The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 27, 1874, Image 4

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FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1874. CITY AFFAIRS. VO L CM B VS HAIL Y MAJtKET. Financial.—Sight hill* on New York % por cent. dls xrnnt; on Bouton % por cent.; on sa vannah % per cent.; demand bill* on Boston Vs por cunt. Banks are sailing chocks on New York at J^c. premium. (Currency loans I&IJ^ per cent, per month. Gold and silver nomi nal. Cotton.—Dull. The following aro tho quo tations : Ordinary 10 @11 Good Ordinary 13 @13J^ Low Middlings 13%®14 Middlings 14^4 Strict Middlings 14j^@- Hnlo* 3T7 bales. Receipts 104 halos— 0 by M. N. O. R. R.j 74 hy wagons | 37 by N. S.H. R. It. { 4 by W. R. It.; 0 by river; 0 by S. W. It. R. Shipments 384 halos—333 by 8. W. It. R. ; 31 for homo consumption ; o by W. It. R. DAILY MTATKNK.NT. Stock on hand August aist, 1873 1177 Rood rod lo-day 104 “ previously 64,623—64,727 66,004 Shipped lo-day -, M » u previously 42,010—43,303 Stock on hand 13,380 Samk Dav Laat Y kail—August 31st, 1872, 138; received samoday U7; total receipts 31,U43; shipped some day 66 ; total shipments 4'',147 ; stock 11,087 ; solos In. Middlings 19c. U. S. Poivra.—Receipts lor (1 days 83,468; ex ports to Groat Britain 42,821; to Continent 18,470; Stock 826,021. Jndcr tn yen' Advertisements. Jtankrupt tialo—Inane Joncpli, uH.sif'uoo. Money—John I). Blackmar uud Capt. Klink. Lett ora of Administration—Win. A. Fnrloy, Ordinary. Chattnlioodhoo Sheriff Bales— John M. Happ, Hhoriff. Bankruptcy Noticoa—W. II. Smith, U. M. Marchuk Building Lota at Auction—Ellis A Har rison. Boarding House for Rent—Mrs. Ann Adams. Laird's Turbine Water Wheel—Poole A Hunt, Baltimore. " Monojf t Money !! Money l ! !" Hlrnngo Hint thoro should bo ovoti a temporary suspension of this eternal cry, yot it has givon place, though only to an- olhor, which moans about tho same tiling. Tim popular demand now is for ‘’Tickets! Tickets 11 Tickets !!!” in tho next Con cert of tho Pubiio Library of Kentucky. While tho time of llio drawing was re mote tho dotnand was not ho loud, but now that it approaches rapidly thoro is no stopping the cry, and it is difficult to sup ply tho demaud. Juo, }). Bluokmar and Capt. Klink both hnvo tickets for sale. it Street Sensation. That of yostorduy was the loading of Henry Kliok's cub boar through the stroots. Ho sunttorod tho boys right and left. A roof caught somewhere up town yes terday. A colored man.with a ladder and pan of water extinguished it. No gouoral alarm was raised. Tho Julia Ht. Clair arrived at 'J p. m. lust night, with small general freight and about 100 bales of cotton. Bho leaves at 11 a. m. to-morrow. 1‘evMonal, Wo rocoived a brief call last night from Mr. Fifzgoruld, Representative in tho Georgia Legislature, llo was just from Atlanta, hut loft hoforo tho adjournment. Mayor's Court Yesterday. Alderman Chalmers presided. Clara McDougahl, colored, was fined $2 , r »i> and #2 Ml costs, for disorderly con duct. For lint same offence, ltosa Harris, col ored, was lined 1$;. and $9 AO costs.' Jlow is lie to Collect It* Wo are told a dentist in Butler took a lion on a sot of fulso teeth he put in a mans mouth. A judgment has boon ob tained on tho lieu, and tho sheriff is now- in a quandary to know how ho is going to enforce it. Muscogee County Court. Saturday is tho last return day for term commencing the third Monday in March. Any suit to tho amount of ouo thousand dollars eau be brought to this court. James W. Barber was yesterday sworn in uh special bailiff. Mr. W. S. Lloyd is clerk. Ooiny Aorth. Messrs. L&ndauer and Rich left yester day for New York and Baltimore, to buy spring and summer goods. Othorti of our merchants lon\<- this and next week. A largo number will not go at nil, but will depend upon orders—quito ns good a l'rise Drill for $f,0O. if a Fair is held here this fall, it is very probable n prize of $500 will bo offered for the best-drilled volunteer military company in Georgia or Alabama, which will draw