L. Patrick, Pleasant Hill, Ga. H. C. Porter, “ J. Letdworth, Philadelphia. J. L. Kyle, Now York. W. D. Kyle, “ J. Matthews, Baltimore. J. H. Gittings, Jr., “ A. H. nalliday, Cowikeo, Ala. J. M. Benson, Montgomery. To Make Room for Spring Business I will continue to sell my eutire Stock of Dry Goons at and below cost. Many goods at half price. I am receiving large linos of Domestic Goods at lower prices than have been known for 15 years. 5,000 yards 4-1 Bleached Cotton V>±c,worth lGc; 5,000 4-4 tiea Island Cotton 124c, worth 16c. Wide Sheetings and other goods in same proportion. 500 dozen Spool Cotton at 70c per dozen; New and beautiful Calicoes at 10 and 11c/ Hamburg Edges and other white g oils cheap; Black Alpacas, the most beautiful I have over hIiowu. Cloths and Cassimeres and Cent's furnishing goods. All Factory goods at Factory prices. Siioes made to order and warranted good. All consumers should avail themselves of this opportu nity. II. T. Cbioleb. feblQeod Attention t As my Address on elementary Agri cultural Chemistry, teaching the cheap est and shortest means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received and heartily endorsed by almost every intelligent planter in this section, aud that I may be compensated in a meas ure somewhat commensurate with the acknowledged merits of the production aud value of the information convoyed, I do from this date establish the price at 50 cents per copy. In consideration of this change, I do hereby agree to ro tund.the money to any farmer who, after reading the production, will certify to mo ho is not fully satisfied with the invest ment. There is no slavery so hopeless as that which compels a man to support a family by tho cultivation of poor land. The problom to be solved by the South beforo wo can hope for agricultural recu peration and prosperity, is cheap and re liable manures. The Address solves that problem. I defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove one fact or posi tion taken in the Address. J. Monbok Lennabd, Columbus, Ga. The above work is for sale at the En quirer Office, where copies can bo order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal discount made to Grangers or farmers ordering a largo number. This pamphlet should be iu the hauds of every planter at this time. jail d&wtf Attention, Farmers! Currie’s Ammoniated Flour of Raw Bone, the best and purest Fertilizer, at Holstead & Co.’s Agricultural Depot, 119 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. febll lw _ Buhler’s new Cigar and Tobacco Store is open. feb8 if Winter Cassimeres and Dress Goods less than aotual cost, at Blanchard’s, 121 Broad st. The largest assortment of Imported Havana Cigars, at Bnhler’s new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph street, west of Enquirer office. feb8 tf Reduction for Cash ! A. Gammill has reduced prices for cash payments for hire. Call at bis stables, Oglethorpe street. ju29-lm The genuine imported “Henry Clay” cigar at Buhler’s new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph street, west of En quirer office. feb8 tf Full lines of Bleached and Brown Homespuns, at cost at fclft Blanchard's. Tailors. i Builders and Architects. j. a. months. Tailor. Cutting anil making iu the latest styles. Repair ing and cleaning neatly done, at reasonable price*. febl8j Over J. R. Jobustou’s bat store. Lawyers. JOgJSPU F roc, Attorney at Law, • ami J udgo of County Court. Practices in all other Courts. Office ovei ja25 j of \V. II. Kobarts A Co., Broad 8t. Ja2U SAMUEL B. IIATCIIER, Attorney at Law. Office over Wittich A Kln.sePs. J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practiced <n court* of Georgia aud Alabama. Office i39 IJroad St., (o’ Special lit ten * • • INGRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorneys at Law, Will practice iu tno btate aud Federal Courts ol Georgia. Office over Proer, Illges A Co.’s store, northwest :oruer Broad and st. Cluir Sts. Ja8 J. G. CHALMERS, Uonse Carpenter and Builder. Jobbing done'at short notice. Plans aud specifications famished for all styles of buildings Broad Street, uext to Q. W. Brown’s, ju‘J Columbus, Ou Muscogee Sheriff Sale. VV ,LL ,,H : o,d on tue *K»t Tuesday ]„ „ Tf next, bo two *u the legal hours ,»r - A » far * 1 ' front of Kills & Harrison’s auction room'*!