The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 03, 1874, Image 2

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P»>lg &»*«*»»»♦ i'OU'NHUN, OA. t TUESDAY MARCH 3, 1874. *9**0 SUBSCRIPTION UKt'fclVKD L’M.KSS PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. It la HUggeated (hat a hall in behalf of Ihe Library would be more profitable than a Fair. We would like the views of bouio of our lady readerH on this point. Tux aik of Columbus is ladened with the positive odor of guano. Wo recently heard a colorod barber Bay ho was really fond of it from a business standpoint, , “for it makes do bar on head grow twico as faster as when dar am no guaner in do atmosphero." Daldhoadod men should note this fact, and, if the barber's thoory bo correct, it may booouie the fashion for gentlemen to wear a little of the invigor- ator in their hats. TiiKnE is a rumor that the I hues and ■JHeaj/une are to be consolidated. We hope this is true, for at pronont neither one i« making money, nor hove the influ ence one Btrongor paper could wield. A paper fearlessly and fairly conducted in New Orleans, and with support enough to keep its head well uut of wator, would do more to ornsh the infamous ring than a now election or a favorablo Henato de cision. Con. PrrKnsox ThweatT, in a com munication to the Atlanta Constitution, complains, with Homo bitternoss, of the treatment received by his claim for pay ment of his salary as Comptroller for the quarters immediately preceding the down fall of the Confederacy. Jiis complaint 1h that his bill was referred to thoT'iuuuco instead of the Jndioiury Committee, that Mr. Nutting, Chairman of tho Fi nance Committee, prevented its transfer from his to the Judiciary Committee by unfair ineaiiH. Col. T. wanted a report upon the legality of his claim, which cor- taiuly scorns to be fair and duo to him Ho says that he will ask tho next Legisla ture to permit him to tost the rightful- ness of his claim in I ho courts. Thk triumph of Ben Butler in tho con firmation of the nomination of Mr. Sim mons as Collector of the Fort of Boston, is not likely to quiet the agitation on that question, in will intensify opposition l Butler iu Massachusetts, and muko him enemies elsewhere. Tho Portland J*reM t one of tho leading Hepnhlicnn papers of Maiuu, culls tho nomination “more thor oughly disreputable" than any tho Presi dent has ever made, and states with om- phasis that the party has uo further use for Beast Bntlor. This (Simmons squabble is a personal quarrol which we do not fully understand. But wo know thnt Butler’s opponents for the Guhoruntorial nomination iu Massa chusetts last yoar charged that n number of Boston dalogatos favorable to Butler were secured by tho active exertions of Foderal officials in that city, of whom {Simmons whs one, and tho presumption is that it was for this sorvico Butler wanted to reward him with the Colloetor- ship, and the President gratified Butler against tho protest of both tho Uonators and a majority of tho Representatives from Massachusetts. Thk Atlanta Herald highly ootninonds tho oourso of Gov. Bmitlr in practically vetoing some of tho appropriations mudo by tho Legislature. It says that ho “ran his pon through" tho items appropriating money to pay clerks and othor officors of tho Legislature mileagt, also some private oiaiiuH for which appropriations wore made. Wo are clearly of tho opinion that tho paymeut of mileage to officers of tho Legislature ought to bo stopped. There is no justice in it, iunsmuch ns those re ceiving tho pay do not go to Atlanta ns officers, but only as cuudidutus, before their election, and lifter llu-ir election they are puid it liberal per (linn. Some of them coutinue to draw pay after the Legislature has adjourned. The payment of mileage, too, will lmvo a demoralizing effect by encouraging the rush to Atlanta —already too groat—to get office at tho hands of tho Legislature. It would he but a stop farther in the same