The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 24, 1874, Image 1
Columbus ^ ^isriD “ iDJ^xXjir Enquirer. VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1874. NO. 4<> daily, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY uNQUinmn. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twelve months, in advance $8 00 Six months, “ 4 00 Three mouths, “ 2 00 One month, “ 75c. jki»X Enquirer, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 r>0 Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to- yether, one year 3 00 Advertising Kitten. l \voek, Daily $ 3 00 1 Month, “ jjjj 1 Square 1 yoar'.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.'.V.'V/.V.<2 Z The nbovo la with the privilege of a change every tliroo uuuths. For yearly c irds n liberal dis count will ho made. The Weekly rates will invariably he one-third of the Dully. When an advertisement is changed more than once in tliroo months the advertiser will bo charg ed with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pav as do those at home. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Ill Kimball Decline* a llnnqnet- l.i'glslutive Action—The llcdell Murder. SpooUl Correspondence Enquirer and Sun.] Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21, 1874. Would you believe it ? Leading citi zens of Atlnuta have tendered Kimball a banquet! He has declined, on the ground that he wants the cloud cleared first from his character. In a long letter he alleges his innocence of all wrong. Why don't ho prove it? lie has hud ample oppor tunity for an explanation. What was his connection with Bullock? Bullock ap pended a letter of Kimball's to his own defonse, when they lied from Georgia. Both allego their innocence. The bur den of proof is against them; and yet At lanta l ' eS ^es to foast Ili Kimball. He j explanation, only declares he is not#uq ty. Is not some action required on the ^uirt of the authorities? One thing is certain, Kimball is called a great developer, &c. Who could not have built the Brunswick and Albany Railroad and erected fine houses in At lanta, when his friend, the Gouernor, and the Radical Legislature put the Treasury and millions of Georgia bonds at his dis posal? The only developing Kimball has done has beou effected with Georgia money. Who could not have done it un der the same circumstances ? lie spent an immeuse amount on Atlanta, but the money used belonged to tho people of Georgia, and the State is now being taxed to pny a goodly portion, and attempts are being made to muko them pay all. THE LEGISLATURE now holds three sessions daily. The House has disposed of 6(50 bills. Senate. Tho Appropriation bill was passed with amendments. Among the amendments are appropriations to the following La dies' Memorial Associations: Savannah, $1,000; Augusta, $0,000; Macon, $1,000; Thomaston, $200; Cassville, $500; Colum bus, $500; Newnan, $500; Atlanta, $1,- 000; Athens, $500; Milledgevillo, $500. The appropriation of $500 to Treasurer Jones was stricken out. The Senate refused to reconsider the Augusta and Summerville lluilroad bill. IIOUMC. The following were pussod : To amend tho laws relative to affidavits of illegality; a resolution asking that President Grant extend executive clemen cy to all parties in North Georgia, hereto fore convictod and indicted for illicit dis tillation ; to amend the chartor of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Rail road, so as to allow Georgia stockholders to elect their four directors; for tho lief of maimed and indigent Confederate soldiers. The act gives one huudred dol lars to those who lost two limbs or both eyes in service, with an amendment that it apply to other married Confederate sol diers who are unable to support them selves the same to be verified by the roo- ommoadjtiou of tho grand juries of thoir respective counties; to amend the eharter of the Eagle & Phonix Manufacturing Company of Columbus ; to amend section 4,69-5 