hero quite a uumber of organi zations. The chances are in favor of tho Fair being hold. Somethinyfor tho Ladies. The ladies wo fear will become disgust- ed with their most elegant,aestumes when told that Mrs. A. T. Stewart recently ap peared at a New York ball, covered with a million dollars of diuuiuuilt*. She had diamonds on her head, shoulders, bosom, chain belt aud a fan covered with thorn. She shone in a bluze of retleetcd light; nud yet was ns ugly as original sin. She was admired only as a diamond llnsh. Foul I'lay Suspected and Dreaded. Something of a sensation has t>c aroused in Girard. An elderly man nam ed Thompson some mouths ago married a young girl three days aftor his former wife’s death. A fow nights sinco a mid wife w is 3eut for to attend the new wife. Ou arrival she found the condition of tho wife was sueh as to show a okild had been born, but the babe could not then nor has it been siuce found. Foul play i.i suspect ed. Tho affair bus been mystified hy whispers, and wo have not been able to learn more than fens been roportod. What Farmers are Ooiny—Encourage ment for the Future — Bright Hopes. 1 The coining summer promises to be a I hard one, bat unexampled prosperity may be confidently expected in the fail and winter. Tho plauters in this section are striving to secure a release from debt and mako themselves indep ..dent. They have largely curtailed their force, and many are running plows themselves. We know of two young inen who last year employed thirty negroes each. This year tho number has boon reduced to ton, and each has taken charge of a plow. An other funner employs no negroes, where he hud many last season, and I10 and his tbreo sons are doing all the farm work. Wo hear of many other instances of this kind, and believe it a fair indication of tho people generally. Negro labor is cheaper aud more abundant than at any period siueo tho war. Instead of being sought aftor, ns has heretoforo been tho case, numbers aro begging for work. Hands which last year commanded 4(100 and $130 a year, now ask only $50. Many out of employment seek to labor for clothes and food, yet planters will not or are unable to give that. Theso “wan derers" aro, however, allowed to cultivate lund at a small rental; but they must sub sist themselves. This is the general con dition. Whites aro leading the forces in tho Gold in active operations. Wo have noticed hitherto the fact that a large breadth of land has been sown in oats. A still larger ono will bo plant ed iu corn. Much less cotton than hith erto iu to bo cultivated, and a far loss amount of fertilizers employed. With ahundaut grain crops, a farmer is not Iho slave of tho money lender, or tho overseers of tho Western merchants as ho is uow. This has been tho rule heretofore. Tho present Booms to indi cate that all this is to bo chaugod. Plan ters appear determined to own their own lauds, aud bo enabled to hold their heads oroot like men can who own nothing and have money in bank. This summer passed aud tho sumo spirit continued as commenced, next winter will see great prosperity, to ho succeeded by days of wealth and happiness. A Fair this Fall. Wo boliovo if tho property owners alone had a vote ou the question, they would decide by a largo majority iu favor of City Council's making tho appro priation of $.",500, askod for tho purposo of holding a fair this fall. Tho matter is now in the hands of tho Finance ^omuiit- teo, and it is not known how they will ro- port. Wo presume Council will act on the matter at tho tioxt regular meotiug ou tho second Monday in March. Wo be lieve tho vast majority of citizens ap prove tho appropriation, us it will largely repay all classes, bring largo sums from otbor quarters, and put nn immense amount of money in generul circulation. The money asked for will barely do more thun pat tho buildings in order. Stock of Cotton hy Count. We have obtained a count of tho stock of cotton in Columbus warehouses. Tho total Inst night amounted to 12,580 bnlcs, 1,009 less than tho tables showed. Wo have altered