The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 11, 1874, Image 3

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W*i-C>»!T‘WaS®l iuh] §innilitm' OPEUKA pl "g CTO " Y - OPELIKA DEPARTWENT. COLl'HIIL'K! VEPSEBDA\* MARCH 11. 1874. Giutlemeu’s shirt* o fit. ( ood* storo. M1W. C. V. 1UULOW, l-'iMliionablu Milliner ami DroktiunUi r. drag down to utter humiliation •So U Agent of lluttvrick A Co.’* l’*ttrru». At (lie Ut« Unliking Huuhh of Shappard A the orchard thin morn- \ *'*•*>loualile Milliner* aud l>re**inakur*. i Alabama—a power which, from the day it k) tlurt n.oMure, hiiC haa controllod tho affairs of State, oounty or oity, haa not oeaaod the effort to cor- rapt, to demoralize, to rob, destroy and once proud poople, and a State admitting no superior among her Bisters. It is said of Stautou, the railroad developer, that when pressing his rascally Hohemes before the State Legislature for endorsement, L» re- surprised to tiud that a vote which cost in Tennessoe $10,000, could he bought in Alubama for half tho sum. Doubtless be spoke by tho card, for it is hard to bolievo that any set of KOGEU8’ EATING liOUSK, | honest legislators would have been pcr- Uigiii ut the ucj.ot, onen nt nil hours. Uut C"ir«* I atiaded by any system of reasoning that uni Menu for *11 Train*. - * b JABMEUS’ DEPARTMENT. , t TEA BODY, - - - Ed I tm Walks anil Talk* In Ike Gordon. NO. G. “Good morniug, madam. 1 promised i) walk with you in jjj. Let us look at the peaches lirnt. I 1 a vo a largo orchard of peach trees, but hero is not much choice fruit among hoiu. You do wrong to cultivate iuferior ruit. The cost ii but trifling to sturt ’iili, fltid it takes tho same labor to grow poor poach that it does a good one; id then it ii so ca*y to bud or graft the each." “NVUy, I did not know tho pouch could a grafted successfully." i, in idaui; if you have any young odliugs—and I see you havonumbors in fouco corners—take them up with nr©, cut tbo stem off to within one inch f tho roots, and with a sharp knife split ho stump. Now out n twig of last year’s rowtb, with about four buds on it. Cut rom tho Lottom bud into a wodgo form, nd insert it iuto the split stalk of tbo 00 t_taking enre to match tho two barks, e a soft string around to koop tho u its pi tco whilst plantiug. Plant ho root where you would plant a treo, iking caro to leave but tho terminal bud hove tbo ground. You may eat peaches that graft the seoond year. It is ousidorud safer to bud, ns tbo pouch 1 onud ii liublo to gum ; but I have had i lino trees from grafting as I have from adding." “Well, now, do lull mo what makes all lis black gum which is oozing out all Vouud tbo huso of the peach trees." ‘That is produced by a worm, which is atiug the vitality of the tree away. It eusily managed, if you will h ivo the arid the potHcvorauco to do it. irst, r po all the gum away ; thou baro | • - i-'Und the b.t><>, and pour boil- * a■ r around iLe base of tbo tree, ut Lu aid of gu iing too much, or Sf hurting tho true. Tho hot water will ill tho grub und invlgotato tho tiee.” | “My trees broko down badly last year, | hoy were so loaded with fruit." “Thai was bsuau-iu you allowed them to | iu up too high. The peauh treo should 3 trained to the bush form, so that its ' vorloadc l limbs may rest on the ground | •itbout breaking ; and it is well to thin ut tho surplus fruit. This is why you houId cultivate such varieties ns will pay i thin out." “Would you cultivate nuy crop iu tho each orchard ?" “Not if tho peaches are worth culliva g. Dili 1 would cultivate the poach tp ns muoh as I would tho cotton crop. >w is tho timo to plow tho peach or chard ; tho buds nro swolling—they will un bu in bloom." “Have you over tried to protect aches and other fruit from luto frosts?" “Yes, nn i with great success. Another timo I will till you all ubout it." “Won't you look iuto tho apple nud poor jorohurds v" “I wifi to-morrow. Good morning !’’ Doctors. Hit. I. T. WAKNOCK, Surgeon amt Physician. siau*btor'* Drug afore, Uu.ln-ud i r m. on AT, SUITOR. Let l * Come Together. We have wondered that small differences DU. J. W. k. WILLIAMM »*>out trifle*, which should not weigh a Otters hi* professional lerrhc*. office. u»er R. M ' feathor iu the scale of reason, should be l<r<uu A ’*, Chamber* MreeU. Millinery. M1S.SK8 WHITE A TtJCKKK, ; permitted to control our actiou when ! questions of most serious moment are j upon us. Especially is this true of tho opposition to the present ruling power in Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Doing appointed Antuiy public for Loo county, marked that ho i ifuily solicits tbo patruu*go of bi» frl'-uJ*. ' II'.Hh Court Ut und lid Sutmduy* of ouch luouth, *t It. O. I loll i field', lew ofllco. ju'il JOB PRINTINC. BANKING AND INSURANCE. LEGAL NOTICES. 1840. Letter Press and Card *** I. F. WILLH, SMI INS. Hi JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL, HE-A-D AND Statement 1’uper, A1.S0, 84-J 1 -'i Hroad Strecl. j Represents Oldest and Strongest American and Enclish Companies. VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE ooBia: J^-OLisr 'sr. Eating Houses. Furniture, Ac. At Panic Price*. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer lu nil kind* of Furniture. I!«o. Metallic, Wood Coffin., uud Casket*, jam Chamber* sire l Lawyers, A. J. YHTilHS, Attorney and Counsellor *1 Lnw. Ofllco opposite Alabuma llutiflo. 1'fttctioon in all tlio Court* of tlie Ftate. jo.1 Tailors. J. II. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting und Making in tho Latent Stylo*. Ho inuring neatly done. South liitllroAd St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. K. NHITII, Dentist, 1'latj Work and Plugging on iwnmnuble ir23J terms, t'humIn rs street. Barber Shops. Hotels. AI.AIIAHA HOUSE, Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, j . Georgia and Alabama Legal Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full. - - $529,364.92 Borton “ “ “ - - 180.903.89 Total Assets-Qold-Janunry 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. they have; why <sai<J -tj p tlluiul •'Runtiiro, tlii* ! M 1IH00K«, Ordinary Insurance. E. C. BOWEN A NON. General Iimurnnco Agent*. Ofllco. Railroad Street, over H. M. Greene A Co.'* RAILROADS. Tbc Orchard—Peari* ami Apple*. Those who contemplate pl.mtiug either f tho above irees, should do so immodi- tely. I believe it is safor to transplaut ho apple and pour iu this latitude, just us > bud begins to swell. I havo planted ml reds iu March, without over haviug ost oue. i ho gruut secret (if thoro is ny) I, to head it back nt the top to cor- espuml wilh the loss of tho roots below. Tioi'.s may yet bo or tered from the nurse- Ti:■ (* nro reliable uursorios in da uud Atlanta. Never purchase a peddler. Now is tho timo to gruft Imieo 1 ruit iuto tho limbs of inferior iuds. I bavo one pear treo known ns ) common ppoko pear, which I bondod jk and grafted twenty years ago, with lie BurtLtte, white doyenne and Sokol, which is loaded annually with deli cious fruit, of all these varieties. If tho pear is grafted on quiuco stocks, it will come iuto bearing in three or four yoais, nud bo iucliuod to bo dwarf in its habit. This is omphalic.dly tho climato for tho pear. More thm thirty years ago 1 planted several hundred nj p’c trees and nbout one hundred pe..r trees, obtained from Northern mu-eiies. Tlionpple trees i tdl dead but t ao, whilst throe-fourths of the peurti'uc • n<* living und producing splendid Iruit- i:uit which cannot be Western Railroad of Alabama. 