The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 06, 1874, Image 2

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-RR'Viirirfiilfan glaUij COU MIIIN, OA.l FRIDAY MARCH tliero can bo no shutting of our eyes to tho fact that in tnany soctiona—and espe cially in I ho South — money is very scarce I and hard to get. The great commercial -j I centres have drawn it in with a umdstroin power, and they are now Hush, while a tho *#-N0 SI KS< KIP1ION ulcei v i:l» UNLESS PA I» FOB IV ADVANCE. A dispatch of the 3d inat. from .Japan reports the defeat of the insurgents by the Government forces. One man waH killed and several others fatally wounded, in a row among negroes at a distillery near Platte City, Mo., on j Saturday night. Gov. Smith has votood tho bill making juries in criminal trials judges of tho law as well as the facts. The reasons for tho veto are not yet published. Tjje Democfats were successful in the municipal elections, on Tuesday, in Elmi ra, Troy, Auburn and Nowlmry, N. Y., and Burlington, Vermont. A special to tho Charleston New* re ports the death, at Charlottsville, Vo., of tho wife of Gen. NVado Hampton. Her remains were to ho carried to Charleston for interment. The hearing of the application for bail for Chisholm was not had at Atlanta on Wodnosdny, on account of tho indisposi tion of Judgo Cowart. It was to have boon triod yesterday. * The trial of tho Grunt purish prisoners still progresses ut Now Orleans. Tho Pi- ntyunc soys that a cartful estimate of the cost of tho trinl to tho Government places the amount at tf3.*»(),000. Advices from Nan Francisco any that the noted California brigand, Yasquez, is again making frequent raids from tho mountains, notwithstanding the Htaio re ward of $1.'1,000 offered for his capturo. I’a an k Blaiu, completely broken down, is at tho Clifton (New York) Water Cure, Hooking restoration. His right sido is considerably paralyzed. Ho thinks it is partly tho result of excessive smoking, it having been his habit to uso from thirty to furly cigars in a day. The Simmons oootost is regarded as ev idence of a close alliance between Presi dent Grant and Bun Butler, but the chief end which it is desired to accomplish is not hi plainly revealed. Ih Butler Jo champion Grant for a thfcd term, with Honost Ben as the right hand man of the Administration, or is Beu himself to be Grant s favorite for the successionThat’s tho quosthm yet to be determined. Tire Savannah AdccrtUcr <tn<l llepuhli- run says Dr. J. B. Head and Mr. Potter Williamson, of that city, will soon start for Florida with the purpose of attempt ing the oxplorutiou of Lake Okeechobee, lying on tho northern odge of tho Ever glades, and which has never been ap proached nearer than to hear tho dashings of its waves and tho beatings of its surge at a distance of six miles. The Washington A 'at tonal ltcpuhlican' stylos tho party in Massachusetts opposed to the appointment of NimmotiH, the “Silk Stocking Party." And Simmons, when congratulated by Butler and others on his success, said that “it was a victory of tho young Kopuhlicuu olomeut of Massachu setts, and not of himself." Tho “solid men of Boston” will have to shell out their money freely lo subdue this rebel lion. The Now York Herald, commenting on tho confirmation of Simmons’ nomina tion. soys: “Simmons will secure tho patronage iu Boston to ouo rutlior than to another oliquo in tho Republican party, but ho will alionalo from llio party an enormous moral capital and a heavy vote. If a Kopuhlicuu President has liis nomi nations continued by Democratic votes, that are so east because they moan to commit to a bad appointment tho party they oppose, that party is already badly split. ’ The philanthropist Bergh was brought before a court in Now York city, Tuesday, to show a good roaHon for his interfer ence with tho butchering of hogs in that city. Ho had demanded that