of the Revised Code ; to authorize the Chattahoochee Manufacturing Com pany to have surveyed three small islands in the Chattahoochee river, constituting a portion of their dam, and to authorize the Governor to make titles to the same ; for tho relief of W. A. & B. M. Barden, of the county of Muscogee, and for othor purposes ; to alter and amend section 3,- 1117 of the new Code of Georgia; to amend au act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts of Talbot county, to minors from playing on billiard, bagatelle WASHINGTON, uud other tubles; to provide for the re demption of reul estate by defendant in ' execution within two years after the sale t’OStlBESSIOSAt. thereof under execution; to amend sec- j tion 1455 of the Code. Substitute re- | Senate. qnired stock in the couuties of Stewurt, , Washington, February 23.—The Son- Mmoogec, Troup, Randolph and Bibb, to j ate, after prayer, adjourned iu honor of bo kept from running at large; Mr. Roper offered an amendment that provided it does not apply to the stock of citizeus of adjoining counties; Mr. Griffin moved to indefinitely postpone the bill, which mo tion did not prevail; Mr. Roper's amend ment was adopted by yeas 82, nays 24; Washington’s birthday. Bureau business generally suspended. Repeal of War Acts Reewminendcul. The House Committee on Judiciary has made a report, in which they say that as all other property, and rights of property, of persons engaged in the lato rebellion Mr. Lowe moved to strike out tho county ( have, by general acts of amnesty and laws of Stewart, which prevailed; Mr. Watt ' of the Uuitod States, been exempted from was granted leave to withdraw tbe bill. INEBRIATE ASYLUM BILL LOST. To incorporate the Georgia .State Iue- brintes Asylum. Mr. Black moved to indefinitely post pone, which did not prevail by yeas 40; nays 57. Messrs. Charlton and Foster favored, and Mr. Walsh opposed. The bill provided for a tax of $10 on wholesale dealers, and $5 on retail dealers for tho support of the asylum. Members coucoded that it was a good bill, bat had a constitutional objection to the feature levying a special tax on dealers. Section 3 of Article 0 of tho Constitution provides that all special taxes on liquors must go to the Educational fund. The vote on its passage stood yeas 56; nays 81. THE BEDELL MURDER. The examination of Gaines Chisolm, as has been telegraphed, was postponed to Monday by tho State, that a short hand reporter might be employed. Gen. Gartroll, Mr. Evan P. Howell, Col. Cincinnatus Peeples, Mr. John A. Stephous and Capt. W. T. Newman are counsel for Chisolm. Col. Pike Hill, Mr. W. II. Hulsey, Messrs. Candler & Thompson and Solici tor Glenn are prosecuting. Tho case excites iuteuse interest. Bo- dell, though a gambler, was very popular in Atlanta. Muscooee. GEORGIA JVEW9. —Mayor Huff, of Macon, reports tho gross receipts of tho State Fair of last year, $31,130 80; of which amount $21.- D35 75 was from the sale of tickets, —Savannah shipped, last week, 13,018 bales of cotton to European ports, and 4,559^0 ports of the United States. Di- roct exportation soeius to bo increasing. —Daniel O'Connor has rccovorcd fivo thousand dollars damages from Edward Log, in Chatham Superior Court, for slan der. Lee called Dan “a daylight robber." —A Washington special to tho Atlanta Herald states that Postmaster Dunning had, before his death, paid $12,4(50 of his sou's defalcation to the Federal Govern ment, loaviug $7,078 yet to bo paid. —The Atlanta Constitution says that the Patrons of Husbandry sooiu to centre on J. B. Jones, of Burke, for President of the Direct Trade Union, lie is au ex perienced and successful farmer. —Eldridgo Jackson, of Randolph coun ty, has had his death sentence stayed until au appeal can be made to the Su preme Court. So there will bo no bung ing iu Gulhbert on tho 2Gth of March. —Horseback riding is tho populur rec reation of tho lndios of Cuthbert, and is a kind of exercise that many