The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 12, 1874, Image 3

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wmBippiiwwifippiPi COIiVMBlJf): ritSDAY MAUClt 12, 1874. h PE LIKA DERARTIVIENT. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. New Advertisements. Doctors. DK. 1. T. WARHOCtt, ~ Surgeon aud Physician. Slaughter's Drug Store, Railroad street. UK. J. W. K. WILLIAMS U Offer*! hi* prof«*Hkioual aorvices. Office over R. 51. dnen A Uo.’e, Cbumbere A R. R. 8trectk. a nuv2A t] Millinery. f .. . .... MISSES WUITK A TUCKElt, ^ Faaliionable Milliuurs and Dretimakvrt. * Quiitluuieu'k ShirtH cut by chart measure, and guuruutcod to fit. Chiinibera utrvot, u**xt to Katin s dry goods store. febl 8 MRS. C. V. UABLOWf m Fualiloimblo Milliner auil Dreiimaker. si" e Agent of Uutteriek A Co.’s l'uttoru*. A t the late Raukiug House ol tiliuupard A Co., ... Opelika. Ala. Ja23 J -- - — - *. Notaries Public. p U. I>. U1GGINS, “j living appointed Notary I’ubiic for Lee county, . respectfully solicits tlie patronage of liis frl* nds. 1 Holds Court Int and 2*1 Saturdays of eucli mouth, ” at It. C. Ilollifleld's liw office. j ft 23 ® ■ Eating Houses. UOUKUS’ lCATlKU UOUair, l Right ut tlie Depot, open at all hours. Hot Coffee aud Meals tor all Trains. J " 21 ' Furniture, &c. At Panic Prices. \ A. O. HARWELL, Dealer lu all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffius, and Caskets. J-H8 Chambers street. Lawyers. ■ A.J.V1CUEKS, [ Attorney and CouiiMellor at Ijiw. 1 t Office opposite Alabama House. | 1‘radices iu all tlie Courts of the s*tat". juH A Tailors. J. U. I'AMPIIELL, Tailor, Cutting uud .Making iu the Latest .Styles. Re pairing neatly doue. South Ruiiroud 8t., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. Ii. SMITH, UentlNt, Doan l'iato Work and Plugging on reasonable d»c23J terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. n. m. gray, EDiTon. Through for Arkansas. Another batch of ft dozen or rnoro I ,lacks went through on thoir wav to tho ich valleys of tho Arkansas river, a day r two since. During tho winter very aa uy, perhaps 1200 or 17.00 have passed r tho Western Bond, bound for tho far |V r cst. Thore is now no doubt but in ten i tho States of South Carolina, Geor- I ia and Alabama, will bo freed, to a largo stent, of the wan and brother. Circam- huices which wo cannot control if wo ( mid, will, by degrees, cause tho black an to gravitate to tho rich bottoms and epical characteristic of tho Southwest, boro is no denying tho exceeding fcrtil- v of ttio lands west of tho Mississippi, id tho ease with which a snfllcioncy of »od to Sustain life cun bo made. Whilst « bot sun and miasmatic vapors nro doud- r poison to tho white man, tho ol.ony Lin of tho nogro only liuds its highest levelopinent whon warmed and nourish- P by it. To this parad : so, then, lot them It is but a small stroteh of tho irnag- t ution to boo our own storilo hills and haustod valleys, uudor tho foster- hand of white labor, rejuvona- nnd again bloom in boauty, nd yield to tho tiller of tho soil richer harvost than when carriod by a pstetn of labor so entirely unreliablo id dostructivo to true advancement and dependence. Wo do not envy that hilo people who nro prospoctivoly to id food uml raimout, and be responsible ir tho well being of tho natiou’s wards; dood thoy havo our hoarty sympathy, ith the oliphant and are eutitled to ovo- r dollar they can nmko from his posses- Thnt they will be, if not now, tho fling newer in Arkansas, as in Louisi- nnot bo doubted, nml will be so MnpuiVrd by bad ami designing won Al'ibuu. •. that but a few years will i[).se e’ro more will be as great desire to [rt with their bargain ns has boon exhib it! tbo past winter in directing emigru- m tbitberward. When that time comes ) shall