3hi 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and New Orlo&ns Kail Line. WKSTKRN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, ColuuuU*, Ga„ March 2J, lb74. TRAINS I.KAVK COl.UMliUS DAILY For Allauta, - - • 10:40A.K. Ai rive at Atlanta, 5:42 p. u. For Montgemur) un i Sola.u, 1:00 a. m. Arrive ut Mnntg’y, 0:4$ a. m. Arrive at Salma, • - 11:04 a. m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time hour*.) LKAVB COLUMHUa 1U:II> * m. A 111*1 VB at Opelika 12:27 |.. m„ al AllnnU 5:42 p. iu. I.RAVK Atiunlu 0.00 ji. m., (iieiiiville, a. C., 1.54 Oil A 1C 1.0 f TK t:a5 a. in, OreoniUiu 1:15 _ lutiiville 3:27 j>. m., lticliincnd 11:05 |». m. Arriro ut U uxiuiictuii 4:40 u. lu., ut liultimuii' ii JO •- ut l'liiludel|ihiu 1:80 p. in., ut New York 5:15 p. Sleeping (nr* Huu Tlirougli from Opellkn to CUorlotte. nud from Cliurlolto to New York. TRAINS AKKIVK AT COLUMUUS DAILY From Atlanta, • • • 5:24 A. * From Montgomery and Seltna • '-.80 r. > Tick.'t* for tale ut Union riurtoUKrr Depot. Oil AS. P. HALL, General Sup’t. U. A. BACON, Agent. (imvchltf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R beat euheir in 1 upplo i.s nut as soil and cllm tie a the po dor tho most f..vurrhIo ;ioo or Caliiorui i. Tho il adapted to Southern tho poar; its fruit, nn- nmHlsncos, uovor equals that raised in more No:them latitudes, i'hoeuily variuiitt come near er perfection than the l.ito. There art* some native seedlings thit soetn to stand tho vlimn'e nud are late b -urers, producing largo crops of b'uutiful looking fruit; | but they lack that juicy tonderuess | i. nud ipple aroiu itiu llivur so poculiar to | Northern raised luto apples ; yot they u r 1 ^ valuable for cider,food for stock,und cock ing purposes, borne years since 1 tried uu experiment in mulching my apple orchiid with pine straw. J covered tho whole ground to the depth of o J v>t. but it undo such a harbor for i . • is, mice, A • , that the trees received ujoro 1 injury than boaeht. 1 h.vo oul ivutod ( crops auior.g tbu fruit trees, and am aiy. tied that if tho fruit is worth rni‘-;r,^ it i* worth cultivating for itself alone. Now 1 is tho timo to pruno out all dead and din- ! eased wood, to grub up all the suckers | from tho roots, slid if tbu troo looks hide bound, 11 scrape tho bark with u trow-| ell or piece of old iron hoop, gutting j • ft nil tbo ino.-s nud fungus, and thou ' washing tho whole trunk and limbs, up to tho small biunchos, with soft country soap. Young trees, washed ill this ner, will uot lie mu os!*-1 with rabbits >>r mioe,>s-d \vil>u- greatly invigorated by tbu j otaih. I h ive fuuud uys**- - boll ; lime invahnblu to woik vi amoj.g the roots of apple i.ud pear t • '. 1— c are a groat iqidj insects, caterpillar.