The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 10, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus jdajultz- Enquirer OL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1874. NO. 58. ILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY JUWQUIIIHU.. XO LON TO LOH OB XIDCKIXU. LFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Two t'olored Ucm'meii Fight—One Hounded In Both Letfi-IIow Lre Yon Now, Ye Kfou'* able Duolli*t*. olvo mouths, ia advauoo months, “ ee months, “ mouth, “ belt Enquirer, one year day Emquibbb, ono year day and Weekly Enquirer to- ther, one year Advertising UatOM. >ek, Daily $8 00 4 00 2 00 several months without the tax required by law. Among the Arms named are Jacob Baar, Smith, Bros. & Son, ami T. J. Phillips A Bro. Each specification is sustained by un ufildavit. A special agent will imme diately examine into theso charges, which, j if true, will ceUaiuly remove JioltzcJaw. f hia probable removul, the J names of Benjumm Conley and 8. A. Augusta, Ga., March 8.—Two negroes, Darnell have been suggested as his sue- _ t .... , u ... . , cenRor Peter Blair und Moses Sullivan, had some Governor Bard loaves for homo via the angry words, during which Blair toldSul- Air-Line, Monday night. He proposes to j livau he was no gentleman. The latter make his bond ($00,000) in Georgia. On ( i emam i 0( j au apology, or satisfaction with the subject of removals in the post-office, , , .. , ’ , . ...... • is mum. He had an extended inter- “hot-guns or pistols. Blair replied he had ?w with Grunt to-day. no apoiogy to make, but accepted the chal- Tho name of Barwald will be withdrawn leuge, naming time, plaoo and weapons. tLo comma «ook, auJ Hell nouiiuutad in- The partieg m6t at s.iul Bor ferry this morning, at 7 o’clock, accompanied by cliai uc-tliinl above i* with tliO pr.Vilvgn of u threw m >ntli*. For yearly enrd* u lili will bo made. Weekly rates will Invariably bo o Daily. en «n advertisement Is changed more than so months the advertiser will be charg- o cost of composition. Foroign udvor- jiev as do those ut home. stead. Prince will be re nominated for Augusta on Suturday. The President will provide for McLaw.s elsewhere. General Gordon had a loug private in terview yesterday with tho President at the Capitol. A majority of tho Senate Committee l Elections will report on Monday that Spencer is entitled to his seat from Ala bama. Capital, to-morrow morning, will Inin a scathing article on Busteed for their seconds—two nogroes, named Ralph Knight and Win. Armstrong. The ground stopped off and Colt’s five shootors plac ed in the hands of tho principals. Knight gave tho word of command, and said “Po- ter are you ready?” Petct said, “you— “Moses uto you ready?” Moses re plied, “yes.” They commenced shootiug, TELEUHAFHIC NOTES. Lawyers. row, JOHKP1I I Attorney nt, and Judge of County Court. Practices lu all other Court*. Blw, over Mora of H . II. Hobart* A Co., Broad fit. jaxa endeavoring to bully und brow-beat Con- I and both parties fired away until the last gressmea. j bnrrell was dtsehsrgod. Pistols were ro- Jobn S. Bigby and John L. Conley are j loaded. Principals resumed positions; ‘ ■ uccessors to rar- , . * . , , regarded beyond | word!l of ooininuud were repeated, and tuggestod as probable Huccessors to Pu .v, whose removal —Tho Iowa Legislature has passed a bill prescribing a maximum rate of freight and passenger tolls on l ilroads iu tho State, with severe penalties for violation. —Despatches from Elko, Nevada, Sun- # day night, say the Contrul Pacific Railroad ~ ' — is still blocked by snow. Western trains SAMUEL H. IIATCHKR, arc lying at Toane. Attorney ut Law. —lloury Conyers, of Montreal, N. J., jako office over Wkttlch k KtmnW agod 