The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 24, 1874, Image 4

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lailg Mayo CULI.VIIIN: FEBliUAKY TUESDAY CITY AFFAIRS. COLUMBUS DAILY MARKET. Fiwawoiai..—Sight bills on New York % p coat, discount; oa Huston % pur cent.; vannah \4 l’ or cent.; demand bills on Huston % per cont. Hanks nro Bolling checks on New York at !4c. premium. Currency loanfl I^lVa I»or eont. par month. Gold and sliver nomi nal. Cotton.—Dull. The following are tho quo tations ; Ordinary 10 @11 Good Ordinary 13 @13' \ Dow Middlings IgtffeM Middlings 14’^@— Strict Middlings 14^®— Kales lol bnlcs. Receipts 180 baloB—78 by M. & G. It. It.; 28 by wagons; 3 by N. Sc S. K. K. 5 2 by W. Jt. Jt. ; by river; 0 by S. W. It. it. Shipments 0 halos— 0 by 8. W. It. It.; o for homo consumption ; 0 by W. K. It. It All. V BTATKMBNT. lock on hand August 31st, 1873 1.177 ■ ' ' 180 Stock on hand 13,U7(1 Sami: Day Laht Ybar.—August 31st, 1812, lftS; recelvod Kamo day 223; total receipts 61,740: whipped name day 118 ; total shipments 4 ',001 ; stock 11,810 ; sales 7. Middlings 10c. U. S. Forth.—Receipts for 3 day 0; ox- ports to Groat Hrltain 0; to Continent 0; stock 882,028. Tho New York Colton Exehango was not Mayor's Court Yeatorday. r Cleghoru bad quite uu eiten- ree, a large number of upectators ; being probout. 4, 1874. | ltobert Blackwell had slipped into the ; E. A P. Manufactory Saturday afternoon : through the back way, gone to the upper I story to neo a man, und was returning, 1 talking.very loudly with hib companion, . NVui. E. Jtindall. Both are reported to sa- ' hnve boon intoxicated. The watchman, l’utillo, ordered the pair out, and there was u Hcuillo. Policeman O’Brien was bout for nnd arrested Blackwell. The Mayor fined Blackwell $12 f»0. Win. E. Barnhill was with Blaokwoll in tho disorder. He ran from O’Brien. When the officer wua about catching him, he made a motion as if to draw a pistol, and threatened tho officer. O'Brien, however, effected tho arrest. Had not Barnhill's unmentionables fallen down and impeded his ilight, ho would not havo boon enpturod. As ho had soveral unpaid on tho docket, ho was sent to jail for thirty days “Toad," a colored girl, charged with disorderly conduct, was dismissed. Mattie Williams, colored, was fined $7 />0 for shameful conduct. J-'tiunio King, colored, wns required to pay $7 HO for being drunk on tho streets Saturday. U (! yc Index to Koto Advertisements. Mighty short—Louisville Lottery. Homestead exemption —Wm. 8. Lloyd. Chattahoochee exemption—Dauiol Mat thews. Letters of administration—T. E. Weems. Application for administration—W. W. Shipp. Dental card—W. V. Tigner. Meet to-night—City Light Guards. Fertilizers—Win. A. James. Hirer Now*. Tho Now Jackson arrived yesterday, with lit) bales of cotton and 51 barrels. She loaves at 11 a. in. to-day. Hurt Somewhat. A man mimed George G.iulding had his arm dislocated in a wrestle next door last night. Mother*' Hope Council. At tho meeting last night Mr. J. 1*. Murray was elected and installed Associ ate of tho Council. Did Not Cloao. 'Tho Chattahoochee National Bank was open, as usual, yesterday. Tho others wore closed from t) a. m. to 4 i». m. No commercial or cotton telegrams wero re ceived during tho day. Private l'artie*. Humors of several to bo given ns soon ns Lent is over fill tho brains of young inou ami mniilcus with viHious ,of antici pated delight. Now Lent interrupts tho pleasures of those who are fond of trip ping tho light fantastic. Takings by Our Manu/artori**. 'The mills of Columbus have taken to dnto 1,400 bales of cotton. Last season, during tho same time, they took 11,125. So an increase of 1,275 bales is shown. This is doing very well for six months. They havo boon tho means of bringiug much cotton to this point which hereto fore wont in other directions. If Vi to Cold. Muudny was as bright and balmy ns tho most charming of springtimes; but good things never last long, you know. Yes terday opened with clouds nnd drizzling ruins, which increased hourly in chilli ness, and toward night tho atmosphere was quite cold. The South can beat any country on changeable weather. It sur passes tho temperament of a