possibly have another Arkansas words tho sotting sun or tbo South i, a fit homo for the Gyp.sical Luza- li, who, but for fee intervention of tty for a spooitlc purpose, would have Irished from tho face of thin Western ©rid. We are nut surprised whoa wo ptico nu occasional white man and little hes on route for tho same haven of 1st. So long havo our people pursued ke folly of fresh lands with ench Icceoding year, and suffered tho open ■nutation to grow up in briars and sedge, Ilf ally neglecting the commonest mode r the protection of fields in best coudi- m for tho application of labor eom- aed with intelligent fertilizing, that it ire folly to throw an argument to block f way of such migrating birds, llyo and >, after years of toil, penury and sick- , common to all such lauds, tho udvon- hrer will learn how much bettor it would kavo been to hnvo manured, plowed and ©rked tho old Holds of his nativity than l hazard the ills incident to new people |d virgiu Huii*. ___ j 54,V HOURS TO NEW YORK [Wo havo hnd anothor talk with “Itcoso,” i NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! 3 tako back what wo said about soft ; $35 50 Fare to New York! nds. IIo gives snch glowing accounts of jj ew Yorf . an(1 Now Orloans Ma ;j Lia0i tie! pitted bread and butter in and about > ‘Sweetest vnlley of tho plain,” tha WBSTEIIN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, i are compelled to believe his assertion „„ 4Tvu , Oa., March 2d, 1874. _ TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY one good day spent in his gardon. I y l)r Atlanta, • • - 10:40 a. tno again old friend, you make us fool ! Arrive at Atlanta, • • 5:42 p. J For Montgomery aud Solnm, 1:00 a. tier. I Arrive at Montg’y, • - 6:15 a. 1 town, several high digui- F Q R JJEW YOKE, DAILY, tato and county Granges, j (Time ra}± hours.) t\. W. H. Chambers, so well known,! LEAVE CObUMUUS i<»:40 a. m. aRKIVK Id Uncle Isauo Hill, whom not to know Athuitu *0010 p "ill ^uVoendUe* s P < W ’ LKA ' 14 Ito bo unknown yourself, aro among CHARLOTTE s:35 m., Urcenshoi 1 Danville 11:27 p. in.. Hichmoiiil 11:0.5 p. tn. Arrive number. at Washington 4::w ». in., ut Baltimore 0:30 a. ut Philadelphia l:'tU p. 111., ut New York 6:15 p. ('oauty Court A WEEK TO AGENTS-.ia»t- y I O vat Betting urtick"* out. three va'uabi* a umpbs for ton cents. J. PRIDE, 707 llrondwny, New York. 4w P SYOHOMANCY, or SOUL CHARM- INO.” How cither sox may fnsclnato nd gain too love and affections of any porson icy choose instantly. This simple mental ac- jtremont nil can possess, tree, by mall, for kj., togethor with a marriage guide, Egyptian rarlo, Dreams, Hints to Lndlos, Wedding- igbt Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Address T. ' ILLI AM « CO., Pubs., Phlla. 4w LN ACCIDENTAL CURE. When dentil was hourly expected from C0N- IPTION, all remedies having failed, uml Dr. Jumea was experimenting, he accidentally 0 n preparation of Inman Hemp, which cured uily child, ami now gives this recipe free, on ipt "f two stamps to pay expenses. Hump also "* night "\uiitK, nausea at tho ntomnch, mid break 11 fiesli cold in twenty-four hours. Ad- sCiunnocK A Co., 1032 Race street, Philndel- Hotels. ALAItAll.l 1IOUNE, Ccnveuiunt to liusiuess portion of iho city. .M U. W. ALLEN, Prop'r ADAMS HOUSE. When von ye to Opelika, bo sure to stop at tho Adams House, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. 1:. e. BOWER <fc NON? General 1nanranee Agents. Ofllce. Ruiiroud Street, over R. M. Urceuo A Co.'s, RAILROADS. Western Railroad of Alabama. iNS’o uolic j f again in session, aud wo understood 1 buld adjourn or recess until Saturday Sleeping Cars Hun Tlirougli from Opellkit to Charlotte, ami from Chur lotto to Now York. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY -- i From Atlanta, - - - 5:24 a. 1 “Down tlie River.