they should be llrst knocked in the head, while tho butohorH insisted on bunging them up by the hind legs and thou sticking their throats. They say that is the Chicago style, and is the cleanest method us well ns tho ouo that produco.s tho quickest death. The decision is not yet announc ed. rill'. HOSKTAKY 4UKNTIUV. Before Congress mot, iu December, everybody thought that tho monetary condition of the country would be the one paramount question, for which all other legislation would have to wait. Some indeed, last fall, woio impatient for the President to convene Congress in extra session, so as to hnvo action on tho matter before December. But Congress has now been in session three months, and neither House haa vet passed any bill materially affecting the currency. Their committees have not even reported bills for the purpose. *And yet tho currency and tho ttuancial condition of the coun try have been tho subject of much talk and of long speeches ns variant iu their many modes of relief ns the dresses at n masquerade ball. This great diversity of opiuiou has been tho chief obstacle, and discussiou does not seem to have bettered the matter much. When everybody take a notion that they thoroughly understand a difficult question, it is tho hardest mat ter in tho world to make aujbody under stand it, or any considerable Dumb* view it alike ; and people have about as many infallible cures for our present monetary troubles as they have for a bad cold. The patient can’t try all of them, aud in the multitude of counsellors there is coufusiou instead of safety. Thus it is that Congress deliberates nod delays, and tho country waits with daily deoress. 'iug interest and anxiety—decreasing, be cause it is daily becoming more apparent producing regioua are still cramped. Tho Now York dispatch of the 3d iust., that “this afternoon money was offered with unusual freedom at 3(g’l por cent., and it seemed as if the whole capital of the country was to bo obtained in Wall street for the mere asking thereof,” exhi bits a striking contrast with the condition of things in the rural districts. It is, in part, tho result of tho full in prices lust fall and win ter, by which goods all over the country were sold off at or below cost, and tho proceeds used by tho inerchunts to pay their Now York debts. 'J in- low prices stimulated purchases to the extent of what money there was in tho country, and the ultimate recipient was Now York. We need not, whilo money is thus abundant and chcup iu tho Northern cities, expect from them anything but stout and inter ested opposition to all propositions for expansion or inflation. We are daily becoming well convinced that more money for tho South can only bo secured by holding on to more of what get ; and tho only way to do this it produce more of the commodities that can produce and must have, and thus avoid sending off so much money to tho West and North. If all the money in tho country should corns to tho South to buy our cotton, and ull of it should go back to the West for provisions and the North for manufactured goods, money would still be soarco with us and improvement impossible while this state of things con tinued. Masonic Notice. A Regular Meeting of Parley Chapter . . N-. 7. It. A. M.. Will be held this (frifriity) evening ut 1* j o'clock. ^ The. Bo,al Arch De„ne will also be con-* Visiting Companion* iu good Btuii'iiug . Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. ItitiMMl from Selected Stalks. I>y E. T. SHEPHERD. Notice. M V SON. JOHN CAMPBELL, mn away from me tho 10th of last month. Said hoy is about sixteen years old, five feet high, thick lips, round head, square shoulders, feet inclining out at toes, slow spoken, very dark, weighing lii» or i::o pounds. Any information concerning sat'd boy will he mod thankfully received. I will also prosecute any person who hires or harbors my niiifi d Is wit* SIMON CAMPBELL, (Col’d), Warm Springs, tin. Springer’s Opera House! . P. K KNDA I.I. Business Manager. More ( aplions Of acts paused by tho Legislature and ap proved by tho Governor : To ropoal an act entitled nu net to pro vide for a Board of Commissioners of Jloads and Revenues in Marion county. Approved August L'U, 1873. To exempt from jury duly tho members of certain voluutor companies therein named. To urn end Hio charter of tho Goorgia ltailroud A Banking Company. Tu change the line between the cotin- tit's of Knndolph and Terrell. To uinond tht^ luws of this Slate on the subject of tho running of freight trains on I ho Sabbath day. To allow and authorize tho Commis sioners of Bonds and Koveuuo of the counties of Quitman and Mitchell to levy a tax to pay the indebtedness of said counties. To make citizens and residents of mu- [ •*’•* H'* nicipul corporations competent jurors to «!• jo* try issues in which said corporations aio wit bin tin- t. pnrtios or interested. To amend an act entitled an act to prcuicribo tho manner of incorporating towns and villages : approved August -<>, 1873. To create a hoard of commissioners of roads aud revenue for Houston county. To protect more effectually tho planters of Georgia from imposition in tho sale of fertilizers, nod amend itory of the several nuts now in forco iu this Statu for the same purpose. To change tho time of holding tho full term of tho Superior Court of Houston county. To prevent monopolies in tho trans portation of freights, and to securo free competition in tho same. To incorporate tho City Hank of Macon. To establish a Department of Agricul ture of tho State of Georgia. To exempt from jury duty telegraph operators. To require Hecoivors of tax returns and Tax Collectors to make returns of all taxes returned and paid by colored tax payers, and to require tho Comptroller General to exhibit tho same. To incorporate a bank ill tho city of Millodgoville, to ho known as tho Mil- iodgovillo Hanking Company, and lor other purposes. Urorgia Miittcrm ut Wu«litii|;tuii. Special to tint Atlanta llintiil.) Washington, March 3, 1871. — Bard is charged to-day with having effected a combination with Simmons' iriouds to ef fect his continuation. Ho will remain hero u week longer. Minister Scruggs arrived last night on a thirty days’ leave, at tho expiration of which time he will return, carrying his family, lie will visit Atlanta. The 1‘resident was again visited to day and urged to remove Farrow. 1 lo has called for the items of expenditures made by Farrow. The movers against Farrow are sanguine of success aud allege that Grant will obey the will of tho people so unmistakably pronounced and remove this officer who scorns ho obnoxious to all good oilizeus. Freouiuu said that Bard's confirmation is the death-kuoil to Hepublieunism iu Tho Senate Commerce Committee fav r the continuation of Clayton. Fisher will bo confirmed to Beirut. The Sloan vs. Kiwis vote will bo liken Thursday. It is coring that Sloan will bo FOX & DENIER’S Pantomime T roupe TONY DENIER. The sole acknowledged rival of C. L. FOX as CLOWN, In hid Famous Pantomime, entitled HUMPTY DUMPTY! As Played for 3 years in Now York City. Twenty - Five Talented Artists ! Ail Array of specialty Artists, fmluding Gymnasts, the.Youngest Cornet Player in the world, Dutch l omlcalltiiM, Spud'i Dancing, Surgi and Dances, Imitationa of Birds and Ani mals Stilt Performances, Si.-rlo-Comb Songs and Oriental Jugglery. 4#* Tire usual scale of prices. Unnerved aeata for flute at W. J. Chaffin's Hook Open ut 7 1 | o'clock ; Commnnco ut 8. mini hi U vj. j;. I >>l.i:\J.