The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 06, 1874, Image 3

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(OMH1US: Friday .maiu-h «. 1*7-1. farmers; department; PEABODY. - - - Editor. OPELIKA DEPARTMENT. 1 M. ORAY, EDITOR. ] tntion deep enough to cover the need. ! My cotton in never troubled with lire or worms—try it. i Wood T 4 aton, Tenn. t January 8/A, 1874. i 1 tnko the above from the Southern f'ultirulor. Does it uot go r great ways . j it establishing my theory that the ttrxt j Relic* of the l*n*l. I germ of the caterpillar is in the seed?. Wo have inspected within the last few Ifnssler nays his •‘cotton is never days, a number of articles ploughed up in wnmiimM t irmw!»-x«-AvM£iftSii^ MILLINERY. Holbs mid Talks i»» tl»(» Harden, j troubled with lice or worms. Both lice ••(tood morning, madam. I sec yon at and worms are parasites, and the heating vork in the garden this fluo morning.” ••Yes, sir. Won’t you como in and 6eo „w the vegetables nre growing ?" ••Truly your peas, spinach, turnips. ie ets and cabbage are looking tine, for ilnnts so young. ..yog. I am glad 1 did not plant them ulier. for I fear now the full moon in April." Pray tell me what ti»3 moon has to do jritb the weather? ' That I cannot explain. Homo very learned men ridioulo the idea of the moou's having any influence upon tho [•Range of weather. But this I do know, that for twenty years my orchard and gar den have sutt’ered from frost on the lull ,„oon in April—missing but two years out of the twenty. Oh, how I should hate to have my plants cut down now, after nil iny caro and trouble !” The plants you have growing now will hear a pretty good frost without material Injury. Peas will not bo injured unless alight in bloom. Should n frost threat en and if the thermometer falls to forty- livo at sundown, you may surely oalonlato ui a frost), cover tho rows of beets nml ;onder plants with plank laid along tho rows, elevated just above tho plants; ake it off in tho morning and lay it in • bo walk for nuothor night. Every farm er ami garduer should havo a thermoine- | e r, that they may watch tho change's of outlier understanding!}*, and not bo gov- rned by their feelings." •T think so, too; and I will^ot mo ono i-morrow. What do you do to prevent he turnip fly from eating tho young leaves if the plant V” Sprinkle frosh ashes or gypsum over born i:i the morning when tho dow is KatjuV^try got-dn Htort- tho seed had goue through, probably de stroyed tho parasite. Bust Aoe of Mares for Hreedixo.—In reply to the question, “At what ago ought mures to breed, to make it host for them to colt, and to produce the best possible horse in the long run ?” a correspondent of tho Geuessoe Farmer states that the most solid horses nro from parents past ton years old. It iH quoted as tho opin ion of Col. Win. li. Johnston,of Virginia, an “old Napoleon of tho turf,” that if raising a mure for hreediug puposes only, one should commencee at two years old, if sho were well grown, not for the value of her first colt, but for tho extension of her breeding properties, and enlarging her nursing capacities. Corn For IIooh.—The Southern Plant er advises those who havo not yet plant ed (heir corn, to leave a portion of their crop only partially tbinuod, to be cut up and fed whole to tho hogs, stalk aud all, as soon as they lmvo gleaued the harvest flelds. ll fattens the hogs in summer, savos corn, nud is cheaper and better than root crops. Mr. ltnffla states that be has tried it for eleven years, and never regretted it. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. UIt. 1. T. WAIINOCK, Surgeon uml Physician. Ulro »t Slaughter's Drug Store, Railroad iitreet. DU. J. W. K. WILLIAMS •Herd his profcsnioiiul services. Olllt-o over R. M. O ri on ,v Co.'s, Cham hem A H. It. Street*. Millinery. MISSUS WII1TJS & TUCK Kit, L'iibhioiiuhlu Milliners uml Dressmuke O.'iitIciiiru n Hurts cut by chart inonsnrc, uml CoilYC||i|.| Did y.-ii < vor lmvo lice on your cub- o?—aphid I think yon call them; the 0 as often seen on tho cotton plant.