The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 12, 1874, Image 2

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■nwatwai jS#tt8 4 01 1 MIM S, HA. t THURSDAY MARCH 12, 1874. «**M) SLUS( HirTIO.H UNLESS PHD i on IN ADVANCE. Tiik article on the “Philosophy of Mattor" as relating fo Astronomy will ap- poar to-morrow. Tue l’onsacola Exj)rcaa charges that \V. J. l’unnan, one of the ltepresentativos in Congress from Florida, offered to have Potter removed from tho Colloctorship of Pensacola,and another man appointed in his stoad, if tho latter would pny to him (Pnruauj) $>.5,000 cash in hand. Tho Express gets its information directly from the man to whom tho off»r was rnado. Congress should “investigate” this. 'J in: New Orloarn, Picayune says that Piucbbaok left that city for Washington on Saturday evening, to renew his contest for a seat iu the Senate ; and that, before his departure ho callod a meeting of prominent colored men at his houso, and informed them that tho people of tho North woro convinced that curpet-bag rule was not the thing desirablo iu the Southern Htntes. Tho Picayune also says that tho Repub lican commltfed” liavo^derermWcit^'Hi tire ovont of a new eloction, to support Pack ard, instoad of Kellogg, for Governor. Mas. Waui», tho besoiged liquor seller of Greenville, Teun., has procured a ro- nowal of her license, which was about to run out, ami on (he 7th iust. she was conducting tho defence as vigorously us over. Tho ladies still kept up tho attack, but with less confidence in tho power of pray or and moral suasion, as was shown by an application to tho courts, which is now ponding, to have Mrs. Ward’s license re voked. It is thought that Mrs. W. has the law on her side too,and ho tho fences of the long protracted contest ap^oai* to bo in lior fuvor. > New Hampshire.—Last year Straw, Hop., was erected Governor by a majority of 2007 votes ovor Weston, Deni. Tho scattering vote was 1770, and Straw s ma jority ovor all 1J28. Our day dispatches of yesterday showed that Weston had, in tho towns hoard from, more than over come Straw’s plurality of 2007 over him last year, and was sovoral hundred ahead of MeCutchon ; hut the souttoring vote iH as largo this yoar as laHt, and has sti.l to bo overcome to givo Weston a clear ma jority. Iu^tho ovont of “no choice” by tho people, tho Legislature will olect, and that is reported to bo close and doubtful. Tho voto this year being as full nfl last, year, tho roturus show a considerable Democratic gain, notwithstanding tho fact of Mr. MeOutchon’s groat personal popularity and his acceptability to tho farmers (of whom ho is one) and tho few Grangers in tho Stato. Tue now bill for refunding tho cottou tax—which is put forth ns a “compro mise,” and is to bo submitted to a mooting of tho Southern finprdsentativos iu Oou- gross -providos for refunding tho tax levied on raw cotton after Juno 24, 1805 ; for a commission of throo persons to ox- amine all claims and to direct all pay ments, and for tho rules of ovidonco. Tho til th Bcction, which is tho most im portant ono, declares that iu all cases taxes shall bo refunded to tho partios who actually sustained tho burden of tho lax, ns follows : First, tho producer or ownor in such cases as ho may provo tho pay- inont of tho tax ; and secondly, to tho merchants or factors who in all cases wliero they lrnvo paid such taxes as ogouts iu tlioir own name may oolloot tho same for tho benefit of their principals and hold it subject to rensonnblo settlement of their respective accounts. All cotton tax iuouoys not claimed in throo years to bo paid over to tho Statos in which they were collected, for educational purposes. This bill was introduced by Mr. White, of Alnhutun. Anothor bill, which appears to huve some support, provides for the payment of the money to the Staton in which the tux was collected. This is tho bill of Mr. Cook, of Georgia. Till’. TROY OtlTIlAUF.. The cose of