15, mado a wager Saturday, he could drink a pint of whiskey and rnnlt boor in an hour, lie wou the wager and died boforo morning. —Francis Brendt, of Maryland, said to _8peti»i attention given to collection*. jail be connected with one of the first families of that State, attempted Ruicido by shoot ing himsolf in the saloon of W. 1). Church, of Raleigh, N. C., Sunday. Two shots took effect in his head, from which erysipelas has set in, and his case is pro- Will prac nounced hopeless by his attending physi cians. THE WEATHER. Department or War, \ Washington, March U, 1874. > Probabilities.—For the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States, clear woathor, rising temperature, and light to fresh windu. Builders and Architects. I J. ii. ( H ALMEItN, - | House t ar|K>ut«r and Builder. Jobbing done at short notice. Plans and specifications furnished fur all »t>l«* i •f tuildlliKH iiroud Ftr. «t, neat to (J. W J«‘J Colli ilEOKUIl NEWS. Colonel J. C. Branson hss boon ap- t«d Judge of the new County Court Entet'prise thinks that moro com bo pi tiled iu Henry county than for i past. The editor of the Meriwether Vinili- hns been preset.ted with a mess of potatoes grown this year. i shuckings being out of season, ' ood people about Guinesville enjoy i at “pop corn festivals.” Tho Georgia Medical Association is to its next annual session iti Thomas- , commencing the 11th of April. Tho “Atlanta Fire Insurance Compa- orgamzod on Saturday, by the tion of B. J. Wilson President, and a d of Directors. A Dooly connty boy named Nutt, e riding one of tho mules of a wag n , fell and was run over by tho wagon, { him in a few minutes. 'Clin trial of five negroes for tho xnnr- r Mr. Hall, of Thomas county, was resHiug at Thomasvillo on Woduea- last. They had chosen to be tried rately. The Atlanta Board of Trade, on Saf- y, discussed three proposed narrow > railroads—one to Greenville, Mori- »r county; another to Jefi’erson, son county ; and a third to Monticel- asper county. The Covington Enterprise complains a mau was fined $31.40 iu that city lling tho truth. By reference to im- r article iu tho piper, wo discover the “truth” which ho told was u cun- on that bo had sold liquor without li- Tho Atlanta polico are distinguishing ~lves since the Bedell and Chisolm t The Herald reports that four of on Thursday night, arrested olovon al soldiers who were disorderly, and ffered considerable resistance. Mr. Carr, of Wilkinson county, endeavoring to prevent a young from running away last week, had isfortune to .have his thumb pulled t the first joint, currying a way the ns far up as tho elbow. Millcdgevillo correspondent iu- tlm Macon Telegraph of the finding body of Mrs. McComb, who loya lly disappeared several weeks ago. found iu the Oconee rivor, in which she hud undoubtedly drowned hor- a fit of mental aborrution. Griffin News corrects its stato- niado several woeks ago, that a sick in its city were supposed to hnvo ~iaoned by eatiug robins that had China berries. It is now said that hud oaten Osage oraugo seed, made their fiesh poisonous, he Houston Home Journal says that unty was named after Gov. John vho was u delegate from (reor tho Continental Congress, and was d Governor of G mrgla in 1778, nnd in 1784. Ito died near Savannah in aged about CO years. ALABAMA NEWS. ,’udge Kei’s* Hpocial grand jury, of ity Court of F.ut’ttula, were disobarg- Thursday, after finding three true doubt. Mr. Stephens is no better to-night. Fivo weeks have elapsed since be was out of his room. DEATH OF EX-PRENIDENT FILL MORE. Buffalo, N. Y., March 9.—Ex-Presi dent Millard Fillmore died at his rosi- dence in this city at tou minutes past 11 o’clock lost night. Ho was conscious up to 8 o’clock. In rop’y to u question by his physician, he said “nourishment was pal atable." These wore his last words. His death was painless. Enter. Buffalo, March 9.