-. * orors. and weasols th.'t infest ::io tr* • • 1 fruit of th" apple, pear, and peach ilii' '-ill bo in a gro.»t moasure d.stroyud. if thj orch- ' ard is so situated that hogs good to the State and people, could possibly inure from the heavy endorsement and wild schemes which marked the history of that reckless and irresponsible body of men, who saddled upon tho peoplo a debt of twenty-eight millious, and more for ought the lax payers kuow—leaving in tho hnnds of the State liens, and mortgages upon a half dozen railroads which not only do uot pay dividends, but are a daily item of exponse. Iu addition to this enormous goneral or State debt, if wc could expose tho amuuut of niout-y wustud upon party friends and party purposes by (he incum bents of county officers, the total amount we owe would startlo and nmuzo tho hon- eat peoplo of the land, and wo believe Democrats and Conservatives would arm in their might, und utterly rout and drive from place and plunder theso bloody beaked cormorants who havo come from afar, as well as to tho] manor born the unholy feast, we ropoat, let us come togethor as oue man, rcaaert the d'-gnity and character of Alabama, und possibly we may yet save from that common de struction awaiting every material interost —enough to place us once more on the highway of public good, and private pros perity. Dcntb of Mr. John ltlchnrd*. We regret to announce tho death of this gontlcmuu, which occurred on Sun day night at his rosidenco n«ar this city. 11c bus suffered loug aud much, and in common with our poople, feel ho is at rest from tho pains nud ills which marked his young life. The rcranius wero carried to Lsfayotto for burial, where his father (Judge Itichards) resides. Mr. Uiohnrus is a bruther of the editor and proprietor of tho Montgomery MoVhiuy Neva, Nc**r*. Burton Ilrolltcrn. Wo have omitted to credit these geutlo- mou, who have so liberally supplied our table with all the pictorial wock'.ios. They receipt of a full supply of every thing in tho book or paper lino desired by our poople. Wo know of uo butter place to while away an hour or to spend your money. t'ity Connell. 'The old board held its tiuul meeting this morning, uud installed the new. We pro sumo they will proceed immediately to the election of Marshal, Clerk and Treas urer and other subordinates. Wo have never doubted tho ability aud willingness of tho present incumbents to manago wisely, and iwith success, tho af fairs of tho city, and trust that now every citizen will feel it his highest duty to sus tain every movement made by thorn to develop tho future of Opelika to a h>.> ces-iful issue. Brevities. —Tho friends of Mr. Wtu. II. McNs- inoe, will bo sorry to learn that his condi tion is vory criticul. —Old Sol hides his faco this morning, and lowering elands threntou rain. —Fresh Irish potutoes and peas iu bloom are the newest things we’vo seen. —Candidates for county honors und the salaries are cropping out. —A through ticket office has been opened. Mr. Loo Kchols is tho accom modating agent ut tho depot, Western Hoad. Money Easy for legitimate business. Exchange Now York—buying $ off; soiling j premium. Trade buffers when tho hiiu sbiuos and March winds dry tho ground. Wo hoar of no chauge: Hulk meats, UAalOo. Corn, $lnl.0f». Blanks, on band. Th.oa. GFiltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLI MDPBi QA. Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old bun Ofllco Huildiug,) HANDOl.l'll ST., COl.l .11 111 S, ii\> r AM now J. und ilis|i ury deacrlptb prepared tu execute with ncatuos* u orders lor l 4 Jt INTI Mi , vi*: Losses Duo aud Unpaid Losses in process of adjustment, All otlior Claims LIABILITIES. adjusted and not duo... COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Nono. $2‘J,f)D8 00 1,0 lf» 52 .$010,887 70 . fil'd,217 87 Gain * 0.1, flCl> 8 l.oswoN Dromplly Adjusted nml I’alil* Nettled li.> G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, ootM ly COLUMBUS. GA. j • KOKU1A- Ml jl'Odhk *>-• hereby ^i\.ii t.. „|; , make known Uinr Railroad Salo of Unclaimed Goods. Rn» R. 1 !