*’ iu street, Columbus, (la., the folluwin,, ’ tr °"l pioperty, to-wh : " l,e, criUij Unis urnl place, th« f o)lo ,. o Confectioners. I. a. 8TBU PFEB, Candy Manufacturer AND DEALER IN All kinds of Confectionery and Fruits, Stick Candy 18 cents. N1 charge for boxes. Ja24 that tin t or parcel r.r ! . '•*< ate, lyii g uud bring iu the county 0°/ 1,1,1 consisting of oil tlmt portion of iJt nun, 0 ^"’ hundred and tlclit, 0"8) In tl„, Co«u boundolU, follow., to wit: On tbo norttV, the Saint Mary's **“«• •• «»• ♦»*'* —* • •• * l 1 hil Pryo “ Starke, formerly nolonginjr to F. A. Jeng^. uuu by lands ot' John M. Starko oa line a- the fence now runs the *. u" 8 * .. sed to bo about one hundred aero, lets, ntt Lbe property of John M. Starke i' n r ® ot a tt fa tamed by Mitacogee Superior Court t.. "I of Jatnea b. Dozier n. John M. Starke p? *' 0 ' pointed out in a deed made hy F C La., r d John M. Starke. Johnson t„ Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMFBO.V, Livery, Rule and Eichant. Stable, Cgletmoepk, North op Randolph Sts., oct30 Columbus, Ga A. A. DOZIER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Practices in state and Federal Courts iu Goorgiu and Alabama. Office 120 Broad ; t., Columbus, Ga. jaO Mark II. Blandford. Louis F. Garharp. ISLAND FORD A GARRARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Office No. 07 Bruud street, over Wittich A Kin- sol's Jowelry Store. Will practice in tho State aud Federal Courts. Jab. M. Bussell. Ciias. J. Swift. RUSSELL A SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Cbaltahoocheo Circuit) a..d Alabama. Oili* overC. A. Redd A Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. S. Com’r aud Bolster in Bankruptcy. Office nov2’)j ovi r Brooks’ Dru 0 store, Columbus, Ga. PEABODY A. GAMMEL, Livery and Sale Stables, OULETHORPE ST., COLUMBUS, GA. Particular attention given to Feeding aud Sale of Stock. Sheriff’s Sale. W IIX bn Bold on tho llr.t Tuasday |„ , next, between tbo logoi houra of ,.l. th front or tho auction hminn of klli. * u" !'; '• Bioud otrout, Columbus, Uu., tlio folio,,i„l “i"' scribed property, to-wlt: '“"'"S South half of lot number 135, with on's theroou, lo.lod on as tlm propertyTf K* •amar, trustee tor Ca'linrlue II. Lamar, for and couuty tax for tho year 1873. Levy m-.i urned to me by Wm. Mulrnff- y, lawful £*•* iu timn iitid nlufai Ha.. . I l fr 73 ‘l U P ^ Also, at same timo nud place] the bou^uTf 1 '*; lot number 385, coutatniug one-fourth 0 J ai c more or less, with improvements thereon ivi'' on as the property of Thomas p. Chaffin tn',J llo nth or day. BRANNON, Attorneys nt Law. S. Ennis A Co.’s Stork, Broad St., visj We ■ Side. RAILROADS. The Presbytei'ian Solving Society, We uuderstaml that the ladies of tho Presbyterian church in Columbus have a •ewing society which idcoIh iu the pastor's for i( u „ most ox r ce i lon t one” study every Tuesday afternoon. They have two seuriug uiachiues. The work of- * feoted is either sold or donated to the relief of the poor. Already the ladies have four hundred dollars iu the bimk drawing interest, snd this amount is beiug constantly increased. Probably tbo net prooeeds hereafter may be used towards improving the elegant church building. Our ladies thus evince the true spirit ! bu - ver8 ’ ,he y wiH muko P ric » 8 that w Dry (Soods at Low Prices. Laudauer A* llro. having disponed of a lar^o lot of dry good* to prepare for the apring trade, offer to sell the balance of their stock, until their now goods arrive, at tho very lowest prices. They invite the attention of buyers to their articles. If their prices do not suit