The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 28, 1874, Image 2

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(OLUMItlM: HA'JTKDAY FEBUUAUY 28, 1874. ««~M> si’KS KIPTION KDCKIVKD L’NLtihS PAID FOU IN ADVAXCH. Advertisers should romoinber that tc- luorrow our lurgo Sunday edition will bo publiKhod, and sond in their curds in time. Wo huvo u little space left. Ex President Johnson has unnouncod himself a candidate for Congress in the Greenville District of East Tonuosseo. The women’s ternporuuco crusade in Ohio ih, according to the Cinciunuti Coin- mere,ini, multing tho politiciuus in that Slate very uneasy. The Indies havo boon besieging tho liquor saloons of Columbus, Ohio, for two woeks, night and day, and »h yot not one of the liquor men has surrendered. One or both parties must bo nearly tired out. Some gentlemen think it would bo im prudent to publish the list of our delin quent subscribers. Perhaps so ; but if they do not pay us, now that wo need money, they huvo injured us all they can, and in that most sensitive place—tho pocket. What 1ms become of tho Register in Chancery? Are tho Opelika authorities, in sympathy for his solf-inflictod wound, going to give tho Register another chance to get drunk, shoot his little pistol off the street, and intimidate with his drunk- on bravado the guardians of tho peace? Chisolm is in jail. Had be waited till Bodoll went on a visit to Alabama, lie might, havo killed him and entered bail on tho spot. Tliero are a dozen worse murderers walking free in tho few coun ties ovor tho river. Atlanta, unlike Ala bama, is evidently not tho murderers’ purudiso. The Marietta Jourmtl has a suspicion that a stranger, who went afoot to a houso nour Marietta on Friday night, and bought a horse, saddle and bridle, paying orbitunt price for them, and then rode hurriedly away, was John Chisolm. P says that tho man answered tho doscrip tion of Chisolm. The Atlanta llernld haft hoard a report that Geueral 11. L. Henning, of this city, will bo n candidate for Congress, and that paper truly adds : “General Henning muu of sploudid ability, of oouimunding reputation, and of integrity absolute. Wo should like vory much to hoo him it CongreBS.” ~Tms Kansas State Grange adopted roso- lutiunu requesting tho K msos Legislature to puss n prohibitory liquor law, and de claring that no person who r«*iails liqtn shall bo admitted to the Order. Also de claring that tho good and tho highest happiness of an enlightened, tuous and prosperous peoplo arothe legit imate results of a thorough and practical education dill'mcd among the masses. It is said tho grand army of the Re public has, at Rochester , N. Y., invited Admiral Hemmed to lecture beforo them. And why not? Our information on tho war, and on everything olso national is too one sided, and until tho actors on holb sides are brought into closer contact aud sympathy, history will not ho able to discriminate between tho truth and fic tion. The State Executive Committee of tho Democratic party of Alabama uiot in Montgomery on Thursday. Evory mom- her of the Committee, except four, was in attendance. It was resolved to call a Btato Convention on tho 20th of July, uml a committee of six was appointed to prepare and publish an nddross to tho people. Tho committee iH composed of Col. Rob't Tyler, chairman, uml Messrs. T. H. Bethea, U. 11. Powell, Wiu. B. Modawell, W. D. Bulgor and J. F. John ston. The Supremo Court of Alabama, on Thursday, reversed a judgment of guilty against two negroes of Dallas county for burglary. The ground of reversal win that the indictment charging them witli breaking into a house in which cotton in tho seed was stored, did not aver that such cotton was a thing of value; tbe Supreme Court holding that though the torius “goods and merchandize’’ import things of value and w ill bo so considered without the uvortuent, “cotton in tho sood" dooH not! A Washington correspondent of tho New York Tribune, after a careful can vass of the opiuions of all the Senators, com os to the conclusion tliit there is a majority of ten or more votes iu the Somite for inllation in somo form or another. He says that tho West and South