tho figures to correspond. Tho error was iu shipments. Tho Eagle ♦fc Fheulx Manufactory has iu warehouse on tho premisoR aud iu tho Lowell Ware house 2,198 bales. This him already boon roportod us shipped for homo consump tion, aud is not included in tho stock re ported. The difference this year between tho running and counted stock is loss than usual. What Constitutes a Car Load. ? Many may fuel nu interest in tho an- swor to tho quory. As a goueral rule, a oar load consists of 20,000 pounds, or 70 barrels of sail, 70 of lime, 90 of whisky, 200 sacks of flour, six cords of hard and m of soft wood, 18 to 20 head of cat tle, 80 to 100 head of sheep, 9.000 feet of solid boards, 17,000 feet of siding, 12,000 of flooring, 40,000 shiugles, ono-half less of hard and 0110-quart or less of green lumber, one-teutli loss of joists, scantling 1 all largo timber, 343 bushels of wheat, 300 of corn, 1580 of oats, 400 of barley, 300 of applos, 430 of Irish and 300 of sweet potatoes, 1,000 bushels of bran. This informutiou may be useful to many. The (len. It. F. Lee Monument. Tho colloasid monument to tho memory of Gou. Leo which is uow rapidly being constructed under tho direction aud skill of Prof. Valentine, will, when completed, bo tho greatest triumph of art aud mo- ohauicul skill over produced in this coun try. The structure will bo siirinouuted by a roclining figure of Gen. Lao envel oped in his military cloak. Tho form will bo finely carved in marble, and the expression of oouutenauco roudorod with life-liko correctness. In order to com plete this graud monument at tho earliest possible day, tho Executive Committee of tho Leo Memorial Association, of Lex ington, Vo., which is composed of such distinguished men us Geu. Pendletou, G011. Terry, Hon. Win. McLaughlin, Ool. Preston Johnston, Col. Jus. K. Ed mondson, Clms. Davidson,aud others,have authorized the publication and sale of a perfect lifesizo stool engraved portrait of General Leo. Tho proceeds of its sale to bo nppliod in furtherance of the object of this Association, namely: to tho erection of a uiouutuout to the memory of Gou’1 R.V.. Leo, at the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Ya. The portrait will be sold only by subscription, through regular authorized ageuts, and every subscriber will receive n certificate signed by tho Secretary and Chairman of tho Lee Memorial Association. We commeud this portrait to the pubiio, aud hope some good energetic man will secure the agen cy iu tliisj section iu order to help on tho good work. Messrs. W. W. Bostwick A Oo., Nos. 177 A 179 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio, havo been constituted aud appointed General Managers of Agen cies, and all communications addressed to them, for circulars, terms aud certificates will receive prompt attention. -4 Didn't-Hurt-Much-Fight. Two men, seemingly the worse for liquor, fought last night with sticks, rocks, brickbats and oaths. One lett with his arm appearing to pain him fetidly. He was seeking a doctor. LOCAL BJUEFS. —Yesterday was bright and cheerful. —Cotton continues to come in freely. —The cheapest thing on earth is a mean man. —A boat is due to-day. To-morrow is her leaving time from this point. —Of the $200,000 of city and county taxes, Columbus pays $140,000 ; aud yet tho county wants a majority of delegates in nominating conventions. —If all classes would adopt the cash system, both in buying aud selling, the country would be in a far better condi tion. Then all would live within their means, and refrain from purchases with which they could dispenso. —If the women make that talked-of raid to-day, and induce tho liquor sellers to empty their whiskey barrels into the street, many a toper will exclaim, “What huppiness to be a Columbus gutter.” —Stubborn females cost enormously. It requiros ten million dollars to make Mississippi open her mouth. —A married lady says : “Tho first year my husband galled uie ‘dear,’ tho second year ‘Mrs. A.', and the third ‘old sorrel top'." —Palm Sunday occurs on March 29th, Good