** j Fr,,,M Montgomery and Selma - 2:30 p. > n . , , , , . Tickets fur sale at Union Passenger Depot. Friend Aberorombiu 1ms plncul upon ! cilAS. ,, Uuuoral 8ull .,. r table a pictorial notice of Goorgo W. | K. A. BACON, Agent. (rnachl tf opor’s new book, entitled “Down the | vor; Or, Lessons Undor tho j ^ r o L J l bdo JJuollo." who h .vo boon I bhailge 0T OCheUUle. Uued.ovo.d.hoBdvnnoo shoot-p r o-' Southwestern R _ R _ let a heavy « id lots of fun. Tho Itaby Xamoil. *. 7^ - ;, — ^ ■■ [ Council, r-eetitiy oleclod, proceeded on ^ IV ? J-** * * iterday evening to elect effleers for tho ilW '00 ~~ tr, which resulted in the choice of J. ; Morris as Marshal; It. Y. Jones, O ' irk 5 aud M. \V. Garden, Street Over- PASSKNOKR AND MAIL TRAIN, ir—throe professed Itads or llopubli- i.euvo Columbus - - • 2:30 r. m. (Daily) is. Mr. Hubert Williams, n mmtral in 1 » election, was elected Deputy Marshal, ai rive at M uoa - - - 7.25 —j DAY FREIGHT TRAIN Ucod Oil a UiiORH. I L((lV0 CoiutnlMiH Tho State Journal lionts I. II. in guess- Arrive at Columbus So much so, that wo think he would oil to employ tho astnto managers of but concern to guess us to tho result of he Congressional election in this district. \ |t might save time and money for all par- (Suuday vxcppted) Arrlii 1 ut Macon 3:00 p. m. “ VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. and Sup t. W. L. CLARK, Agent. mat tf Change of Schedule. Money r York exchange i off : selling ; PPM-y H II Relief, Comfort mid Cure for t Hernia or Rupture. Fine Stvol S| ring routed with hard rubber, Fie.* from nil sour, rusty, cliaf- girthing unpl . antnesH. Cool, 'afo and durable. Unafloeted by Every deni ruble put- itic Night Truss, by all dealers. Establishments Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and 737 Broad* , N. Y. Beit are of japanned imitations. 4w Pop >ughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Umo ELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN lll.lllj BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists, 4w JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER., BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, AI.RO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS Ml of which can ho furnished printed at irt notice, at low Cash Hath*. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlioa. Griltaort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. IEOCRAPHY,” A now book on the U nting by t>ouud ; u complete ByHtem of *ic Short-Ilnud, the t-hoi teat, most Himple, md comprclui.flive, emih lug any ono in a time to i.-jor Iriul-*, speech*8, sermonH, Ac. ord's Prayer Is wriMoii with 40 ntrokc« of by mail fitJc T. W. EVANS A CO. Till SI , 1 liilad.-lplii i, l‘a. iat Reduction in the l'r FRUIT TREES. nlo Tpo.iia Sent to any purt of tho Stato, per expross, C.O.B. Address W. U. M.I.SON, Proprietor of tlio Georgia Xurnery, 4w Augusta, On. Tin* highest niedicnl uiillaorillt; olf Europe suy the Ftrongost Tonic, Purlflor and DoohMruent knowri to tbo tnodlenl world Is JUREJBEBA. It arrests decay of vital fi-rcoa, exhaustion of tho nervous system, restores vigor to tlie dehll- Rated, clouiisos vltl.ited blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on tho 1.Ivor and Spleen. Price +1 a bot'le. JOHN l|. K EL- LOGO, 18 Platt St.. N. Y. 4W jj WE WANT BOOK AGENTS o soil two of tlio mest populai iNDS Fort Doin' W. K. Handy. and MARSHALL'S LIFK OF Gen. Robert E. Send for Circular at once. TUllNBULL BROTHERS, 4w Baltimore, Md, Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Oflieo Building,) ■CAN001.1*11 ST., COI.I .limit AM r _ and r cry description, viz LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING GAUDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS &c. LEGAL BLANKS. Uuilroad Receipts, Bills Lading, Ac in book or looso, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, made at short notice. Giving my oullro porsonal attention to Job Printing and Binding,lum onuhlod to (ill nil or* dors promptly at LOW CASH PltlUES. guaranteeing satisfaction, Orders from uhroad receive samo attention as 11' parties woro present. 