ladies else where would find more healthful than easy carriage riding. —A young man named Waldrup was arrested in Upson couhty and sout to the jail at Thomnston, last week, ou the charge of committing a rapo on a lady 75 or 80 years of ago. —Mr. Robert Kelly, of Butts county, who is 8G years old, made this year, says the Indian Springs Echo, two bales of cotton, each weighing 525 pounds. He did all the work of cultivating and gath ering the crop himself. —The failure of Hughes A Vickers, the extensive planters of Twiggs, Laurens aud Dougherty counties, huretofu ken of iu the public press, is still a load- iug topic of conversation. Their liubili ties ore now known to bo over $190,000. —Senator Nicholls informs tho Atlanta Herald that at Graham, in Appling coun ty, on the 1 ilh iust., one Hilliard Mc Gowan, commonly known ns “Bunk," Btnbbed and instantly killed Lube Hall, colored. McGowan was arrested by tho sheriff, but before he was imprisoned mado his escape. —The bill to incorporate the Altamaha Railroad, which has passed the Legisla ture, authorizes the construction df a railway from ll»muiv SuiitYs landing, or somo other poiut on tho Altaruaha river, to the Macon A Brunswick Railroad. Mr. Sharpe and hi - associates, who propose to build the load -a train road of wood— now run a steamer from Darien to Ham my Smith’s, and tho railway would bo an extension of their line of transportation. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. —Steamer North Pacific, while in a galo near San Juan Island, struck a sunkon rock and stove tho hole forward. She was finally towed safely to port. —.V rain has been fulling at Cincinnati steadily since Friday, and generally pre vails throughout the head waters of the Ohio. A great flood is approhondod. Trains have been delayed and some tres tle works washed. —Nothing has been heard from the Indian agencies for several days. Gen's confiscation, there cun bo no reason for uow retaining on tho statute book such acts and parts of acts as wore very proper ly enacted to prevent aid and comfort to the onomies of the Unitod States during the war, which, by their impediments to tho creditors of the United States in re ceiving their just dues, amount to confis cation thereof ; uud, also, such acts to tho same effect, which were parsed to hinder aud prevent disloyal porsons, whoso dis abilities had not then beou removed be cause of their participation iu tho rebel lion, from making any claim against the Government for debts due and claims not arising out of tho rebellion prior thereto, should also be rep?aled. NPEXCER'NYHEH CAKE. Washington, February 23.—-General Morgan concluded his argument in tho Sykea-Spencer case. Further heariug to morrow. Captured ami Abandoned Property. Washington, Feb. 2L.—In rospou a resolution of inquiry, the Secretary of tho Treasury to-day transmitted to the House of Representatives u statement in regard to the captured aud abandoned property fund, containing the following information : The total amount converted into the Treasury, as proceeds of the sales of captured uud abandoned property, stating almost entirely of cotton, was $20,- 910,G5G. Of this amount there have been paid to claimants under awards of the Court of Claims $(5,300,000: as judgments of Uuited States Circuit Court for New York, $97,734, and as awards by tho Sec retary of the Treasury under tho act of May 18th, 1872, $97,734. Tbe fund has also been diminished by $75,000. Tho expenses of collection leaving a balance in tho Treasury of $14,410,000. There remain unpaid judgments of tho Court of Claims umouutiug to $1,834,800. The Georirh* Custom Houses. The speech of Mr. Dawes on finaanc just published, contains a mnss of stat tics concerning tho custom houses of tho country. Tho amount of duty received at the Georgia custom houses for the iiscul 1873 was as follows may have opportunity to go before their constituents for re-election. It is also said the Queen’s