The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 18, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus .AJSTID Ar U-&.TTJ1T Enquirer. ^OL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1874. NO. <M. TERMS AILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY WNC^TTIllMlA. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE WEATHER. MEXICO. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. woWe mouths, in advance $8 (X) months, “ 4 00 liroo months, “ 2 00 month, “ 75c. Iebkly Enquirer, ono year 2 00 nday Enquirer, one year 2 50 sday nnd Wkbki.y Enquirer to gether, ono year A«lrertlninir Motes. 0 00 MARKETS. Mouth. “ 8 W> • l:t oo 17 oo 22 50 25 00 Square l yesr 42 00 Tho abovo is with tho privilege of a change •y threo months. For yearly cards a liberal ills- it will be mado. Tho Weekly ratos will Invariably be one-third the Daily. Yhen an advertisement is changed more than ;e lu throe months the advertiser will bo charg- witli tho cost of compodtlnu. Foreign udver- iri must pav as do those at home. WASHINGTON. CONOBK8NIOXAL. Senate. Washington, March 17.—Freliughuy- )i> said that Home weeks ago, when the ivil Rights bill was under discussion, he A ted that, if the bill should be referred the Judiciary Committee, it would be sported back soon. The late Senator im Massachusetts (Mr. Sutnuer) agreed tho reference, and he (Frelinghuyson) w desired to state that the committee ad spent two days in perfecting it, aud was now ready to ho reported to the euate, having received the approval of a oajority of the committee ; hut, as the athor of the bill had been taken away, (Frelinghuyseti) would not report the I or call it up until the chairman of the ommittoe, who was in favor of it, should present, that he might take part in the ebate. A resolution was adopted to inquire ito tho judicial expenditures of the outhern District of Georgia. A bill wan passed to remove the politi- al disabilities of Thos. Hardeman, jr., of eorgia. ■louse. The House was engaged all day on the jegislative Appropriation bill. Nominations lor Georgia. Gen. L. B. McLaws, Collector of the first District of Georgia; Prince, Post- Blaster at Augusta; B. F. Bell, Postmas- er at Amerious. ■ Brant Pictured and Lunches the Givers. A oommittee from Now Orleans pre lented to the President his portrait on lorsebaok—heroic sizo. Senator West made the presentation speech in tho proa luce of the Cabiuct aud the President's louaehold. The oommittee bearing tho picture, and the Cabinet, lunched en fa mile. The picture is the creation of Pierson, and the gift of Dr. Crasts, of Orleans. NT. PATBICK’N DAY. Celebrations in Various Cities. Philadelphia, March 17.—St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated by the Irish societies of temperance, beneficial, military, and atioual organizations. Despite tho rainy, disagreeable weather, fully 10,000 men paraded, with numerous banners and over thirty bauds of music. One of the or ganizations paraded 1,200 men. Thore were barouches filled with children dressed in while and decked with ribbons; bn niches holding Hobos, who, draped in spotless white and sushod with green, holding the typical harp or delicate shamrock, represented tho maids Erin. Thou there were others, lovely to bo cold aud classic, sur rounded by little girls bedecked in colors, who typified the Goddess of Liberty and her nurselings. Had the weather bet* clear tho number would have been doubled. Washington, March 17.—The Irish cieties made the grandest display e seen in the capital. There were se bands of music in tho line and many in- i teresting features. ArousTA, Ga., March 17.—St. Patrick’s | Day was celebrated by tho parade of the military and civil societies. Orations were delivered by Rev. Father Kelly, of Georgetown, I). C., aud M. P. Carroll. i Charleston, March 17.