96' A full stock of Goorght and Alabama Legal Blanks always on hand. fobti—It BANKINC AND sajgMgaaa»3UwBBv<Li.i,avi INSURANCE. xsi 4. D. F. MLIEOX. bEHSL K. UEHT. 8” 1-Si Uroml Street. Represents Olflest aui Stroupst American and Euilisli Companies. LECAL NOTICES. *d Thumus gland, doceuscd, Inm made up- plu .itlon to ithign his axuiutoruhip, llint aic, tht-reforo, to cite and mlmmiiHli all | I >i1.1 concerned to flic lli.-lr olji.iioii inmy . i .... i.,.t * |- j |-**t Monday i *' * Given under my official signature, (his - February,1874. d2m F. M. DUOOKB, Ordinary. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE coiv/rspA-ixi-sr. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,364.92 Boston “ “ “ 180,903.89 Total Assets Gold—January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lohroh Duo and Unpaid Nono. Losses in process of adjustment, or adjusted nml not duo ??22,,V.(S 00 All other Claims 1,615 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoomo, 1873 $610,887 7.". Incomo, 1872 526,217 87 Gain $ 1)3,669 86 I.osncn Promptly Adjusted nml t'nlrly Nettled by G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, 'y COLUMBUS, GA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If ou will only Save what you Waste, it would bo no trouble to bocomo Independent. eagle & nmim departiwt, Loss than ono yoar old, and has 378 Depositors. Tho Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Sevon per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on domand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. / 'KOHOIA—MUSOOUKK COUNTY.—Notice i.s huroby giv«n to nil porsmiM conreru*«I tu “"‘V k, "' VH th-ir i.bJ.ftiuiiMir any tli. y haiv) at tin* n> Xt t*T;a of tho Cotumi*Moii*'rn' Court, t.’ bel l lor 8.iiJ i oauty, ,.u tl> • Mr-t Satin<b«y lu Mar. Ii iii xt, why tin- roml b*ailiug fruin tlio olil St. H.iry b load, near Hull erfok, .m l int-rn.a tlng Uy onlcr 'ol. K. T. t till not I U ll' .1 Public It. i tbo Uoaul of Cumini-ii.'iii F. 'I IlKODKS. ii •• I-'"' Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. t. 8oL fim til KIIN It. It I rnm: following I tilled Hull '• the ain'th I I lull wi will i publi<* outcry, I fi’1'15 tinclilii Assignee’s Sale OF Crockory,Chiua&GlasM M u. t. j. Mick INUHOODM anil u Hood IKON 8 A t I!, . .1. Du YORK having a-nig a ml ’ ■ CROCKKRY, HiH SK " kn unit F. I i 1 T IKNIhll- I III. , :il lllu Lee. ouros all Hamor* from the wor-.t Hcrof* nln to a com non Blotcli or Plniplt* rrom two to Blx bottles aro warranted to euro Salt Rhonm or Tetter, Tlmplea on Face, Bolin. Frynlpolns and Liver Complaint. Six to twelve bot tles, warranted to euro Scrofnlona - lingering Cough In halt the time required by any other mcdlclno and is perfectly Bnfc, looponlng cough, aooth- lng irritation, and relieving porencus. 8^14 by all Druggists. Il.V.PlFHCU.M.l), World’s Blaocnnorv* Buffalo. N. Y. DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Cull attention to tho fort tii it thoy aro fi-lling Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., TO CASH III Ylilts. At such prices as will he sure to ph'iiao all «ho will call To orrivo ICtli hist., a now case of Spring UrintH, &c. JalS PKACOCK A SWIFT. \ premium. Trade ^esterejay was liko a summer day. Onr btrocts were excossively dull. We quote : Balk moats, D.jalOo. Corn, ^ l u 1.0.7. Sugar, lOtil-lc. Suit <^2.25. Muluisfs , bt.iv* Tnov pOc.a$l. n»y ¥1.75. j A! " ,,VK Cotton. Stock 1,200 hales. Receipts light.