speech will not be read until Parliament reassembles. Pobably Right Honorable Sir William Robert Sey mour Fitzgerald will bo appointed uuder Sosrotury of State for India. Hart Duko has received tho appointment and patron age of Secretary of tho Treasury. Afthanteo War Ended. A correspondent of the Standard, on the gold coast, writes that the treaty of peace has been signed by Gen. Sir Gar net Wolseley and the King of the Ashuti- tees. Faoatue In ludla. A special to the Times from Calontta says 280,000 persons are distressed from tho want of food in the districts of Fir- hoot and Boglij£l-, presidency of Bengal. Tho same dispatch says it is estimated but for tho aid furnished by the Government fivo hundred thousand persons would perish. Charlos Shirlo Brooks, tho celebratod Euglish novelist and dramatic author, is dead. .$157,927 1 1,192 4< y- Savannah .. Brunswick. St Mary’s ... Total $159,844 80 The G8 employees of the Savannah Custom Houho received au aggregate compensation of $GG,720 13 for the fiscal year 1873, tho 10 employees at Brunswick $1,805, uud tho (5 at St. Mary's $3,117 15. RIOT IN*'‘ EUFAULA. CARRIACES. COLUMBUS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. SEVERAL WHITES AND NEGROES WOUNDED. Africa Commenced It. Eufaula, Ala., February 23.—During tho municipal election this morning, a riot was slurted by a negro leaping into the managers’! apartment with drawn knife. Several whites and negroes were wounded, one of the latter seriously. It is not jet known which party was victorious. Both sides worked hard. LAST OF THE LOWERY OUTLAWS KILLED. Wilmington, N. 0., February 23.—The Star has received tho following from Loweryburg: “Steve Lowery, the last survivor of the notorious Robeson couuty outlaws, was instantly killed by three citizens. He was tuning his banjo prepurutory to playing for somo wagoners, when thren shots were fired at him, taking effect in liis head and killing him instantly. His body is now at Lumbertou, the couuty seat of Robeson. WASHINGTON'S IIIKTHDAY CEL EB RATIONS. Charleston, S. C., Fob. 23.-—Washing ton’s birthday was observed us a universal holiday. Business wus suspended, salutes, an imposing military parude, an oration and a banquet in tho evening, wero fea tures of the celebration. Richmond, Va., Feb. 23.—The post- offico and other Government offices wero closed to-duy, in honor of Washington's birthday. The eolored troops, consisting of two companies from Richmond, oue from Petersburg, aud oue from Manches ter, paraded, and wero reviewed by the Governor and other State officials. FOREIGN^INTELLIGENCE. Tbe Pueblo Incllann. St. Louis, Fob. 19.—Tho correspon dent of tho Republican at Suutu Fe says the Supreme Court of the Territory has decided that tho Pueblo Iudiuus iu New Mexico are citizens of the United States, under the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, with power to sell and dispose of their lands like othor citizens. This decision adds about 4,000 voters to tho population of tho Territory, aud re lieves the Government of tho necessity and expenso of supporting the Pueblo agencies and distributing farming imple ments among them. The lawlessness in Lincoln county, re ported a few weoks since, continues. Seven murders have been committed there in ten days previous to the date of tho letter. The outlaws threaten to kill some of the most prominent men in the couuty. Many farmer# have left tbe county, aud more are preparing to follow. Tbe Whlnkcy War. New Yobk, Feb. 21.