—St. Patrick's Department of War, > Washington, March 17, 1874.) rrlMi. . Mob r.o- ProbMUiu.-For th. Booth Atlantic teatiiuta—A Boston Freaeher , States south and southwest winds and Killed-- Robber lee-Oea. partly cloudy weather, and olearing on ttootoAnoft-ailTor W«lne«d.j morning. Slloee Die- SHIP NEWS. Citi or Mexico, M»roh 10, ttn Hevum, j Kkw Yonx, M.roh 17—Arrived : San March 17.—A fearful outrage was perpe- ' Jacinto. trated by a mob at Ahualuoo, in the — - — State of Jalisco, last Sunday. In the i morning the priest delivered an inoendia- i ry sermon, in the oourse of which he ad vocated the extermination of the Protest, ants. This so excited his hearers that a mob gathered in the evening, and, pro ceeding to the residence of Rev. John Stevens, a Gongregationalist sent out by the Boston Board of Foreign Missions, with cries of “long live thb priests!" They broke into the house, and seizing tho clergyman smashed his head to s jelly, and ohopped his body into pieces. They afterwards saoked bis house aud carried off everything of value. After much delay, the riot was suppressed by the looal authorities. The government haa sont a detachment of troops to the place. A rigid investigation has been set on foot, and orders have been issued for tho arrest of all the priests in Ahualaco, and neighboring towns. The mob in Hagayo, acting under a religious frenzy, attacked the small garri son of the town, burned the pnblio ar chives, and pillagod the hoeses of the authorities. Tho government of Jalisco has arrested some of the bandits who robbed the stage near Guadalajara and killed Westfall and Bartholy. A portion of the property tukon from the passengers was found iu the possession of the prisoners. The Governor of the Distriot of Mex ico has issued orders prohibiting cock- fightiug as a practice unworthy of a civil ized people. Troops are guarding the roads leading to Ban Luis Potosi to ensure the safety of travelers. General Santa Anna will remain at Ja- lapa some lime before going to the cap ital. Quicksilver miues have been discovered in Zacatecas. ENCI LAND. London, March 17.—The British jour nals generally consider the Ohiselhurst demonstration ns a success. The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh soon visit the Empress Eugenis. The loss by the wrecking of the steam er Queen Elizabeth, off Tariffa, is esti mated at X’555,000. NPIAN. Madrid, March 17.—Tho Garliat lead er, Terstany, has been defeated in Tera- gona. It is rumored tho Garlista have raised tho siege of Bilboa. Bayonne, March 17.—Gea. Seeballa, according to Garlist reports, has captured 2,500 men under Gen. Vonrillas. NOBTII C AROLINA. Volcanic Eruption Reported. Knoxville, March 17.—We have no positive information of tho voloanio dis turbance reported from Raleigh. It is reported from Asheville as being betwoen that place aud Old Fort—not in Bald mountain. The rumbling sonnd haa been heard and frequently felt during the last two or three weeks for some distance in that vicinity. Raleigh, March 17.—Passengers from tho west, on this morning's train, oonfirm the reports of the rumbling noises and general upheaving of Bold mountain, in Western North Carolina. The people living on aud near that mountain are .moving out, aud a voloanio eruption is momentarily expeoted. AMUSEMENTS. BY TELLUR At* 11 TO ENQUIRER. Money nnd Stock Marketn. London, March 17.—Consols 92Aa92}. Erie 40*. Paris, March 17.—Rentes 59 f. and Ho. New York, March 17.—Stocks dull but weak. Money II. Gold 12. Ex change—long 485, short 488$. Govern ments steady. State bonds quiet. New York, March 17.—Money activo at 3a4; exoliange dull, 485; gold 12; Governments strong uud active; States quiet. Provision Markets. New York, March 17.—Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and heavy. Corn quiet. Pork steady. Lard heavy; stoam Freights dull. Loui8villk, March 17.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn 70c. Provisions firm. Pork $15 25. Bacon—for shoul ders; 8jf for clear rib Hides; 9j for clear sides. Lard—9 for tierce; 9 : { for kog. Sugar cured hams 12. Whiskey 90. Cincinnati, March 17.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn steady at 63uG4. Pork firm, held .$15 12ul5 25. Lard quiet aud steady at 8jc for steam, spot, 9c tor buyer in Murch, and 9^o for kettle. Bacon quiet; shoulders Gjj; clear rib R$a82; clear sides 9. Whiskey strong at 90c. St. Louis, March 17.—Flour quiet and weak ; small business; corn quiet aud weak, 01 for No. 2 mixed on east track; whiskey lower at 92; pork firm at $15 25 a5(); bacon senreo aud higher at 7, shoul ders 9, clear rib 9j; lard quiet at H ; JaR$. Colton Murkrtw. Liverpool, March 17—Noon.—Cotton firmer; prices advanced a fraction; up lands 8d; Orloans sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and export.. Later.—Sales 15;000, including 3,000 for speculation and oxport. Ln^nrooL, March 17—9:30 p. m.— Cot ton— Hales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable April aud May, 7 15-lGd. New York, March 17.—Cotton quiet, but held higher; Rales 1,392; uplands 1G j; Orleans 19$. Futures opened as follows: April 15 ll-16al»$; May l(»j; June 19 22-32; July 17 1-16. New York, Maroh 17.—Cotton steady; sales 3,959 bales, at lGjjc. Boston, March 17.—Cotton steady nnd firm; middlings lf»Ac; net receipts 66; gross 5,058; sales 250. New Orleans, March 17.—Firmer; de mand active; middlings 16c; low mid dlings 15c; good ordinary 13$c; ordiuary U^c; net receipts 4.1.'10 bales; exports to Great Britain 7,550; to Continent 675; sales 5,000; last evening 3,000. Savannah, March 17.—Firm; middlings 15$c; not receipts 1.170 hulos; exports to Groat Britain 2,789; to Continent 4,015; sales 1,225. Charleston, March 17.—Firm; mid dling 15g; net recoipts 768; sales 1000. Mobile, Maroh 17.—Firm and higher; middling 13f ; net receipts 311: sales 2,000. Springer’s Opera House! Manager .... Mr. Tmo. Hamilton. ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 THl'RNDAY EYEN1NO, MARCH 191k,IA74. America’s most famous Comedian. ME. JOHN E. OWENS, SUPPORTED RY HIS OWN DRAMATIC COMBINATION. The porformunoo will cumin enco with Tom Taylor s celebrated Comedy entitlod the Victims, Joshua Hutthriit, Esq., John E. Owens. To conclude with Mr. Owon’s world-ienownod specialty of 80L0N SHINCLE! Solos Siuxoti: Mu. John K. Owsnm. Brices of Admission. REAL E8TATE ACENT8. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents Genera! admission Heaervcd euuta.... Gallery ...17.00 and *10.00 for MU. OWENS' March 10.It, ut W. J. Chaffin's ho OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. UK. X. T. WAICNOCK, Surgeon ami Phytticiuu. Slaughter's Drug Store, lUilroud i ACCOUNT or tho Iona of Uilieo Bridge*, •bippc.j are requested uot to aeud airfreight* for shipment to Mobile and Girard Depot uutil further notice. J. M. FRA/.I5R, Ag't. mch!8-lw To Capitalists and Manufacturers. FROM ALU 17ST A. Frcsliet-Murder — Red I rood Break. Augusta, Murch 17.—Tha river is twen ty-live foot. The rain has ceased, and apprehensions of a freshet have been re moved. Tillman B. Burrow, while returning from a circus performance at Batesville, S. C., last Saturday night, was waylaid, | murdered sud robbed by two negroes, i who made their escape. There was a slight wash on tho Macon and Augusta Railroad last night, and no trains wore run to-day. They will run to-morrow. Ti:i.F.UIfAPHIC NOTES. —Col. O. H. Robio, U. 8. Army, sui- cidod at San Francisco. —Col. S. O. Ransom, of .the Quarter- Day was celebrated by a largo military 1 master’s Department, U. S. Army, at Now procession, public banquet aud a grand ^ Orleans, died at Jeffersonville, Indiana, ball. Havannaii, March 17.