l)r. Douglass, at Troy, Ala., has created a widespread fooling of iudigtmlion and horror. Tho outrage this lleud perpetrated stirred tho heart of ovory mother and father iu this sootion, and all broatho oosiov at tho news, pub lished in another column. Where mur derers are bailed and thieves go scot free, i where judges are weak nud juries venal, where lawlessness is tho rule, and order tho exception, wo cannot Plume Captain Nall, the heart-broken father, and his friends for taking tho law in their own hands; it is tho only way justice can be obtained nt this time in Alabama. The jail was brokun open and Douglass was taken out, but he will never be heard of again; and while wo advoento law, wo applaud the speedy veugeaneo of this girls relatives. Just hero we cannot help contrasting tho fate of Douglass with that of tho murderer EilamVa. Tho brutal passion of tho former has been punished as it worited, hut Filnud, with tho blood of Davis still unwashed from his finger nails, and with tho soar of his closing dirk un healed on his own hand, walks the streets with deliaut front, and tho people think not of the murdered man, his poor widow and his fatherless little ones. If the peo ple riso to punish a tieud like Douglass, can they not with equal justice extern! the iulluenco of tho vigilantes, and clear the Stato of tho murderers and robbers, who tind iu the courts of Alabama a haven of refuge from the penalty of law ? ('HARLEM KENNER. Charles Sumner, who for twenty-four years hus represented tho Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Senate of tho United States, is dead. There was no previous illness to prepare us for tho nows, or himself for tho Death Angel that found him yesterday in his accus tomed place in the Sonato. His death must cause profound feeling throughout the land, and friend and foe wiil regret his taking off, while they turn to review the history of the lost thirty years, in the formation of which this man acted so conspicuous a part. It is too Boon to at tempt an analysis of his character, and wo cannot pass judgment on him who slcopB uncaring for tho good or ill opin ions of those loft behind, for tho storm which ho, in ooramon with men entertain ing opposite views in the South, stirred up, has not mifliciently abated to enable us to see clearly and judgo dispas sionately. Charles Sumner was, per haps, the most scholarly man that ever occupied u positiou in tho Senate, but ho was by uo means the greatest. Culture, talent and adhesiveness to a fixed standard of principle, were his distin guishing traits, and whilo ho lacked the force aud magnotism to imbue his follow ers with his own icy theories, he was omi- incutly qualified to draw ou! the strongest assaults of his opponents. To tho world ho hah ovor nooiuod a cold, passionless man, iidlrorw)g>to<iuJ.y. without an impulse, and severed from tho warmer affections of the people among whom ho daily walk- od. Broad as was his culture, and groat as was his experience of men, lio seemed to lack that wide charity, that generous boaring that tighlous tho clasp of friendship and wins tho respect of foos. To curry out his free soil ideas ho would have enslaved tho whites, and to crush out tho civil war, ho would have stopped at no measures that had tho shadow of legal sanction. Yet Charles Sumner was noithor cruel nor heartless; his lifo path is marked with doodsof char ity, and ho lias novor hesitated to bravo party anger when party conduct ran coun ter to his inflexible ideas of right. Dis liked by tho Democrats, whoso open op- ponent ho has long boon, tho Republicans jio ’iuh hated him bocauso he dared to oppose THE EYE their measures, and to censure tho con- j « appcialtv for tho punt t«n year* duct .of the President. Au abo- j j!