— j Le iNothing doing. | ""J Friday* Middliugs 144 | Low Middlings i:H>$ I Received previously 15,5 .6 ‘ yosterdav 35 ; rap;! fl illillliil ■W ^ '5* -W u Vm Office Momu A Girard Railroad, 1 CoIumbuH, (Ja., Dec. 2, 1873./ O N AND AFTER DEC. 3D, WEDNESDAY, Passenger Train will run as follows : Leave Cou miius daily, Sundays excepted, 3:(fj r. m. Arrive at Trot, “ “ " 8:52 r. 1U;3 - 4 00*. I - 2:26 P. ! W. L. CLARK, Silp’t. _ 15,59 1 ; . O. Harwell having withdrawn from I tho firm of Harwell, Griffin 5 Co., has j removed to Chambers street. 11 s /fiends | and patrons would do well to cull ou him ! t his uow quurtu.'H, and exuiuiuc stock | beforo luiyiugelscwboro. l’ricos ot panic j 1 rates. jal8 saAwedtf J MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. I 1*J»T RECEIVED i -mull lot *»f NEW STYLED .) HAT.- ..I OTHER NOVELTIES from tbo HK*T OPENINGS A I.S i. a 1 ii g.- and well I.IN FRY, tMMbb usually kept iu Noxt d< 0BtU-*-ly »»r4 bein' claim Millinery K«tnbluh- r tho New York Store. •MRS. COLVIN and HONNJfll.LY ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign s Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Tlieir Spring SStocU 13 UNRIVALED! 96T Call and ho convinced. No. 69 Broad Stroot. HIDES! HIDES!! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & CO.'S, No. 2 Crawford St. Ja22 il2m Under Rnnkiii llouxe. M. M. H3RSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will I’ay tlio Highest Market 1*rice for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Papor and Papor Bags on hand. Jn2n *Uy DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pat?o Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any <*no inl*-r>-4ti-d in building, *.n rue* i|>t of stump. KEOGH & THORNE, 251 A 250 CANAL PTKKET, Jyll dAwly NEW YORK CITY. bTAND, i Oglethorpe. Parties Inuebli d in Mr. DeVoro will ploaiui cull and flottle. 96' MIL KOIiUltT A KNX13 will havo oharge •f tli" Slock until uloAuii cut. iiiHl-itHuAwit l I'.NMa. Anaigncu. In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern DiHtrict of Georgia. No.71J. In the matter ol ) JOHN L. WOOD WARD, V In R inki iiptey. Hank nipt. j rnilli- iid Ibiuknipt having |<"iili"ii"*l H" 1 I >r a di-cliurg" Iruni all lii.i dll- | i \ it I»1 un • I III" Hank rupt net of March 2d. 1807, not ini i-. • I !•> ■l\*'!l Im III! |>. Monk IIIt'Tl'Bt' I I" llppllll till ii" IMth day of April, 1874, at lo • «l.» I. a in. at I. mil" i- "I .aid ili-llirl i .'iiri b«-t i• I,. T l«"i\ n- Ilf. I'-|. "II" "I III" lt. gi-l"i- I.f .aid ;mkiiipliy, ut liik"lhi", in ('"iuiiil'ii*. lie ii"W * hi " why the prayer "f tli" .aid p' lii" • "I ilaiikrupl »li"iild imt be graiil'd And f u 11 li> lr*' irt gl\"ll Ibe ."lolid All'l third III"' tii t'"dil"i. will Im InId at the uniii" time and | Diii'il at Havniiiiiili, (la , thl« ill Ii di.\ <d M 871 JAMES M. •HKllSHN lull 10 oaw2t Cl*::. Muscogeo Sheriff Salo. ('■•I ii in buk, (in., tin) lollowing ihkcribi'd y. to-wlt: and a half luiddliugH I aeon, 2<> (milk of II" |ar "f*. all-, half l.nx n wku-. two "i\i - lullin'' ii, "ii" iiux ht'ii i ll, 15 plen - miap, a it- ill" |'iop"rt> 'l W Rand I. 8Kii.n r, Iv a Ii fa in my hniida In favor of All-n, f Ill.llUtill. ' MG MECHANICS BAN' xs:, OOLTJMBTJS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t, V'hruary 3th. 1974 tf GrEOUGIA. A. 0, BLACKMAR, Cashier. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBEF: ALITY ! Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y (ONTINIIS TO Ot'l'KK Till'. HI 111.14' INDEMNITY apiust Loss by FIRE! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cet it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S, MURDOCH ii nil | loco, "nil hundred kllliP'k ..f hi.u'k ill the Mllki 'g ■" Hiillli* llUlldillg, and ii like iuteiekt ill tho land "ii wliit h tlio h.iiii*j Hiaiid.'