the views of ill. which should actuate the age. The genuine Perique Smoking Tobacco at Buhler’s new Oigar and Tobaooo Store, on Jiandolph street, west of Enquirer pffloe. fob8 tf They ask that all may call, and they guar antee satisfaction, both as to quality and charges. They have a magnificent stock of goodu, and they consider it a pleasure to show their fabrics. Give them a call, tf Clearing Out Sale. Iu order to dispose of my Worsted Dross Goods, already marked at very low prioos, they will be still farther reduced 10 por cent, from present figures. febG ood J. S. Jones. Coats’ and Clark’H Spool Cotton at 70c. per dozen, at Blanchard's, 121 Broad st. The Fine-Cut Smoking Tobacco at Buhlkr's, new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph Htroet, next door to Chap man’s Drug Store. febl5 tf The original “Lone Juck” Tobacco at Buhleb’s new Cigar aud Tobacco Store. feblS tf T. E. Blanchard is still offering his stock of Dry Goods, without reserve, at Cost! $\>r safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec21tf Good Things. Go to the ltuby ltestaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to oat. crctl5 tf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped llauds nud smooths and softens the Skin, For sale at Mopfett’b Drug Store. dec21 tf Something now—tho “Culebra" Cigar Try it; at Buhler s new Cigar aud To bacco Store. feb8 tf Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J Moffett, 74 Broad St. dec21 tf More of those exoellent Shoos, still soiling at cost, at Cbiolkr's. To Arrive: A new lot Prints and Bleaohed Domes tics, which will be offered at cost, at feb6 ood J. S. Jones’. A fresh supply of the best Prints at ton cents per yard, at Blanchard 8. Faotory Checks at 14c. per yard at Blanchard's. R. J. MOSES, Attorney nud Counsellor at Law, Georgia Homo Insurance Company building, sec oct7 lyj ond story. ('HAS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Columbus, Ga. Will practice iu any Court. Office over Acoe A Murdoch's store. [novl6 Doctors. Hotels. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Next to Columbus llauk Building. Potters at all the trains. jal3 MBS. W. F. SNIDER, Propr’ss rSE W 1 ”' lawful couimi, at samo tlmo and pluco, the north i..« mont on lot uuinber 177,111 the city uf Colima? 8 known as tho Ridenhour property. Levied n U *’ the property of T. K. Ridenhour, for state couuty taxes for tho year 1873. Levy niud„ by William UabafleL Uwful Boarding Houses. THE HOME HOUSE, No. 163 Bruud street, Columbus, Ga., by j,vl3 MBS. NEWMAN. MRS. PERSONS, Board and Booms to Kent, southeast corner Broad Jal) and Crawfurd atreets. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad Street. The best of Fui’eigu and Domestic Liquors uud Cigars. Meals at all hours. dec!9 J- J- BLAKELY, Prop’: Tin and Coppersmiths. #VM. FEE, W'orker iu Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ^a7^^^^^^^^^NoM74^Broad^G|eeL^ Fresh Meats. J. XV. PATRICK* DR. COLZEY. Residence and Office corner of St. Clair and Ogle thorpe Htd. office hours—7 to 9 A. m., 12 to *2 v. M., 7 to J 1*. M. sep‘27 dtt Central Railroad. GEN’L SUPT’S OFFICE O. R. R. ) Savannah, November 1, 1873. f O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 2d instant, Passenger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad, its branches and oonnections, will run as follows: TRAIN No. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leavo Savannah... 