The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 01, 1874, Image 3

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jun nba# {|nqnirttr. com.nnis., SUNDAY 4UOHUU: .MARCH 1, 1874. COLUMBUS DAILY M ADliLT. Financma'..— Mght bill! on New York caul. *ll> tount; on II >at >n % por cent.; ann&U : S* per cent.; demand bills on i«' por coal, Hanks lira dolling checks Girard Public School*. A mooting of tho Trustees ami n num-| bor of tho citizens was held iu the school-1 house iu Oiraid, on Friday night, to t rang.) for tho opi-uing of tho public! school for white children. The late cir-| cular of S ate Superintendent Speed was! road, and tho Trustees stated that they! desired the citizens to indicate their ownl choice of touchers. They announced that! the proportion of the school fund ullotedl York at prom tain. Currency loans ; to tbe Ltirnrd township was $4511; that I per cent, por unntU. Gild aud silver noml- j they pioposed to run tho school five) mouths with this money, commencing I about the first of April; that they would I ) tho quo- 10 611 13 613^ lad»" u 14J40— Cotton.—Dull. Tho following tatlons: Ordinary Good Ordinary Low Middlings Middlings Strict Middlings.. Hales 197 halos. Receipts 180 Imles— o by M. fit (4. It. It.; by wagons| 11 by N. fitS. K. R. : 91 by W. R. R-; 0 by river; 43 by S. W. It. It. Shlpmonts 377 bales—314 by S. W. it. 46 for home eons tmpll >n; 18 by W. R. it. DAILY STATEMENT. Stock on hand August 31st, 1873 1,177 Received to-day previously Gl,087—86,147 *>a :m Shipped to-day .43,633—43,010 previously Stock on hand 12,414 Same Day Last Ykak.—August 31st, 1&72, 168; received same day 87; total receipts 62,860; shipped same day 23 ; total shipments 4 ,276 ; stock 12,242 ; sales 20. Middlings 18^0. U.8. Pouts.—Receipts fori day 16,930; ex ports to Groat Britain 16,160; to Uontincnt 4,174; stock 810,611. Index to New Advertisements. Buildiug and Loan Association—-Moots Monday night. Yam potato H3ed—J. M. Estes. Dickson's oottou send—Flournoy, Mc Gee & Co. , Building and Loan atock wanted—See notice. Land and brickyard at auctiou—Ellis it Harrison. Change of Bcbedulo—S. W. It. It. Maokorol, grocories, etc.—It. S. Crane, trustee. Administrator'sjmle—Hugh Kelley. Cigars and tobucco—J. Ncwmnu & Co. Company mooting—Columbus Guards. Second-hand show cases, &o.—F. L. B u *ks. (.rs and tobacco—at Bublor's. i i 40 of schedule—Western Railroad of Alabama. ompioy two teachers, allowing the prin-1 cipal §tJ() per month and tho assistant I On motion, the citizens prosen11 unanimously voted not to express any! choice ns to teachers, but to leave tho I matter with tho Trustees, expressing the! fullest confidence in their judgment. V ,l * The opinion was expressed, however, und I ‘ ’ generally concurred in, that u mule I principal and female assistant I should he selected. Tho general I choice of thoso present, for priu-1 cipal, was evidently Mr. E'tey, present faithful nud etlicient teacher | of tho private school now open tho Girard school-house. Indeod, did not hear that there was any opposition I to him, or any competition with him for I tho position. For that of assistant teach er, tho Trustees annouuced that soveral | applications had been made, 1 chi* lly to allow tho citizens an opportuni-1 ty to make tho choice for themselves that | tho mooting was called. In accordance with tho wish of tho I meeting, tho Trustees will tnnlro tho | choice, hut will not consider any applica tion unlcRS accompanied by a certificate I from tho County Superintendent that tho I candidate has Btood the examination quired by law, and is pronounced compo- I tout by tho examining board. Tho fund apportioned for tho colored 1 school in this township is §3115 80. presume that tho Trustees will soon take I action for the organization of this school I also. Mr. Buhlor, tho rod sign man near