—St. Patrick's Day was celebrated with groat eefat. The day was opened with a salute of eighteen guns—one for oach of the four provinces of Irolaud, one for Ireland, and thirteen for tho Southern States. The demonstra tion was imposing. The procession uum- THE MANASSAS COTTON AND WOOLEN MILLS For Sale. milK MILLS . J tun, Carroll mile of » Attached to th- Mill* imho red hinds, nnd In i Ives. Th- property i- •lilt. Tho bund led of brick, coy- and tiv?hundred DB. J. W. It. WILLIAMN •flers hi* professional sendees. Olhco over Groeu * Co.’s, Chumber* A It. It. St reel Millinery. MISSES WHITE A Tl’CKKit, Fashionable Milliners and Drcssmiikc Killin' • dij good* store, tebl MRS. C. V. BARLOW* Fanliionitble Milliner and llreasiuukur. \Y AND AUCTIONEERS, LI. ATTKND PROMPTLY TO TUX SALK, ItKNT AND PUKCllASK of KKAL K8TATK iu tho City and country, uud will advut ti*« tho •amo (at private huIo) FHKK OF CilAKGK. unU-aa th* property i* sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAND, being the west por tion of tho “Nance lot," on Bryan • reel, adjoining the res I den co of lion. M. J. Crawford. Call noon If you waut a bargain. feblB tr CITY LOT No. 801, on McIntosh •treat, with threo dwellings on the saiu.i. Will be sold together or arparatw, at a low Usurp, for cash. J ,l -7 V4LUABLK CITY PKOPKRTY, aituated Iu tbo bu*li»«* centra of tho city. M ill «eU nt « great burgaiu, or to hii accoptablo party nn undivided interest. The property can be made to pay u large A DKS1KABLK flOLSK AND LOT, with •ci.** ground, lu Lliiwoo.1, one mile from S. W R. depot; m very comfurtabie and desirable ho For Rent. A STORK [I0U8K in the valley of Talbot couti at u cross-road, three miles of tho Clmlybe springs. A very desirable locution for u I Goods aud Grocery business. sepl' RAILROADS. NOTICE. .p, StSClStiiL- W.b Treasury of Georgia , March, II, 1H74 . Age! Opelika, / i.kiug llo t Cd.'s l'a I hhuppaid A Co. Notaries Public. U. D. UIUUINS, ry Public foi iu patronage « ectfully solicits is Court 1st and . C. lloilittohl'H law ufh. Eating Houses. IIGGEIW' EATING IKK NK, at tho Depot, open at all hours. Uot and Meal* lor all Train*. Furniture, &c. At Panic Price*. As O. HARWELL* Dealer lu all kind* of Fiirnitur Also,"Metallic, Wood Coffins, and^Caskets. Lawyers. A. J. VK IiFHS, Attorney and Couii«cllor al law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices iu all the Courts of tho State. Jail Tailors. Dentists. Barber Shops. WESLEY ■lAUKX.VUElt, IlnrbKr, turner H.uth Railroad aud Chuuihers streot. ilec23 ALABAMA IIOINK, ut to bu*itii*M* portion of the city. G. W. ALLKN, Pr A DAMN HOI NK. i yon go to 0|Mdlku, l.u sure t* Adair.* House, opposite Passeugei Insurance. K. BOWEN A NON, General Iiiauranee Agents. i. Railroad Street, over K. M. Greene A ( CANTATA OF DRAMATIZED ! ati/.ed by Prof. Beagor, wh easily pr i D -*"P" W. M. NTANSItl itY. and send hill t tion of ltfsliy un.i day of March, 1A74, i RIVER OF L1FK. Rest book for Sabbath 8rli.*»ts. ENLARGED EDITION OK Father Kemp’s Old Folks’ Concert Tunes. Holders of the Chance Bills OF THE Western and Atlantic R. R„ I SSUED l.eloro and during the war. itr- hereby inatiun ut I ho Stale Trunsury, on and after the o'clock p. ui. ou Tuesdays, Thmsdu)* and Sal- urdays, aud urilve al Montgomery nt II p. ni. same day. W. L. CLARK, nohlMBw sup t M. A 0. R R. Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and New Orleans Mail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALARAMA, CoLUftiui'*, Ua„ .March 2d, 1874. TRAINS LEA VK COLUMBUS DAILY Fur Atlanta, - • 10:40 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta, 6:42 r. «. For Montgomery nnd Selma, l:0<» v. m. Moutg'y, - • Arrlv* I Heliua. IU FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. 