Friday on April 30th, aud Easter Sunday on April Ath. —Wo hear on good authority that a church member of Columbus drew quite a goodly sum in the Louisville Lottery at tho lust drawing. It was paid by the Express Company. Natno and amount sre kept profound secrets. Every holder of u lottery lickot is now' dreaming of wealth. — “I’d give tho world for those fingors,” remarked a bachelor who was observing u young lady playing with a peculiar bril liancy of touch. “Perhaps you might got tho whole hand by asking," remarked her mama. Eigteen Year Debt Settled. Ono came into Mr. Tim Markham’s sa loon Wednesday night and paid him $2.50 with simple interest, which when a fourteen yoarod boy, the payor had bor rowed. That was oightoon years ago. The $2.50 in that period hud increased to $5.(55. Mr. Markham had forgottou all about tho loan, and did not remember tho affuir at all uutil tho circumstances were recalled to his attention. People nowa days forget tho debts incurred yesterday, much loss those contracted eighteen yoors ago. A Careful Company, To show tho great caro the Southern ExprosH company takes of tho dead committed to it for transportation wo quote this: Tho remains of Mr. Kirven were brought to Columbus last weok from Vicksburg, Mississippi. Ou the elegant coffin which enclosed the body was two wreaths of tlowers, and tho whole en closed in a wooden box. When the box was opened in Columbus, tho wreaths wore ns perfect as wneu placod on tho coffin, not a fiower being disarranged or disturbed in tho least. This proved tho groat care which has boon observed in the handiiug of tho company's agents. Jlow They (let ltound It. The lust Legislature of Alabama passed nn net prohibiting the sale of liquor at Salem. A frioud, who passes (hero daily, reports that more spirituous liquors aro consumed thoro now than formerly. It is now brought to tbo town in jugs. If people want liquor thoy will havo it, no ninttor how tight a prohibitory law may bo. —An ill-tomperod Western farmer forci bly removed his daughter from a circus because, while there, she ullowed a young lawyor to put his arm nbont hor neck and comb hor golden locks with his Hagers. Could severity go further ? Have ruffian fathers no rospect for the feelings of their tender, innocent daughters ? HOTEL ABBIVALS. llankin House, Feb. flii. Robert Caddington, New York. Hank Rosoubuuiu, Cincinnati. W. W. Richards, Macon, Gn. W. S. Welch, “ “ Mrs. C. A. StallingR, Fort Guinea, Ga. Walker Carry, Now York. J. J. Wntloy, Tuskegee, Ain. W. G. McKenzie, Opelika, Ala. Geo. llovridge and wife, Yinten, Iowa. W. Toroo aud wife, J. W. Barksdale, Ala. W. II. Washington, Seale, Ala. Attention ! As my Address on elementary Aoiu- oui.TUiiAL Chemistry, teaching tho cheap est and shortest means for procuring and compounding manures, is enthusiastically received aud heartily endorsed by almost every intelligent planter in this section, and that I may be compensated in a meas ure somewhat commensurate with the acknowledged merits of Iho production and value of the information convoyed, I do from this date establish the price ut 50 coots per copy. In consideration of this change, I do horeby agree to re fund the money to any farmer who, after readiug the production, will certify to me ho iH not fully satisfied with the invest ment. Thoro is no slavery so hopeless as that which compols a man to support a family by tho cultivation of poor laud. Tho problem to Iks solved by tho South before wo can hope for agricultural roou- poration and prosperity, is cheap and re liable manures. Tho Address solves that problem. I defy the agricultural or sci entific world to disprove ouo fact or posi tion taken in the Address. J. Monroe Lknxard, Columbus, Ga. Tho above work is for sale at the En quires Office, where copies can bo order ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn postage. A liberal discount made to Grangers or farmers ordering a large number. This pamphlet should he in the hands of every planter at this time. ja!3 d&wtf Muscogee Sheriff Sale. YV’ILL be sold on Iho fit at Tuesday iu Match " next, between tho fore the suction house or Rllis .V Harrison. Broad MV'et, Columbus, On., the following described Th- southern part of lota of land number. 