®JJoJ , 5 t JhoM , v i «ion ,1? litiouist from principle, ho dung ] lo*t their night, aro invited to call and to that principle whou it roquirod uo | ordinary nerve, and by his conduct mode Clovolaudl, highest claim to tho affection of the black j Mognetlc llcalor, people South, who have shown iu tho last ^ . ***\ *’• TABER, few years how soon they can forgot such J friends nt tho biddiug of moro politicians, i cinl Many of his publio acts are opon to con- I IJ A’> i! taken rooms at tho Planter’* Hotel, sure, and tho opposition they roused will au kind* of l'ldoiisim successfully treated. Call bo long in dying out; but tho bittorost - Boe ; 1 hater of tho doud statesman must concede I Dtllicillg ScllOOl tho purity of his motives aud tho correct- j *LLK ROSA CAHNCIIOSS has n ness of llis intentions. Ho dovotod his , IVl covered from ^hor Hines*, an lifo to a purposo and lived to soe its nc- ijiinclug^nt^iho Plan to r *’ r 'l Iotol" Tlui n- complisbinot. Wo cannot nacea, hor mountain region is filled with coal and iron, and marble, slate and gran ite, of superior quality toll what hor fu ture homos will- ho. In tho mountain valleys whqpt grows as vtall as in Illinois, and to the South cotton 4nd corn show iu their wretched culture whjit they could bo if propfcrly cared for. Timber of the finest ,(j*ia\ity still covers hundreds of thousands of acrjyi in all its virgin mag nificence. rfno streams afford carrying and motivojiower to court commerce and manufacturing; then surely this beaven- blossed land could rise, aud tho star rep resenting Alabama should be brightest in the galaxy of States." The above sounds well; but there is something necessary for Alabama besides her material advantages—something that will bring instead of deterring capital and labor—and it lios in tho hands of tho peo- plo ; and the motive must be higher thau party feeling to nerve them to raise tho stahdard of State honor and protection, and, rising iu tho might of a people de termined to bo free, hurl from tho places they huve desecrated the men who now hold power. Lot the chance, to bo pre sented in tho comiug full, be passed over for the purification of every portion of the State, and the depths to which Ala bama will sink have not yet been fathom ed. Novor again will (hero bo such a chance ; and while wo caro but little for party, wo pledge our every support to tho men / o#’ftlrtbatnu who rally for tho re demption of the Stfcta,yKho sacrcduess of lifo, and tho preservation of personal property. X AMUSEMENTS. Masonic Nisttbe. 1VII.0UN WJL-i V. iyi 1 A. M. \ lay; ironing,*^ JiWjHWinoM «. iixvmu iwikiu iuu Ig *•£<'. mart2 It JNu. M.TSTllKES, 8<< A RKDVLAH nuoting i t\ I.IAMS LODGE, A, prill bo held this (Th'h Batch 12th,1874. A full attomlajiqo I? (K •rtanca will j;umu before thu'l*' J N ll. at. Uf MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL NOTICE. w. a.hooten,m.d., f Dalton, Jth, 11th d in Kpping'H Build- l)r. Carrigp i impair* epathisi IKS. S. E. SMITH, sidor what that accomplishment cost, but this wo can Buy: Charles Si>uinor,'iu au ora of vouality, novor took a lirtbc, -Mid novor lout his infiuenco to n moasuro for porsonal gain. Against his k> private churnctor tho broath of calamity* has blown without dimtfiitfg* its' ptifity. [ With ohuncos uneqnaled to make a for- ; tune, ho died poor; and it con bo written j on his tomb that ho wub groat compared to the littlo men who surrounded him, j and liouost though iu tho midst of corrup tion. THE LAND OF CHINE. Tboro was a day when tho name “Ala- Notice, living tram , who uJmlnbl .To tv * KOTICi:. Springer’s Opera House! E. p, K KNDAI.I,, - - Bn.lnei. M*nager. WEDNESDAY A.1D THCBSDAY, ■neb lltb trad Mlb. FOX «t DENIER’S Pantomime Troupe TONY DENIER. The boI« acknowledged rival of G. L. FOX as CLOWN. In hi* famous Pantomime, ootitled HUMPTY DTJMPTY! As Played for 3 years in Now York City. wenty • live Talented Artl.L ! An Array of Specialty ArtiHta, Including Gymnasts, tlia Youngest Cornot Play REAL ESTATE ACENT8. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, tho property is sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAND, bein ’ o west p tho “*Van<v bit,’ on llryaii < «*t, adjoining tho reuldenoo «.f Hmi M. J. Crawford. Call soon want a bargain. tobl2 tf CITY LOT No. 0*U, <>u Milnttflh at root, with ee dwellings on tlio mini-. Will ho Bold other or separate, at a low llgure, for cash. ju27 VALUABLE CITY PllOPKRTV, situated In tho buaiueHS centre of tho city. Will sell at a great bargain, or to an acceptable party au undivided t. Tho property can be made to pay a large l W. J. Chaffin’s Book t iy x o’clock ; commei LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. IIUU9K of Southwi For Rent. A STORK HOUSE in tho valley of Talbot couuty, a crods-roa-l, tliree miles of the Chalybeatu Springs. A very desirable locution for a Dry ’ nud Grocery business. aop!7 10,000 Prizes to be Given Away, Amounting to $2.>0,000, nil in Currency. T HIS enterprise is conducted by the MASONIC K Ki.i KF ASSOCIATION OK NORFOLK, VA., ider authority of the Virginia Legislature, (act ssed March 8, 1873,) for tbo purpose of ruising lids to comploto the MASONIC TEMPLE, now courso of erection in Norfolk. There are no dividual beui tits to be derived from ibis under- king—it is wholly in the cause of Masonry. The uicert will positively take placo on Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1874, d no further postponement is guur.utoed. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cn««h (lift A.. .. By ELLIS & HARRISON. AUCTION SALE OF Crockery and Glass Ware WILL BE CONTINUED this day (Thursday) parlor Ono Or. iasli < fi Gift One (Irand Cash Hitt Orand Cash (lift Grand Cash UiU .sh (lifts, |6(Hl each 50 Cush 0 50 Cash (lifts, 200 oi KiOCush Oitts, loo ci 150 Cash Gifts, 100 oi 12,300 45,0 Grand Total, 10,000 GiftB, all cash *260,000 Whole Tickets, f5; Half Tickets, $i.50. Club Rates—11 Tickets for 45 1 '; 22 Tickets for $100. DIRECTORS AND ADVISORY HOARD. John I. Roper, President; John R O.rprew, Treasurer; James Y Leigh, Walt r II Taylor. Geo S Oldfield, John A Rosson. Daniel Hunted,* Wil liam 11 Wales, M H Stevens, S Weil, Johu T Red mond. 11in Excellency Ex-Governor Gilbert C Walker, Col Rader Biggs, 1* II P; John R McDaniel, P 0 Commander; J .1 Burroughs, Capt Samuel L Watts, Virginia Legislature; Rob’t K Withers, G M G H P and I) G C of G C; Col Tlios F Owens, P 0 M; John l» Whitehead, Esq, Ex-Mayor; Col W II l’uy Address ci Ma-t N. li.—Yo fob25 eodtil i O Bain, G C l ideations to HENRY V. MOORE, S Q C. ary 8. 11. HILL, Express Age BOOTS AND SHOES. A T —I col ami celebrates Lor millennial this year—874 -1874. Tho festival will be belli at Royjavik, tho capital, aud will at tract tho sous of this Arctic laud from fur aud near. For this liloak, barren country has a history, nud a strange and memora ble one. It is the most northern settle ment of white men iu the world. In its struggles are represented some of the most dogged traits of the liumnu will and energy. Cold, darkness, barrenuess, iso lation, d .sense, were all to be conquered ; a social system, a government, a litera ture were created, and a national spirit born of toil nud difficulties. bnmiau" was a talisman that wont far to opening ovory lioart and homo to tho bouror ; it was a syuonysm of bouor, and conveyed tbo idea of au honest, uptight man, fearless for right, and abhoring all moauuosB; but this honored interpreta tion of tho nauio is a thing of tho past, aud changed from its original significance it now stands for something tho reverse. It does not take much research to get at tho bottom of this; the leaders of tho old ! class lmvo passed away by tho bullet, or disease, and Alabama is rulod by tho har- pioH who citmo in the wake of war, aud robbed by adventurers, among whom can ! be counted many of her own porfidiou.s J sons. Honor and honesty have dopartod . from tho high places; her statutes are blackened papers, and her courts of jus- ; tico shows and mockeries. We do not wish to bo understood as saying that thoro ! are not many true men in Alabama—there | are, but all the elasticity seems to have gone from thoin under their many re verses, and thoy lio supine, whilo want, criino and corruption, aro impoverishing themselves, and Happing tho foundations of tho Stato, as if Naturo had gone into league with the officials. Look at Alabama in a non-partisan light, and hoo how hor credit is breakiug under tho mountain of debt that lias been heaped on hor in tho last few years to enrich its builders ; sco hor law-makers, so ignorant that two-thirds of her statutes could bo rc-onactod, tho majority bolioving thoy were passing a now law, whilo tho only originality they exhibit is in plundering tho treasury and creating new offices for the henchmen of tho ring. With fow exceptions her county organizations aro i rotten to the core; hor judges aro cor rupt or criminally weak, aud dabble the oruiiue iu filth that “they may live." This is tho asserted plea of ono who, too weak to rosigu, has still ouough candor left to acknowledge that he holds his po sition ou account of his poverty. Mur der is not a crime there, ns the eleven murderers who walk tlio counties over tho river can testify ; aud assault and robbery aro assuming tho form of Alabama virtues, for tho accused, no mutter what his character and means, cau rob his neighbor and be released by a justico on his own recognizance. Iu a laud where famiuo is brooding, whoro murder goes ttuptmisbed,where robbery in uo disgrace, where political corruption is tho rule, where justice is a farce, and opposition to wrong apparently dead, what hope is there for the future ? Those who still treasure a gliimnor of hope, whilo think ing of what Alabama could be, may say “Why tho resources of this State are such as to make her tho grAndost in tho South. From whoro tho Tenuessee washes the northern border down to tho gulf, is a laud of natural wealth. Her ooal fields aro inexhaustible,and adjacent, as if nature iu tended it for a laud of fur CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW BRICES. E.C. HOOD & BRO. Jo24 tapis Wood, Wood ! JJK8T WOOD, ready sawed, *4.00 p "LEVEL” FOR DKY III1H S. WEpLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. jal oodAHf •r cord. Wo filled promt r on application t foliill tf MUSCOGEE MAN’F'NG CO. Dental Notice. D R. PHELPS has removed Ills offle ^ ^ {douce oi. SU Clair stfeot, in For Sale. 'inVKNTY SHARK IN MERCHANTS’ RUIl.D- m. Apply to A. 0. BLACKMAR, M. and M. Bank CIGARS. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good Smokers! STOVES AND TIN WARE. 200 COOKING STOVES! <OR SAI.K AT PRICKS TO SUIT HARD TIMES W. H. Robarts & Co., io Invite tlie nttmitin of tho public to ,tl K>* and complete stock, con Uliug of Cooking Stoves, (Charter Oak and other first class patterns), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood ind Willow Ware, SILVER PLATED AND DRITNNIA GOODS, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery of our own importation. Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND N1IEET IKON WARE of every description, «•- Prices as low us tho lowest. ■ep7 eodOra •J. Newman & Co. HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAlfc—BItTAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, and to moot the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they have laid in, at great expense, a magnificent the lowest price Remember the place oko j ou l 0. NEWMAN A l DELICIOUS ! LOUIS BUHLER, The Tobaccoist, On Randolph street, a few doors below tl quiter Office, house with RED SIGN, Has Received This Day A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars Delicious indeed, at reduced prices. Two new brands of Cigars, Perrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok'g “ Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ Kvor 1,rough, lujrs. A new lot of tlioao "Rustio” Pipes. 