\X, A cut. GEO. T. GIFFORD, IBoiler :MIcU5J3r and Sheet Iron Worker. HKPAIKINO done with dispatch, ut H. II. Ry- der’s M.u lit lie Shop, Uoutchiiia’ Planing Mills. Notice to Debtors anj Creditors. A LL persona indebted to the estate of A. \V. Redding, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the unders'gued, at Kiln- vilte, Gu., ..lid those having demands against tho estate io present them iu terms of the law. inh l wOw K. J. RBDDINQ, Kx’r. ( ’ KOHtil A—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Thomas K. ' 3 lilt 1 hard, administrator of the estate of Dm ui Mi l> 'igild. eased, applied for leave to s. JI the r- »i • -t it- I longing to said deceased ; n rin d are th refo e notiliiil to i«*ns (if any they h-i\cjiu my olllce cribeJ by law, why * •at estate nil* 1 ' .. ..tiller mv of h,1«74. rnhS w it v. m. BROOK8, Ordinary, Picture Frames FRAME MOULDINGS. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, \1 TILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO TUB SALK, YY KK.VT AND PURCHASE of KKAL fiSTATK in the City and country, and will advertise the same (at private Hale) FKEF OF CHARGE, unless tiiw property in Hold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAND, being the west por tion ol the “Nance lot,” on Bryan b rent, adjoining the residence of lion. M. J. Crawford. Call soon if you want a bargain. febl2 tf CITY LOT No. 0*1, on McIntosh street, with three dwellings on the same. Will be sold together or sepurdte, at a low ligure, for cash. jaU7 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, flttuated in the business centre of tho city. Will soil lit a great bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided iutu'uflt. The property can bo made to pay a largo interest on tho investment. A DESIRABLE HOUSE ANI) LOT, with ten acres ground, in Limvood, one mile from S. W. R. R. depot; a Very comfortable aud desirable home. For Rent. A STORE HOUSE in tho valley of Talbot county, GROCERIES WHOLESALE LloUOR DEALERS. Goods and Grocery business. 0 ! Bankrupt Sale. TUESDAY, the 3.1 day of March n commence IloctH and &lioe» OF ALL KINDS, in parcels to unit j This will bn iu Jobb. IS desiring t ISAAC JOSEPH, Assignee. FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. LARGE ROOMS, with side entrance, with uso rV of parlor aud kitchen. Purties can board with family on very reasonable terms, If j referred House is well located. Jtt26 l! L, Ilox 184. For Sale or Rent. A MAGNIFICENT PLANTATION of 2,000 ii m-r.s, in Ibd and stock pine and buildings ready for Terms easy, and -in i tlier pal Pen bus apply P feb‘28 1 w Strum gin, grist and m. pay meat. A For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MEDICAL C01 UK AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. HAVE just received a great 1 W. J. CHAFFIN. Take Notice. |N thirty d.iyn from this dale, having the con sent of my husband thereto, I will become a Free Trader. DORA J. FKILKR. February Jiltli, 1871. fe28 1m* MEDICAL NOTICE. W. A.H00TEN,M. D., CIGARS. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers! •J. Newman Ac Co. HAYHJUST 0PKNED A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, | amt to moot the dem m l for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c, j lhoy liuvo laid ill, at groat expense, a muguilkciit ■ j Give them a rail, and enjoy, at tho lowest price i consistent with living, tho best amoku j oil have bail for iiiAny a day. | Remember tin* pla F. A. POMERO\. AT IIMOIIFK’S ( OltM IC, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fish, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Fresh Crackers, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, &c. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. Also usual Family S ipplies and Fancy Oro trios Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN wilt to found at the coun ter und will li.