—The war npuu the liquor dealers, it appoprs, is to be taken up by Trinity Church. Many of tho old members, especially women, have remonstrated with tho trustees against letting the property of the Church for the suto of intoxicating beverages, aud it has been decided that, in future, tho property shall not bo let for such pur poses, and as fast as the present leases expire holdors engaged iu the objection able business must vacate. Under this rule about forty retail dealors, some of thorn keeping well known places of re sort, will bo obliged to retire on tho first of May. It is also stated that tho lady members of u Methodist Episcopal Church aro making inquiries to ascertain if any members of their church own houses usod for tho salo of liquor, for gambling, or more nefarious purposes, that a chango may bo effected. —One who knows how it is herself says, “tho man who is awfully urbane to his wife before strangers, is generally al so her bane behind their backs." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Rankin House, Feb. ‘IS. W. M. Harris, Macon. M. H. Stevens, Norfolk, Va. W. S. Hartt, New York. A. J. McDonald, Baltimore. John Doe, Now York. Richard Roe, ‘ 4 J. L. Citlbouu, Montgomery. W. 8. Welch, Mucon. R. J. Brnce, Thomasville, Ga. 8. C. Lindsay, Cherokee, Ala. Leroy Upshaw, Barbour county, Ala. R. H. Cobb, Cuthbert. G. 8. Fullam uud wife, Chicago. Mrs. J. C. 8. Shoemaker, Mohuwk, N. Y. Mrs. M. V. A. Forsyth, SVashiugton, ). C. L. P. Spinner, Washington, D. C. W. A. Faruill, Muine. Goo. Gregory, “ G. H. Grace, 8. and A. Tel. Co. M. Rosenthal, New York. Thos. Paschal, Hatchechubbeo, Ala. J. J. Griffin, Ga. R R. Co. Edward Rafferty, Birmingham, Ala. My Stock of BUCCIES, PHAETONS and SUNDOWNS, IS NOW OOMPLETH, and will lie .old LOWEIl Ilian such work wan ever boforo offered in this market for CASH. Tbe attention of buyer* is invited to tome uow aud olegaut work just received. THOS. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry House, Columbus, Ga. FORCASII. F -OIt tho Ill'll THIRTY HAYS I will noil tho ro- nwluiler of my of auporh MILBURN, STUDEBAKER PLANTATION WAGONS, AT COST! tMloror Iron Axlo Wagon, worllifur It 110 II>4 lloroo Iron A xlo Wagon, “ $120, “ $100 1-Hor.ii “ " " #1110, “ $106 -III Irr. promptly rrlrlppil Fob lO-frirlA win THOS. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry House, Columbus, Ge. MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDER, PRACTICAL Engineer and Machinist, H AVING taken tho Machine81iop in Uoet* bins' Filming Mills, is now prepared to do all work in bis tine with promptness, and at nri- e* a* low as similar work can be dona in the South. Hpocial attention given to Mill Work and Repairs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. No need of lending work to neighboriug cities. BANKS. OFFICE OF TltK on Ago solicit'-' J«-d tend the time of the same, aud to provide ! Sheridan and Ord arrived at Cheyenne for rlrorw iug jurors for Shirt extended time, | «“? *}« loa '° for . bJ ’ Monday (yesterday). Snow was falling at aud for other purpojes ; to recousider the j cney ‘ gat ,-ith indica- t ting thi ctiou of yesterday defeating the Senate j lions of bill reducing the homestead. Tho following wero lost or withdrawn : To exempt dentists in active praotico from jury duty; to prevent cruelty to ani mals; to make Augusta tho northern te.- uiinus of the Great Southern Railway; to exempt millers from jury duty; f r the more thorough protection of tho present aud prospective manufacturing interest 1 Department of War, > of the Stato of Georgia, bo far m said iu- j Washington, Fob. 23, 1874. > terest is conducted by the ue of tho! Probabilities.—For the Southern StateH, FRANCE. Pams, Feb. 23.—Alsaco Deputies hav withdrawn from tho Reichstag, and r< turned to Strasbourg. New York, Feb. 23.—A Paris letter says tho government of Paris has asked permission of tho Assembly to prosecute The cotton nnd woolen mill employ- j M. M. Molvil, Court Doputy for.Guada- s at Philadelphia, held an enthusiastic i 0 p e> f or participating in the act of the mu,! about five hundred , Communo . Me t vi i ia tho only negro toluding a large propor- ! , B Resolutions wero adopt- the Chamber, aud aiU upon tho extreme left among extreme Radicals. Ho was ; Deputy Minister of War under Clusorot. i The Assembly bad taken no action, but it ; was thought probable Melvin will fly to t, ) England. Parliament to bo l»rorogu«*<l. London. Feb. 23.