tho I Enqoibeb office, has iu three woeks vi tualiy established himself iu our midst 1 a live tobacconist. It is a treat to visit | his jewel of a store. /Victor// Taking*. The Columbus cotton mills have taken ace August 31st, 4,8(58 bales of cotton, against 8,303 last season showing an in crease of 1,505 bales. This is encourag- ing. Big Price for Dogs. A gentlemen in Russell couuty, Ala., sold Friday sevou fox hounds for $350— $50 oach. A farmer iu Harris county was the purchaser. Tho original owner paid $273 for five of the animals. Ho gaiued his profit by an increase in the family of caninos. Columbus Cattle Market. is not very brisk, and the boeves arc not very fat. Tho prices gross range from threo to four cents per pound, arid six to eight cents not, according to quality. Very poor hoof is sold in Columbia, and the animals oft’erod nro a very good repre sentation of tho loan kind of Egypt. Choice Ixttuce. Mrs. John Latnon, of this city, has our thanks for a goodly hatch of splendid let tuce, grown in her gnrdon. She has hod lettuco on her table siuco tho middle of December. The specimen sent is as choice as any wo have ever seen. Change of Schedule. That of tho Southwestern train will ho change 1. Tho passenger train leaves, as heretofore, at 2:30 p. m., but arrives at 12:45 a. m. Tho freight truiu loaves daily, Sundays excepted, at 5:30 a. m., and arrives at 0:85 r. m. Wo hoar that tho Western train will mako close connection. The schedulo is given iu our advertising columns. Hirer New*. Tho Jnlia St. Clair loft yesterday. Tho New Jacksou is duo to-day, aud will leave Tuesday at 11 a. m. River men re port there aro Rtill Homo 2,500 hales on tho river to bo brought to Columbus. The boats thus far have brought to this city 7,258 bales—1531 more than last year. Caterpillar Pilot. A gentleman yesterday told us that, in clearing his gin-house of cotton seed, he found thousands of tho cottou caterpillar flies. 1 hough they may not exist for u very long period, ho thought many eggs had beou deposited. Is not this an addi tional argument to raise abundant sup plies of broad and meat ? A farmer who raises his own provisions, can afford lose many hales of cottou. Conte*t for the Dead Man’* Effects. Hardly had Penn Bodell been laid in I his grave, before parties iu Atlanta ci menced lighting for his efTocts. The | Herald tells about a suit iu a Justice's I Court. One Frank A. llearvoy, Sunday I night, went to the rooms of Josephine I Howard, who huxl four largo pictures and F eight pictures of different sizes, a ruck of U checks, a lot of cards, one trunk of I clothos, shoos, etc., a pair of shades, and I laco curtains—w orth $1,000. She claimed I to have a bill of sale for them, and that | they wero her property and not Bedell's Ho persuaded her that bor ownership wu nothing ; that lledell owed a great deal of I money in Atlanta : and that if she would [ entrust the property to his care, ho would I run tho articles to Alabama, soli them, I and give her the proceeds. Kho finally I yielded, and ho removed tho property to | the Kimball House. She sued him, aud | succeeded in again getting possession, e copt a trunk, which she did not claim, 1 giving security to twice the ntnoiiut, to I answer any trial testiug ownership. Ilour- voy has siuco tried to compromise, but it I was no go with tho woman. Can Hogs he Halted in the South ? A Russell couuty farmer, in order to ] show the impossibility of raising meat i tho South, slated that juet before Christ-1 mas ho had forty-ouo lino hogs. Tho I weather was too warm to kill them, and I he did not have sufficient corn to feed I thorn for any leng'h of time. Since I thou lie hud sold two nod killed ouo. All I tho rest had boon stolen. A bystander I asked what ho valued them at. Two him- J died dollars was the reply. Tho ques tioner then allied—give