8:46 am Leave Augusta 9:06 a m Arrivo nt Augustq 4:00 p m Arrive at Milledgoville 10:09 r m Arrivo at Eatonton 11:66 r m Arrive at Macon 6:46 i* m Leave Maoon for Columbus 7:16 r m Leave Macon for Euiaula 9:10 r m Leavo Macon for Atlanta 7:30 r m Arrivo at Columbus 3:67 a m Arrive at Eufaula 10:20 a m Arrive at Atlanta 1:40 a m COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leavo Atlanta 1:00 am Leave Columbus 7:40 r m Leavo Eufaula 7:25 r m Arrivo at Maoon from Atlanta 6:60 a m Arrive at Maoon from Columbus 6.00 a m Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:45 a m Leavo Maoon 7:16 a m Leave Augusta 9:05 a m Arrive at Augusta 4:00 p m Arrive at Savannah 6:26 p m TRAIN No.2,GOING NORTH AND WEST Leave Savannah 7 30 r m Leave Augusta 8:05 p m Arrivo at Augusta 6:66 a m Arrive at Maoon 8:20 a m Loavo Macon for Columbus 8:46 a m Leavo Macon for Eulaul 9:06 a m Leave Maoon for Atlanf 9:10 a m Arrive at Columbus 1:50 p m Arrivo at Eufaula 6:40 p m Arrive at Atlanta 6:48 pm COMING SOU II AND EAST. Lonvc Atlanta 7:00 am Leave Columbus 2:80 p m Leave Eufaula 7:20 a m Arrivo at Macon Iron Atlanta 3:40 p m Arrive at Maoon from Columbus 7:3o p m Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:10 p m Loavo Macon 7:35 p m Arrive at Milledgoville lu:uo p m Arrivo at Eaten ton 11:66 r m Loavo Augusta 8:05 p m Arrive at Augusta 6:65 a m Arrive at Savannah 7:16 am Train No. 2 being a through train on tho Central Railroad, stopping only at whole sta tions, passengers lor half stations cannot bo taken on or put olf. Passengers lor Millcdge- viilo und Eatonton will take Train No. 1 from Savannah and Augusta, and Train No. 2 from points on tho S. W.R.R., Atlanta and Mucon. Tho Mllledgevillo ami Eatonton train runs daily, ‘‘Sundays excepted.” WM. ROGERS, no6 General Sup't DR. S. B. LAW. Bruud and Ruudulph streets, Burrus’ building. 1 Forsyth, throo doors below St. Clair. DR. J. A. UR41U1IART, Office at C. J. Moffett's Drug Store, Bruud street. Residence ou tit. Cluir, betwoeu Broad aud sep5 Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. DR. J. €. COOK, Ilia & Harrison's Commission House, door to loft. Stalls No Fresh Meals < jail 2 aud 18, Market House. every kin l 11ml beat quality alwuys ou hand. W. C. TOS.UERT, Fresh Monts of all kinds. Freeh Sausage Meat c t.y day. ja8 fcialls No. 11 and 13. J. T. COOK, Fresh Meats of All Kiuds, Stalls Nos. 16 and 17. Mattress-Making, flic. J. D. McJUNKIN, 'General Uphnlsteicr mid Muttress-Mukur. Shop west side Warren, near intersection of Ogh sepi thorpe and Bridge Sts. Druggists. J. 1. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Chemicals, Prescriptions carefully prepared. jttlB ftu, 10U Broad Htroet. 9 DR. J. L. CHENEY A SON, Druguists aud Prescriptiouists. K large assortment of lluist’s Garden Seeds. Chcnet’s Couoii Syrup. Crawford Street, under Rankin House. 1 dccl8 €. R. FALSIE It, Licensed Apothecary One door ubovu Virginia Grocery. 49* Physicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty, dec 17 J Nigul bull to left, of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, . Druggist, Two doors below Goo. W. Brown’s, Broad btreet, Columbus, Ga. 49* Night Beil right of south door. sop6 iep5 FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, east of Broad Street, Columbus. Oa. A. M. HR AN NON, West Side, Broad Sthekt, Coluhdus, Ga., Wholesale and Retail Dealer li Drugs aud Medicine*, Toilet Articles ami Perfumery. "‘T 1 * Cotton Factories. COLUAUIUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Shootings, ShirtiugJ, and Sowing and Knitting Thread. Cards Wool uud Grinds WlieAt and Corn- Office in rear of Wittich A Kiusei’s, Randolph st. j»l« R. II. CHILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of 8IIKKTING3, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. Columbus, ga. G. p. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly. Western Railroad of Alabama. 532 HOURS TO NEW YORK New York and New Orleans Hail Line. Palace Sleeping Cars Enn Through from Opelika to Ljmchbarg. WESTERN RAILROAD OK ALABAMA. Columbus, Ga„ November 16th, 1873. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For AtlautA, ... 10:40 A. M Arrive at Atlanta, - - 6:40 P. m. For Montgomery, - - 6:00 p. M. For Selina, - • - 9:80 p. x. Arrive at Montg’y, 10.40 p. u , 6:26 a. m FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 53 hours aud 45 minutes.