mercurial woman. Distinguished Arrival. Gen. Spiuuer, Treasurer of tho United Stales, with his two married daughters, dinod lit the Bnnkin House yesterday. He arrived on tho Macon train and left on tho ouo for Montgomery, at which point he will remain to-night. He bus boon spending some timo in Florida, and is supposod to be on routo for Washing ton by way of the Wed, or New Orloaus. Anxious for Husbands. “X. V. Z." 1ms already rooeivud several lotters from young ladies who are de sirous of procuring ouo of those hus- bnuds ho advertise.!. One is from “Ju liette.” She thinks she will uiuko u capi tal wife, and desires a Borneo. Shu says sho is “eighteen yoars old, live foot high, weighs one hundred and twenty pounds, has very fair complexion, light brown hair, and brown eyes.” lie can seo the others by calling. The Anti-Liquor Movement. The woman's movement against tho bar-rooms is widely extending over the country. A raid may ha expected in this section before many days. Wo doubt, whether such movements will over havo permanent sucoess. Ouo of our oldest saloon proprietors told us that many years ago, tho tumpurauco movement spread all over this seotion. Tho Columbus bar rooms did nothing. He wrote to his mer chants in Now York telling them they must take back thoir goods as ho could not sell them. In a short timo pledges commenced being broken, and he has never soon such a rush for liquor, llo, for a while, made some five hundred dol lars a month. Buids will never efi'oot anything. All ileponds upon the moral tone and exam ple of tho temperance men. We aro glad to know this influence is spreading in our community. It ought to have the sup port of our older citizens. United effort and proper persuasion and enoouragoment have saved many a human being from utter ruin. Uncle Sammy. If you don't know him it argues your- solf unknown. Ho is tho oldest of our citizens, and is one of tho oldest men in tho community, being now in his oighlieth year ; buL ouo would not think this to boo his atrnight, stalwart form and fresh, bright faco. Uncle Sammy pays us a vis it wheuever he coiuos to town, aud when Iso doos not, ho is always sure to remem ber us. lie did so yoBterday, by sondiog in a roast of splondid beef, that came woll prosorvod all tho way from Pennsylvania. Wo accopt it as a maiden doos a bouquet from tho youth of whom she dreams. Wo conhl grow sentimental on this boof, but instead wo prefer to grow fat nnd hoarty, and so emulate our good, old friend. Tit for Tat Rather Hood. The following good one is told: A fash ionable lady sunt a note to a friend, and used tho letters It. S. V. 1\, which indi cate n French sentonco, meaning “roply, if you please." Tho friend was not up iu the “moderns," hut he thought ho must put some letters ou his, as long os she hud on hers. So ho wrote D. I. I. D. The next time they mot sho demanded the solution to his puzzle. lie merely said sho used abbreviations in her noto about which he knew nothing, aud ho thought politeness required him to use siituo to hor. Sho gave him the solution. “Ob," replied ho “is that all; I meont by mine d—n— d if 1 do." Sho ceased ab breviating after that. Assault on an Old Oentleman. Wo hoar reports that Gol. Asa Bates was yesterday attacked noor his residence, iu the vicinity of Girard, by a negro woman, who struck him ou tho bond with a largo stick, severely, but we hopo not danger ously injuring him. Col. Bates is an old and physically feeble inau, well kuowu and highly vospoeted in this city and neighborhood. Wo do not kuow the cause of the attack on him, but wo know that ho, like every other land owner on that side of the river, has been much annoyed by tho depredations of worthless and thieving negroes. Wo hope that the au thorities will punish this outrage as it deserves, notwithstanding tho Alubunm laws for tho protection of rascality and LOCAL BRIEFS. —Love feast and communion take place at St. Paul’s Church Thursday eveniug. —A ragged barefooted darkey was walk ing up the street yesterday, singing, “Champagne Charlie is my name." —City taxes for the last two or three weeks have been paid very well. —The boats on every trip bring two or three hundred dozen eggs from