direction, to allow the defeated candidates mileage too, and thou Atlanta would bo over whelmed with thoui. Of tho justico of tho appropriations to pay private claims, we enu form no opiniou until wo learn tho nature of tho claims. YOI'K DUTY. To morrow wo will send postal cards to all our Daily subscribers in arrears, ask ing them to pay their subscriptions or notify us personally or by letter of the tiuio when they can be paid. .Self d fouso impels us to adopt a strict in our collections, and our readers will fool all the better if they join with us in bringing about cash payments, at least for small sums. After Saturday HON. A. II. STEPHENS VH. THK | I.ENSKKN Of THE MTATR ROAD. A short time since it tv*s announced that Goo. Toombs hud filed a bill against Lessees of the Wostoru A Atlantio Railroad, on behalf of tho Seago combi nation. This is tho company that bid higher for the road than tho present Les- s, hut whoso bid Gov. Bullock reject ed, because its proffer of security was not made in the form requirod by him. w the Atlunta papers anuounco that Toombs has instituted another suit, in behalf of Hon. A. H. Stephens, against the Lessees. Jt will bo remembered that Mr. Stephens was one of tho Brown Com pany of bidders, and that when many of the press of the State denounced the lease, ho surrendered, or offered to sur render, his interest to the Htato. His ground of complaint now is that neither ho nor tho State has ever received any of the profits of his share of tho Lease; that tho othor Lessees requested Gov. Bullock to transfer Mr. Stephens' interest to George II. Hazlohurst,and Bullock made the transfer; that neithor the Governor nor tho Legislature had any right to do this, and that tho transfer is uttorly void and Mr. Stephens is entitled to one forty- sixth part of tho profits of the road under the loaso. The bill asks for an examina tion of tho books, Ac., and claims one million of dollars, or some othor large stun, to bo ascertained. Tho question arises, wo suppose, did Mr. Stophons ever pay anything into tho fund of the company ? or did ho not for feit liis intorost by failure to act contribute? Did Hazlehurst pay any thing, and by participation in tho risks and expenses of tho company become bonajhlc partner iu tho lease? The poo- plo nro not likoly to judgo of tho merits of Mr. Stephens’ cnae from tho mare le gal aspect presented—from tho nice points upon which technicalities or form alities are balanced. UKOItUIA NEWS. —The bar-koepors of Macon have nil boun served with p notification similar to tho pno sent to tho Columbus saloons last wook. Probably a houx. —The Methodist Church at Cedar Grove, Walker county, was burned on Wednesday murning lost, and it is believed by an iuooudiary. -An extra term of tho Superior Court of Thomus couuty commenced yesterday There aro seven criminal cases to bo tried ; six for murdor, and ono for incen diarism. —Cnpt. J. II. Nichols, of Nacoochco Valley, advertises in the Gainesville Eagle twenty Georgia raised mules for sale, llis exceptional enterprise of stock raising deserves encouraging remuneration, and wo regret that tho market for mules is not bottor just now, for his sake. —The Cuthbort Appeal makes an en couraging report of fanning operations in Stewart and Randolph countios : Planta tions am! fences iu bettor condition than at any time since tho war ; moro oats and small grain planted this yoar than over boforo, An. -Tho Savannah uYctrn of Saturday morniug says : “ l'ho vessels now cotton laden, and which will probably oloar to day, principally for ports in tho Baltic, oumpoBC tho largest iloot that lias boon gotten ready for non at any ouo time this season." —Lucy Davis tho inothor, and Mary Williams the sister, of a uogro girl who died in Macon on Saturday under suspi cious circumstances, were arrested for causing tho death of tho girl. Tho coro ner's jury found that tho deceased, Eliza Williams, ouuio to her death by ill treat ment at the hands of