—The funeral of Ex- Prosident Fillmore will take place on Thursday next at 2 r. m. The funeral progrumiuo has not yet boon arranged. Buffalo is draped iu mourning. All Courts, Board of Trade, Ac., huvo adjourned, nnd Hags are flying ul half mast from public and private buildings. WASHINGTON. DEATH OF EX-1*RESIDENT FILL- MORE. Washington, March 9.—Iu the Senate to-day Ex-President Fillmore’s death was announced, and tho Senato adjourned. Executive Mansion, Washington, • March 9, 1874. ,‘ It is with deep regrot that tho President announces to tho people of tho United States I ho death of Millard Fillmore, one of his honored predecessors, who diod at Buffalo last afternoon. Tho long con tinued and useful public sorvice and emi- purity of character of tho deceased Ex-Presidout will bo remembered beyond tho days of mourning iuto which the natiou will be thrown by tho event which is thus announced. As a mark of respect to his memory, it is ordered that the Executive m tusiou and tho sev eral departments at Washington bo firapod in mourning until tho closo of the day on which tbo funeral shall take place, and that all business bo suspended on tho day of tho funoral. It is further ordered that tho War ami Navy Departments causo suit able military and naval honors to bo paid on tho occasion to tho memory of tho em inent citizen whoso life is now closed. [Signed.] U. S. Grant. By tho President: Hamilton Fish, Suo’y of State. House. Iu tho House, among tho bills intro duced, was ono by Shoats to improve cer tain rivors in Alabama. By Giddiugs of Texas, resolutions of tho Legislature of Texas, thanking the President of tho United States for up holding the right of locaUelf-government by declining to furnish troops to Governor Davis to enable biiu to keep himself iu power. A Committee was nppointod to attend Fillmore’s funeral. Adjourned. KelliA'K w Warinouth lu tlio Su preme Court. Ia tho Supreme Court in tho case of Gov. Kellogg, of Louisiana, against II. C. Warmuuth, in tho Louisiana Circuit, tbo Court w.h petitioned to allow an nppoal to the Supremo Court of tho United States, but the motion has beon refused, on tho ground that the record doos not show a final dciT o. Ilualecd mid DurcU’s Impeachment. The Judiciary Committee bavo but one witness yet to hear iu Bustoed’s impouch- firing was ro-oommunced, nnd continued until Blair fell to the ground, shot through both legs. The parties returned to the city immediately. Sullivan fonght at same place last year, und Blair fought an other uegro near Savannah some time ago. NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Conooud, N. H., March 9 —Tho past week has brought no essential change in tho political aspect. Both parties have been actively at work. Considerable ex citement was manifested in tho selection of nominees for local ofileoB and Uepro sentatives to tho Legislative Assembly. It is thought a lurgo vote will bo polled to-morrow. This, however, will in some degree depond on the weather, which ut present promises to bo fair. Both purties still claim a favorable issue, though pro- miuont Republicans admit the possibility of no election of Governor by tho people. Tho Democrats express growing confi dence iu tho result, but as it stands noth ing can tie predicted with certainly, hibitionists are sanguine I boy will cast two thousand votes, and have much Inrg er representation in the House than any other party, nro willing to concede. A Prominent Prohibitionist said to-day, that in the event there was no election by the people, tho Prohibitionist inembeis in the Logislaturo would vote for Mo- Cutchiuu, tho Republican candidate, on tlio ground that ho would veto any of the present liquor law. THE WAR ON WHINUY. Jefkebbonvii.le, Ind., March 9.