—It is said tho in- MARKETS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GK1KKIN. IMPORTED Drop & Medicines,. PERFUMERY tANCY (iOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. 4Hr Dr. soriptions csro- All goods fully i»n>pt»r Jalx d id at Uwly Manufacturing Comp’y, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON TnE PABT OF THE OPEBATIVE8, ANI) TO PROVIDE A safe and reliable arrangement for tho boneficial accumulation < f the oarnings of artisan* and all othor classes, this Company has established, under SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAYINGS DEPARTMENT, iu which tho following advantages aro offerod to Depositors of oither largo or small amounts: 1. PERFECT SECURITY. Tho assets of tho Company were on the 1st of January, 1873 $1,704,459 43 and are stoadily increasing. The ltoservo Fund is $297,7(56 92 All of which property is specially pledged by act of tho General Assembly for tho protection of Depositors ; and in addition, by the same act, the Stockhold ers of tho Company are mado INDIV1D- ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion lo their sharos, for the integrity of the Savings Department and its certificates of Deposit. 2. LIBERAL INTEREST. Rato allowed Seven per cent, per annum, compounded four times a year. 3. DEPOSITS can bo withdrawn at any time without notice. Depositors residing out of the oitv can di »w deposits by checks. 4. JU LES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, anti all desired information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. 6. All accounts of Depositors will be con entered strictly private and confidential DIRECTORS i N. J. BUSSEY, W. It. YOUNG, \\ . K. I'ARKAMORK, ALFRED I. YOUNG, of Now York. CHARLES GREEN, GROCERIES. A New Enterprise ! WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T AKES pImmum la notifying Morrhnuts mid Planters of I tie suirouutliiig country t hut tin Wes'taru'pr “„*" ry Jjjjf O^rocorl.s uud SADDLES AND HARNESS. NOTICE. T"L n ranging THE RETAIL HOUSE OK Holland Ualior IS NOW OPEN, with a full line of Groceries aud Staple Goods, JaM dim] adaptod to tho tratlo. Co to Pomeroy’s, AT IIDOIIUIt'.S tOlINKII, Fop Ferris & Co.’s Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strtps, Ferris’ Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore’s. Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Siurcii, Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston, Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers, Snaps, &c. Mr. 1. c I'RIDGKON will to fuiiHd at Iho conn Dissolution Notice. WILLIAMS, PE A ltd IIUD'I, i, thin da; SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, And othor goods iu hi- Hit". At Very Reduced Prices! lOlt CASH UNLY ! and to bo convinced,' cull aud examine stock ttll N. P R — AU persona who nro iudohtfd to m » are rot;iiobtod In call at d h til without further notice. H. MIDDLEBR00K. BY TEL»:UKAI»II TO FN4LTRLH. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, Feb. 23—Noon —Cotton steady ; soles 12,000 bales ; speculation aud export 2000. New York, February 23.—No domestic markets. Liverpool, February 23, (5 p. m.—Cot ton—Of tho sales to-duy 7,000 bales wero American. Sules of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped .January. 7jd; deliver able April and May, 7 ll-KJJ; deliverable March, 7^d. Frovlwlon Markrlv. Cincinnati, February 23.—Flour stoady. Corn steady at 58a(52c. l’ork dull and nominal. Lard dull and nominal. Bacon quiet; shoulders (J.Jc; cloar rib sidos 8ja 8j|c; clour sides 8jj*8j|c. Whiskey stoady 250,000 COPIES SOLD ! RICHARDSON’S NEW METHOD PIANOFORTE! EXCELLENCE OF lit..ii.h tl.n trout rant of all otte rs—fur. ii BOOTS AND SHOES. YOUR A ttention in rnsjmotruiiy cniied m th.-i that we an- SECOND Ty MINK in tho Jiiu iuonta offored to boyrni of IIOOTN A\ll KIIOV5K. W« keep our Stuck w.-ll amo-ricl ri ptcniBh n '*ur Bitten make it tier-usury, from the l..