the very highest I prico you could have socurod I ho services I of a man, including his clothing and food, to watch those hogs. Ouo hundred dol lars was answered. “Then," replied tho I maiutuiner of plantation inuependen “tho loss is your own fault, for by anl investment of $100 at tho very highestl rate, you could have made $200. And! this explodes tho idea that meat cannot bol raised in this section, according to yourl outside estimate. You cuii hire a trusty | boy or man for much less than you 1 stated." The Fair this Fall. Tho fooling in favor of Council's grant ing tho appropriation asked for the pur pose of repairing the buildings and en able a fair to ho bold next fall, is con* | Htanilv growing iu favor. If loft to u j vote, the a’ /. its would u.l tho appro- j Columbus Guards Flection. [ priulioii by a heavy majority. Tho At tho mooting last night, Fourth Lieu-| puhitiuu wi'l p >y largely. Every tenant C. 11. Grimes was unanimously elected Third Lieutenant, to till the vn- nsuoy occasioned by the promotion of Lieutenant T. W. Grimes. This leaves u vacancy in the Fourth Lieutonantcy, »'bieh biw boon orderod flllod by nu dec- ium on Wednesday night week. Tho 1 h Rr t er nf the company allows four iien- tenants. rocogm M » tb > Fast Schedulo Change of tjuurtrrs. M >‘Nrs II po Council of Friends of Teuij.eruucd moots to-morrow night in the Columbus Guards’ old armory iu Ilia up per story of Temperance Hull. Thoso who have signified their intention to bo- como members «>f tho order are requested to lie prosout iu order to hecoiun in- 01 HVifpni Haitroad of j At atm nut, l ire now schedule on the Western Rail- , Heal Estate Transfers. road of Alabama takos effect to-night at 1 Tho folio a ing have beou recorded I o clock. Train for Montgomery and since the 21st: Nthua leaves hero at l a. m. For Atlanta ! Annie Fersons it til. to Mary Roberts and Now York at 10:40 n. m., as now. west part of lot 108—$1,000. - kite to Now York 51 Ixmi- and fare' John King, colored, to Jesso Spencer .it) 1 rain from Mou*i* mery arrives nud l’ompoy Ferry, colored-part of lot at p. in., | lS before. IT mu Atlanta ! > n Northern Liberties—$<50. 1 -»:J4a. in. Leaving Atlanta at !i : 30 p. m. Potnpey Perry to Je^sa Sponcer—half Cotton Mills at Columbus. A largo manufacturer of Putterson N ]' 111 tho city yesterday, peotpocting | w for Rite for n cotton factory, he hard to please, if he canuoi eligible site on our river. Wo h natural advantages f than any place on the coni in- people havo evi leuced ihe fact I investing in such enterprise-. find nu nf.. C. Andrews to Wu. B. Cooper- in Coweta Reserve—$750. . Hooper nud wife to Dsnicl I. Ko.lur half interest in IiiiuIh purchased I by Josephus Echols from Dr. Iugeri and land* on both sides of tLo river from I I ers Leap to Columbus Factory prop- I i>. Hooper and wife to Daniel I. [ .tli inleruht in al» u v , Keller—o Jtoadg-Mnde Dresses I runout'/. Ready-made clothing b - *» *il nu 11: pre- cedented growth in tho 1* * few se.isuus. Fivo years ago tbore was hi tic or no call for ready-mado suits by large jobbers or merebunts from W.o.-ru ut.d Southern cities. N |W, this *l»Hh of goods, thut it * nu be mit with difficulty by the manufactories of I New Y’ork. An immense importation of suits, redingotes, cloaks, jackets aud tin- dergarweats are imported from the work rooms of Berlin, Palis and Londnu. C. M. Hooper aud wife Maine— $/,. I HOTEL A Hit l PALS. Jtankln House, Feb. VS. J. Newman aud company, we aro pleased to see, havo opened a cigar nud tobacco atore, retail, at 144 Broad street. Their character ns merchants ia a guarantee of their doing well wliat they have under taken, and is a voucher o*i the eminent Jh ^propriety of all 4heir surroundings. IL Jam m li. Rich r !s, Baltimore. •I. M .Del.n y, ilntchechubbee, Ala. F. Wilkorson, “ 44 T. W. Perry. “ “ J. 1). Smith, Georgia. Robert Adams, Patterson, N. J. A. II. McAfee, Macon. S. 0. Lindsay. Cherokee, Ala. J. H. Maury, Nashville, Tenn. F. Cal vans, Opelika. M. S. Foote, Mobile. John A. Colvin, Eufauia. C. C. Berry, Montgomery. T. H. Berry, 44 J. H. Derinont, Muscogee county. J. Ii. Ilamby, 4 44 J. N. Roberson, 4 * 44 LECTIO*S OF ; Iff. Kivo «U»M» “ *' r ! 