—Tho Crusaders are still dovoted to their work, early and late. Three weeks have passed Hiuco the movement began, butstill muny of tho saloons decline to admit them,and so far none have been closod. The ’work is to be continued in hopes of producing effect on them at u future Jay. Philadelphia, March 9.—Tho police made complaints this morning of twenty taverns keeping their side doors open on yesterday in spite of orders to tho con trary. Warrants have boon issued for,tho urrost of a proprietor iu ono case. The offonco charged is selling eatables— this being also against tho Jaw. The nrrqpts for drunkenness on Saturday aud Sunday wore only twenty less than for tho previ ous week, showiug that tho tipplers had laid in a stock on Saturday for Sunday SHIP NEWS. J. M. McN KII.I., Attorney und Couuiollor r Practice* iu courts of Oourgiu uuJ Al office 1311 Urnud St., (over llol Hpetlttl sitoutiou glveu to collectlo INURAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorney a nt Law, o« iu ttie mats aud Fedor » over Preur, 111*0°* A Co.'* «toro r Broad nnd St. Clair St*. A. A. DOZIER, Attorney nnd ('on unci lor nt low, Practice* lu Stats aud Federal Courts lu Qoorgla Office 136 broad e JuG Mask 11. llLi.imroRD. Louis F. U ilia van. ULANDFOHD A ii ARK All D, Attorney* nnd Counsellor* nt Lnw. OUko No. 67 bioad street, over Wittiuh A Kiu- ael’a Jewelrj Store. Will practice in the Slate and Federal Court*, sept Confectioners. 1. G. bTKIPPLK, Candy MituufUuturur I AND bBALKR |K All klud* of Confectionery mix! Fruits, Stick Candy 18 vents. No charge lor boloa. ja34 Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Nnlo nnd Lxchittige Ktublea, Culetuuki 1 *, Noutii or jlAHDoi.vit Sts.. A. GAM MEL, Livery mid Sale Stable*, OULKTUORPK Sr , I'Ol.LMill's. U.\. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. London, March H.—Tho London 0b- server says : “A meeting of tho members of the luto Miuistry was held yesterday. Tho impression that Gladstone has de clined the activo leadership of the Oppo sition during the ensuing session, is con firmed. The Marquis of llartington is mentioned ns his successor, but nothing has boon decided yet. " Tho Daily News says : “Gladstone has announced his intention to relinquish tho leadership of tho Opposition, but it is hoped ho may bo induced to modify it to retirement daring the present session of Parliament. He will come to a flefiuite conclusion in n fow dujs.” Ctmmbord Hick. Count do Chumbord has had a slight long lost bonnet was found iu Jzouiery, the o'licr day, by a little li earning correctly of tbo place it was lyiug. Fact ! Tho Adrer- snys so. ondnle, in Ji-fferson county, shipped ’ car loads of iron to Philadelphia iter part of last week, via the Ala- & Chattanooga it dlrond. Slho Enfaula News loams that there i great deal of cotton iu Henry und ■» counties, yet to be sold, us soon as m advance* They don’t raise all cot in Henry and Dale. ■—Mr. 1 homes F. Groeue has purchased ^al lands to the amount of #;»(),()()(> p h« neighborhood of Birmingham. Greene is in partnership with a thy and powerful company . . the □ west. T.NY.—The amount of .-lading -m iu this community and I Postmaster lDrd of Atlanta leaves for at War Office f lly, ia very #Duo,in«. Wou.l. wra', j bi , . )08t to uiBl.t, via. Cliarlolto, North I Woolaey, aay ni ■ ' MC. MU eyerytMog of tho kind ' . i to efifect a pear under the dextrous m suipulu- I <ir “ , of thuse infamous pc-s's. Yet under i Prosecution against Pelham for assault , Kings pal ut provision of law, perpetrators j with intent to kill failed. Attomoy (ion- ; hour—tbo troops left Coomassio without “misdemeanors” may bj di»- id upon their own recoguiz inee. If stato of things continues, the people be compelled to take the law m their bands.