-at m ll'arturers. We shall endeavor l.y fair meani l HEAD the Hut ..I r.iinpelitors for .v.»<r trade. Ol lt I.KA MI UK IIKPAKTEF..VI I LOCK MILE LI IS ‘'LEVEL- LOTTERY. FOURTH Grand Gift Concert. FOR T11U BENEFIT OF THE Public Library of Kentucky. Success Assured! A HI.I, DRAW I .M« (liltTAIN On Tuesday, 3l9tMurch Next! In order to tu#et tho general wt-li Bint expec tation of tho public ami lleket-li'ildorp, for the fuilpaymentul tho m ignificont gilts anm unc oil for tho Fourth Oruml (lilt Concert ol tho I’ubllo I.Unary ol Kentucky, tho muiiHgcuiuut havo determined to postpone tt.o Concert and Drawing until Tuesday, tho 31st of March, 874! No Further Postponement. Only 60,0'H) tickets huvo Leon is.-med ami 12,000 CttMll Grift A #1,500,000, distributed among the ti<*kot-lioDIors. ticket lids of dm ARKKT PRICK iK DllY III REN. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. $20 Reward. MTRAYKD, from tin. r- -..l-t. .- of | and all rni the drnwIngJUHt us whole ticket* a List of Gifts. ONE (IRANI) It ASH (11 FT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GITT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 10 CASH GIFTS $10,000 ouch. 30 CASH OlFTS 6,000 each. 6o (! ASH (11 FTS eucn. 40 CASH OIF'1 S 6oo each• too (-’ASH GIFTS 400 eaeh. 160 CASH GIFTS 300 each. 260 CASH GIFTS 200 ouch. 326 CASH GIFTS 100 each. 11,000 CAS 11*01 FTS 6o oaoh. TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALE CASH, amounting to *1,600,o< Tho chances lor a gift nro as ono to live, Prico of Tickets. Wholo tickets *60.00; Halves *25.00; Tenth ‘ upon *6.0); Eleven Wlmle 11 ' k’ota lor *6,(1 000.00. No disco ol Tickets. . J. I'KAKUK A (’( undersold. JOHN W. IIUIXL T. J. Pearce & Co., (Su«:icss..ra l.» Williams, Pear.-.' A llodo.) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R KSPKCTKI LLY announce to tludr filends and tho puldn that ^ they will continue husinc,-. Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c., filch will I low uud strictly for rash. 1 tin T. J. PEARCE A CO. A NEW LOT OF Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, New York Bellies, (Ico cured;; Cream Cheese. Goshen Butter, Capers and Horse-Radish, Messina Lemons, Queen Olives and Bay Rum. H. F. ABELL & CO. Pure Apple Vinegar, 50c per gallon; 11 White Wine Vinegar, 50c per gallon; Choice N. Y. Stato Buckwheat Flour; N. 0. Soft A Sugar, 7 pounds for $1; “ Yellow Clarified Sugar, 8 lbs for $1: Bakors' Premium Chocolate; Now Zant Currants, 12 1-2c per lb.; New Turkish Prunes, 1G 2-3c por lb.; Maltby's Prepared Cocoanut; It is ,i U'lditluii to any private rn ,| • Halford's Leicestershire Table Sauce; Morgan's Sapolio for house cleaning, 15c c'k; " Hand Sapolio, 15c per cake; Flour, Meal and Grits, at mill prices, UEL1V Kit IU) FREE OK Dll AY AU P ROBT S. CRANE. MISCELLANEOUS. l»I A>IOM> SPECTAPl-KS ! VITTKMI A KIN- Kb NOTICE. l *600.00; lokotfl fur *1,000 11 A 1 -.'-!':: i 1 <*•! ■ n tli<- left c id full p < vod, and ft If Imp*' uing furmor prices. THE WEATHER. water powers of this State, nud for othor northwest to southwest winds, somewhat i coming Parliament will be prorogued purposes; to authorize shtriffs to collect | lower temperature, partly cloudy and until the 12th of March, so that members advertising fees in advance; to prevent J clearing weather. ! who have accepted offioe from Disraeli Art of I'll Method,” ml i edition Jost i»H,,"l r id the famous : ying the Piano,’ Justly claimed “Kir! Method I»rlce, 83.73. a#- Used by thousands of TeacI all Book and Mnsir Dealers. I IF Notice. Notice. . II 1C \ VI I •ary Kcntm- , 1‘uMlC LI !(.* for sale and prist Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. L. L. COWDERY. CROCCEBY AM ELiSSWABt For Gale at Low Prices. '.rorKiii llomr l!l.tlk lit,' Ulllik- Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. T old by me caihed without dip- m/Vb! OlivorCitsca & Co., Chao. II. Ditcon & Co. 711 N. Y. John D. Blackmar, I by app dntment of Gov. Hratnlotto,