0 * **• , lo.p •«»'<• Aw'r I oflloe I.OCmlL BRIEFS. 0FEL1KA DEPARTMENT. —No Mayors Oouit yesterday. —Rain was threatened yo-terdsy. a. m. gray, kihtob. —‘‘The spring time c mios gentle An- |nie," to-day. —Two buutois, Him other day, killed |eighty doves in Russell county, Ala. 1 mirablo manner in which this school for ( and that 1 m.i; —Tho “whiskey zootlo” is tho namo ; the State is being managed, and alltulo lire souiewh. Fust Alobimm AKrletiDurnl College. Wo lmvo heretofore spoken of the ml- Attentlon ! As my AnmiVJiH on o’emontary Aofti- cc Liu UAL CilLMlstUV, teaching tho ebenp- est and shortest moans for procuring and compounding manure^. 1» ontlmsiastiMlly received and heartily on orsed by nlin • 1 every iutelligeut plan'or in Ibis Mention, ) coin] oti.Mktud in rno.iH- uimiensiirntc wi'h t Do LECAL NOTICES. rixe. City Tax Sales. IBB l»o syj.l un tho ITRSl' .0 Buhl L M Ai;mi a r.x l 1U.N I1IJI s I. l»K 1.1,1. this « ii >• II 'oluiul 1 Letter Press end Card Printing. |givou tho womens’ temperance crusade. to it again, thinking that it will interest i acknowledged moritu of tho pioduudon —Mr. C. E. HochMtrnMser, of Abell A our readers to hear of its continued sue- and value ut tho information conveyed, loft Friday nu n business visit to , cess, and tho benefits ouHtiitig, and which | i do from thu date establish tho price ut |Florida. 1 may ho lurgely inert 1 used by a proper up- -Tho Sabbath is u quiet bend in the predation of the efforts being made by |river of time w hich rt fleets the hues of j tho able faculty controlling its educational ■eternity. —Young ladies are never behind tho IfushiouH, but tho fashions uro now very I much bobiud the young ladies. -Advances arc being refused to tho I all-cotton men, unless they furnish first- I class security. Macon is doing tho same [ thing. —Wo received a visit yesterday from I Dr. Hugh Kelley, of Galesville, North I Carolina. Ho is executor of tho Burrin- I gor estate. -Columbus, to F.iduy night, had 10- I eoived 54,387 bales of cotton—2,715 more I than to the same duto last season, and tho | stock wns only 455 hales greater. —Mr. Alex. C. Kirviu, who died week I before last in Vicksburg, Miss., and wus I buried last Sunday iu this city, had an |iu»urnuco of $10,000 on his life. —Go il strong when lire advortiso. I Business is like architecture. Its host I supporters uro iu our columns, aud ctipi- I tuls arc among its greatest ornumenta- | lions. —A. T. Stewart’s maxim is the proper me : “lie who invests one dollar in busi- I no.sH should iuwst one dollar in ndvortis- I ing." Stewart, by pursuing this plan, is 1 worth one bundled million of dollars. Those iu Columbus who oppose it are not | worth anything. —You aro not profuuo when you say “continental dam. " When tho old con- Ktinoutal currency was redeemed tho coun- I torfoit was stamped “dam" (diunimltis). I As tho gouuine was no better than tho I counterfeit, it was said to he not worth a | “continental dam." —Of a dozen gentlemen in conversa- I tion yesterday, wo noticed only two that re Columbus made cassiinoros. One i 11 distinguished General iu tho Con- I federate, and the other a Culoucl of En- I giueers in the United .Talcs Army. We I hope many will follow ti e example. —I’oker is tho favorite game. Not lung iuee they had a guesuiug regarding the I weight of n cake in u Western church —ion I cents 11 chance. Tho minister cudeuvoted I to induce a young lnwyor to invest a iliuio. I The youth remarked, “I'll play you n I game of poker to sue who gets tho cake, lbut 1 don't understand thu other game.