—Eufault News, ~t/i. rgln Mnttcr* at Washington. al to tho Atlanta Herald.) SUINOTON, March 7.—L’h irges and fioations wore filed in the offi e of Commissioner of Internal Revenue y against Collector Holtzclaw. The charge is that Holt/.claw's se. u.ities ont tho appointments und r him, 4ug $25 per mouth there!' The second ebargo is that luent ease. Witnesses are en route hither. | attack of apoplexy. The testimony in tho Durell case is com- ! German Lmporor. j The Telegraph publishes a Hpocial dis- P The Coiumitteo commenced on Judge ! f™ m I,or| ii., elating Chat tho condi i tion of the Emperor is such as to causo i disquietude. Latest from ('ooiiianvlr London, March 9.—Dispatches received ral Sir Garnet jre loft untried ution of the campaign. The i wrs not touched till the Inst with intent to kill failed Duval, of Tc xas, to-day. They also huvo a question’of tainted er- min from Kansas before them. Itard and Pelham. eial was instructed to file information for , one article of plunder. Of ii* offleors first as.anlt and battery, which will he triod 1 sent out from Eugland to organize eipc- to morrow ditions, 4 wore killod II died of fever and — — 7 were wounded. The rains have c NSOW IN Tin: HKST I'M inc munced nni , ttrenms anJ marHbtH KAIi.lto.lI> ULOCKF.n. , w „u»n, impeding the homeward march 1 of troops. San Francisco, March 9.—All freight trains caught iu tho snow blockade havo , in-on abandoned for th* present. In Sum mit Valley the snow is twenty-five feet I deep on a leyil. Several snow plows and engines are off the track. One eastern j : bound pasHeuger train is still at Alta. A western bound /)asseuger train isutRc Queenstown, March 9.—The steamship Russia, for Liverpool, was passed by tho Persia Saturday. Hho had lost her fore mast, hor machinery was disabled, aud she was steaming slowly. New York, March 9.—Arrived—Virgo. Savannah, March 9.— Arrived—Ship Freedom, from Londjn; barks Emile, from Loudon; Sultan, Shields aud Sar dinia, from London ; Alcoe, from Dublin. Cleared—Schooner Annie Bliss, for Bal timore. Sailed—Bark Armenia, for Liverpool. New York, March 9.—Arrived—Me tropolis from Bouton CninLESTON, March 9.—Arrived—Ida. Sailed—Mary Minkin and L. M. Col lins. Cloared—G. N. A. Philkdeli’bia, March 9.— Stoamship ; Pennsylvania, from Liverpool, reports a violent hurrieaue on the 27th ult. at midnight. Tho soa carried away a bridgo on which wero Capt. Bradburn and first and Rceond officers, and two sailors, all washed ovorbourd, and fourth officer had a leg broken. Ship's hull and machinery injured. She also lost hor boats and deck house. Bradburn was from Baltimore, tho otuor officers from Eng land. MARKETS. j UT TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER, j Money and Ntoek Market*. New York, March 9.—Money 3u4. | Gold 11$. Exchange—480a4H4$ for long; j 488 for short. Governments dull aud but | little doing. State bonds qniut. New York, March 9.—Money easy at 8o4. sterling quiet. Gold 11 S' 4 *- Gov ernments activo aud steudy. States quiet aud nominal. Louisville, March 9.—Corn quiot and unchanged. Pork oasior ut $15. Bacon —shoulders <*^c; clear rib sides 8jc; clear sides 9j$o. Whiskey lower at 92$. St. Louis, March 9.—Flour quiet and unobauged. Corn firmer—for No. 2 mixed GOuGl iu ease track. Whiskey steady at 911. Pork firmer; jobbing lots $ 15a 15.50. Bacon strong; round lotH sj. Cincinnati,March 9—Flour firm; family $(» 75u$7. Corn firm at. OObUSc, Pork quiet Hnd firm at ,$15 12$al5 25. Lard firm, steam, 8Je.,kettle 9c. Bacon firm and scarce—shoulders Gi|, clour rib 8j, clear sides 9. Whiskey firm at 95. Cotton Market*. New York, March 9, Noon.