*’ U|»» uka, It is uot the same as ou tho ootlou •lutit; there are a great many species of phis, each plant producing its own. •’resh ashes, gypsum, or flue slaked lime Justed over tho plants in tho morning ,vill destroy thorn.” Aud what do you do for the green ni that eats up all the tender heads of the cabbage ?” “This is a troublesome customer, nml bo far hns baftled the skill of th • gardener. There is a miller or fly, that lays its egg ou tho leaf, which hatches into tho worm. A little salt put into tho cabbage has been found n preventive, us insects do not like salt, and the cabbage being a heu shore plant, does. There is a variety of cabbage, tho green glazed, that is not eaten by worms. Tho leaves look ns if they had been varnished, aud tho fly does pot deposit its ogg on them.” “Well, llioro is another worm, still worse nud worse, the cut worm. Can you tell me how to be rid of him ?” “Yes, Madam, 1 can. Havo yon any loads in your garden ?’’ “Toads! NYhnt, toad-frogs?” “T he same, Madam." “No, I hope not. Whenever I lmvo my Warren hoe iu my hand, nud a toad shows bis ugly head, I chop it oil’ quicker.’’ ! “Then you do wrong. You destroy the post friend you havo in tho garden. Tho land lives upon insects, and is most fond of insects destructive to vegetation. Tho cut worm is his savory morsel, and if, in stead of killing them, you would carry pundreds into your gurden. you would not po troubled with cut worms. Tho cut [worm only feeds in tho night, and tho >ad only travels iu the night in pursuit f food." ‘Oh, how blind 1 have been.! Can’t 1 send mo a bushel of toads ?” ‘No, Madam : I havo none to spare, l must raise your own toads.” ‘I am glad to see you'recommend tho ng and tho Warren hoo. I could uot arden without them now. Ilow wo mau- l to cultivate vegetables with that big, [clumsy planting hoo I can’t imagine. Why, tho beds now apparently need no work. There is not u weed to bo seeu ; but if it is dry a few days, I have those long prongs worked between tho rows loosening the soil ten inches below with out apparently breaking the surface ; and the Warren hoo is so light aud elastic,add withal so strong, that when 1 get hold of it I don’t know when to sum.” must bid you good morning, madam. I will look in ngaiu before it in rafe to plaut the tender vegetables.” •low lu Hot a Uoo<l Stand ol‘ Cotton. Editor Southern Cultivator: I wish 1 could in some way repay you and your many intelligent correspondents lor the pleasure and satisfaction 1 havo had iu perusing their timely articles during tho Surely, some men nro peculiarly blessed with the faculty of being able to say just the light word at iho right time. Others, like myself, wore no doubt intended by Providence f»»r good listeners. I never fail to got a uniformly good | stand of cotton. My plan is to till a [ wag.m body oue-third full of nshos on 1 dry horse manure (equal parts of each, I th n throw iu a basket-full of cotton ; seed, on which I sprinkle n bucket of water : and then with n in mure or spade- | tork (tlio hitter is hotter) l throw on the pile several forks full ot tlio m umre and asho*. mixing it us well as 1 cun, py 0 - ceodiug m this manner until the body is fall. 1 then haul the wagon to nearest point, and with a basket a small b •, e.m tusily attend the planter. 1 use the ''Star" \>v “Stewart Planter," which roll tho seed mi tbit when they come from tho planter, each seed is com pletely encased with tho fertilizer. I usually do this some U hours before planting, trumping and packing th • sued in the wagon, causing them to become warm enough to start the guru. Th* y always come up in a few diysaud grow otl vigorously with a long dark gicen and purple shank (uo matter wheih-r 'lie ground is dry or no' I prefer i > plant on fresh or newly made hols. I have Usually commenced planting on the 'JOth of April, and generally have h *1 -» good ntaud up a week before m my w planted "dtli dry seed aud an opener, iu i y days before me. I never have to replant. Ou now or frei-b made beds I take up the opener, the weight of the wheel makes an itideu MllS. C. V. ll.YltL.OAV, ruMhionuhlo Milliner ami llrcsBinukur. • ■ Agent of Uutn-rick x Co.'s Pattern*. Hanking House ol Hmj.pitid A Co., Bargains ! Bargains !! Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods at Panic Prices Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, g appoint<*«l Notary Public for Leo county, ■ftLully o.ilu iis the patruuugo ul his friend*. Eating Houses. Furniture, &c. At Puuic Price*. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all Kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Collins, and Casket*. jiilS CIiuiiiIk is street Lawyers. A. J. VK UKKN, and Counsellor ul Liw. Tailors. 3. II. CAM 1*11 ELL, Tailor, .'titling and Making ill the Latest Stylos. Ro pairing nuitly done. Fuiitli Railroad St., over Euriiitur« Store, jal Barber Shops. ULNl.s; V 11ARRI > iiEli, Ilurber, ort.ei- 8<>u’li Railroad an I Cliamlicrs streets. defj:$ Hotels. ALLEN, PropV. ADAMS H4»lSi:. When you go to Opelika, he sure to stop at the A 1 “ ~ dee- Adam* House, opposin' I’a-st his farm by Mr. J. W. Floyd, ten miles west of this city, which, whilo gratifying natural curiosity, cany us back to tho (Jays when the red man and his dusky bride held sway over these once verdent mountains and vales. How long they have boon hidden from the view of those who now labor and toil over their rest, is beyond our knowledge. The articles which we have Roon and handled are a brass boiler, holding about one gallon, with tho evidence of long use, being burned out, as we say, at the bot tom, and in this was carefully placod a copper ladle, thin, and about the size of those now in use, the handle being about inches long, in fair preservation; a silver bracelet, Urge enough for a man’s wrist, thin, and three inches wide, iu fair state of keeping, with tho word “Chero kee," iu large English capitals engraved on it; a snuff-box, nt least supposed to havo beeu, apparently of boll metal, ob long shape, ubout four inches long oiul three wido, with the mime “Win. Feler- kio, 17.'»0," engraved in bold letters. On either side of.tbis relic is a handsomely en graved pictureof Abraham,about to slay bis son; tho alter, goat,and surrouudiug perfect. On the othor, “Ilagarin the Wilderness,” with her perishiug child aud the attendant angel, nre well executed ; a pair of modi- urn sized shears, much rusted ; a dozen or more lurgo rings of brass, full two aud u half inches in diameter, completed the list. The skeleton of tlio individual, whether mala or fcrnalo could not be doteriuined, was found surrounding this grave. Mr. Floyd thinks there nro many more, from tho fact that grain or any other thing planted there grows luxuriantly in mnuy places, while adjacent to it tho crop is poor. Ho purposes marking all such Rpots this season, and possibly another fall will eunble him to open a world of similar cu riosities aud utensils of a people lost to everything save memory. Had we been flush Mrs. Chandler should have beeu placed in posKOs<-iou of these mementos of a people whom she, us well ns the writ er, remombers most kindly. Fire near l.oncliiipoltu. Wo are sorry to learn of the total de struction by lire, of tho residence and furniture of Mrs. Bettio Hunion ou Suu- day night last. Her brother, Mr. l'enu l’etorp, chancing to bo with the family ou | a visit, succeeded in arousing tho family in time to save clothing and but httlo else. Tho people of Loacbapokn came forward very liberally, and with the as sistance of Mr. 1’oters bought another dwelling, anil placed the family in it. jks not known. In compliance with tho law, our City Fathers have boon engaged during the day in sifting and vorif}ing tho vote cast yesterday. Although some illegal votes were cast, there will not bo enough to hang a doubt upon as to who are our city authorities for tho year. We met a darky ou the suburbs to day, who had just como to town to vote. He said ho didu’t did do word iu time. Justice NweiirciiKin'ii four I was crowdod, yesterday, with our colored lenders, some of whom had played n little game of illegal voting. So far only otio has been held to answer before the Cir cuit Court. Three were discharged. Some dozen or more romaiu to be investi gated. We wero gratitiod to meet Judge J. M. Chilton upon our walks yesterday morn ing. A brief visit to Washington, accom paniod by his charming bride, has put Ilis Honor in excellent humor. Ou Mon day tho motion docket iu his court will bo taken up and disposed