* Beautiful Company Flag. Cue is now bciug prepared for thu Co- llumbuB Guards. It is to bo elegantly I painted. It is an acknowledged fact that Rubier, m Randolph street, has lire host Cig.u> u town. It makes a porsou feel good 1 | smoke oun ot Bublor's Cigars. interest. During the past winter and » series of experiments have, nnd being made, with various crops, con* sibling of wheat and oats. Anticipating, also, experiments with corn, cotton nud potntooR, nl tho proper season, giving to their pupils tho theory as well as practho in tho moro advanced modes of producing largo crops from small bodies of land by tho proper appli cation of fertilizers to the soil; so that tho desired crop may bo successfully and cheaply grow n. For w heat a lot bus been elected und subdivided into hvcnty-soveu parts, each of which Im received certain proportions of tho various fertilizers in use, including tho mercantile manures, compost und raw cotton seed. From n friend just from “Auburn's classic shades” wo loam tho experimental crops are very promising, nud thut so far cotton seed applied at the rate of loo bushels per aero loads tho field. Wo shall look forward with iucroasod interest ns the spiiug sun shall ripen these waving acres of grain for tho reaper, and rejoice with thoso whose hands and minds have been devoted to tLo devel pnmnt of a higher and moro remunerative agriculture than has hitherto blessed tho labors of tho husbunduian. Wo aro glad to record, too, lliut very runny of our farmer friends uro having tho soils of tlmir fields analyzed l>y l’rof. Stubbs, with tho vio.v of applying ma nures intelligently to thi ir lands. When a general awakening occurs throughout tho comity oil this uooossity before pur chasing anil applying manures indiscrim inately upon tho sj 1, wo shall ho frond from that annual gruuihli.ig which occurs from money wasted an 1 hopes disap pointed. Iustoad of eighty pupils the College should havo hundreds, and wo look for- ward to the d<*y, not distant, whou tho most ardent frietids of the College will have nothing moro to wish for in its SUCCORS. I ■ I • 1 1 \ ■ Da .\ 2l‘>, 1 ■ 11 * 1%ml:■) i tli!; r>’\ o ■ r M luouiit u| tax 172 6u, .S" , .;|| par. Ill !••• Nu 129, containing .'litn Mi .m acre more or Ioim, wlilt Impr ... .. • i L «\uni un as 1 lie proper 1. •ill ( SV 1* l'unier. Auent). Aino'un proper 1 v * *73 <•«. No 129, toll ( W I- 0 ' 1 " 1 tax i-2 Ii hull el I vl R.l.'liatiui Tru) m uni u| tax 4 1W. t>« 111u More ami e .lllrei Part Ml 1m. \ l*y .1 1J A in!re« .1 IlM IM’HII.I- w •■nil p «rt • Our Tlmulis are tendered tho st-vornl Grangers who havo so courteously invilod our pro once at tlmir assemblies. Nothuig would give us move pleasure than n day with those who aro seeking to doviso plans to froo our people of a vassalage expensive, ruin ous and dishonorable. 50 cents per copy. In consideration this change, l do hereby agree to 1 fund thu money to any farmer who, n f t reading tho production, will certify to n ho is not fully satisfied with tho iuves uietit. T here is no slavery so hopcle us that which compels a man t• > support a " url " 1,1 ttn acre* mun , , , 4 . 11 1 limits Ihvrcon; levied family by tua cultivation ot poor laud The problem to bo Holvcd by tho South 1 before we can hope for agricultural roeu- 1 peration and prosperity, h cheap and re liable imiiiunns. The A.hire > that problem. 1 defy the agrioultuud or sci entific world to disprove one fact or / • V- tion taken in the Address. J. Monhok Lusha up, ColnmbuR, Ga. Tho ahovo work is for sale at tho Kx- quiubh Offloo, w here copies can tie old* 1 ed by mail, with stamp enclosed for re turn poi.tuge. \ liberal discount made to Grangers or formers ordering a large number. This pamphlet should he in tho I tiiVrcs.Yi; iVVii .t un altli Ilie pi). “ul hilt a Il irrlsntor, dcrctiiM- jiiniluing on wo It iiuproi 10 propuiy evkd Auiuunt u| tax K-AU.'