—Cotton quiet but firm ; sales 2210 halos; mid dling uplands 1U|; Orleans HJ*j. Futures opened us follows: Maroh 15$ul5 9-10 ; April 15^al5$ ; May 18]a Hi 9-82; Juno n;*(aU>]; July 17al7ai-82a 17 11-10. Mobile, March 9.—Quiot ; offerings light ; middlings 15$c. ; net rooeipts 1,- 1(14 bales ; exports to continent 15(15 ; sales 1000. New Orleans, March 9.—Firm ; mid dlings 15^, low middlings 14.^, good ordi nary l.'ljj, ordinary 11] ; not roceipts 500 liules ; exports to Great Britain 4020, to continent 251 ; sulos .'1000—last afternoon 2500. Charleston, March 9.—Steady; mid- j tilings 15]; low middlings 14jf; good ordi- nary 14; net receipts 1,904; exports to j Great Britain 1,705; saleH 1,000. Savannah, March 9.—Firm; middlings 1 15$; nut receipts 1,917; sales 1,059; stock 1 7b, 1(14. Boston, March 9. —Frnier; middlings l(’>$ul<i^; nut receipts 77 bales; sales 200. j New York, March 9.—Cotton easier, sales 2,380 ut 10ju$. New York, March 9.—Cotton; not re-, ceipls 704 bales. Futures closed: steady sales 2(5,300 bales as follows : March 15$ ; April 15jJ; | May 1(1 7-32; Juno 1(5 19 32; July, 10a 3 32. Liverpool, March 9, Noon.—Cotton | firmer and advauced a fraction; uplands 7], Orleans h] ; sales 15,000 bales, inclu ding 3000 speculation and export. Cotton to arrive $ dearer, sales of up lands, nothing below good ordinary, ship ped March 8; do. deliverable in April 8$. Sales of cotton include 8900 Atnoricati. Jar. M. RUflSMLL. CUAH. J. BwiFT. RITNKLL A SWIFT, aw. Will practice KeM • Ul I r Ult) I.. T. DOWNING, Attorney aud Nollcltor. J. 8. Uom’r an.l UeRlaler la llaukruptoy. Office norlO] over Bn>oks' Dru^ Ftorn, Columbus, «>a. PEAHODT .1 HRANNON, Attorney* ut Law. JfriCE ov».r J. Basis k Co.'s 8tor«, Baoad Ht., uovlS] ' Wist Sidr. R. J. BONDS, Attorney aud (.'ouu*ellor at law, tirornU Home lnnuruncu Company buildln/, •••o <*c»7 ly J ond story. CHA8. II. WILLIAMM, Attorney at Iaw, (.'oluinbun, Ga. Will practice iu any Court carriages. COLUMBUS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Boarding Houses. THE HOME HOUSE, MRS. NEWMAN. Restaurants. Tin and Coppersmiths. Frosh Moats. J. \V. PATRICK, My Stock of BUCCIES, PHAETONS and SUNDOWNS, IS NOW CuMPl.KTF, ami will bo *<.1.1 LOWER than inch «vii> wus • v.t l-. foro offer.-il in this n.aiUt for CASH. The utlontlon of buyer* l* Invited t<> sumo new and ub.^uit work Just received, TH0S. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry Houso, Columbus, Ga. FOR CASH. I ’..It It... licit THIRTY DAYS I ..ill ..■!! tli, ... MILBURN, STUDEBAKER PLANTATION WAGONS, AT COST! ‘.’•Horae Iron A\|<> north 8M5, foi . :l-l llorav Iron Axln IVmkoii, “ 81U0, “ .ml l-llome •* $11210, - in.) Oidoi-b conlulnlnn the nill ho pm.,. / dirorthuH THOS. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry House, Columbus, Ga. b DR. COLZEY. sand OtBco cornsr of Ht. Clair and 0<jlo- a. Offlcu hours —7 to 0 n., U to 'l >\ u., DR. J. A. IJHQI’HART, Ic6 at 0. J. MolTotr* Drutf 8tor.«, Uroi„| Kosliloaco ou bt. t.luir, hotac'in Urnad Mattress-Making, «tc. nu. t. c. <uob, Druggists. DR. J. L. CHENEY A NON, Cl. U. PALMER, Licensed Apothecary JOHN L. JORDAN, Driiuuni, Two doors lotlow i )«o. W. Brow IIroad 8ti..6t, < olui er- Night H.’II right oi *..uih door. *1* niolph A. M. BRANNON, Wist Sim, Uroad Htuket. Collnuus, Oa., Wholo*ale aud Retail Dealer li Drug* and Medlelue*, Toilet Article* and Perfumery. Dentists. W, F. TKLNK1I, Dentist, » Strupimr'* builiiing. Ur v.-r Josoph & llrotherV wr. t. Pool., DentlMt, aovHl 101 Hrosd Bt., Columbu, W. J. FOGLE, DeutUt, *«p.0J Georgia Horn.. Building, C. Cun and Locksmiths. WILLIAM 8CIIOIIEK, nd Locksmith and do.ih i in <I;.I tcriul*. Opposite Eii.