are practically united in its favor, while tho East presents a still firmer front in opposition. The opiuhm of each indi vidual Senator ou tho quoslion is suc cinctly stated. Texas is said to be tilled with scamps from the Northern States, who are making immense sums of money out of tho igno rant negroes, selling them “free pupe “pro-oioption stakes,” aud “hair straight- oners," besides cheating them iu ings batiks. How long will those poor people permit themselves thus to be the dupes of tricksters and adventurers, \vh rob them under tho plea of political ayui pathy! Wo ouruestly hope for tho day when the black men will show they free-men ami uot the slaves of n party A London correspondent of the New York World says that tho Conservative triumph iu tho late British elections means simply that “Englaud is resolved to cling to her boer and her Bible, her gin aud hi Gospel, her national religion and her u tional beverage." It seems to us that this association of things is not exactly ortho dox, if it is even eutirely free from lege : and tho demagogical boast that “the voice of tho people is the voice of God" won't help the matter at all. Tho districts comprising tho city of London elected 11 Liberals and 10 Con servatives— u Conservative gain of 9. UEOUU1A XEWk. —A disease resembling the epizooty prevails iu Washington county. —A preacher in Colquitt county, Par son Tucker, is said to be the father of thirty-two children. —After the 11th of March only two steamers per week will rim between Sa vannah aud New York. —Tho Governor has nominated, and tho Senate has confirmed, W. F. Janes as Judge of the County Court of Polk. —Hugh Brice, of Tipton, Indiana, died at the Planters' Hotel, in Havaunah, on Wednesday. lie had come South in quest of health. —Tho monument to tho Confederate dead iu Athens will soon be completed. It will bo dedloated on the Gth of March with suitable ceremonies. —On the 17th, Wash McDaniel, a mur derer, escaped from Wilkinson county jail. Ho had been convicted aud was waiting sentence. —The Tbomasville Enterprise says that the United Friends of Temperance havo now in their organization vory nearly all the “hard cases" iu that community. —Throe negrooH (Wesley Coleman, Manco Bolden and Robert Bradley) wuy- laid and shot Monday Brady, iu Lee coun ty, on Thursday of last week. They were all arrostod and committed for murder. —Matt White has been arrested at Mad ison, charged with an uttompt to assasst- uato Mr. J. \V. Crichton, who lives near that place. Two shots wore tired into Mr. C.'s house at night, one of which woaud- ed Mrs. C. —At Dalton, on Saturday night, as Alf. Burnett was performing iu the ball, and a crowd was collected around the door, a difficulty arose botween a white man named Dyer aud a negro barber. Dyer drew a knife and cut tho negro dan gerously iu five places. The doctors i think his case ruther doubtful. —Tho Romo Commercial reports tho ' suicide of a cow in its city, occasioned by her eating a quantity of horso radish, which ho stimulated or excited her that she ran down to tho river and plunged in. If she had not made a cowslip iu oating horse radish, this eitoct would not have ! — A North Carolinian named Camp has appeared in Atlanta, with an old deed for that can bo giv. Lot No. 77,containing 202J acres,and cov- ! p»t'»di», bilious < . ., i 4: . - f. . ’ , , headache, fever and agin*. nervous deb ill»y, or or or,n B i. lur«u pu lluu of tbe oily, luolud- „ My d i«„nl..r aUbctlng tbi .lomarli, tho llvo-or ing the Kimball Houso, a section of kidneys, is to tone. cleans, nn<l regulate these lm- Whitehall street, Ac. From the wav tho l*ortnnt organa by tho usnof DR. I UTT’S VKflKT- Herald notices liis claim we nnnnnsn that ! 