1.0UIS RU1ILEU, ill it J tfj doors below Knqui YOUR INTION In ronpoctfully called to tho ft at wo uro SECOND TO NONE In tho in- its offered to buyers of IIOOT8 AND SHOES. •ep our stock well tAsortod, roplenishin ties make it necssary, from the best mar rs. We bltali endeavor by fair moans to HEAD of competitors for your trade, i I.FATHER ..REP AUTRE XT is cko-i. Wo IntVo Jlfrl received a large lot sell CALF AtflqKJP SKINS, OAK AND iCK COLE LEATHER, Ac., Ac. It IS ro to add largely to the number ol who favor us with orders by mail, our friondj ut a distance to do our Stoves, Stoves cruww ik (Opposite Sun Office) Columbus, Ga., W OULD respectfully Invite the attention friends and customers to his extensiv, stock of STOVES, HOLLOW ANI) STAMPED WARE, HOUSK-FURNISIUNG GOODS, Ac, TIN WARE, at wholesale and retail. Manufacturer of TIN, SHEET IRON AN- COPPER WORK. •Roofing and Guttering done promptly and iu tho best manner. He solicits a call, feeling assured that ho give entire satisfaction. Price as low ns tho lowest. Como and before you buy. nct26 codaw DRUGS AND MEDICINES a. I. GRIFFIN IMPORTED ^9 PERFUMERY^! and JKiSm FANCY GOODS AT REDUCED PRICE.. All goods guaranteed, fully prepared at all hou Jais deodawly » Prescriptions cai J. I. GRIFFIN, K'ti Broad 8t, A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten res ground, in Llnwood, one mile from S. W. R. dupot; a very cu able aud desirable borne. _ WHOLE8ALEJ.IOUOR DEALERS. ROSETTE & LAWSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liiquor Dealer S) 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H ave now in store a choice selection of pure and unad ulteruted Liquors, some of which are threo ami four years old. ISAD ‘ FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. LARGE ROOMS, with si.le iutrunco, with us liable If prefer A ' KGE 6 tf L, Box 18 L For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TIJE MEDICAL COL- T EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, f APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. GROCERIES. Russett and Peach Blow Potatoes, Mazeppa Flour, Pearl Grits, Italian Macar6ni, Imported Pickl.s, Lea & Perrin’s Sauce, VamiSla Chocolate, Imported Claret, very fine, Borden’s Milk, (Eagle brand) £J.r»o doz Ale and Porter, $3.20 doz., Canned Goods of ail kinds, Prince Albert Biscuit $1.00 box, Soda, Picnic and Sugar Crackers, JUST RECEIVED AT H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. F. A.. POMEROY AT BlHlIlKirs C’OltXEIt, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, Fresh Bay Fish, Mobile Cabbage, Celery and Lettuce, Live and Dressed Poultry, Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Fresh Crackers, Sugar Jumbtei, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, &c. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. ly Supplies and Fancy Gro hand. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN rand will bo pi- II Lo found at the d to wait on ids forme Thu patronage of tliojni Ilonnessoe Brandy, Peach Apple ‘ Cherry “ Domestic “ Jamticia Rum, New England Rum, Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Fort Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martiu Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Rye ■ “ Whito Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow’s “ Weller’s Bourbon “ ltobortson County Whiskey Tom Moore Rye “ ’ White Wheat « Fa. Dew Drow “ i offorod at wholesale and retail, in quantities to Buit purchasers. KOSETTE & 1.AWHQX, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. L. wrmeu. c. M.KIN8KL WITTICH & KXNSEL, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ' Chains, ... . . lugs of In — - of Article found in a First-CIiiNK Jewelry Store. Stencil Plates of every description cut at short notice. lobrated Diamond Pebbled spectacles aud Eye-Glasses, and Agent*fat 1 poctacles, which are slightly colo und Jewelry repairing In all its din high favor with everybody using audios. Hair Jewelry, Socioty Badges, lHamvti detfg Mm DRY GOODS. J. KYLE & CO. R ESPECTFULLY announce to «hdr friends, customers