the parties arrested. They trontod hor oruolly because she won eneiente. —On Thursday last two brothers, Van Gunn mid Johnson Gunn, living on the place of Mr. Charles Johnson, iu Colquitt couuty, a few milos above Tallokas, in Brooks couuty, had a difficulty which re sulted iu the death of the former, on Sat urday, from wounds indicted by a knife in tho bauds of the lattor. Van Gunn, tho one killed, was tho elder of tho two brotbors. —A bad character named John Fant, living near Triou Factory, Floyd couuty, attempted to usHUssinatu Judge A. F. All good, of that place, on Tuesday last. Fant had been lined $LM) ior disturbing tho peace, and afterwards redo up to a store in which Judge A. was sittiug, and tlrud at him with a pistol, but missed him. lie then rode off aud escaped. Important to Those Who Draw Notes. A man drew a note promising to pay one 1 hundred dollars, llo used tho prfbffcd form and did not close up tho blank de voted to dollars, and, after passing it as negotiable paper, somebody inserted “and fifty" after the one huudred and be fore the printed word dollar. The note, thus altered, got Into the hands of an in nocent party, who presented it to the drawer, and the Supremo Court decided that the maker of the note was liable fur its faco, beoause through negligence ho did not draw a line between the written word “dollars.” Any testimony that the drawer might offer to establish tho fact he gave tho noto for ono hundred dollars must go for nothing, as “there was noth ing on the faco of the note to hUow that it had boon altered.'’ Evidence of an alteration on the fuoo of the note would have changed tho case. Let this be a les son to all drawers of promissory notes. No ono can bo too careful in such matters. — Haiti more Eeicn Tho Judge who made that decision should bo impeached. It simply tolls tho villains, of whom there aro muuy all over the country, that if they find a Chance to alt or a check by writing in a word—a hun dred or a thousand—they can do so, and tho court will justify them. ^At least, tho court will hold tho forgery to bo legal, and force tho party who gave tho original check, (for a loss sutn,; to pny the full amount of tho forgery. There appears to bo fraud enough in the country without legal decisions to encourage them.— Hartford Times. REAL ESTATE ACtNTS. *~ a % ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents - AND AUCTIONEERS, Yiril.h ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE BALK, > V KENT AND PURCHASE «.f URAL ESTATE in the City and country, and will advertise the mido (At private sale) PREP UP CHARGE, unless For Sale. VACANT LOT OK I AND, being tlio west por tion ot tho “Nailce lot," on Bryan s root, wljvinlnd th.- residence of lion. M. J. Crawford. Call hood if you want a bargain. feblU tf CITY LOT No. fr'l, ou McIntosh street, with three dwelling* oil the sumo. Will he soli -atv, ut u low figure, for cash.- CROCERIES. 't 1 . A. POMEROY, AT ilOOll KU’8 COHN lilt, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, \ “ Frfesh Bay'Flsh,' “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot or Fre»h Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Gro.erios Columbus Fire Co. No. 1. Members of Columbus Pirn Company No. 1 will moot at the Engino House this (Tuesday) evening at o’clock, for regular monthly meeting. By order of tho Foreman. tfthB it T. 0. DOUfftABS, :•- ( >. Dissolved. rniiH firm heretofore known under the name I and style of BACK A NEWMAN. Is this day RACK A NEWMAN. NOTICE. TIKROUOII TICKETS M 1 emptlon o mime at my ut 10 o’cloi nihil 21* M u USCOGEB COURT OK ORDINARY.—Joshua m applied for a ex ility, and I will piiHH upon the n Friday, the Kith March, 187-1, F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. ally. AI. All AM A Nl’YVN. — Win. 11. McCluro, lato n conductor on tho South ami North Alabama Rail road, died of couNiiufption iu Montgom ery on Sunday. —The Marion Commonwealth publiscs a twolvo-column Tax Collector's adver tisement of l’orry county lands for salo. Ferry is ono of the largest cotton-produo- iug counties. --The Montgomery liquor dealers, too, have been served, through tho post-office, with a warning, purporting to conio from the ladies, that they will bo visited and my .illlcs on Friday, Aha KUh day ut March, I,.'