1 ,M ' K bfVKIt Plbl.S. They net very mildly, yot Jieruiu nonces uis Claim wo suppose mat ttioron K t>ly restore the functional action of tho tho present occupants of the immense digestive) organs and tho intistinoa uml renovate property which it embraces are not at all the whole system. They produce neither nauHon, disposed to duouuip. ALABAMA t. N. NEXATORBIIIl*. j A report from tho Senate Committee on | Eloctioue, ou the contested cane of Sykes f vs. Spencer, is now daily expected—both sides having had a hearing before the Comuiittoe. As it is thus likely to be soon presented in a shape that may lead to an early decision, a brief review of the diffi culties attending tho case may be timely aud acceptable. When the Legislature met, in the fall of 1872, there were contests for the Representative Boats from Barbour coun ty, and for the Senatorships of Marengo and Barbour, and perhaps one othor coun ty. The Democratic candidates hold tho regular certificates of election to thoso seats, and had a clear majority of mem bers in both branches with proper creden tials. But tho Republicans claimed that their eandidutes received a majority of tho votes in these counties, and that the voles for them thrown out for irregularity wero improperly rejected. They therefore refused to moot with the Democrats unti^ tho Republican claimants from Barbour uud Marengo wore given tbe scuts for which tho Democrats hold tho regular certificates. Tho consequence was that each party organized a Legislature sep arately, and each made a quorum—the Democrats by admitting mombers whose soats wero contested and who wero after- warda turned out, hut all of whom had credentials in proper form, und tho Re publicans by admitting contesting mem bers from Barbour and Murongo who had no authentic crolen ials. Thus tho two bodies comhiuod contained six or eight members moro than a full L filature, and wo believe that tho Republican Senate oven then lacked one of a quorum. Tho Democrats organized and held their ses sions in tho Stato House or capitol, aud the Republicans iu the Gourt-houso of Montgomery. Tho Republican Legisla ture elected Spencer, and tho Democratic Legislature Sykes. After this, tho two bodies still incoting separately, Attorney General Williams proposod a compromise, tho terms of which wo need not purticulurizo, but which was acoeptod by both partios. resulted in the giving of the seats for Barbour and Marengo to tho Republicans, making tho House consist, wo think, of 58 Republicans aud 17 Democrats, and leaving the Democrats a majority of ouo in the Hen ate. It was then cluimed by tho Demo* crats that tho Legislature thus consolida ted and purged under tho compromise, ought to hold another election for Sena tor ; but Spencer’s friends iu tho I Inline defeated this proposition, becunso they feureil that, though tho Legislature joint session was still Republican, it might uot contniu a majority friendly to Spencer—the fidelity of two or throe Re publicans to him being suspected. It it apparent, therefore, that tliero aro three sides to the contest for tho seats—out claiming tho rogulnr election of Sykes, one tho rightful election of Spencer, aud tho third that tboro ought to huvo been a now oloction after tho Legislature was aonsolidatod and properly organized. A decision by tho Supremo Court of the Stato adds much to tho complication of tho case. Both bodios, while aiding sepa rately, olectcd Stato Frintors, and the Supreme Court being nppoaled to to sottlo tho dispute botwoou them, recognized tho Republican or Court-house Legislature <u tho geuuino and properly organized body This is regarded as a side procoodiug greatly strengthening Spencer's claim, and ho and his friends have tried to make tho case turn upon it by pleading that Cougross ought to accept this decision of the imho as final and couelusivo. We have thus endeavored to prosout tho points of tho caso fairly for tho un derstanding of tho reader, without ex pressing our owu opinion. Whou tho ro- port is lundo wo can better judgo whothor the decision disposes of the undeniablo difficulties and intricacies of tho caso ac cording' to real justice aud safe prece- dent, or only in accordance with tho nar row interests of party. The reports that there was considera ble trouble among the Massachusetts Con gressmen about thePresid ent’s liomuution of one Simmons to bo Collootorof Customs for Boston, find confirmation in soiuo pro ceedings and letters that havo boou made public. It seems from these publications that the President, finding that tliero much opposition to his nomiuoo, told tho delegation that if they would substantially agree upon any person, ho would uom inuto him, iustoad of Simmons, ns Col lector. Whereupon rovou of tho Con groRsmou addressed tho President a let- roootumending the appointment of Win. 1.. Hurt, F. W. Lincoln, or I “it, !?!:? I MEDICINES GROCERIES. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. A New Enterprise! * ELLIS & HARRISON, i wholesale lieal Estate Agents ! r Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. BANKS. OFFICE OF Til* s of tho t*ui roun linn country that he THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Thin unrivaled Medicine in ** arranged not to con tain a single particle of Mxrcoxt, or any Injurious mineral substance, hut is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing thou* Southern JtootH and Her bn which un nil wis® Provldooee baa placed In countries where f.fver f .(senses moot prevail. If will cure nil DIwimiwcn riuiRcd by Ileroiige- iiiout of the Liver uml Iloweln. Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine Is eminently a Family Medicine; und by being kept ready lor immediate resort will save many an hour of NiiffuriiiK and many a dollar in time aud from p rsons of tlie highest character ami respon sibility. Eminent physicians commend it an the MOST EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR may lie faced without t is the Cheapest, Purest, and Heat Fum'Iy Medicine in the World ! MAN UK A CTURKI) ONLY 11V J. II. ZEILIX & CO., MACON, OA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price. Sold by all Druggist*. J. T. HOLLAND IJ1AKES pleasure in notifying Merchant* hbJuir’tc'r^n ' South* rn city. in atm.* ; • * * worth "i U.-icon. Ac.*, purchased LOW FilluHK?, and will keep hia ato ktuli up, upply any demniiua. Having located THE RETAIL HOUSE OF Holland Baker 18 NOW OPEN, with u full line of Groceries and Staple Goods, Ja28 dim] adaptod to the trado. AND AUCTIONEERS, t Tf ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALE. ! YV KENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE in tho City aud enuutry, and will advertiao the ] same (at privato Halo) FRKF OF CHARGE, illileaa tho property is sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAN D, boiug tho west por tion 01 lli" “Nance lot," on Itryau a root, adjoining the residence of Hon. M. J. Crawford. Call soon if you want u bargain. fobl'2 tf CITY LOT No. dll, on McIntosh street, with thrro dwelling* ou the same. Will bo sold together or separate, ut a low figure, fur with. (u27 interest. The property can interest on the investment. F. A. POMEROY, AT ISOOIIEH’S COUNEU, ( ALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fish, “ Mobile Cabbage. “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Fresh Crackers, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. 8 ppliea and Fancy Gro i r.'o* ..V w.ll I 0 found at tho conn- d to wait un hi* former cm- iho patronage uf tliepul>lic i.* fel 28 Dissolution Notice. THE BEST ADVICE ngainat >li< i und all who ai * imlcbte I to tli All paiLe* havlug claims them for payment, firm are irqueated that no other dye does, •et ia instantaneous, and so natural that it c not be detected by the closest observer. I harmless and cosily applied, mid ia In general i amontr the fashionable hairdressers iu every la city in tin* United State*. Price $1 a box. 8 everywhere. iikness, and without change of diet or o"cup»ti<i 1 Prieo 25c a box. Sold by all druggists. The Now Orleans Picayune of Thurs- day reports tho nrrival of four barges with fifteen, thousand bushels of coal from Ar- DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE komns, said to bo equal to Pennsylvania possesses qui nuthracito. The tuiues are on the Arkan sas river, near Hpndrn, and the coal cuu bo laid down at Now Orloans nt live dol lars per ton. An Item or llUlory. Under this head wo find tho following iu tho Romo Commercial: Tho removal of General J. E. Johnston and tho appointment of Hood to coru- m*w d tbo army confronting Sherman at Atlnni.i is generally attributed to Mr. Da vis. 