Florida^ They havo industrious hens iu that State. —Bring out your game chickens. A civ il engineer in Maine paid $2,000 for a black Spanish rooster hatched from au egg brought from Mantanzas, Cuba. The buy er considers him the flneHt game bird in tho country. —Tho weather has boon so mild that the little boys make thomsolvos very hap py by dispensing with socks and shoes. —Poach and plum trees are beginning to bloom very rapidly. Wo notice some of the large oak trees in the city have budded. If wo have many more sovore frosts, good bye early fruit. —Tho latest “fashionables" aro tiny cards announcing births. They are in- fuut-esHima] affairs, with small rabbit's head aud ears on the flap of the envelope, aud a corresponding oue inside. On a little sheet of paper is read, “Compli ments of Mr. and Mrs. Blank and son (or daughter;,” giving tho date and hour of birth. —Mr. J. T. Piorco has nearly finished a two-story brick residence, just abovo tho Broad street M. E. Church. —This is a German mouth. It has a “bruary” iu it. —There are now in the city a blind organ-grinder, a blind fiddler and a blind woman. The latter has a little girl to hog for her. —“Who moved dat inotiou ?” askod the chairman of a colored debating society. —We hoar tho Central Itailroad Com pany haH discharged twenty-five workmen in the machine shops in this place. Tho idea is to reduce tho force here and along the entire lino one-third. Want of busi ness and the necessity of reducing ex penses are the causes. Cotton Receipts at Columbus. Columbus has thus far received 54,2G3 bales of cotton, agniust 51,746 last year, showing an increnso of 2,517. Last sea son from this dato wo received 6,3(12 halos, including 1,076 takon direct by the millH. This direct cotton has been counted this soason to dato. Not includ ing this, if wo rocoivo 5,280, tho same us last your, the total for the seuson will he 53,54!) bules, against 58,108 for the pre vious one. All tho probabilities indicate there is more cotton in tho country now than last yoar. Tho Churches Sunday. Pastors generally filled pulpits. Pre siding Elder J. B. MoGehoo preachod in Broad street Church at night. Tho weather was delightful, aud congrega tion wore vory largo. At night a young man was immorsod iu thoBuplist Church. In St. Luke’s Church a prayer mooting hold ufter morning service, which wus well attended, and at which much in terest wns manifested. The funeral of Mr. A. Kirven, whoso remains had been brought from Vicksburg, took plnce at the Baptist Church iu the morning, aud that of Mrs. D. S. Porter at tho Epiuoo- pal Church iu tho uftoruoon. Mill Burned—Heavy Lot*. Telegrams rocoivod yesterday announeo that tho grist mill of Messrs. J. A. Cor- bally nnd M. E. Cost in, in Atlanta, was burned wilh its contents Suuduy morning about 2 o'clock. The loss must be some $10,000. Tho dispatch statod that they had a partial insurance in tho Georgia Home, but to what amount wo havo boon uuablo to loam. Tho two gentlemen havo long livod iu Columbus and engagod in business. They lately sold out thoir pro- porty in this city and iuvostod in this At lanta mill. It cost thorn $7,300, aud its capacity was 175 to 200 bushels of meal per day. The loss has well nigh ruined them. Both gentlemen wore vory popular iu Columbus. Mr. Corbally was formerly tho partner of Aldermau Chalmers in the building aud carpentry trudo, and Mr. Costiu partner of Mr. G. W. Brown iu tho grocery lino. The Gaines Chit holm Examination. Our expected special failed to arrive lust night, nnd we havo no intelligence to report regarding the Gaines Chisolm ex amination in Atlanta. We hardly think it could have beou closod in one day. Chisolm is represented to have entered the court room Saturday, iu custody, noatly dressed, and looking careless and iudiffereut. llo had a bruise ou his face. Tailors. Observance of Birth Day. Tne 22d fell on Suuduy, and yesterday was observed as tho 142d anniversary of Washington's but i day, or, as somo will insist, “George’s first wash day." Noth in;; of any moment occurred to mar tho even monotony of tho season, aud few were the thoughts bestowed ou the Father of las Country. He had been dead too long, aud people now kuow how