. -’t" K. M. IIU03KS, Ordinary. In the District Court of the United States, T H S G KOI III nkriipt appointed Assign JOHN t*. MATTHEWS, Assign K0RG1A—MUSCOOKK COUNTY.—Mrs. Ca McCook having applied lor Letters .lion on III- estate of W M. MoCo. .e7‘res!-.*i°hml have) why my <MTU-Ial signature, this March l\ M. Btt'dOtea)Ordinary. CdlfNTY.—Mrs. lieu* applied for butters of tc Of l.afayetto Gordy, onisli all aud flinguli with! id (i the till > ho 'escribed .ve) why- id appli- the kindled i and appear at hy law, and mil signature, this Marc . .M. URQPKS, Ordinary. Otliclal BlgllHtlll F. M. BROOK' ALU ABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated in tin nets ceutro of the city. Will sell at a grea tairi, or to an acceptable party an midlvMti •fit. Tho property can ho made to pay a Urj. rest ou the Investment. DESIRABLE II0UBH AND I.OT, with tei •s ground, in Lluwuod, ope mile from S. W. It lepoi; a very Comfortable aud desirable home T HE COPARTNERSHIP beret dissolved. Columbus, Ga. March 2d, 1871. UVOTIOS* .nmol V.'II.LCOX A HAWKS , Sr " H.LCUX ^ " N. UAWKh ' i at Br ad stnut, aud r«SpecUtd|j «>• 1’. wu.Mox C. PRIDGEN vill I pl.ivd tow nd frieii.N. Thu pi ;it I c found at the A'utt on liis forme .age of the pu A STORK HOUSE iu the valley of Talbot county, at a cross-road, three mil. a of thd Chalybeate Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry By ELLIS & HARRIS0N. Valuable Land and Brlok Yard i Auction. 171 Acre* ot Land, ns, on the Ciisseta road, three in'I bin, known UH tho Aaron Fei iiiiiig the lands or F. A. Jepsou, > nd others. ‘BRICK YARD on tho Lumpkin By Ellis & Harrison. 0N TUESDAY, :ul March, It o’clock, we will A Fine Harness Horse, Buggy and Harness. • febZB at By ELLIS & HARRISON. TIll'NTF.E’M * A 1.1: (IF Desirable Dwelling Building Lots. MARCH, 11 o'clock, T. J. Pearce&Co., (Successors to Williams, Pearce A Hodo.) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R ESPECT FULLY nnnottnee to their friend* aud tho public that they will coutinue business At the oi l stand, where they will keep a good stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c., Which will be sold low and strictly for cttsln JaSl n'm T. J. PEARCE A CO. A NEW LOT OF Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, New York Bellies, (tee cured); Cream Cheese. Goshen Butter, Capers and Horse-Radish, Messina Lemons, Queen Olives and Bay Rum. H. F. ABELL & CO. Extra Shore Mackerel, No. 1) “ “ “ No. I, Kits; “ Mess " Kits; Cod Fish; Smoked Halebut; Scotch Herring; Fresh Salmon, I. 2 and 3 lb cans; Fresh Mackerel, 1 lb cans; | Lobsters, I and 2 lb cans; j Club Fish, 1-4, 1-2 and whole boxes; and Turkev, Chicken and Beef, 1 lb cans; Underwood's Deviled Ham; , Fresh Asparags, Poaches, Quinces, Cherries, 0 „ .......,„v ,, , , ,„.i Pine Apples and Tomatoes; N TUESDAY , 31) MARCH, 11 o dlock, wo Will . , .. . „ A r , hl-ii in front of stoio, Atmoro's Mince Meat, 2 lb cans, 45c each: ■run DnsiuAm.K bksidkncb, j star Candles, full weight, 16 o-’, 26c lb; : rz uj r t) , ucro n , t u' l ’'ii, l 7Huatuiriin 0e j.iokhii 1 ;i i Crushed Block and Powdered Sugar, 16 2-3; i Mdd Ice-cured White Meat; ni.ii. im’li. Krfih. f.U27 ta j Choice Cream Factory Cheese; ' Extra Orange County Butter. ROB’T S. CRANE, i rr..i.i «ui n] Trine*.. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. R O S ET TE & L A W H ON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor De.aler Si 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H ave now in store a choice selection of pure and dnaii ultornted Liquors, some of which ft re three and four years old. UennoKseo Brandy, Peach Apple Cherry “ Domestic “ Jamacia Rum, Now England Rum, Holland Gin, DomeHtio Gin, Fort Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Rye “ White Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow’s “ Weller’s Bourbon “ Robertson County Whiskey, Tom Moore Rye “ ' Whito Wheat Fa. Dew Drow “ The above is offered at wholesale aud retail, iu quantities to suit purchasers, febis tf ltOSETTE A EAWll«>. DRY GOODS. J. KYLE & CO. R ESPECTFULLY announce to th-lr fri. niK CUM- m.-r* Iinil flip public gciwally, that their PALI, AND YVINTEH STOCK OF DRY goods is now complete In every d.p*nm. consisting of every article usually tuiin.l in a !i •• • laas Dry Gowls 11. use. They were bought dnn i New York for FOR SALE AND RENT. cush. We still keep a lai IRISH LINENS, OF OUU OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A Bl’I.KXDIl) I INMOP Ladies’, Misses’ and Ciiildi-OTi’s. Shoo of the Latest Style ami Best Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices alt, i light lo lid Will sell rhesp f T „, For Rent, BOARDING HOUSE on 'r sale. Apply to MRS. ANN ADAMS, Jackson Stew For Rent. SMALL DWELLING SECOND rth of Male Public School, J, ot. Apply to f 0. J. FREDBKfOK & BRO. m very oil loci able with if prefer QEOKG1A * Adminisi nisi, all ami sin Gr r my ortlclal Mgnature, this M »rch F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. EOKGIA—MU8COO PE COUNTY —Martin T . L, Box 18L_ For Sale or Rent. MAGNIFICENT PLANTATION of 2,000 Mississippi, midway ihtirg. Before the wsr \ MA< A acres, in Boh between Memphis d 800 hah rpilhr .ck pi n i gin, grim inauy i Good c ulUi t payment. For fur- A" For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. ttovG tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. hired . i J d -i t at my i ml hIi.j pro ■ ■ of Montgo Mina Dugary, a millin ery, foil Ihrough a trap th into tho collar, on Sunday, and broke her nock. She arose hastily to open tho door for a servant who knocked, and did not . j think of tho uncovered aperture through 011,011 1 which she fell. —The Eufaula A'etcs of Saturday re ports all quiet along the Chattahoo chee at that point. No mention is made of the condition will drop from our list oven paid, or explanation given for uot doing | so, atnl theu wo will leave no ofi'ort spared | to give our remaining readers a good pa- ' per, ’and uo stone unturned, if ! tho effort costs us years and twioo a« much ns is duo us to colloct every c«ut. Many think it would be imprudent, even after exhausting every effort to col lect, to publish tho names of our newspa per ,debtors ; but wo lmvo decided on this course, and propose, to carry it out. It is ho little trouble for a man who do- sires a continuance of our paper to write, saying why ho cannot and when he will pay for it, that we do not feel bound to consider his feelings if he neglects his own duty aud our interest. If the pntron- ago bo uot sufficient to givo such a paper as we hoped, vre will follow the example set mouths ago by the Macon Telegraphy whou it cut down its size, aud limited by judicious calculations its reading matter in proportion to its income. A W estern politician, who is anxious to stand well with the Grangers, sings tbuslv : m.t | from " hu ' h ihoitld nut bo granted to wit Given nmlor my utlicial signature', I, 11>74. uilGt w4t* F. M. BROOKS -q EORGIA—MUSt'OGEE COUNTY. G atioi r having aphlio 11 i-l min; F. M BROOKS, Or II DRY GOODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the foot th it they aro selling Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., TO C'AKII 111 X lilts. At such prices as will he sure to please all who BOOTS AND SHOES. YOUR ^TTENTIO! HOOTS AND NIIOFN. Wo keep our g»«ck well assorted, replenishing s our hUKN make it uu* -srary, from tho lust uian- fa. r j . We .-hall endeavor by fair means to HEAD SKINS, OAK AND IS add largely to tho uur favor ii* with orders b; li loads at a distance to di "LEVEL” FOIl DRY HIDES. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS ! HOUR OF SINGING! PiTfertly w«npt -d Two 1'itrr, Tlu-.