'Ibis is contradicted by Hon. B. Ii. Hill, ib hia speech delivered recently iu Atlanta before tho Historical Society. Wo «P 0C, f l blo, "' f il '«» ''ft ho nine too nth century." Tho consider it of the greatest importance that immunity from danger! whether administered to the truth in regard to tho origin, objects children or ndult*, adapt ft for tho widely popular and the conduct of Iho war of the Federal ! IM0 11 11,18 '“tuliR-d. Non * would long suffer from Govorniuout ugninHt tho Stiffen should he L’.'-'Vi.''by‘tli!I 'limsd”. 0 "iy'ltt'.TroolynJo'ol'l ascertained and promulgated. Tho socrot puimonary diaoa* * tnay ba arrested and cuusninp- onemies of tho Southern causo, and those tion—th- acourgo that swoops away thousands who sought tojngrstielo themsolyes will. ySkJtlSft R. Q. WILLIAMS, T. J. PEARCE, J, W. IIODO. January HO, 1874. In retiring from tin* firm of Williams, Pearce .t Ilodo, I tako pleasure in returning thanks to my friends and < uhtumors for tho liberal patronage heretofoie exteudod, aud respectfully recommend I them to tbo now 11 rm of T. J. PEARCE A CO., | ' v,| o ,ir, ‘ detorminod not to bo undorsold. i J aai lm _ JOHN W. IIODO. | T. J, Pearce & Co., (Successors to Williams, Pearce k Ilodo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, :c: i ... .ib stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c. Which will he fold low and strictly for rash. J“*d rj '» T J. PEARCE k CO. A NEW LOT OF tho Fodorals, masqnod their npostney nnd I reason under a deceitful pretence of hos tility to what thoy termed tbo obstinacy aud tyranny of Davis. Thoy wero loud iu thoir denunciation of the removal of Johnston from tbo command, und attribu ted it to tho hostility of Mr. Davis. Yet Mr. Hill, who hud ample moans of know ing the truth, status that this much blamed rcmovul wus not the work of Mr. Davis. If thoso who abused Mr. Davis lmd boon half as faithful and dovoted as he was, tho war might have hud a vory different result. it. will find by taki ; to bed they will enjoy unbroken si calling rest. Having a very plei*m»"t For Sale. A MAGNIFICENT PLANTATION of 2,0 acres, in Rol.ver county, Mississippi, in dwi otwfon Memphis und Vicksburg. Before th" w luterpillur a K*k phi. thcr particulars apply I U. J MOSES, feb28 Iw Goorgia llomo Building. Take Notice. HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, Cara. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, New York Bellies, (Ice cured); Cream Cheese. Goshen Butter, Capers and Horse-Radish, Messina Lemons, | , ii^p' , ct°r:i"t Queen Olives and Bay Rum. H. F. ABELL & CO. fob32 sepG tf Pure Applo Vinegar, 50c per gallon; White Wine Vinegar, 50c per gallon; Choice N. Y. Stato Buckwheat Flour; N. 0. Soft A Sugar, 7 pounds for $1; 11 Yellow Clarified Sugar, 8 lbs for $1; Bakers' Premium Chocolate; New Zant Currants, 12 l-2c per lb.; Now Turkish Prunes, 16 2-3c per lb.; J^N thirty clays from this date, having the con sent of my husband thereto, I will becotuo ; Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, ! Under the Rankin House. my24 diwtf .1. W. RYAN, Prop’r. VALENTINES. Valentines for 1874 A DESIRA1ILE HOUSE AND LOT, with acres ground, In K. depot; u very i __.e mile from 8. W. It. . .able and desirable home. HOUSE with five good rooms, within 200 yards of Southwestern Railroad depot, one-half acre ground. For Rent. A STORE HOUSE in tho valley of Talbot county, at a cross-road, three miles of tho Chalybeate Spring*. A very desirablo location for a Dry Goods and Grocery business. sep!7 By Ellis S, Harrison. O N TUESDAY, 3d March, 11 o’clock, we will sell iu front of store, A Fine Harness Horse, Buggy and Harness. By ELLIS & HARRISON. TIll'**TF.E’S HALE OF Desirable Dwelling Building Lots. and 0 N TUESDAY, 3D MARCH, 11 o’clock, wo dl in front of, THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ground attached, and three vacant with Uuildiu’g Lots id street, opposite by Win. II. Hughes, trust* o Toi m* cash, 'i itlo* perl* < FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent, I'IIK HOARDING HOUSE on slice nown as tho “Homo IIou*'* ’’ Also, a I’iano for rout ..r -ih*. Apply to MRS. ANN ADAMS, Jackson Street. Manufacturing CompY Columbus, Geor«i a Paid up Capital, Si,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE HART OF THE UPEKATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A SI,fa nail reliable, nrranj/oment f or ,,, beneficial aecnmPtiion cf the earnioj, of artinma and ell cthijr clawes, tbi, Compuny fcaa 6SlabIinhed, under SPECIAL OHAHTEH F110M THE STATE OP GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages offered lo Depositora of eilher large or small amouuts: 1. PERFEC T SECURITY. The (insets of tho Company woro on the 1st of Jaauaiv 1878 31,704,459 Li aud nro Btoadily increasiug. Tho ltesorvo Fund is *2117 7ci; <i*> All of which property Ih pledged act of tho General AssomUr for tho protection of Depositors • end | 3 addition, by the sumo net, the Stockholm era of tbo Company aro made INDIV11). ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion to their shares, for tho integrity of tL» Savings Department uud its oertiflcatMuf Deposit. 2. LIBEL YL INTEREST. Rate allow,*,! Seven per coot, per annum, compounds,! four times a year. 3. DEPOSITS can bo withdrawn atn: time without notice. Depositors r.i.sidihf out of tho city cun duw deposits |>, feb: checks. 4. For Rent. milK 8.M ALL DWKLL1NG 8RCOND gr-rA, ..O r .i.,rtli of M»b. TuMlc School, Jack- *011 street. Aj.jdy to feb5 tf . FREDERICK & BRO. For Rent. Q LARGE ROOMS, with side entrsneo, with u**e fyj ol parlor and kitchen, l'arties «nn Louru with family on very ruasonahlu terms, if preferred Hou*o is well located. Addr. as jft25 tf L, Box 184. For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TIIK MEDICAL COL- LLUE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, uovfi tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. RULES AND REGULATIONS of tb;> Department furnished upon application, and all desired information given. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. 6. All account* of Depositor* will be a sidered strictly private and confidential, DIRECTORSx N. J. HUSSEY. W. II. YOUNG, \V. E. PARRAM0RK. ALFRED I. YOUNG, CHARLES GRKKN, Preuid.'iit of the Savannah Hank au.l Trim l' 1 LOTTERY. FOURTH Grand Gift Concert FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Halford’s Leicestershire Table Sauce; Unrivaled by any relish. Morgon's Sapolio for houso cleaning, 15c c'k; " Hand Sapolio, 15c per cake; Flour, Meal and Grits, at mill prices. IMiLlYKHUD FliKK OK DUAYAOK. ROB'T S. CRANE, f<*b22 [fobl tWm] Trustee. f ro* Trader. February 2,III IEILKR. fe28 lm* Bankrupt Sale. W f \ O' tho Haukiupt I This will •drlng t John M. Fisko. This letter thoy sent to Senator Boutwoll for his signature, and he nppoars to have made it public. Three of the Massachusetts Representatives, Messrs. Bufilugton, Hooper and Butler, ft fused to sign tho treble recommenda tion, and it yet romains to bo seen whoth or tho l'residout will cousider tho rooom- mendtttiou of three names from which he might make a choice as a “substantial agreement upon uuy person." The Augusta Chronicle says that there Utatam^tinL** is uo object iu tho vioiuity of Augusta j hu* which so attracts tho attention and excites i Hinkrnptcy. N TUESDAY, tho 3d day ,.f March next, will commciK'e tho n,l i Uocts nntl Shoe* OF AM. KI-M.S, i Will luHt VALENTINES AT 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 5l)c, 75c, ?1 and >f2! ooils will bo sold nabd opportunity i purilmso such good*. ISAAC JOSEPH, ft-b27 iw Awlgnoe. Notice iu Bankruptcy. « 1118 is lo give notice that on th** 4th day ' Angus., A. 1*., Is"3 a warrant iu llunkrupt tham.of I uihcrBvill",Co ut Meriwi tl.c.iuid Siutc Georgia, who ha* been a ljuilged a llaukrupt «>n I ovu petition, and that tli * payment of any dele and th** doliteiy ol any properly Im*I>u to»u all j DRY GOODS. ECONOMY! ‘ Do you know that you can Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known houso of JOSEPH & BRO.? JOD PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. ■ Public Library of Kentucky Success Assured! JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER., , A BILL HEAD AM) Statement Paper, also, I VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS I Drawing; until All of wltirl, oan he fiirniKhcd printed nt short no.ioo, AT low Cash JUtks. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tiioa. CJiltoert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, FARM BOOKS. J. W. PEASE & NORMAN. 