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 a. m. ARRIVE at Opelika 12:27 p. nt., ut Atlanta 5:40 p. ui., at Washington 7.20 a. in., New York 4:25 p. ut., via Philadelphia and Baltimore. Sleeping C'ara Run Through from Opclikn to Lynchburg. TRAIN'S ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, • - - 9:10 P. w. From Montgomery at 3:66 a. m , 2:30 p. » The 5:00 p. m. Western Mail train runs daily, connecting with trains for New Orleans, Mobile Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis, at Montgomery, and for Vicksburg at Selma. Ou this train sleopiug cars are run through from Op* lika to New Or leans. The 10:40 a. m. Now York Express train runs daily,connecting at Atlanta with W. A A. R.R. and Georgia R. R. The 9.30 p. m. does not ruu Sunday. No delay at Opelika by any train. Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. CIIAS. P. BALL, General Sup't. R.A. BACON, Agent. (nov2l tf Watchmakers. C. BOHOUBVRO, Practical Watchmaker aud Jeweler, Successor to L. Outowxky, 105 Broad Htrort, Columbus, Oa. 0. II. LEtJUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Watches uud Clocks lepa od in tho best 1 jail J. 11. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Cody’s building, Broad St., Columbus, Ga. All kinds Sewing Machines repaired. Needles, Oils and Attachments for all ir.nchiut s. [dec28 Tobacco, Cigars, &c. C. LOPEZ, Dealer in aud Manufacturer of Fino Uigur**, ja9 Near Broad Street Depot. MAIER DORN, Dealer in Fine Cigars, Pipes and Chewing Tobacco. Between Georgia Home nud Muscogee Home. ja8 Grocers. DAN*L R. BIZE, lily Groceries, on Brya Dentists. T. W. UENTZ, Dentist. 11 A Brother’s store. . W. T. POOL, Dentist, lnl Broad St., Columhti W. J. FOGLE, Dentist, sep5J Georgia Homo Bulldiug, Columbus, Ga. Gun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLER, Gun and Lock*with, Crawiord htroet, next Johnson's corner, Columbus. Uu. j WILLIAM SCHOBER, Gun and Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Ma terials. Opposite Enquirer Office, jal 6 Dress-Making. MINN M. A. HO LLI NGN WORTH, Dress-Making,Cutting aud bitting. Tt-rmscheup Residence uud shop iu Browneville. novl6 Feed Store. JOHN FITZGIBBONN, Wholesale and Ret til Deulor in Hay, Oats, Corn Bacon, Ac , Oglethorpe St , opposite jal Temperance Hull. Barber Shops. I.OUIS WELLS’ SHAVING SALOON (Slice,,, r to ll.IUl. .,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Building. Prompt and polite barbers iu uLteudunco. ja-5 ALEX A NAM. ju8 ED. TERRY, ISaYbcr, vford St., under Rankin House, Columbus, 0. Boot and Shoemakers. WM. MEYER, Root and Shoemaker. Dealer in Leather aud Findings. Next to C. A tedd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention given o orders. jal) LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, Attornoy-at-Liaw OUSSETA, OuATTAiiooeutt* Oo., Gaj ^"Special attention given to collection*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at I^aw HAMILTON, GA., W ILL practice in tho Chuttahoochoo Circuit or any where elso. All kind of collections pushed. “Pay me or run away."noyl4 tf Coweta Kfcjet ■ the ill Pryor, formerly belonging to C«d t 1 « yf on tlio .0,111. !,y land, now arke, formerly belonging to F. A. Jepgjn. ?• II. q. IVEY, s Fannie 0 Chaffin and chlldron, for g| a [" ... -> • -ied ainn, truster, ad returned to constable fel.5 oa 4t _n. 0. IVKY, Sborifl. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \UfILL bo sold on the first Tuesday In M.rd, betwoen the legal hours of sale \1 fore the auction house of Ellis A Uarriaou itLi street, Columbus, Ga., tho following deaciHmDi property, to-witj The southorn part of lots of laud numlcri anil 60, lying on tho west side of Broad stn 1 fronting 1 n Broad street 4u f* ot and running lad west to Bay street, with improvementH knownu tho Southern Express dike, ns the prom-rh J the Southern Kxpross Company, to aatiatv n ii r. issued l y Muscogee Superior Court iu f avor Marlin Connor vs. Southern Kxprc roperty poiuted out by defendant. Ioblouw4t II. G. 1Y EY, Sli favor ot Company Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales. W ILL bo sold on tho first Tuesdsy in Mn r r|i next, between tho legal hours of | B lr j tt front of 1 ho auction house of Ellis A flarri- Broad streot, Columbus, Ga., the following descrii.! ed pro;erty, to-wit: one hundred ami soven acres of laud in the lat ent h district of Muscogee county, as the propi r y ol P. M. Morrison, to satisfy a ii fa issued form,, paid State and couuty taxc.