-.u ‘ 1 a N" 671. coni tilling niure wr Ush with Imp 1 the prupoii) JU3T RECEIVED A FINE 3TCC:< OF LETTBB, BILL HEAD IND Slatemonb Paper, AIBO. VISITING and BUSINESS CARCS All nf which can he iniai-lmd printed at l.llMIt* lIlUll'M l' I'uwiiun. IcpI So: J'> a) Ml im pr<» »«• men is them pupcriy ol .1 .1 Grant. 1 1 h x * i Aimmuiu ol lux $J4a 2 Uno-four" 1 Him pr-.pcv U.\ ♦l.i T.T. lev- I t«\ In Amount North 1 .in m Uh N .. nortti part ruiiotna h.u u 117 ha t i0 im lo t will! liaprox viimmii-ihvicoii; lock*: • .-im 1 1 i> h-Man, Tu»-u«tM- 1 r juii t c .|oV- Alili.Ulit Ul tux 446.2.1. Illi improvement!) hands of every planter at this time. jul3 ihtwtf ul 1 l ♦61.26 , Tiuxiec, P.r (’ .ih.irui)' il •rtv . A H i.u . Amount Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlio.y. Griltsort, PRINTER anti BINDER, Sun and Times Building, Thomas Gilbert -JOB PRINTER Full lines of Bleached Homespuns, at co^t at lOVlrtl 11 1 Bow].*. AiiiihiiiIoI t 1 No law \\uli inipro Buy Drugs at panic price: loinur, 74 Broa 1 St. fresh supply of tho host Prints at cuts per yard, at Ih.iNi tunn's. N" 17<s, with luip.-ovemei.i- ihcre- ro cn . ori.v-r I<n.-l Ifl, sit l o. |c :•*. '•"-•wu Hi* Hr.-oil .- curve-. lev- pro. erf. ..1 Will A MoDmU^hM. | Amount ol u\ $126 ... I'ai'ul lot Nul'xwnli 1 iipmvem nts ilioie- , oil, beliig hImio (•■enplc.l 1 , 11 Al.-f uil. .. * a marble yard; lo\ |c : on . - th. pmpci i^..i surah clory (Jhoeks ut He. por yard at Ih.ANuinni) tin piopurly T. Bla ['iiAitn stock of Dry Goods, without (Joat! For safely, dealers and coiistlir should buy Ciystul Keroscm (hi from J. Mopfktt. ilec211f thorium, bolus hot , Howard oil t no norlti and Atr. llramlnill. 11 tin* I Houth; levied on si- I he prupurty ol .turn 1. Mill utlorini! his Slo'V'L'- A'u.nmr ul ( .1 fj'.i j... ' Lot No60U with Improvement)* tbeie. ii; lev- \ ft t I tod ou hh tlm propoity oiBt<*y lorry. Amount t 446.V , l-elltx 20 l OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. ai pr 1;.. .>i .1 a.( U Vicixrlo Winter. A 1 I'wo euiiliter allow c I'MlitOllti*; levt(**| mii ii- (Miupiiinn. Amouiil toneiuen iiitur,t ru.-ti:e !• r Airs ml ol lax *21 2 .. • lit . pera cdialu-; l > I 'd I s ; pt;t ln\ *!V7 94. »; lev b’d nil H- A iiiMiini of tax : l«r«>|» T. W.UtNOt lv, 1 unit I’liyHician. '» Drug More, Ita Iron P.irtlcM may solile mn icd.<ie the day ol i*.ile by p. I'ix Hpoclllcd above Imui-h,,. thiiitr. MAI l tol-law4t si - dver- 1;fit . Mar.-bal. Ik It. J. W. »:. W I MI VMS G tui \ -\! URUOli HI. ( (MM \ D Tlimb'y, 111111 ol ilm ix*rii Himii a- I tug bill it, i'i-i 1 hm'iI, Ii Millinoty. id idn)M|iik|i nil MISSES \VIII IT. tV 11 (, I'umIiloimldi' 31 lllineiM nud DroMNiiiiihcr (blit |, finite .ut l.j 111..1: u.«- i-ni- . Kiiuraiiteed In tit. fli.inn • A large Bocoud-luind Show Case (good 3 uew) for sale very low. Als->, a lot of I Druggist's Tincture Bodies, suit Mouth land Specie Jura; Counter stud ihcscrip- I lion Scales, Ao. A rare chance for any ouo wibhing u show case, or for oouutry drug stores. Dn. F. L. Brooks, Succohsor to iJr. R. A. Ware, Druggist, 150 Bioad street, Third door above lUtikiu House. mb l-It Bublor's Cigars uro butter iu quality, landless iu price, than uny where also in I tho city. Good News to Smokers. . Nowuruu .t Co. liuvu just opened a I retail Cigar Store at 111 B.oad street, Co- llumbtts, and to meet the demand tor ooou I Cigars, Ton.vcooa, l’lCi.H, «Vc., tin y have llaid in, at great expense, a magnilieeut |stock. Givo them a call, at.d unjoy at the low- j est ptice consistent with living the best 1 smoke you have had tor many u day. j Remember thu place. J. Newman .t Co , mhl-3ui 111 Broud street llrcvKion. —A set ions fracas oc'iirrcd on yostcr. day at the negro school. A girl—a woman in