1 fthO iiiolill ly ! NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. _ | A Masonic Grand Gift Concert! | i 10,000 Prizes to be Given Away, Foreign % Domestic Drv Goods | Amounting to $2.’i0,000, all In Currency. rrtll 18 enterpriro l* condu* ted bv tho MASONIC ± UBLtKF. the interest of htrangers as the old Con federate l'owdor Mills. Whou iu thoir complete state, no buildings in tho South surpassed them for architectural beauty. The mills furnished nearly all tho powder used by the Confederate army during tho war, and wero altogether among tbe finest iu tho world. Since the purchase of tho property by tho city, a portion of the buildings havo boon torn down and the brick used iu tho construction of drains and other buildings. The main portion of the principal building is still outiro. In compliance with tho petition of Col. Rains, some time since, the largo chirn- ney, which is in tbe form of an obelisk, will bo left standing as a monumout of tho past. The Richmond Difjxitch of Friday says otio thousand halos of cotton from Red river wore lying on the wharf of the >, before Lemuel T. Downing, kmitiire, un the 4th day of April, A. !>., 1874, at AV. 1!. SMYTH. United Slates Marshal, a* Me*a"lipe Notice in Bankruptcy. rnina u to give nmt A May, A I». 11*7 1. AS SO 1ATION OF NORFOLK, under authority of the Virgin!» LcgUlutuir pa«** d March 8. ls“.i,) for tii<* purpose uf n funds to complete tlie MASON IU Tl Ml'I.K iu courso uf erection iu Norfolk. There .t individual hemfits to be derived from ibis u taking—it U wholly in the cause if Masonry. Comett will positively tako place • n Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1S74, aud no further postponement is guar .uteol. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift Ouo Grand Ca»h Gift On. Gnui l Cash Gift Oue Gland Caalt lit I BELOW COST! r A' , lit.-ij‘ Spring Stocls: 13 LNRIVAl.tD! lath disti Ge. « w 11,* ha* I petition, and the payment of l the delivery of any property belonging t.» >ankrupt, to him or for his use, and the r of any property by him, are forbidden meeting of tho creditors of held ut a Court of Bankruptcy, the Court House In ** Lemuel T. Downing, day of April, A. 1>. IM . . . be huhleu Newuftu, Georgia, before Register, ou the 4th lock A Ml. SMYTH, United States Marshal, as Messunger. POSTPON ED Administrator's Sale. A GUREAHLY to au order of the Honorable the son. iu the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday In April next, between the u»ual hours of sale, tbe Missouri A Texas railroad, thence tots numbers 21:. aud 2ls, in the city of Columbus, city, the day before. It came to St. Louis via tbe Missouri & by rail to Cincinnati, and water to Hunt ington, tbo western terminus of tha Ches apeake it Ohio road. ol couuty of Muscogei real estate belonging o Mathias Harringer, de- HUUH KELLY. Adm’r. 24 Cash Gift*. $.V*i each '.I Ca*li Uiftt, 2k) each &•) Ca'h Gift*. 2'> 'each 1M) Cash Gifts, l'*C ouch l ‘>" ''ash Gifts, ion each •'»W) Cash Gift**. **«!•}/. Cosh Gifts, 5 each Grsud Total, 10,000 Gifts, all cash.. Whole Tickets, $5; Half Tickois, #,'.60. Club Halts—11 Tickets for |5u; 22 Tickets fur $100. DlKKCl’OKS AND ADVISORY BOARD. John L Roper, President; John 11 Oorprsw, Treasurer; Janu s A' Leigh, Walter II Taylor, Geo 8 Oldfield. John A Russou, Daniel llusted, Wil liam H WuloB, M H Stevens, 8 Well, John T Red mond. His Excellency Ex-Governor Gilbert 0 Walker, Col Kader Bigg*, P II P; John R McDaniel, 1* G Comtnauder; J *1 Burroughs, Capt Samuel L Watts, Virginia Legislature; Rob’t K Withers, U MG Ii P and I) G U of G C; Col Tho* F Owous, P G M; John U Whitehead, Ex-Mayor; Col W II Tay lor, State Senator; James G Bain, 0 C G G C. Masonic Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. . ur.._.u ?r particular* apply to n. HILL, Express Agent. N. B.—For further 11 No. 69 Broad Street. 1v1.11 .'If PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the f*> t that they aro selling Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c., TO CASH Itl' Y10HS, At such prices a- will lie sure to pleaso nil who Spring Prints, &c, j.u macook a swirT. Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. Trbxsurcr’.s Ornot: South western R. R. Co > C dumbii*. Qa , Feb’y tl, 1874. / n AIIE following n.m . titled that we w 1 for* the auctii n h Monday March D>: TIME BOOKS FOR PLANTATIONS AM FARMS Knablos uuy ouo to keep accurate nc* count* with their employees. Price $1 60. Tho form is on * furnished by n planter of much experience. It* uao will onable a Funner t*> «h\c many timoa its cost during tho year. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, C.a. 413“ Tho Bor.k will he forwarded by mail, on FULL DUA \V lIYCs CLIlTtH On Tuesday, 31stMarch Next! In order to meet the general wirlt and ex;** tulion id the pulillo anil IIcKct-hd-ioie, let :* lullimyuto tol ihom Kiilttcontgilts ann uv. pit lor the Fourth Grand Gilt Concert oil.; Pubiio Libinry of Kentucky, the uianugcinen'. determined to poatpono tho Coucortam Tuesday, the 31st of March, 874! No Further Postponement. NO DOUBT IS ENTERTAINUD OV T11K H.USOf BVKltY T CKKT BEFORE TIIK DBAW1N0. Bt'T WHETHER A LL ARE SOLD OR NOT TH CONCKBT AND DRAWING WILL PoSITINELY AND USKQD* VOCALLY TAKE l’LAOE ON THE I'AV NOIV FGIft AND IF ANY REMAIN UNSOLD THEY WILL B< CANCELLED AVD THE PHIZES WILL UK ItEUCCL.* IN PROPORTION TO THE UNSOLD Tl< KET3. Only 60,000 tickets have been Issued uml Grift tf. BOOTS AND SHOES. YOUR A TTKNTION in ro.,i.ctTill!y . G. that wo urn SECOND TO ... dueemont* offered to buyers of HOOTS AND SllOIi.S. We keep our stuck well a.-*"ru*d, replenishing a* our sal.* make it nee senry. from the best uian- ulacturer*. Wc* shall t nd<*aM*r t*v fair means to 12.000 Caeli 81,500,000, will he distributed among tho tickot-holJfD. The ticket* are printed In coupons, ol ten...* and all fraotional parts will be reproKcntf. w tho drawing just us whole tickets are List of Gifts. ONE GRAND GAStl G IFF T ; ONE GRAND G.vSIL GIFT ONE GRAM) CASH GIFT ONE GRAND GASU GI'I’T *' ONE GRAND CAMl GIFT 10 CASH GIFTS *1 VJUO c* li 30 GASH GIFTS 6,000 t* ‘ 1 , 60 CASilGlFI’S l.oi.;*.;. f 4o GASiL GIF'IS 600 * • loo GASH GIFTS 400 160 GASH GIFTS d»0 o.icli £" 2to UA>li G IFTS 200 ouch V,' 325 GASH GIFT’S loO each 11.000 GASH GIFTS 60 each..• *j* J TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH. umouiiting The otmncos lor a gift uro as one to five. Price of Tickets. Whole tickets >i*.'>o.ou; Halves $-*)-0«: or each coupon ^5.0j; Eleven Whole „ ets h ‘ less than >>6oooo The Fourth Gilt l-V-nccrt will be*c* :* all respects like the three which . )•■' • been gt/en, an 1 lull pat ib-ul tr. »* h' bole* trout circulars which will ho sent lice Ir nll wli(*"l.|*ly,ror tl , fn , ,. | nl(ur ,pr Ten!! c»ni« * lor ticket* and npi .t-a.i' n*_• . tea w.ll bo .«ttended to in the 111 . tt ccetvcil, and i> i* hoped they «t 1 |,e , . iromptly that there uuv I*** M *'■ , loliiy’li. IllffUK mi. LH.ornl i tho , their * HEAD tue 1 *t of competitors for your trade. Ol'B DEPARTMENT i* veil etoclu'ii. Wo havo ju*t received a largo lot if FRKM'U CAL* AND KIP SKlNS, OAK AND Cur doaire f tumor* win promise oiu IS gely to ) with o ¥ friend* at n d.stance to do onr “LEVEL” •* usual bourn of sale, d consignees coiut tho foitowiug articles, md* o forward, pay charges and remove ficighti K. G. Mario—One barrel merchaudiso. 11. C. Key—One shaper. . D. W. A PPL feble tmclilb Tree He*t, bj prompt and careful attention to order*, to merit nn increase of tln ir patronage. AH kind* of R HP AI RING duiio in the best stylo. V'" pnv *h" II! GIIF S r MARKET PRICK FOR DRY HIDES. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. lire*i io Don - -I .jo, count/nnd return all unsold tickets j day ol March. .... '*•«»• siHAio.c-rii Agent Public Library Kentucky,afi* 1 *' , fc - ol Gift Oonocrt, Public Libratj Louisville, Ky. . l delu „ ,1 v.tb •> Tickets lor aula and prizes ci'*»' discouut on pros*.utution t y Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt I‘rl7o Ticket. tolJ by mo John D. Blackman Agent by npp'.h.tmcnt MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Timef' Millinery Goods at Cost, tv 8 ii iv. .. . 1. .1 ' • *alo «a-n pruNi lar.r" '' • " ‘ ills kept in • selection if i' }•“ v ’ vi,ik ' r '"'ynSV' MI»t> bo>* b '