to tell lies about a bigger thing than a cherry tree. Tho hauks wero open fn to l i\ m. The post-office The Temperance Meeting To-Night. Ou account of tho large numbers that are expected to attend, the meeting will bo held in the main nudiunoo room of the Baptist Churoh. Tho choir will furnish music. Addresses will be uuule by llev. C. W. Buck, Bcv. C. A. Kou- drick, aud Bov. W. H. Whittaker 1 the boys went after robins with gnus, of North Carolina, lie is said to. bo one stubs, and Alabama slings. An attempt of tho fittest orators of tho South. Ho j wns made to close tho Enquirer Sun lias tho reputation of being one of the ] business office, and the business mauagor most ploasiug, sparkling and original of j went hunting ; but bo many people came, speakers. j knocking at the door, that it had to bo Mothers' Hope Council will assemble at 1 opened unto them. Business generally the lodgo rooms at Temperance Ilall weut ou as usual. Drizzling showers kopt promptly at 7 l*. m , aud proceed iu a \ most people in-doors, and the streets pre body to tho churoh, the front pews in the ( seated a vory cheerless appearance. Attention ! As my Address on elementary Agri cultural Chemistry, teaching the cheap est aud shortest meaus for procuring and compounding mauuros, is enthusiastically received aud heartily ctu'orsod by almost every intelligent planter iu this section, and that I may be compensated iu n meas ure somewhat commensurate with the acknowledged merits of the production aud value of the information convoyed, I do from this date establish tho price at , ’ ! 50 couts per copy. Iu consideration of closed after • . . . , , . . hange, 1 do hereby agree to -* audience room beiug reserved for them. Every ouo should alteud who would of- j feet good, and aid iu promoting a healtl v moral touo iu the community. Robbing the Cemetery. This continues. El jvrers, which tho ; the baud of affeoiion have dopositod upon the tombs of loved ones, aro carried away. Mighty Short. Vessels iu which to place fragrant floral From now to the 31st of March is a offerings are not allowed to remain a vory abort time, and it will be too short uight. Tumblers, in which violets were for those who fail to secure tlieir tickets j phintod, have beeu dug up. A negro, for the Graud Gift Oouoert of tho Public i l** 11 week, was sontoueed to twelve Library of Kentucky. It is ouly ouee in months’ on tho ehuiu gang for stealing a century that such cash prizes ns $250,- trees from tho cemetery ; but it does not 000, $100,000, $50,000, etc., are offered seem to have auy effect ou the villainous at tho same timo. The people kuow scoundrels who rob tho dead, for some! this, and the demand for tickets is uuex- rare shrubbery has siuco beeu missed. If atupled. any spot should be sacred, it is “God's Capt. Kliuk aud Jno. D. Bluckiuar both ( aero.' Cannot somo measure be adopted j have tickets for sale. It I to stop this? this uud oadiug tho production, will certify t ho is not fully satisfied with tho invest ment. There is no sluvery so hopeloss as that which compels a umn to support a family by the cultivation of poor laud. The problem to bo solved by the South boforo wo can hope for agricultural re poration nud prosperity, is cheap and liable mauuros. The Address solves that problem. I defy tho agricultural or entitle world to disprove one fact or posi tion taken in the Address. J. Monuoe Lennard, Columbus, Ga. The above work in for sale at the En quiker Office, where copies can bo order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal disoount made to Grangers or farmers ordering a largo number. This pamphlet should bo iu tho hands of every plauter at this timo. ja!3 dAwtf DEN X l HO X ’H (PATENT Hit I IT INK TAG s OVKK IW0 HUNDRED MILLIONS Leon sold within the past 10 years, t complaint of 'oj* I y Tag be- iletached. They are more rking Cotton Bales than Tag in use. All Express Companies use | Sold bj Priattn sad Stationers every it here. 5,000 yards yard wide Bleached Cottons at 12$ cents—worth in the beginning of the season 18o. 5.000 4-4 Sea Island Cotton, 12$ cents, worth 15 cents. 6.000 yards Spring Printa. 