size—for souio offence, seized n bunch | nud struck nu eight or ton year old girl 011 tho bond, producing concussion of tho brain. Her case is critical. Tho bellige- M KM. V. V. KAUl.OtY, limhlonuble Milliner am! Die Notaries Public. rent woman cats m county jail. —People don’t buy now. It costs tho v record the deed. —Municipally, thin Democracy have » cle "tH" the * look In tter. I’ho '1 lie washori failed since a e! for the Sptitig with tint hug ■ liation hit 1 t hand [•ur ft. Id h is been opened aces What will bo done •lock of soup and sal soda i . d. imuil.Ns, --p. tidily H >ln ||H Eating Houses. IHH.liKV I.A i IM. IIOI Ml , . IIKOOK *. Ordinal.v ainka kiiuai) tlo ir at lb - im u term of tbs 1 why 11 hi Id 1 I. I A’ • 1 ruble I.. , i . rf the II..' •: C a.a. 1-. ..n . 3 K. M IIKOOK4 drill) . Executor’s Sale. > I1LV to an order of He II,.;.. ..... Ml ( f • >1 <1: ii oy Id Mil-.' • ..only 1 III.) rity of (!, In ti-, in 111 im 1 . ircli 1 ni - inti l.ltUl r K. ItA'il. V Furniture, ike. Administrator’s Sale. A. O. IIAItt Dealer In till l.imD A 'Gl A n Organ i 7. at ion of lire 4oin|mii,v. On last night tho members of Fire I Company No. I, mot und fully organized | by electing J. Polk Edwards, Foreman, | M. F. Echols, 1st Assistant , Prank Wat- ' kins, 2d Assistant, B. F. Brook*, Engirt- • oer, Hurry Mcrcur, Socrotury and l ieus* 1 ury. Tho company wbl bo culled 'h'luipion Fire t'mnpn>y No. I. The Miupuuy will be handsomely uniformed, I uid wo have no doubt n ect tlx* just I •xpectatious of thu public. Luwyors. MISCELLANEOUS. Tr.ilors. X)r. Win, CTcvolauci, B00K-BINI5EII Blank Book Manufacturer, •Old Suu Ofilou Building,; I SI., (JULlMOfS, GA* prepared tu axooute with n«atnosi .•iiteii orde •ry do8criptiou, vU: nnd dlspntou orders for PUINTIaG 1 LE'ITI R HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF AC’T, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS 4c. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, «to in * book or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, mado at short noti"* Giving my entire person ’ -u-nttunto Jol Printing aud niudinyT’ ■ • fill ol’ r. dors promptly ut jil f'UlUTS. Kunrnntecluk '• Ordors frm 1 tamo atlcotloa &9 A full stool Be|tal iilanliS til" DRUGS AMU MU.DICINE8. J. I. FFI1V, IMPORTED PERFUMERY AM* Jb'y\ !\CY OOL at it 1 im < i:d frk i:s. All t «n. fully 1 ■»• 1 ai - .1 n «!l lex MHS. S. I.. SMITH. Everybody likes to go to Buhlcr’a popu liar Cigar aud Tobacco Store, when 1 igara land Tobacco uro a specialty. Remember, Buhler’s now Cigar at •acoo Store is on R tbd dph street, I doors below Esotrmut office. Money »y f«»r rollon t an ■•actions. Nu.v York—Iniyir g, i-. n , premium. Dentists. . li. SMI I »«, IX nlUt, Exchuiigii ( f : selling, ! Wood, Wood Garber Shops, w\ it vr.iti v.. mi ban been better f ticipated. Sever •| IT i, 'I- "I- I tl..- hoitvy sales liit.vns .V 1 t if. l it. Uiiri To Make Room for S/trlny | I will contiuuo to sell my m • Goods at nnd la fur I goods nt half ju ice. I nm receiving lurgi ■ lines of Domustic Goods nl lower pric I than have boon known for 15 years. 5,0 |yards 4 1 //leaeinU Codon l‘j£i\trorl/i lti 5,000 4 I Ski Jtiltini/ t'uttat, I ’•.**, wm lfi(i. Wide Shoutings and olh* r go is i proportion. 500 dozon Spool Cod I beautiful Ueceivt , , lei 70c jier t/o:, ,1 ; \Calicois ut 10 dntlWc; llaniUury I'.dyi other irlute y .od* cheap; Black was, the most beautiful 1 have over (shown. Cloths and Cns>im< res anil (C nl',- ii ishi 11 y goods. .17 Factory goods a • I Factory price*. Shoes mado to order land inarranted good. All consumers (should avail them sol vou of this oppo/tu- |uity. II. T. CitKii.Kit. it 1)1" "d Moro of oxoilleut Shoos, still (selling nt cost, at Cnioi.t:!;' . Clearing Oat Sale. order to dispose of my Worstod (Dross Goods, alroady iii irk< d >.t v<ry low Iprloes, tboy v.i.i 1,. still farther rodtned 110 p.