<‘ HIGH Si'lioo: ntly 4 ItH ! $1.0-1 Spring JalS I > rints, &c. PEACOCK A SWIFT. By L. O. Kinerhon and W. ?. Tildeti. I'ri RlVElf OF LIFE. Best b ok for Sabbath CH03CE TRIOS. S PART SjO.NtiS FOR FEMALE VOICES. This id an admirable book Iu iws with, or to fol low “The Hour of Singing.” Contains music from the very be-it. sources, lias a special adaptation for l«adi«-*’ S.-ni t.arics. By W. S. Tildeti. I’rico fl.OO. itry Singing CHEERFUL VOICES. Daily increasing iu favor, and is undoubtedly BIBG&IHS! l!«n BM!! Important to Those in Want of Dry Goods. /-'ibNTKMPI. \TIN(1 II ultuM chatiRt. iu nnr ' ll T fr'mi Itii. ilal, "nr F.XTIHI (j IXTO.K III' 1)BF.SS AMI KAM I HMDS AT ONK-IIAIJ- Tlllll VAl.VE, and invite tllimo IU want tu call, exululn., anil !..• .otiviiuwl. No vliarge. n.a.I.. for .1 ■ -t. Our Terms from this date will be Cash. No goods will bt sold on longer time than thirty days. Mlf" All thoso indebted i JOHN McGOUGH & CO. CLOTHINC. iti.oAt rur. aviusti.f, m.\« thk iiei.k, STOl* THE ENUISE-WE-VK ROODS TO SEI.I.. THORNTON & ACEE INTO. 78 Droacl street. (Next door to J. W. Pease 5c Norman’s bookstore,) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boj CLOTHING, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less thr Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased in the season. As wo were able to get a still further r; duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we willffj at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buys Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section ijCS;- Call and see for yourselves. oftho be ollOCtf r published. of Songs » heiitr skip* and plays The caabn To the tuneful note ol the leathery bc« On tall boughs 'mid the buckwheat buda We hear tho low ol the tinny plover, While the bay bull hitched to the rumt eeyth« Husks uut the golden clover. of tho uogro infer that he along as well as could bo ex pected. Indeed tho most damaging shot discharged in tho tnoluo appears to have reached as far as Montgomery aud struck tho editor of tho iState Journal, who still has his sleeves rolled up and is fighting back vigorously. A strange bill has been introduced in to tho California Legislature. It provides for the “suapensiou of the penal code,’’ so far as it relates to ouo llarry Meigs, a for mer resident of the State. It also pro vides that ho shall not be indicted for any offeuses committed before Ihe first of January, 1 >7f», except murder, and tho courts are instructed to dismiss any iu- dictiueuta that may have been found against him. Twenty years ago Meigs was a bold speculator, and no outrageous ly swindled many persons that there was an earnest desire to have him lynched, and ho had to leave tho State. He went to South America, whore ho built railroads and mado an immense fortune. He then j paid all his old creditors with interest, aud ! now that he ia a nullionare, the Californi- I uns want him to return to his old home. ' If the bill should be passed, a curious pro- j cedent will be established, which may ! some day raise the question of exactly j how much money a man must be worth before the Legislature ef a State cun par- don him for criiuoa iu advauce of convic tion thereof. —A Kentucky paper apologizes for hav ing spoken of “the rod-headed, malignant mule who dispenses the county money,” by sayiug that it wrote “Big-hearted, , valiant soul,” Ac. CIGARS. DEL.1C10UH LOUIS BUHLER, Tho Tobaccoist, On Randolph turret a few <h> >r« b low th* En quirer OftL-e, homo with RED SI ■ N, H im RoccivoU This Day A now lot of “Culebras” Cigars, Dolicious Indooil, at reduced pr cos. Two new brands of Cigars, Perrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok'g ** Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ F.vcr brought here. A new !ot of tlioie “Rustic” Pipes. Call And exatuino. LOUIS BUHLER, ah> if] a few d ton : « Bn m Ifl • Good News to Smokers I .1. Newman & Co. HAYS