of. Trade dull; but little being done, to note in former quotations. ■ ^ mu mu WILL. ON AND A FT HR TO-MORROW. OFFER IIKR KNT1RK , OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOOD, rOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! The Ladies are respect fully Invited to call and judge for tliciuselvos. All poods imi-t Lo putt BANKING AND INSURANCE. NOTICE. rjlilK COI'ART.N KKSIII1* heretofore exi*tli Culutubl.N, (ill Muit-'ll Jd, 1S74. line ot WILLCOX' A HAWKS, is th* .1,, l> F. WILLCOX. * W. N. HAWK- ( at b‘Jj^ Uroul, and respjctfull) F. WIL.I.COX. in [ns urns' an mechanics' REMEMBER ! THE NEW YOKK STORE IN STILL SI LLING AT Panic Prices ! OUR JOUVIN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT SOc. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. Nov. 2<;, 1873. S. LAND AUER [nth JlO-eodAwly] & BRO. New York Store FERTILIZERS. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. JOHN S. REESE & CO,, Baltimore, General Agents Cash Price, $50.00 per ton. Also, On Time, for Cotton or Currency. • p-ist eight li.i* cHtuldished its iitm-rs tlmt the (I1114110 brought ini' 1 .piulily us tlml lieretnfuro sold. T il H use of this (Iilium reliability. 1 nei- precisely tin* same in composition The large flxed capital invested by this of continued excelleuc*. The Poiupituy ha* ipiality than any iiuiiiher of consumer* can hsivt Orders received and information limiislied, Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, FOR COM l'OSTI NG WITH COTTON SEED. Peruvian Guano, Dissolved Ammoniated Bones, Land Plaster, &c,, &c, W. H. YOUNG, 12 Broad St. COLUMBUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid'L, February nth, 1871. tf GEORGIA. A. 0. BlACKMAR, Cashier, J. RHODES EBOWNE, President. OEO. V7, DILLINOHAM, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount aud Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. Tl mwm IM SAVINGS RANK Oilers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patron* who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent,, compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—l?y the terms of the Company's charter, the entire capital and property of the Company and iin- private property of the’ Shareholders is pledged Ibr the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS: j. minims mtowNK, iwt ofihoUo. .IAS. F. BOZFMAN, Capitalist. Atlanta. J. U. ('LABI*, Manuf'tr, Clapp's Factory, lion. JOHN Mc’lLllKNNY, Mayor. JAMKS KAN KIN, Capitalist. N. N. CURTIS, of Wells,Curtis .V ('.■ K. T. DOWNING, Attorney-at-Kaw. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of the t •IONIAII MOUIUS, Banker,' MontgV CIIAULES WISE, may I I Insurance. V ALEhJTiMES. Valentines for 1874 VV K VEItY LOW hill I - V A L E ?« TINES AT , I Jr.,:){)(, 30c, 75c, *1 at Colton Ueceipts liglit: stock ditto, to quotu : Middlings Low Middlings ltoceivod previously “ yesterday We continue FERTILIZEltS. 300 tons Patapsco Guano Company’s Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates, 100 tons Langdalc . English A A Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates, 100 tons Langdalc B B Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates. 100 tons George Ober &. Son’s Ammoniated Super Phosphate of Lime, 100 tons George Ober & Son’s Genuine Phospho Peruvian Guano. In Store and to Arrive. 1 offer the above Planter* wishing genuine ll •H add' d. WM. A. .IAMKS, Ofllca in City Warehouse, Oglcthori i sir-* t, i.ex A (jcnl. Thomas Gilbert JOli PHINTEB SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Independent. EAGLE & PHENM SWINGS KNOT, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors--$l2 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per coot compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand N, J. BUSSEY, Pres’t, G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. (cIm dlt SECUPJTY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY !' THE ColumbuM, Geoi'S'ia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HAMIT OK SAVING ON THE l’AKT OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PltOVIDE A wife and reliable arrangement for the beneficial acei cub lien f tlio earnings of artisens and all oth r classes, this