10 H. m. ARRIVE 11 U.i 6:12 p. iu. LKAV vllle, H. i’.. 1..VI a. in l Wn I Hal I 11 :()'• p * 1 I ', p. PhllHdeiphiir'1 :io p. Nlccpluu Pars Bun to C’burlotto TRAINS ARRIVE A’/cOl.U.MHUH DAILY From Atlanta, - * - 0:24 A. m Charfge of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. DRY GOODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Cnll .ll.ulluo lu til. foot tlllll Ill.JT »™«illlUK [ Dry Goods of eve y description, i Good NCWS tO Smokers ! Shoes, Hots, Clothing, &c., ♦ k w Advertisements. A VKHVH WANTED. to HID ....Jk!.<:., N11 »•;»■*. aweekto acents—> e" V.ik"' "' Ul " u '* J DltxI.K, ?L7 lirio.lo .. PSVOHOM,(VN(: v , or SOUL CHARM ... ,, ' , Bow either sox may fiisclnul * 11 * UM ’ ,in 'l all«*'tlons of any per?.,it mrement°H?!' l " , ' lly ' 1 hlH Hlw l ,le “*«“»•»! «'* V. ) . BU i!‘ cl wttl ' 11 'oorrlugo guidt% Kgyptlan Mates;:« william n CO., vK, , r |.|,U,L AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. •Ilk a I, c-l.i in iw, ntv i.-ur hui. . ’ a<>- It vm»0. K A I O.I2 It,,,;, vir.fl, I’li i bi.l •! > mlng this paper. iw RUPTURE H-nl Hnhh.r W, TRUSSES''v;;;* •l«hly polished f r.* f. UK. strapping **. mil., leayl.v, light, ► iif< in : nlhiiig. AivvHVHr.di.ib ern. Including Hai l Ru fiiur • •I will, hard i l:t!7 Chesti . I’hili.delpli T lln n*l For Coughs, Colds, Hoarsoness. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, • Use WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS ITT CP ONLY IN IU.) I! 1IOXEH. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Soldi,y IlniKKOt.. 4w '’EDEOCRAPH Y,” .. ... » | .... ,i... 'r'y""i!rt.'l'i’.'.Vi’oIv'«!|’*e«m’l'.' 1 n77’.»My"’.7".!; Great Reduction in the Price of FRUIT TREES. Apple Trees Peach Trees “"'""iUpi'r ’.oo'.'' l’i "pr a. G* 'I'lir lilglifst nirilirnl ati(boride* of l7iiro|»<* say tho strongest Tonic, Purlflnr and Doolisiruant known to tho modlcul world It* JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion oi tho norvouH system, restores vigor l*i tho debit Hated, I’lo’insos vitiated blood, rouioves vnslole ohrtniotlons and acts directly on tho Liver and Nidoon. Price #1 a ImtHo. JOHN U. KK1. I.O IO, 18 l’lattHt., N. Y. 4w Urms Hill 11 TO FANII BL'YKBN, , rk i ^ "wllUalT Ml1 ^ J To arrive ICili inst., a new cane of Spring I > rintw, *Sto. Jo 15 PKACCH’K A SWIFT. •I. Newman \ Co. 1IA' K JU8T OPKNKD A RETAIL CIGAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, and to moot the dnuan l b.r GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ udium •1 h- pr CHKKRFUL VOICKH lb—, t < Rook. berod 1,500, comprising eight socielien i Springlicld. an tho snpromi authority of and the military, throe bauds, carrin^aii | the order in tho United States. Abont containing the Riahnn and others. Tho ,llir| y eub-counoila are now ready to be oration at 12 m., at the I heat re, was do- 4 „ , . h»«wo.i k- tr . m t> fv.v,,,,, - t —Gapt. C. L. Brady has returned the hvered by Hon. M. I. Otonno, «.f ^i.tHHi check voted him by the direotom Charleston. ( of the American Steamship Company, Washington, March 17.—Dispatchtu and tiled in the office of the United States from many points of tho North, South Distriot Court his libel against the Com- end West rep'on a genera, obaorvanoe of ! & ^ .h'Ten^.^ X St. Patrick h Day by the various Iriah so- i vage, ns compensation for servicee ren- cioties. The displays in all instances are dcred in bringing the vesael and cargo ** * l “ Comi ’ * *' ‘ yesterday. —Tho Central Pacific Railroad is again flooded near Emigrant Gap. Tho Hnowat Summit in livo feet deep ou a level. Tho telegraph poles and wires are Imried out of sight half the distance from Emigrant Gap to Truckee. —The New York State Councilor Inde- \JT T. D.Tinsley, nn» of tho executors of tho j pendent Grangers haa formally recog- I W i*' l %t 7on T to°ro«Tkif up,?