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting. 500 dozen John Clarke's Spool Cotton, only 70 cents. Black Alpacas only 40 cents—worth in any market 50 cents. Jugla’s and Harris’ Kid Gloves for ladies and gents. Gents’ Opera Kids only $1.00. Foxed and plain' Cloth Gaiters, Calf and Oil, Goat Shoos, made to order and warranted not to rip. Gents’ Hand-Sewed Shoes at cost. W Bemcmber, the Virginia Store is on the west side of Broad street. Peyton, Gordon A Co. ja27 deod&wtf To Make Room for Spring Business I will continue to sell my eutire Stock of Dry Goods at aud below cost. Many goods at half price. I am receiving large linos of Domestic Goods at lower prices than have been known for 15 years. 5,000 yards 4-1 Bleached Cotton 12$e,worth 16c/ 5,000 4-1 Sea Island Cotton 12$c, worth 16c. Wide Sheetings and other goods in same proportion. 500 dozen <S'pool Cotton at 70c per dozen; New and beautiful Calicoes at 10 and 11 c; Hamburg Edges and ellter white g ods cheap; Black Alpacas, tho beautiful I have over shown. Cloths and Cassimeres and Gent's furnishing goods. All Factory goods at Factory prices. Suoes made to order aud warranted good. All consumers should avail themselves of this opportu nity. H. T. Cbiuler. feblOood ______ Clearing Out Sale. In order to dispose of my Worsted Dross Goods, already marked at very low prices, they will bo still farther reduced 10 per cent, from present figures. febO eod J. S. Jones. More of thoso excellent Shoos, still selling at oust, at Crioler's. To Arrive: A new lot Prints and Bleaohed Domes tics, which will be offered at cost, at feb6 eod J. S. Jones’. Coats’ and Clark's Spool Cotton, 70 cents per dozen, at febO eod J. S. Jones’. Men's Furnishing Goods, Fine Cloths und Cassimeres uro selling at a sacrifice ut Crioler's. Delay is Dangerous t Previous to stocking up in spring, a choice lot of White Goods, Check Mus lins, Jaconets, Linen LawnR, Table Lin- eus, »fcc., aro still offered at cost. As the nbove will bo in steady request iu n few weeks, a very little delay will result iu enhanced prices. febO J. S. Jones. Coats’ aud Clark’s Spool Cotton at 70c. per dozen, at Blanchard's, 123 Broad st. Tho Fine-Cut Smoking Tobacco at Buhler’s, now Cigar and Tobacco Store, on ltaudolph street, next door to Chap man's Drug Store. fob 15 tf The original “Lone Jack’’ Tobacco at Buhler's new Cigar And Tobacco Store, feblfi tf ^ For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec21tf Good Things. Go to the Buby Bostaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. octlS tf Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths nud softens the Skin. Something new—tho “Culebra" Cigar. Try it; at Buhler’s now Cigar and To- bucco Store. febH tf Dry Goods at Low Prices. Landauer A Bro. having disposed of a large lot of dry goods to prepare for tho spring trade, offer to sell the bulnnce of their Btook, until thoir new goods arrive, at the very lowest prices. They invite the attention of buyers to thoir articles. If their prices do not suit the views of buyers, they will make prices that will. They ask that all may call, and they guar antee satisfaction, both as to quality and charges. They have a magnificent stock of goods, aud they consider it a pleasure to show their fabrics. Give thorn a call. tf The gouuine Perique Smoking Tobacco at Buhler's new Cigar and Tobacco Store, ou Randolph street, west of Enquirer office. _ feb8 tf Buhler's new Cigar and Tobacco Store is open. feb8 tf Winter Cassimores and Dress Goods less than actuul cost, at Blanchard's, 123 Broad st. The largest assortment of Imported Havana Cigars, ut Buhler's new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on llandolph street, west of Enquirer office. feb8 tf Reduction for Cash ! A. Gaiumtll has reduced prices for cash payments for hire. Call at Ida stables, Oglethorpe at root. ja2'.Mm The genuine imported “Henry Clay" cigar nt Buhler's new Cigar and Tobacco Store, on ltaudolph street, west of En quirer offico. feb8 tf Full lines of Bleached and Brown Homespuns, at cost at fel Blanchard's. Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J. Moffett, 74 Broad St. dec21 tf A fresh supply of the best Prints at ten cents per yard, at Blanchard's. Factory Checks at 14c. per yard at Blanchard’s. T. E. Blanchard is still offering bis stock of Dry Goods, without reserve, at Cost! J. O. MONTIE, Tailor. utting ami making in the latest styles. Repair jg aud cleaning neatly dune, at reasonable prices leblb| Over J. H. Jobustou's bat store. Lawyers. JOSEPH F POU, Attorney at Daw, and .fudge of County Court. Practices in all other Courts. Office over storo of >V. It. Robarts A Co., Broad 8t. K-tf SAMUEL IS. HATCHER. Attorney at Law. ja20 Ullicu over Wittich A Kinsel's. J. M. MeNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice in courts or Georgia nnd Alabama. Office 135) broad St., (over Uolstead A Co.’s Special attention given to collections. jail Pouter Ingram. Rei INGRAM * CRAWFORDS, Attorneys nt Law, Will practice iu thu State aud Federal Courts of Georgia. Office over Preer, Ulgos A Co.’s storo, uorthw Builders and Architects. J. G. CHALMERS, House Carpenter nnd Hnllder. Jobbing done at short notice. Plans and specification* furnished for ull styles of buildings Ja9 lroad Str. Confectioners. I. G. STRUPPER, Candy Manufacturer All kinds of Confectionery and Fruits, Stick Candy 18 cents. No charge for l axes. Ja24 r broad and St. Clair Sts. jun A. A. DOZIER, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law, Practices in Stuto and Federal Courts ia Georgia au J Alabama. Office 126 broad . t., Columbus, Ga. JaO Mark H. Blakdvoro. Loots F. Garrard. ItI.A\ DrollD A GARRARD, Attorncya nud Couuftellors nt Law. Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wittich A Kin- sid's Jewelry Store. Will pructico iu the Statu aud Foderal Courts. Jas. M. Russell. Cm as. J. Swift. RUNKELL A SWIFT, Utornoysuud Counsellors at Law. Will practice n the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Cirouit >..d Alabama. Office over C. A. Redd A Co.’s store Iroad street, Columbus, Ga. Jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney nud Solicitor. ukruptej. Offlci r bro ’ Drug PEABODY A BRANNON, Attorneys nt Law. office over J. Ennis A Co.'s Stori, Broad St. R. J. MONEN, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Law, ieorgla Home Insurance Company building, sec QQt7 lyj oiul story. ( HAS. H. WILLIAMS, Attorney ut Law, Columbus, Gn. Will practice ia any Court. Offico over Acoe A Murdoch's store. [nov!6 Doctors. If It. COLZEY. and Offico corner of St. Clair nnd Ogle Office corm Residence ■ I)K. S. R. LAW. r Broud aud Randolph streets, Burras building. n Forsyth, throe doors below St. Clair DR. J. A. I’RQUHABT, Office nt C. J. Motion's Drug Store, Broad stro Residence on St. Clair, between Broad and sep5 Front Sts , Columbus, Ga. Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs und Chemicals, rescriptlous carefully prepared, d 8 fvo Kill broad stroe DU. J. L. CHENEY A MON, Druggists und l'rescriptiouiats. go assortment of buist'e Garden Seeds. Cheney's Col'uii Strui*. Crawford Street, under Lankin House. C. II. PALMER, Licensed Apothecary Ono door abovo Virginia Grocery. AS” Physicians’ Prescriptions made n specialty, doc 17 j Night hell to loft of door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown’s, broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Kf Night Bel 1 l ight of south door. sep5 FOSTER H. CHAPMAN, llrngglHt, Ruudolpb, east of Broad Street Col uml is. Ga. A. M. BRANNON, West Sum, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., WholONnlc nud Retail Dealer I: Drugs and Medicinen. Toilet Articles* and Perfumery. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Sheetings, Shirtings, and Sewing and Kulttlng Thread. Card* Wool aud Grind* Wheat and Corn- Offico iu reurof Wittich A Kinsel’s, Raudolpb i Jul8 R. II. CHILTON, President, MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of , SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. oct3l ly. Watchmakers. C. SCUOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Succehsor to L. Gutowsky, 11)5 Broad stree t, J»H Columbus, Oa. C. U. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad stroet, Columbus, Ga. Watched aud Clocks repaired in the best ranm jail Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables, Coletuorpe, North of Randolph Stu., 10 Columbus, Ua^ A. GAMMEL, Livery and Sale Stables, Oglethorpe St., Columuus, Oa. Particular attention given to Focdiug and Sab id Mules boarded in stables by th< of Stuck. Boarding Houses. jal3 MRS. NEWMAN. MRS. PERSONS, Board and Rooms to Rout, southeast corner Drat Restaurants. llAUltlh COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad Street. The best of For igu and Domestic Liquors and Tin and Coppersmiths. WJI, FEE, Worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper Urduia from abroad promptly atteuded to. Ja7 No. 174. broad Sireet. Fresh KVIeats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. 2 and 18, Market House. l'reeh Aleuts of every kiud und best qutilil W. C. TOLBERT, Fresh .Heats of all kinds. Fresh Sausage Aleut o»cry day. Ju8 bulls No. II and 13. J. T. COO54, Freah .lleats of Ail Kind**, I .'tails Nos. If. and Mattress-Making, &c. General l i'lndsto er and Mattress-Maker. Jhop west aide Warren, near intersect ion ut Ogle »«q 1 thorpo and Bridge fcts. Dentists. W. F. TIGNER. Uentibt, trupper's building, Randolph St. i well us to Operative Dentistry.* T. W. HENTZ, Dentist. Over Josopli A Brother's store. W. T. POOL, DentlNt, nov23] lol Broad St., Columbus, Gn. W. J. FOGLE, DentiNt, lepSJ Georgia Heine Building, Columbus, Gn. Cun and Locksmiths. Johnson'* .orner, l.’.dunibm. G.i. jui: WILLIAM SGTIOBEU, Gun und Locktaiith and dealer iu Gunning Mu torials. Opposite Enquirer Offico. Dress-Making. lid shop in Browueville. Feed Store. JOHN F1TZGIBIION&, Wholesale uud Retail Dialer io Hay, Oats, Cot Bacon, Ac . Oglethorpe St, opposite Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS* SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to II. Hones,) Under Georgia Home Insur.m e Bui d ug. Prompt nud polite barbers in attendance. J«2f* ALEX A NAM, j'* _ _ buuiEKi, Si. Glair Street. ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford 8t., under Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. Boot and Shoemakers. WM. MEYER, Boot and Shoemaker. Dealer in Leather and Fin lings. Next to C Redd A Co.'s. Prompt and strict attention g Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. BLAU, tepuirer nnd Tuner of l’iiiuc cs, Alolodeon Accordoons. Sign Paintlug also done. Orders may bo bo lift at J. W. Pease A N.u RAILROADS. Central Railroad, OEN’t SUPT S OFFICE u 11 „ Savannaii, November l i ! O'!.AND AFTElt SUNDAY m i ' y, Pa.sender Trains ou tbc UeorlriJ ?“*«, Mloliowe: bruu “ 1,t ' ! ““ d wuwitioij, TRAIN No. I.UOINU NORTH ANbtto lunvn «enai. n al. u VV A * valiuab Lonvo Augusta Arrivout Augusta Arrive ut Millcdgevillu ” Arrive ut Eaton ton Arrive at Mucun Louve Macon for Columbus.’..' Lcavo Macon for Eulnulu Leave Macon lor Atlanta. Arrive at Columbus Arrive at Eufaula * am Atlanta Wu -« COMING SOUTH AND EAST * Leave Atlanta ' Leave Columbus.... ‘Wr* Lcavo Eufaula '30Hr Arrive at Macon from Atlanta!. ’. ”" • fcOi A • • 10:2o * J ■ 6.00 a Arrive at Augusta !!!!!,'!’. a a Arrive at Savannah .* i™** TRAIN No.2,aOlN(I NORTH A.Vn wVc! Leave Savannah . Leave Augusta \ Arrive at Augusta .* *• J* Arrive at Macon "“A* Leave Macon for Columbua. . . .’, Leave Macon for Eulaul j !r■“ 4 k Leave Macon for Atlant: .. oi” Arrivo ut Columbus Arrivo at Eufaula p * Arrivo at Atlanta OOMINQ sou H and'east * Leave Atlanta Leave Columbus A a Leave Eufaula Arrive at Macon Iron- Atlanta... Vun Ariivo nt Macon from Columbus Arrivo at Macon from Eufaula.....’" Lcavo Macon " .. v* Arrivo at Milledgevllle Arrivo at Eat nton nun Lonvo Annum* -I "i.! Arrivo at Savannah ‘ taken on or put iff.”Piwinmft viHe and Eatonton will take Train No. 1 £ Central Railroad, stopping < engers lor haif statloi ‘ ’* isongers ^ . ------— • — -like rra.u „„ b&vannah and Augusta, ami Train No points on the S. VV. R.R., Atlanta nnd M* i The Milledgevllle and’ Eatonton^ train r daily, ‘-Sundays excepted." u Western Railroad of Alabama. 53:2 HOURS TO NEW YORK How VcTk aid New Orleans liail Lim, Palace Sleeping Oars Hun Through f;e Opelika to Lynchburg. WKSTKUN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, COLUMBUS, Ga„ November ICiIi, ld7X TRAINS LEAVK COLUMBUS DAILY Arrive at Montg’y, 10:40 i*. g , FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Tit HIM-) LEAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 a. ui. ARRIVE a Opelika 12:27 p. m., at Atlanta 6:4u p.i, at Washington 7/20 a. in.. New York 4:23 [. -. via Philadelphia nnd Baltimore. Nlei-ping Cum Run Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - - *- 9:lu ?. *. From Montgomery Tho Wests i Mail t • Dries The 10:40 a. in daily,connecting Georgia R. R. .