49 and 50, lying on the west aide ot Broad aired, fronting . n Broad atreet 40 Lot and running back we at to Bay atreet, with improvements known aa the Southern Express Office, a. the property of the Southern Kxpreaa Company, to satisfy n ti fa i-.aued l.v Muacogee Superior Court in favor of Martin Connor va. Southern Kxpreaa Company. Property pointed out by defendant. b*M oa«4t II. Q. IVKY, Sheriff. 5,000 yards yard wide Bleached Cottons at 12$ cents—worth in the beginning of the season 18c. 5,000 4-4 Sea Island Cotton, 12£ cents, worth 15 oonts. 5,000 yards Spring Prints. 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting. 500 dozen John Clarke's Spool Cotton, only 70 cents. Black Alpaoas only 40 cents—worth in any market 50 cents. Jugla's and Harris' Kid Gloves for ladies and gents. Gonts’ Opera Kids only $1.00. Foxed and plain Cloth Gaiters, Calf and Oil, Goat Shoos, made to order aud warranted not to rip. Gents’ Hand-Sewed Shoes at cost. •&J’ Remember, the Virginia Store is on the west side of Broad street. Peiton, Gordon & Co. ja27 deod&wtf To Make Boom for Spring Business I will oontiune to soil my entire Stock of Dry Goods at and below cost. Many goods at half price. I am receiving largo lines of Domestic Goods at lower prices than have been known for 15 years. 5,000 yards 4-4 Bleached Cotton worth lfic' 5,000 4-t Sea Island Cotton 12Jo, worth 10c. Wide Shootings and other goods iu same proportion. 500 dozen Spool Cotton at 70c per dozen; New and beautiful Calicoes at 10 and 11c/ Hamburg Edges and other white g.ods chenp; Black Alpacas, the most beautiful i have ever shown. Cloths and Cam meres and Gent's f urnishing goods. All Factory goods at Factory prices. Shoes made to order and warranted good. All consumers should avail themselves of this opportu nity. II. T. Cbioler. feblOeod Clearing Out Sale. In order to dispose of my Worsted Dress Goods, already marked at very low pricos, thoy will bo still further reduced 10 por cent, from present figures. fob(5 ood J. S. Jones. More of tboso excellent Shoes, still selling ut cost, at Crioler’s. • To Arrieo: A now lot Prints and Bleached Domes tics, which will be offered at cost, at febG eod J. S. Jones*. Coats’ and Ulnrk’s Spool Cotton, 70 conts per dozeu, at feb(J ood J. S. Jones’. Men's Furnishing Goods, Fine ClothB und (JuHsiuieres are selling ut a sacrifice ut Cbioleb'h. Delay is Dangerous.’ Previous to stocking up in spring, a choice lot of White Goods, Chock Mus lins, Jaconets, Linen Lawns, Table Liu- eus, &o„, ere still offered at coat. As the nbAve will bo in steady request in a few weeks, a very little delay will result iu enhanced pricos. fobff _ J. S. Jones. Coats’ and Clark's Spool Cotton at 70c. per dozen, at Blanchard's, 123 Broad st. Tho Fine-Cut Smoking Tobacco at Bchlkr'b, new Cigar and Tobacco Stove, on Randolph street, next door to Chap man's Drug Storo. feblu tf The original “Lone Jack” Tobacco at Boiileu's new Cigar and Tobacoo Store. feblS tf For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec2ltf <imat Things. Go to the ltuby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. octl5 tf Elder Flower Lotion cureB Chapped Hands and smooths and softens the Skin. For snlo at Moffett's Drug Store. dec21 tf Something new—tho “Culobra” Cigar. Try it; at Buhlor’s new Cigar and To bacco Storo. feb8 tf Dry Hoods at Low l'rices, Lnudnuer & Bro. having disposed of a large lot of dry goods to prepare for tho spriug trade, offer to sell the bulanoe of their stock, until their new goods arrive, at tho very lowest prices. They invite the attention of buyers to their articles. If their prices do not suit the views of buyers, they will mako prices that will. They ask that all may call, and they guar, antee satisfaction, both as to quality and charges. They havo a mngnificeut stock of goods, and they consider it a pleasure