*!??' h * H n,a ' ,B H *’ ! nizod tho National Council, organized at ; r Thes°o are,°therefore, to nto aud* afimonish all j heir objection in my I lotiday In May noxr, j reported exceedingly creditable. In this city the procession was reviewed by the President and members of the Cabinet. safely to tbo Company'* dock at Phila delphia. The Captain, flrat and aeeond officers of the vessel were swept over board before Brady took control of tha ship. , n>y offioial s'gnnti F. M. BROOKS CHEMICALS—PURE Sent, poit paiil, on reo. ij.t of rsta.l price. Oliver Ditson & So., Cfc&s. H. Ditson & So. Dolton. 711 Broadway, N. Y. fcl.10 d2taw*w Home-Made Fertilizers! >V for making Fertiliser*, viz : 5,000 Ib9. Sulphate of Ammonia, 5,000 11 Muriate of Potash, 5,000 “ Nitrate of Soda, 50 tons Nova Scotia Land Plastor, (Fine 0round), 50 tons Ammoniated Flour of Raw ECONOMY! ♦ j "’ll. ni. fu’l.or 1 li. , ‘ |ilu' i 1 , J MWMIMISI, Do you know that you can* DELICIOUS ! Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? we wamt BOOK AGENTS r.S. BONDS t.JrsS.SLlS , i?i“Y. W. K.llaudy. itn .MARSHALL'S LIFK UK Gen. Robert E, Lee i It \ Hi 'Ll, miOTUEKS, Dnltimoru, Mil, Foreign § Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Tlieir Spring Ntock Ifl UNKIVALKD' ♦r-Uall *n-l b« convincsd. No. 69 Broad Street. Dr. Wm. OlovolAud, Magnetic Healer, LOUIS BUHLER, Tho Tobaccoist, On Ki.mlolph stn . t, .. few doors b. I *w thoKn- <inir< r Offlco, h»u*<- with KKll MG.V, llu* K< i-vlvc-d This Imy A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars Delicious I, at re«lured prirr*. Two new brands of Cigars, Perrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok’g “ Fine-Cut Cigaretto Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ F.v. r brought hero. A n> w b.t of th*«o “Rustic” Pipes. Call and ••xamlii® I.OI’IS Ill'll I.Kit, . . fo bit bottle t ....... i euro Nall Hlirttm or Teller, ■ > iniplc» on Into, ItoliN, i ryNljielns and I,Ivor Complaint, blx to twelve bot tles, warranted to euro Nrroftiloue Nwolllngn f.tid Norm and nil Skin nml i lllood IMipiimn. Hv Its wonderful I l*oclornl y.roiitrtloa It u III ruro the most | severe recent or lingering CoukB 1n half i tho tlmo required by any other medicine nnd I.a perfectly safe, iooneninu cough, sooth- , lug lrrlL’itlon, nnd rcllcvlmr soreness. Kilci I Mall Wrtiprlsta. II. V. l*li:it€E, 1M.D* World’s Dlhot-iiburv. HulTalo. N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. Assignee's Sale Crockery, China A: Glass % I It T..I DeVGKK astiigM.-d In- . n - iyj UI ' OH H K» It. II* M -i. n US' I.* 11 L. L. C0WDERY, ! CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE For Sale, at Low Prices. Bunk Hu 11 <14 UK. HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PKICF.8. E.C. HOOD BRO. JU4 taplv Bones, Ac., Ac. HOIJTF..1D A « <>., al Dapot, 1 Vi Brosd 8tr««t, MUN. S. K. MMIT1I, | Clairvoyant and Klectiuiau, H A VK takon rooms at th* Planters Hotel, wh-r they will treat th* afflicted for a month All kind* ot Di.HMnr* sncrcssfullj tr*at^.| Call j <j, ,,, M |(, II and »*e. fat.It lm , f * Choice Simpson Cotton Seed ’*' Tllke Notice . FOR, SALE. ; JN thirty lay* In-iu this date, having tha roc ; lUlsed from leleeted Balks, by j " f lll,r I will b»,-.,m* E. T. SHEPHERD. I '’ 0KA J tr " x " It T..I DeVOKK li I Ml HOOP will. I.ii llonk* and A Us, 1 GKKATI.V It 1:F»I ( Kl* PllH l>. ' Hio ^Ol.D Ogb il.o'rp-. Pan I N in.:, t.fed to Mr «itl and He.He. 41 «r MR. H0BKRT A I'.NM «lll h .v . . h . . mal dliuAwlt I KNNIK '-vlgi ACTS Of the Lust Legislaturo, W. J. CHAFFIN. Wood. Wood ! UKKT H OOP, W.., I ■aw.d r.n mi. p.r rord. Onl.n (111-. prcHup. ij ..t. .;m'1 •« n iu Hi. i.mi ti ug.w.wviN i’.iuu.i