-mleasul to wait on his former cus tomers and friends. Tho piitrouagcof the public is respectfully solicited. feb'J8 T. J. Pearce & Co., (Successors to Williams, Pearce k Iloilo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R E8PKCTKri.LV announce to their friends and ttie public that they will continue business at tin* old stand, where they wilt keep a good stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, flic., Which will be sold low and strictly for cash. j*:U dm T. J. PK\RCK k CO. A NEW LOT OF Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, New York Bellies, (Ice cured); Cream Cheese. Goshen Butter, Capers and Horse-Radish, Messina Lemons, Queen Olives and Bay Rum. H. F. ABELL & CO. fet»*2 Hepo tf Extra Sliore Mackerel, No. It '* “ 11 No, 1, Kits; ' Mess “ Kits; Cod Fish; Smoked Halebut; Scotch Herring; Fresh Salmon, 1, 2 and 3 ih cans; Fresh Mackerel, 1 lb cans; Lobsters, 1 and 2 lb cans; Club Fish, 1-4, 1-2 and whole boxes; Turkey, Chicken and Beef, 1 lb cans; Underwood's Deviled Ham; Fresh Asparags, Peaches, Quinces, Cherries, Pino Apples and Tomatoes; Atmoro's Mince Meat, 2 lb cans, 45c each: Star Candles, full woight, 16 or, 25c lb; Crushed Block and Powdered Sugar, 16 2-3; Mild Ice-cured White Meat; Choice Cream Factory Choose; Extra Orange County Butter. ROB'T S. CRANE, nifb t [fohldUn] Trustee. DRY GOODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call uttonttun to the fort lint they uro scllltig Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c., TO VASII IH' VlJlt.N, At mu li prices a* will bo sure to please alt who will call To arrtvo liitli inM., a now case of Spring Prints 9 &c. jal » PEACOCK & SWIFT. ECONOMY! amt 12th i ing, 'J tin' liitli. Iltli nd can be found in Upping’* Biilld- Kioor, next door to Dr. Carrigi i'h idllte. iio nu-i made THE EYE a specialty for tho past t"ii years, and tun prac ticed ex tfiisi vidy in tins and I ho luljoimnz Siat.s. Persons w hoso vision lias been impaired or have !...! tliH sigllt. i marl—dot e invited I i is bettor to-night, party of prominent West- ^ht, iuoliuling several .STOVES AND TIN WARE. 200 COOKING STOVES! FOR SALK AT PRICES TO SUIT HARD TIMES* W. H. Robarts & Co., , Who invito tho ut tout in of th« public to their ; liirg- and comp etc k, con idling of Cooking Stoves, I (Charter Oak aud other tirat class patterns), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, ! (ILVHIl IM.VCKD ANII 1U11TNNU OOilll?, Crockery & Class Ware, DELICIOUS : LOUIS BUHLER, The Tobaccoist, On Randolph street, a few doors below tlo Fll quin r Office, holin' with RED SIGN, Has Received This Day « 1 A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars, Didii ions indeed, at reduced prie s. Two new brands of Cigars, Pcrrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok’g “ Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ “Rustic” Pipes. fir!I (in I exnutitie. LOUIS Ill'll!.KB, mli-l tf] » few doors b- low Enquirer Office. Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BR0.7 Foreign; Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring Stock IS UNRIVALED! 8®- Call ami bo convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. Stoves, Stoves NATHAN CRuWN,& Hoatod. Mr. Stephen At a dintioi SuutUiirr, inn! K-.j.r,, ,i mention Pocket and Table Cutlery ut tlio name of (tutdon, of Georgia, for . . Yuv-Proddeiil, was reoeived with cheers, J ° OMt "" 11 ,, ' ,n>l “ ° n ' and lakcu «s nu earnest of peace and good ! Manufucittrers uf TI.V, COPPER AA D \t ill SIIF.F.T IltO\ WA11F or every description. We enquired to-day of Mr. Stephens j #*- price* os low as tho tow cat. relative to tho bill tiled in Fulton Superior ! B, 'l*7 cmicm I’ourl in Ins name ugainst the Western A At hint in Hail load and llnzlehurst, about , which great enquiry is made. Mr. Steph ens says he knows nothing whatever of the suit, and that immediately upon re ceiving notice of it, ho wrote to tlouorul Toombs, enquiring upon what grounds and for what object he had used his name. No reply has been received to this letter. Specks. 