to show their fabrics. Give them a call, tf * ^ Tho genuine Perique Smoking Tobacco at Rubier s now Cigar aud Tobacoo Storo, on Randolph street, west of Enquiror office. _ fel>8 tf Buhler's now Cigar and Tobacco Store is open. feb8 If Winter Cassimeres and Dress Goods less than actual cost, at Blanchard’s, 123 Broad st. Tho largest assortment of Imported Havana Cigars, at Buhler's now Cigar and Tobacco Store, on Randolph street, west of Enquirer office. feb8 tf Bedaetion for Cash '. A. Gauimill has reduced prices for cash payments for hire. Call at his stables. Oglethorpe street. ja29-lm The genuine imported “Henry Clay” cigar at Buhler's new Cigar and Tobacco Store, ou Randolph street, west of En quiror office. • feb8 tf Full lines of Bleached and Brown Homespuns, at cost at fel Blanchard's. Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J. Moffett, 74 Broad 8t. dec21 tf A fresh supply of the best Prints at teu ceuts per yard, at Blanchard’s. Factory Chocks ot 14c. per yard at Blanchard’s. T. E. Blanchard is still offering bis stock of Dry Goods, without reserve, at Cost! Tailors. Builders and Architects. J. O. MONTIE, Tailor. Cutting aud waking iu th« latest sty leu. Re|iulr lug *n J denning n-utly done, at reasonable prices Lawyers. .Joseph F rou, Attorney at Law, anti Judge of County Court. Practices In all other Coin ta. Office over storo of W. 11. Itobarts A Co., Broad St. Ja23 SAMUEL B. HATCHER. Attorney at Law. j»20 uffio" aver witticii A KlnaePs. J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice* iu court* of Ueorgiauud Alabama. Office 130 Broad fct., (over Halstead & Co.’*. INLiltAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorney* at Law, Will (iructicc in tire State aud Federal Courts o Georgia. JuS A. A. DOZIER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Practices In tstnto ami Fed oral Courts in Georgia UG llrom rolumbuB, Ga. juO Mark H. Bi.andfobd. Louis F. Garrard. ULANDFOIiD A GARRARD, Attorney* mid Counsellor* at I.nw. Office No. 07 Broad street, over Wltticb A Kill- Iry Storo. Will prucl se|>4 ml Federal Com Jas. M. ItUSSKtL. .Chas. J. Swii It CSS EL I. A SWIFT, Attorney* ui.U Ouuuqullors ai Lnw. Will prm in tho (Joints ol Georgia (Chattahoochee Girt L. T. DOWN I NO, Attorney mid Solicitor. nk rupl' Olllci rug More, Columbus, Ga. PEAHODY A DRANNON, Attorney* nt Low. ex J. Ennis A Co.’s Storb, Broad St., vl*J West Side. R. J. MOSES, Attorney mid Cotin*ellor. nt Law, icorgia lloinu Insurance Company building, »cc _uct7iy] otid story, CHAS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney tkt Law, Colmubn*, On. Office over A cep A Murdoch'* store. [novlti Doctors. DR. COLZEY. Office corner of St. Clair aud Ogle- Jlco hour*—7 to 0 A. m., 12 to 2 p. m , sop27 dtr. DR. S. II. LAW. Office corner Broad and Randolph Mreots, Burr building. Residence on Forsyth, throe doors below St. Cla Jn« Dll. J. A. IJlUll’HART, Office at C. J. Moduli’* Drug Store, Broad sire itosldcnce on Sr, Clair, between Broad and Dlt. J. V. COOK, Druggists. .J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Chemicals, ro.scriptiouB carelnliy prepared. •id No 100 Broad Htreot. DR. J. L. ClIENEY A SON, brugaiit* and pr.-acriptionists. rgi> assortment of l.umi’a Garden Seed*. Crawford ctroet, muter Rankin House. C. U. I'ALlIFIt, Licensed Apothecary One door ubovo Virginia Grocery. 4A“ Physicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty. dec 17 j Night boll to loft ot door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two door* below Goo. W. Brown’s, veet, Columbus, Ga. Night Bell r FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, Druggist, Randolph, oust of Broad Street, Columbia . Ga. A. 51. UR AN NON, West Side, Ukoad Street, Columbus, Ga., WhoIcNtile mid Retail Dealer In Drug* and 5Icdieine*, Toilet Article* and Ferfiinicry. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Mai i of Sheetings, Shirtings, and Sewing and Knitting Thread. Curd* Wool nnd Grinds Wheat and Corn- Offlce iu rear of Wlttich A Klnsel's, Randolph st. Jal8 "it. II. CHILTON, President. 