and tho public gone rally, that their FALL AM) WINTER STOCK OF DKY GOODS is now complete in every departmeu. consisting of every article unoully found in a first > limn Dt v Goods House. They Here bought dumr the money panic iu New York for money, and will be sold at prices to correspond with the times,fa cash. Wo still koop a largo lino of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINK OF Ladies’, Misses 9 and Children’s Shoes, of the Latest Style and Best Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices, AH wishing to purchase will do well to give us a caif, as we bought low aud will sell cheep for «* T. J. Pearce & Co., luccessora to Williams, Pearce & Uodo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R espectfully iinn. unce to their friend. the public that they will continue bus o old stand, wliero they will keep a Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c., Which will bo sold low and strictly for cash. J»31 a:u T. J. I'KAllOK i CO. Extra Shore Mackerel, No. 1; " “ “ No. 1, Kits; Mess “ Kits; Cod Fish, Smoked Halebut; Scotch Herring; Fresh Salmon, 1- 2 and 3 lb cansi Fresh Mackerel, 1 lb cans; Lobsters, 1 and 2 lb cans; Club Fish, 1-4, 1-2 and wholo boxos; Turkey. Chicken and Beof, 1 lb cans; Underwood's Deviled Ham; Fresh Asparags, Peaches, Quinces, Cherries, Pine Apples and Tomatoes; Atmoro's Mince Meal, 2 lb cans, 45c each; Star Candles, full woight, 16 o^, 25c lb; Crushed Block and Powdered Sugar, 16 2-3; Mild Ice-cured White Moat; Choice Cream Factory Cheese; Extra Orango County Butter, ROB T S. CRANE, mrli 1[rol.l UUin] Truitoo. BiRGims! ini!! mmm Important to Those in Want of Dry Goods. i call, ixainiuo aud t Our Terms from this date will be Cash. No goods will 1m sold on longer time than thirty days. Am" All thofco Indebted aro earnestly requeHted to call and settle nt unco, or make «i U'«WI arrangement*. JOHN McGOUGH & CO January l->t. Is7>. dlf WAGON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL H AVING taken floetchia*’ Blacksmith Shop, is now prepare I to do Blnckmnithlug «ud ation Wot k. Rej.a The pat elicited. ju20 If a large stuck of all nsv, which will be iJ any whoro in the of PETER EDO All. » respectfully . MOSHELL. FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS PLANTATIONS AND PARIS Enables any one to keep accurate ac- counts with their employees. Price $1 50. The form is .one furnished by a planter of i THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 4^* Tho Book will be forwarded by mail, < rewlpt of price. Ja8l dswtf FERTILIZERS. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAM JOHN S. REESE & CO., Baltimore, General Agents Cash Price, $56.00 per ton. Also, On Time, for Cotton or Currency- T HE use of this Guano for tho past eight years has established its character for ‘, reliability. I uofc l only ussure consumers that tho Guauo brought luto market tin* precisely the same in composition and quality us that heretofore sold. ^ niunn^ Tho largo fixed capital invested by this Company in thia business furnishes tn« be* g of continued excellence. The Company has a greater interest In maintaining »*•» B quality than any number of consumers can have. , , DM ktU Orders received uud information furnished, on application to my Agcuts at various i 1 Compound Acid Phosphate of Link' FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. Peruvian Guano, Dissolved Ammoniated Bones, Land Plaster, & c, i ^ W. H. YOUNG, 1 2 Broad St. FERTILIZE!^- 300 tons Patapsco Guano Company’9 Ammoniated Soluble Photph afcs ' 100 tons Langdale (English) A A Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates, too tons Langdale B B Ammoniated Soluble Phosphates. 100 tons George Ober A Son’s Ammoniated Super Phosphate of 100 tons George Ober A Son’s Genuine Phospho Peruvian Guano, In Store and to Arrive. uts wishing genuluo ftmt rls" 1 * f ' J.vJ.wIn WM. A. JAMES, Age Office in City Warehouse, Oglethorpe street, »** lit.