Company boa c-stoblished, uuder SPECIAL C HAUTE It 1’liOM ’I HE * STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages uro offered to Depositors of either large • »r 1 KUiiill amOUUtH ; book-birder | (* ooi’i^'ici 11oiiio Insurance Compy "imim i:s tii ori'Kii tiii: ri hi.ii' ! INDEMNITY anjilrt Loss by PIRK ! I Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, Sho Wants a Chance to Cot it Back. I J, RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W, DILLINGHAM, SAM'L S, MURDOCH •'resident. TrcuMiror. Secrclury. Blank Book Manufacturer, J. W. PEASE & NORMAN. Hirhll ly WACON MAKINC. Wood and Blacksmith Shop, J. H. MOSHELL II A VINO taken k. Iti'i'uirihg "f Carriages and f all il('|icri|lHons "f l’lnws, i? on liainl a larz** " 1 *»« k of all I ublir i* r-sji'-clfully J. II. MOSIIKLL. L. L. C0WDERY, HIDES! HIDES!! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOB Green l Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY cSf CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. jijj >tJin t inier Itiinkn House. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will l*uy Market Price Tor Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. i. i of 1’EltFECT 8E0UHITY. 'I tlm Company w-oro on tho 1st of January, 187.” $1,7111, I V.) b”. and are .steadily increasing. Tho Iteservo Fund is $'J'J7,7t*t* b- Ali of which property is hclcially im.kdokd by act of tho Gonoral Assembly Hail road It for tho protection of Depositors; aud in ^ ^ ^ addition, by tho samo net, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company aro made 1NDIV1D- ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion In their shares, for tho integrity of the Savings Department and its certificates of Deposit. IC tMHM I'll S I .. 4 (H I tllllV 4. I A M ikiw preparoil t*i •■vi'ciii'’ wlili mm I no 1 .uni *li*j*iiicn ur.lers l*»r Pit I -N 11 > • l *• cry description, viz: LET I Fit HEADS. NOTE HEADS. BILL MEADS, STATEMEN IS «H At ' Bi'SINESS AND VISITING GAUDS, LABEI S AND SHIPPING T\OS. HAND BILLS AND CHBTLAKS. SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Arc LEGAL BLANKS. ipts, Kills Lading. A< iok or loose, Blank Books *if i kinds, with or without printed heads, made at short notice. FIRE INSURANCE. FIREMAN'S MIND INSURANCE COIVOPA1V Y — or— San Francisco, Cali f ornia. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Keliiible, iiihertd ! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent. LIBERAL 1NTEUHST. Kate allowed Seven por cent, per annum, compouu*led four times a year. 3. bo withdrawn at any Depositors residing an di (W deposits by Giving my entire porsotnl attention to J" Printing and lllnding.lain enuLlod to till ullni dor- promptly at L »W CASH Pltlt'F> K'l.'inintccliiK -ati-fuctIon. DEPOSITS cn time irithoot anti out of tho citv 4. Orders from aLron*l ro< it parties wore piescnt. «• A lull stock of xal Hlanks ulway.- KI’LES AND UEOrLATIONS of Mils Department furnished upon application, givrn. DRUC3 AND MEDICINES. and all desired infoiniatio JilUUiiiliilJ For Sale at Low Prices. ■ corgid Home Hank ItnildliiK. rjiiiK i ! N KT r ' Dissolution. ,1. >!. llKNNF.rT k C<' « all dm- tlic lli lo. aid BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSIT given to depositor*. o. All accounts of Jtejtosilor.i mil he rot side red strictly plicate aud confidential. DIRECTORS: N. J. HL'sSBKY, w. li. Young, W. K. PA It It A.MOll H ALFUKU I. YOl.'Mi, of New \ .rk. GHII'I IMPORTED ^Drup & Medicines. PERFUMERY AM* ' I TV , <»< M > I >!S, I ll I'KK'EH. Coliiiiitm*. Man I j oePJ” ly COLUMBUS. GA. FARM BOOKS. DOORS, SASH, ETC. TIME BOOKS fOur Sovonty Pat;o lllustra-, FOB j ted Catalogue of j PLANTATIONS AND FARMS j DOORS, ] I S \SIIES. BLINDS, j STAIR RAILS. NEWELS. 1 l'ANCV (i!.\SS, A,*.. J .’, 1!1(11 , , MVH * *» »'• j amity time* it* e.m during tlio ynr. 1 1* THOMAS GILBERT, KEOGH & THORNE, j ..I .1 j "ii* CANAL HTKKI.T. SUN JOB ROOMS, JHM1.I) j Columbus, Ca. 1 Cu‘ The «ill l» f«irwaided l > mail, on Dissolved. Dental Notice. '|' ' i !: \( f K a'nLU MAN. r |* ,l |lH* V!. ,i i \ n nimil • *■nn'fit All parti*-* liu'dii , . i,-i tlic l,rm, will prsscii 1 llu hi lu Mi j vur Hr::::;*, ’ ulus u ' '' * BACK A NEW MAN.