|uii. i OiJlc Dress-Making MINN M. A. HOI. Nt*N WORTH, nd Kilting. Termsrbi’c oj> In 111 uW novillu. Feed Store. JOHN FITZGIItno.VN, Cotton Factories. con; Mil CM MANUI ACTUItlNG CO., Mauuracturom of NlieetlnK*. HhlrtliiKN, ami Mowing ami . Knitting Threud. Card* Wool and Orlnda Whoat and Corn- OIh-« in rear of Wlttlch A Kinsul s, llandolph At. I JalH li li 0111LTUW, Prosldent. j M I NCOGEL MANFFACT'l'KING CO. 1 Mauufacturn* or 8IIKKTIMJ8. SlllitTINO Boot and Shoomakors. WII. Ml.VI K, Watchmakers. Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. HEAL', LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. A Masouic Grand Gift 10,000 Prizos to be Given Away, 4 ni null I Jug fo all hi I'urraary. rnilldsutorprise UconJucte«l by tho MAHtl? i. RELIEF AH* rUy 1873,) for RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK, ‘ orlty of tho Virgitila l.ogi ' ’ 8 J! ur L'.° 8 1C TEMI’LE,, Th sdn), lh.' 5III of Buy, 1K74, LIHT OF UIKT8 * f«.r !'<», li Tl< kot* f..r $100. •S AND ADVISORY HOARD. . I'roildonl; John II CJorpr r; Jams* O llaln, O C <. iinkations to I ENIIY V. MOORE. F., HOTELS. Rankin House, CoinmbiiH, Ga. J. W. BY AN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Kuliy lies tun noit, Bar and Billiard Saloon, DOORS, SASH, ETC. Tailors. .1. (1. MONTH M.18] 0,.l J.ll. tien. McCook'* Murderer Hailed. Yankton, Dakota, March 4.—In the DiHtrict Court to-day the caao of P. P. Wintermute, indicted for tho murder of General McCook, was called on motion of the proHecuting attorney for a nolle prose- which wos granted by Judgo Shan- ntea. The second char - - ia that - wn«ern Ouunu paiwenger train i*aiiieuo. gm, which wus graniea ny duuge anan- claw consumed eiaht «,:ious of ! Other vrestorn bound passenger trains lie non, on the ground that the action of the ey belonging to the (rovummont, a t Tono. An eastorn bound passenger fl)r “ er 8 rantl J» r y was illegal, and 1 at ■ in Col.hnminiv f-,,.. ...(JwiImb i . .... . .. r. the defendant was not present at tho time bird r.linrua la ?L ‘ ^il>I«^ i lrttm M IInl,ock ‘ At Cisco, over hix of th6 challenging of tho jury. The de- j ^ uf » d ° w b °" faii * n ,,uriDK ib# f r ‘ ,oDt 1 to^am» and Uome to aarry on business for^sto ait the action of the next grand jury. DOCTORS. Dr. S. J. AUSTIN O FFERS bis Professional f. rvic* to tbecitl f i( «f Colnml u* and vicinity. Iln i* a gra.l pritrUsing his J.r.If.■**:on <• r'twcnty’-s.v year*, bo* been very «uc«<s.|iil iu ir-utiug chronic Office in Profumo's building, U|. sU r«, opp Dr. Cheney'* Drug Store. sprtli Dr. John H. Carriger, S URGEON AND 1MIYSICIAN. Office soutl comer llroad and Randolph street*, J. II. PALMER, Practical Watchmaker and Je tk.dy's building, ID. a l .-t., « •lumlo Tobacco, Cluaio, 6tc. i\ LOPEZ. Nior In aud IfAiitifnciurei’ of I (Ilgam, Croce rs. A VI. It. HIZE, J. II. IIAMII.TON, Wholesale and Itctnil Gr«i INHAM ( oori lt. Our Sovonty Pa^o lllustra* \ ted Catalogue of ’ DOORS, ! 3 SASUKH, BLINDS, HTAIIt BAILS, NKWKLS, 1 FANCY GLASS, Ac., J Mail, d lo any niiu inti r.-ol. d in l.iiil.ilng, <>u j KEOGH & THOIINE, LAWYERS. ” W. A. Farley, 3 | Attornoyat-IittW LOCI* WELLS' Mil A VINCI SALOON, (8uc<*#*»r to II. Hone*,) Under Georgia Homo FARM HOOKS. TIME BOOKS FOB PLANTATIONS ANB FARMS Barber Shops. fig Iatilt. Dental Notice. I hi* office to Id* re* Mtr ->f tii. ^•it U J polllo bsrbrra In uto■: ALEX A NAM, < Iltilldit udanoo. CU8SKTA. (JllATTAIHKH-TIBS « J#*Spoclnl atton’lon given to collection*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Eaw, II % MILTON, GA., r\R I’lIKbPS ha* removed I U OU Bt. Cluli *tr.< l'rnhylsrtsu diuvsb. ED. TERRY, Barber, • fold fit., mnder IWnkln IIm> rb, ' r . yy IU THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Cu.