‘U fur sale at Union Pnssoi CHAS. P. BALL, .* BACON, Agent. Change of Schedule. Office Moiule k Girard Railroad, Columbus, Ga., Dec.U7J.J O N AND AFTER DEC. 3D. WEDNKSM* Passenger Train will run us follows: aEAVE Trov. Vrrivb at Co Ticket Offic, Leave Troy ou Tuesdays, Thursdsysaud Saturdays at - • * 4: Arrive at Columbus, • • • * r 0ec3 eodAt W. L. CLARK. I J. II. PALMER, l*r»ctlcnl Wntelininker nml Jeweller, Cody's building, Broni St., Columbus, Ga. All kinds Pawing Mucliin«--s repaired. Needles, Oil* and Attachment* for all rnachim s. [dec28 Tobacco, Cigars, &c. Denier j»9 V. LOPEZ, in nml Mnniifncturcr of Fine Clgnrs, Near Broad Street Depot. Denier Bet woe MAI Ell DORN, in Fine Ulgarn, 1'lpes and Ch wing Tobacco. Georg-a Hume and Muscogee Home. jn8 Croce rs. Dealer in No DAN*L R. I1IZE, Family Groceries, on Bryan street, be en Oglethorpe A Jackson streets, charge for dray age. dec7 J. II. HAMILTON, WholcHule and Retail Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts. 184IIAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Produce, •ep.S next to “Enquirer" Office. Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building. Porters at all the trains. Jul3 MRS W. F. SNIDER. Propr’tt LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, A. ttoruoy" at ■ Xj aw OUSSETA, Cll ATT A HOOCH UK Co., Gaj _4SpSpoclul attention given to oolleotiona. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, GA., W ILL practice iu tho Chattahoochee Circuit or any where else. All kind «.f collections DOCTORS. Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O ffers his Professional Service* to the citizen* or Columbus and v i.dnily. H- is a graduate of the reformed sdioul of medicine, and bus been practising liis profession fur twenty-six years, end has been very snciesatul iu treating chronic dis- Office in Profumo’s lmi!d!n_. u,. sta rs, opposite Dr. John H. Carriger, gURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office south* EPPING’S BUCHP Notice to all Purchasers of this Excellent Compound Extract of Euchu. S KS’n YOl'Il OllBKKS T0 l„ PIKllCK i CO., Columbus, (ia., and you will get the Genuine, Original. Extract. There IS NO OUTSIDE AGENCIES—EITHER SPECIAL OR GENERAL. I am individually Sole Prop tie tor. L. PIERCE. II DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Page lllustra' ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, RTAIK RAILS, NEWELS FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any ono Interested in Imildlng. receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORNE, 204 A 266 CANAL STREET, Jyll dAwly NEW YORK CITY' PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. Absolutely safe. Perfectly odorless. A'**** uniform. Illuminating qualities eupt' ^ gas. Hums in any lamp without ditngeir 1 idoding or taking tire Manulactured exj ly to digpluco the use ol volatile and dang oils. Its sa loty under every poMime j tJ Its perfect burning qualities, are prmc ) continued use In over 300.000 families. Millions of galloua have been sold Md 11 eldunt—directly or indirectly—has over red from burning, storing or handling it. Tho immense vent ly loss to llffl ' fejewS resulting from the use ol cheap danger oils in tho United States, is appall -nb- if . The Insurance Coin panics and * lr ® n i t he sinners throughout tho country rec° mme n ASTRAL as tho best safeguard whin aroused. Send for circular. For sale at retail by tho trade goneraiiYi ^ at wholesale by tho proprietors, LiiA PRATT k. Cl)., 108 Fulton Street, CHEMICALS—PUR E 1 FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS AT LOW PRICKS. t. C. HOOD & Bfi0, I..24 UlilU Administrator's Sale A greeably to an order from ti»e Jt* ; . the Coin t of Ordirury of *h** ' \|,r cogee. will be sold on the itr-l Tueida |( *» .. next, ill front of th -a«M lion h.-ts*.- • , ... ris"ii, in the city of Columbu*. t