*, lit the properly of J* hit I. Miiktaiii. AI-" i ity i< t No :J7, and linproten eiitk flier* <>n, an tli" |>i..p.-rty of Si'iiboril JuueH, diicenkid. Fold I" knt- i"fy a Ii fa l**iiiei| from .MilkOogeo Superior 4' inhlO wtd 11 0. l VEY, Sheriff. Muscogee Sheriff Salo. ILL lip Hold I ! of tli*- auction liollko of I: d mIreet, CulumbuH, On., t ■I property, to-wlt: I (lint li.i'-t • r pnrrel of Iniul : •• «ity of Uoluiiiliflk, in hft. lot iiiiiub.'i 29( i (lining "lie-half in !• in nro or l«-4. Sold ihiy ihr* •• ni'Tigug" fi fim ihnud from Mu-. «*, •■•nor Court, iu favor uf Win N Hawks, tr*- l'r.., a* hniu" limn and'place, all that tract .•■I . I land lying and bi'iug in with! county n it", mid known in iliu plan of kaid county ih w.iii Rikt-rv*'. * •nlniiiing -iily two (f'>2)int until fiy 1.1nd- "I . - I' \\ iut"i. mid (i.m Ho M * on i"i • i"l"Tly "l (. Tg *• ia A Thornton, l * > i—iu. d rioiu Mu-. og.'" M f Win N Hawk-*, Irrnhiiri'i , all Unit i l l lain b> i tin* Htli diittrii l " i tli by tlio land *. I'rensiirei CLOTHING. THORNTON & INTO- 70 Broad Street. (Next door l« .1 Havo Just Rocoivod a New Lot of Men’s and Boy’s O ILa O “CL* 1E£ i: JXT (Gi-, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for tho samo class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As wo were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will soli at corresponding low prices. Wow is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section. Call and seo for yourselvos. ^ N'TIllllIl ri ]> in Lot of NO Here’s Your Cliauce. EXCUSE FOB A RUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING AT COST ! Dissolved. rnm: firm iu-r •..■( *■ I . ' . r BACK diMolvrd by mutual r*<n- claims ngiuin-t the firm LEWIS NEW MAN. wl. mdi'r lie uaii'ii AN, i- tlii-* day parti* - holding •* * i lb. n. I.. Mr. ir, un 1 author- ir.ed to h(-tU*i nil claim*. mbS W BACK A NEWMAN. Picture Frames AND FRAME MOULDINGS. 1 HAVE Just received n great variity *f IMF- 1 TURK FRAME MOULDINGS, wl.iili m- f r ■alo, and a:u prepur* d tu M A K E FRA M I..' t• > •.■ I. i. W. J. CHAFFIN. ,-OH TilR N'BXT TIIIIITV DAYS \\ K IVII.I. SKI,I. OUK KCPKI'.II STUCK 'll' J lilSMI.i: III. A 'N, Vlll'TIIS' AMI I'llII.IHI I'.N'S Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bays, &c.. <Stc„ at Cost for Cash, Ohio at one**, if you wUh l • . -*y CHOICE CLOT1IF.H f..r a little luim* y. THOMAS & PRESCOTT f lb" Into Fi ubnl tb" property "f MubuJiy H"lin*»*, t.»» ■ iu favnr nf Dr C Tarry v.i Mulmliy 1’rupurty pointed out by pliiilitllfH at . 1 \ I V. 9hvrifl. Muscogoo Sheriff Tax Sales. W ILL I." mdd un lb- llrat Tuoaduy in Apiil I" Xt. b"tW""ll III" b gkl holtr<4 "I kill", III M. i "it iiiiing 2*M • ||\ I * 'dllinbllH, crt> | 'intfd "lit I j r-i'.m.d l" by \V . land ::I7 urn! .»|k, ii l"r, fer Jija.* 1 * and ' Levy made and i i lawful coil"laid". I Mr*- Marlin, *i Halo and f». Me Mi* f land, wit' J 1 Ii nil pal ti* "f lotk '« » "* Un pi 11 j "f Mi* *t .x lli l u . Lory n ndi - M Ml* ba*-l. lawful < oii-i ■ nd place. norlIi ball "I M lli" « ity "I ('"lutnbus, fr-ni ah I bo piopcity uf .bihn I* < i ou nty I ax rk lor I >7 J .m l I • irned to by W. S. >!* Mn li Muscogee Superior Court, RfliLl.lNEftY. Bargains! Bargains i Muscogee Superior Court, A Fancy 11 Dry Goads at Panic Prices & „ a<; eeo WILL, ON AND All I-.: TO-MORROW, "I : i’ HER ENTILE MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY G00T „ rOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! Ti'» !■*?'“ " • 7Ea..^.S ; "ii delivery. , *oti, Judge, presiding- j- IJIh'1 for Divorce. turn of llm FhorlfT iu t I to Muk g <\ and it fin ll • i laul d' "•* not i -id" - ■ ■ I > I i 1 i b it a ■ f lliu "rdri iu li" < '. MOIlTil.N. i'! un>e||", ll"- minute** ol Muhcoi J. .1. lilt A Dl'* III D. Ulei k b. U. M. I