911’SCO GEE MANUFACTURING CO. Mauufacturora of SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. 0. p. SWIFT, President. W. A. BW1FT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal )y. Watchmakers. C. SCllOMltURG, ‘tieal 'Wutehmakei' and Jeweler, Successor to L.Gutowsky, Watches und Clock C. II. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, :, Columbus, Gn. .■paired in the b( jail J. II. PALMER, Practical Watch maker mid Jeweller, Cody’s building, Ureal St., Columbus, Ga. Ail kin-1* ScwiiiK Machines repaired. Noddies, Oil* aud At'.uchu,vuts for all iiuvchijp s. Idoc'/H Tobacco, Cigars, fltc. C. LOPEZ, Dealer in and Mnniifneturer of Fine Cigar*, J»*'J N.arB.oad Street Depot. 91 HER DORN, Dealer iu Fine C igar*. Pipe* mid fh-wing Tobacco. Bctwui-n Georgia Home aud Muscogee Home. Grocers. J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale mid Retail Grocer, INHAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Produce Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Dank BuilVllng. Porters at all the trains. J«U MRS. W. F. SNIDER. Propr’s* J. G. CHALMEKN, House i'arpeutcr and Builder. Jobbing dune at short notice. Plans and apecldvatlons furnished tor all styles i T buildings Broad Street, next to G. W. Brow u ’s, ja'd Columbus, 0 Confectioners. I. G. 8TRUPPER, Candy Manufacturer All kind* of Confectionery and Fruits, btlek Candy 18 cents. N’ i charge for boxes. Ja24 Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale mid Exchange Stable*, CuLETitoRPE, North or Randolph Sts., oct3Q Columbus, (iu. A. GAMMEL, Livery mid Nnle Stable*, OULKTHOBPE ST , COLUMBUS, Ga. Particular attoution given to Feeding nud Sub- hies by the of Stock. Horses and Mules boarded ii Boarding Houses. M118. NEWMAN. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad Street. The best < f For igu und Domestic Liquors an I Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Wurkcr in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. J»7 No. 171. Broad 8»reot, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stall* No. :: and 18, Murltei^lousc. Fresh Aleuts of every kind and best quality. Mattress-.VIaking, &c. thorpe and Bridge Mi Dentists. W. F. TIGNEK, Dentist, ruppor’s building, Randolph St. :ion given to the insertion of Arti- well as to operative Dentistry. T. XV. HENTZ, Dcutist. Ii A Brother's store. W. T. POOI., Dentist, I'd Broad St., f.iluiulim W. J. FOGLE, Dentist, •"rglii Home Building, Cr Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP E1FLER, nud Lock with, Cruwlord street, ue> Joltytsr.n's corner, Columbus. Ga. WILLIAM SCHODEIt, Gun and Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Ma Dress-Making. HISS SI. A. IIOI.I.IN'GSWORTH, iv»a-Mii! mi?, Cutting and fitting. Tt-rtusclifnl llMUoi,™ iiml.lioii in Urottnovlllc. Peed Store. JOHN ITTZUIIIUONS, III, I Itrt 111 U, nk.r III liny, I 0 ''" TtmV’i.iMo lull'. 111,0 Barber Shops. LOUIS WTXLS’ SHAVING SAI.OON, ALEX A SAM, J |>8 B.vauuta, Sr. Clair Stkset. El>. TERRY, Hurber, C r R"'ferd St., under Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. Boot and Shoemakers. Dederiu Lumber and Findings. Next to C Redd A Co.’s. Prompt and stria attention^ Piano Tuning;, fitc. E. W. RLAU, Repairer and Tuner of l’inuocs, Molode.-.n* u n<j Accordcnns. Sign Painting also done. Bilnkt,™ l “ b8kf ‘ M J - lt»l Si.rumii’. LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, Attornoy-at-Iiaw UUSSETA, t/lIATTAHOOUIIKE Uo., 0*4 ^Special attoution given to collections HINES DOZIER, ~~ Attorney at Law, IIAMII.TON, GA., W ILL I'mctlco in tin. Cliiittnlinoohoo Circuit or tiny el,,.. All kind of in.llei-tlnu. DOCTORS. Dr. S. J. AUSTIN inlnil Snrvleealo Hi, vicinity. II.. 1 of titedf • ui in tr. Office in I'rofuntoN l.ullding, Pr. Cheney’s Dru Dr. John H. Carriger, S URGEON AND PHYSICIAN. OOlc. iniitli.ut corner Broad unit .trei.iii, nrer EPPIiVG S BUCHP Notice to all Purchasers ef this Excellent Compound Extract of Euchu. S »NB YOUR OKDKRS TO l„ 1'IEUCK k CO., ’ Coin lull US, Ciu., and you will get the