1'llOl’OhKD lMlT.Vl’UMENT OF A SOUTHERN Judoe. — Speaker Hlaiue has received a petition, signed by prominent citizens of Western Arkansas, asking the impeach* merit of William Story. I’uitcd States District Judgo for tho western district of AvUnmus, on charges of corruption, which the petitioners sav can bo well supported by proof. •) mi go Story is u comparative ly young men, and was appointed two or throe yours ago at the instance of Judges lvico and McDonald. The charge against him is corruption in office, and there are uinetcen specifications to the charge. A Bachelor'* Tent. An old bachelor in Maino has been de terred from committing matrimony iu a novel way. Thinking over the subject seriously, and particularly the expense of maintaining a family, he set tho table in his lonely abode with plates for himself and au imaginary w ife aud live children. He then sat down to dine, aud as often as h-9 helped himself to food he put tho same quantity on each of the other plates, aud surveyed tho prospect, at the same time computing the cost MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. I US T RFC KM Ki> ,i sbi.dl lot of NEW STYLED #) HAT.* >iul OTHER NOVELTIES from tho 1 1 It ST OPENINGS a l Hjj" amt well as‘ort*il stock of >11F- 1.1 N FRY, » lib-v Cvnets, ami ever) thing iifii.iUv k.q i in a iii>i 11 is* Mi llm-iy Katahl sh- (Opl'oiii;.' Sun Office) Columbus, On., \\TOl’LP r. «; •-1fully invite tin* attention of bis \ >> frnn.l. hii4 .uMotu.r. lo bis exlensivi' stock of 8Ti)YK8. HOI.LOW AND .'TAMl’ED ' WARE, lllH>E FURNISHING GOODS, Vc. Also . TIN WARE, al aholesulc and retail. Manufacturer of TIN. SHEET IRON AN HOTELS. Rankin House, * Columbus, On. J. W. KYAN, Prop’r. ! Frank Golden, Clerk. Hub) Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undeu the Uanein House. myil ,U»lf J. W. llVAK, l-rop'r. MISCELLANEOUS. Attention, Cuiumbus Guards. jjp" This is to give notice for teu days thu u hii election for Fourth Lieutenant of th° Columbus Guardi will In* held at the Armory on Wednesday night, 7)^ o’clock, 11th last, lty order of thoCaptaiu. MarciiJ. l r 7-1. (td J. J. CL\PP. 0. S. FRESH GOODS! PROFUMO & HOFFMAN Have .lust Received a Fresh Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs. Choice Apples. &c. fobM i! NOTICE. ROSETTE & LAWHON, WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL Liquor Dealers, 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H ave now in stoke a choice selection of puke and isu ulterated Liquors, Home of which are three and four years old. ' llennenseo Brandy, Peach Apple Cherry “ Domestic “ Jauincia Hum, Now England Hum, Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Hyo “ Whilo Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow’s “ ’ Weller’H Bourbon *• ItobertRon County Whiskey, Totu Mooro Rye White Wheat “ Pa. Dew Drow “ Tho above is off ered at wholosale aud retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. feb18 tf ItOSFTTF «V I.A>Y1I0.\, DRY COODS. Grand Clearing Out Sale! TO MAKE READY FOR Tili; SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH ! AND KVKltY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO RE I'OI'ND ELSEWHERE. CI-IA1 3 MA.jST cfc YERSTILLE, jat I 00 RltOAl) STR|;i.| R K J. KYLE & GO. SPKPTKL'LLV Mnnomirc *o 'ti- ir fricml-*, rn»l"mi'r< «nd Ju* public genn*ally, that their FAI.L AND WINTER NTOIK OF BUY tiOOIlS in u..\v c«.mpb*ta iu nm ibiuutaicnt. riuiHisiiiig uf every article u.iu.iiiy iuuml in a Hint • I ns Dry llui-ds lb use. Tliey were beuglit durm; tho money panic in New V k lor money, and will lie hold ut prln-H to correspond with the timp«.q.r cash. We stili ki • j> a large line of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OF I-iac!ies% Misses* 9 and Children's Shots, of (ho Latest Style ami Best Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, P.ugs, &c., at Reduced Prices, ivo us a cull, us we tiought tow and will sell < In-ip for r«ih BARGAINS! Hi!! Hi!!! Important to Those in Want of Dry Goods, Roofing and Guttering