< for 1873. AIho, at same tinio and place, the north halt r ts of land 347, 348, 72 and 73, iu the city of <\. lumbus, fronting ou Jackson street, us the prop, urty of John I). Carter, to satisfy a tl fa for unij.J taxes for 1872 ami 1878. >fh3 ouw 4t II. G. IVEY, Slier f. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. auction bouse of Ellin A Harrison, broad e.. vs1 , Columbus, Ga., the loll owing descril ud property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being the county of Muscogee, and in the Northern Liberties and adjoining the North Coit>mous of the city of Columbus, aud known in tho plan of the Northern Liberties us lot number forty five,(tf) (routing ou Jackson Htroet 147 feet 10 inches,and running back east 147 fe« t 10 inches, more or leu, tho property of Hampton Benton, ttuite**, dec'd, Agues Biuton. Sold by virtue of a mortgage Ah issued by tho Superior Court uf the couuty of Muscogi o. Also, nt the same time and plac<', ail that tract • parcel of land lying and being in the city of Columbus, iu raid couuty, and known i thepimi of said city as lot number one hundred mi l thirty- five, (135) containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied uu ns the propeity of A. It. Urnai. trustee, hy virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued by the Superior Court of Muscogee c i*l)3 oaw2i II. Q. IVKY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. betwcou tuu legal hoi front of Ellis A Harrison's auction house, Brail street, Columbus, Ga., tho following dmcriW •operty, to-wit: Part of lot 249, known as tho property of D. W. S'uart, agent for wife, with improvements thirem. led on tor State and county tuxes for the year 1873. Levy nmdo ami returned to mo by Win. Maliafloy, lawful constable, febff o.»w4t II. G. IVEY, Sheriff. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. w 1 , ILL he sold on the first Tuesduy in Marh .between the legal hours of sale, ip front of Ellis A Harrison’s auction house, the fel- lowing property, t- -wit : All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying being in tho County of Muscogee, and iu what is known as tho Coweta Reserve, beginning at tbtf corner where tho express road crosses the 1011th Hue of Shivers’ land, thenco runniug along n-'t on Joliu Ligon’s lino (ns it was known in 1863;to Bull creek, to the south lino lot No. U9, thence along the north lino to tho. northeast corner lot No. 109, thenco south from tlmt corner uK .^' tho east line of lot No. 103 ami 109, containing lb acres, more or less, us the property of J. J. Br*J- ford und John F. Ckghoru, to autisfy this ^lul other fi fa. In favor *of II t*. and J. M. K sued out of the County Court of said county Property pointed out in a doed made ly Mid H- ? and J. 61. Estes, to said Bradford r»n«l Cl-ghi r u fel-lnw4t II. G. IVKY, Sheriff^ Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \Y 1M ' iu M»r tho first Tnc tho legal hours of sub- front of hills & Harrison’s uuctlou house, t follow ing property, to-wit.: Thatgtract or parcel oi land silmitid in tboc of Columbus, County of Muscogoeo and State Georgia, on tho oast side of Broad street, lv’"' Randolph and Bryan streets, t-ext imuieiliat* south of tho lot known ns tho Carrughl 1 fronting on said Broad street 70 feet, more nr le ning back oast 147 ft 10 lu., "'‘ nr on which lately stood the brick building 1 “ us the 8t. Mary’s Bank building, whi'h t-mbrsec store houses numbers 44, 46 und 4S Brend *< rt • and comprising part of City lot No. satisfy fi fit. is-ued from Muscogee Suporiort ■ in favor of Mary I. Robertson vs. Bit nth ( | t Cauley, garnish<o. I plaintiff"s attorney. fel-law4t II. G. IVKY lieriff. Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL BE BOLD ON T1IE FIRbT TUKSHAI I- MAR0U, before the court-house door, ii « town of Cussefa, tho following property, to • The south half of land lot No. 245, in w- district or originally Lf»e. now ChattabMC^ county, Gn«, to satisfy a ti ft in my batta. . from the Justice’s Court of the 1194th 1-n • M. of said couuty of Chattnhoocuoe, in ta' ‘ F. Davis against James F. Duncau and can, as tho property of said S. K. Dnnran. ty pointed out hy plaintiff’s attorney. ^ Lovy nmdo and returned to me‘ toy • Austin, lawful Constable, January 23 ja29-law4w JOHN M. DOCTORS. Dr. S. J. AUSTIN J KFKllS his I’r of Columbus of the reformed school of mediciue, und ht practising his profession for twenty-six years, hiu: has been very successful in treutiug chronic dis eases. Office in Profumo’s building, U|. st* rs, oppositi Dr. Cheney’s Drug Store. opr22 tf Dr. John H. Carriger, S URGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office southeast corner Broad and Randolph streets, over Crane's grocery store. Ue-idinee at Mrs. Teas- dale’s, two doors below Goetehius' plauing mills, octl ly Wood, Wood! gEST OAK AND HICKORY, for cooking, woll seasoned. Fold by the car load, on the road, at f 1.76 a cord. Address orders to febll lw POSTMASTER, Box Springs, Gu. 49* No J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale mid Retail Grocsr, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts. So charge for dray age. sepl4 INHAM COOPER, Family Grocer aud Dealer in Country Produce, §ep3 uext to “Enquirer’’ Office. Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. RLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoes, Melodeons and Accordeon*. Sigu Painting also done. Orders may be be left at J. W. Pease J Norman's Book Stors. M pg MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDER, PRACTICAL Engineer and Machinist, H AVING taken the Machine Shop ill Goetehius' Plauing Mills, is now prepared to do all work in his line with promptness, and at prices as low- os similar work can be douo in the South. Special attention given to Mill Work and Repairs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. No need of sending work to noighboriug cities. Public patronage solicited. ja23 deodawlta Lovy nmdo and returned to ‘ /ait, H" Administrator’s Sale. A QREEAnt.Y to tin onler of llo Court of Ordinary of Miuco^ee c*u • ’ , bo sold before the auction house <>t r*l '* 1 , i., son, in tho city of Columbits, on in March next, b tween the uhu-ii non • lu . lots numbers 215 ami 216, lu the city of C ^ and county^f Muscogee, 4 *^* l f ‘1?“ perVI*'i of an ncr-e, more or loss, Haul proptn. ,i. real estate belonging to Mathias Hum h " Sheriff Sales for Taxes. W ILL bo so’d before the Court ,1 Cusseto, Chattahoochee count), Mar(; legal hours oj sale, on the first/» , *• |0 ' #l4 t *' 187 4, the following wild lands, I**' f c|uttr tax fi fas issued by the Tax tolled or hooohoo county, to-wlt: Lot number 208, in tho 10th district 234, HO, 17*V, 177, 145, HM, l(»rh 7th 10th 10th “ loth 10th “ loth “ , JOHN M. EAIT,^ Administrator’s Sale- ^ ILL bo .old on tho #nrt Tu, ’», Ut i„»> f, uex>, at public outcry, l' tfl 11 . |Ul -n hours of sale, lefor<* Ellis A , arr „ i d5 ' store, iu the city of Columbus, G.t., . , r est in the east half of lot of ^..iJ • the 18th district of Muscogi county Jltoi Term* tho bonoflt of tho lieirs und c.- -• - , ... in-- Sol-I M 111. properly of -f" 11 " foh8 wtd ■ l- 1 s Notice. In tho District Court of the United Southern District of Georgs matter of j J. A. * W. II. CODY, V Bankrupts. ) . ^tl T his i. to .i,. »*iir«, a-- 1 * . Tfccks, Hint I have brrn »PP-"' f of Ik. Mllb Ol J. A. A. «'■ 11 B-nSi"; county. On-, who have hc-'n .‘J . . I■' upon own p.llllon, by uld dlitrlot. OWMOHU onwJt