Jl’8T OFXXED A RETAIL CIGAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, aud to meet the demand fur GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipas. &c„ ihfv^hAv* laid in. At groAl expeu*-*, a a*guihc«nt Give them n call, and vnjd.v, at th« lowest price consistent with living, the best smoke Jou havy had fur many a dkv. Remember tlie place. J. NEWMAN l 00., ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign; Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring ^loclt IS UNRIVALED’ Call and i*> convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. Bankrupt Sale. O N TUESDAY, the 34 day of March next. 1 will commence the sale of the Bankrupt ■lock of 13oCts nil cl Sliocjt- OF ALL kIMIS. Thu will be au uneoualed opportunity tea Jobbers desiring to purchase such goods. ISAAC JOSEPH, By L. 0. Kuiersbn. Price 50 cents. All hooks Hont, post paid, for retail price. Oliver Eitson ti Co., Ohas. H. Ditson li Co. Rost. n. 711 Broadway, N. Y. STOVES AND TIN WARE. QOO COOKING STOVES! FOR FA Li'. AT PEIlTS TO SUIT HARD TIMES’ W. H. Robarts & Co., Who invite the ntlentin of tho public to tbelr large a lid .• >n.p ,-t -t... k, cou. Utlug of Cooking Stoves, (Ubfiftt'C G*'k and other llr-*t claea putterns), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, 81I.VEII 1-I..VTKii AMI MUTXNIA 000D8, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery of nnr own Importation. Manafactnref« ‘of TIN, COPPM AXI> NirFFT IKON U AICi: of every description. A#- Prices as low a. the lowest. [| ^ ^ ^ pep7 eudGm Administrator s Sale. A QRHKAHLY 1 ■> nn order of th* Honorable the Court Ordinary of Mu.cogee county, will of Ellis k llarri- MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! Millinery anil Fancy Dry ^■JE3:M33 WILL, ON AND AFTER TO-MORROW, OFFER HER ENTIRE , OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOOI*, rOR CASH AT PANIC PRICES 1 The Ladies art* respectfully invited to call ami judge fir themselves. All goods FERTILIZERS. FERTILIZERS. 300 tons Patapsco Guano Company’s Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates, 100 tons Langdale '.English) A A Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates, 100 tons Langdale B B Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates. 100 tons George Ober & Son’s Ammoniated Super Phosphate of Lime- 100 tons George Ober & Son’s Genuine Phospho Peruvian Guano, In Store and to Arrive. I Offer the abn WM. A. JAMES, Agent. Ollier* in City Wnrehousi*, Oglcthorpo struct, ni*xt o Fi.- ihI In.m c.ty uf t'ulum ;-\t, r- 'V. nnd ’Jlr. of M belonging It W nro!l KELLY, Adm’r. Dental Notice. Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. Treasurer’^ On ice Foi tiiv : - , r.N R. R. Co,) CRutnbtH, Ga., Feb’y 14, 1874. / nlgn- PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL Absolutolv ,«nfe. Porfcctl) t ” i J ' llforin. Illuminating quaim 1 ’-’ • • f m ,s. nurnMnanylatui^tb.mtiL^^ T nr. i .m.wiug uamra consignee* »ro 1 -. t . . i-nmitu riahingnrc **»•; •;■ . tilled that we will si ll at public onuty' be- K lo dlsi-Ucu Ihe U?0 ol vul »* t - r< : fore the auction house „1 Ellis A Harris, n. on olid. Its mlcty under c er> 1 •-■ w Monuny March lihb, at the usual hours of sale It* porleot burning qunlltb’-- 1 ,. tho follow it g artii l- H, unle-S said consignees come continued U>e ill over 300 l -' forward, puy i bar.. - •».I remove freights : Million* of gallon* Lave ' ■ ' • ...... .. I. I.«i. t . 1 - r.».*f iv i.r IndltC ! - . Bd tr< nil. rilELPs has U Idea on on 8t ( Prssb) tsrlau Chnroh bit -a his ufllco to hi stievt, iu rear « D. W. AITLKR, The imme , rcsuliing lr< oils In the Unite irl, I—' " 1 lf NOTICE. if *rr»“ Tho Insurunce Oompanlc* o ‘ the country re- clrculn arouse,I. Send lor circular. \ I.L porsou* indebted to the late W. M. McCook, I For *ale at retail by tho trid® *■ A *i.*.M, ar« hereby uutiHsd to make immullate at wholesale by tho nroprlot ■ > •, ) payment tom*. M. McCOOK. PRATT h UO.,108 I ulton Mrec..