CHATTERBOX FOR 1873, give entire hatisfuctioi •C#* Price as low iu» the lowest. C 'me and see b«>h>re you buy. oci26 eoilawlf J. W. Dtsxis. J. M. llESSEtT. Southern Stove Works, Columbus, Ca. J. W. DENNIS & CO. W‘ that no radical change of tho financial j examination was so discouraging that aystem will be made, aud neither any ho resolved not to marry. But why he great expansion nor any important move i should think he was to have so largi towards specie payments attempted i tm. nt «>f MTOYF.K, ... K ATt H, I'I hi: douk. The result of *’«VM’KYANDNTOVF i uu rrsiui VII n,|| I., ku U I u 1' Meantime tho country soems to be grad ually recovering from “the pauio,"though family to provide for, we cannot explain. He should Lave remembered tho old aph orism "Never couut your chickens be fore they aio hatched HOFFOtt WAKi: Wc guarantee our goods every raqiect. Extra Flores ftiruiNhocI lo t%n Klovo wo niako. Sample ami Salesroom at J. H. RFNNETT A lO.’K, •ugil d.'tawawUiu] 131 KrowU Hi FOR SALE HY <1o23] J. W. PEASE 4 NORMAN. CHEMICALS—PURE ! rim HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICKS. C. HOOD » Wood, Wood! n EST WOOD, ready sawed, $4.00 per cord. Wood * ivied for 50 cents per cord. Orders filled prompt ly on application to the UbJl u MUSCOGEE MAN I NG CO. Wm. Clovoland, .Magnetic Healer, MIIS. S. K. K VII 'I' ||, Clairvoyant auil Electrician, H A V K tu k- ii ro i ui at the Planter'^ Hotel, w h<-i tiny will treat the utllicted fur a motill All ktruU ot Diseifes sucessfully treated. C« febH 111 Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. .. Kibs & Harrison, on Monday Marib b b, nt the usual hours of sale, the follow in.: articb •. uidf-K said consignees come forward, pay churgca and remove freights : F. G Marie—One barrel merchandise. H. C. Key—Otic s,tuper. ns. wo < fl'- r from tliis date one i:\TIIIf 4GIOIM AT OMMIAM' I II LIU lid be col.vim-, d. No charges made fur eliowtu^ Our Terms from this date will bo Cash. No goods will be sold on longer time than thirty days. ■All those Indebted JOHN McGOUGH & CO. Jammy 1st, 1874. dtf CLOTHING. ii low tiii: wiiintm:. king tub: bell, STOP Tin: ENGINE-WE’Vi: UOOUK TO SELL THORNTON M.CEE, No. 78 Broad Street. (Next door to J. W. 2 it Norman’s II tokfdore.) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s OLOTSIIMG, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will sell at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. SES^Call and see for yourselves. ju NO Here’s Your Chance. EXCUSE EOlt A RUSTY SUIT! CLOTHING AT GOST ! piOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL Ol’It SUPER!) STOCK t I UEATEEMEX’N, YOITIIK' AM) ClIILDUEA’K Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valise?, Carpet Bags, &c, &c., at Cost for Cash, Come at onco, ir you wish to buy CHOICE CLOTHES fur u little iiiuim y. THOMAS & PRESCOTT. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WITTICU. C. M. KINSKI WITTICH & KINSEL, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engraver* No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ■illy Dancing School. A N ENTIRELY NEW STOCK uf the best goods iui-1 tin- latest s in New York, atid are now ottered at the lowest ca*h prices. WAit llllS, rl.m us, JKWEI.KV, KTERI.IMI SILVER .1 l-I.ATl" ** * Alt of the latest manufacturers, arles and Eye-LInssi-N. hies, Ladles’ and Gents’ Chains. inrh'O Plain and Fancy Hold Kings o,f beautiful nothin nishtp. ami ft' of Article found In a KJrsM’bJss Jewelry siote. Stencil Plates of every description cut at short notirc. SOLE AGENTS for the celebrated Diamoud Pebbled Spirtacles and Kye-Glafs.-*. and 1 _ Arundel pebtdo Spectacles, which are slightly colorod, and in high favor with c\eryt" > -ye-giaases. AVutcli, Clock and Jewelry repairing in alt its branches. IJair J-- Setting, or any new work made to order at reasonable r.ii«..- ENGRAVINU promptly executed. ■ by " Hi