-r c-nt. ft0,11 j 1. i:t li ,, | Balk meats, ttjilOo. 1 k of Gats, 80uH5i\ Sugar. 10al p.iiy I 3’»c. Mu.ll, $1.10 II.y, $ por cwt. Flour, ^7a rollon dull aud tr.insa.'li ms lig'. ^ so little changing bauds hardly kuow prices. 1,1 I Middlings Middlings Hotels. \ I. lit A M V IIOI SI . For Sale. It Alt t..> IN M Kill'll A STS An.- • '.itIon. Apply to I M A I> » M. IUM . prev yest A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from tlx; firm of Harwell, Grifliu Jr Co, has removed to Ohamhi rs str el. His friends aud patrons would d > well to call on him iu his now quartets, and examine stock beforu buying elsowhosp. I’iicusat panic rales. jalM sixluedtf Democratic and Conservative Ticket. tncc. SUN, ]. I, COWDERV. CROCKEliY At(D GLASSWARE For Sale at Low Prices. MACHINISTS. B. H. RYDt;R, I'lt At l it A B Engineer H AV,N " and Machinist, )l the VInt i,|u- .-•(• ■uni' Mills, is n.nv pr ills I nu wttli promptin' Mill Work and Rrpairs 0 Abb WOHK .IIAKAA N . a.- .1 ul e mini -it. (» f WACOM MAKING Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL II' .v '.v; cn in Home Itivnl* lti«il«lin A Good Thine Wanted. W II I. Wy 1(1 MV liS.S cl tile s i vices cf l'l A ISON'S KA.MFOltD MAH a MI X SHAEFER & WOO:), UK AI Kl’.' IN fubt; cod •J. s. NKS. MILLINERY. To Suit tho Pani Millinery Goods Timet (Out! | FRESH A Hit / »’ IAS 17 Till: I //.*- GINl I STUHE. 5,000 yards yard wido Bloachi 1 Coltoi 1 I At 12■, e* nt-. '.v,n h in th in ;ioniu 1 ol I the sc•*sou 1 5,000 l I b .v lalati 1 Gotti n, 12j cent 1, | worth 1«•• • 5,000 yard * Spring l*i iota. lt> I, 1.1 and 12 I Bleached and I Brown Shunting. 500 dozen •! >hn < arke . Spool < lotion, | only 70 cents. B'uck Alpacas only It) cents—worth in n v market 50 cents Jught's uud l a ris’ KM CJh.vr-, f .r t-> cat. Gout Things. » tlx* ltnhv Kuitaurant for your | , Fish, (rAUkc, and ull things good | oat 15 tf EPPlXtr’N BUCHV sH Turetiior: of this DRESS IWAKINC. ; I itllhKKS l 1 ’ Ai Elder Flower I.ot iUud* and niuuoths 1 For sale at MoPkktt’) duc21 tf cures Chapped | softens th** Skin, j Dry Good* at /«#!*• Prices, J.andauer .t Bn*, having dispos large lot of dry goode 1-* proper.) spring trade, offer to veil the l»nl A.VI) House - Furuishiug Goods. 4’onlmelon* for Houfliuif noil Job Work. 1 Cliambors St., Opolika, Ala. Home-Made Fertilizers! ..Re: - t>l th CHATTERBOX TOR 1873. Gents’ Opera Kids only $1.00. Foxed nnd plain Cloth Gaiters, Calf id Oil, Goat Shoot, made toordorand I warranted not to rip. Gents' Hand-Sewed Sh■.*•.-: at cost. IrB | Ilm west sido of Broad street. Peyton, Gohdon A Co. ja27 deodibwtf tin their articles thu attu&tiou of btiye If their prices do not suit tho views of buyers, they will make prices thut will. They ask that all may call, aud they guar antee satisfaction, both ns to quality and charges. Thoy have a magniflneut stock of goods, and they consider it a pleasure to show their fabrics. Give them a call. Coals' and Clark’s .Spool Cotton at 70c. Building and | t)0r dozen, ut Blanchauds, 123 Broad st. tf Enquiheh-Sun tnhl-lt Wiutor Cassitnoros and I tress Goods less than actual cost, at Ulanouaud’s, 123 Broad st. drift] J. W. PEASE 4 NORMAN. CHEMICALS—PURE ! HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, 0,000 !b«*. bulphate of Ammo; 5,000 “ Muriate of Potash, 5,000 ** Nitrate of Soda, 50 tons Nova Scotia Land Platter, at iww i’lliv. * ■ E. C. HOOD 4k BRO. j«s« 50 tons Ammoniated Flour of Baw Bones, Ac., Ac. L«- lift our |irx'c« biforo t.urcliMUu- 1IOLMTI.AI1 A 40., Agricultural Is-pot, 139 Urisol Dtro4<t, Coluuittua, <1». GOODS! I HOFFWAN II ;v .(•:■,•. m , a ft Frcib l.ot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs.'Choice Apples. u£e. Take Notice. JN thirl) ita} - fruia • I;. - i-ta,-wtOj tfcs e02- i XtaJet ll/ruur) 44tli, 1174 i thereto, [ will.Uwka-1 DOHA J 4E!LKB, f*M la*» \ i'