•')• 11, 11 El 1 in .1 IlarrUnu, on 'b'lnUj. Man Ii Id li, ut Ihr iimiuI bourn "I »i!., l»U"WliiK Hilirl. M, unU<* »si>l coiiilRMf** i ••mi f >n*.«nl, | ,ij ilmruc und raioovu fi«i|{!iti I d. Mivrli*—One barrel in<*rclii%iidiso. 41-*-• Kay—One nciApi r. D. W. A1TLKU, fold* iniililH TrcHMircr. Assignee’s Sale OF Crockery,China A Glass LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, HILL HEADS, STATEMENT'S OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND HILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Receipts, Hills Lading, Ac in book or looso, Blank Hooks of all kinds, with or without printed heads, made ut short notice. (living my ontlro porsunal nt lent Ion to Job Printing nud lllndluK.l uu: enabled to till nil or der* promptly al LoW CASH I’KICKS. RiiarantoeinK .** tie fact Urn, Orders from abroad rorelvo same attention a* if parties wero present. Mi' A full stock of Georgia and Alabama Logal Planks always on band. folio—It J. RHODES BROWKE, Protidont. UE9. W. DilLKCHA):, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME RANK. Bank of Discount and Doposit. Deals iu Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, aud prompt returns made. Offers the greatest inducements to those lim ing idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, n liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven f7) Per Cent, compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECUlim.—By the terms of the Company’s charter, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. UIREC i oils: MV.' .(•.ig»i^i| Id. f with bit I! oki mid Account*, 1 I R i »Tl. V ItKJU'KD I'lflCKS, n »'AND, on Rand >l| ii f Heel, bclw : the « llio.. I Mr. I'rV will |dM««0*lli SIS will bare tli.ig* I I NN IF. A«sign*«. ^Mi' MR. ll'Hlli nml-illniA wit In tho District Court of tho United Stales, For the Southern District of Georgia. No. 712. Ill I lie matter uf ) Jt>llN 1, WOODWARD. In Hu0.iuj.t.o Dunk nipt. ) 'PHI! -i I llmikrupt ; t o • I 1 I Hie ! u by tin* pi liollhl II 4 be i Hull Hie him Mm. ' l*r.» >| pent .1 a Mi s m : . ; Muscogee Sheriff Salo. J. RHODES BROWNE. Pros'! of tho Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, <\tj iD.list Atlanta. .J. R. CLAPP, ManufTr,’h Factory, lion. JOHN MclLHENNY. M $vor. JAMES RANKIN. Caj.italiHt. N N. CURTIS, of WcllM.CuitiH «L Co. L T. DOWNING, Allornoy-iif-Law. 1). F. WIELCOX, Secretary of tho C< JOSl Ml MORRIS, Ibuikvr, Moutg'v Cll VRLEK WISE, SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeponden . DAY fKKIQIIT TRAIN. I Coiumlm* 5 80 a. m. (Sunday r\capte«f) « atColumbus <P85 p. m " VIRGIL I'OWKRS, Knjr. and Sup't. L. CLARK, Agent. nml It Change of Schedule. CF* 3> Z*?* <r ’*■ _ „ f. t Dl-kl rpjrotmPiunkif .u» W Jdf Otric* Mubilc It Girari) Railroad, 1 Colunibua, (I*., Dec. 2, 1878 / O N AND AFTER DKC. 3D, WEDNESDAY, L'kiaong r Train *ill run a* foll«i»* : l.KAve CoLl’WBfs daily, Sunday* (•*■ • pt«d, 3:00 p. *. t T*M 4:60 i FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION * Oolnmbun Monday*, M'cdno*<io)* Oats, 80a85c. Sugar, 10a 14c. Coffee, 32a fl.le. Meal$1.10. Hay $1.7 5. Bran $2 por o«rt. Floor, $7al‘2. MoIhhsch, 8. r »o. n$l. 4’otton Doll; (ranaactioDH limited, halos. Receipts light. Slock 1,200 Middlings Hj Received previously *• yoaterdny ir.,584 32 18,500 HIDES! HIDES!! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green! Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. J*22 d2:u I ndcr llank'ii House. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will l'uy lliullighunt Market rrlcn for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Papor and Papor Bags on hand. \L\\\ Loss than ono year old, and has 378 Dopositors. Tho Legislature of Georgia bind.-,, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent coinpounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N, J. BUSSEY, Pres't, G, GUNBY JORDAN, Trcas’r. f< I-. dll •! OOLTTMBUS, GEORCMA. ; W. L. SALISBURY, Prcsid’t. A, 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. I F bruarjr .Itb. I ^-74 tf • > .Old n half middling* . iik pi r .f h,»|.-. let If ■s i'uv*'*. t>, «>iv l» I ii it,, lb • | lup* riy i .1 ■ - of *("• h in tin* Mn* I a lik" lnirr«-«l hi ilia luiid • ml-, a* thi- piiiprity - f Job i - uy ..I . II ft H-.IU- I >r i f , 4 niniiel ! IlHll .■ ■ '| r ( • J<diii I. Muslim I ruporfy pointed out ly I.Dl wtd I! G IVEY, Hi- r Muscogee Shoriff Sale. vlay , u ritjr u* lot nuiiili-'i S-). Diiil-lliiK uud L-)i nd pliu i- ail Mint i i-i lit*, « ulllu.hlliK Hull / pr-.pi riy of « i Lain H ling..m nud i Ii licit • T. in tour of Wn pr-| •*! ly • opi-rljf j . by | b.i . 1 V M . f/i Jbcogeo Shoriff Tax Salos operiy o! Mr* 'Inito SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pago lllustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac,, MftlMt-inny ono Intern*tod In bui! liiif, o rrc'-lpt of ttnnip. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 A iSC CANAL STREET, Jyll dAwly NEW YORK CITY . Me Midi* ml, with i 'Georgia Home, Insurance Gomp’y " (OMIM Fh III Ol l i lt Iili, 1*1 III.M IHDEHITY aisiisl i>»s* by l lllE ! sj Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, i I Sho Wants a Chance to Cot it Back. ! J. RHODES BROWKE, GEO, W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH I l*roAl<Ii*u(. Treasurer. Kemdarj. tax collector, l.'-ty i M MirliMi‘1, Itwful Muscogee Superior Couit, Dissolved. INTO. 78 Broad iki , Street. acc« to it. J’h-y ro •*. up ali the fallen, decaying fruit, th« t l*y ilo'.troying , Mia tustut* fer uaotber y*ar- i MILLINERY* SPRING MILLINERY. I I'Sl* nF.L LIVED a -mall lot of NF.W STYLED *J II AT.- and "1 ii LK NOVKI.TIK8 from the 1 11! *• T Ol fcMN'iS A I..-0. a 1 -rg" urd well **»ortrd *t<»rk of MIL- havo free LIN KKY, l>e«id* < G!nr?», Ccr*et», and everything PLABTATIOSS AND FARMS’;' Ifca.' riun: J y k j tin a flr*t cl«»» Millinery*bL*h- Noxt door bet) ••4 !- if B*r4 ■M bMtiSWIMtt The form I* oue furnUliod by u planter «f much exp*«rlmce. It* n*e will eoable a Farmer to **v* many time* it* <*o*t during th* ynr. Printed aud for **le by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. warded by utsil, ut j .21 kml tofore known under (he n*o n , T W Pnnio A N-rnint d *tyle of HACK A NKWMAN, H th'A day ; 4 ' • ■ ■! '. y ,“t'"iL" i- ‘ Have Just Received a Now Lot I.KWIS NEW MAN. w *ettl« ell rli»::i ol BAA K A NtV. A MAN. F*ic;ture Frames FHAMS MOULDINGS. I Y HAVE Ju«t rwnlvrd u (rreat rariuiy ol I'D’- | 1 TL'hl I ItAME Mol LDIVih. vi.ul. ;.r-l , 1 *^lu aud a i prepared to MAKE Fit AMI - l * W. J. CHAFFIN. oijOTBiiKresr, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former wiiolo- salo cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less that: Cost prices for tho same class of goods purchased earlier in tho season. As we wero ablo to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for tho cash, wo will sell at corresponding low prices K'ow is tho timo to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. Call and soe for yourselves. Men’s aud Itoy’H - Muscogee Superior Court.