Genuine, Original Extract. There 18 NO OUTSIDE AGENCIES—EITHER SPECIAL OR GENERAL. I am individually Sola Proprietor. L. PIERCE. carriaces. COLUMBUS CARR] A repository. ' My Stock of BUCCIES, phaetons andSUNDOWnJ IS NOW OOMPLETB, n„d »,,i , S S limn siicl, work ,v M ™?VlbrVVl M l L «J mm ki t lor UASll. T |„, “*■»! In , luvttinl to .com tiowmid olrmimworkjniint'.i TH0S. K. WYNNE ’ Opposite Perry Houle, Columbus, Qj POBCASH. FfOR THIRTY DAYS I w,|| J „ L tuaiudor ol my st<>< k of superb 1 tL ' MILBURN, STUDEBAKEsI PLANTATION WAC0NS at cost: 1 2-llonio Iron Axle IVagon, worth$ii;, I iM Ilorso Iron Axle Wagon, “ sp'i/ L 4-Horse “ •< « s. i.JJ Orders containing the money v in i,. ,. filled. Send full shipping direettona, TH0S. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry House, Fid. I'J-cud&wlm Commbui, Q,. lottery. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. 10,000 Prize9 to be Given Away, Amounting to $250,000, all In Cunuif, 'TlIIIRenterprifO U conductod hv th» MA«0\ 1 UKL1KF ASdU IATIONOKNG FOLK Y, under authority of the Virginia heg.W j.assod March 8 l«73.) for H e pur, f\ Hunts to complete the M TtMl’L III course of erection ill Norfolk, 'll,.',, individual Item fits lo ho derived f. ( , m taklt g—U is wholly In tho cvnse t.f Concert will positively take place, n * Tuesday, tho 5th of May, IsM, and no furtliur postponomeut is gnaruitp,.|, LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift •)ne Grand Cash Gift ' «’.te Graud Cash (.ill •and Cm lie Gr 24 C.ii ud Citfli Graud Total, 10,(Kiu Gifts, all cash llHifr Whole TUk-ts, *5: Half Ti« ke *, $>&•». cjn Hates—11 Tickets for LI.; 22 Tickets forfl'-i. DIR EC 10HS AND ADVI.'OIIY BOA Kb John I. liopor, President; John B Uorrro I’rotiMirer; James Y Leigh Walt r 11 Teylw.tti ' Oldlit-M, John A Resson. D.i.b-I Hint'd Hi i tin II Wales, M II Stevena, 8 Weil, Jilin T lb moud. ii s Excellency Ex.Govf-rr.or fil!!-. rt C Wdk- "ol Katier Bigg-, 1* Ii P; John K McPac el.l> ommandtr, .1 .1 liurn.ughs,\m>lLWs' Virginia Legislature; Koh t f. W iIh**iIi Mil t* and D G C of -• (; Col Titos F Owen«, I’ O) lohn U Whitehead. Kv,. ( \ Mnvnr; fed \\ HT» HENRY V MOORE.Ft tnic Relief .ciuiou, Ne; r Mu tli r p inim ar- i.pp’y MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDSE, I'RAtlKAl. Engineer and Machinist, H AVING taken tho Machine Phop In Gcctcliiu* Planing M ils, is now prepared to rt.> l ’ >voi k in his I no with promptness, nndati'H>.-i .U low us similar work can ba done in lit- kn». {Special attention given to Mill Work and Repairs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEE!'. No need of Bonding work to neighboring cities. Public patronage solicit*!. , , , ju23 ileu'liwlci DRUCS AND MEDICINES. GtHIFFIN, J. I. IMPORTED PERFUMERY El AND mSOi fancy goods A-r iti;in « i:i> prices. All goods guar into d. Pr- eci'iption* ■ • fully prepared at ail liours. J. I. GItIH IV JalS deodswly 100 Pr- ■' SADDLES AMD HARNESS. NOTICE- T HE nmlorslgnoil, tvltli tho Alow of »rr;»ti t lit.™. to cl,mi. It up ot nt. .-crlj c.j. otter, lit. entire id SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, And other goods In liis line, At Very Reduced Prices! FOR CASH ONLY! and to be convinced, please rail and examine und prices. N.B.—Ail persons who nr.* Indebted lo in* «• requested to call aud settle without further near H. MIDDLEBR00K. Od by continued use In"over 300.000 'families. Millions of gallons have boon sold chlent—direntiy or Indirectly—has ever occ rod front burning, storing or handling u- Tho Immenseyeat iy loss to life and pr«»I ® >• resulting irmn Uie uso ol cheap ami ‘ ,: ‘ n e tr oils in tho United States, is appallD'K’, Tbo Insurance Companies and Hr* ‘ slot.'vrs throughout tho country recuuunen' 11 '' , ASTRAL, as tho host salcguard when hi'“l aro usod Bond lor circular. .... H „d For sale nt retail by tho trade gone ran )• ^ at wholoealo by the proprietors, CM a'i-, PR ATI’ is. CO., 108 Fulton street, MJJg ‘ CHEMICALS—PURE! FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS. AT LOW PRICE?. E. C. HOOD & BRO'